HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-01-15, Page 40 IIIb. Anal^mm ll-teber Eedy received eabl ea:). Tuesday informing 'then; that; their Son, Corp. Thornton Eedy R;C,A.F:, had arrived safely in Gt. Britain,; incl was enjoying good health.' Mrs, Tom,' breWhinney has return-.. ed. to the home off: -,Mr T. Soothers after . spending the holiday season with. her daughter, Mrs.Russell -Free, Georgetown. .. BORN—to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Stewart (nee Kaye McKenzie), who : have recently moved to • G'ederich, a little daughter, on Sunday Jane. uary •'1 ~. G .d i h HospitaL • ' Signalman Kenneth Campbell, . R. C.A,F„ Debert, N; S., who .is on leave, visiting his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell, Westfield, v4Tas a visitor one day last wgelt v •C;). to grandmother, Mrs. J Barkley and aunt, Mrs. •Fitzgerald. The. flare-up of some real; old fashioned winter lastweek, contin- tied on over the Week-encl,with a' -heavy fill of -•snow that on -Sir -ride -NT closed . the' traf fle of gals thr•ough this dstric_t. The mercury dropped and it looked as if we were trapped •nicely, especially on heating that there was practically 'no snow•to the south of us e Ow miles and that the 4un was shining all day. Altho' did have the street lights burn, we , THE, LIJOKNOW SENTINErta L'IJQKNO'V, ,ONTARIO ing every day for , a week. now, it didn't seem to improve the weather. Fortunately. we were not inthe zont•, for any blackouts, otherwise seize- thing mighthave been done. -Murch services in the village and district were withdrawn' and many families considered : themselves content and happy to stay by their own waren firesideand enj.ay:th.eir favorite lad- . to • programs and sermon*. , Mr: and Mrs. George .Irwin cele - breed Mr. George Irwin's birthday at the home of his daughter, lVirs. I Llonald Fowler 'on Tuesday., January 13th. George won't tell •us .what one 'lilt was. though and being 'fairly spry yet, we might hardly believe it any way. Here's wishing •yau many hap- Py returns of the day, Mr. Irwin. We are glad You ace.both •enjoying fairly good health. ,4 • 7Vfr. -John. Curran on Saturday ,at^ 'tended. the funeral ;of his uncle, the late John. Ryan of Goderich who • was his mother's: brother.. We also: extend sympathy to 1Vh•a.. ; Annie Campbell, who Was bereaved of her older Sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Brgoks,'fornierly Elizabeth Stirling. She was a resident Of Clinton . for the past. ten years. She was in her 66th year. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Al- ton and ',Mr. Cyril Campbell at- tended their aunt's funeral from the Presbyterian church,. Clinton. „They later called to visit their uncle 1Prr,' Hugh Thurloe, who' is ill at Goderich TiosPital, ° LAC Pownell, Port Albert, was a guest with H.- J., L. edy family on Sunday.. Miss Betsy' Walker has moved to Hamilton to make her home. Messrs. Russ Bissett and Charles Boyd were 'ea Hamilton one day last week. • • Last week's stoI m is the main topic of conversation now. It :wag' so long end so severe: ' lay the use of the snowplow the main. highways have been kept open. but the 'cgr..ocssions and sideroads are still closed, for motor traffic... Ogg ig• • TOURS:DAY, 'JAlti•UA.RX •l5tb, 1942.! STOVE FOR SALE.Happy Thought . NOTICE heater, in good condition, burns coal or wood.. Apply at Sentinel Office.