HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-11-27, Page 1•
•• •
Lucknow Ont., , Thursday: November 27th, 1941,
•-Lecknow. Business Men on Tues-
day night arranged for 'Santa.,Clates
visit to this, Village on Saturday
Decenibeeleth,. when. a free, picture
show- wile be .proeille,d • for the kid
••- • dies and each One presented with.
. a: chocolate hate ,
:CePeAssers Were appointed to col-
letteftinds to defray the costs •cif. •
Santa's Yleit.7.Cer the ssnith side they
are Wm. ,scbmici and 'Gerald Rath,
. 'Well and on : the.. North, eleeentete
TVIu ie and :Tames
On the evening of Deceinher 13te
' a 'picture show, especially suited fce
. ;adult entertainment will be • pres
f.. ented in .the Town'Hall.ender spore
• **shin., of the •Business •Men's As ,
sOcietion • with . proceeds for War
. work ;purposes. .•• . •, •
- The Meeting also went on Tecore
teetering the observance of Boxing
Day on Friday, December 26th .ane.
will tequest the •Council to proelaire
• it a .civic holiday. in ,Lucknow.
The Lucknow School Board, meet-
ing last Wednesday night. appointed
Aderie Boverrian as earetaker of the
school. Mr; Bowe:Ian assumes1il5'
•new duties next Monday, sticceedine
-•-e,-,-----,----eIeseplee-Whitio-was; fore -eel t
ee resign due to a sciatica ailment and
• who: for eighteen years -has efficient•
•iv and painstakingly peeformed his
' • -
• • •Withilit the netfew days • yeti Will
gte Ay be 'approached to '• tare
e. • liT'Itelierqiilltdes-beefteeffet ee-Seee
winning a three -year -Old bay work
horse, • and a sound one: ., • •
• • The ,..prize 'draW ' will. be 'made. in
Lucknow on 'Saturday, December
• Committee Of the Lucknow Business
Menrs'A.ssociatiOn, appointed. to raise
- -funds for war work purposes. The
horse :has 'been. kindly donated bff,,,
. Mr. Alex Hackett of Ashfield. •
... • •
Members of the Port. Albert Roye!
Air Force choir presented a delight.
.ful . concert ...in the Town 'Heil lasi
Thursday, evening,by kind permls-
side of Group Captain R. L. 'Crofton
M.B.E., A.F.C.'• • -• ' ' •
Proceeds were in .aid of the 1°6,1'
Red •Creseleranch and for such Put.
- popes • the 4ioir. donates 'their • ser.!.
erices., Unfortunately the • attendance.'
was not what.•it'°:Chothclehave been
The caiiSe warranted: El',13acked aP
and the performance certainly mei,
• ieedit. ' ••,-.
..•The choir was under the 'direetioe
if Sergeant Chartee.Grant. and gave
;eeeral: fine numbers. LAC. Arthur
Loveland .was soloist and LAC. Fre'
Harris. Was the .leading . comedian
and AC. Oliver contributed an .pc •
lOrclian number.' A- harmonica axle
stringed instrument quartette did -2
very delightful `turn", . • •
Only complaint we heard coeiceen
ing this •very fine performance was
"it wasn't long ..enough". , •
Mrs. G. - A. Newton.' kindly con-
sented to aipistat the .piano, wher
the choir was unable to .bring their
regular • pianist. • • t •
Legal residents provided the trans-
portation for "the boys" . and enter-
tained there at their homes after the
- The condition o i e earl "in-
terstein,., a paralysis petient in Vic-
toria Hospital,continues to' be most
eneoureging, Limbs which were
completely paralysed. are, slowlyre-
gaining-strength, and• ••where jean
could •only be out of the iron lung
.. •
Making Fayo .RegoVere
„ • Although s confined to bed at
her home ingharn, .Mee. Roy.
McGee is Makieg a favourable re-
. coeeey-•frem heed, injuries received.
• • Kinloss Township .is to have an When she was kriecked to the pave-
. •
election. for 'councillors. Reeve Rich- • meat in Wieglearti eecently.
aid 'Elliott was retiiined. bY emigre. ,..
ation.• for his eighth term in the
.reeveship end his fourteenth on .the. ..• •- • • ,•-• • • • ' ' •
•Council Beaiet.' • . . .
