HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-02-05, Page 8THE'lotioixow SE.N EG: Emm )W, ofiTARE0
WOMEN'S PRINTED TETTE; GOWNS 'Short sleeve* Sale $100
.. •.:e .a d'13111 k ' ....•.:.. 59c'
xt n ,,....
LADIES RAYON SLi�'S. .,; P va! Mid ,
This.. is'At, low price. indeed for - these slips. .
C $HEETING•,-S1. lnehts wider tine wear, g
t•. HJIryM J.T..#. 5...50
goal; y _
' W. MEN." o want 4INCiORAI: GLOVES" are truly'fortunate.
4 'Wh �,$1.75
i Here they ware for ., .,, ., r -
o 44 ....... $1.65
• ;well •made„Sizes.l4.:t,� . ,.,..., . ,..
VW..FACHED '' COTTON . suitable for pillow .oases. This cotton
is hard --to get; "was purchased before prices went up. 40 in-
ches. widen. ,
E4. . . _ - . excellent. ' and-towelling,,280
_.�E _ TERRF, �`.OWEti.I1�C� An h .
hive am in, colors: Airforce; and
AEON �& BA�DWINS: lree;•'h ve y ,
Or; 15c
A joint meeting of the, Publicity
the ._t
flee e
• the vice chairman of Fluron County
Second Victory Loan Organize
1: was held in ,the Town Hall, Clinton,
!last •Thursday: evening. M. Charles
•'Saunders of : •Goderich, chairman of
1 the Publicityy. Committee; presided
and delegates were welcomed by Mr.
I G. L. Parsons, County •chairman. In
Opening the meeting Mr. Saunders
' stated that . the war had to be won,
to do that money had to be ob=
.• tamed. • "The tremendous. expendi-
ture. necessary. cannot all be obtain-'
ed from taxation;• therefore this loar,
will' have to go over—or else", he
Said, indicating that • if those• -. able
�'tsubscribe did . net do so dibre
o su . , .
drastic' .means would have: to be,
found', for insuring their • support
'next time. . .. •
Arrangement's %-ere completed
Whereby a travelling, entertainment
unit of. twenty performers 'would ap-
pear in Wingham, Goderich.& Clin-
ton,. February ,19, -20 and : 21 to ad-
vertise• the: Victory Lean.- Receipts
and expenses are being pooled with,
those ' of ' other \centres where the Rended,-Fxat►eral - _
show 'appears m order that the great= '1
Mrs: Gordon, Mr. and Mrs: Tom
er receipts in the cities' may assist . Salkeld, Mrs. Wallace Miller and W.
in transporting' the players through- h Miller attended the double fun-
out`tlie province: . 'eral : of ' Mr. and 'Mrs. James . Sal -
It was--agreed-trial business places
__keld in-- Goderich on W.ednesday.•
in the County be asked to decorate Rector At Mitchell °
_ •' - -- - 'Loan- , I _ - - A
-one_paigdo for the Victory a I -ay. be ewe-krsome7 here -•that
Campaign. Arrangements were made.
for a pool of speakers' in the County • the . rector at Mitchell I is the Rev.
.. gford' ,who was rector of
to`"be availatr'le--oir-reclaest-for---iT-ic- -�--•�'�
St. P ter.'s, church, , Lucknow,; from
tory Loan meetings. •
1922• to 1925. '
Huron County `Objective for Gen-
eral Canvass has been increased to Morgan Henderson; and George'
Modernizing& Re tr'nf .
.radio of• any typeor make returned to' original'efficiency
test equipment
� Factory `1Vethod•:and by; use of Factory' type
modernized. to:equal . 1942 Radios'in tone,
Iden type,,aadx m-
geleCtivx r, art Ii1x31i i lt1 �s „" .
w rices on' B Batteries,.:Storage Batteries, Dry . A ' Bat-
oar ...
