HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-03-05, Page 8G'
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Ewe Size `' 'ABA.SSO SHEETS --Large double bed size sheets
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Bit '.FuJli Zipper WE4TERS---fancy fronts, size 26-34: ... ,:$1:95
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and J
Since all this hockey column- of
"facts .and fiction" has been Set up Mt S. E. Robertson made 0 busi-
_. Sepoys S.e p oy s have been given the old ness trite to Toronto on Tuesday. . Lucknow Sepoys and Chesley
"one; two", ' I Reserve the •rlbte for the picture Colts battled to another ten-minute
Following the two tie games here, show that's coming .an March 21st, overtime 3-3 draw here on Monday
Har"'ve Damm; -secretary of the , " • night. A week previous the result
y Miss Hazel Culbert As attending .
Bruce League ordered Lucknow to',:, was the same.r"Superman goeltend•-
the Hairdressers Convention hi To-
go to Chesley an Thursday. The ing by McGillvray for .the Colts and
ronto this week.
Club declined, offering
to play on a, couple • of loose -plays by the locals
any neutral ice chosen; or to give ' Mrs. `J: A. Horne is visiting for• tells the story in a nutshell.
the Chesley •Club 50' per cent of the ` a couple of 'months at Kingsville • 'The boys got most, =of their fisti-
gate to .return to Lucknow and play and Leamington. ' . . . • cuffs over ia -lively (to say „thee
<ri: Stiinsan of t
to•a decision: The Colts.turned clown W he Veteran's 'least) : first period and from there
this offer and on Tuesday Mr: Damm . Guard ' at Munico:.is spendingtwo on settled' down. to. concentrating on
issued an ultimatum; giving the Se- weeks' furloti h 'at his' homhere: playing .hockey. • e,
'povs until 9 o',clock that night' to Sq�radron •header Hooper,• R:A:' Without exaggeration 15 'of the'
agree, or' else•.'::,.'.20 minutes of the third' period was
Thematter{ was `taken u with padre . at , P.ort 4'lbert, , and Mrs,, played behind the Chesley blue line,
Th P Hooper, : are ` spending the week ''
the president ,at. Tara (who • kneW but McGill'vary 'was master of the
nothing.. about the .series) and on NYk
ew or. "" situation time and.,time again: The
ne ay lis verdict 'was. • given• rs, .BurtonRoach vis-• ice was a bit sticky -and.: the Sepoys
'' Wed sd. Y , Mr: 'and M s •
supporting the secretary, • and add- steel with 'Mr: and ' M•rs, Reuben ' were" shooting feebly, so that the
Ing hat Lucknow Was lucky't4'still Brewer and little Jimmie on Sun-' chief threats came from storming
be given a chance to continue • in day last:' • the cage with.McGillvray down as
' _the • Csley . series in. view of ' The much as he was up sm,otliering • the '
Colts' one .win and two tie games: OMS Jaen, Campbell, . Sgt: Bud. disc:' '
However it was note a point'system Thompson , and' Bdr. Bob TelacKenzie ' . The first period' was scoreless but
that was .deciding the issue. A letter of Camp Borden were week -end vis- . Produced the best fight, .with pract-
fro mthe secretaryat the start stat- itors here: scally all the players participating
' ed the first game in Lucknow; sec -Fred Caley, a member,, of the R. c. • in either an active or palls a .role,
- and in Chesley arid a third on newt- including Referee "Tory"Gregg and
A' :F., and 'formerly of the •.Bank'•:,f . '
ral ice in Walkerton. Montreal Staff, Lucknow, arrived Police Chief Chief Wm, Douglas. Roberts
The Sepoys stand is that the; first recently "somewhere in .Britain": : and Smith got. 5 minutes. Diemert
game has not yet been played' to a : • . ''.and • Gregg had .a. private. duel'
decision, and can see no :reason for • Mr.. and Mrs. Chas. Webster and half Tway throughthe second stanza
eccep.tingeMr.• Damm's dictate: to re- 11Ir, and Mrs. Clark Finlayson ac and were waved off for a 5 -minute.
turn 'to' Coltville. companied by 'Dave 'Rorne'spent the-•s'iretelt.
