The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-02-12, Page 5'THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 12th, 1942
L_ u Theatre
Two Shows ,• Saturday Night
Thursday, " Friday, Saturday
*, * 1'n * *.
Hold Rack the Dawn
Also "News"
Matinee Sat: t Af � e 3
Sa . t r noon 2.,,Q
,Monday, Tuesday; ;*etlnesday
Fe -t ar .118
. "'�
DOUBLE' .,. 1 .6 BILL' E' L'
'Henry Aldrich
for . President"
The Gay Falcotr.
•Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Febrnar '9`=20- _
Pat O131:ien .• , •
Constance Bennett in
Mon jr.q . Tuesdayq Wednesday
February 23, 24,.25 .
'Fred 'Astaire, Rita. Hayworth
'!Yu'lI iilevex, :Get. Rich".
. Mr. Melvin Morrison visited last
aweek-end with Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Master Wendell Alton is • visiting
this week. with, Mr. and Mrs. John
Blake of Dungannon.. .
ed.omMiss Florence MacDonald •return-
e -on Friday spendingafter.
a. week with Mr. and Mrs. • Wilfred
Hackett. • •
A , number from. this community
attended . the Orangemen's '.Social_
held at Zion, on Friday, evening,.
Mr. and . Mrs., Spence Irwin • vis-
ited last'Tuesday with Mr..and. Mrs..
Robertson, of Auburn who were cel-
ebrating their fiftieth wedding anni-
versary., • : • -
The annii'al Congregational -meet-
ing of Haeicett's church , was held
-January -28th in`:the:•chulcch - A ..good.
attendance ,was present and heard•
the . reports- from the. different de=
. uat•tm.ents, which were very' satisi.:A
Itabert A. McKenzie, formerly pf
Dungannon,. passed away at Wing-,
ham, on Wednesday night, February
4th. Death was due to a heart condi-
Hen. Mr. McKenzie. conducted: 'a
hardware store at Dungannon for
many years until the fire about five
years ago which threatened the en-
tire village.•,I a did not, rebuild hisbusines , but with his wife, the for-
mer Matilda Plunkett, retired to live
• at W inghani. He is survived by his.
widow. aid 'one son, Lorne, who op -
:rates a garage, in Dungannon; and
two daughters, Mrs. Otto Popp (Am-
ber), also 'of Dungannon and Airs..
A MacEachren (Pearl) of London,
Thefuneral took' place on Satur-
day, February 7th • at ; 2 o'clock ' at
Dungannon United church with. in-
ternent :in Dungannon .ceinetery:
The death occurred in Windsor
factory: The givings to the . M.. &. •M, ',if a ,Much loved 'former . resident of
were over the allocationand the -
minister's salary was paid in full.
The election. of officers 'followed af-
ter which .Rev." Howse closed the,
meeting With prayer. •
The , sad' .news.' reached 'here ' of
the death - of the late •.Ross Mac-
Kenzie .ot Glamis,. Mr. MacT' envie
Dungannon, in • the person . of, Mrs.
D. G. Biekle. Her death•.fo'llowed
illness of .some months .and an op-
eration. failed to relieve her. A. dau. •
ghter'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ham-
lin, she was born at Dungannon
72 years' ago: She was married to; Mr
Bickle about 45 'years ago 'and re
'sided at Dungannon •until about 36
years ago when they moved 'to Hain-
ilton,, where her husband -died about.
seven years ago. She is. survived by
was well' known around this corn- one • son,_ Edgar, and one grandson,
-mu ity ;l�ayrng - worked - and drove-' Sack -of-Wind -sot where- she= =had.
No. 1 mail route for the late 'John,,
Lizzie• and Susie Purvis many •years.
lt'dss was` a -•-man so'f--good--and kind.
nature who .'was willing to lend a
helpinghand in sickness and health.
Owing to the condition. of •the' roads
as number from this communitywere
unable • to attend : his funeral. But
the sympathy of' thewhole cceemun.-
Ity'goes out to his -'parents; brothers
and sisters.
