HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-01-29, Page 1v4A $2.00 A YEAR—IN A.DVANCE-50e EXTRA TO U. S, PLAN .MARATHON 46 OF, RED•CROS With the object of raising at -least $100 for the local branch of the Bed Cross, plans are being laid for stag- ing laridge and e.ucbre Marathon in the villageAuingFebuaryAia, Mareh. Red Cross funds are low at present and it it hoped that e,very- one in the Village who plays bridge or euchre will take part in this mar- ' athon Which commences on Tuesday night.Tebruary 10th At 8 O'clock. The marathon will be..held each Tuesday • •night for six consecutive weeks and the .se'Venth week, a social evening will be lield in the Town *Half asa grand finele,. when prizes will be presented the 'champiope". Each individual will pay 2.5.• cents each night. Individual scores will be kept and the hostess will be re - quid to handthe wires and the Manley to Mrs. Cameron MacDonald,- The town w411 be canvassed thie week for players and for homes -poisible playerteare-askedete- lend their itorne once &zing the six ---..----weeksefonenetable...ftlenot_a_Perty, but rather one table in various homes 'each night of the ,marathon. Partners will . be selected by tot •for each night, ,end each player will be gken their schedule for the tix . The luncli. to be_seevedbyliostes- ses is to be quite sintetie consisting of sandwiches, pickles; tee or coffee. • If players are unable to playas • scheduled they must provide and for 'their own Substitute. • Bridle 24 hands to be played; 700 points ° for quick rubber; 500 points for rtibber;. 300 points for a 'game on an unfiiiithed rubber; 150 :Peiiiits for ; 5 honots in one handt-100-pointsetme' .. 4 aces. Euchre Rules • -Score to be counted for, 2 hours plae,hig, only; lone hands count 4, no assisting;, order your partner, play TRAIL RANGERS RE -ORGANIZE A, re -organization meeting of the :Trail Rangers was held on Monday, evening when the following officers were • elected: Mentor, Eric Cox's, Chief Ranger, Jack Treleaven; Sub chief, „Jiiir Ferguson; Tally; Ivan Lloyd; Cachet Bill Allin; Doorman. 'Bill A. Johnston, ' • All oys ,from 11- to 15 years: ere eligible to. join "ana are invite.r1 attend. Meetings are held each Mon- day evening from 7 to 8 o'clock in the United Church school reem,'" 411. Trail. Rangers ,ere requested to be present next Morelay evening as there are many things to be dis- oussed.as well es to .practise for the initiation Ceremony. -Te Hold War Wierik Draws Locally tickets are being sold at present on two lovely comforters„ the proceeds of which will be used for Red Cross Boneb Victims'wok.: In Ashfield Miss -Jean Long nd aleer pupils _ of S.S. No..7 are also busy -selling-chances oriea $5-.00-War---Saele ings Certificate. Thefirave will be -madeea..--week_frone..Erislay-and„ the proceeds ere in aid of •‘ritM bomb victims. • Lucknow Ont„, Thursday January 29th 1942 FAIR BOARD VOTES TOM Boos NAMED TO CHANGE DATES COUNTY OFFICER At the 76th Annual ,IVIeeting of Reeve Richard Elliott Re -Elected to (LOCAL and GENERAL) Me. Charles Steveard was a week- end visitor in 'retentto with hisson the Lucknow Agricultural Society Gordon. ' , Bruce County Highways 'Commis- -held ,last Thursday, Ittiose in• at= . Sion For Three Year Teran. tendance heard an encouraging. re- port " of the past year's .eperations, • Appointments by Bruce Comity in view of the fact that the fair:was 'Council in session last week- includ- herd hit . by an outbreak of polf6- ing the re-electing of .Diek Elliott ntYelitts. ' . , • ,.. • . • „ . of Kinloss to the Highways Corrunis- _ President i. G. Todd,who was eion And the appointment of Tom Miss Hazel Culbert was a week- end visitmein Windsor with her bro- ther Bill and Mese Culbert. Miss Arabelle: r,.tamerott of Glen- coe spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. 4: Cattrieren.: later re-elected fora . third term, LAC: R. G. Richards of the Ar, at Trenton the week -end with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. R. Richards. Mrs., W. Larte of Ripley spe the weekeend with her -daughte Mrs: Don Willpe and Mn Willse a Belmont Mr. 