HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-03-12, Page 10,0
• (Contributed)
Tuesday evening has become a
p. rallying time . for pleasant 'and use-
ful • social • ftinctiens. It is a hearten -1 •envelope be . left
ad on that inch margin of stamp -•
ing thing to � >;e.:, aero around the ,. P , � .
meets in groupsThese '.
evening, One m people • le P I stamps s are shipped toEng-
• •' .going hither and yon to take .their land and sold to dye -factories where
It would be a good idea if.citi-
zens of the village and alistrict.
would cammenc systematically
clipping the . ccelled postage
stamps from all letters received.. It
is . important • that •at least a half
places at • the various, tables of
euchre'and'`bridge. Yes, the bridge
Marathon is�proyin'g a smashing suc-
cess.: Socially it means that ,people
are meeting other 'folk; and. Making
-friends with those whom otherwise
they might, never' 'have met. There
does not.:seern ` to have been the
slightest • suspicion Of .unpleasant- '
'ness at any of the ' sessions.. On the
contrary • everything. has. gone ex-
• tremely' •smoothly.
'C‘'"' There is a comparing of "notes
when participants meet, and , one
hears comments like these from the
conversation's: "I can't wait till
Thursday's Sentinel to see when
I am to go next Tuesdt�ry
we--goin to de with ourselves
when' the marathon is over?". These `Woodstock b'utz'-o'n -.various occasm
otations. are typical of .the••many. 'ions has visited in'this 'community-
speculations that are rife these :days.. Mrs. Bonnett ;was formerly -'Cat
Of course there are those who argue . erine Gillies and was bonad Kin -
that bridge and euchre•' are not' en ed on the Second' Concession,of .Mrs.
nobling pastimes—well, perhaps not. loss, She is '.a sister -in law
The Director -
of the Psychological :Neil Gillies of Ltteknoyv. Havens, Joe Irwin. _.
entre: inview York City, Thirty-eight .years ago Mr: and Mrs. Herb McQuilIin=Dan. • Mc -
Service Centre
Henry C. Link, in his book ``The Mrs: Bonnett went 'to Winnipeg, his Leod, Mac MacLennan, Mrs. D. Mac=
Return, to Religion", has this to, say whe•e he was associated Donald:
P M •.
___._•._..._.- _ _'bridge. - ....... _: ' . 'n�he�.contracting business. � cCail Bill
about' -"I have-'recommencled-brathers� ctive; y� Jo3�nt—Mrs.- ,
to hundreds of clients'that they He Was very nal and church swot,
prominent and Webster, 'Mary: Irwin.. learn to play bridge • or that they take in 'civic, .frater ahis church
Mrs,. John Hall—Mrs. R. J._ Caul
i ' more' seriously, on the grounds in the 'city. Besidesand exon, J. R. Hall Wm.' R.
at de ht a
that it is one of • the most -fruit
the dye is extracted Proceeds from
the sale of the• stamps go tp the
,support of a London children's hos'=
This stamp saving business has.
been carried on to some extent by
primary school pupils. Public school
-u:' ils might - 'be organized to pro-
f p.
mote this collection, and' in _the
meantime• stamps . may be ' :left at
Hollyman's Bakery.
Luckn®w Ont., Thursday, . arch 12th,
Arthur. John. Bonnett,'68, build-
er and contractor .of Winnipeg pas-
sed away in that city last ,week af-
ter 'a long illness.' He was born .at
• The .Sentinel mailing list was
corrected on Friday, and sub-
scribers who have paid their
i h
Draw ' S
xt a
• RE— .in-
• ince
ion •
:subscription i
Ben:- Naylor. Fern Reid, Mrs, N I ning of the year should check
H. Hedley, 'Bruce McMillan. the date on their label.to see if
Mrs.- Writ. Hornell -Norman Tay- credit `s been given'.
for, Mrs. 1 'W.:Joynt, Rex' Ostran-. proper
r 'Sub'sc'ribers who •have not yet
der, Mrs. James. Johnston. + renewed their subscription are
Mrs. • 'P. 1VI: 'Johnston ,--°-Mrs. 11.• requested to do so at an early . •
Rae; Donald: McCharles; .John Hall.
