HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-02-19, Page 2..mromPoorri;rrorOa
lige Woman Will
'Hoard Felt Hat
. Titalt:twiee, Madan, befere you
p with that old felt hat. ••ven.
• i1 to rue critieel eye le teelits pest
its best an et -of -date, it is still
anaset. and *ay well be
• phieeablee
The hest felt hat. is Made trbiont
•" • thee fur 9f'
tiejLn r*bbits. And while no doubt,
• ad Australians would bp'ertly to
• delighteil •to send their sertilest
population of rabbits to Canada,
unless they encourage the, little
• ereetnree to •swin* the war M the
Pacific is bound to •affeet shzp-
*en*•The same difficilitY AP -
40 Britisbr rabbits, Bt fug
. felt,is not the only , material out •
• if Make a 124. A Jewell
of ribbons clipped ever. one eyee
."1, skein or so of wool, a twist of .
silk scarf, or a demure :1 three -
cornered, peasant • handkerchief
ecan Make charming heti,- • 'and
efashien is served, ,
:This • year, at 'least a plentiful
.chOice of Easter bonnets is preen
Tieed, although straws such as lee -
horn, ibalibuntal and other
tia$..from-t-he far eaet are-faet-:
• disappearing fOr the duration.
• - The hat situation is not at eir
desperate- but the Wipe Woman,
'Who likes a felt for wintry wea
ther would be wise to have her
• old, .one refurbished.
et s conisder
Where War Stings
• •
-Any„ Canadian, says the. Mon-
treal', Star, • who is :inclined to
• gramble. it restrictions hnposed
upon his peteonal-Pleasure or corn-
` fort by the Federel Goverurnente
•.ningiii Chnie,War •with Ja..
Pail for four •years e People may
' have Wonderedhow they have
been • able tie resit ' the 'japanteei,
so, 'Iongeancleilow_ere:_taking the
, 77
•offetig06, A:;."Biiittsh
etor eggeritIY gave some of the res
"The Whiter here 'is bleak; '
' damp and chilly, but in.ritegovern.
went ,offices have they '-any fires
• . or heat, and 'only a few houses -
. • ' • • have fires No restaurant or slid')
••' , • has 'a telenhone,_ the Chinese.are
forbidden to travel. to any' Place:,:.
• • of amusement by car; there are he ••
night Chubs or -dabateteedaneing
• ,is banned and. even ,the famjliar
• rattle of-Mili,jorig tiles"; hi no long -
et heard, • ' - • • e.
•• '' "The people of China bear the
the slottileef .risinge 'cost of Iiving,e
' and go early to , bed. Most GoV-
'erniiient offices. start .between
seven e'clock and ...eight every
luirueiet are getting more expen-
•:I give.- Whiskey Coats £6 f, (aPpr•oxi-
mately $27) a, bottle, ,a good Pair
•• of shoese • £6.8s (about '$29) a
pound of coffee, 23 shillings
(aloinit 45) and a poutid of bute
• ter' about 18 shillings (about $4).
• The'Eltineie- stiff& no shortage a •
• 'food the cost is high but there •
• is' 'an • abundance Which would
• make the Nazis ' gape in amaze-
merit." '•' ••,
Kingand Queen • ,
• Wit Leave Palace
King, George, VI and • Queen.
ee Elizabeth vyill 'incere soon from
' 4 Buckiegharn Paliieee-horne' of the
• British Royal Family for more
than 1e0 "years, to a' modest Lon-
• don flat. - •
• ,, The move will mark radical de-
,. partute from cdurt etiquette, since
•• installation of the Royal Family
• in -:the- ornate: palace- lias-beereneee
• imuch a part- of Britisti Eitipiee
tradition as 'the •coronationIt pro•
.The King and Queen-, arebe-
, lieve,d to , have decided to trans-
• fer their living quarters for two
, reasons: The call into service 'of
• their household staff has left only.
& few .ateeedants to operate the •
• block -square, • threeestory palace,
and tim Xing and Queen have long
been known to prefer .less preten-
•-• tious miartere
,The queen .9nce remarked that
- neither she nor King George Was
"particularly palace -minded."
