HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-02-19, Page 7aais'• Iii 'Uniform
Walk Around City
Civilians, Policemen, Sold -
Jere, Sailors, Did N.ot ••Heed
Two newspaper reporters who
dressed as Nazi U-boat cornman-
;ders and paraded through Phila-
delphia',s busiest streets without
being stopped "wonder why "the
Greeks bothered about sending a
wooden horse into Trey." -
"No Philadelphia horse is nec-
essary", .said Frank Taughill and
• William B.' Mellor, Je., "a Nazi
can just wank into the city—in
Clad ,In full Nazi regalia, cone
pl'ete with Swastikas; and affecting
proito,uneed German ;accents, they,
passed,thousands.of people, ate in
a, crowded restaurant, spoke to po+'.
'icemen, . soldiers• and , satlors
without once running into' diffi-
.11We proyvled the `'waterfront:
+with As costly, vital de'fenee .ship-
ping", they Said," "and nobody
though. we were a menace."
"Vere 1st 'der vadervrandt?" we
'asked a policeman.
'"You on a• ship?" , he• asked. "Get
lost last. night?" •
"'Y'eah",', he said, grinning.
a 'Boys on ships will' haev .par-
"At the Academy of Music we
ribbed .shoixlders With hundreds
more citizens. They looked at us;
skimp- of.—thein, they even looked -
at our caps with the Swastikas.
T,hat Wes .all. Their brains • didn't
see what tlfciieyes • •,itw, '
"In the eentral section, a po•
•. 'licernan steeled to ,ha wl us out"
for parking. Be molted at aur uni-
forms and sail: ' .
".';0h 1$m:.. ''surry._ - Naves .boy's;
!tub? Well; that's okay;• • but don't
parktoo lotjgah
•1 •
of C.N.S. Lady Hawkins, Chief .'
•.Officer 'Kelly; of • Halifax, com-
mended a packed :lifeboat and is
credited with sat';ing • the 1ii''es "rit
many when the .vessel .was sunk
by an- enemy torpedo, • '
Queen . Rear y - Gives - - -
Cana. dian A Ride
Gunner Archie.McOwen of Que-
bec was hitch -hiking from "Come
where in England" to 'London.' '
"I missed the bus and stetted
to Walk in the hope nf• getting a
lift in a track." he wrote his wife;
here. , "1 had not gone ,far when
a ear- -stopped -and the 'ehauffeur,
ieeelrcrl if I ' were going to the
city. A' lady's voice asked me to
ent`r•. 1 ,.just got nicely seated
when i stole a glance at the lady.
You can imagine the• shock when
• i immediately recognized it wag
none other than Q.ueeit Mary who
' . was giving me .8 lift, She 'soon
• put me at ease and said she fre-
quehtly stops for the 15uys on th'e
road. She inquired*all-tfhout our
unit and -told me' of her trip
" through Canada when Princess of
"The Qrtecn was guil=t to St.
James' Palai•e and let lir out
right at the- door of the' Beaver
drib. • g`e'eing the royal ear step
at the' etirb, •the. •crowd thought
• some •"big• shot" had arrived. i
just 'wish you could • helve seen
their faces ' when 'yours truly.
stepped out. It was an experience
I shall neyer forgi't.•. She is a.
marvelous, woman and 1 am proud
to be able to fight' .for her,"
Same people have heen inclined
to scoff at pesters displayed at
various points in Canada warning
Against 'careless talk of such
things as ship . departures.' It
seems at times that the;' caution
voiced is rather exaggerated, that
casual words dropped among
friends could .not possibly do
•The' stoi'.•gi told by a British sea-
•' man in 'New -York,. however., is al- .
Most an exact duplication of the
picture story told on -some of these
Wall cards. , It is. the tale of a
sailor revealing .to :.a' -'girl' friend
the time of depart ire of ]lis ship,
and. of the news' -.traveling from.
Mouth, to mouth until it was re
laved by ''means of a.signal to a
lurking•subinarine, and • the vessel
was :sunk with -heavy loss of •,life.•
It is . a' story, that should .make
everyone think: ' It is a .'deadly'
example of just .how 'dangerous' it
iff to • drop :•even a . c;asual word:
Careless talk does cost lives.