....Wheii.Kinidas. ratepayers go to the' • • • • ^ ' •
polls,nexe.egondgy it will be td. elect • e• . •
four councillors filen a elete.ef. The Lucknow Fire; •CoMpanY. tee.
.eericlidetes.:. Mr. John • B. Errieeser i.e.e.ritiy..ebettred another,'
4 the :I{inlough district the new order of eeverifeerie fountain -pen*
aspirant . to office; Along with • the .as gifts for local boys on. active
beer' members . of last -year's' Boatel ,yiee: Each pen. is •setiebly engraved•
who all -qualified. follovemg..the..noine With the receiver's name.. ..
Mahon meeting:en.._Friday. :• _ . ...The ..Fire. CoMpany ..adopted.thi
. It appeared like an .all-round •ac . policy. soon after .° the outbreak of
clamation until' •Seeirdev •-evenint • the. war •and since •then 'they haire
.When MteEmerson ..qualified as the presented ihnest. fifty pens to beys
dead -line approached. . active service from Lucknow al
„ .
On Menday's.. ballot .here is how. a post of ;appreicinaatelY $150.00..
the • nanies will appear, four to be.' Reoently the Company decided to:
elected: • • • • . • include boys within. a radius .of .114
.- • John B. ••Erneeson, f •
.' Earle Hedging • .
Alexander MacKenzie
. Dan T-MagKinrion
• George Tiffin :
. miles from the vellage. The last list.
.. ef seventeen boys who have, or 'will
. ehortly receive their gifts, .inclectee.
,II.ussell'•Whithy, Tome Alton,. Alex
Smith. • Jack' : 'Campbell,. - • • "Bled!".
Thompson, Hereby Hale J. C. John.
• Lady Nominated • sten; Johnnie Dahiner,. jack McLeod'
. Nomination's received east .Friclay ,Clair Johnston; Fred. Webster, .Boe
afternoon, by .Clerk • John R. Lane McKenzie. Clarence' Greer, Howard
included the .naree of Mrs. Aylmer ReedePhillin *Milian; J. C. Arm,
Acketteanclet iVebeetiverl..thel: this...stiongeand-Doneld...johnstone• -- • -,
was the first, time in .the' history .of. • 2. • •
the , municipality . that a .lady leaF ,. • . , . • .. . ... • .. • . .. , .
.. . , . , . ,
---orriposee, , , dse candidete for-ethee--,-WED-
•Council. e., :, . • , . - • .. .. • - : . . . • •
Nominatione were: . • . : : , 'MOIVIURACFYY,-BARNARB • ,
For Reive • - . • . • ' • ' , Calvin. United:Church, et: Helens
• Richard Elliott be Thigpen: Gaunt wes. the • scene Of a • lovely: event at.
and---Erneste-Casemetee. - ... -
' ' 'high *noon- on Monday when ,Miee
Alex 'MacKenzie by Frank Miller Winnifred 'Bessie Barnerd, daughter
Barn -
she . is now able. to stay out • of the, ' ..
and :Russell .Gaunt. . • . • ..
for a . few nemete,s five weeks. ago,: Of 'Rev. and .Mrs. Geerge. A. •Barrie
Geoege Tiffin by, Allister' Hughes - ard was united in. marriage to •Air.
•resPiratet, for periods of three hours and • 'c: Hodgins, • , - . , . • .....ctaftsmati, Archib.aldeMplyletreelly of-
- . • . 1. • .. . ;For .Councillors 1 - .the son 'f M
--„„,..„ ' -.c...:-Ale.X-MacKeli4e-bK.X111,..„51gAttaranslirs-IVii-Jacifitradoir.,41:.