It ziffetherederstood thet for Puie
• ,• poses of state, the King and
•:-Queen would continue to be listed
,officially as residents of Buck,
ingham,• but WOulci live at the flat
• in London's ' feshignable West
End. The flat is' being built into
• the fourth floor of a new steel -
end -concrete office -building,
The announcement of •the ie-
• tended move caused little stir in
• war -dine Lenders, where in. peace
• it probably would have cased a
• water sestial upheaval'. - -
• Queen -Victoria moved into
Buckingham 105 year e ago, in the
• first month Of her reign, and the
, Hoye) Family had madeit its Len!
don quitters .hver sitrce,
. ,
•St. ThOreas' Hospital, London,
• teceived eight bomb -hits in nine
menthe Damage estimated • at
more than '21,000,000 was done,
• but not one patient was kill. t
' A. sextette of Canadian W,omen's Awriliery Air Force Members 'stationed in Torontp lend theft,
• chairnsto a Y.M.C.A. Tea. Car.' The vehicle is one of twO.• Tea Cars being sent to the :Piteific, Coast.a1.
the request of Major General R. 0. Alexander, D.S.O. It will be delivered without the girls. From
left tq right they 'are: Edna: LongwaleKenora, Ontario, Dorothy MacDonalde Port Arthur e Jean An. •
dereon,. :Winnipeg; Edith Godfrey, Tndian -Heade -Slielinthewan; --Anna - Allen, Winiripeeer teen
Winnipeg. • . • e•
• CHAPTER 43 •
• Jim's Secret, •
That Jini'g Mexican vaquero
shadow •and- his companion had
eel- 'closer until 'the past few
moments seemed to Silcott, a re..
sonable guess. The- man. with'
the Mexican' was Pete Yeager.
"Yoe're leeking some peaked,
.----lionrer,"7-Silcott-saidie"-"You -want- -
. •to' renienibee yearn an old nian
and •eut out cavorting at so many
•dances." , •
• "I don't go to dance" pro.-
• teeted Caldwell, feigning incligna-
• tiOn. "And I'm not .so elpggoned •
• Old if I wanted togo." He added,`.
sharply, "You're the one that
•Rieke peaked. done heard how
•Yeti was shot •up couple of weeks
"By amateurs," Jim. explained,
• and pretended to catch sight of
• the fat little colpuneher for the
eefirre ...time., "Why hellole Pete!. 1
Teel --aeteipettliagenbestyoeee.e
tion an angel' and- you hear- the. -
rustle of his Wings. How are
• cases?" '
The baldheaded mane rettirted
• eprerepely,-- to-drepe
that melon about me being an
"Amateurs are all right in their
place, Pete," Jim told him sodth-
• ingly. "Maybe ' you'll do better
• after a while. ,TheY say practice
• makes perfect.", • .'
-Yeager enorted.—"Hrnp t One
• of these sxhart galoots who knows
it all." .
• "Sometimes 1 thiek you don't
like Me, Pete., I got to be aloe!.
- j9g,..__...!up9y at Lieutenant
' Win-
dom's • hou-se. Can't keep ' ' •
• friendis waiting:" Silcott turned
• to the Mexican vaquero. "Let's
be going, young fellow, if you're'
• •trailing rae. • See you later, Pete.
Don't take any wooden nutmegs.".
•Two Rideris Appear
Calumet is priced sur-
prisingly low, probably
less than the baking •
powder you are now
• 2.
LESS 'c'Galurnee double'.
• act,"n means double
leayenink.during mix,
ineiand to the •Oven-
• perticitting you to use •
Calumet's ,continuoas
leavening means finer,
better textured results
for all your baking.
rou siwe
ALL 30:AV5
is •
• ,-,',0"4•44,..
• ; • 4 • 0
• He ,sauntered down the street,
• leaving Yeager fuming behind
Before he had gone fifty yards
a' voice hailed him. • "you dog-
eoned _old buzzard head!" •
• Two riders we* coming up the
•Jetieete '.4:tne was Rufe ielks,. the
•'seating -fermi the ,
•"What are you doing• here?"
Silcott asked in. astoeisliment.
• "Why, can't a couple of cow -
the owner of the Lotighore. corral
• asked. hilariously. .. •
• "They can but they dide't;"
Jim said. "Still it, Rufe."