- (.ells and' C ' Batteries `Liberal allowance `on, your
ectrie, IGfarconx an`id`::Weestinghoituse-Radio Tabeerat-low.est iprtces:---
$@1800,000 from $1,300,0.00:' Consid-McMilla4n are in Kincardine at pros-
__ _.... ___IL '...�_ General
GE . R(LOCALand��
Mrs A` P. Stewart Is visiting in
' et b
orou h,
n' r.
.:t d g
aro o
end e
T n F
Cnrs. Johnny I)ahmer and 3; C.
Armstrong of Camp Borden spent
the week -end' here. • ,
Mrs Hugh Cunning was a week-
end visitor in •Wingham with Mr..
and Mrs. Horace Aitchison„ -
' Mr. Matt Sproul' is not enjoying
Leicknow Intermediates .and
no Juveniles proi ed theoppoSi-
tion for Kincardine teams- in their
w ice palace
alace las
t Friday
g, in a doublefeature that ave
the fans plenty of .'action and speed.
Lucknow's Bruce League entry
were on the short end of an 8 to 2
.score,,.butt that doesn't mean a thing
So ''far as the. comparative merits
good health and has been confined of the two teams are concerned.
to lied for ' more 'than a .month , The Juveniles were edged out 2
to 1 in the first .of ' the twin bill,
Miss• Beatrice :Culbert,-_Reg.N,. _has , -game all the'
recently been ,appointed to the -staff
but it was. anybody's g ... .
iroom, Hamilton way.
• . ,
of the operat .ng
General -Hospital. The. Intermediate Gable'
Hen. erson' left :for :Toronto. • The Bruce, j eag .ters tended'to use
d. t the bodies freely in a ragged, ,fast
on Saturday rim;orr�ng•' to• report a
i .,...'game ';and Charlie Webster handed
Depot as a new •recruit n
Manning . •
the' R.C;A.F. °„ Mrs.. Morgan Render- out a total of 17 penalties to keep
sori ” will complete Jim!S term as the game in hand. • Pewee Wilson
teacher in the public '.`school .ofdrew a misconduct penalty' for•eall-
grades 5 and 6. I.•ing the referee a few 'choice words;
The penalty • parade reached .Ifs,,
The Clansmen . are ;holding a Club peak in the. second period' when ° each
tonigng,.party: in the I;O.Q.F., Hall 'team_had-two-men• short, and Mab
tonight. Each Clansmen and his wife' ony for the Sepoys drew a delayed
have the privilege of inviting an- penalty. He.,; couldn't .. find 1/4seating
other .couple: room in;the penalty box and served
his time in the Lucknow box.
Kincardine was 'bolstered for this
encounter. Robinson playing .his first,
game of the season andtinned in a
neat job on defence with., Jess Bar-
ton and Bill Griffith. ' .
Star of the locals, was Fink- of
-s ch abil-
who s
Fort Albert . _ . _ ._ -raga-
inthat he was Shadowed . all night
in order to - keep . him from blinking
the light. .
Summary.: 1st pe •rind: Kincardine,
Robinson (Cotrill). Penalty, Grif-
2nd period: Kincardine, Robin-
son; Lucknow, Fink -Jones); Kin- . Bestg acne of the season is prom-
cardine, Barton (J: Graham, Wil-
sol 1 CottriIl.-Perialties-; `M. Graham; ;sed next Monday, when the Sepoys
The Bantam Line-up; Bill John-
Ston, oil Jiro Ferguson, B. John
gton, efenle; A. Chin, eenrtre; G.
Mullin, B. Allan, wings, K. Mc-
Lennan,. J, Agnew, Ht• :Culbert, F.
Ross, C. mailman, alternates.
