HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-02-26, Page 4LUCKNOW SENTINEL, !,UCKNOW,' ONT1 t1O THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 11)42 RP DROVE MAFEKING WHITE H•URCH Matet Walsh spent line no service on Sunday We are sorry' to repor't Mi• • Ube There 'ryas s A. We tad. , at her home here. ' morning on account of illness dur- Ennnierson -bad .a bad fall one day M'tss.Ca. Cherie Patterson Spent the tug the week of R.ev.. G. Howse 'and last ek•eek. The doctor was called rend •at 'Mr. Dan 11�IcDi onaid a. the roads were almost ,impassable. but no hones were broken. We hope , *Jc*iS `.SShdie Pollock is visiting at • • The W.M:S.• met at Mrs. Thomas for a good recovery. ' + wan.Caution • asgone to a' ardine. • Fr"d afternoon, Miss Maryhas , er s in Kanc... Blake's, on i ay Mr. J ,F�h � 'Marionin !help out at the home of Mr. Ed Mc- Marion Walsh spent.S,un- eight attendance. The'progr~inz•. . .•'r Wil! 1" Ch's for the Wand Day of Prayer Was Qurllin, Sr., where Mrs. McQwiilio 4 "Mr.. ww rr . used Mia, Curran had charge of time has ' been •under the doctor's care ,Mk&Ino` aim Ralph : oog is nursing. her .study book which was very inter- i for some bine: •' tn4ther. Mrs -,Long of Ashfield w � is seriausiy bliss 1- bliss Marville Scott is visiting this week with Mrs. Mac Lane. Mrs. Donald McFarlane and Win- nifred visited at Mr_ Jack Roamer - totes on Sunday. The 'regular monthly meeting •rif.' the, Ladies Aidwas held at the home of' Miss Marville Scott on'1 " Wednesday afternoon. Tie opening hymn: was sung followed ' by. the Lord's prayer in unison: A ).psalm was read • by, Drs: Sam :Emerson. Tit , roll ,call was answered by giv- ing' a can , of salmon ° or %dried apples Quilts were worked.. at, Mrs. Mil- ton Walsh drew"the lucky ticket on • a: quilt. The•meeting was closed and stents serited. The Social Club held its weekly at the home of 'mt... W. H. Scott on Friday night. Euchre was played and prizes were Won by Mr. Ira Leeson -end Mrs, George Emerson, Jr.The , coliectipn' Went to the Red Cross. r..,*•,was served by. the hostess: estng- Mr. and Mrs. H. Curran and Mr and Mrs., T-- M. Andersorf visited at • Lteyd Hunter's of. Waw•anosh on Wedneesday »1 1.. .. , . • Mr. and Mies.: S� ' B.. Stothers: of Arthur visited at the old home one day lagt we . , A nutaber from .thi-s community attended 'the•. M'•assey-Harris' ;dens- onstratnon and dance in Luckpcow on Friday night- Mr. ightMr. and Mrs.. Harvey Andersoii visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas."'Wil-- son of Wawanosh.one flay last'. week. • DONNYBROOK The regular' meeting Of the St. Augustine Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, March 4th . at the home of Mrs. R. C.' Chamney. Mrs. 'St. Marie returned?' to her -erne ' after spending a month with •'-r sons at Port Dalhousie' and her daughter in Torointo. Mr. ' Jack Gillespie spent the week -end at. his home here. .Miss Winnifred Farrier andher sister Olive of Toronto spent . the Week -end • with their parents, Mr: and Mrs. Farrier, The -World's"lay of" Prayer'' was teld in the Presbyterian church here in Friday i rith a good attendance ^onsidering the weather. After fol- lowing the ".printed program for that day. the , Rev. Mr, Willson ,gave a short address which was much ap- preciated•, by all. • . . Mr. Kenzie Mowbray,.' R.C.A.F. . who has been spending some . holi- days at his home here left on Sun- day to join his unit 'at Quebec. His Leader, Miss Mary A. - 'Broe • hey roll father an KINLOUGH Mr. Leo Hodgins and. Mr. Wilfred. Hodgins of- Luean ,tivere here Fri- day visiting • with the forxner•'.s sis- ter, Mrs. John `N Hodgins who is con- fined to her bed,' ;Q . Members # tl_ W. M. S. and A- met in the Presbyterian church, for the national World Day of Pray- er service on Friday afternoon. Mrs John Ernmersoe took charge , and prayers were taken • by the mem- bers.. Miss Nellie Malcolm was ap pointed key -Woman ' for next, year Miss Agnes McQuaig, R.N. of Lucknow is nursing,Mrs. John Hod- gms. Miss May Boyle is visiting this week with Miss Iona : Terry in -•Tor- onto,. , , Sympathy .ie 6c -tenet -I to Mrs Wsre Percy in t' -‘e loss of her 'bro- 'ther,,. the late Wm. J, ".MaoD.aiiald of Kincardine. Relatives from . here attended the funeral •on Monday of-. ternoon. Mrs. Syd Parry. oL„�Detroit spent a ;few days with Mr. end'Mrs; John Hodgins. ' The man who toots his horn soon has everybody dodging when he ap,• preaches. d mother Mr. and Mrs. ' OBITUAR.Y RICHARD 11' CWI