-50-:-DiViiion-T-Overseas- . • . ---;-------- --.andere-}17:-Baine---, e . -Mt Conne11,•"Matitoba-ee---Theebride-
' • Amiceincement was made the•first , Earle Hodgins .by P. A. Murray lovely .in white: tafette with net - in -
of •the Week that the 5th Canadiee. and Allister. Hughes. . . • • Sets • and silver shoes, and finger-tip
Armored Division had arrived satele - :Dail MacKinnon by Fog* Moffat veil With .halo Of •orange lekissorns
.overseas. It Wasthe largest boot and WilsoieWell.,_. , ..e. . _ .• .. - ' '• and carrying abotiquet ,of pink car.
onvoy ever-toeleave-C-a-natle. Reif- 'AllestereHug-heseh-e-rrRY• -nationsTewas-eglyen iri-mgreiege.-b-
expected that a nurnber Of local boys and Frank Thompson. . ' her brother, Rev,- John Barnard- of-
Were.in the contingent, . although ° We ...John Emerson by Adain•McQUeer • ..Courtright. Miss Vera TaYlor,• gown -
have not heard of anyone who has and . Alex 'Cameron. . ... • .• .ed in .deep • pink .satin with gold ace
I as. yet received a cablegram ,to that. • .George Tiffin by. Archie .McKirt. pessories and 'Wearing . a 'corsage of
I effect . eitin and Foster .Moffat. . :roses, was bridesmaid and -George:
:Mrs. Ellie -Ackert by D. S. Canine Robert Barnard; little • nephew • of .
beand P. A. •Murray. - . ' ' ' ' • the •bride made a charming train-.
P. A: Murray by Frank T1,1enip.aor hearer: The groom - was attended be.
and Chas. . Hodgins. Mi. • Murray Taylor.The.. bride's
e•e:Qeesgeg,Halderifey .•••-eRfeeteeaudT,atemeeieebee•teiticestIm.a.
keleete a mei
at a time.,
By their actions/ this year Kinloss
Township Council, acted to perpet-
uate the memory of the late Purvis
Family ,a pioneer family of the
*Holyrood district and one • Widely
and favorable known throughout the
Township. • •
The Will of the late Susan Purvis
the last nieniber of the family, be-
queathed the Wm' Of 000.00 to the
municipality, upon the request .of
her brother the late John Purvis. '
With this money Kinloss Council
has added some very handsome
,equipment ,and furnishings to the
Township Hall at Holyrood. Inelud-
ed in the purchase is a sturdy Coun-
cil Board table, carrying an erigray .•
ed Plate in commemoration of the
Purvis family. Other furnishings in -
elude eight chairs, g desk, an electric
clock and a floor covering for .the
stage. The entire bequest is not yet
all spent. •
e:ett Friday's nomination meeting
the audience Was advised as to. what
had been done to honor' arid perpet-
'late the Purvis name, and the Board
was •cemmerided for their action
rather than to place the bequest in
the general fund of the township.
„ (Belfast News)
A -series of •Evangelistic services„
is being held: for the second week
• on 'the Ashfield Charge. the meet-
ings are' all held at Hacket'e church.
Assisting Rev. G. G. Howse, the pas-
tor, the first week and Monday even-
ing Of the seeend week- was Rev.
•Miss Hern of Varna United Church.
Rev. Bern was a very pleasin setae
eiat-andetoreetueespeakee-ande-was- epasteseeen-yearse-Miss-Nixonefireet
loved and inepired-hyeall-Whoeheard establiehaed her business at -her home
Robert Murdoch, e native of Pare
indent, passed away kept. Thereciae
morning at his home in Sault 'Ste
•Marie. • Interment_ was made. ir .
Greenhill Cemetery at ,Lucknow or.
'Friday - afternoon,- . with Alex' Mac'
•Diarinicl, John Cameron, Write •Mur
dOch,•Joseph Agnew, Wm. Muiclie
and J. R. WNW)acting as • palibeer
: of .the late .Mel, and Mre.
William leleedgehe Robert was „bore
..at Paramount on the Present Keteh•
abew farm: As a, ,youngman he
married Mary Eliza- Murchison o'
Paramount', and they. were in
nese at 'Lochalsh , erid•eDengennth
before 'leaving this district. Sin&
'then they :have. made • their .hcimc •
.principally in Detroit and Sault Ste
Marie. ' • . • . • . • - • • '
MT. Murdoch suffered 'a sever'
heart attack more than 'a year ege.
although he enjoyed .imerovec.
health.sinee then, until a recurteee
of the 'ailment resulted inhis deatee
last week.