.Jelks grinned. "We heard the
Hat T had Moved headquarters to
Sante Fe, so Pesky and I drifted
• along to gee if we couldn't get a'
• job." •
• "You Might, at that, before 'we
are through," Jim admitted. "Rest,
your saddles, boys, and come into
the Green Light with me for a
• povirwow."
The walked into the saloon
and todk a small Able. Each
ordered what he wanted. Their
heads close • together,' they talked
almost in murinurs. 'Jiin told
them the most recent develop-
"Ilmp !" grunted Jelks. "Thought
something was doing when the
'Hat, T hands •collected Jess Lam-
prey and lit out with him.. Know-
• ing you were here, we figured
Santa Fe would be the centre of
the* storm. So we hightailed it to
• the city."
Silcott rose: "I'm due at Lieut-
enant Windoin's for supper. Miss
Eliot is staying' there. Later in
• the evening' Pll • meet yeti at • the
hotel. Adios, boys." • -
Keneeedy spoke for the first, and
last time during the conference.
• "Don't let them knock eore block
Off, Red," he said,
"Not if I can help it. Be back
about ten."
Stratton Siirprised
Jult as' Stratton closed his desk
arid roe " to go home two men
• walked into the office. His heart:
lost a beat, for both his visitors
'were masked and one of them had
a .44 in his. hand.
The lawyer's right hand flut.
tered down toward a drawer still
open but stopped abruptly on the
• way. The man behind the revolver
had said curtly, "don't, D. L."
' He was a big heavy man with
long arm. and thiek- rourided
thoulderee His resembjance to an
ape was enhanced by the growth
of hair that matted his throat and
• the backs of his hands. •
"'What does this, menean?" the
lawyer stammered.
The big man padded across the
floor and pushed home the 'bolt
Of the back door. His companion -
'turned the big key in the front
door and pulled down' the window
blind. • ,
"So we can he comfcirtable ‘and,
not be interrupted," he. explained.
Frightened though he was,
Stratton noted, that his height
Was below the avetitge and that
• e
A. • ,
A Sparkli of4dli7
Gives: Life to Salad
There •is no salad more
• ing thari a jellied Incited. It -hai
all the advantages of attractive
feral, oppertuntties fee arrangement and infinite variety.
Alnrnd Salad*
Cup ViPegir
N. cup sager
2 tablespoons gelatitag
1 euP Pineapple [juice A.
% cup sweet cucumber pickles
% cup almonds ••
cup crushed pineapple '
If vinegar is strong dilute with
• Part Water (lemon *juice may, be
used)... Cook vinegar and sugar
together until it repins a thread.
•Seek gelatine. in *-pineapple juice
• and dissolve in 'the. hot- syrup,
Grind, cucumber .pickle through
• the. chopper. Blanch and split
almonds and add pineapidee Cone
bine mixtuees., mould and serve
cold on lettuce with mayonnaise,
•• Cranberry Salad *
Cook cranberries with just
• enough water. 'to %cover. • Add %
eup sugar to one Cue cranberries.
Have aelatine soaked- — .1'
envelope to a pint of juice — and
• stir in the usual way. Some pre -
was .of plum build. Where the • fee': to strain the cranberries but
mask -did not .bide .his..fice itwas.
coror. • •'. •
• . -
"If 'it's money .you want--"
ey'e protest • "Can the 'chatter,
DX; arid do as you're told ••Yoti•f.
that letter." letter." • • ' •
As the man shilffled . forward;
the revolver in his hand looked
'es• larg,e as ..a small ••cannon to
'• Stratton. From the hairy' wrist
-.quirt' -hung.' The- Muscles 'of. th
'Tlaw.yePF-ii-onu—taTiollapsed. 'He,
••remembered 'what Silcott -had told.
him of the forernan'e Apache ten,
• denctes. But he ,truide an. attempt
to. push back the panic sweeping
, '•
Stratton... Threatened",_...
• "liV-what, letter?". he Asked:, '• •
•'-`3-Den't„' play, horse : with - Me?" • .
the 'hairy ape said. He stood with•.
. his.... feet .-weli -apart,, tics' head
thrust 'forweed., "If 'I. once start
I'll rip the •white flesh from yore
bones ' with. this quirt." •• . • •'
- Stratton -"gave 'up....'`q haven't'
the .Gandare letteris if thee's, what '
you Mean;" ' he anatvered...• . -
• "Open .that . safe:" ' ' •.' • -'
• . The attorney opened it. . The '
fat map. went 'through the ',papers.