Jim Smzth'•=-P. M. Johnston, Jack
Kilpatrick, Mrs G. Fisher.
date, please. -
Redvers Johnston, -Gordon. Fisl
er, Roy 1VIcCreight, Mrs. Peter at- Howard. Johnston, son of. Mr. and
son. Mrs. •Peter M. Johnston:+• of town
Mel Orr—Roy ;Black, Mrs. Alex has •enlisted in the .Royal Canadian
Havens; Mrs. Ken Mowbray :.' Navy. Prior. to • enlisting . #Toward
'•'Mrs. Jack •Kilpatrick --.Herb :Mil a ]o ed at.'Port Colborne.
._..._ .. ' Hassal 'Mrs. Mac'' Mac was mp y.
ler, George This' adds another Lucknow fam
ennan. .
ily to those who have three , Sons
Wm. Lloyd,—Alex, MacKenzie; J in the service.. Hewa •d's brothers,
L. McMillan, Ken McLennan. J C. and Merle are'. in the Air
Miss C. McGregor -=Daae Tho:mp; Force and are presently stationede
son, Mrs. Wm. Robb, • Mrs. A. 'J' at Aylmer and Toronto respective-
Wilson. ly k ;
Mrs.. Roy Black--Robt• Rae, Mrs.
Sentinels .Wanted
Harry McQuillin—W J. Davison, We Would appreciate receiving
R. J.Button, Frank Cole. • ° a 'few copies of last week's issue
Austin .5olomdn r -Elias; --Stews of The Sentinel; from suiiseribers'
Bill s. 11 fel O r Wilson who may have no further use for
.Mrs:.1V1el Orr—Jack . MacDonald, their copy: -
Etta Belle MacDonald, Harold John -
Minister' Ill
Mrs'. C. Steward -Dr.. Eyely, Alexi Rev: C. H. MacDonald is another
village victim' of, the. . 'flu • and has
been confined to .;bed. On •Sunday
the ' morning service in the Pres
byterian Church was taken by ,Rev..
-Robert -�VicCi nneli---anct the even-
ing service by Rev.'H. F:.15ann .of
South liinloss.
To find a horseshoe embedded in
the heart of a maple tree was a
surprising discovery made While
order of • ctof .Harry
Another. g• cutting wood on' the farm
been placed for shipment overseas to Lavis, Second Concession Kinloss.
37 boys from this district. The shoe *as ,revealed upon
This. shipment is a ;result of the splitting a • 'maple block. They had
efforts of Mrs: Edgar'Hollyman, and missed running on to it with .the
'Mrs. Noble Johnston who recently .cross cut 'saw by a mere • fraction
held a .series of euchre parties at of an inch: Just what "would have
Johnston'°s Restaurant. This fund, in- .happened had this'` log been sold
creased'' by "milk :bottle", contribut- •
to a 'sawmill ' can readily be Un-
ions at` amounted
amounted 'agined.
to $70,00 prior.,to the above order Ttie only explanation Mr.. L:avis
being placed in the amount of $37.00, has for. finding the shoe :in the tree,
and ,which included the following • is that it was po4sibly hung on a.
boys: George, Elliott and Jim Web- branch when' the tree' was quite
ster, R: • F. Button, A. 'W. ' Smith, small, and: bec ne embedded' as the'
Neil,. George arid Johnny .McInnes, 'tree grew. •
Harry Middleton, H: A. Reed, Alex •
arid Calvin Purves, ' James Scott,
Herb .McQuillin,; J. P . England," IX
A. Stimson, J. Burns, W. F. Durniii,
H. S. Cuming, George and Russell
Whitby, Harold Stewart, Clifford
Rouiston; Harold Purves, ' Dave
Milne, Alex 'MacKenzie, J. H. Mc.
Tavish, Edward Burt, John Carter,
E., C. Murray, A. G. Aitchison, T. D.
Clarke, Harold Humphrey, Kenneth
Cameron, H. A:.'Durnin,,.. Ronald
Henderson. and Walter, •Olsson
, Should Get. Together
The' 'suggestion has i.een made—
one—that , the 'various
organizations get' together' in the
matter of sending smokes overseas.