week -end in '•Toronto and 'Oshawa. Chesley opened the scoring at• two
LOCHALSH WON SATURDAY' minutes m the ,.•second "period on a
Rev. and 'Mrs. Campbell Tavener
t ' of Bluevale, end formerly. • of Ash- cheap,. goal. Diemert got it back at:
Bruce League hockey is no alone
3.42 on a pass from •' Johnston. Smith•
recent it
field ' Circuit, were r . visitors
in. the limelight . There is • a gang . and Murphy clicked to put Chesley
of youngsters who are. pretty seri .with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Jt. Hackett. in the • lead again three minutes later
ious about their hockey right at the Mrs. W. G. Andrew visited the . and Westbrook 'from . Johnston tied
moment and they are the Lucknow past week with her daughter Flora the count again at I5 minutes at L'3
l and L
--=alsh lads• -won v�ith other i'+ipnds
home games with a . third game. if
homeo d last Saturday,but the the Sepoys took the lead on a�N neat LL -
on left vying led the.scoripg parade • I.
for Kitchenerwith four each Single
goals each, were scored by Psutka,
Conway, Huehn, Lorentz and Zieg-
ler. '
LUCKNOW Goal.,' Bili Johnstone;
Def., Bill A, Johnston, Jin? Fergus-
on; centre, Albert Chin; L. wing,
George Chin; a -wing, Bill Chin;
alt., Harvey Pellock, Gordon, Mullin,
Herby Culbert, Joe Agnew, Roy Wil-
son. . .
KITCHENEI—Goal, , Tiirner; clef.,
Augustine, Pautka; • centre, Ziegler;
L: wing, Opper a R. • wing, Barnes;
alt., Huehn, Trendall, Fischer, Kes-
'selrin. Conway, Lorentz:
Refer e --"Chuck". Webster:
'' Three . hundred •fans, the best'
'croyvd' of the season, to date, were
on •tiiir' toes for '70 minutes of thrill
packed, hard hitting hockey on Mon-
day night. e '
." .i • * .e •• •..
It was the second time in 8 days
that -these two teams, played' to a no
. .• *• -4 'D.
Its 'a .best•two-gut-of-three series
hes-land last Thursday night in Ches.-
ey the Colts took., a one -game mar-
gin by defeating the Sepoys 5 to.
In our opinion the game • Mondays
night' shouldhave been ordered
played to i finish • 'by League of-.
ficials. ;
The Colts got. a third of Monday
night's net, proceeds, amounting to
about 20 bucks: That Was $5.00 nniore
than the ' testa) gate in Coltville Inst ,
Thursday, ' ,
• * * •* « *
And now Secretary" Damm 'orders'
The Sepoys back to Chesley. The
ochalsh Pee' Nee s. The Loch Who is teaching 'in London' and also alL' original ''plan "called for home and, werct nn their ' • At. 7 minutes in the third period
p n
local kids are confident they can Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Moore. Chas:, passing play by Fisher and Lain- necessary on ' Walkerton ice.
FOR Presbyterian Y.W.A. "
p)RAYER FOR REVIVAL take "em when.they meet the vis:- and Mildred,attended•the wedding bert with the' latter scoring Nlur=
• . • -.,--- The February, meeting of the, Y. tors in the local arena, this .Satur-. of Arthur' Stanley Moore and .''Miss' phy got it back .however when hf.
Ft' rit Enid,, evening • at 8 o'clock W A was held at the home of Mrs: day morning (weather p€rmitting)..Constance Thompson at Caledon an was left ,uncovered in front of the
e- y Febi`su. `` 26th -The We -can t -vouch foF the age_of_the_ Saturday. • . Sepoy net on one of. the few break-
* •' * * .* s. •
Some hold that a third 'game.
should. be played here, and a' decis-
ion a spiritual r Wm oitn on ion. reached,.
prayer meeting
om All revivals that have 19 followe by the scr�tpture read -range in age from 6 to 10. They rClarence Jr el P n alternative that we'd • suggest . Colt-Sepoy: series—its. great stuff.