* • CA;RDOF. .THANKS • Mrs: Catherine Buckingham and family express sincere' thanks to friends and neighbors for the kind- ness and •sympathy extended them ,dtir'in t b vement • ��A,NNUJ L MEETING rhe An • nail' Meeting of the Lurk: now 'Agrieultur:al Society will be, held on Thursday the 22nd of J4►n. nary, A.D. 1942 'in the Town Hall, Lueknow at 2 •o'clock p.m. A11 members are hereby notified, r to 'attend: Sec.' JOS. AGNEW, O g their recent ei'ea tern.. ice ay.,uaa, a,,,VVuVl.. • • 'tt , t.. 5 • ti b 0 jt p, p a to Hess lb , •One detail that which is not, I, bell is .Fless has now j, ously angry tv;t{h • viciing hini r yeb• pe ere t t z,v go 646' attela that he • • •, 'Fie Parliament of Canada meets on January 21st.,..The most mo;nentous session in Canadian history begins in a few short sIt is m y y :days. ' your The members are- the servants of tape. people, not of -any party.- They represent everyone in the :constituenc whreh elected=-them..•-=-Each-elle nf: euunee s your help, as•never 'before. Assert your- deniocratic. right to' govern. Tell yout_wehnber .whatyou'think s'rould be clone and do so without delay.: ' • • ;•..,.,._.___.».......«-...___ .,,.----�,,. .-�,._.._.. .,�ti..._�..._...:, ..........x ,.,.ter..,= -e.—_;ax..•,_..:-.,_...t...,......h...,........._. ......:� ...� x ,.,...r _..,.. ,...z.:r ..._.... ,....w..,w-. ,._.,..,..:.w._w»--�....,.. _ :. ..�,:,.;�..._.._.....�. There is one issue which overshadows'all others. The .Prime Minister of Canada has. told us What that issue Is These are his own words: "There is onone way to meettotal war and that is •by total effort,"--:" We must •maintain the Canadian ariny at full •fighting 'strength.' : The: Leader of British idemocraey told the people of .Canada what total effort means. These Were Winston 'Churchill's words: this Strange; tern;ble world tear there'is a :place for every gyne, elan and woinan, old and young', Bale and _' g d hatt:�ei'ixice in a'%Fiazzsarrd.:1�'€it'trT; is open. ?'xzere is na roori forthe �:�? c.ilettazttt., t•or', the u.ealclin ; for ot; the shuher or the sluqgard The- m'ine;"the factory; the dockyard, the salt, .sea waves, the f rebs to till,. the- Borne, the ,hospital, •lite chair' of the ,Scientist, the :pulpit of the preacher -41'0M. the hi ,hest.to'the' humble-. it, --the- tasks are -all ,.of equal honor. • , To fulfil that description df total effort is: the first and foremost duty of the Parliament of Can: da. The' people of.•Canada - weak. old ,or' young., .must ..be Y play. y anter uess. Every iiia and- -- gb the Government. to thepost where they can contribute most to victory:, We arencorts ' • , n" efforts Must be told what part the :'-are-to la The --e � - ' guidedY ileus• of the substantial Made. throughout .the war by the Canad;ian;Gover i hent: vVe are •t•inxious,to,assist them in making the vital decisions forced upon them by the events of'the past few weeks, We do not believe t11 it the people. Of Cana.d'a'.consi.c'.er that their • Government' or its • n tore• -t -he L-1-tti l res-ert-ena'a1.