This would prevent - overlapping,
and would permit. a. 'systematic'. and
regular ,Mailing of smokes to ,,the
"'At—the ' present -'time, The -Legion, -
The Clansmen and Mrs. Hollyman
and • Mrs. Johnston have been par-
ticipating separately ,in, providing
smokes for the boys, as well as
.other who may be: in-
eludiirg 'cigarettes when packing_
boxes. ' '
ful is Survived `by one aug er Con Decker — 'Mrs. A. Solomon,
ing. unselfis two sons. " .
disciplines in' acquiring. unse lity_ _
habits "arid desirable =p.,
Ur. Learning bridge involves the
Bargains, in pt ants, b
acctuisition of a whole, collection of wash'. dress •materials;. THE MAR-
roadcloths and
• extrovert habits : . . of ' paying . Bir KET STORE.
tention to other people and ' th -
' acts..1 have recommended the game --
articularly to introverts lacking in Reports First Robin
P Last 'week's spring-like Weather,'
social' charm and effective- •social an signs of the season
techniques. If -such a person learns' brought many•
h ,
•a --fang •j.,e r- t •43.ner.. Numerous
o P Y
means first of all the . concentra
tion of his mind on something out-
side himseIf,_ something that gives
many other people •considerable-
pleasure. Being • able. 'to play the
. game gives' him a wider' opportuns
to meet• people on a common
ground. If, his game is acceptable,
' the fact . that he is not,a brilliant
conversationalist will not be so em-
barrassing, to him'. In •such favorable
circumstances the' acquisition, of col-
. lateral social graces is made :easier.
I hold.' no brief for 'those who con-
sider bridge a matter of life and
death; or for those to whom bridge
is .ati end in itself. But• as. a dis-
cipline in unselfish social habits and
as a tonic for an able intellect, it
- ranks high in the category of worth-
while human. activities": b
All that Link says s
crows.' were :reperteitp-but :,ot,
urday Adam Bowman saw the first
robin: We :wonder where the daring
redbreast hied itself to during this.
Week's blizzard: • '
Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie; Mrs. Margar-
et MacDonald.
Mrs. Les.. Purves—Jim Hamilton,
Dr. Little; Mrs. Shirley.
Alex McDiarmid--John D. Ross,
James Ritchie, George Taylor.. •
Mrs.: Hussey -- Elmer Johnston,
Peter Watson, Lorne . MacLennan: • K
$RIDGE -Sixth • Draw
Mrs.. Hornell — Dorothy Nixon,
N. S. Calvert --Mrs'. Hassel, ;dark.
Finlayson, Miss' L• .. McLean..
Mrs: J. C: ,McNab — Mrs:. Clark
Finlayson, Mrs. Russ Robertson, Mil-
dred Treleaven. • •
-Mrs. Phillip Stewart—Cam Mac-
Donald,.-Ben..1?earlrnan„ gym. Mur_
die. •
Mrs. K. C. °IVlurdie = Mr.°:Hooper, which is rare indeed.
Mrs: Bert' Roach, Mrs`. G. Taylor,.. Hector MacKay and Katherine
Garfield MacDonald:'
Dave Horne --Lena Robinson, Mrs.
C. Agnew, Mrs. Temple' Clark.
Harvey Treleaven •Mrs: R. J.
Button, Clair Agnew, Joe Agnew,
H. -A'grrew •.•
W A. _Porteous—Mrs. Wm. Reid,
W. V•..Johniston, W. B. Anderson..
Mrs.: Chas. Cook -Mrs. H. Agnew,'
Wm. Douglas, Mrs: Donaldson.
Harvey .Treleaven — Mrs. R. H.
McQuillin, V. N. Prost, Mrs. .V. N.
Mrs. Jessie McInnes --=Mrs. Lorne
MacLennan, Mrs. Wm. Schmid, Mrs:
W. A. Porteous.
Mrs. S. Mifflin ,— Mrs. Chappel,
Mrs. Ben •Pearlman, C. Chappel:
Mrs. Well Henderson Temple
Clark, R, E. McKim, Rev.. Dann.'
Mrs. A. Cann—Mrs: T. S. Reid,
Mr's: W. V. Johnston, Mrs. Hooper,
Mrs. Wm. Murdie.'