• itisideo seateeking.. thern. en;
- lie•ridiedzthe,•'.desk;;•,... ; •• ' •
• it's.. here and you're. lying
to U.s, I'll skin you alive," the • big
•' man promised' vicioesly, . • •
' • - .
' "1-• haverete get, thee: leeter_____.
: ..- "We. kno' better, Red -Sireetf
left it here." . , .. ' ', , •
ti.fule.'is`riiH.t.:e,. tgt,.!o.s.'aookyioti3:we a.gyoiner:ating.e.t ,.fTuhnis_
, that.", , . • '
. quick too. •• Or 'you'll taste . the
nywith me, eh?" .
black and his eyeglisse, - '• . ••:
toweeirig over . him cursed ' the '
• afternoon." ' • . ' -• • '
' the - guy before' vire 'get' -What' we
, Sinewy 'firigere• -dosed on' •the
chair. 'The 'lawyer Coughed. arid
.fat man warned. "You'll strangle .
'"Hey, Jude 'cue that out!". the
phoking man. - angrily. . "Damn
enough togasil Mit a word,Or two. •
sputtered. •• Slimly he recOv'ered
caught Stration"den . the' threat.
want." •
' "qoitte, plegn :Alien."' The man
• "Den't! . , P. -please . don't ' do'
• The face of the leiyeey gr vai •
4. hairy hand ' reached out ;and
Prentiss flung his victim into'a
. .
. . ..
Stratton Gael; Home . ' ..:.
• • Again the plump man eater-•.
pos.ede•••••--4'W-e-'-dortiewant-to-ereise -;
a' row .here, Jud," he warned his
companion. • "I •don't reckon thee
• bird has •got, the letter."
"He knows where it is. Open '
yore .trap,. fele:ewe Where's' that
Jotter?" • _ • • -
- "S-silcott took it." '
• "What did he say he was going
to do with lt?". ••
• "He wouldn't tell me. Said. if
I didn't know, i couldn't te.11."
. . "You're lying. to u:s." •
,."It's the truth. He said if you
asked for it to refer. you to him.
1' would give you the letter if I
. had it." • • . . .
... "He's speaking truth, Jud. e No
use jouncing hini around ( any
more. ' Let's • get out of here," •
Prentiss' •snarled as. he •tuen'ed.
.on .Stratton; "Clamp yore 'mouth,
fellow, if you know 'what's good
• for yon." I . ese • ''
• The kat T men clumped out of
the. office, . • • ' '•
. , Without waiting. to gather Up
' thescattered documents •oil. the -
floor the attorney locked up and
went hotne. . He was weak and :.
sick, and his throat . ached . from
the pressure of jud's iron fingers.
His wife put- him to bed and sent
for a detter. ' • . . .' - . .
"We've got to get •a warning to
Silcott," he told his wife. , '
She was a Competent motherly
'' Women. '"Don't leery, deer... I'll
'take care of that. Pen, going to ..
see Russell Mosely.. •
He was 'alarmed at, the anger
.in ••her 'oyes. "You musth't say
anything that will annoy ' him,
a richeelelly results if the bere
1 ries are not strained: •
•• Place round:flat moulds of
eranh eery ejelly± eneeecriaereelikeeee
•• of lettuce. Spread a layer of
• firmly chopped celery -over each
eeSpread• Wad_ AresSing
over the top and sprinkle thickly
• with salted almonds which have ,
been 'chopped,or cut into smell
pieces. This is a delicious and
highly attractive salad accornpan-
iment to. the -m• eot--coo-rse..- •
a. Reet-tfie-try Salad'
2 tablespoons g eiatiae
cup cold water k
•• Boiling water
• 14 cup celery (eut fine)
2,eoranges• _
e_f_44..,Ibuep sugar canreci erierrieS: (pitted)
pecan nuts
• Soften gelatine in cold watet
and dissolve in a little boiling
water. Add the other ingredi-
ents except nuts. Add boiling
• Water to make one quart tiquid.