-Windsor Star
.A 'boatswains plate rushedinto
a 'Chinese laundry -in New York..
and asked for his.• bundle in a
hurry, . because he• had to report
for. 'duty at noon. He. didn't have
a..tiel:et but : Gey.n'e Sun__d>drti t
•throw at •hnn the old Chestn'iit: •
"Ne' tickee, no laundie." •' 'Instead
he pushed the sailor's dollar bill
.back to Hint arni game--,th'e-i-fello-w=-
his laundry, 'saying: "No monie.
Smack Japs.';' And no .doubt that '
Mate will smack ''em if • he gets
- half a chance. •
--Peterliorotigh Fxa'rniner .
• Macassar, a section of Celebes
which borders the [strait of Ma-;,
caseate where a Japanese convoy
`has : been battered—was, 'famous -tree
-,•-the, eighteenth . century • as .the
source of, :I'1a'eassar "oil, used an .a-''
. hair oil. The ail 'was so popular
that cloth covers, known, its anti-
macassars, came into use to pro-
tect'.the backs, of chairs from hair •;
on which it .had been employed.
-Sault" Ste. Marie Star
Another of the `unlistedperils
of war—the danger • that people
may become cross-eyed trying to
watch both the 'Atlantic- and the
Pacific • a4r the- sirrrt,itioto w -
Men's flashy socks, are another
thing that is out for the duration.,
• bowakes„--t esare_-apeminor vanity
of the days when Elmer, of Pippin
Centre, used to drive along Main
street with one foot outside the
• buggy box -and stunned 'em.
--Hamilton Spectator ;
. Hitler—went into- Russia- to' Sind__
room to ' turn..around in. Then
he turned •around. ,
--Brandon Sun
.Russia Too: Busy
To Attack .Iapan •
Naturally, it would be a great •_
relief to our forces in the Far
East if •the heart of Japan were
bombarded,'.as it easily could bet
from the neighborhood of Via.di-
,.bvostok... But, the war. has to 'be''
considered in regard to all its e
• operations 'on_ all 'fronts., There
is no greater service that Russia
could render at this juncture•than '
to engage the massive ,land armies
of Hitler with all, her resources,.
and to continue to inflict- the
heavy. blows site is now dealing..
It is true, she has in equipped
• and' self -dependent 'army' in Far
Eastern Siberia, find is capable oP
dealing with any attack that Ja-
pan might snake. But it is obvi-'•
ous that the ,opening of a• new
front.would be a distraction from
her s'upreine effort , in the went.
It is what Hitler. - would desire,
'and, therefore, obviously what we
'abo'uld net desire.
2-000,000' Aliens
''Working For Hitler
Fiitlor 'halI:. put Mole than •l• •
1Ii0,004 anvil men- hurl worm' into
German ewer .industries in a su-
`prelil'C .offort to (*ewe.* his en-
ormous IOM'S r11, Russia. sia, Nethrg-
an' cireles•stntc', • '
. "their fig'tlres'.tallied rriib a vier•
01x11 hl•ottd%•ast from Be ran gin -
flouncing that ' 2,1.10;000; .• ahrnr
and 1,500..00.0 "prisonrr• of \V 11'1'"
are working tinder Cwr.1 :u1 .•t••ic:a,
11er•lin'said •teeetl•ir.'a • of these
a,040,00Q teen aml a emelt w•c1 i•
engaged. in winner, ,tl, rteitt.;ri,11'
' and t.raneport.alien jogs,
"HiElrr has irnhaferer,l many
war factory everters to the army,„
these •Nortveginps ,;ti,l. "r� C..111111'g.
up 200,00:0 wore lirt mp rr,,zi,r n.
• and also •recalling viten u.110 l,:si
reached pension nge .
Supply of Rubber ,
On Alkali Deserts
On the alkali deserts of six.'
western states there are • 500,-
000,000 bounds .of natural rubber
--enough to supply the United
States for five months ready tor
immediate harvesting, Unive•s ity
of California scientists • irifor led
the government,
This rubber. although ncrt'quite
as good ars the prime, product from
the East Indies, is entirely satis-
fat•tory, the e parts reported.
Most important, they said, is that
it is already on hand and can be
collected ' and made into tires,
tubes and nthee -finished products
without nnelue. effort.