Sympathy is expressed to Mrs:
Melvin Irwin, her two daughters
Doris and _Helen, also Mrs.' Irwin,
Sr„ ;and , the ., brothers:of the late:_
Melvin Irwin..
.'.1 e' A •.Lendthrift!
Mr. 'and • Mrs. Harvey-.A.ito. d
familyand Mrs: Victor rr n t
V c or E i of
,from West 'Wawanosh 'visited with
,Mr. and; Mrs. David Little and Miss'
.. Mary Alton • 'last. Friday.
been since her illness, Two. brothers,
Peter Hamlin, Kincardine; and' E._
Samlrri;; Toronto; st irreee:--A`"''tWiri
sister, Mrs. Samuet;:,Fentland, died
iii British Columbia three years ago,.
and another sister, also a .Mrs. Sam-
nel • Pentland, of Dungannon,pre
deceased her.. The funeral was held.
from the home of . her son; Edgar
Blare, Windsor; -last" Wednesday-af=
ternoon, with interment in Hamil-
ton)•Mrs. A. B. Pentland, a sister -in-'
law, of Dungannon,with her two
3Ons,_Frank and Wilfred, attended
the_, funeral,
The sudden death of .Richarfi•How,.
and Dowse' at his .'home . ie. Wash-
n an ington, Ont., on January 28th was.
AS H F-FELD Zeal . with regret layThis-nrany-
• ,are' glad to report that Mr.
Fred' Courtney returned home from
London.,and is feeling fine:
• 'Alias Grace .Courtney, R.N. of
Toronto AS-visi�tingAtrithr,.1ne take sio
A :r
.: �ii:k'l.'L�:G.w ::ice- N.Yv ..
Mr. Keith Johnston;=•'
at his
'Clinton spent ;the week=end
home: here,l'�
William Boak, R.C.A:F.'frotn• Win-
nipeg spent .a couple -of days with•
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson..
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston,
Sr., of Kintaii are spending a few
days with •Mr. and'Mi s. Wilfred
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 'Parrish and.
Anna Mae: Mr- and Mrs.,Lorne Far-
rish, Mr. John D. Farrish and Mrs ..
James Little attended the funeral of
Mr. and Mrs. James Salkeld in God-
erich last Wednesday. •
Mr. Mike Bowler is under' . the
doctor's care and'was taken td�God-
;erich' Hospital 'for treatment.
Held Shower for . Bride -Elect
Miss Madeline Johnston, bride -
elect, was the guest .of honor at' a
miscellaneous shower at the home
of Mrs. Robert ' Scott's on Thursday
evening, .when friends' and neigh-'
bors'•were"present to spend a pleas-
ant social evening and to shower.
Miss Johnston'with numerous lovely
gifts. All sang "For she's a. jolly good
fellow" . followed by contests and
games, after which lunch was served
•by 'the hostess. •
Mrs: Earl MacDonald received
Word `that her father,,Mr. Frank
Willis of port Albert . is in Goder-
ich Hospital, quite ill with pneu-
monia. •
Mr. and . Mrs. Cobert Nelson,te-
r' delved word that Jimmie; who is in
military training in Kitchener was
moved to Petawawa last week.
It seems as if it does mean some-
thing if the ':bear sees his shadow
'on. the 2nd 'of February.
The February meeting of the Kiri-
tail.branch of the Women's Institute
met at the home of Mrs, Ray- DO.
tamp ...
�O fIciG�r4fiib
5= 1 3''
eonrimoninity is- extended -ter Mr., anti
Mrs'. ,Thos. Sandy. and ,family on the
tragic' death of their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs., James
Salkeld. The Sandy family lived on
the 12th Concession before moving
to Goderich.`
Now that daylight saving time -
is general some schools have .chang-
ed the -school hours. from to 10 and
from 4 td 5i so the children who have
long. distances to go may ' find' it
more' convenient.
