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Iutt 1)o' Anytr
• British Ar Doctor itaci�
of-ali-irades .and '.M,aliter of•
Oho_ .. :...
The ideal British arxr doctor
{ ,Ie, a' jack=oaf..all trades a0,44 master
of one., . He is a "specialist who
eau turn;']iis . hand to ••:anything,"
:Oa a leading:,army. doctor ,ex-
plaining the rain. 4ot Paining the
British Aar*. gives 'its medical of
" fee training, based,: on expera
ence of , warfare ; in France,
Greece, .Crete: 'and- the Middle
Fa"st, is designed to ;produce : doe
• tors who. can look after thevel-
• 'faare of British soldiers .under•any,..
- conditions in caay climate More
than 1,000 •medical: officershave
been trained ,to >deall:witlr casual-
ties of chemical•varfare .and one
officer, in every field ;medical unit
has been trained=in blood, trans-
Specialattention has>been given
to the organs ation - of mobile
- medical* units Equirrtent- now: :Can
be. • transported ..by .motor,' mule,.
Y..- .a nci, zled or •ever dropped-fr-om.-.- •
the air. A hygienic directorate
works out problems of keeping:
soldiers:fit and., problems of food,
'Water -supply,. living •.: conditions,
clothing .;grid effects -of climate.
Some: 5,000 medical. officers; have
• -takes .courses :itt_ a my.iiyg ene.:...
Convalescent Depots
army, mediCal treatment hes been
the estehlialiMent of eonvalescent
lealta‘basatletetiorated either as
At the depots,. the, men are::
-aaaaaa-aSlipttlya'befcireaathe-awar; the
'.'development centree-for men be- •
medical, Sexaniinatanis 'and •
adiaitted to the arioya-Ope get
aSiMilara woik- now' being
.atteatatciaheaableatataria* thee
Rubber dinghies carried by air
crews. Of the:. ;RA.F. , in a pack ..
reasuring 45. inches ha .0 inches
. are one o f • the contributions • to..
Britain's war effort made. `by Una.
tied Kingdom, manufacturers of
corsets, silk. stockings, . mackin-
toshes and so; on, Like the carbon
dioxide gas, used for inflating the
dinghies, which normally :-goes-:
overseas in millions of bottles of .,
Britain's famous table • waters, '
most df the goods, normally•�p o-
• uced by these 'companiesµ n e
known to -shoppers in most",parts
of the :world.
: al-
• These rubber dinghies have '
'ready ".saved Many laves, for an'
cold weather airmen wearing the
"Mae West" . jacket.' who '. came
down in the .sea could not .expect
to survive' half -an -hour's' immer-
sion. '.Now, however, even at 400
ib.. man can -sit in his dinghy, stop.
leaks from a pin -prick to a can-
non shell hole, propel it with a
pair =--of -• rubber - hand.; paddles.
(made by -people -who --usually turn
outladies underwear); tight -sig:
nal flares (supplied by firework
manufacturers)• and sustain .him-
self with emergency rations sup-
plied�•by the makers of • delay.boxes of chocolate.
—St. Thomas Times -Journal.
A mads of torn, twisted ;arid dented steel is all'' that remains of this taro -man' Japanese submarine.
that was shelled;• rammed by .a destroyer ;and blasted with a depth -bomb' during .Hawaiian blitz. The '
fprward 'half of the craft has been ripped to pieces:. The wreck was raised by U. S. Navy from bottom
of Pearl Harbor for first-hand examination.. ' ' '
Army -of Rusa'ia .
. .
Still :I , ariches O
In' September, after a live
few months," the ,German High
`Command ,said:
"Russia, as .a..military.' . power is
Last . July 2 Dr. Otto, Dietri'
tile 1 azi�" is.:earthief-soinided-"o
and wound up with:
"I have never mislea yoa."
'Which in 'reelity is ,weith
befit at is that -we should alabe
in bed midnight.