• * *. * a�,
cnoio n • Juveniles and Bantams
tireren scheduled for a doubleheader
in the local . arena last night, but
we go to press before the games get
underway. .
eying the amount of money in the 'ent where they :are engaged `in
- e octroi 1 $�--u banks._;[ .1s:,possible for__Huron' Co. turning the second floor of the Ged,
to exceed this .objective by . a large 'frill Shoe Store into --apaitirient
s amount providing every .:person ac-•: 'dwellings. This part of the .building
cepts his share of the responsibility. was the former LO.O ,F.,, Hall:
The objective for, each canvassing Enjoys Sentinel
district is given below.Had 'a•:note last week from Cecil.
quotas for '.Canvassing Districts .
Mills Q ... i ig, stron of Humberstone, upon
at St art In the falrowing Fist the firstfig- Wim` B '
renewing his. Sentinel which he says
ure represents the.' 1941 •total sales, he enjoys very much each week_
and the second figure the 1942:quota Cecil is working for the Maple Leaf
Of each .municipality: - Milling ' Company at Port Colborne
hiireld- Twp $45;850, 56;200; an, is •b tar tjson-vvho-boar
47, 350 38 ; ' o - 1 and his wife, is employed
a850 39,200,• Goderich Robin ' Hood Milling Corn-
annus congregational
The t#deeting en '1Vionday evening in of Erskine .Presbyterian church, town, 333,900, 310.,900.; (J. Kinkead,. ?any at Humberstone.
was 'in charge of •the Mr-ssionary g chairman.). .
r gannon,;was held last week with - • Rou�d Purse Saturday
Co rut ee.- After' the dev , �ional C H: MacDonald,Wawanosh E Township,, $32,850,
m t.. .o the ' pastor,,'Rev.
tore less ,was read. p • iEncouragingwe're. 27 750• . Wingham, 159,450,' 144,850; A local resident had' cause for re
perios the. Scrap...:.. • p?l . .„ presiding. • reports > ,
st r:; The' Pro-, TurnberryT .; 41,850, 37,700;.. How juicing on. Saturday when he re_
by - Mrs W G Web � e, :. i� given by the 'various department p
sun. "included a ;'reading by Mrs. organization 'secretaries: They ick Twp., 150,550; 98,500; (H. C. Mc- covered his wallet containing $30
gr and
in ..hide.
' .., r: s , - , ,;.. gs , ray ' .. s.. .._,.. .• , I - +'Fi'�..-'^
• ,:,lti+TaeDtivald�. . ar.. u b� _ . • : ��<: • ' e , '• �ea�F�
1`tg�iri shy%t'hah'e•M�r �, ? ".
Office: Stewart. Planing.
500 C 1
*awanash ' W , with Cecil
P. S borne Twp., 44, , , G h the
11Taitb� �hrirch .Y. 1 m et- wit
* •* * * 11'
No :doubt. the fans were in for
a treat; for these Clinton lads are,
steeped 'in ' the hockey tradition 'of.
fto.h. e
that .town and:play a ':brand .. .
game that will long keep Clinton
In the hockey spotlight.
Local kids• are at lastdcoming in-
totheir own, .with both -a : bantam
and juvenile• team, this .season.
You can't • start 'em • too young
and if somebody would take the kids:
from 6 to 10 in hand, Lucknow, could
loolt forward: to the .ftiture.with as-
surance of a continual flow of young
hockey talent
•*. * * * *
The difficulty is to get efficient
tutors with the time to take all these
different; age classes in, tow..
* * * • • •
Kincardine's new arena was pack-
ed, with a near capacity crowd of
some 1500 persons on hand Monday
night - • to watch ' Owen Sound
Wingha 7-to-4defeate t was the-
' and
first.loss of the. season
sent Owen' Sound . into :a first :place.
tie with -them. •- Home and home
games have been decided upon to
determine the group leaders. prior
to ' starting the playoffs. ' •
•i • * • • • *
meet the Kincardine team' . here.
O,Mahany, . J Graham, Jones, Cook,
(2), Griffith, Fink, Wilson:.