Cool in individual moulds and
serve on crisp lettuce leaves 'With
. •
'•mayoriliaigo:aenish with tiecan •
. Serves six... •. ••
, . •
Fruit „and Ginger -'Salad • • •
2 -• tablespoons gelatine. • ' '
1 .. :cup hot water ' • ••ee •.•
- :itintseisegereistimee-';'e•"..eef
-Z •
.tablespoons sugar-, • .'
- q teaspoon salt •.'
• - •
- tablespoons Canton. ginger
• (chopped): •
water...and dissolve .jn boiling
later. Add ginger ale, lemOn
• juice, edger... and ,salt. When
• partly stiffened • stir in the :•chop::'
ped ginger. Mould' individually ,or
aTs a whole; Serve -.with a 'cream.
dressing. Served . with salted or.
.cheese' Wafers, -tbe- salad has an
. extra zest.. .
• letters from Interested readers. She
is - pleased to receive suggestions
. on 'topics -for her -column. and
even ready to listen ha your, 4•pel
,peereis.”. Requests for reaper; 0.! •
• special menus are In order. Address
• your letters .to "Miss- Sadie If.. Chum,: .
hers, 73 West Adelaide Street, To-
, roritto." 'Send' stamped •self-addiresked •
envelope If you wish, n reply,, -
• Canada's War Gift
To Mother Country
To Contribute War Supplies
Valued at $1,000,000,000
Canada is going • to supply
Metals, with: munitions of war,
raw materials, and foodstuffs to
the amount of a billion •dollars
'Without charge and without obli-
gatioti, Prime Minister W. L.
Mackenzie • King told the. House
of- Commons on • Jan. 27.
• Any ambiguity that may have .
existed in relation to Canada's
financial transactions with 'Brit-
' gin is thus effectively removed.
• The billion dollars, it is antic-
ipated, will cover Britain's per-
• chases in this country until early
in 1943.
• The new arrangement will not
indrease Canada's financial bur-
den, as Canada has alreedy agreed
tb supply the money for British
purchases of supplies. But it "will
• avoid the growth to huge and un-
• Manageable prdportions, ciT a war.
debt which might • breed Serieus
misunderstandings and bitterness
in the future." It will also defi-
nitely relieve Britain of any finan-
cier anxiety in Coiulection with
••Canadian supplies. Mr. Xing. ex- •
Financial assistance has been
• ' .
•!Jane," he told l her. "ylou don't
• know what hewould do." •
She nodded. "Ile will be reason-
-able, David, Pli promise that, and
• so 'shall , T." • Mrs. Stratton did
not explain what she meant by.
:Tape penned- a note ti JIM Sit-
cott and sent it to the Windom
house by a Chinese ,iervant whom
!she could trust.
(Corstineed Net Week)
Thousands of active businesis
and professional meni have
benefited from the habit of
breakfasting on Nabisco
Shredded Wheat, milk and
fresh fruit.
Nabisco Shredded Wheat is
100% whole wheat in a tasty
and easily-digetted• form, with
all the wheat germ and other •
natural focid elements retained: .
Eat Nabisco -,Shredded Wheat•
every day, and help keep 'ready ...
for service in the Nationalyit-
nen Rrograni. ' • • "
Niagara Falis, Canada
• extended to Britain for some time.,
• Brititin has peid for a large por-
tion of its purchases in•this coun- .
has benon deposit in London
and which cannot te used in
eld-anufacte A - eeandepro-
• ducers in. Canada have been paid '
• for these exports by the Domin-
ion Government in Canadian dol-
lars, and. to cover these peyinerits
the Government has raised money
•by • Mxes an loans.
• paid' -warns tribute to Canada fot ••.• _
110:ts,griteerraeiAr:us ered_itof £2000-0-0,- ._ ,
000 worth of munitioos and .food
• This gift is regarded with feel-
_sisiiittagtitss::d.oafetikberie, n_e_sitv_Ivparieciaotioteazi
„4 .••,. .
, .
Oh How To Behave
When Out , of Doors
Loan Plan Proposed
In the past the British Govern.,"
• merit has beeri paying for a por-
tion of its purchases by its experts
112.1it these are neces-
sarily diminishing. " Britain has
also sad Canadian Government
securities held in Britain. It.elgo'
has interest • and' dividends re-
• ceived from Canadia1 securities
Owned by Britain, .