•Many statements have been
tele by_ ieepansibie-atuthorities--
what it should be, and the neryinis
:and labor strain of these days is
working A .:heavy and increasing'
atoll, The otteouaths aoirit• oat
that more rest is tae cheapest and
yet most effective. answea to this
inroed upon ear vitality, and few
with study seal inatter dis-
U. S.. Airlines In: Theatre of War
- Emergency Test
-Oranges: from California, pe-
cans from Olchiliama, oysters
from • Baltimore, baked beans,
ficim Boston and' scrapple from
• Philadelphia- — veritable feast: -
Only it wasn't. All. these' delica-
how the 362 'transport planes 'ef
the United States' 19 ciamnieacial
in a wet erneiaaneaa
In Vast Pacific
Manx ,.-teotisanda •of Islands
in Paelfie Brought Into • The
War, .Relates The; Sault St:
is nOw in progress in the ''Pacifie
Ocean. • .
.Mr. Churehlil, when he announe-
fensive In Lieya 'a few Weeks agq,„
. spoke ea theiaperationwthere being
strategy -and. tactics.. being- exteneta
ed over it wicleittea. Bat 'even 'anY
Churchill did 'not 'at that tinte
Vision 9Perations of' the scope of
those . new heing carried in, the
-vaskexpanSer---et water that lies be -
From Yoliehaina to ancouvea 'is
4,280 miles'aud from the same J'ap•
anese port to San Francisco is
626 miles prom Yokohama' to
Honolulu. is 3,440 miles.
Resale's 1,50a inile battle line
Bat it is dwarfed 'by a war which
• takes dietanees such as those in
' And think of the many thousands
of isande which. aeacattered ever:
that great area: There are.•sonie
7,083 islands in the Philippines,
without taking into account the' '
. territory it holds la:China, there
are. some 2,a22.1slands, 'stretehrng
over 1,609 -miles', and • having- a
the ...Nettierlands ladles there are
'• territory 3,000- Miles in length from
Singapore to Borneo , Then.,in ad- ,
dition.:there are the 'scotes and
hundreds of !elands •whieh owe ',
legiance ' to Britain, France, the
-,tralia, New 2eiland which are dot -
eels. have brought, a strange war
to a strange territory.
Tutkeys; the Wartime Prices
and Ttecle rulea, ate dress-
' ed only When they are bake. It is
just Another of those mildly eon -
fusing anonialies, such as the fact
that bread rises whon-ia sgts, and,
.in the paice ef sleeping car ac-•
=Winds* DailyaStar.
If Mt, Churchill, sudd,enly were
-knew a grave, miergericy had:,
waken. That is what Httler has-
doae, in Germany, arid it meet be
--Ottawa Journal.
Berlateanertespondent complains
tbat theussialis are- attacking
•, the oerman invaders at night and
)that Nati ,soldiers are "under con-
° tinuous strain,' and can find no
:gle.ep 4#., all." Nowa that's What
we'd call downright mean. '
• Pictured at ,hie -desk in-- Wash-,
ington after •promotion to new jab
as. coniMander of -the U. S. At-
lantic • fleet is Rear Admiral
EVacuated Children
. Lose. Identification
Xietween,. two. and three thoes:.
frain London and other cities dur-
ing the emereenciy created by the
intense air raide- of September,
1940, haVe ceMpletely- lost their
aldeartafitaareV, -The Taiarcafte Tete:
gram -telates... At the =meet it
does not appeat at all likely that
they -,can ever be identified -by par -
eats or other relatives, because
they were. all two years and un -
'der in ege at the time of their re-,
move], end the physical changes<
in The meantime' have beeri great.
U. S. Enlarges
Selective Service
President, . Roosevelt • recently'
signed the' bill enlarging the Un- „
'tinder the ire* law, all' men
of 18 'through 64 raust register
and all froM 20 thtough 44 are
liable for active military sereice, •
All men in the nation withie the
•required Ages who have not yet
regietered under the draft must „
Thai Mclucles Canadian
aatiditale as well' as citizens of
oilier countries, but Canadiahe
arid • .6ther foreigners' ate (Mai
tiken Out their first •„citizenshiw
pipers. -
"Hitler is reported io be searca-
ipg the state libraries -of Paris,
. in occupied Frenge, far a copy of
Napoleon's reputed secret rnemora"
andum, entitled 'Hpw I got oat of
Woodstock Sentinel -Review.
e; As the British writer, Vic
present international cotifliet is
concerned, I am completely nee,
tral. I della, care who 'kills Hit-
ler." - - —Windsor Star.