INNEY, SR. Funeral services for Richard Mc- Whinney, Sr., who died in Goderich hospital following an illness of less on than a week, were held Friday afternoon fromhis late home, con- cession 1, Ashfield; just west of Nile, with interment in Dungannon cern- etery. Services were conducted 'by Rev. C. H. MacDonald. • The late Mr. McWhinney was -torn nearly 82 years ago on the -arm upon which he continued to resirae until his' death. He was the youngest and' last surviving mem- ber of a family of-eight—seven sons, and one daughter—of .the. late John McWhinney and, Isabella Kilpatrick.,•. was married . about' 42. years ago to Miss Eliza Watson,. who died in July bf. 1940, He was a successful' farmer,- aid; despite his more : than fourscore years, performed - his , dut- - ies on the, farm almost itritil the last. He operated a tactor ancl'otlier farm, machineryand. drove his car, as Well as men who were much younger. He was a man of sterling qualities and was 'a good neighbor. He was borne to 'the grave by six. nephews, David, John and pert Mc- Whinney, 'James McKnight., • Ales: Watson and Alex Bogie. • • • call, Irish Jokes; •current events, Robert Mowbray .accompanied him. Bend spent, the week -end v,>ith his Mrs. Jas -Craig;. Hostesses, Miss Jean to -Woodstock. We 'wish him every parents Mr.. and Mrs. James' Laid -1 You're free to lend—Lend to.be Robinson and Mrs. Jas. Craig. success:. Mr. Ken Laidlaw of. Grand law. free. • "01",.;;••". FOR SALE OR RENT --,.0p acre farm,' lot 28, Con, 7, Kinloss Twp. Apply to Jas. A. McDonald, Tees. water, ec - water, Phone 88-r-4. • ' FOR. SALE..—two good young cows, due to .oalve.about March' 15. Kell, neth •R. sand John C: McKenzie, RR. 5, Lucknow, Concession 2 Kinloss.. •BARRED• Rl).CK . and- HYBIifD CHICKS—This is not a new hatcii •.ery,.. we "have' been in business for 12 years, All our 'breeders' are blood tested and' males ..are •from O.B.S. stock. The Hybrids are B. R. hon a • and 'Pew Hampshire cockerele keep all s;W. our chicks for. 4 days.. Ye' hve n� papers -to fuss with and. a'1 chieks are feeding , when..you`get them. We deliver chicks u.p till 'May .lst..'John J.' Cuyler, R; 4, l incard'in:-', Two miles west of Silver. Lake, ?hone, Ripigy 76-20 collect. TxE , MENACE of a hateful way of life casts itsshadow across our homes, Victory Bonds will raise up a shield against it. Si buy Victory Bonds to the limit. We cannot be half-hearted -while this. danger' threatens our very shores. Let us go full out now and give 'such vigor to our country's • effort as to speed the day of victory. 5 This is the .least we. -can 'do.— to lend our money °for our country's defente..Buy a share in victory today--buyVictory Bonds. HOW TO BUY—Give your .order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to your local Victory Loan Headgiart'ers. Or you can authorize, your employer to start "a regular payroll savings plan for ypu. Bonds may be bought in denominations of :550, $100, 3500, $1,000, and larger. Salesman, bank, trust 'company er your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you- every assistance in making out your order form. A42 •o Notional War Finance Committee, Ottawa, Canado CLEARING AUCTION ' SALE - .of farm stock, implements, etc„ at Lot 1, Con. 10,. W.D. Ashfield on Friday, March- 6th, at one o'clock. No •re- serve.. See bills. 'for list and terms. Mrs. Frank Johnston, Prop., Matt. Gaynor, Auc: • . FARM FOR SALE -good farm• un- der cultivation with good buildings. Apply to Robert Moffat, R..6, Luck - now.. CARD. OF • THANKS. We'wish t take this 'opportunity of extending our heartfelt thanks . and appreciation for the many acts k Q:f iness and expressions of syte- d ch pathy shown us by relatives, 'friends and; neighbors, and also for the. -beautiful `floral tributes, at, the time of our irecent sad ,bereavement in the lose. of a -.Wiring • husband and' father. ' Mrs.. N. —Campbell—, and family: TENDERS TOWNSHIP of WEST WAWANOSIl aEALED,TENDERS will be received by the undersigned .until 12 o'clock moon, Tuesday,: Ma`reh 1Qtki,-i-942; fur - •operating:' the. Township Crushing Plant --by. the.: cubic ' yard,. Tenders willalso, be received ter trucking gravel by -the yard -mile. Marked ,cheque for $100.00 must accompany each• tender 'in both .'cases, 'Lowest or any' tender ' not. 'necessarily ..ac- cepted.. .ac-cepted. - ' J. •C. P.urdori, Road .Sept.