The main roads are'.open again
for motor traffic after the blizzard
of Saturday and Sunday.
We understand that each. appoint-
ment on .the Ashfield Circuit' suc
cessful congregational meetings were
held and encouraging reports. were
received from all branches of the
.church. A Motion of appreciation
• was.. extended to the pastor for his
' services during the year. The Mis=
sionary and Maintenance committee
reported an increase in givings over
last year.
The Y.P.U. held their meeting this
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Ritchie.
Sacramental ,service will be held
this Sunday at 11 p.m.
TWO TRUSTEES of the Clinton
Board of Education were unseated
some time ago for having business
dealings With the Eoard: They in.
turn unseated Mrs. LillianI� 1VIcKin-
non and C. G. Middleton' for their
legal expenses in the first 'action -
had .been paid for by the Board, The
latter two• appealed the decision to
'the Supreme Cour,t Of Ontario and
won the- appeal, 'entitling Mrs: Mc-
Kinnon to sit ,on the Board.. Mr.
Middleton's term had expired' in the
meantime. They also were awarded
costs of the original trial and the
The annual. meeting of the policy
holders of the West Wawanosh Mu-,
tual Fire Insurance ,Company was
held in the parish hall, Dt nganninn
Friday afternoon, with a • large
number of policy holders in atten-
dance. The president, George M.
Stuart, was in the chair' and con-
ducted the Meeting. Donald 'McLean
acted as secretary the min-
utes, which were.approved..- A. T.
McNay gave the auditors" report,
which showed the Company to be
in a strong position.financially. Cash
receipts were: $37,127.63; cash on
hand and in banks .December 1940
,-$15,355.84; 'total receipts, $52,483.-
47. Total 'disbursements: -$32,302.43
purchase of investments, $6,400.00;
cash on hand and in bank Decem-
her, 1941-$13,781.04. The Company's,
total assets are $82,505.25. Total lia-
bilities, $12,949.02. Increase ins sur-
plus in 1941-$9,735.87.' Total num
heir of policies in force December
1941 _ are 3,950 with ,a total risk of
$12.820,740.85. Total fire losses paid
in 1941-$25;991.77. •
Election of dirdretors followed, the
retiring. directors being Donald Mc-
Kay. Ripley, Wilfred' McCarthy,
Dungannon, R.R. 1, and Robert Dav-
idson. The• two first mentioned were
re-elected for a term' of three years:
R.pbrrt Davidson who had , been a,
director •continuously for 15 ,years,
refused to stand for re-election, and
Lorne Johnston was, elected for a
three-year term in his place. And -
hors, Bert Marsh and A.T. McNay,
•Benson Sowerby_ Goderich. was el-
ected as a director to complete the
term of his .father, the, late •George
After the cjose of the meeting the
board of directors met in the com-
pany's office and elected the follow'-
'ing officers: president, G. M. Stuart,
S't v. Helens, RA- 2, Lucknow; vice-
president, Wilfred McCarthy; treas-
u'r'er,' Thomas Stothers, Dungannon;
secretary, Mrs. G. C. Treleaven,
Dungannon. An expression of, ap-•
pi;eciatidn of • the services 'of Rob-
ert Davidson iii the last 15 yeai"s
w'as moved by D. McKay' and see-
onded by Ernest Ackert; and insert-
ed in the minutes, •
Alt ou •the deceased had
friends, h gh the
not been in good health for over two
years being subject ,to a heart con-
dition to which his expected depth
-is, attributed. , • '
• 'The late Mr. Dowse who was in:.
his 52nd year was born in . Culross
Township, Bruce County: Ile' ' was
tlt r :s e tt1 'e 1!ate�=14 '9_
.. }w�' ; :
�'1'ifY$:'.• Des'i°`�L-`.-i�a�s%!�ii1r Fat -Cir
Miss ...Oertrud'e St'ntt -'of-Teeswater
in 1918..He leaves to mourn lliis••ioss-
his wife and two children Garnet
and ' Margaret, both t home, also
. gar and'
Mrs. Alvin Orvis both'of Wingham..