A chemist, alarmed by -priori-
ties says that without irrsecticides
bugs will rale the world. What
• makes hire think bugs don't rule a
-large-slice-of- the worad -right
"Some arornen who say they
suffer in silence may mean that
" Gentians proaounce the letter'
"J" as we pronounce tbe letter
-a-Woodstock Sentinel Review.
The test way to haprove a
vegetebie dinner is to add sanice,
juicy steak.
• -a-Vancouver Sara
• Enough ecrapAtietair has. been
CaBected in Britain in twe Steam
to furnish material for two pais-
:ers,. 10 or 12 destroyete, 10,009.
anti-tank guns,. 15;000,000 sirens
ana 10,000 tanks.
Air Raid Sirens
Between. Stitchqe
Departmeat Chairman of the Red
Cross in Philtalelpflia, <reports that
Npticing it was an off -shade,
Mrsa Fox.. inquired when it. was
Ceme 'the reply:
"Dukina the first, World War." ,
For Ontario -Cities Americana To Stay .
4,, EGIPC:eCt
aa --a Otittpadeleadtagesetaitaratitiat
ProduIction 'of :an English -type
siren is under way at Burlee,
Scarhaio. . Order trim ••
Ottawa is for 60.
The sitene:-,can: be -heard 'four
and a laajf,miles away under goad
"whaler, ',reiay" which transmits
the warning signal or the "all
clear" as desired, by operating it
, designated switch. The siren to
be made is -of tho type approved
, by tile home offiCe, A.R.P. depart -
Canadian officiaLs Ley ' that
United Stites volenteers 'Can-
ada!s figating forces' are ,expect-
ed to remain whete they are ra-
aather than return to the- United
States for service. '
of the bordee are' serving in. the'
Of the air &ewe trained and in
trainina • for the Royal Canadian
Air Brave ate• from the States.
600 to 1,200 egge annually.
The millionalellar Cathedeal in 'Manila, where Japs!raiperlicanbs
on the undefended Philipaine capital:
WAR' P W *�° (dompnentar Qn Current liven s
-Allied -Beads Meet In Washington
.To Plan Defeat of :,Acis Powers
"The Prime Minister of •Great
Secretary, Mr. Stephen Early on
the evening of December 22., "is
now with the President. Be ar-
rived by air and woo met• by the
President at. an air atation near
Washington: He was. accompanied
b Lord Beaverbrook and a, tech.:
course," confirmed Mr. Earia,
Versations to be held between the
Presideat and the British ,Printe
kihister end the. respective:staffs
of the two countries, That purpose
ie the defeat el Hitlerism through-
out the ,world."
ishould be remembered that
many other nations are engaged
Therefore, . the present confer-
ences in Wasbiagton should be
regarded as preliminary to further
coriferences which will officelly
InClude Russia, China., the Neth,,
p.eeted taat there will also ae in-
eonchiet of the war. Other nations
will be asked tp participate al the
over-all objective.".
lisPe, involved
The problem of co-ordinating
the -vast -issues. havolved could be
summarized under the following
Ruesia. and the Netherlands stand
upseatterably mated against any
separate aeace With'any part of
tire --Ails Mid theyaare-areakitia--."
the fullest conceivable pledge' to
each other that only a peace .ap-
. prompt• action is now being taken
to weld the Allied fercee into an '
' efficient fighting, unit,. The strug-
aged well, woald take Mily 'half a •
ae lorig as if managed .badly.:
.a.. right to.' ask. ine.,M Eagla d; -
. • why.. is it Yen have Sob 'got 'amp. .
General Auchialeek has ..gained .
Malaya, we Would •haVe .been .. •,,a,..),•
:foiled wanting ia ,both spheres. .
know tbat it, is 'to • sorne• -extent
' merit loathe defence of the Brit- •
:ish Isles, end above all for your .
*•heln_iiiAltel3.attle Of the Atialitic,',.
eh Which. all ,depends, •and whiai •
' Of eoUrse• it •woula have been
ough •resoarces of all kinds to..
be 'at pill •stae-ragfh artillaritratita-a---:-
'ened points,, but c.onsatering hew
'The chace of, hew. te'dispose.
had to be made, by 'Britain in a-.