G. H. Smith—Harold Allis, Mrs.
M. Henderson, W. L. MacKenzie.
Elizabeth Murdie'=-• Mrs. W.. L.
MacKenzie, Mrs, C. MacDonald, J.
'Coal Pile On- Fire. • '
• Upon opening the Ford Garage
one morning this : week, the smell
of coal gas fumes, led Rexford Os-
trander to investigate, .and to • his
surprise he discovered the coal pile
to be on fire. It Was soft•coal and
the .fire, was progressing • steadily,
although up to that point had done
no damage. The pile. had to be well
soaked to kill the fire.
seems to e
borne out in the' social contacts of SUFFER SAME FATE:
our local marathon.. Furthermore,
worthy •cause, • the Red Cross, will Last Thursday was a fateful day
benefit substantially thereby. Tak- for both Charles Alton of Dungan-
ing everything, into consideration este
let us hope that. the good workrmay
be continued beyond .the•span of the
present 'series.•
Seriouslyegill ,for• some -time, the
death of Matthew S. Sproul, age
67, occurred at his'horse in' Luck -
now on •,Tuesday. '
The funeral. service will be scon=
ducted in Lucknow United Church
on ' Friday, • March' 13th at `2,30
o'clock' .with interment in Green-
hill Cemetery. • . '
Financial 'Statement No. '1 -March,
Red Cross,materia sheets,
pillo'W slips • $ 37' 55
Red Cross, wool 34 7
and a good
Market --material
In our opinion' The Legion's "milk
bottle fund" should go a long way
towards meeting the cost 4of month-
ly shipments of cigarettes, provided
;it is.,properly handled, publicized and -
supported. Other groups might' con-
tribute to . this fund to make up, if
1VI 5
The Kintail Women's Institute•
held their . March meeting last
Thursday. at the home of Mrs. Rus-
sell Bissett with a large number
of members attending. Discussii0n,on
preparation fir the District Annual
meeting to be held in this district
took considerable time. Following
this the -quilts made by the dif -
ferent groups of the Institute were
displayed. In all about twenty, -five
quilts Were • quilted in the past
Following is the list of donations:
Euchre parties_ -Mrs. N. G. MacKen
'o•• • --.ie; '$"t.25; Mrs. J, 'Cowan, 9.75; Mrs:
Jerry Dalton, 8,35; Mrs. N. J. Mac-
Kenzie, 8.55; Mrs. Rae Dalton, 17.271'
Mrs. Donald Blue, 8.50.
Donations of $1.00 each—Mrs. Dr.'
Simpson;. Miss Mary MacLeod; Miss
NMairnie Johnstone; Mrs. Kenneth
Farrish. and . lin-
Donations of quilts, tops
1VIaeGregor, Miss
lugs: Mrs. Fred
Anna Mae • MacDonald; Mrs.. Wm.
Colin 1VIacGregor;
1VIacDotiald, 111I1•s°
or• Mrs. D. Mac-
. Mrs.. S. Mac(ireg ! Alen.
Kenzie; Mrs, Robert
non and Wilfred McCarthy of
Kingsbridge, who, each in separate
motor accidents suffered fractured
skulls. `
Mr. Alton, Dungannon merchant
and tax collector for West Waite -
nosh Township, was taken to.Clin-
toil, Hospital for treatment and hMr.
McCarthy, tax collector for Ash •
field -Township, was takere'to God-
erich Hospital.
. Mr. Alton was removed to his
home at Dungannon on Wednes-
day where he will be confined' to
bed,. and kept ' quite quiet for a
month it is expected. •
The accident happened about 4
miles west of Clinton when his
car left the road and turned over:
Mr. Alton suffered a ,severe scalp
wound as well, and was weak from
loss of blood when discovered, by
a passing motorist ' and rushed to
Car Impaled
Wilfred McCarthy, a victory loan
salesman for Ashfield, was leaving
Goderich on the Completion of the
days business when Itis accident
Mr. and Mrs. Hector MacKay.bf
Whitechurch had the joy on•Sat-
rday• of- observing their sixty-fifth
Wedding anniversary, an advent
A blowout. is blamed for causing
the , McCarthy car to crash into
he' C.N.R. overhead bridge at the
outskirts of Godericb.