Funeral -services were conducted
by, the Reif. Kyser Of : Washington
United church on • Saturday, January-
31:'Interment was made in Chester-
field Cemetery near Plattsville, On-
Mr. Dowse, we understand; was a'
former hardware merchant in, Luck -
now, being a member of the firm
of Bell and Dowse.
Published ,every Thursday morning
at Ltjcknow,, Ontario,
Publisher and Proprietor
War as 'waged by a. country like
Canada is a• -strange combination of
softheartedness, steely determination •
and a false • feeling of frustration.
• We read about ::and reflect en
Nazi atrocities. The Hung bomb old
ladies and little. children • out of
cities._ lett!' the, .highw_ay_s in '.Order
to choke; :the road and . impede. the
military movements of, their; enem=
res. Nazis and•:Japs seize• snnoce it
people as hostages and shoot them'
'down • when • their' .fell'ow country-
mesn' dare eto oppose Nazi' of pression,
These. inhuman .•acts sicken las.'
',dying peace, .we grow ' tender as•,
we realize that but for geographical
reasons, Canadian mothers and Can-
adian. children might be similar vic-
tims of • these bestial races.. Out of.
that..snftness.,.of _.heart.:ra;ses a._.great,
personal ' urge stamp out .these
tyrants -to, make 'thewhole. world
free . for decent human beings.
And then comes the moment when
some' in Canada .feel frustrated.
. That shouldn't be,.. Those of us left Canada -can .fling _aur do.L
lars•into the war effort with 'aa natiCif
vigor as Canadian sailors, soldiers
a ing t the battle .:at
.:and_. t: ..n....alzplY . o_
the front •And those dollars are as•
important as the operations .of„ the
military fore%s:..overseas. Every • dol-
lar subscribed ;to 'the Victory ,Loan
means another 'step 'forward,towards
the .end of brutal • tyranny. , •
ht with o dollars as tile'
_.kms- __ �-Y!.�.._.,.,.. _
Canadian,, boys. will. fight with- their
machine' guns. Don't hold back your
fire. : • •
The Prayer meeting for Revival
will ' be held, as usual this Friday
evening at 8 o'clock in the Bible
Institute room:" "How-to promote a
Revival" will be the subject iris-
,cussed as- suggested in the book of
Mr: Chas. Finney.. How these .meth-
ods have worked in modern days
through the• insti''umentality of Dr.
Goforth of,China will also be stress-
ed. All Christians interested are
urged to be'present.
The Women's. Missionary Society
of Ashfield Presbyterian church held
its first meeting of the year on Jan -
The Red Cross ladies met at `"tie
horse of Mrs. McLean on Tuesday
and -quilted two quilts. Matters, of
business were discussed. Donations
from severalfamilies to aid in Red
Cross work and to help buy supplies
for the boxes to be sent to our boys
oversea were received. 'The follow—
ing letter was read from, Gnr. Har
'old Smith A33130, pith Bty. R.C.A„
7th Arany Field Regiment, Canadian
Army Overseas;
Kiniough Red Cross Ladies:
•I received your most welcome
box, It really is a. treat 'over in this
country, where I have spent the
quietest Christmas I can remember.
We had just returned from the
ranges after being out a ' meek • and
for. ine:_A box
found the box waiting ,
doesn't.last'long in the army;. every_
d.. is pretty good share"
.1 wish to thank you all who had
any 'partin putting it up :and, ' do
wish all •the happiest. Neve Year. ,If
anyone would like niy address. and
write , to me I would deeply lapprec
fate it and will answer as we 'have
lots of time and this blackout nearly
gets rjiy, goI hope it won't• belong
until- we are
e.. all back in Good Old
• Canada.
Work 'Done For R. C•.