It exists in the rabbit brash, a
iarge perennial shrub which eov-
ors %est stretches of the- West's,
anent opei'r spaces. California,
Nevada and Colorado have most '
of it htit rhos• . •are large tracts
also in Ne'» Mexico, Utah, Idaho
:anti perhaps othr states. ,
A Weekly Column About This and That in The Canadian. Army
Last week the only reference. ..bier is permitted, to carry • a
made in this 'column to Army "swagger .stick" 'therefore be-
slang had a slight note of acidity. •' comes the 'modern equivalent of
This week as Ed. Wynn used to a square-pushinge,uniform.
say "The programme is going to With the aid • of , a, copy of
be different." Tor once the re- "Songs and slang of the British
aurrection of Army slang fron't_, soldier -1914-18:18"• =- which .•is
. the dim • mists df a peaceful past ,. the personal property Of 'a mem-
ties up very directly with a piece ber of the staff of the Historical
of- news full' of interest for the Section of . the Army in Ottawa, 1•
members of . the •Indiv'idual Citi- •have been able to locate .several
ten's Army and their army of •definitions of "square -pushing;"
relatiehs'and .{friends. 'The .term is, first•reeoraed in .the,
The term 'is, "Square=pushing" 188the as being, •euri•remt 'in garri-r
and the news the promised issue son artillery units and its `organ
of .a "walking out dress" to all isthought to be ' deriyed ..f ern ,the
Canadian "other ranks."' Per -
feet that soldiers were fre,uuently,
haps . I ' :should clarify "other . ' seen eseorting nursemaids as : they
ranks." This.term measle all sol-
pushed ,their perambulator's around.'
Biers :other than commissioned the "squares;" then a frequent
. officers. It saves paper; • which . -feature of town -planting. Later
is a commendable war time aeon- the tern:l sgn e -pushing,,. ac-
omy,' and it saves Veen, 'a wise ''cording to, the authority, was'.apJ
thing to de at any ,time. Were plied to a soldier going out in the'
this term not •available, it would evening "to court a particular 'girl
be necessary t speak of "officers, or perhaps to find one." In
warrant officers,' non -commission- 1914=18' this' piece of Army sung
ed officers and risen." So tli was revived, again to '.apply par
two -word substitution is ,an: aeon:• ticularly to boots and, since ,neem=
only. hers. of the Canadian Expedition-
ary •Force were •amongst the best
paid Alred soldrers;t-is- quite
'likely thatthey were the principal
purchasers'' of .civilian;'boots to,
weaar•vvith their unifo ns when off_
• arade and attending social ev-
ents, i.e.; "square -pushing..";'
'All' of this becomes Very apt
once again as the new issue of •
• "walking out dress" includes
_something unheard of ;prior to
• A.D. 1941 to use the Ordnance'
'term, "shoes . black, •low,, leather,•
pairs.'onei", ••
The r-elationshi between_. the .__
story of the new uniform and' -the "
slang terra • "Square -pushing" is
very close. In the piping times' of
•i -t ---here re-
---� rrt 4 • - a<
-•-and-� ail
- eace- I
those who never associate bag-
pipels with peace—the' soldieif was
issued with two :uniforms,. one in
Which to train and fight, and the
other, frequently variations- of '
scarlet . and -h'lue 'fir=—the ' dirk--
ark:-green ofrifle regiments, for walk-
ing out after the day's training
was :over. . This. "walking out"
uniforni in "barracks was known'
as The "square-pushing'-u5iifbrm,
and, although today's • young sol-
dier`is perhaps not faamiliar' with
"square -pushing 'rig", as a •collo-
quial definition the terria does not
apply , to '\him because . by the
middle of March he. 'will 'be: the '
proud possessor of—to re,,vert-•to
the piping times of peace •again-
what we used to call a."best suit." '
This new uniform; a picture of
which appeared in this paper two
or three weeks ago, consists of a
smartly cut jacket and slacks,
black low shoes of a lighter
weight than the issued `,'amrnuni-
5 Nazi oldiers T
f eat' 6 Britishers r.
There's not much anyone can •
do •with - the odds standing at 7.5
•to' six, so the. Britishers just sat
back and , siuoled.• ' Londoners .got
the story from a' New Zealand
soldier broadcasting to the British
During the . f ig'hting back and ,
forth. across the scorching. sands.
of Libya, • six "British • trucks fvith
• their. crews' were. returning.• to:
their column' "when •they ran.
