HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-03-19, Page 6• MARCH IS THE -Muter'OME SEWING if• FOR RAIL ECONOMY. ° RVY THE BETTER QUALITY PRINTED PERCALES --fresh cotlight & dark grounds; ..ton prints, � florals and stripes. The print tlhat washes p� tly.36, inches hes wide. Yard are difieient: 9c HARMONY .PRINTS -Very fine weave. Designs 39c -_.inches.-.. ................. _ _ _...; ___ . ; : __... . PRINTED. & STRIPE- PERSALES--Suitable for *prone "& house .• 28c dresses. 36 inches wide. Yard • 36 inches S E SUCKER for SPORTSWEAR--•N�eedsp no. ironing.. s Wide.•'Yokel ' •' Vdd An English cloth of fine mercerized finish. White and i 5PA$ I colors. 'This cloth will iiot fade. Tara ironing. .Make your own sleeping. ap- 1 EOTTOhT CREPE. -saves �• Printede in floral designs, 28 inchee wide. Yard ;., •• �parel 25c. Plain colors, 28 inehes�.wide Yard ' 1Vh:te and `colors. Yard 255c PLAIN BROADCLOTHS � I THE IATOKNOW S1 NTlL, LIICHNOW,, ONTARIO VINGNAM ,PALS ARE ' UNITED IN ENGLAND For many' years Wa ,t McKibbon,. Jr., and Wilf. McFadzean were pais and chumsr always together. Now they are together again. Well here is the story. During' their high School days. the ,above named two • attended the same classes .and were inseparable churns. ms. All through these .school days they spent most their time together, same class- es, same' interests after school -They' graduated at the same' time and both- went., to London and entered the Medical course ;at Western Unlii- wOrr of `Langside visited oVer e together and they, also spent their vacation _ as interns in the same• hos- pital, Brantford General With their' graduation classbehind them they spent a few months together 'iia hospital and there Doctor Walt came to his home town to practice and Doctor Wilf. practiced in Rogers- villeand then Brantford,• The war came and they both de- cided that they should do theirl part in this great drama. Walt.. enlisted with the 24th Field Ambulance and spent some' time. in Listowel, •Vav- Cartier, Camp Borden •ancl, Debert prior to going overseas. Wilf. had joined another unit and after serv- ing in several parts of Canada went 'across the pond. • A peculiar thing is that they. , were in the same con- voy hut -did -not know= -it:- gter-ar- riving in England. they . got in touch with one another and . Wilf.,' who was not attached to any ,particular unit, applied for a transfer to the .� 24th Field Ambulance that they may serve together.' The transfer came through; recently and now these 'sol- diers who spent so much of their lives . together ire re -united both -Captains 'in this medical -unit --Ad- vance-Times. PEE -'TEES TIED 2-2 (LOCAL and GENERAL .. CkPoW Hydro . system • CU O P MOUS!, March 2jud West Side of Village, From approsunately the Post Office Corner --8 a.m. to 12 East Side of Village Froth approximately .the :Post Office .corner -1.00 to 5.30 p.m. NOTE- om We -to -Eine .detehi ^ week da:� Il and wif follow for periods I of from 2 to 3 hoursins sit and. mewing_ sections,= of the system, during the ape riodineendteme�np+r-,-td.-e resumers._ to{ reiiovat' fieste. �d entirely . unavoidable as the work 'entailed : makes-bd.-Imre-- possible ak sI 1m - possible to notify consumers definitely. Lochalsh and Lucknow Pee-Wees ,Mrs, James :Geddes ;Of Toronto staged another of their weekly ter last Saturday morning g ' re on Sunday., • encounters ed onfriends-bete called fr I • draw. From Mr. and MIS. George Burgess re- and d ; battled to oneti From at turned on Wednesdayfrom Toront point of games. the series o°' a win each andgame, and Mrs. 