During the past year the ladies
have carried on week by week and
following the • financial statement
that appeared in last week's issue
is the list of work done: 11 % dozen
uze. handkerehiefsr 2 ozen_khaki:
handkerchiefs, 4 dozen; diapers., one,
,navy. sweater, . 2 :scarves, 2 heiinets,
-• -2� ' 8irs-mitts-••-2a• un���5--pr.•- saeks,-:
4. quilts,. 133/2 dozer '''" ' handker-
chiefs, 12 pairs se. ^7s, 3 pr.
mitts, ' 2 quilts, '8 • • :> ' night-
gowns, 2 slips, 2 .., `rier s night-
gowns, 2 jackets,. 2 ' , ets, 1 pair
�ur, 1 ocie
on x ul s t
Dun A c t a
nn Y
ga g
held its annual meeting in the parish
hall with. the president, W. A. Cul-
bert presiding. Reports of the year's
activities, 'showed the society to be
ie a healthy financial position with
Britain, is 'calling for eggs and
more eggs. It is hoped that this call
will penetrate into the homeof every
ttoultry keeper in Ontario, because
two-fifths of the poultry' population
aid an a is in . this province, says Dr. F. N..
all obligations p d balani-eMarcellus head of the 'Poultry De-
of over $200 in the. bank No fair
Pailment O.A.C. 'Guelph .' At the
present time :Ontario is supplying
almost '.half .of the eggs being. lex-
ported to Britain: This calls for, an
all' -out effort on the part of every
fair on •,October 1- .and 2,• The Dun- flock owner.* produce to the limit
ganrion association has ° een iii e' - of his 'or her • capacity, and ability. •
istence for 84. years. Eggs occupy a priority position in
James, Lyons was •appointed a del- the • shipin;ent of,, foods to , Brit
egate to the annual 'convention ;of, ain. This ;emphasizes- their relative
the .Ontario Association of Agricul=•,position with 'other' foods. This re-
Lural Societies, Toronto, on. February ' cognition. • of the "importance. of . eggs: .
12 and; 13: Some members will also' in' the •diet; .and the 'limited Supply..
^i,tcrid the dir'ct ' c.onve 'ntion in available -one to two eggs per per=
L• ondon.p . • 1 -3Q11 -1 -3Q11 -der'. month -is a challenge., to
`' ed were:. resident,. t'he,.industryin. Ontario to. help keep •
, OfficersElect
was held on the 'second day in 1941
owing to rain, but prizes for indoor
exhibits were met in full.
It was decided to hold the 1.942•
James Lyons'; first 'vice ..president.
Samuel Alton; 'second vice presid•ert;
John Brodie;• business director -and
secretary treasurer, Marvin Durgin;
Pritain's egg basket supplied.
, "Ontario has a hen population of
twelve million birds.'! Two dozen
more eggs per bird in '1942 than in
directors, William. Reed, Eldon Cul- 1941 would p Ovide half the .eggs
called for i co tracts arranged or
bert, Wilfred Drennan; Ross McPhee,., proposed. Let. its; . therefore,. aedept
Lorne Durnin, Geo•ge Alton, Thos. this, as the objective for 1942. More
Webster, W.J. S.tothers. And Clifford careful . feeding and management of
Crozier; associate directors, Walter Present flocks, and better care o'f
Dickason,. Allan Reed, Cecil John- the"etr2s that are produced will en-
ston, Gordon Lyons, Frank Merl-.,ahl.e ns to attain our objective",
wain and Gordon Stewart; associate states Dr.' Marcellus. •
lady directors, Mrs. Arthur Culbert -"Poultry 'producers in• Ontario
Mrs..Olive. Culbert; 'Mrs. J. J. Ryan, Have, a .real opportunity to serve
,lrs.. :. J.ame s_- .Shervoo d-and_ rs. R_; _ helin,-.g tow
ure up td'ourresponsibilities by -do -
Davidson hpnorary directors, Thos.
the job just a little' better this
Stothers; William' J. Watson,' Wm.