• tfi :z, w . ,•ri :-bMkiss� : e peak ei "• : , ' e heeahl , =a:.[
tiv�• baa�s ., (�tlr .._ .... . r. . 'xn - '�°'"°...
d�I'esa, et+1�101Camsteandt^s,eti7(F a¢r'�rleh, aitiee•- %"i etta'+aCis" yeees 'tt rdye• t`il' ' . .' ;i
coat. , Irr "'general ':appearan'e>e, al- °- - .The Germans gulled to the' side
though it is cut of rthe .same' weight • of the .road and stopped, The
of serge •as' were our jackets in, British did fikewise.1 And because•
• the last war, it. -very elosely re- - 'there didn't seem to • be ,anything
serol•:res==•t re4auktet Lavern lry .off%. else_ to db a.1Fo1I all -lit, , up
cer., even to the brass -buckled ._ ,cigarettes. ' •
cloth belt. .The • breast pockets ; • ror a • few' seconds all '—was
have .the regulation Arrrhy pleat • quiet, theft the firing started and•
in them and there are patch poclt- the Britons ran the gauntlet pact
eta . in- the- sides,. This. uniform,.- ,: the German. truelts • and rejoined,
with,: which the "off parade" sol -,.their unit safely.
London Papers
Still Advertising
Every Advertistere.nt Direct
Testimony To Faith In The
London,, where food and cloth-
• ing are rationed and the shoppers
are "less than 20 minutes” • from
the enemy, .is, still carrying, on its
newspaper advertising.
• Lord & Thomas, New Yorle. ad-
vertising firm, recently issued a
•study .prepared by ' its London•
' branch en ' British business. and '
advertising in- the, third year •of
q•war, said
"Woven deep into theways 'ot
democracy . is advertising: :•A
' .bridge• Between the. freedom-, of
• •pepole to • buy :and ,_the freedo'rn •
• of peopl'e'to•sell. No Nazi "bomb,
ingehas been able to destroy that,
bridge • in :Britain.
"Every..advertisement. appearii'g
, there •today' is. a; flag of' defiance; •
is ,direct testimony to someone's'
• faith in •the future; is someone's
toast to' victory."
. • Papers Cut'- Down .
Since' the Nazi invasion of,
Scandinavia whence Britain ob-
tained the bulk of its paper pulp,
British' newspapers haye,-been 're-
duced to four-page issues and no
:"•`large posters'. are available..
. Because. of this the demand for
advertising space in, Britain' far
exceeds the• su'.pply,.but items ' ad
• • vertise.d•. there 'inciudc: Soap, ra-
dtos,:=•dog fasu;-:•:e•hed lato, -shoes
. tooth paste, .cider, vaseline, beer,
. fur coats, .-elothing. ..
• The B 'fish ,Government is the
'AVOW s gra AdvertiserRin, the
news.pape s b17 per cent'
of • all advertisements : published
and. even .on such aMajor news •
`announcetnent at' the 'cl'othes ea-
. tionineg order, ' .used paid adver- •
tising-space. • ' • • • • .
'Lord and Thomas,.said govern
nient advertising- has had this of-,
fact: —•
.." 7`11e_�_.. publis_..1,,is....--.rlevelhpingY
• • stronger than. ever : ,.habits. of .
,studyth4 :advertising .columns .for....
. instructions and advice . ' . of
utmost importance in their liven
The effect of this, 'on the future .
of advertising, is . incalculable." '
The .firat etanclueled • from its .
-.study preparedb. as the United
States plunged into, the 'war.. •
• "Drastic ..'changes in our', life
• and business are surely ahead 'of''
us. "Brit this', (study) will serve,
its purpose if •it shows one thing.
That' not 'ihar'•— • only. defeat .^
,destroys the ways. of , detr ocracy,'
the spirit, humor and, ei terprise
- e i.3. ''T^ i
illai:f :. heiveeetSi'S'heg,-. oO rd"'"ashle,
Thomas said, protects the adver-
`tisers' investment in trade names,
keeps ,contact, with th- 'hanging
habits of the. public a 'd the new
markets—growing—u—' in- t e -war,.:
.and "fulfills • its 'esponsibility of
maintaining th:. freedom of the
press by:non-gover•nmetit support"
besides upholding public, morale.
• • The: firm' said ane of the .
strongest •supports of • British .
morale has been the "stubborn"
resistance ,f— the 'retail' disrup-•
'. tions while "buying and selling
.keep. making the beat of it.". . •4- '
°. Since Jan. :1,. 1042, no .new
shupi, inay •open a .riew • retail'
business., Any. opened since Oct..