'3rd' period: Kincardine, ,Barton'
(Cottrill, Savage), Wall; L' ucknow,
O'Mahany, . Fink;(Crandell),. • Kin-
cardine -J. Graham:.(.Robinson)'Cot-_
•trill. (Savage): Penalties, Barton, M:
Graham,. Wilson, Cottrill,. Wilson,
KINCARDINE: goal,' Riggin;,. de-
erase, Barton, Griffith.;' centre„ Wil-
son; wings, Wall and. J. Graham; al-
ternates; Savage, M. Graham, Cot-
trill, Robinson:',
LUCKNOW: goal, Patton;: defense,
Shane, . Cook; centre, O'Mahany;
wings,. Lambert, Fisher; alternates,
Fink, Jones, Crandall; Craig, Man-
Ltxurs- �Morii v 3akin'si'iccessel Dries Bay d , e i$ xFouirisiTty rr:;. fi4~,8di
txtstruinentai` by :Allan" Chapple. The .pone lk obligations met in' full, Twp., 66,500; 61,850; Brussels,: 61,900,
with .the::,openin of . e lances left on hand to . •4 50• Bl h 25 900, 24,750; (R.
topic . deal;and neat a 7„7. , yt + +
the mission in• China, vias, taken by :begin the work of 1942. Bowman; ehairirzan)
o reviewed•:the
._.: Mrsw Harold. A1h ,,w . _•,-....•. - .- , Elders- were• -electees as --follower..- . Tuekersan}th Tw ,., .$78,300, 52,506;
recentfboole.!zThe Keys of tlre�K b Themes Wiggins,.• S. H. Stothers, McKillop Twp, 42,050, .45, 0 ; u
Radcliffe Murray, . James 'Wilson;
Artlzur-S£ew`,`art, 'Allah"�tee`d, Wil
Liam Reid,' Albert Taylor; 'congre-
congre-gational secretary,. Albert .Taylor;
treasurer . Mrs, Frank Jones; church
H. Stothers;
Mrs. 5 to ,
sistant organist, Mrs. Allan Reed;
congregational missionary treasurer,
Tames Davidson; auditors, Radcliffe
Murray and Albert Taylor; • mem-
bers of ,session are: Donald Murray,
Robert Davidson; Richard McWhin-
ney, John Bennett and James Wil-
-son. • .
,The present membership is 82.
One death, teas reported during the
Year, that of Mrs. William Thomp-
dom" by Dr. Cronin.
iv. -A.: Meeting •
The Jar`ktary. meeting.of the. Y. W.'
A. of the, Presbyterian church, was
Stew -
held, at tlie. hemp of Mrs:P. .
art Mrs. J•sE Little was iii- the'chair
and. conducted the•opening' btcercises.
The .Bible -study was given by Miss
Marion MacDougall. and the . topic
Mrs ._Morgan Hendersen: Miss',
MacKenzie 'sang. a solo.. Rol-
lowed by, a reading by Miss Kath
erre MacDougall. - The current
:events on' - of r -,-mission work.. was
ver; by Mrs. G. Fisher.' After the
aging' of . hymn '752, Miss Pearl
Henderson closed''the meeting with
prayer. '
• Everting Auxiliary -
'The Jaauiary nieeting of the Even
•-•-Itig -Auxiliary of the United Church
was held at the home of Mrs. W. V.
Johnston: There .was a splendid at-
tendance. The-business'period .cover-
ed:: the: reports of last. year's • work
and some plans were made ' for the
coming. year. This was followed by
a short worship service. .
Miss Eva Greer gave, a reading
covering a'report by Dr. Bob Mc-
Clure of one of the'incidents,of hi
. work in China. A solo by Mrs. J.
W, Joynt was much appreciated.
The topic from our Study Book on
Chinese Missions was taken by Mrs.
, W. B. Anderson assisted by. Mrs.
• .Cann, Mrs. Newton and Mrs. J. C:
McNab. A piano duet by Mrs. Her-
, old .rutin and Miss Caroline'Al
was enjoyed by everyone. The meet-
ing Closed with- the repeating of the
aging To South Africa.
