HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-02-12, Page 4P&G* MR` . w wrixsoigass Westerrt Canada Special Bargain Excursion FROM , ALL `STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA' �..... .. •• •.�lilcf siva•. Going Daily.Feb. 21 - Mar. 7, 1942, u Return -limit-1-45 days • Tl<CKETS GO.QD IIti • . : lCass�es, Taeiris$ Sl .ars or in Standard°Si eping Cars iYn . Sleeping in p _ � C St $Pedal Reduced Rates for eachclass. , Cost :of accomodation id Sleeping Cars additional. NOTE: GOVERNMENT REVENUE,TAX EXTRA: Baggise cl%ecked• - Stopovers, at all • poI nts . enroute. SIMILAR EXCURSIONS' .FROM WESTERN. TO EASTERN CAN- ADA ;DURING ,SAME PERIOD Tickets, Sleeping ..Car Reservations and • all information from any trent . • • ASK -FOR HANDBILL T:2=27 X31 A , N• NATIONAL `HFIELD NOTES'. • report that Mrs- . A� We are :glad to po Mr. ' James neuter of Hamilton Sherwood who has spent the p st _ ..two months in bed is now .able - o. nt' the. week -end at his. Home s • �'sit up a short while each 'day d ham• is making • avorable progress —Via-to- -C-ordon-Ritchi �c�s called to j� -- 'W?c ards-ieecive1 � Or - the' ;home. of her• mM th , rs. o"Robleb of: Dungannon; 'who• is quite 'serious- ly ill at 'present: Mrs.. Ritchie ice- Just think of it! Ottawa has or- manned over the . week -end. .dered Daylight Saving, and without Mr& Anderson spent Mon- a plebiscite..Quebec must be- in fav-: day ,with her daughter,... Mrs. John our f t D ham Chronicle L igemoW mown, LVC1RNOWt mow MAFE:KU N Mr. Iierl. Curran, Mr. and "Mrs. T- b. Anderson visited on Wednes_ day •at Mr. Jim .Curran s of White- church. h e church. Miss Olive Blake • is spending some time with friends in t�.. Clinton., Mr.. Milton Kilpatrick shipped 14 head of. cattle on Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran,• .Mrs.' Thos. Anderson, Mrs. Harvey And erson, Mr. and Mrs..T. 'M, Anderson spent Friday evening at Mrs. Frank Johnsfon's of 'Lanes.. • ' Mr. and, Mrs. Percy Blundell of Goderieh spent the week -end: at the ?arental' home. Mr.. Harvey''Kilpatrick: of ''Gra.pd Bend spent the - week -end - at his A number. from this • .cemmuuity :attended the High School concert in Lucknow on`Friddy,„evening and: en- joyed a splendid program: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake andJim- mie spent Friday evening at Richard Kilpatrick's. ” ' , The Y.P.U..held, their meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick. Dor- een Tr vin read -the `topic: rev:. *Sr. Howse gave a talk. Howard Blake a reading. After the meeting closed all enjoyed 'a social hour..It was decided , to' -hold a -skating party in the arena; on• Wednesdaay-night:• WH;ITECHURCH Quite an eXeiternent was caused by the explosion of a coal oil Stove': in Mr, .Rhys I'ollock's kitchen about seven o'clock' in the evening. The flaming stove was_ thrown .but. The room had tin. siding on or the fixe would. have clone More damage and was got under control Mrs.' JohhnUntoul visited in Tor,- -onto a day lastweekwith relatives there. We are sorry'td report' Mr. John 'McMillan to be under the doctor's care, for the past- week. We hope to see ham out .roam. - ' Miss Haltom of Woodstock visited for a' week at t} e• •home of ; jr.. and MVlrs. Robert Mo vhray.. We are. terry to- report the death of Rev. 'Mr Penrose of- Exeter, a former . minister here, He . will• lie remembered i' by, nirany. Sympathy is extended to the family. • ' a , -Miss- Dorothy Falconer of- Wing- ham spent the •week -end with her cousine,Miss Jean Wellwood. , . • M.r- George.'Kei;3nedy. spent a: day in Toronto. ;last week attending a meeting there. • • i r Roy McGregor has 'gone • to °Niagara Falls to work there. o 1. — .ur•, AFTER A •LAPSE -of one ,year'•Clif- f ordv Agricultural . Society.. will _re- sume its,fall exhibition- in 1.942. '- THVRSUAX, F.EBRVARY 12th, 942. FOURTH CONCESSION 1W. Neil 1VicDonald frons the West formerly of, Langside is renewing old acquaintances in this burg. - Miss Maggie Ross, who has been quite ill, is' recovering. ' Miss Elizabeth McIver „spent the week -end ixi Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McConnell attended the funeral on Saturday of Mrs. McConnel's brother, Mr. Mc- Kenzie of Glamis. Mr. Jack McKinnon•• attended the. At Bome . of the Stratford . Normal . School. Put Your Dollars in Battle Dress. RAPID: ' CITY T.o"Mrs. Melvin Irwin and daugh- ters we extend 'sympathy in ' their sudden bereavement. - Quite a few `in iters vicinity have. been laid up with the cold: Mr. Jim McNeil has had pneumonia, also Al- lan McQuillan. We hope all Will soon be well. Eunice Reed+ has •been quite sick this last couple- of weeks: Miss Nix- on missed a' couple of days school lasV-week.. Mr, Allan. McConnell was home from St; Thomas for the week -end. Mr.. W. D Reed .was a visitor at his home here Sunday. a . • • II • 14. d • e� irit 0 aes TBDTK BACK to the . old days -- when Cirnada- •- was young. Think of the high courage, the indomitable will of those pioneer women. 'Within the stockade or in the open field, they toiled yes, fought -by the side of their men for the safeguarding of eve they held dear. • Inthe hearts of the women of Canada, this old spirit lflat ilos anew today,! Gone are the heavy muskets, - the log barricades --but the love .of freedom,• the' stubborn resolve to win through at all costs -- these things . remain unchanged, unchangeable ! Grimly.'. quenching theirtears, mothers say "God ' . bless you" to their fighting sons—everywhere young. women are • serving where duty calls -the women of Canada -ale bound together -in one common' cause, ' In thousands of Canadian homes, (women are revising their family budgets, planning new economies, mak- ing extra sacrifices -so that more and , more money will be available for the purchase of Victory Bonds. They 'know — these women of Canada-- that every dollar loaned 'now inearis more tanks --more guns -- more planes -more ship more of everything which . is neded to smash Bitlerism and bring, Peace to all the fpmily hearths of the world. ng • e WANTED --Mann for farm 'work. We . also have 'a young kShorthorn bull for sale, ten months -old, sired, by O.A.C. Ransom 22nd. Si B..Stothers, Arthur, .Ontario'. BARRED: ROCK and Hlt01tiP CRICKS—This is not a new hatch- ery, we have been in business for 12. years. A11 our breeders are blood tested and' males are from O.B.S. stock. The Hybridsare B. R. hens and New ' l:I'amp' shire • cockerels. We keep all our chicks .for' 4 days. You have no papers to •fuss. with and •a'.-1' chicks are 'feeding *hen' you get• therm We deliver chicks up` till May tst. John L Cuyler, R.'4, Kincar dike. Two miles west of : Silver' Lake. Phone Ripley '78-20 collect. CARD • OF .THANKS Mrs: IVIelvin. Irwin • and family wish' to acknowledge with ` heartfelt gratitude the . many—acts--of -kind=- nessand expressions of sympathy extended_ them in their recent be- reave7nerita, • -Auctioneef I,�censed . DONALD B. BLUE Amberley R. R. I, Kincardine, Ontario. 'Phone 3024, Ripley IN MEMORIAM . TWAMLI✓Y—In ;lovingmemory.... of. Violet Marion Twarilley, who`pass-; ed away February 13th, 1940. -"Thy will, -be --done' seems shard• to • say •. When one we -loved has passed a way. • Some day, perhaps, we'll understand.. 'When we meet again in that Better Sadly missed by Father, Mother and' Tom. 14 National War Finance Committee, Ottawa, Corrado A43 A DU LAGAN:NONE Mr. and. Mr's. Jack Richardson and children of Aylmer spent the week- end With Mrs. Annie Culbert and son Eldon:' BORN -To Mr. and Mrs: Ben Mole on February 5.th, a daughter. Con- gratulations. The Women's Association of . the United church .will meet this Fri- day afternoon in the basement . of the church. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Elizabeth Robb who was very ill ,last• week ,with: a heart condition. very o .,alerti e'= Fwmtting . s.:. . - - . ., Misses Helen, Mildred and Alma Anderson and Madeline Caesar, spent the, week -end in Stratford ,: Little- Wendell Alton, son - of Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton, Mafeking, has been visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John a • The W.M.S, of ited church met on Friday February fith: atthe. home of . Mrs. Melville Reed. The president led in the devotional per iod. Special prayers were offeied for Dr. R. B. McClure of West China' Mrs. John Blake • was in charge of the worship service, the theme of the meeting being the. Bible, our guide to Christian faith and conduct. Bible readings were given by four members and Mrs. Blake's reading `pias --"A cure for nervous prostra- tion". It was decided to .observe the World Day of Prayer Ion February 20th in the '• United Church at 2.30 p.m., A vocal •solo by Betty Rutledge' and a piano solo by , Donna Hodge were, much enjoyed. Mrs. Arthur Roach gave an interesting chapter of the study book. The meeting closed with the National anthem.. Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Abram Culbert were united in- marriage' near Holyrood in'Bruce• County on St. Valentine's day, February 14th, 1882, at the bride's parents' home; Mr. and Mrs. Richard . Congrari7i:' Louise Congram and Abram Culbert: of Dungannon were married by the minister, Rev. Henry Where, the baptist minister of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Culbert farmed for thirty •.years in Ashfield and about thirty years ago moved to •their present home south of the village. To theirs were born .three' children, Arthur, ,f larbara and Mel- ville. Barbara 'passed away some 34 years ago and Melville passed away three years ago. Mr. Thos,, Culbert of near Dungannonis a brother crf Mr. Culbert's. Mrs. Culbert' has three 'brothers living, Charles - and Will at Holyrood and Samuel of near Lucknow. Three other brothers, Isiah, Thomas and Arthur passed away 'since their 50th wedding an- niversary. One sister Ellen Congrain (Mrs. Watson Scott of Kinlough)' passed away many years ago. They have 5 grandchildren and 3 great-. grandchildren. Mr. Culbert is 84 years of age and Mrs. Culbert is 82 years of .age. Mr. Culbert's health is fairly good, and is able to go about looking after his work. Mrs, Cul,, bert's health is not so good. They are valued membe s of the United. Church and were regular attendants and interested in many branches of -the work, when health permitted. We wish. theist many more years to envoy. ' Tfie death occurred in Goderieh Haspital on Tuesday of F'r'ank. Willis of near Port Albert. He had been ill with pneurreoni;a' and a heart condi- tion. Mrs. Earl 1Viacbonald of Kin- tail is a daughter: • Boiler .fireman Wanted With Third or Fourth Clare. •• Certlfieate. Apply. to:. , Circle :Bar • Knitting Co. Ltd.. Kincardine Ontario.' F. . T. ARMSTRONG �l N LUCKNOW , • EACH WEDNESDAY • AFTERNOON riao`-to--6-o'clock • WM. 'SCHMID'S 'ST9RB' Fight lay Lending. -WE ARE PAYING ON FIVE YEAR aU_A R_A NT E ED_,;. TRUST CERTIkICATES ISSUED IN • ANY AMOrUN'T An ideal authorized investment For individuals, companies, cern.- , tory boards, executors' and athir trustees. • TMX STERLING I G TRUSTS . , CORPOsRATICN. '312- BAY -ST. TORONTO Enlist Your Dollars. ST. •HELENS The February, meeting of the St. Helens WoMen's .Institute was held in the• community hall With an at- tendance,•of• 30. ,Mrs.:-$aIl pre9ided andthe roll call was responded to by a Valentine verse. The complet- ed autograph quilt was. displayed bnd it was , decided to sell tickets in the community and to make the draw at a progressive euchre party on February 27. Letters of 'thanks >tor .boxes ,received for., Christmas were read from Alex Purves, Ed. Martin and Harold Humphrey, Mrs. Stanley Todd gave a very fine talk - on Peace Education:. "Thou , shalt love thy neighbor" we§ the title of an- article read -by IVIrs. W. A. Mil- ler and "My Son" of one by `Mrs. McKenzie Webb. A, musical. contest was followed by lunch with , Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. W.I. Miller as hostesses. .Service will' be held in the ited 'church next Sunday. at 12 a.m. The weekly meeting of the was held at the ;home of Mr. Earl Durnin en- Monday night with a large attendance 'and With Mrs. Dur- nin Phillips, Christian Recreation convener in charge, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. John Cann- eros and an interesting paper on "Life begins at 40" was given by Mrs. Phillips, It was decided to hold the meetings' at 8.30 and' the one next Monday night will be at Mc- Kenzie .Webb's. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice:favored With a duet. - Readings were given by 'Mrs.. Webb and Miss Tiffin. 'Mr. Ticelcontributed it solo. The. remainder of the evening was spent incontests arranged by Mrs. Phillips and M.S. Tem Todd after which lunch was served, ,Mrs. Andrew Gaunt is home atter' spending several weeks with her - mother, Mrs. ,Sherwood who has been, very ill. • •