-States. in times of peace,: and 1 •
Upon the .whole that these Mat- a
chocie .made was' the right erre." . •
lemsi.that 'the. present emergencY
'war, if are • heti taken. comin'ori
newel', of the. curse need never,
• ' After winning the left' war • to-
gether. with ..partnership• between
-Greet -Britain, was.'diseolved and
• each' went. their 'respective. ways,.
even becoming riaale. The ,.,ques-
' tion of war debts, the selfishaees.
of British and Anietican eommei•-
Far .Eastern Policy' all. Worked" to-
gether to areek up 'the .union of
.This is the :mistake which .Mr.
'Churchill and Mr.. Roosevelt nre
--Nazis Hide Truth
' • From Own People
The Germane are .trying to hide.
losses . in Russia , by regulating.
aince• the start of Alm Ruesiaa:
campaign there have been fella •
circlets regulating oaituaries, it is
• The first prohibited -firms 'end -
party orgaiiizations from
thern; the second ordered the
. ieductioa in size by aalf; the third,
Milted the nuMber to twenty-
five daily, and the fourth instru.c-
ted editors 'hi censoi the teat.
Bees and War ,
drinks were included in the daily
diet of the miCient Rcimins.
highly did they 'prize this food
that the Roman Empire iternies
even Carried their 'own bee -hives
witirthern whenever they ipvaded
2, A supreme-- Allied War
Council will be immediately et,
ganized te direct the 'composite
strategy against the cemposite
--fardee of the Axis: The highest
icy will be settled ay cemmon
agreement in the interests of the
most effective war plan and all
aatire-taeatres- of the lighting -will -
of this eemmon strategY. This
is to give effect to 'Mr. Reese-
Velt's repeated declaratipne that:
the worldseale aggre,ssion of the
•Axis can only be defeated by the
lwieosr.lcascale .strategy of the Aa
3. There -will be an unieseryed
the fronts where they are most
needed .in accordance with the
' 'CI -2 Russia's entry into the-Wara
against Japan will be decided ey
-joint •aareement its to avhan and •
how it will be melt effective:
6. There will be agreement on
the essentiel peace, objectives.
'outlined by Mr. Roosevelt and
' Mr. Caurehill in. the Atlantic
a 6. The alliance will not au-
tematically. terminate vtite the
conclusion of the war.. It is de-
aigried to Constitite the beginning
'of a peace alliance against fur-
ther aggression—the beginning of
a world policy force to preaent '
fut7u. re Trier.' ni
echanism of close
the basis of economic and social
collaboration ia the period of
post-war reconstruetion.
Conference In Moscow
lt is significant that the hada-
tiae of this -Allied Council did not
spring from any single one of its
memeers. It arose almost shaul-
trineously from all of them, in -
Generalissimo Kiang Kai-shek
in Churigking. The Councils
from whichathe present argement
is emerging have been in progress
for some time in Washington, in
London and in Moscaw.
Eden and Prime Minister Joseph
Stalin in Moscow have reached an.
agaeernent in full ort conduct of
the war and especially on "the ne-
Hitlerite Germany". There was
also an exchange of views an
questions relating te the post-war
organization' of peace And securi-
. the last war, lack of con-
Normandie Seized..
Armed coast..guardamen, acting.
, on bevel ':orders, •havq seized the
die, one of the largest, proudest
I.;ed by Capt. John Saylise guards -
Men swooped •dqwn on the 83,423,-.
ton liner at the Budseu River pier,
where.she. has..been *laid CP' since
The , Normandie could ee used '.
• either as -a transport or aa en ,aira
Craft earrier. She Was designe.d.and
built fo speedy conversion. Capt..
20u • seamen from her.
- Washington,' the depertment
of Inatice Said the Fivncli 'stamen
would be released. aiul placed on
the third largest .sh•fp in tne werld,
Elizabeth and the Queili :Vary.
Rer .of 1,1i28 feel makes
.her:fonr,liines the height'. of,,,•
Etatue of hem