Miss . Wta .Dalkon, • Reg.N.,.. .who
graduated from St. Joseph'§ Hospi-
�al, London, in 1937, has been, called
lett Twp., 66,100, 45,400; Seafotth,
.187,1i50, -1.52,100;10‘.-G. Mullan chair-
man). .
$132,700, 115 650; Stanley
rw ° 51' 850 .46,000; Goderich Twp.,
Appointed By •?County
1V-fr. Haro 'd . llin.. has been notified
by County Clerk Forrester that he
Clinton, $ , las been named as -the County Coun-
p,, , , „ cit` appointee on the Lucknow High
- uracil n
62,100; 45,250; (J. C. Shearer, • chair-
The purse 'rias picksd..-up. , _
a ; 9;i x .wlx kz i =,1 Ju"te rer ist ..
i.. e. It
_ .
at. ' There -was little to choo
eve be-
however, put on
was late. thatthe tvvo` juvenile teams who,
fore' it was claimed with. Cecil re- aninteresting performance. Kincar-
ceiving a dollar ;from the owner for • ' d 1 th
Vis --honesty
Its a do-or-die effort. for the locals
who have -to make it 'two, straight'
clow to tie. Kincardine for a group
playoff. •
• * .• *..: r •
The Port. Albert -lads are 1 V hit-
ting their stride and the odds. 'are
on the Sepoys to turn the' trick. Mon-
day. t.
*• * • ;*
It. will .be hockey' at its best and.
indications point to a "sell out"
crowd.. ' . ' .. .
• LEMONS --Large & Juicy
"Hot lemonade will ;ease
that cold". Dozen • 35c
for 250
Tesarsh seedless 6
with chinaware.
'esu .er" breakfast
14 oz. Can. 2 cans,
Apple-. & Rasp. --Apple •&.
Straw. 4 Ib, tin ` 3c
4 bees
Chipso &. Oxydol , coupons re- -.
deemed' here.
Jams, 'creams,.xriallows: lb. 19e
Choice, Garden Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables on Hand:
Buy Sugar According
TO Rationing.Regulations ;--•
,25c. & "30a
food, .,.. 350
8a BEANS .
............... 15c•
1 -9/a -lb. per person per week
2—To possess. not More than
2 -weeks supply at'anny:_one . _
.._tmi e.
--_ ':rte=-.
3-=••Rationinng applies=to=wh ,
brown, icing and fruit
sugar.."_. .r
:. ' e Delx-ve�. .
..ii'ltozxe 82 �• � .,
Inducted' Last Thursday
• . Rev. Eugene Beech of Roseneath,
was inducted ` last Thursday even-
ing..as pastor of Ripley and, Olivet
Uni eci churches, Reil J. C;Nichol-
son, 'moderator 'of the charge while •
vacant, con i eted the. service: Rev.
J. W. Stewart of'Lucknow'addressed ; •
the congregation. •• '
ev: -and-lV,irs—Beech-:,anithree
children, took up residence in ripe -
ley last week :
Underwent Operation -
. Mrs. Rhoad,, wife, .of Rev Dr W:
minister f Ashfield and
Drop, In Temperature • . O. Rhoad, m F P
• Snowfall the 'end of. the week was.
1°1h:wireil by a cold wave oar Monday •t
Ripley 'Presbyterian 'churches - has -
undergone an operation ;in Toronto
Board, bounty Co
man) • me member to each of the High
Hensall and • Hay E., Zurich and School Boards, in the, County; and
Hay W., $138,700, 59,350, •49,950; Us- Mr. Allin; whale,' is a member of the
borne Twp.; 150,200, 130,700; Exeter, local board, :has been. appointed by
borne Twp., 70,100, •53,700; Exeter, Wouncil' for tht past three years.