J:`Thorripsd#t; Albert Johlrstorr,�fE:
Errington, Jacob M. Reed and W. A. '
Culbert; auditors, .William A. Stew7.2THE • • BASIC • TRAINING centre •
art and Graham .Pinkney. • ' which was: 'orikinally scheduled' to
friends ` gathered in the' Township been in the Bennett Barracks, List
hall, Holyroo'd for the annual "At owel, has been transferred' to the °
bootees; 2 cans powder, 2 bars.. soap Home". A tasty supper was partaker Winter Far'Buildi=rg at 'Guelph: The
u est -cat qui],
3 sets pyjamas , -3, blo S qCanadian Fusiliers of -London, is -be
FY]a , of and -lamer .,a ' progiam oP garrres'
2. large 'quilts,,t1 baby's bonnet, 6 prs. and contests were enjoyed under_the Mg mobilized . for active service and
socks, '4 helmets, 2 scarves; ,1 pair direction' of Mrs. 'Charlie • Hodgins that regimentwill be'in ;barracks at
seaman's socks, 4 pair 2 -way mitts,
1 -.girls dress, '2 quilts (donated), 6
blouses, _ 1' Tiiightgovvn, -1- p'r.socks; .
2:scarfs, 1 pair mitts, 3 ilts (don-
ated ), 2 pairs :socks, , 3 pairs boys
socks, 1 pair mitts, 2 blouses,,' 1 Single
quilt, 1 crib quilt, .3 pairs pajamas,
1 grey blouse, 1 pair seaman socks,
1- turtle-tieEl-sweater,L-l--chil.d_'c hon _
uary 21st, at the home o rs, net; 1 pair boottees,, '7 pair socks,
Rose, with 25 present and Mrs. D.. \ ,
2' tw
R. 1VlacKenzie .presiding. Mrs.. D. A.
MacDonald read the .• Scripture les-
son with a stilendtd• „explanation of
the passage. Mrs. John Ross led in
prayer and the roil' call was ans-
wered with verses on prayer. A dis-
cussion ' followed , on our Mission
'rh9C tq Missi.s Chess . was,
•.�. .lea ... ..-___. _.
:P . -Ka�s yl� deat:etTd,"..= "x-
ftGxdl �'
"pili® _
Donald. to Centime aM; president. Mrs•
Colin' :MacGffegor, yrs, b, (� Mgc-
Kenzie, Mrs:. D. A. MacLean and
Mrs. Wilfred Farrish are . to' help
'supervise :the.,, supply �vorle in different
different districts. Mrs. 4ohn Mac-
Rae,treasurer, gave a full statement
of the ''1941 • finances showing we
had reached ' our, allocation and ex-
ceeded it. Miss Mary MacLean was
honored with a Life . Membership
certificate by the Auxiliary. • The
secretary gave a list of all life mem-
bers since the Society was formed
fifty years ago.
, Mrs. D. C. MacKenzie gave' an
appropriate paper on the. New Year.
Mrs. Emile. MacLennan read the
prayer used in . the Navy: Mrs. Wes-
ley Robb gave a poem "The Camel
kneels at break of day and at' even-
tide". Mrs. John MacRae led in pray--
er. Mrs._ N. MacKenzie took the topic
from the Study Book "In other ton-
gues" by Rev James Gale who made
a_ woncreiful contribution to the ev-
angelization of Korea: The meeting
closed with the mizpah benediction
and a social half hour enjoyed:
--Lend^;the- Utmost.-_.
• THE °EMPRESS• -OF' JAPAN 'has•.4G _..___ __
.".You have to have• More • thanpol- personal maids. She.leads a coo- •
ish to shine ,in this world. ' pulsory. sheltered life and is per-
• mitted, to discuss •and think 'of only.
six subjects: Her husband; the sung• .
music,. flowers, birds and pertain.':
always dress in wli to Sh..
or a
has 's
and. Mrs:: Raynard Ackert: Perry
I•iodgins acted as auctioneer andShe must
posed :of . some articles which ' had
been donated o t e ins i u e. Ar
2 pairs mens socks,. scarves, o t ' h t t t A t ,radio., She is tit permitted to, read,
quilts; 1 pair mens ••socks, 1. helmet:. ,
1, pair 2 -way mitts, 1 pair • who a ides were also. brought for the over- : any newspapers or magazines. She
mitts, 4 refugee socks, 4 nightgown, seas boxes. doesn't know there is a war going .