'W. W. hill attended the fun- eral of his aunt, Mrs. Harvey Jewell which was held in Flint, Mich,. Wednesday. , Just Unloaded e carlotel- of Super Glo Alberta Coal, hard and Might RC Bons as e. Comity Constable. • presided . , .. ' , • ,. , Messrs Allan Nelson and Kenzie The financial report showed gate. Foster, were re-apPointed members receipts on Fair Day to be $118, Of the Beard of Criminal Audit, . , with total receipts from all. sources Reeve Richard . Elliott of Kinloss , including_acredit balence of $343.08, ( , ' as elected a member of the High,. arnonnting to $1584.14. ' - Ays Committee for a further term Prize money was paid' hi full, and .:e „ three years. The other two mem- totalled $758.85. Expenditures for all -i-teis on the Coinmittee are Reeve purposes were. $1255.28, leaving a :Alex MacTeVish of Greenock,, who balance of $328.86, which represent- is Chairrrian, end Reeve E. J. Downs ed a deficit of $14.22. ^ - of Hepworth who is secretary. Reeve :During the 'Meeting a hearty vote S. H. Cross of Walkerton is the of thanks was extended the enter- County's repretentatere rin the Bruce taininent committee for the success County Hospital l' .- ' Reeves • they had ,achieved in sponsoring .. Evans f. Aniabel .. ef -r, •:i.d, Of Al - plays and dances: Drumheller's ' deepestf_Seant ,CoaL :be/rim-1g ithelate-Ce le,- Gear; ag- _... , Peter Watson and S. E. Robertson ow ricultural representati-i,e, wilt don- Luckn• l any. ' PREPARED OVERSEAS BOXES., • Members of the- Women's AsSoci- -atiotiTol-the-United Chureh--met-last- .week at, the home Of *rt. G. Os- trepcler to neck boxet for the boys from the congregation on active 'aer••• vice. Eighteen boxes were packed for_boys oVerseas and_fifteere boices .for boys in Canada, reppeMiltaving-attended-the -AlfrecleACoaComprmstrorig.of.Humberstore stitute the Reforestation Committee MARKED 8 -7th BIRTHO-AY Yesterday (Wednesday) Mr. Gee S Robertson a long time and Aes- teemed resident of the village cele- brated his 97th birthday. Mr. Robertson continues to enjoy splendid health. Dud/1g the wintef months he remains indoers, and no. doebt anticipates' the "arrival of Spring; when he once more can go bock and forth to his produce shop, :'which he has, Operated here for . many years, • • • M. Robertson's friends will, join in wishing him many happy returns and continued good health. • . • far 1942. nieeting. • •. and formerly of i.,ucknow, is visit, ' .'Reeve Dunean Munn -tit- ' • • .• • • • • A bacon hog competition was fav- ing this week inWingham representative on the Senate of the with Mr. Ripley was appointed the County's ored by the meeting and the sec- and Mrs.. W. G., Armstrong. retary instructed to write for , • The ladieof ae•tPeter's Church Thomas Boyes of Luck - are a hot supper in the now was appointed a county con - 'University of 'Western Ontario •ate Luck - formation in this regard servingi . . e : London Mr liohert Moffat and Tom Toda Council Chamber, Monday; Febru- stable , • r , date ie, Council g- Were-appointed-tosetterid-the4airi arreth-froine:530e-te Gearraricalturalerep Atspciation convention_ in; Toronto resentativ'addressed the in mnd.• Want Alt To Get Pens Since the outbreak Of the Vier the Tire rompany liarentstinued a pol- icy of sending fountain pens to local boys on active service. An over- sight or two hasbeen brought to the attention of thelerigade, and in case there may be others, the Fire Com- pany would like , to be informed. Members of the organization in all fairness should, not blarried for utk....gverSighti After all the nuns ibtivintifeilWapensatattelltgalSoF mot es for the ho s, rests'.with im- mediate relatives who , should keep these lirgenizations informed.'