' 2S, 1 ;l4.1, had to be grauted a
. goveri inent. license after proving;
their services were heeded,
Norway Invasion
Costly To Germans,
lu the final reckoning it will be
revealed that Norway made a siz-
able , cont'f•ibtition to the Allied '
cause .in• the 'form of deaths and
danrages inflicted o.e the Gei•rnan •
' fighting forces when Germany in-..
vaded ,Norway and during the 62 .
days'of open warfal•e that' follow=:
ed. • The eonquesl •cost the Ger-
man's between 60 and 70 thousand
,.lives (some estimates run as high
aa' 1.00,000) ; it cast Germany one-
third of her navy,; ' it cost Ger-
inany• vast amounts of war mater-
• ials; it cost Germany •hetefirst de- -
feat en land when the city of Naze;
.vik was recaptured by Norwegian
' and British forces. Perhaps, tuost
- important of all, it cost• Germany
valuable time -62 days of •fight-
ing for what, was carefully plan-
ned as an "overnight job." •That•
delay was probelaay'• in pant re-
sponsible .for the pe tponenient of
'the invasion of England.
/// µ
"Nebody ever asks
—2 , ---' Fx'r<z,
me anything ) know."
RECY'LAR FELLERS—Chance of a Lifetime
THE 'WAR . WEEK — Commentary on ,Current . E'vents
United Nations Stand With Backs
To Wall In Far Eastern Battle
One bright Spot in a far..' from ''.'..States have •to disperse their. for- •
ebeerful, picture' of 'the Battle of ccs and materials aver the .face •
the Pacific is, the news that a: Un- of the earth. Americans are' fight-• .
ite,d States naval force has az rived ing •on the land, 'sea and•air in the
in NewZealand and that other. Far ••East;. ' An ' American expedi-
reinfo'rcements have landed sat eta- - tionary force ,has•landed in North
tion: ..a:lon - the e4 000= -il ...-r- :...:_erntl-i-el.and.. Atrierican-su Lies. are.... •.. .
s`. g m s cute I><ll
from • Pearl ' Harbour. This . is an going to Britain, ,Russia, •Africa and
important story. Tt means' that going
the liiddle:'.rast. : t
the supply line from Amerio'a'to its• Neither. power: Intends to let. '
ternninus .in Ne' Zealand. is •'o r l.ussia'•iiov n and hermit Hitler,to .
for reinforceneits :.ed -Jar the vital con e lack next stme.and nulli-
' weapons, of ar, • . fy" the Winter, • victory. which •the• .
In 'two'srnonths of ivar in "the.Far. . RusSiatis are `co:psol-idating: The
East the enemy,.,s•triking. with 'stir ' demands Iof -the Far East -and :Airs-
perior man.. zia.l'al and. air power;', .tra.2ia ..cannot be inert •at the• cost ,
has 'Pressed • the initial a:dvan'tage. of giving'' aid. and. comfort ,to IIirler •
of•surpiise•into far reaching gains. in that; fashion..
The lot of "the 'United -Nations has -Churchill's -Forecast • '
' 'Britain ale cannot' • relax fol•..a '
stand at .bay. in their. key,de.fens'e . iniauti in;- ,Milia, • •Things niq-
...:paSitioOI The -...ca -1 -1 -...haps gorie_retit••- menturily--a-re•--g3iitg—pecrly_•_.in.--'_._.—.:.,
from headquarters ;to hold at•,ell' Libye.....'S11oay.in•g....thea..• need,_.., for
costs for rei-n-fo.i•ee-n-ren-t-s are—melee wee etaerate-e-reinforcerrenets; De-'
way. feat, tr3he u''
_low ,long 'can 'they "hold that • . Canal'heraide v11:e ould :tilexpase 1"ielclq tlg.
.Fine?" The, allied. task' is' .cenepli, 'Iran and: fhe ('aucaGus to. Asis
• cited' by the extended lines, of,the attack. . ,
Japanese attacks,• stre•tcbing:'ov'er
nearly , 5,000 • miles• of "land : and States cannot weaken their
Water. They, -have opened .up' so strength .in the Atlanti•c.to'ti their
many danger .points that Allied • • their naval •forces in the •` 15acific
forces : are unable , to 'concentrate and Medi•terrenean. -1'greriCan sup-
for the.. proper defense of, any, one.,•plies • must, ,be kept flouring across
With',1agan's. shorter lines of com- the Atlantic at all costs and this . •
miunications,, the enens`v has. 'been reqheady n%ot:.The 'G•
able - to throw superior, 'forces mansuires already. hcoave'. cn;srriad• " theier-r• •
against every point attached` submarine warfar.e'to•;these.'shores •.