'Gordon 'Taylor and. Sandra we presume, that weather, permit - Mrs. spent the end at Sebringville. ting, these lads will be keen to de- tarsp Peter Watson, spent the nide next Saturday who are the week -end with friends in' Wing- champs. . , 1 Jimmie McMillan scored 'both ham. ......_,._ ._ a ..-. -Henderson i . an- Lucknow _goals end_ Calvin Gibson Miss Fdlizabeth Henderson is- - other. who is on the sick list this got one for the visitors: We have n't ferreted out who. was the other week.: Lochalsh• marksman. a Reid 'McKim is back to school Some of .the. Lucknow'boyeWere-. this week, after. a lengthy . 'absence nit able to take part in last 'week's • due to illness. • game, ` bid otherwise the line-ups" Mrs: M. Dudley retwnied to her were the same as ;follows: `Lochalsh' home here on Friday, after spend- _Lorne Cardise, George' .• MacLen- London.Mian ` Eller McKenzie; Lloyd Court - the winter in L (nee neY, Court- ing NO MORE EATS AT HANOVER INSTITUTE MEETINGS At a recent meeting of, the Han- M over Branch of the Women's In- stitute it was decided that the W. I. "would take the initiative . and discontinue serving of lunches dur- ing their meetings, as a saving' of food commodities which are' quickly becoming scarcer It was also de- cided to sendof this mot- ion ' ' a copy ion to the. W. L's representative on the Prices . and Trade Board, ask- ing the government . to take steps 'along this line. • 4,,TUVRSDAY, 11'I4RCN iOth, 190 , Calvin Gib - Eileen aid Ferguson„x Mi. and Nl:rs:, Stewart avis Johnston) arrived in the° vi1l- son and Donald MacLennan. age recen,yro tl f m ' Alberta 'I Ludt/claw- Dinnie MacDonald,' - Kilpatrick, inmie Johnstone Morley Chin Jimmie McMillan, Mr. and BUS,- Robert Fisher of Keith p nston,- H,ainilton were week end visitors Bill McCartney and Donald Agnew., with,her mother., Mrs. David Huston. Referee--Alfie-Ch?n� Phillip Stewart has been driving the mail. on Route 6, Lucknow; on account of the illness of the cour- CHESLEY'S EXPLANATION ries; Donald MacDonald. OF LUCKNOW'S DEFAULT Easter is only a little more than I : off two weeks away. Good Friday falls. The Chesley-Lucknow play on April 3rd, and will be the first series in the Bruce leaguh•came to public holiday since New Year's. "SCOTTY FORBES of Wingham was high salesman in Huron Coun- ty during the`Victory Loan -cam- paign, His sales totalled $58,150. TIGER MOTHS are to be shortly used exclusively as trainer' planes at Sky Harbor. The construction program, to double , the . capacity of the school is well advanced. fi c d4 'dirs. • Sam Sherwood of .Ashfield, who has been seriously ill this win- ter, is slowly recovering and is new age to be gar up •_�� a time each day. . ASK FARMERS TO INCREASE MAPLE SYRUP OUTPUT• ' a-rto -farmers-having-facilities_ for the production of maple syrup aro being asked 'by the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture' to tap every available tree this year. While wea- ` ther conditions have much to do withthe a`imual output Of maple syrup, agricultural authorities are lonagequee•stin:g the largest possible gal- . - =of map -l 3 yr:ue- s in, . 42; . pointing- out that a large output will have the effect of further re- ducing sugar consumption. Thus the Ontario . mapletree takes its place in agriculture war production with bacon, cheese, eggs and other 'dairy products.