- . • Please clip these rules for ftiture • reference. The cotiamittee 'charge. of the marathouTinertids'irWIT ston, -Mrs. A. B. McKim, Mrs. Gam- er -on MacDonald, Mrs. J. C. McNib; Miss Lena Robinson and Mrs. Harold • Allin. ' --Atiliainted-eto draft the_scliedule when the canvassing •is completed -were -E. He -Agnew, Cecil. McAleine. and Campbell Thompson. .1'03 • .ziFebruar3. • WM. Murdie and Wm. Porteous Bert Geddes of Toronto, son of: and strongly Urged that steps be tak- were appointed as atiditeri..;- , " Mr. and Mrs. :Tarries Geddes form- en to increase .agricultural prbduc- _ Directors were _reappointed as fer. erly of Lucknow e Who has been ill tion so that farmers might 'do their lows: Kintoss, D. Carruthers, Rob- with pneumonia ie mikbia Ta fate Partin_carrying ori Canada's war- ert Moffat; Ashfield, James R. Hae- orable recovery., , effort. To attain thisobjecta-W-ir Production Committee was formed kett, Jacob Hunter; West WawanOsh,, , tir:-.,,,..:-.. mprvin MacDonald and little uauguter Mary Elizabeth have re- to consist of Seven members—three G. A. Greer; George Kennedy; LOck- -, e _now,.___G, H. Smith. . turned to their home in Montreal feed: ro ' the agrieultural committee. 3 Associate men and lady directors after spending a four weeks t the Federation of Agriculture with her _ 117 If's 'and one from the County ICO -1117-1-• , 'Steward. . proyement Association; ' these nien were all re:appointed and five new parents, aer. and Mrs. •Ciaas. names added: Itinloss - Richard EI Steward John McKay, D. T. McKinnon, . to be selected M such a way as to, Archie McIntyre, Alex McLeod The lotnig., People's societies of be repreisentative of the. different Ashfield—Sam Alton, Kelso, Mc- village churches held an enjoyable sections Of. the Caunty. The Reeves Nay, Wilfred Hackett skating party in the Arena last Wed- appointed from the Agricultural West Wawanosh—W. A. Miller; nesday night Which was the. lapt Cominittee are Messrs. ChriStte, Mce ' - •• • ance-of-ittittl 4iet ether. - , H-ttrortee. - Shot Banded Pigeon • Ralph Cameron,'of Ashfield last -week shot a pigeop around his farm buildingee that carried the leg bend CU 41 371.7. RED CROSS HEARS FltIOM CAPT. DALTON The Lucknow and Vicinity Branch of the Red Cross Society his re- ceived the following interesting let- ter from 'Capt. M. J. Dalton, Armen -Catholic chaplaie with the Essex Soottiih ,Regiment Capt., Dalton, a native of Ashfielcl, is C man of ..the . late Wigan Dalton of Kingsbridge: The letter is as follows: • Es.scoc Scottish Itegienerit, ; Canadian Ary Ovetsels- • • December 28th, 1941. Dear Triends of Lucknow Branch Red Cross Society: Wier sweater, socks and Mitts • Jett arrived with many thanlia. Al- thOirgh yours is a vast internatiOnal organization bringing relief and -- eornfort to tounttess mliilons.ofpe'o pie inar_iy races and tongues, it is the,Lticknovi Branch of the Red Cross Which matters for the Huron County boys, 'who will get the ben- efit 'of your Christmas .gift. , , Nat knowing enyone in, Lucknetv• in Our Regiment I shall alksw you, lt a the-geoct Saritan-- to-ethe-- e- fl6wer Of Canada's gallant man- hood, who hail from good old Huron County, and there. are Many. In their name mid in My Own " We thank you not only for the gifts,. in which we readily detected spece attention by tee skilled fingers of seine Lucknoviites,. but also- for • the spirit which sent then on their way. over -llietreibleA7witerge- "Espirit de wrier ameng all ranks is high. We are not rinunune to the gallant spirit of the citizens of scorched England who blazed a new . • trail ' of: romaritic_heroism_:concern:..__ ing which future historians will say • "This was their finest hour". ,That gees for the Array alSo., We feel confident that when the final test eotnes-canadians will-beetheLbrave PASSES IN DETROIT Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. J. F. Theisen,, who died at her,Itorne in Detroit' on Jan- _ _ _ uary _ •The late Mrs: Theisen wag fortre erly---Irene-L,carbert,' who_ with_her. • mother,' sister and brother lived in Lucknew some years ago. She is a niece of Miss Ella Heffron of Blyth who is a frequent visitor in this • Andrew Gaunt, Fred McOttillin, Tom ,skate of the weekldge to a