-=•:� y.=ar : T14s 's no 't'in'e fear a reLerendum. • ea er .axe in any way bound-by.u����' L The responsibility rests squarely on Parliament " The war: will :n'ot wait. ' . �' There is only one way to meet:total war•--by'total effort.••that'is to mobilize all•our'manpower and material resources under a plan 'of -universal compulsory selective service'.: These `who 'can serve best on. the 'Ea'rn's ntust.work on the farms, Thosewho can serve best in 'the factories .mu'st'work in'the factories. And those best fitted to serve in, the awned .forces„ must be trained, equipped, andava•ilable'.for service in Canada or overseas. anywhere at any time: Thatis the only way that our. farms,`our factories as aatrzefcoeacat ttatatrac--) ham£ .arateasuxes axe ca nsistent with national' honer. ur• Vie. _b ivitb that o t n then,rt iss ,your du; to tell yo mer No " that yorr . wairitr•-lntin-to inas�ir:mss-wperfeitl ^tic •. • • .. T�f you .agree: ,; : . _ F'in'n , , , , .. � , , ,. , . Y , , . , , mediate. adoption of, such a lan,. Tell him..that you Want the bus;'less' of government`•brought into•�P-trliament w1iere- it. belongs.. , pp ..... . , Tell him to inform.Parli";ament, and through Pai.`liarnent'the'wliole' of Canada, that the -people of his aiding advocate and will sup- •. e__e-r a : .'w•l ` •st're.thc last:-orinc• ,of ef-fort of. which thcv..are. capable. :To Canada's 'arliament • port -any measttres,eazer dastzc ori ;tk:?s�_L few short da .s, Mr, vVinston!Churc:4ill said this. Thee cncriiq has asked for total tvar. Let Itq be sure th t he gets' ' it. Tell' sour meMb.er `'. the short firne'�v, hi. lie still 'remains 'that. you. "* WAr and that ,:yeti. which meets in a y . ; � y � • Want'. ' trr ••be sure, that we- do :wage '. • 6 —= �—`- Plains every day, Monday thra Fridat• at 5:30 D.S:7:'., 4,30 E.S.T.. 'And another. news, note from C'KOC -7-following :its Policy service first, CKOC is now broad-. casting a brief news resume e• the hour from. 6.00 'a.m. till 6.O • p.m, • The hews is factual, un nislfed and there is noeffort tot - wards sensationalism... Its primer TENDERS will be ,received by the undersigned up. ;,to January 20th,' 104, for 10- cords of green.,map-le body wood, 16 inches, to be delivered to "the school, S.S. ,.NA. 15, Ashfield - 9u or .bcfore, Jane 14, .1942. Neil J. MacKenzie, secretary -treasurer, R. a, Lucknow, Phone 5;r-1; Dungan- ' .._. __ q NEW OR RENE,WAL. subscriptions • taken for any paper or magazine published.. For instance, Readers Digest 2.75; Faultily Herald and. Weekly: ` Star, 3 years for $2.00. Froinpt service. THE LUCK( OW,. SENTINEL: F.. .T: ARMSTRONG; O1'TO'MET.RIST IN •LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY Al?'1TERNOON • 'want him to say so in your behalf on the floor of parli.3ntent. • There is' an added reason why you must act immediately if you, believe that democracy is•goveinment by the people,•' Last week .P Tess den t_ Rooseve It told =ele hundred,aad'tlu>t}tleion pGap le of he United Stcs «here theirarmed forces :are going to fight in this