- _... Many firms in search for maple substitutes , have turned to maple syrup, arid already, United States buyers for maple syrup have ap- peared in Ontario offering '• thee en cents a pound more for syrup' the 1941 price. . The ' prevailing wholesale price for maple syrup . at Toronto st year_ was $2.40. ,per gal. (weight 13. pounds 2 .ounc) ac- cording- to .figures compiled by the, Dominion government. Farmers who have not already overhauled their maple,' syrup e- quipment are advised to do so at. • once. A little extra impetus on the part of the maple tree tappers would•. bring an almost double syrup crop, authorities believe. They • point out that there is no, ceiling - pried on maple syrup at the: present time and that .with competitive buying from the United States, farmers will be well repaid for their efforts in maple bushes this spring. Bill . Lloyd is confitted to bed with bronchial pneumonia, and Mel Orr Was"sentback to bed again last week when threatened with pleur- isy. Mr. ,and MrsAlex. MaeD- onald--The . Sepoystried their best to con and son Alex of ,Stratford were ��uld behe eague playedlintthe neXt game . their town, ,not. Sunday . visitors with ---Mrs.. 1"f that none of Donald's mother, Mrs. Ewen Mac-. the gamey , staged din Lucknow had Kenzie and Muriel., ` `' been, completed but.ended in a tie,., Jim Henderson, a member of the and that they should thus have an- ManningR.C.A.F.; has been transferred -fry .other game. Chesley, on the other - Depot, Toronto to Mon- hand, maintained that .it was a best- ingfor• a special "course of train- of=three series, and that the fourth ing in radio work. game* should have been played in Merle end J. C. Johnston,' mem- this town;' sc scheduled. hen' this bers of the R.C.A.F. spent the week- view• prevailed,appear that n end with their parents,' Mr: and • the sponge, found t oa eexpensiveo round rs. P. M' Johnston.' J. C. is, re they a,. team, to come. to Chesley, as t0 S - + ee iiian p -- 1 a a •ei=r Y irT yr- ., th P severar of, • Mrs. Rdss• MacLagan and son pt, Albert and Goderich. These 'fel ie of London visited last week with lows could have been gotten' for a Mil- kier parents, Mr.. and Mrs. James game in ' Lucknow easily enough, Ritchie, Billie is remaining for a but it'was a different matter o get grandparents."' them to go as: far as Chesley, espec- visit with his Mrs._ Don Graham.of . ally when gate receipts have not rVatf and,been -too large. ,In view of Luck - ham Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Mac -Gra- 'how's default, it is easy to under- ofham of Wingham, Mrs. Doug Trench stand why they tried so.hard to get. Teeswater were week -end visi- the fourth game' played there. It is tors with Mr. and Mr's. Wellington I believed Chesley - will now play the Henderson. winners of the Kincardine-Seaforth Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Roach and Mr. series.=Chesley Enterprise. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven atten- ded the Woodford -Treleaven wed -I y - ding in the United Church, .Dung- ! OUR, WARg,DESTINY ..••• WUL . IT annon ,on Sunday, which followed'' Be As .Nos radamus Predicted? ..... .• • the morning service. • ( "Everything's going to be O. K" ac - Miss Jean MacKenzie and Miss cording to. uncanny. old • 16th .Cen- Nova Scotia, tury prophet, who foretold pract- b. M. Doyle of Halifax, I that has happen - both of whom are members of the I fealty- everything ed ' including Japan's attack on the Women's Division of R.C.A.F. at U ' S. and now as will be. told Manning Depot; Toronto, spent the • in The. American Weekly, with this week -end with the formers, Phi'- Sunday's (tYiareh 22) issue of The cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. NfacKen Detroit Sunday, Tunes' interpre zie, Langside. II ters say his verses protend event- ONLY ONE MARKER ual