2 cribquilts,6" comforters, 1 'sweat Members . of the L.O.L. attended. pn. .
the annual: County meeting held at'
er; ' 1 pair socks. • : .Lucknow `'on Tuesday afternoon. I.
Sympathy is extended to the fam ' GREY. COUNTY COUNCIL is . op -
i13 _ of the late S from' hattended the Po g
.a. ,a9 }.e x
a3 cairre Liaaem " era o \ tet-''''
IVfrs. Levi nckenswii' er: aed-D6Ug °} ..:'
iiz'<e: open` season, aIthough.. others �,iew
Mr: and Mrs. Herman Carefoot las visited with friends here during 1 favorably .an open season if restrict -
•and Beverley were guests, of Mr: the 'week..: • - • 1 ed to -Grey County residents. only. ,
an A number,of hockey fans :attended , • . .
eveii'irrg� - -the `G -wen Sound -Wing -ham game- at
Ross MacKenzie o f Some
Last week's picture was that of
Canada's wartime, Tinioic Govern-
ment leader. The picture. caused
sortie ,wild speculation as "old tim-
rers" tried to associate the picture
with some Local , personage. , Others
gave' up, and still others guessed
eorreetly who 'the gentleman was.
• The picture 'was picked at ran -
don; from the -box of "old-timer"
cuts, and happened to be "a sti<ay'.
HART. Tough, peppery; 64 -year-old
Michigan -born Admiral Thomas• . C.
(Tommy) Hart, commander of the
IU. S. Asiatic fleet, is the subject of
.a series of timely, highly informa-
tive 'i'llustrated articles starting in
The Pictorial Reyiew with this Sun-
day's (February 15 )issue of The
Detroit Sunday Times! B'e sure ro
get ,The .Detroit Sunday Times this
week and every week. ,
CLARE DONNELLY, ex -reeve • of
Greenock Tso�vriship and son of Sen
ator and Mrs. Donnelly of Pinker-
ton, has received' his discharge from
the Air_Force,. because of being in-
capacitated by injuries received last
summer while on duty as. an Air
Force service p'ol`iceman.
ere sed to the holding of an open deer
R� t ,,,ox '
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the next session of the legislature
promises to pay some attention to
the question: of law. reform. It is
said that Canada has fallen almost
twenty-five years behind Great Bri-
tain in the revision of its laws. Re-
forms in the manlier of, serving
summonses and assessing costs may
be made and that hoary old relic,
the Court Crier,.may be relegated' to
oblivion: Attorney General Conant,
has expressed the belief that Grand
Juries could be well ,cut out. He
regards them as needless expense
to the province and not productive
of the protection to accused• persons
which has been ascribed to then;.
d Mrs. Bert McLean on Monday
JIM TDOMPSON of Wingham• who
-for some , time has been overseas -
with the R.C,Aa+., has been pro-
moted to the rank of Flying Officer.
Jim is•a'brother of Mrs. R. S. Heth-
erington. ' . '
' Ori Thursday evening members of 'Kincardine, on Monday evening in I' Some men . are, fired with' am- '
bition' others are.fired for 'lack o€
the H.W.I:,-with- their families. and. the. riew-arena... _ i ., , ..
Saving is now proclaimed a° National Need
if Carrada'is to carry on, full -out in this war. Upon
the shoulders of each one: of us .fulls some part of the
responsibility for helping to finance the war.
The.sooner you use your savings book more than your
cheque book - ' the better for you and for Canada.
Take your income seriously.' Put every dollar you can
into a savings account. ,
v'✓ /