-' _. '' , y t, ..• ;S*. .._ ,.:. r ra 3 -;gr2r c .a w.,., -r ti a itw _,z.,,,..„7,7,
._ ..,..
......... .a�lirFWs.':. V.Y.b;CT.• ,..,_
n ireuc.}ns�r�;xn.cYo�"s�k'arr.�u•.. ;.,.
Tlie; strategy of i pin's va� t' ex, in •the 'spring.
pansionist programme is pow 'clear: 'No't, long ago' :tMr.. Churchill•warn-,
, For .years syst'ematic'planning. spy'- ed .that "Japanese naval soprani
ing and waiting ,have been ,part of - acy will last hong enough for Jalian
•:this-:. stu p endo rs. sch;enie £)Y'_coYLL _ ,...., __ - . agile = to ee ilii_ .=ane
. Lr .---to—�nilrc-t--rrrati) I ea- y p
quest. The little yellow Wren' have losses on 'the United 'mations and
charted every .channel .'acid, shoal their establishments in the Par'
from the Strait of • Malacca, to the' Fast," , and .added r•:'1 believe .we
reefs of Australia. and o»•iota the •shale presently 'regain naval coni -
mid Pacific. They have surveyed mand lin .the Pacific' old., begin. to
every'A11ied land defense gnd'knury esLali]isir effective superiority ' in
their weakne;sea. They h'arp manthe 'air. Later on—in 19.43—we
shev-hl--'be -Mole- to set- abeut --our-
task i.ti the Pacific in good style."
•been one of retreat until now they
- nett. on4' jungle- fir ails afld : potted •'.
suitable ground for air bases, Thus
the Japanese knew where to at-
tack and ho.w and. as in the cash
of Pearl Harbor, wizen, .
'With the fall ;of 'Singapore
nliuent, the Allies have been 'forced
to move ,their • Far Eastern :Mete
to Duteli Fast Indies bases. An
all-out desperate attempt must be'
made to hold Java and Sumatra.'
already, feeling the hard blows 01
the Japanese hordes. They are
key 'points in the defensive system
of. the United IN:.tions. forming a
. temente between -Inc Indian (acerin
• and life China Sea. '
Burma is'•in grave -danger.. Tho
•Burma Road, the vital life line of
empeltes from the United •':shops'
• arsenal to China is . threatened..
The loss of 13ertna .rt:)tild hr� a
deddiy Now to. t.China.
• Watching Hitler
Sbonia Singapore fall an() the
• Japanese become entrenched on
the East 'Indies and Java. they '
would be masters for the time
being o>'• the entire Southwest
Pacific with the exception of .Vts-
tralla. ' Austz'dlia Would then be..
come the Allied stt'bnghold and the
point from which the 'United Na-
tions would have to fight' the long
way back. The island continent
is preparing to. meet. 'the\growing
threat of a direct invasion,
Were Japan -alone to be dealt
with,' the job vhoiild be finished
tjuickll. Brut Britain and the United
• New. Command
. Vice -Admiral, C. E. L. Helfrich of
the Royal , etiier.lands Navy lfas
succeeded Admiral e Thpivas C.
Hart as commander' of the United
Nations. sea forces' in the East
fndies. Ill -health forced the Ameri-
can commander to • retire.
:is' considered that }telfr•ich,
in the defense' of his homeland,'
will follow .a•', policy of "no re-
treats", • cominensuate with ton -
set r in'K - his, forces. for the most .
.effective blows -against• the in.=
vaders.• •
The 'sea -areae over which the
invaders .must move to pi ess home
their .conquest are scalloped with
tiny hays anti, inlets from which
the presumably inferior.. defending
forces may dash ;out tg harry their
convoys and 'wage hit-and-run war
on their fighting units. ' ."
'Admiral lielfi ich ,was described
by an American naval spokesman
as a plaster in those ,tac:tics,
Frantdin D. Roosevelt was 1941.
Mari' of the Yeare but Adolf Hitler
remains the World's No. -1 poison--
ality ; . Your description of.
Churchill as: "wholly British and
half American" is aptly put, to say
the least. • If ever. any man {rated •'
the 'title of "Ian and -a -half ' it's
t British prince minister.
o' Letters ir1. Time Magazine.
lT3 ALL YOUR . FAULT, AtiCyl:c •
A f
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