The remains Were. accompanied ti
Lucknew by his widow and her bre._
ther, "Me. :Said ..1Vfneehisoe, .Who her
spent the laste few' months at ehe
Sault. • " . • ••••••• •
Besides his wifc, Mr. Murdoch if.
survieed by , two. brothers W. 1)
Murdoch ef .Viking and Lqyell_ •ol_,
Yea,. B.
• This pat 'week a business trans-
action of interest was completed
whereby Miss Luella Ceeen has pur-
chased Miss Evelyn Nikon's beauty
parlor. - •
• Miss Creen takes . ever the busi-
ness next Monday which Evelye has
:very successfully conducted for the
United church was the speaker qn
• Rev •W. J. Stewart of Lucknow
Tuesday' evening and Rev. Robert
sp aker. • Wonderful messages' were.
delivered both 'evenings. Much cred-
it goes to Rev. Howse, in arranging
and so successfully carrying on these
meetings Which were well attended.
but some time ago moved tp the
Treleaven. Block on Main Street,
. where she had more spacious quart-
ers and a modernly equipped beauty
lyliss Nixon will eemain with the
riew Proprietor until the Christmas
season. -
1 1
• -..
Kinloss Township's financial state- .
merit. reveals -that Under-thebeading'.,---4.•
"Sheep And Dogs"; tcital experidie
eite for the current year un until
eleve,mber • 15th, was $121,40. • • °
In.. 1940 this amount was more
than .•feue times greeter,: totalling
e528.20, while in 1939 total eepene •
;Mutes soared to .over $1100.00i •
Ttlie *devastation • .mictog "Kiniteee-
8!slieep _flecks, was caused by wild•
eggs. Abet.. infested e many.' parts of
the ...Township. The. eerprising de-
erease this year •would indicate that •
etith&.-the wild dogs have .been, wipe.
ed Out, or that farmers •have. pretty .
laugh discontinued sheep -raising. in
'the. Township. • .- . ' • . •
„An itemized •perusal of lest .year's
and this year's :expenditures is re? '.
eealing however. In 1940, on the ..
of .$20.00 a head, boueties'tot-''
ailing $460 were paidfor wild 'dogs •
---lesteeyede The -balance of the -
nenditure, $68.20, • ,was for sheen •,°
lainee and inspection . fees.. ' •
'During' the .. currentyear there
has not been ene- wild' dog bounty -
need, so that .sheep;clamage•Was
ially higher this year than in 1940.
Claims and inspection fees totalled
q1.5..40, plus dog. tax refunds in the -',-
-amount eee. • - ••
This year Ashfield Township
"steals, theshow" trona. Kinloss for• .
thefeerne '
clairee and ' inspection.- fees :paid to.
November 15th have totalled $826.O0.
• -
I; Nature has Previded all kinds of
to supplement the Man-made
• letters, symbolizing victory. But last •
week we saw Mother Nature's most
perfect handiwork. This it was
on-the farm of Mrs. Thomeelre*F,
eouth of Belfast.
Joe Brooks shewed it to es. The
V resulted from two perfectly fern),
ed cat tails of the seine length and ,
err -a -sing
spreading out fromthe end of the
stock in a perfect letter. •
' Rev. W: P. Newman of Dungan, Mr. Wallace Knapp and Miss Aucle
non will be the gtiest speaker on rey Knapp of Galt -spent the .week-
ThersdaY evening and Rev. G. A. end with their cousins, Betty, Doris
Barnard of St..11elens. the speaker an jeeeeeeeeleeee.... •
on Friday evening. We hopeaegoedie • ••
2 me le.%ibL;er Ate
• VerittEjrittitO
• . • Mt Ha r Old V.
Kinloss nomination meeting was to .be proud to, live in 'a country
held last Friday afternoon, with tlu where we still have such privileges
usual good attendance of ratepay- Mr: MacKinnon commented. •
• Ors, butwith no "fireworks" over The speaker reviewed the engag-
' the Ackert drain as was the ease ing of Engineer James to bring in
. a year age,. TO all appearances op- his report, the engaging of the Twp.'
posingforceson this question are solicitbreand their consultation with
pretty much agreed that the matter the Department in Toronto. We have
will be filially settled in the courts. .followed the advice of our solicitor
• and that stirring it -up again, on the and the Department, he said. The
• public platform woold serve no Ose• majority had the •power to rescind
ful purpose. ' the Archibald 1357•Law, and then had
•Mr. • Malcolm Rosa: an ex -council- the new ohe drafted. .