'st}tiete nrotwo boys, Bill and
Mark. 'Chi Th t 1 game on neutral ice and • * # • * • •
viva) , being held 'in the Bible In- meeting o ened by singing 'psalm Lochalsh boys but the Luckno�ilr lads Mr. aria Mrs. Clarence Russell and.avyays the • Corgi got`+during—the-
a e whole period. A
` the past. have come from 5th chapter of St. ar : Jimmie McMillan, Morley" n,. eek -end a over ime. was Storeless withis the next
fiver; come in raleWaubawsherie spent thew � r
4• 'o 'the earnest interces- eters. gHenderson' led m pray- Donald Thompson, Keith Kilpatrick, _The_
again saving the Colts in event of 'a Lucknow victory, flip Kitchener Bantams; represented
- e% t s Morganwith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson.M r
. on of ou p s of Christians. Here '• er. The Bible study was taken by as forwards; Donald McAlpine, from getting .clipPed: a coin to see'whether : the payoff byctoria School, winners of 'the
ax P of ..them Boundary: �7i
;andel ere. throughout the world' are Mrs. V. , Mowbray. 'The • topic was Bruce. Johnston; Bill McCartney and Chesley—Goal; NieGillvray; 'Def.; game be. played in Lucknow or Ches- City League were too good for Luck-
`. "`' min ' in •'re Arts cif: spiritual .a- ,taken by, Gretta. Campbell. Miss Donald Agnew qn the defense, and Gordon Ross . of Lochalsh'spent_ Phillips, 'McCorry;• centre, • Smith; ley - now last week and badly outscored
co g p
•: Walt ' s `answer to prayer. Why. Mary. MacKenzie gave `the 'current ""Dinnie" MacDonald in goal.. the past couple' of weeks `in Tor- wings, •Tho
. _ ening �
Ta nSDAY M R 5th, 1949
.Lenten SavingS
Put These Items . -. On Your
Week -End Shopping' List'
Glass tumbler free. 3 pkgs. 25e
3 cakes plus a fourth• for le' •
Ali 4 cakes T.5e
English Breakfast .Blend TEA•
Pound ...• i 75e
• Conserve Sugar --Use Syrup
As 'A Sweetener •
5 lb. tin ° • -' 55v
Ideal for the ; boys overseas
1 lb. 'bag •25e
1 Ib. bag - _ . 20e
Two. Cakes Fleisch -FREE'
' man's ., Yeast ,with '
' yotir COOP -
Coupon. Redeem
ons here!
'Phone 82 • We Deliver
The writer_ is pleased he didn't
give in to the pressure to dopa u a =-
form again—we can' sit back and
, "see ourselves , as 'others see us' —
and say what. we like. .
• .�. • .. * a• . . •
May. we 'yet have more ,.of this
meson, Greeg; alt., Mc= * * * ' ' • our 'game .little club, represented
Qnto with. his: b 'other Kenneth and
,.i nel h E� _ : e e to M'SeeT dx•' p' elesedl'• the- � e—Ll achale +.�-_r�►cltaceer•-.• Murphy, _Shoemaker;• Davis, But if Mr. Damm insists on, The fpr the first time in, the Ontario
hostess sere e. sea o- a e e' . Lucknow--Goal,•Worsell•' defence likely where' it will be. ft was the Lith straight win for•:.
-meeting will- be held- at .
e eine to the, meeting with prayer; 'after- which- . Donald ore Saferretae "- .n • a .d ->teic : S a •� d rg-b t :-Ches>eyet•h�n s Minor, Hockey Association,.-
=i'nterestet�;�ara: >lirged:,�o�cs... me g P Y LYaycY Cardise, Dona lrergusoii",� ,y� and�:-C��: �••• ,
tneetin : a. "the ed lunch Th MaY'ch Clvin Gibsore Eldon McLennan, Cls g , M p1 ,L of hockey match
Alli this? is
tlse'hopie• of Ke' Mason d 1)o ala Maeien' *' ' C k H t F' h i , written on Tuesday and the two th '
•Mrs. Jas: Little. ' . nan. •
Writ' iso _ an n - . , oo , ;Herds; centre; ' Fisher; 'wings, , e Kitchener Kids,'who' wete strong
We lw 'sen by visit from Fred
>a ay l_,.a
hompson of Teeswater, who drop -•-Lambert; Shane, alt, Johnston, Rob- :teams: are su posed to`meet Thum -'department, y
P in eiiery particularly
h ' ed in. on Monday,to renew his sub- erts, Westbrook, Diernert, Sproul. day night, so the locals at the moor • so in. goal' and on the defence.
- "" "" . •. ent are in a quandry.. • B
scription. Incidentally Fred.told lis••Referee— Tory Gregg.
that his. grandson, Douglas' Alton. • • * • * • locals did not, play .the re-
I . The
_ turn game; which was planned for
65th Anwversarry Saturday • • The mystery of .who scored t
Mrs Hector Mackay of White- Lochalsh goal is about as deepas
church -celebrated her, eighty-si cth WAIT ONTARIO WHEAT ,'
tl d 1VIr. and Mrs • . "Who .killed cock bin"
utniversary- :of . their marriage' on agricultural representative recently
o,, e..c c robin",
•''oirthday recently and. Bruce County
ZUlackay, will celebrate the sixty-fifth Mr. G. R. Gear,
Saturday, March 7. �., • issued the following item: .
•" "Ontario mills are finding it dif-
Hondoor,'',Save' Tire "Normandie"?