cOniiiiu- Innes ' and Foster. — Two- Pair Speks-Lost . During the course of e year many arid. varied -are the"“lost and found" articles turned in at The Sentinel Office. Up until thit week we can't recall having ever received a pair of eye glasses. On Tuesday not only 'one,,but two Pair of glasses were turnd' in, -and both were -claimed before, the day was over. • DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME SOON GOES INTO EFFECT . Lin-- -the early hottrs of Monday morning, February 9th at 2 am. to be exact, .a nation-wide system of • daylight saving time 'goes into, ef- • fect: ft will continue,as a war meas- ures act "until otherwise ordered". Daylight saving time is, and has ' /*min effect in some Ontario and° Quebec cities, as a measure design- ed, to save electrical, power. 1,111. 114111d'IflThe West . . • frOrnA3iek; Reed, sonoi: Mr: and Mrs. W, Reed Of Luck - now, states • that they are having ,Stuttitier weather in ,Alberte • where Dick -fiat been for the past couple of Years *or More. The letter. writ- ten on Jentiaey 20th, stateS they have kiga .tity sncitv, 'and that the tettiPerature has been at 40 Or '50 . degrees above .zeeo all the time., WaS,IleinoVed • egneoiv banks that lined both sides • of . the Streets were rernoVed last week by eteeipment ()Wiled by Char- lie - Gillespie. A bell dozer type ' Shovel was used to Soo.• ip the piles of glove which Was loaded hi- tt) trucks and drawn aWay. Me. Gil- lespie's eqUipmerit was. also etii- • plOyed in opening up Mid' widening till Village toads, and a Coiriplete •'Ond thoronglefjob was done: • . MACHINERY, PARTS LIMITEb THIS YEAR The Administrator of Farm and off—AA, 1 . e ey=Brooks. Lucknow—Wm. Hornell; Alex An- drew, S. C. Ratherell, S. E. Robert - seri, Conrad Decker„ • ,Campbell, Thompsone'PeterWatson 4 ,Associate lady. directors Miss Jean Lyons, 1VIrs. R. GeMartini. Mrs. W. E. Gordon, MO. James Webster, Mrs. Ewalt Taylor; Mrs, Almer. Ack- ert, Mrs. T. G. Todd,. Mrs. Wallace Miller, Mrs. Sam, •Alton, Mrs. Geo. Kennedy and presidents of local women's organizations.. " r• Change Fair Dates • At the Directors' meeting which followed, F. G. Todd was re-elected president for a third term; 1st vice Jelin Farrish; 2nd vice, Adam Fie; chteen; secretary-treaserer,' Joseph Agnew. . A 'Motion' caffied to -Change- the Fair dates to Monday and Tuesday, 'September 21st and 22nd., James R. Hackett and Peter Wat- son were appointed collectors. • S. E. Robertson, G. H. Smith and Campbell Thompson were appointed a 'committee t�. arrange for rural sehool competitions. at the local fair. Coriunittees to intervieve Munici- pal Councils regarding 'grants were muted as follows: Kinloss D. Car- rethers, iRobert' Moffat; Ashfield— Sant Altori,'Jadeb• Minter; West Wa- Veanosh-e-Gee. Kennedy, A. Gaunt; Lucknow—Jas. R. Hackett and Pet- er Watson. ' • eeriffit-- s nes- end .m Toreinto=viliere 7the visafere atteress OVER SUGAR -RATIONING with her sister Mae, Mrs. (Dr.) J. E. •• Carmichael of Edmonton, Mrs. Car- Sugar rationing is in effect in Can- michael had flown east for a short ada and Its -limitations are so triv- ris---1-altaebeealmostearatesing,Three; hereson-Jamese-who a member of a crack Scottish Regi- ment. His twin brother, John, Was turned down. 'dee to an eye defect, and is now a ,sttident at Varsity: Employed At.. Ripley George dilahone of LuckneW has taken a position in George IVIcGil= livray's meat market at Ripley. Road Machinery has announced that turers of farm equipment are lim- • ions of Men who, now fight 1 ited in production ranging from a' the land whieli they forme y decrease of 5() • per cent on certain: tilled. Their task is noW in g .,1 types of less essential implements band, and it has a. far re to an increase of 200 per cent M the importance than -ever befote; case of milking machines and. cream ,ery acre, cultivated means rac ho separators., The predection, of et.7. 