lor of lOnrand efficient service was He contended that the first By-
, , appointed chairman Of the meeting law had not been properly „ dealt
• and expressed his appreciation of •with The second • by-law had the
• the honor. •approval of the Department and was
Reeve Richard Elliott was the .termed •a: legal by-law. •
the m•anner in Which the ptirvis Mr. •McKinnon pointed out that
• first speaker and after referring tr•• •
they had advertised in order to pro -
bequest had been,spent, • lie .proceed-
• ceed 'th th ' k. Mr. Ackert•
.wi , e wet' ,.
ed to deal almost solely with Court• -
then. issued an action and the mat-
ty matters,•particularly in regards •
ter now rests with the decision of
to Highway matters of which Board
the court. • ,
Mr, Elliott
he said there was a total Mr. McKinnon, suggested that a
js chairman.
of about 300 miles of County road, change of Board would serve no
• in Bruce of which some 60 mile- Purpose, as Mr. Ackert would not
• were hard surfaced. This year, 51/2 accept the James' by-law, and Alli -
miles had - beef' done at Sauble ster Hughes would not acceptvothe..
Beach at a cost of about $2000 a mil Archibald. •
and five miles .of heavier surfacin • We are all good friends, but we
from I ucknow to Holyrood at al:tout had it hot, god and hot. '11 not
$4000 a mile. • • • he led around by the nos", said
_ The continued weed •spraying McKinnon.
county roads is now resulting in a Discusses CostsN:- •
reduced cost and he expressed the Councillor George Tiffin in touch -
opinion that the time would conic ing on Township roads, stated that
when Township roads would ,also they believed it was better to hire
be done. As yet the cost, Was pro- heavy road equipment than to pur-
- hibitive in the case of weed killing chase it.
• in fields. • He Spoke of the accumulated costs
Equipment purchased, included a of the Ackert drain, (they now total
Patching kettle to de, away with the about $1700 Without a sod being
cold patch" in repairing roads, and turned) and this resulted in, Pones -
a reducing crusher to speed up' the tions from the audience as to where
• work and produce a better gravel ,these costs would be placed. The
product. • - opinion appeared to ibe that that
Mr. Elliott stated he would be in would be for the Drainage Referee
the running if there was an election to decide.
and in view of the situation in the Mr. Ackert questioned why Mr
Township he said in effectethat he James' went farther down the river
would welcome an election. in his first report, than did Mr
' Delay In Gravelling Archibald. Mr. McKinnon replied
Councillor Alex MacKenzie point- that they didn't accept it but sehi
. ed out that the Township gravelling it back to Mr. James for a report
contract had been let the Sandy on a cleanout of the ditch, according
" Company last March, but still had to the motion. •
not been started as they had taker . ' Reeve Replies
Board had down on the roads got along well except
,7; es! clshe said, , '
oit\hion other jobs. The price was480 in his reply Reeve Elliott said the
Relief had coat $23L00 during the when the Ackert drain came up and
year without nursing or Medical then it was "tt little hell„on earth".
fees. There were no wild dog boun The Township solicitor was being
ties paid during the year, and 110e paid out of • the, general fund, but
feet of new snow fence had 130" he was being used and paid only
purchased Were other facts stresser° to fight the Ackert drain. There has
by Mr. MacKenzie.1, been nothing done for two years'and
,Couneillcir Earle ilddgins explain- the people have not been saved any
ed the &nitre of the road grader nicsoy. • •
, following the maintainer, to prove Other speakers called on by Chair -
as satisfactory as had been recom- man Ross including nominees 'and
.thended to them. He also touched ce visitors were, John B. Emerson,
the Work done On the Alex Walker Allister Hughes; P. A. Murray; Fos:.
sideroad to nrovide, a winter road ter Moffat; ilbseph McInnis, rdeve
for that locality.• of Culross; John Colwell; Canipbell
Explains The'DitehThompson; Thomas Gaunt, Town-,
Councillor Dan 'I'. MacKinner Ship treasurer; David •Caeruthers.
gave a brief review Of the ditch tax 'collector and John R. Lane.