.-Can the i }=fated ship -be raised, and
break' •a nautical jinx? The Amer-
lean Weekly with this Sunday's, it -,necessary •to turn to wheat from
(March; 8' issue of the Detroit Sun- the west there is a possibility' of our
day Tifnes points out that, ie. 10. Ontario farmers'. losing. this market
years, six sister :ships have met .their which is an important one. Western
doom, under circumstances strangely wheat will make just as good feed
those that sent the re -christened and on an exchanged basis. the far -
"Lafayette" . to the bottom of the mers stand to gain as this western•
Hudson: River: 'Be. sure 'to get.Sun- wheat can be, exchanged at from 20
day's Detroit Times. to 30 cents profit to the farmer".
ficult secure Ontario grown wheat
which they .want for .pastry flour.
Western wheat. can' be substituted
but it does not. • produce the kind, of
flour on demand: If the mills find
FAIRVIEW 'T AI£Y is fac ing a serious '.milk . bottle shoria,ge,
to a degree that makes daily deliveries very difficult. The con-
dition is aggravated by the , delay in receiving new bottles. An
• order placed three months ago is not ;yet filled.
ALL HOUSEHOLDERS in the .Village. are asked to co-operate
' in relieving this bottle. shortage by setting out all . empties in
their, possession..
UNDER REGULATIONS of the War Time Prices ' and Trade
Boaird delivery of milk ..and cream must be on a cash. basis.
Hereafter delivery cannot be made unless empties ,are set ont
Containing either cash •or' tickets. •
age' 9 of Toronto .has recently pass- LOCAL BANTAMS,4OUTCLASSED kny-way- this_ Bruce League bus' Saturday either
HOLYROOD ed his music examination with a EY HITCHENER BOYS, ness P g P
• irrark. of 87. �, ---- excitement and interest among the open air. rink in f{itchenei� or in
the Preston arena
it roundofthe a play- ; If Minor•hockey is to be •encotir-
' • n ss Has .developed a 'high itch of afternoon, -ei h er on an
. Grouped with Kitchener in the fans, and if the Sepoys can stick '
We are sorry to report,that Lloyd, Mr ,and Mrs Howard Agnew and. ' first Bantam la - in there there s some interesting
'the litter's sister, Mrs. Fred Bent .downs, the Lucknow'• boys met more hockey entertainment in'' store'. in,, aged in the smaller centres; the Lea- -
Ackert is confined to,bed with brow-
rs, of4itchener. 'attended the funeral than their, match here last Wednes- March. gue executive will have to tete a
Mr' and M Raynard
Ackert M R
spent: Sunday at Mr. Ernest 1'rid- •
Corbett in ncardine ast Wednes- declaim to• the lad.t fro5, the home Anct that's something for a Club groupings for the playoffs. ,
little .better judgement in arranging
ham's, Goderich. ' • . • day. Corbett was. in his 90th .
of the famqus Kraut 'line that didn't appearto.have.a team to Bantam Waterloo 'and Guelph both have
The H.W.T, will meet at the home year and for 0'4. years was a memberopened.• • their
of Mrs:. Ernest -Ackert Ackert on . T.hursday of Penetangore Lodge, LO.O:y'. Kin- The . visitors outclassed the . local ice when, the' season
Km -
of the ladies' uncle, ,r: James • • ,day when they dropped a :13, to 2 • •• * • • -.r
iVtarch lads in practically every department � �, . * * * * '. 1 Kitchener all' the way to Lucknow
car- me. and although Lucknow drew. first The• Chesley ,Enter rise in writ»
7. Miss' Mary .Johnston is assistingP .. at an ;expense .to Kitchener Of 'some
at 'Mr. •George Colwell's. • Helen UcCreight, daughter of• Mr. , blood with less than two: minutes ing up last week's 4-4 draw in Luck- I` forty bucks, while the Lucknow
Mr. Hugh Houston of the R. C. A. and Mrs. Roy 'McCreight was quite • of the first period .gone, it was soon • now states:` "The Colts were the ' team could not hope to have a tinier-
nc r F., Mount Joh, spent the week -end ill ..last. week with sinus and mas- evident that they hadn't a chance.. victims of some 'very poor, home- ball's chance.
at Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey Houston's.' toid trouble„ which was a develop-• Kitchener opened the scoring "at.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Victor •Lang' and' ment:of the 'flu. She was much bet- 8.50 and in less than three minutes
Evelyn spent Sunday at Walkerton. ter the end of the week. Mary '• had. un,in. 5 goals. They added an -
Miss Gwendolyn Ackert who is Lduise Porteous has also been suf-. other before the period ended mak-
teaching in Kincardine at present fering from ear trouble and had to in• it 6-1, and it was lust a ..ques-
spent.: the week -end at her homehave it lanced on Saturday night. tien of how many they .Would: score.