'food. fol• our people; "every taclunents and repainmarts is lim- edWalked means fewer ships hazel fee ited to 104 per cent Of 1940 sales. on The high seas that 1942 , production - lease of sailors. for vital %This means ' Wilt be slightly less than the- record 'needs. While you are sustaini life, you are doing what is eV sales of 1941• . . more precious you -are sari • Although supplies are limited, im- lives." • 'element manufacturers And dealers queen Elizabeth's interest are hodeful that all orders for spare •this .iisp,ect of wonien's 'Work parts can. be filled,,providing they -war tlrne is..elose and person know time -what the demands are likely to be The Ontario. Deriati- meht of,Agriculttire intes that every farmer -shOuld- without delay,..look over his equipment, tractor to bind- er and storey. outfit, even to the hay, fork and rope end wire for natch- Mg. fences and inforni his, dealer of his receliremehts.. This is a mut- ter of supreme iMportance, Mum ferns pecideetion it reqeired, Prompt delivery Of tete& parts can- not be guaranteed after Sprit* work ttarts. Costly breakdovins aod long delays, and loss' of time of ineti and equipment can largely be aveidect by a careful o'voirani of farm 69tlip ; merit during the Winter months., The Department of Agriculture is alsp Urging that farmer's srving hi behind the Voluntary AgricUltural War Cormnittees being formed in every .connty. These committees are makieg a "survey, the results of, vvhich will enable each peighbOr- heed through planning and organ- ization, to;secttre the Makimum use of available labor and equipment in , the comniiiiiity. ' ' Great Britain; needs more feed from Canada. Supplies for dOmestic censer/11)60n in Canada ,are. short. The maximum •iri proaUction can' only be readied by making the best possible. U§e of what we have elfery'ebunty; thvenshipi contintinity and 'upon. every tante , tri77'---1"1 writt 'on' the basis of 1940 sales' manufac- "you have released •great obatt INDUMION TODAY • RED CROSS NOTES , 11.ease4 bring in all finished knit' tine atice:seteing by Pebruary 3rd. We are very'l'aborl of Viotkrand, cannot get any new Anpplies until rebruary 1st. Will the ladies who got wool for knitting before Jan- uary 'let Please finish' their articles, and yeturri theta with all scraps at .onee. We need all ,balls Of the following:. khaki, tee -boot, three-ply wheeling, tea and blue refugee yarn, all greye sock yarn. Pleete return all left:, over balls , at once so we may use the scrapt t� fiaish oar auota. The , following , donations have been reeeived: Mrs. Frank Cole $5; Mr. Frank Cole, $5; Miss X. Mc- Kenzie, $2; Young People's skating party, $1.70; Miss Hannah Maktein- ald, $2.00, , _ Those registered at the Red Cross work roorti: Mesdamet Hornell, Mur - die, Hooper, McAlpine, CanhaM, Struthers, Hamilton, Datiglas, Cam, • eron, happle, T. Smith, J. Smith, and Misses Woods, McLeod and Mur, Arrives enema§ John Bell of Pine River, sop of Mr. William Hell, and the late Mrs.' Bell, formerly of West Wayeariosh, arrived •Overseas recently. John is with the R.CA.T.,_and,recetved his embarkation orders shortly after his raarriage in December to Margaret Doris Tensitin. ' 'quarters cif a pound per person per week is the limit the Wartime Prices and Trade Hoard announces. Three-quarters of it pound ofsugar alratist ftlle a pint fruit jar, and any.- th that er• Service Day Have 'yOu a Coleman appli- ance that needs adjustment or service? BRING IN YOUR LAMPS, ' 'LANTERNS, IRONS or STOVES. Factory trained expert will be at our Store on Thursday, February ,Sth . -to service thein for yon. -Only new parts, needed will be. charged for.. • 4. SERVICE WORK, MANTLES • AND GAS FOR TEsprro • FREE. M000 Son ionoomme Rev.' Eugene Beech Who was re- cently called as' minister 6f 'Ripley and Olivet churehes will be inducted as pastor Of the dual charge this Thursday everiing. Rev. Beech and fmnilY have arrived in Ripley and he WM aristime his pastoral &Wee Mt Su • Chairman of Beard , Lucknow school bciard at the first meeting of the New Year, appoint- ed '& E. McKhti as chrtiethati of the Board; T. W. Smith presided