Wilfred was . thrown through the
wi udshield and suffered a' fracture
the head. The cat,
on •the top of
practically a total wreck, was im-
paled bridge girder and thus
paled on a ort g g
McDonald were• married in Seaforth
65 years ago. Hector. MacKay was
born in Inverness, Scotland, and at
the age of seven came to glove
Scotia. Several years later he moy-
ed to Woodstock vicinity,. settling
at Zorra, finally moving to the
village of Whitechurch.
' Fifty-six years ago Mr. MacKay
began his career collecting cream
for a creamery at Whlitechurch. The
cream then was drawn by a team
of horses, a covered tank wagon
being used for. . the purpose. This
worthy Scot- • can relate many in-
teresting stories of these good old
days. He retired at the age of 80
and since that time . he hays been
working on :his farm''near White-
church and is now 97. Mr. and Mrs.
1V1acKay are eagerly awaiting the
arrivil• of their son,' Angus, his wife
and two.'childen; who' are enroute
home from Bombay on furlough. It
is seven years since they were.
�' ,: •. 4
periodic shipments. a:
So far as, Tkie' Clansmen Club .is
concerned the money they derive'
from salvage sales, must be 'used
for war'purposes; but. there are
many other channels .to • which this
fund __could-be_diverted..,
The Legion milk bottle fund is'
earmarked for cigarettes for the
boys,• and the proceeds from Legion
dances, we understand, is also ear-
marked for a special re-establish=
ment ;fund, when the boys • return
as "veterans" after the. war.
From Mrs. 1VCJ. McMillan of Fort °
. e received :•
have ' li we
of the December issue .of The,
Monthly Record of the Free Church
of .Scotland, which, 'refers to the
nomination of. Rev. '.John Calvin'
Mackay, as moderator of the:. Gen-
eral Assembly. •
Rev; Calvin' Mackay is the son
of Rev. Angus •Mackay formerly of ."
Lucknow and who was honored
with the moderatorship of^ the Free
Church several ' years ago. w
Rev.' Angus •Mackay was minister'
of 'Lucknow Presbyterian , church m'
from 1887 to• 1904, and was succeed-\ • ' .
ed to the :Lucknow •.pulpit. by Rev.
D. T. L. McIKerroll.' Rev. Mackay
returned to -Scotland to. 'visit, where
he joined the' Free Church and ac-
cepted a' .call ",to Kingussie.
The following • article concerning•
his son is from "The• Monthly Re-
"The nomination of the Rev,.John
Calvin • Mackay, M.A., Kincardine
and Croick, for the' Moderator's• '
chair of the next General Assem-
bly will give widespread satisfac-
tion to our-congr'egationd-at home '
and tp our mission workers over- •
seas. • Mr. Mackay worthily repres-
ents • both: His record•of service at
nettle .and, in the mission field ful
ly merits the highest distinction that
the Church has In tier power to be
stows. "^
"Mr. Mackey, ` as . is well known, is '
a. son of the manse, and in this,: • a
as in many' other respects, is fol-
ol- _
lowing'°in the steps: of his worthy. .
-father who also• occupied the Mod- •
eratdr's chair of . .the General As
sembly of the Free Church: Or-„,
dined in 1915 to the charge of '.. •
..Niairn,_he early won the .loyalty and
�$ 72 02:.
$ 2, 01'
$23 18
Mater- •
F.: $ 1 71.
Wool 25 70
C. 1VIcNab.
Hazel' Culbert—Harvey Webster,
Mrs. Alex Andrew, Miss R. • Mat-
Mrs. Joe Agnew'—Mrs. Russ John-
ston, Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Mrs.
Philip. MacLean,
Mrs. H. Allirt-Frances
Russ Robertson, R. H. Thompson.
' N. ' E. Bushell — Phillip Stewart,
Mrs. C. D. McAlpine, Mrs. Harold
'Mrs. Cam Thompson—Mrs. D. H.
Mackenzie, Mrs A. E. McKim, Mrs,
Harvey. Webster.