situation. It will have to be settled Township clerk. • •
in the courts as Mt Ackert has en- Absentees -Who were. called on
tered an action. he snid, while ree were, Mrs. Elite: Ackert; Geeorge
ogazing his right to do so. We vght
In Ashfield • and • West • Wawanosh
Townships;, where the two-year terrr
isle. effect, little •interest*as taker
in . ratepayers' Meetings called' for
the purpose Of receiering the finan-•
ial statement of the respective. mun.
idipalities. . .
in Ashfield • ,one Tatepaver,#,'npart
from members of the :Board and
TOWnship. • 'officials... attended the
meeting held' last 'Friday afternoon •
In West Wawanosit • the nieetino
was •held oh. Monday afternoon. awl
that meeting attracted. .exaetly. the
same audience. one lone ratenaver.'
who incidentally was Mi. 'Albvt*
Johnston. a' former reeve Of the
mimicipality. • •
Haldenby and Dustati Beeeroft.
Is In ,The Orient • •• A
Sgt. Charles Jewitt, was a mem-
ber of the Canadian Forces recently
arriving in the Orient. Charlie is
the elder son of Mrs. Viola Jewitt
formerly of Lucknow. The, family
now resides in.London.
Reception At Parsonage .
• • •-Rev. and Mrs. J: W. Stewart will
be at home to the members of their
congregation. and friends on Wed-
nesday, December 3rd from 3 to 5
and from 8' to 1043.m. '
a se sang eeause .urang • e sign.
• ing_ of.. the.: register. Mrs. Diireiri
Phillips was accompanist for , the
solo. Mr,.. Richard Weatherhead give
Mr. • .Allan Miller Acted' as ushets,
reception was held in the .cluircle
Parlor Where Inneheon 'Was S-etvece
to the 28 guests by, the ladies of the
congregation. r. . Q. Medd. of
•Exeter • was master a eerenio
"and. proposed the "toast to :the bride
Both Mr. • and Mrs •McMtitachy re•
plied end informal epeeelieS Were
.given by mane 'of the guests.. The
beautiful -wedding.. cakek which. grac-
ed the centre of the table was made.
by Mrs. E. W. Rice and • decorated
by Mr. Rice. Guests included Mr•
and • Mrs. George -Medd .• of Exeter
• Mr.. and Mrs. J. W..Skinner, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frazer' and
daughter Miss Jean Frazer and Miss.
Eliza Brook. Windsor; Mr. ,and• Mrs
W. Lvens of Lendesboro; Rev, and
Mrs. W. A.- Beeeroft, Mr. and Mrs
Harold Pym of Winghatn; Rev. and
Mrs. J. W. Stewart of Lucknow; Rev
Reba E. Here- of Varna; Ree. an
Mrs. Q. G. Howseof Lucknow : Rev
,end -Mrs. John G. •Barnard, Matei
George .Robert and • baby .Ruth Anne
• Barnard of CoUrtright; Miss Vero
.tayler, and Mr, Murrey Taylor.
The regular, meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute was held on Nov-
embeello 14th in the Council Chat -fi-
ber. Mrs. Stewart presided. Reports
of the various committees were giv,
en by the conveners,I Mrs. W. Doug -
rat, MrS. J. W. Jovnt and Mrs. Mt&
lin. It was decided to send cigarettes
to the boys who enlisted from Luck-
noW. A letter of appreciation was.
received from the Council for the
manner in which the banquet was
served( also enclosing a cheque for
$25.00. The motto -"The intelligence
of the people is the seeurity of the
Nation" was very ably taken by
WS. Morgan Henderson. MiSs Mary
McLeod gave an interesting talk on
"Peace Education and International
Relationship". The pumpkin pie Con-
test was won by Mrs. Jas. Smith.
Airgraph forms are available at
the local postoffice en connection
With Airgraph: Service which per-
mits Messages being sent overseas
I speedily to Members. of the Armed
Forces, at the small fee of ten cee.tsc
This. font' is a single sheet, on
which the Sender writes bah the
message and address and hand's it
in, unfolded,at the postal wicket.