victory. Be sure to get The De- troit Sunday Times. Although . not operating at fill} I '-` _ capacity, the plant at the Ontario ,Approve Cost Survey Reformatory that , supplies • license All sections of Iluron County MUST ASK FOR SUGAR platen for the many • thousands of were represented last week at a - ' automobiles, trucks and motorcycles; meeting of the Huron Comity` Agri- There'll- be- no 'limit on the sup- • •in this province, has started on pro- meets cultural War Committee held at Agri- ! ply of sugar available for church duction of the' markers to be used' Clinton, withWar C it Watson of the suppers, banquets. and dinners, but in 1943, ' move livestock branch of the Department bowls ,mint be kept off • the Due to a wartime economy of Agriculture, Toronto, as the guest the tables and guests must ask for the aimed at conserving metal provis speaker. W. L: Whyte, vice-presi- ion has been made by the Ontario P ;amount they want; according. to a dent Of the Huron Federation and W. Harold MCPhil- overnmerit, to issue only one plate •chntr f of the'countyFede cost pro= ruling issued by ggave a •report lips, prices ,and supply represents- for each vehicle ' next year.' The duction farm survey, rive of the Wartime Prices and single plate to. be issued in 1043 will of the. farm survey eeaiire rt i Trade Board. be fastened to the .rear. of all veh- � date. 1V Yr. Whyte stressed the im- portance and will substitute for the ortance and benefits of a cost of I•two markers which it has' been cur- production 'movement find his re - -`Doctor: Axe you ever troubled 'tomary to issue since the advent p of the motor car 'in Ontario. Marks gave rise to a resolution' with acute thirst? sponsored rksgey. ti esLeY Jayntend Alex Mar ash: No, I never let it go Colors chosen for next year's Alexander - that the ynt and en- ' as far that... plates are the reverse to the 1942 dorse the efforts of Mr: Whyte,- and • - • I issue, and •will :'have orange letters request him tai ,proceed with the of lean for a production cwt farm. . No tires, no gas, no cars --a lot and figuies on a black background • people m m more ways then" one. I• each p usual crown at the top survey. feetagain will soon be back on their .with the late.• a sudden stop last week w en uc now -notified the -league -that tsbtild" riot continue,'• being too expensive a proposition, and as a •result Chesley has been given a bye into the next round and is . waiting' word . as, to when to May. Lucknow was order- ed to --play here last Thursday night, but they didn't show up. They had lost the first game at Chesley and played two tie games at Lucknow. IN TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS that he has delivered_ mail' -on R R 2, Teeswater, Jack McBurney has tra- velled a total of 234,740 miles: His daily trip is 28 milers.. He has worn out three , buggies, three cutters, 3 sets of harness, four cars and 52 tires and took the bestout of ata n horses. Gas consumption, hay, and horseshoes also run into big figures during this 28 years 'of ser- vice. WHILE 'VISITING at Cargill and ,i Walkerton recently a ,,Guelphite re- ported to police the loss of a roll of bills amounting' to $359.00, but upon e chine his home late that -night THRIFTY BUYS for the Week End LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS 15 oz. tin ........... .... 3 for 25c IDEAL SALT --Iodized 2 ib. 'box ' ..,:............. .._.., . MacCorinicks b.SODAS-- I5c 1 lb �g,•.............. Fairbanks CASTILE SOAP -- While they' last: 12 bars ,25c THRIFT SOAP FLAKES . '39c Giant bolt. .... Glass Shaker PASTRY SET - 6 Spices& recipe book In 65c holder ...... ....