Mrs:' •Cam Thompson=Mrs. 'Weil
Douglas, Miss L. Mitchell, Bert
Roach, Mrs. It. H. Thompson.
er to the rad -
of teeswat prevented from crashing
Tees- .
t byac
en ti
recently preway ' regarded arded Ii]s condition, is g •�
ably and the following day Mc-
C.:ar'thy discussed victory loan pros
pests which lie had lined up and
urged officials to inthrview them:
w with a 65 -year
water f.O.O.F. lodge an
jewel. Besides being 65 years
Oddfellow, Mr. Fowler is serving
his 51st year as treasurer of the
elebrate 'End of. Exams
High school.examinations ended
to mid -week last week, which was
ause for' -rejoicing among the pup
ls. One'party of students, celebrat-
ed so it appeared,. by holding a to-
boggan party.
Donations '
Mrs. Grace Lockhart, $3:00;. Miss
Cummings, 200; Proceeds from, lace
donated by Mrs. Naylor, $1:10.
Elizabeth R.
Women's / C
$' 23'18
$. 27 41
$'122 6]'
McKim, .
Farmers. In •B" Category' •
Farmers who do , not possess a
.truck, rural•,'school teachers, clergy-
men • and rural undertakers come'
under class `B" in the gas r'atiomng,
rogram.-•This. provides: 88 units , for
cars-itis:¢l >�; _
is allowed. for similar cars .under
category.•' A"_
.:.The local post' •office; was - a • busy
place on Saturday as gas rationing
4pplication forms ' were secured.
Many wereet the opinion that rat-
ion books-. would -:be. secured that
day, but such is the case only if
the motorist comes under. category
"A" or is willing to accept that: rat-
ing, regardless of category., Other-
wise the application form must
properly filled in and • the special'
• category, allotment applied 'for; thru
the Regional 'Office of the Oil •Con-
There will be 'a Bingo and dance
in the Township Hall, Holyrood on
Thursday next, March 19th. •"Good
bingo prizes` Dance .to. the music of
Carruthers. orchestra: Lunch cor-
tex.: General admission 25c. Proceeds
for Red Cross purposes.
Supply Teaching Last Week •
Students from this district who
are attending Stratford Normal
School, spent last week doing prac-
tise teaching in the local Public
School,, and which turned out ' to
be supply teaching. as well, as ..two
members, of The staff Were ' ill the
the w
The student teachers were,, Marie
McCrostie in 1st room; Jean Fdr-
ster in 2nd room; Grace McKinnon
in 3rd room and Gerald Culbert in
4th' room.
Being reeve of any municipality
would getone into many ticklish
situations, 'we imagine, but ' none'
could compare with the spot Reeve
N. E. Bushell found himself in re-
And it wasn't in connection with
.any, municipal problem --it was an
encounter witha bull, when words
were useless (even if Mr. Bushell
did choose to use any). In this sit -
nation the chief requisites . were
head and foot work.
But to make a short story long
Mr. Bushell was making a busines
call. on a farmer in. the Cargill area
To reach the barn Mr. Bushell had
to pass precariously near fp Mr
Bull and a herd of cattle. Wit
much bravado he set out on
straight line to the stable door. 50
did the bull. Failing to get the doe
open, the Reeve darted' around th
corner of the barb, with split sec
onds to spare. The bull returned
• • St. Patrick night dance in the
Town. Hall, 'Lucknow, sponsored by
the Lucknow Branch of the Can-
adian Legion on Tuesday, March
17.- Music by MacKenzie's orchestra,
`Usual three prizes for the ladies.
General admission 35c.
The Government • war, ' picture,
"The Fight for Liberty", will be
shown in the Town Hall, at Luck -
;lbw on Saturday, March 21st, along
with a program of .shorts,oniedies
and -news; reels, under thpices
of the L.O.L. The Toronto Star has
the following to. say .,of the film:
"Fight for Liberty, a picture every
Canadian should see". -
affection of. his people there, an
his • departure 'for the mission. field:
in 1919 proved' a 'painful severing:
of pastoral ties. But' the call to the . .