71;450; (R: N. Creech, chairman). , ' • ,
MAJOR' .E: R. DIXON,. who went
overseas several weeks ago with a
contingent, of Canadian Artillery,
had the pleasure recently of meeting
Mr. George; Patterson, Canadian
Trades 4ommissioner in England'
with headquarters at Canada House
in London, _ands formerly Bruce Co.
agricultural representative with
headquarters at Walkerton.
Totals -x$2,100,200; $1,800,00.
Successful Dance
The local I�branch of The Legion
held a successful dance in the Town
-Hall on. Friday evening, with music
by MacKeiizie's orchestra. A regu-e
lar feature.of their dances is. the
lucky ticket draw for the ladies fo 0
three boxes of chocolate's. Winners
for nursing duty in South Africa' on,Friday night were Mary Caution
}or which she had volunteered. She.
s. the 'daughter of John C. Dalton
A Kingsbridge. For the past year
.he has.been .on''the staff of. Alex-
Indra Hospital, Goderich. In recent
lays she has been honored on sev-
:ral occasions when she was made
;he igient of' gifts and addresses
visiting. her safe. voyage. -
'Mr. C. E. McDonagh has •received
yard of the death of his cousin, Han-
.iii • McDonagh, wife of the late Ed-
ward Ferguson. which occurred at
her home at Peke River on De-
e-'e ber 36th.. Mrs. Ferguson was 78
Auxiliary Benediction. During the ; of age. -
>iix of lwa S a d ii&T of
. big match was followed t+3' ss�` t , �'ie P�,�'.,�: ���,-, aaaxl was
menta served by the Vis. r After her mar -
social half hour an interesting spell - i fl 7 _
of. Whitechurch, Evelyn Hal 'of Kin-
cardine and Agnes Austin of :Kings-
bridge. .
Ashfield F. of . A. Meets
The. annual meeting of. the Ash-
field Township j 'ederation+ of Agri-
culture was held in, the Township
Hall last week with a representa-
tive attendance. W. A. Culbert was
elected as chairman of the meeting
and Allan Reed as' secretary. Of-
ficers for the, year. were elected as
follows: president, *. A. Culbert;
Vice president, Allan Reed;' direct-
ors, Frank Hawkins and Melvin
Dickson; county director, W. A. Cul-
bert; voting delegates, George Lane
and Leslie Pentland;-auiiitors, Wil-
bur Brown and E G. Zinn; secret-
ary -treasurer, Leslie Pentland.
a r�� .n _ Leslie Pentland gave a report of
y xrsird rfa g th..ey p�- i the meeting at Clinton on June 5,
one to form - rd George Feagan gave. some' in-
Prejudice is a picaavr y� a : rr,a7��*^ Welt 5ga2ttiu a.t
x: r� t :-r t. i‘art *�,o...i se' gr, 'n'.A fr tion . on the working of the
enables � k ~ p'�tirsn of'Agriculture.
bothering to get the fa., itr,; 17 7� I y.. -
FOXES ARE so plentiful and des-
tructive this gear, particularly a-
mong chicken r flocks, that the De-
partment pf Gane and Fisheries has
extended the, open season until Mar.
' 15th, the pretrh us deadline. being
February 28th:,
and; below zero. zcdrblri S,lighto a Rhoa • ski i trO leitIvitb !
iron on Tuesday.•. Continued Mild' ailment°since shortly after •coming'
weather last week:saw main roads here, and which. was • not evident
- during a ten-year pastorate in Prince
di ,, drew first blood ate ' in a bare with the dust flying last Thur -s-- d g y itre, utile •
.. __ _ . .- - . gentleman put. it _Edward_Island; where go . rep
pening-stanza, oriel front there=>the_ -day, and-: as_ one• g m p . _ t _
lads turned on 'the heat, "worse than in the summertime", is unknown, we understand,
Kincardine made it 2-0 at the four .
Minute ' mark in the second period,
and shortly after the local lads bag-
ged one that was disallowed.