Such messages are .despatched .to
Toronto where they are photograph-
ed in miniature on micro-filin and
speeded by air, oVerseas. There they
are enlarged and forwarded to •the
This new service went into effect
this month: Black ink is: the most
satisfactory with which to write' and
the forms should not be folded.
fellow-wor e TOU
the Grace of God, have done for us
all during these splendid pervices.
Holding Community Sales • \
Fitst of a series of community
auction sales was -held at •Dtragennon
last week and proved highly suc-
cessful. The • next sale is scheduled
for next Theiredayi Deeember Atle.
'The friends of Mrs. Murdoch. Me
Pherson who has been ill with. P
severe heart attack will be glad to
know she is making it Satisfactore
recovery under the care of De. Car
oeneto and Mist Mary E. Stinson
RN, ••
• --„
Even if Yoe can't 'shoulder, a rifle
or knit a seek you can help rally
help, by 'writing regularly, freqpen-
tly and cheerfally to the boys on
active service. •'
• Morale is a necessary quality in
winning the *at and nettling eon -
tributes more to the high spirits
of the • troops than a letter from
friends back h'otrie. •
• Men's and Boys' work clothing, sox The man
thin finds
Mitts, undetwear,; sweaters. New an g cuse.
low Government •contralled prices. " •
Card a Appreciation
who wants to do some-.
a way -the other finds
The Melody Mixers of Goderich
will play ter a dance -at Zion- or
• Tuesday; December 2nd. Please n fle
change in date from Dec. 4th. Ad-
• mission 25a. Lunch served.
. The annual St. Andrew's Dance,
sponsored 'by the KairShea • Club,
will be held in the Town Hall, Luck -
now, oh Friday November 28th.
Scotch and old time dancing. Lunch
counter, Arthur's orchestra. General
admission 35e.
The Public School annual con-
eert will be held in Luaknow Town
Hall, Friday, December Stii at 8.00
pm. The program includes a can.
tate "When Santa Listened Iri" and
a patriotic pageant "Miss Canada's
Reception". Admission: 25e and 15c.
In the Toveft Hall, Lucknow under
auspices of stant US.o. Club on
Wednesday! December 10th at nine
sharp. Music by The Melody„Mixets
cif Goderieh..Lunch served. Admis-
mon 35e.
Mrs..Struther's group of the Wo-
men's • Association of the United
Church will hold a gale of home -
Made baking at Mr. W. J. Davison'e
stere on Saturday, November 29th,
commencing at 2.30 p.m. ,
• I wish to take thiserritans of ack-
nowledging with sincere apprecia-
tion the honor conferred upon me
,by those who saw fit to nominate
me as a candidate for the Township
Council. • ' •
Sincerely, .1
Mrs 4ylmer 'Ackert.
• Mr. and Mrs. David Little an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Vera Isabel, to William
Leslie Wareing, .second son of .Mr.
and Mrs. John Wareing, Liverpool.
England, the marriage to take plate
early in December: '• .
Scored One ,
Harold, Greer, who is lihing up
With the Winghain Indians this sea-
son; has had, :the skates on a kW
times already. The Indians haee had
a couple of practices in the Owen
• Sound arena and last Friday eeere
ing played an eehibition game with
the Owen Sound Juniors, who won
the tilt 7 to 3. "Toby" got one of
the trio of Witigham goals on a
play with Cordick, the Paisley ace
Shower At Zion
A shower was held last Friday
night by the '•Zion ledies, at the
hotne of „Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Ritchie
in honor of • their daughter, WS.
Ivan Papernick. 'The address eels
read by Miss Lorna Reid efter which
Sean thanked the ladies for their
many and useful. gifts. A short pro.
Irene was given, whiebvetit followed
by some eentests. Lunch was sereed
by the young ladies. •
W.M.S. Meeting Change .
The annual meeting of the Un-
ited Church W.M.S. will be heM in
the church' next 'Monday. • Please
note change of. date-
ns r
Ready,To Commence District Blitz
The Lucknow and Vicirrity "War
Weapons Dleve" .is about ready: to
Swing into action.Though somewhat
later than in some sections, the (Wee
• in this district promises to be an
enthusiastic and thorough one in a
determined effort to assure the sus-
taining of the local quota for the
duration of the War. .
A social event of much interest
here took . place at Vermillion, *Al=
berta on Saturday evening, Novem-
ber lst, when many friends gath-
ered at the home of. Mr. and Mrs.