"regions beyond was '• irresistible,
and with a fervent sense of voca-
tion. Mr. Mackay laboured for six-
teen years in Peru. There he made
a his missonary 'calling
end '• laboured= •firuitfuulf. fi t=,•ins --
Lima and afterwards in' the virgin
territory of the Sierra, with Caja -.-1
maria as his centre. Today a beaut '
iful Church and 'a loyal congrega-
tion exist in that town as a• mon-. '
ument to his zeal, and devotion,
While the influence of his gracious.
ministry and. devoted character
came to be felt—arid is stili :a -liv •
ing farce—throughout the whole of
Northern Peru.
:"His addresses to the General As-
sembly and•to• congregations he vis-
ited during his - several furloughs
were memorable utterances and
served to focus' ;the attention of the --
Church more and more on the ne-
glected Continent of South America.
It was espicially heartening to the
Church, amidst her many discour
agements frogn other quarters, to
find^ him after each . furlough .re-
turning with unwavering enthus-
iasm to the sphere of his labours
in Peru:
March came in like a lamb that
is certain; but running true' to +form
a howling,• roaring blizzard follow-
ed the mild spell which. included an
all -day rain on Sunday'.
Gales early Monday inckeased in
velocity duringthe day and accom:
panied by snow, reached the height
of its fury by early evening. The
temperature did not drop extreme-
ly and the storm abated early
Tuesday, before main roads b8came
At •the outset it looked likea
repetition. of the storm which broke
one weeklater a year ago, and
which so paralyzed traffic that this
village was isolated, so far as . train
and motor travel was concerned,
from Sunday until Wedn sday: •
Hydro service was not disrupted.
by ti}e storm as might be expected,
and we have heard of little damage
by the furious gale. '
However, W. J.. Joynt was one
victim of the gale which blew down
a thirty-two - •foot• windmill on the
"`Red Brick" farm east of St.' Hel-
ens. '
, The condition of concession and
sideroadi wasn't improved' any by
the, bloW.
T e storm was indicated by a
falli g barometer on Sunday, which
the herd.
Mr. Bushell stealthily studied the
layout. At the back 'of .the barn was
a double gangway. He could get in
the barn door at the head of one of
the two, but to- do so brought him•
in sight cif the bull again, and the
bull was quite observant. As. MVMr.
Bushell fumbled for the I door latch
the animal came charging at him
again. He found the latch, and safe-
just in the nick of time
Mr. 'Farmer said the animal was
quite do
ct1e__ un
to be Wearing an overcoat. Maybe
he was just "shooting the bull", but
we wager Mr. Bushell would have
liked to.
"It was with painful regret and
a sense of acute loss that the church
learned in .1935 of an . illness, so
serious in its effects as to neces-
sitate his abandonment' ofhis life's _
work in the mission field: Under
the good' hand of Providence, and
with careful nursing, .he •was suf-
ficiently restored • to permit his tak-
ing over a charge at home, and for'
seieral years he has given .devoted
service in the congregation of Kin-
cardine ,and, Croick., His 'occupancy
of the Moderator's chair at this
critical period in the history of the
Church and. nation , is specially ap-
propriate, and . we are sure that he
will sound the. *note of aggressive
evangelism 'and inissienary enter-
prise that the times call for. Ir} all
the 'social ,duties belonging to the
office of Moderator he will have
the able support of Mrs. Mackay;
who has shared throughout in the
labours and perils of his' pioneer
work •on the mission field. We pray
that the needed grace and strength
be given him for the duties that
Shall . fall to him in the coming
had dropped to the .lowest poof-
toed locally
ever re,
ficial • weather ,, observer. Sweeping
.. .. is
to from, the west, the wind
vied t� have
reached a velocity
Of sixty miles an
hour, ,which is
e for these parts. 1
quite a hurrican
Sp'ec'ials in mens and boys wri
in mitts, smocks; overalls,
clothing, HE MARKET
pants and shirts. T September 1>2,
STORE. it .
on p
Case Settled
Pour '. cases • slated for the civil
dockett in •Goderi'ch last week were
either•, settled out of bourt or ad-
journed. The jury action of John
A. Menzies,. East. Wawanosh far -
met, ter against Wn. Baldwin of a
field, was settled out of court. 'i!`rank
el report-
•e' co P
defence Donnelly,? �q
ed. Mr. Menzi6 was seeking dam-
ages arising out: of. a motor accident
. -,