„ .R.R. 2., Leckpow. • TENDERS- ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP TENDERS FOR GRAVEL TENDERS willbe received by the undersigned clerk until 4 p.m. March' 9th, 1942;,.fox._suppty..;ing_ 8000 _wards or more of crushed gravel and de- livering same en Township roads. Marked • cheque . for 10 per r cent o amount of tender.' to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not, Herbert C. Curran, Road Supt.; Finlayson accepted: , Bros.. nlayson Bros.. R.R....7, Lucknow. Ont. .• C. E. McDonagh; Clerk, I • Bele_ 3Leelenow,'. Oht-f-' Licensed .Auctioneer. DONALD B. BLUE Arberiey R. R, 1, Kincardine, .Ontario. 'Phone 30-24, • Ripley F. T. ARMSTRONG, OPTOMETRIST . - IN LUC-KNOW -EALN-••W)gDNESDAY' AFTERNOON •.1:30 to 6 o'clock • AT WM. SCF1MID'S .STORE , . TME g A . DOES T* T»RI CK/ DU NGANNON ,,,We are sorry .to learn that Mrs; Allan 'Reed is at the :home of her mother Mrs. J. Montgomery, Salt - ford under the a'octors care:: Miss Annetta Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will` Stewart Who is attending Toronto. University has recently been awarded' the Robt. Bruce scholarship, which was open to all second year' honor, students at the University. The prize is $75 annueliy..for three. .years.. We con- gratulate Annetta on her splendid' success, to follow hex from Goder- ich Collegiate, where she won other scholarships there. • ' The United Church W.M.S. will hold their. monthly meeting arid. quarterly; ;birthday tea on Friday, March 6th at 2.30 p.m. in the base pent of the church. ' . Miss `Ferne Robb, who was • re- turning to her position at Toronto on . Tuesday, is remaining longer, as her mother does not seem to be as well. ' Pte. Bus. Anderson; training at, Kitchener was home over the week- end. . Latest Red Gross • Shipment Air Force -8 sleeveless sweaters, 1 pair ,plain gloves, 2 pair plain' mitts, 1 scarf. . • Seamans -28 pair socks, 6- long. socks. 4'. aero caps, 10 pair mitts. 3 scarfs. Army—.2 pair mitts, 3 helmets, 53 Pair 'socks, ' Refugees -56 guilts, 4 childs dies set, 1 childs .dress and panties, one knitted pullover, 1 girls skirt, two woman's aprons. 5 • pair childs pan- ties, 2 childs slips, 1childs night- gown, 1 pair childs pajamas, 1 pair gloves, 1 pail. mitts, 3 pair childs bedroom slippers, 1 girls dress .and 2 handkerchiefs, 1 mans sleevelrs:i sweater. ' Yiospital-6 pair pajamas. LUCKNOW worth and they would todayjust the same, if .given with fervence and , a contrite heart. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and clos- ing. prayer. . . ZIONlt,? Mrs. Mary McAuley, of Ripley spent the week -end with her dau- ghter, Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Mr. Ritchie. ' Mr, and Mrs.. Alex Hackett of Belfast spent a day with Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Hunter recently... • Mrs. Warden Howald'spent Thurs- day with Mrs.• Robt. Lyons. The church services were not held here on ' Sunday owing' to the ill- I' ness of our pastor, Mr. Howse.:. 'Mrs. Will Gardner wishes 'to ex- press her' -appreciation of the many •acts of 'kindness during - her• , recent illness. • ' Quite a number • have been laid up of late from severe colds, etc. $8,000 A Minute—,Contracts award- ed and commitments made by the. Department of Munitions and Sup- ply last year totalled $2,100,000,000, or the equivalent of an . $4,000 con- tract every minute of the day. . A Giant Caterer—Indicative of the foodstuffs required by the three armed services in Canada is the pur- " chase of 25,000,000 pounds of food made by ,the Department of Moni- tions• and Supply in one three-month The women's. Day of Prayer was held • in the United church on . I'ri • dap, February 20th. Due to the in clement weather there .was only a.II fair' attendance. Mrs, Melville Reed,"I president of the United Church. 'V.4'. 'M, 5. led the 'order' of service ac-' cording to the 'special pamphlets, Prayers by appointment were given by Mrs. Lorne leers and Mrs, R. J. . Durnin from •the An licenl church and Mrs. R. Davidson and Miss Iva Carr ,represented the'" Presbyterian, church with prayers. • Mi -s. R. Moore 'and Rev. W, P..Newt an offered prayers also. Mrs: Li?roi Stingei re- sided at 'the piano for hymns and offertory: Mrs: R, Davidson read ,a Splendid paper, by request of Mrs. Rich McWhinney who was unable to be' present but had preparedan address and pointed , out the• crisis • of the world today and' when., in tinies.past, prayers had proven great Precious Candlelight—Exclusive of generator.equipment, -it costs $18,000 • to build one of the giant 80,000,0,00 candlepower anti-aircraft search- lights used by ' the Canadian forces. F:l