dur- ing the past year. 3 one who uses more. an week ought to provide a good prcis- pect for a diabetic patient. .0n this basis householders must 'not buy More than a two weeks' supply at e time, unless living in a very remote area. No ration Cards the to be issued and the cairymg requirement. The sa he regulatipn will.. depend I ilk - If inight. be wise now to take an " inventoie of our weekly menus, Check up On their" nu- tritional values. .A‘ breakfast. menu of •the quiCkly-snatch.ed Lied, coffe,e , type, Should ..e erased any • Well balancsid diet. . Start breakfast with •• the ' day's,. quota of raw fruit, ;vegetable, to, . , . • mato Or orange iuice; • if tomato 6/.1i; ip_i_mtkit*nizittea.ginak-e- twa., glassei will- be. ' necessary-. to' • • cbtain the. • .requii ed amount • of vitamins.' , • , • Thet iieNt •Con4in. of your break. -rfast..shoul4 be_ Sem c type of • cere,al. with ably. in winter. , The .be..e]..age: • should, be a milk pile ---:eocaa, and hot, eboc(4l..\te ...are high, in iiutr- tional ,and help plepare tn adult as the for, it• .clifficult day. •, • noon nte...,.1. v1/4-hetln..e luncheon or dinner, 'might. starwith a ,milk,:. soup.9Then .there are many iii, teresting..and very. sidple deserts- . . . rich as. juitli.et. .cvsta rd.:, . etc. ; each .. May take—er ,,, of' part ol the drily ut a t • . . 1 cOMI NG EVENTS largely on the co-operation and as- sistance rendered by the ' public.. laically we have heard of no "rim" 'on sugar with the announcement of the rationing. When the caenipg. season arrives consideration Will be given to ad- ditional supplies for housewives fer tireserviag purposes. . •Dance Drew Big Crowd , sponeored• annually. by the Lucknove Fire Coirtriarik,Fwas held last* Triday evening with the usual capacity crowd. • This year however the ball was staged with- out the accompaniment ot a twit-. tional January blizzard. • .1 - L.O.L. .00IINTY MEETING, The minuet County 'meeting of West truce L.01.4. will be hem ip. the Orange Hall,, Lucknow on Tues- day,' February rd at 2 o'cincle ' LEGION DANCE „ ' The Lucknow Brarich of the Can- adian' Legion will hold a dente in the Town Hall: Lucknow, on riday, Jartuary 30th. MeeKenzie's Orchestra. General .admitsion , 35c with • the usual three teary prizes: for the PRESENTED 11; NG BRUCE TO PlioVIDE.1 ANOTHER CANTEEN 'eet. men that God ever put breath into,: and if they are called upon. to make .the supreme sacrifice they will not regret that they 'gave their all "for the \land of the Maple Leaf' And for Allied victory", • I . enjoy 'Hying in a Scottish unit . even, though the kilted. Opera a- rouse us front slumber .with • the oineefatteilier.e.steatreLo.. than the wailing banshees lieraiklig. the approach of enemy bombers. That is notvery. common at pres- ent, but it may happen again. Wherewe-obtaireViettemk-andpeace - with justice and charity, I hope to see citrall -again,ln-the hotne town where I to often drove my parents of blessed mernory to do their shop- ping,' and; eneoY the hoepitality ,of your little town, small in numbers but rich in honored friendships. God• be •-with you l.ave_meet again, Yours ,gratefully, • M..J, Dalton, Capt. R. C. C.kaplain: In session last week Brine CPunty Council authorized a levy of Of 'a mill or $23,0,85.70 far patriotic pur- poses at this session. Of this amount a sum not exceeding$4000 is to be paid. to the Salvation Arlin, War Services Fund to purchase a mobile canteen fully equipped similar to the one purchased list year., Couriril • felt., that from information received the canteen purchased last year, was Po highly appreciated by Canadian soldiers overseas that a shriller gift should be made this year. The bal- ance of -the appropriation v,cille he ditbursed by the Warden's Commit,: tee among such patriotic organiia-- fA�rls as ,thei,. may, deem most de- serving, subject to the applereenient of the Departnierit of litini0Pal At - fairs at TotOnto,. • Grants • The folloWieg grants were made, Children's Aid Society, $2000; Sal- vation