war. As our pother and resources are •fully zn.obali7ed rve,shall 'carry the,att,�a,ck a.Qainst the enemy. -'eve shall ht:f, :him and hit hint again, wherever and ti heneuVil er use can reach lion. We:ate are partners with the. United States in this, stru g.'q7e• We the.. •signed a.'pact binding us to a -Common effort. National honor an -1,the safety of our people.demand that every man who wears uniform of :Canada •be ready at all timesto go overseas to hit. the .enemy wherever And whenever :he can be reached, Whatr•a .• shameful travesty of justice: it'wpuld be if approved of unity of military command and' failed to establish' unity of sacrifice be- • tween nations. Canada's honor is at stake. ; • urges you to act without. delay. 'Send your memhera telegriai'n, a letter 'or 'a The Committee for Total War postcard at once. . This is your most be ,He is your voice in Parliament. supported by this Commit+,say so. O. R, Alyea,. Trenton. Mus Joan Arnoldl, Toronto. F. IC. Ashbaugh, Tillsonburg. A, Biggs, Concord. Col: E. A. Baker, Toronto. Dr. H. W. Baker, Woodstock. • Robert Barber, Preston. John Barker, Toronto:' A. F. Bastedo, Bracebridge. Jame§ Baxter, Toronto.._ t Mowat Beattie, Sutton. Mrs. • Fred Bell, St. Thomas. W. /tickle. Toronto. C. Biggs, burdas. r h Grant Bird,wa. . Os°4 Coj. Arthur L: Bishop, Toronto. ° Dr. G. lltlam Boyd, Toronto. :Dr. -F. Boyer, Toronto. • W. E. Brekon, Burlington. 'Everett Bristol•, iC,C., Toronto, Duncan Bull, Brampton; Mrs. Erle Burgess; St. Thomas. , J. G. Burt, Listowel. C. L. Burton, Toronto. Mrs,, Herbert Bruce, Toronto. • 'Dr. G. Stewart Cameron,'Peterboro. ,Wallace Campbell, Windsor. Mrs. Wallace Campbell, Wlndsdr, "Dr, W. J. Chapman; St. Catharines., Mrs. Christie,a GuelpChatham. W. A. Cockshutt, Smiths Falls. Dr. 1•i. J. Cody. Toronto. John Cowan, Sarnia, J. 11. Cranston,. Midland. 11» inapors.ant task: Your merit} ere represents you no matter , what your party. may When you put down this newspaper,, act at once.. If you agree with the opinion Dr. J. L. Crowe, Noy tit Bay, John Curtis. Toronto.' •Edward Dat les, Wallaccburg: •Aubrey Davis, Newmarket. Elmer Davis, Kingston. K. E. Deacon. Union ;tile.' T. R. Dent. Wobdsioci:. Mrs. J Dem Iter, T onrlon. p.. T. DIplock••Peterboro, R. L. Dohbl'n: • Peterlmrc.. • Williem A. Dryden Brooklin... W. R 'Drynan. Hamilton, 'Ernest—Duckworth, Si. Thamtts .., ' James S. DOYnean, Turo;itb: Chas, Duney, Toronto. o to: • Mrs, A. W. Ellis. To n • R. D. Ferguson:.Port Stanley. Wrh: Flavelle. Lindsey, . 11. G. Fox, St. Catharines. Dr.,W. E. Gallie, Tor onto: , F. R. Gardiner. Toronto. • J. Gill Gardner. Brockville. ' Joseph G. Gibson. Torpnto. a D. Gilbertson, Stmcoe," - • • Harrison G.ilmonr, Tor -Onto. •Dr, Roscoe Graham. Toronto. F. W. Grant. Midland, • ' Dr. J. ' C. • B. Grant. Toronto. . Mrs, 1Villitiln J. Green. St. Vitiates., Mrs, Harry CriCfith, St. Catharines Hugh Guthrie, Guelph. J H. Gundy, Tclronto. • C It •I -tale. Oi'illla. , Mrs. Irving T,CalJ, Toronto. Dr; F. W. Mall, Chatham. ' G Hancock, Galt. C R, Harrison. North Bay, Dr. C. A.' tlervle. O.riltin. T: L.'Ilay, 1,Vondst0vl:. Mrs, • W. B. •ITnrkins, 'oronto,,. Dr, H. O. tS.... itt, •Cornett, E. J. 1•iosack. Woorlstoc!