It was at 14 minutes in the third
period that Bill . Chin scoredon a
pass from Ronald McInnes, and' for
the next 6 minutes Lucknow swarm -
the Kincardine end but
• ed in on
couldn't. get the equalizer.
Here's a paragraph from the Kin-
cardine News: -
"While the interest centred main-
ly on the showing : of the Kincardine
lads it was a couple of Chinese Can-
adian :lads who took the spot light
and half pint sized Bill Chin was
one• of the most outstanding players
'n the ice. Chin showed real ability
as a stick handier and was a con-
tinual threat when on the ice." •
KINCARDINE: goal, Bell; defense
McGregor and Bird; , centre, .Link -
later; -wings, McConnell and Mor-
rison; alternates, . Hall, Jacobs;
Henry, Curran and Riggin.
L' IJCKNOW: goal, B. Johnston;: de-`
fe»se, Hall and Mowbray,; centre, A.
Chin; wings, B. Chin and Stewart;
alternates, Ferguson, Jo'hnston,'Hav-
, ns, McInnis and Purvis.
. Referee: Mel Riggin.
Clinton Too Gond
• The Lucknow Juveniles and Ban-
tams journed to Clinton last '' Wed-
nesday night for a double header
to open • this group of the. Ontario,
Minor Hockey League.
The results were not unexpected.
TEESWATER OAIR enjoyed its best The juveniles lost 10-0 to the Clin:-
year in 1941. Gate receipts were ton • lads, the .remnants of a team.
$2,812.95 with total receipts of $8,211. that won the Ontario-ehanrlrionship
Prize moh r paid out amounted to, last year. •
$1,887.50, while donations to pat- Bantams Make It Close
riotic organizations were $1,100. Re -In the Bantam encounter the story
arrangement of the horse ring' and
increased grandstarrl” seating 'cap- was different, and the locals made
acity were matters discussed" at 'the the Clinton lads hustle to eke out
annual • meeting. • , a 3-0 • win.
REV. J. D. WILKIE, popular pastor
of Teeswater and Belmore • Presby-
terian churches for the past five
years .. and talpen over the duties
of his new charge at Elora: Rev
Wilkie was a-ibissionary in the. ,Or-
ient prior to coming to Teeswater.
P i
as Government Control Board, are all for the benefit o the consumer.
b the f�ort+�`
adjusted _ • , � •
lists . all order now .,
-, •
We �`'e have our new • .
F THERE ever was a year to start good chicks early, 1942 is
A it! Starting good' chicks good and early is good policy in any ,
• year. This year 'it's better policy than ever.
Eggs have become a munition of war... These huge British
orders at known -in -advance prices, plus the Government sub-
sidy of 3 cents per dozen on Grade A -Large for export, .have
fixed a floor Under egg prices, away • above last year's levels.
And .-....11.... ..,,,,..t .s .,,. strong •de -
If you havie the brood-
• er accommodation; you
can make yourself
'some useful extra in-
come, fast, by putting
in ` some . fast-growing
Bray cockerel •chicks.
Cheek up on broiler
prices. Do a little fig-
uring. Then ask `about
Bray cockerel' prices. -
Co figure on Bray Chicks early,
this season .. just as early as you .
can get things ready for them. Don't
overload or overcrowd • just Make ,
full use of -what you have. Fill up
with Bray Chicks to. the limit of
your poultry :equipment, but not
beyond it. • •
We people who watch the Bray
organization working 'from the in-
side have all sorts of confidence in
Bray Chicks, because we have seen
the care and work and skill -that go •
into themAnd -a;gifod many othero
people agree with tis, because -they--
've seen how- Bray Chicks w • mit
for •thein: Maybe you' : ` : ` ,.w , o.
• - If you haven't .already xeceivec_.your BrOy.catalogne, irs ...
yours for the asking. If you have received it, be sure to read it
carefully ' there's a lot of real "meat" in it. But don't delay
• L. -act today. The days are sliding by, and this is the year to start
Bray Chicks early!
Finlayson Eros., Lucknow