• Aylmer TOMATO JUICE Drink it for health! 20. oz. tin..... .... ....... . 100 c Kellogg's CORN FLAKES - With glass cereal bowl . 3: boxes 25c Let us help you . in planning _your Overseas. Box -See our . Display of Suggestions.' • ThOMPSON'S �o r b ck M 'Phone s 2 We Deliver Il he found the bundle of . greeir.,a..•-s 11 0 -� � lodged, safely in his underWe-ar.. MilIr That's One for "Believe It or Not". • _ les -In Bruce _ _ , ;Victory -Loan Salef �.. %o Place I Objective 'Sales Objective St. Edmunds & Lindsay (including $ 10000. 16,550 166 Tobermory) , me 33,650 , 198 astnor, udnrg�'L-iofl s -Head-) 17,00_0Albemaile . 17,000 • 40,000 19;150 "113 61,450. 154' Wiarten 26,000 40,300 155 Amabel .WN it/CkNOW Saturday, March 21 - GOVERNMENT WAR PICTURE j "The Fight for Liberty" SHORTS, COMEDIES, NEWS REELS Scenes Actually Photographed 'Thrilling on the Fighting Front Should See A picture Every Canadian ADULT'S 30e; CHILDREN 20c • AUSPICES: L .L. Victory Load , Sales In Huron Total Sales `% of Quota $ 63,850 114 45,350 118 50,500 129 369,150 119 22,300 84 - 164,500 107 35,150 93 161,500• . . 164 61,850 138 59,500 96 58,200 122 3.1,050 125 100,750 115 45,850 102 80,250 175 158,150 103 135,750 117 49,200 107 56,250 . 124 74,850 109 49,000 98 50,150 93 134,700 103 65,600 90 6'2,071,400 115 143,000 District Objective • Ashfield Twp. $ 56,200 W. Twp.,. 38,500 d'Vawanosi� Colborne Twp. 39,200 Goderich Town ... ............. 310,90090 Wawanosh E. Twp. ........ . 1270,,850 Wingham .............. ........... Turnberrp, T wP• s 37,700 .......... .00 Howick Twp. .................... • 998 &',5 500 Morris Twp. .............:... "" 61,900 Grey, Twp. ... .......... .:......... . 1,850 47 Brussels • Blyth ......... 24,750 Tiickersmith Twp. ........ 52,500 45,100 McKillop Twp. .............. 00• Hullett Twp- •..••••.'.""."•• 1 44,44 Seaforth ................. 4 55, i ,00100 Clinton ...... Stanley Twp. 6,00045,250 Goderich Twp. Hensel' & Hay E. ......... : . . 59,350 Zurich & Hay W, •49,950 5 ,700 Usborne Twp. •••..•••.:.."""' Exeter .:....,........................... 130,700 . Stephen Twp. 71,450 Total $ 1,800,000 Special Names .................... Grand Total .................... $ 2,214,100 • 110,00Q.:. $ 171,100 • 156 65,000 86,750. 133 Southampton 65,000 76,900 118 Port Elgin 140,,000 125;550 90 Kincardine X15,000 '33,800 225 p ey 40,000 • 6440;:10001:-.3L-770 0.,70 _. b4--7:=-- _ - ,�-.--- L• ucknow 44;000 126 Teeswater „ 35,000 , 35,000 40,900 114 y,y Mildmay. 140,000 185,250 • 132Wal- hes erton 95,000, 103,600 109 Chesley Paisley 40,000 45,850 115 20,000 30,750 154" Tara __. ....... 77. Twp.Saugeen 30,000 23,000 Arran 25,000 32,400 130 Bruce 30,000 41,900 140 50 140 Kincardine (including Tiverton). 45,000 53,63,150 1-07 Huron 50,000 Kinloss 25,000 • 32,300 129' 35,000. 62,500 179 Greenock 30,000 46,200 154 • Culross 40,000 44,600 112 Carrick 55;000 61,750 112 Brant 35,000 39,000 111 Elderslie 1,090,000 $ $.1,333,900 . 122 TOTAL $ 1,200;000 $.1,505,500 125.5 This total is made up of 5;313 individual sales. Bulova Trade-in Sale ' NO MATTER WHIT IT'S MAKE -WHAT IT'S CONDITION - That Old Watch of Yours IS WORTH MOHEY WM. SCHMID• WILL GIV E YOU. A GENEROUS ALLO ANCE TOWARD A HANDSOME NEW BULOVA , N O W, DURING. BULOVA- TRADE -IN -SALE WALK' IN WITH YOUR OLD WATCH -WALK OUT WITH THE WORLD'S FINEST TIMEPIECE -A BULOVA - m. Schmid JEWELLER - .- LUCKNOW New Prints and Broadcloths, New Table Cloths, New Bed Spreads, Newt. Table Oilcloths, New Hosiery and Gloves Buy War Saving Stamps and Gert-ific-a-t8s E STORE, Lu�kflOW •