Army' Rescue Home $100; In- • stitute for the Blirid $150; Bruce Peninsula Resort Association $100; Bltte Water Highway Atsoeiatioti $200; Ontario Agricultural Council $50; Ontario Reforestation Associa- tion $25; County Crop Improvement Astheiation $40; Bruce teaittifica- thin Bureau $25; Bruce County Fed- eration: of Agriculture $700. ' Library grants Were made as fol.: lows: Rural, school libraries having 100 volumes or over $5.00; Public Libraries With 300 to 1500 volemes $15.00;• over 1.500 'volumes $30.00. A speeial grant of $10,00 Per class room will be made to each School Board where at. least two seliool nurse inspections, satisfactory t9.the local Board of Health, have lieen earried out during the calender year. RAISE RATE )IJAETER MILL, VOTE $2,500 PLOWING MATCH • The treasurer's estimates for the - County of Huron for 1942 adopted " at the final session of the January • Meeting proVide for a tax rate of four mills to raise 2217,034. This is an increase ef one-quarter of a mill over /est year, the money thus raised to be applied on the purchase of $30;000 bonds of the aPproaching Dominion loan. County highway es- timates et $180,000; ..including pro- vincial stibsidy, also • were adopted • A motion to reduce road exnendi- tures this year by one-Matirter of a mill Wet defeated. , 'The salary cif the ctitinty engineer was 'increased to 0,600, the same as 1936. Front a• itst of 49 'applica- tions., Richard Reid; of Aelifield, and P. L. *Naughton of Hensel, were apppinted coin borer inspectors in orth end StIatlielltirote tespective., • iy. 4.1M HIENDAI,49N , On SittirdaY eveniing Members cit the 'itigh, Scheol, and Puhlic Scheel .staffs gathered at the :home of the • IVIisses MacLean Where a' most en- joyable evening Wes spent During the evening Mr. jfiti Henderson was presented with- a beautifill rine bearing the crest of the le.CAT. 'Mr. Rase' of the publit Sell* staff Voiced the feeling of regret of all the teachers at the clep4rttire. of Mi. Henderson and Mr: Calvert present- ed the ring, • . Mr, Henderson replied fittingly. assuring the teachers that his Work here had been pleasant end' thank. ing them for the fine co-operation that, existed at all times. Mr. Hendersen has been teacher of toein three for the pait three and one half yearS He has been gearited' Italie of abienee and reports at Mao-' ping Pool, Toronto on Saturday Of this ,week, HIGH' SCHOOL CON'CERT The 'students of the High School have prepared a concert to be pre- sented on February 6th in the Town Luekno*. A full evening of entertainment will he provided, eon - siding of vocal ;Mimic by the Glee Club, 'a 'play; gymnastics and vari- ous • other numbers, Suffered Broken Wrist Jimmy Forster, son of mr,. and itifrs. Cecil Forster of, Pahnerston, suffered it.'• bfoken wrist recently when he fell -While skating at the rinit. '11 , . . 111 With Pneuiritinia George Joynt, sen of Mr. and Mrs. I, W. Joynt is ill at his home here With 'pneumonia, 'where his 'eondi- tion is improving By an overwhelinitig vote of 26 to 4 Heron County Council authorized a grant of $3,500 to assitt in staging. the Itternational Peewit* .Match in Huron County next October, Of the total grant $2,000 goes totategettarictelkee Plowmen's Association and $1,500 to the local conunittee. • A petition signed by 25 farmers asking that the Event be Pottpcined and the money detroted to war pur- suits provoked over two hours of discussion. However, the view pre- vailed that the Organitation for the event was darted three or four years • ago, that Huron County had twice issued invitations, and finally se- cured the onatch, thet much organ-, ization work had alteady been ac- complished and inoeey spent so that the show meet now go on • Reeve Alex' MacDonald of Ash-' field heeds' the Chilaren's Shelter Coimnittee, Deputy Reeve Fraytie it on the Agrictiltural and Property committees and Reeve ThOS. •Web- ster of West Wawanesh on the High- vtrays Committee. IteeVe MacDonald is al§o a member- of the Eqtnilization tonunittee.