�. Chris. Hughes, Peierbnro'. Mrs., Anna 1.. Hynes. Toronto.. Gordon• Ingrent, j'.ondnn, • R G. Ivey. London taco. vt; • James, 'll a: mint if10. • G. E:rarer ,johnatau, Brockville. H. F. Johnston, T,ilisonliutg. .J. 1:. King, Galt, Ford S Kumpr, 1'vaterluo. Dr. II. M Lackner, I:1U-tumor. '5,Ir, •Geiiirvdc' D. Lang, Galt. Louis I'tns, NItchcnet. �c 1. > T;nt*>7ltletr=t�stttrrttr T .t. ao,i, Toronto. .Con. W. Lce, 'North Bay. N, L. I.cs Pur, Sarnia. T.• 1I. Lewis, Welland•, • Lloyd. r tr • Mrs. Mary J,I )d. C rhnt F CI. E. Lnn.gwurlit, Woortstr)d:. - v rs: Lynch-Stauatnn, Hamilton. - D. C. MacLachlan, Toronto. •1-Iavd•en•Macdonald, Oshawa. F.• G. Mackay, Ott•en Sound. D. F, MacT.dren. Barrie. • -Sir Frnest MOcMltlatl, 'i'nrnnto. W. R. train -ill, Ingersoll. Gordon r ntlhott•s, 'Peterbor•o'. - • Mrs, R, C. Mutt hews, •Tnrontd. . D. L. McCarthy, °Toronto, , ' J. J.,.E: McCagve, •AiliSton. '(lc» :' c -McCulltigh• Toronto. lingo L. McCulloch, 1t, O. McCulloch, Galt, John l� . McDnnt Id, Woodstock. T �1: Mrfonaid. Prat Colborne.. ' It P. McDonald. Toronto. Mrs Clnt'a `I" PMe1 ncitmn, Toronto.. Di: A.-3, MrGanity. Kitchener. , itr. 'faro- i1 Mr(lnrrv, Niagara ,FaTir•. •'1'. T7'Arcy Menea, ettt:atva, • •C. 11; MvKinttn, Smiths Falls; J. A..MeNevin, Chatham. •' J. Ivan McSloy, St.:,Catharl,nos. • S. E. •McTavish, Osh•iwa.• Pars, M. L. McWhigrr^y'. Toronto. Ma }n:• -Gen. the Hon: S. C Mevvburn, • Hamilton . Mrs, Maud 'NItll�r,' Hgmtlton. Sv,• S, Middieb.ro, Oren Sound.' "rs. tifnnel'Millen, Burlington. G. h1.• Miller, Sudbury, (.�co'g0 A, Moore, Toronto. S. :..' Morse, Chathrm, ' Jerpo:l..Y,_JfJufda h. Tdrontp. . Pave Myler: iamilt(.n. N.L. Nathanson. To 'onto, Mrs. Ryland New. Oakville. II D. R. *Why. Toronto. i'nr nLO. K. Morrow,o Fred I D • John A. Oille, Toronto. Com. Gimes, '1'oronti.• Rev. Stuart C. Parker, .D,b„ Toronp. • Dr John R. Parry, Wititiltoti. G I, ('arsons, Gode1 tch,' J. k, Pcrr•ett, Sintcnc. Gordon F,. Perry, Tnl•onto, • Colonel Eric Phillips, Oshgwe. • tV B. Preston, Bransford, ')r..G. A: Ramsay, , LOpdOn •John Collingwobd Rc'tfle, Toronto, • Rohert J.1. Reid. 1 on ion. • ' E K. Reiner. Wellesley. • Rt. Rev, R • J. RebIsnn Toronto.• Iteration• E. Rice, Huntsville, • J• Dr, D. L'.. Robertson. • Toronto, Dr. C, C., ltoss, T.on'lon. • J. Allan Ross. Toro•rto. W. J. Russell, Uuton,ille, • W 11. C. Ruthren, Alliston.• SI t mind' Samuel, Toronto. , Dr. T. M, • Savage, C r,'etph, • C. 'Scott, Toronto, ' Chane Ft. Sclater, •Hamilton. Wm. H: Seders, Toronto. • ' Mrs Etnest Seitz, 'Toronto. . P,ti•s. Louis- Shannon, London. • J. R. Shaw. Woodstock. • ' Mrs. Ann.Shlplcy. Kirkland Lake Hartley Simpson; Chatham. • Dr. Tom Simpson, Coilingweod.. Dr, C. W..Slemon, 13otvrtirt,nvfll'e.' Dr .1) Smith, Stratford. . Dr. J. M. Smith. Beaverton. V. R. Smith, Toro to. W. 11, Somerville .Waterloo. tack an t. Th"mas. Percy big m .� n L B. 'Spencer, Welland. • J L. Stansell. "rillsonbui g, Dr • John H. Stead Oakville. Dr.