These- revenue sources 'have
covered only part of Canada's
war exports. to the United' King-
dom and' the surplus -of sterling
in •British banks to Canadit's
• credit has been steedily growing.
' To -clarify the situation the
Dominion, GovernMent has •Made.
• the suggestio tcr the British
•Shiaulicr-be. Miteda-Noir,ii--lreal*KO;
.$799,q0a,9o0 in Canadian: hinds..
The loan will be without inter --
est during the war, and as' sop
as practicable after the war smite
-rat& of -Interest should 5e -ma11y—
' arranged. The Man will he redpc= '
edby any sales to persons out- -
side of . Britain of Canadian. se-
curities held in that country.
Prime Minister Winston Chur-
chill and the HOuse of Commons
The boy who hetes:. a .titn '.o-
nian t� Crosis a traffic . artery, '..the .•
• automobile driver who' waits for,
an ,eldelly pedestriati7 ,Who•. •• is
„ cauoi twee the.ChaAge of teal-
• 'fie' lights, the'-giriewho
• to pick. up- a parcel ...for a shopper
with •overloadedarnis,•-the
• who'.gives• quick indication of will-
ingness'to step aside so that an-
• other' man may. also haVe room On.. .
• the sidewalk. • • - .- • ,
The•driver. Who slows:down. so ••
that a commuter May pass safely
from the 'curly to the street -car he• ' •••
is trying to eaten,the teolley.car
conductor who goes to the trouble
to -re-open :,hia:..dOors for...a late-
comer, .• the, man-in=a-hurry who _
doesn't, want a newspaper but still •
,• L.•
' PopLeJike. these ..Make
think 'Confucius :did • not. speak • '
quite 'in vain -when advising us. all
'to: behave when out of ..dotirs••• as
-7-theTrei--,•-fre-nteining• • • - • • • •
,:•,nished guest:Christiati Science • • • • • ••
. Monitor.,••••
- •
• -
• ISSUE 87242 •
1 • 1 1
Latest foods to stage a partnership are Ali -Bran and Prunes:
Eaten as a breakfast dish, the.. -sweet jUicirless of the prunes boings
out the toasted -nut -like' taste of the' bran. But this Pair also corn -
bines beautifully in cooking.Typical' is the delicious, tempting •All -
Bran Prune .Upside Down Cake, made according ti the following
Prune Upside DoWn-Cabe
1 • . etile.ceoked prunes : • • 34. cup prune juice
V2 cup •lig-ht brown sugar . tablespoon lernon . juice.
2 -tablespoons butter • • 1'
r •, •
. .
2 eggs, separated • 1 . cup flou
1 cup sugar • 134 teaspoons baking powder
lk cup hot water
• 1 teaspoon vanilla 'extract ' • • , 34 eteuepspAoloin_Brallit
, 1 tablespoon melted shortening '1 Cup whipping crearn . •,
" Pit prunes and cut, hi half; arrange in buttered • cake pan;
sprinkle' with sugar and. juiees; dot with butter. •'. •
, • Beat egg yolks well; add sugar and continue beating. Add hot •
water sleWly... A,tid flavoring and melted shortening.;_tnix_well., ' *
' flour with .baking powder and Sidi ; .add to first mixture. Add All.•
'Bran. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into batter. Peerover
• prunes arid bake 'in a moderate even (3501°F.) abort 50 minutes.'
• Turn upside down on, /arge,. plate/ while hot. -Serve with whipped '
' creaimeid:
•8 2 x 4 -inch pieces (8 x 8 -inch pan).
. .
HIS. strrt,,l-isgrite nLti.N.tffeN• yl:
A. color' and • "1 -ler -4," "Mr." and
' • PATTERN 2•141
"Mrs."' monogram, in easy stiches, of course;, gives individuality to
your towels and pillow siips 1 ittc 'fli 214(,onicipis a.,transler ,.pattere.
• of 12 motils- averaging- 4 x- 7 foche-8; inafer:ais required .tr.itio.us.
.tf • stlechnedsr'i,iventy. c4nts in coins (stamps wailmit hc a-cc-pi(4d). for t his
pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Bonin 121, 73 -Ade:Alec
•West, Toronto. Write plain! t rum yonr• tine •an (I ad-
• dresA.3, •, - • • •
,t'4.`, •