here. 1
' Mr. James Parks who spent the Back From Visit in B. C.
past two months with his parents .Jini Parkes returned on Saturday
in B. C. returned , to Mr. Ernest from a three Months' visit with his
Ackert's on Saturday. parents°and family at Sprucedale,
Mrs.. Malcolm MacDonald of Hur-' B, C., •which is about 35 miles• from
on spent Tuesday with Mrs. Wrn. Vancouver in the Fraser Valley dis-
• Elliott at Mrs. A. Ackert's; It was . trict, where his father rune a dairy
Mrs. Elliott's birthday. farm. `
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie, Doris Jim made a similar 'trip a year
and'Lorne, Mrs. C. Eadie spent Sun- • ago, but apparently prefers the East
day at 'Mrs.. Rachel Cilbert's. ;and upon his return is again] em -
Mrs. John Reed of Reed's Coin-. poyed by Mr. Ernie Ackert at Holy-
ers is visiting her daughter, Mrs.' .rood.. •,
Raynard Ackert and Mr. Ackert this, - ' •
week. • • Rabic To' Russia •' ' George, mill of both Lucknow
Mrs. Neil McCallum whp spent Those Who heard the missionaries and$
the past two weeks at Mr. Clifford from Russian Czechoslovakia two. , goals with Ab getting a pair 'of as-
Johristdn's returned to her home years ago will be ,glad to know that silts: Diminutive George didn't fig -
at I,angside• on Tuesday. We are a door has again been opened in ure in the scoring but turned in a
pleased to .report that little Donald' Russia for the Gospel' message -and persistent effort in spite :of being
Johnston has recovered nicely 'from that .Miss Laura Miswick who is at checked by a lad '"twice his 'size",
his operation. ' present , employed in the • office of • The second line of Gordon Mul-
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Conley , ander the European Christian\ Mission in• lin; Herby Culbert and the.
• daughter spent Saturday. evening at Toronto is making plans for her re- lock tried hard all the way too.
Mr Clifford Johnston's.•I . turn to Russia in the near future. 1 Barnes on
right wing•and Opper
I Young Roy Wilson from .Ripley
started df in the nets, but was .•re-
placed at the end of the first per-
iod by Bill Johnston who had been
shifted out to the defence for this
game. ' • ,
In the second period Kitchener ran
in 5 more goals while holding the,
locals scoreless. In the third period'
the visitors added 'a pair of goals
while Lucknow got one. • -
The feature of the game, from the
local' standpoint at least, was the
performance of the first string line
of• the. Chin Brothers—Bill, Albert
town refereeing and feel they would
have captured 'the contest' had there
been a competent official in•eharge
of the . game'.
Well . "Tory" Gregg, as competent
an official as you'll find hereabouts,
' The Kitchener Kids travelled by
taxi, 'and expense however did not
appear to be a major factor with
them, for the Kitchener City Coun-
cil,voted $400 to •sponsor Minor Lea-
gue hockey, in that city, and if the.
handled the game this -week, and thr a pot o' gold runs dry,. it's simply
Colts didn't wine What's more, th•, y a case •of asking for more,
can thank 'their,. goalie they didn't With such financial backing, with .
take a bad'drubbing: many ,players to pick from and With
• . * * * •' the best of ;coaching rearlil: avail-
"Toby". Greer handled the first ' able it is little to be wondered' at "
game, and an `impartial observer' that Kitchener walked off with a 13
could find little, fault with: 'the' job to 2 victory, and blew their chance:
he did. This squawking about re-� of getting a return game.
fere gets to be a chronic condi- i ' The O.M.H.A. moguls , woad do
tion too often. r well in the future, to ponder more -
• * # * , * . • on the position of the sinall ten- .
The Enterprise says . the Colts are fres, ' if they are concerned over the
a young, agressive ' outfit.. • Thank promotion of the sport in such:,
goodness! forthey have still time Places.
to learn that•knees, 'elbows and high An effort is being made to ar-
sticks are illegal 'tactics in the sport range a couple of exhibition games
called hockey, , for the Bantams to compensate for
* * * * * * the disappointment of missing the
They appeared to catch: on as a re- Kitchener' trip - and that's all it"
sult of the penalty parade here in would have been,''for the ,was
.the first game, and there was a not- hopeless and the expenses itivitzied
eab'1e improvement in their be- too high for local officials to filaviour on Monday night. sider.
NEW TABLE OIL CLOT14S by the yards 4n squares. Ta,ble marts
andShelf 011 Cloth, New Towels, Bath Towels,
is 'towels, Glass Cloths. ; Etc.: "