• J. M. Stevens. Woodstock. Miss' Maher Stockley;• Toronto. Dr. G. I-1,. Stable. Belleville. (. C O. Tatham.. Oodstock. ° Dr. 11:.IvL' Torr #;*ton, Sudbury.. J•iltn A. Tory, Toronto. • • , R. A. Trestral.l, Toronto.. .. R'.'0. Tudhope. tDrillla. Norman C. Urquhart, Toronto. James Al Vance, Woodstock. O, D, • Vaughan, Toronto. Morley' F. Verity, Brantford. J: H: C. v✓a1te;.'brampton. • Harris •1.. Walsh, St, Catharines, T C• Wardley, Elora. • Donald M Waterobs, •131nnttord. Walker 'Whiteside, Windsor. ' Dr. A. 13 ,Whytoak, Nfngtra: Palls.• Wigle Hamilton, ' L. F. Witchell, Toronto. Dr. H. rih Yelland, Peterboro'. Alar 1•. Young, TTniitlitnn, ' CI rrk Young, Untonvllle, a SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT THE PUWLICAT'O:1 OF TFIC 'NA,"'ES OF MANY OTHERS WHO ENDORSE THIS STATEMENT, Those wFwse harries appear above include mothers and fat'iers of soldiers,.sdilorts and airmen', farmers, work- ers in the factories,,businesarand professional'Hien and women of Ontario, who hale taken tens preliminary step to condey'la their fellow ,citizens• the course they think should be Followed in respect tb.ti'ns emergency: a HELPYOUR MEMBER T. CANADA I THE SACT NOW 1 If . �..��ee tear. out this a•uve ��ti., n atit —sign. it • awl. Wail it: today ',to • 0 yitrtir nae bel. • 1:30 to 6 o'clock " A•1' .W M. SCHMID'S STORE WE ARE'PA.YING ON; -FIVE YEAR' GUARANTEED TRUSTE'RTIFitATES ISSUED IN '•ANY A»MOU N,T An ideal Eiuthoi•iied investment forindtvid'UaIsscompanies;'ceme- tery boards, executors andt•other trustees, • • 7i11>: STERLIKU•TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 BAY ST. • TORONTO LANGSIDE • The : i oads in this community at. • prosent • are. rather a'•,problem for sumc •stretches there: are deepsnow banks and. other stretches are coin- . . »paratively bare, which makes ,any,, • • mode of travel . hard: However at' Iirrtaent cutters and sleighs are be- ing used. • : . Jane' • Morrison of the R.C.A.F.. • Llplilnris,•Ottawa arrived •home., on. Tliurs(lay last for '•two', weeks • sick Leave. ,., • , This..cnrriiunity extends to Mr.. Will. Orr their sympathy ir.. the loss of his sister, Mrs, Jean Fraser Whose- . ' funeral was held' on Monday to Tif- '. fin's cemetery. •, On' December 25th 'Mrs. Victor Emerson. received a lr;tter'and a pie - titre (postcard'size.) from a Scotch .,. r ' ( isen(c ' i of war, who had found her. • �`'a .address, which 'she had enclosed in• .1 suit of,pajarnas she had sewn for' ': lire;: Rod-:Ci•<iss': The letter ••hadi,been. • written or. November. 11th ,and' 25 lint's'on the •f9rni 'is the.•allowance. •' Both letter and picture were in' ex- - cc'lli'nt condition. when ieceiv'ed. A r ',ply can be sent only on a form .l anti 20 words are »the allowance. '• leo -or 'Young Men , - •A pleasant evening was, spent at. • Liingsidc last Friday everting' `:in hon-, - • 61. of Graham Moffat and James Morrison; both •members, of the R. ' C.A.?. Graham, who was transferr- ed,to Halifax upon .enlisting, •.had had a wrist .watch forwarded »to hint, and a• sirnilsr gift Wad prese ited 'to Jatntes'Vforrison, who was delighted • With this recognition by the Ling., side clifflimlrnity, as he hath'Ieft•there . . els a child, Graham cxpressed'sincere apprec- ' iutirni :of the gift and the social, el- • :jug which was arranged .for thein 1 while•. borne. '