David A. Andrew on .the occasion
of their silver wedding anniversary.
• Mrs.' j. F: Andrew. of Edmonton
assisted Mr. and Mrs. Andrew in re-
ceiving at this happy event. -The
guests were ushered in by Mrs. W.
S. Cash •and Mrs.. J. J. Knoll,. while
Mrs. X.• ell, assisted by Mise Jae-
quelin Andrew attended to the
signing of the guest book.
The beautiful corsage worn by
Mrs. D. A. Andrew and Mrs. J. F.
Andrew and the bouttoniere worn
by M Andrew were giftg of Mrs.
H. J. Payne. Flowers made the home
very .beautiful, while the I tea table
was centred by a three -tie* Wedding
cake. The lovely display of gifts
and the numerous callers testifiec3.
to the high esteem this coupTe have
won for themselves In the conermin-
ity. • •
AC. Ken SoMerS, who recently
completed a radio course at Univer-
sity tof 'Toronto, is now. attending
the R.A.Ft Radice Sehool at Clinton.
. •
On Daylight Time('
• Port Albertir,Navigetion school
Is now operating on daylight saving
• time. Leaves are granted on eastern
standard time however.
Mission Band Thankoffering
The Victorie Mission Band Thank -
offering was held on Friday even-
ing November 14th with a good at-
tendance. After the devotional ex -
erases, the program opened with
a chorus by the Band. Recitations
Were given by Grace Huston, Don-
ald McAlpine, Neil and Mary Mur -
loch and Bobby Reid; a solo by Opal
Orr; a duet by Betty McCartney
and Gwen Steward and a chorus hy
the Senior girls. Fourteen junior
members presented a dialogue "The
Rouse of Do What You Can" and
a Thanksgiving pageant was pre-
sented by the Senior girls. After
the singing of Hymn 874 Mr. Mc-
Donald closed the _meeting with
e •
• The quota e essigned- on- the- basis
:of past results, by Mr. P. V. 'Wilson,
• district chairmen of the Counties of
Waterloo, Wellington, Perth, Hmem
and Bruce, • is • ,a "Blitz Buggy"
monthly for Lucknew and the area
seived by Luckriow rural routes. In
dollarsand cents it represents • a.
monthly quota of $17504 •'
For Holyrood and Holyrood routes
'the objectiv.e is $250 monthly teual
to the cti# of two aerial bombs.'
On Monday evening of this week
some "twenty, Canvassers frcim the
rural district and the Village, met
in the Town Hall; when they re-
ceived instructions .pertaining to the .
canvas and in particular in regard
to the maimer of filling out applica-
tions and pledges.
The Bank pledge is being stressed
stro-nglerein this.. fall carnpaigne
is a convenient system for the pled,
gar:arid the plan which resulted in •
the !nest consistent purchase of War
Savings Certificates in the months
fellowing the Spring drive.
The honor pledges as a rule prov-
ed rather tinsatisfactory ged showed
a decided drop after the first four,
months. For instance May purchas-
es were $1,476 apd in .Tune droved
to $276, this is apart from the Bank
ledgers purchases. '
The average of all purthases for •
the eight months Februaryto Sept --
ember was $1,536 but this was great-
ly boosted by soaring purchases in
the earlymotiffiof the -.Spring
drive., .
To assure the sustaining a the
"Blitz Buggy" quota for the dura-
tion will .require the co-operation
• and support of everyone in the com-
munity. Do your part by becoming
a Bank pledger if pessible. If not
elan to adopt. and budget for, a Os -
tem of monthly purtheees of War
Savings Certificates. • .
Circulars have gone out in the
mpils stressing the importarice of
this Campaign, and the sustaining
of the 'quota. • The eireular aTeo an-
nounces that the canvassers will call '
on you shortly. Be preparedto re-
ceive them, please.
• Canvassers in the rural district
are: R.R. 1, Fred IVIcQuillirt, Wallace '
,Miller, Rick 'MelViillan„ A. Game:lie,
Jas. Laidlaw, T. J. Salkeld, Archie
Aitchison ; R.R. 2,-Durnie Phillips
Wm. McCrostie, Gus Kinahan; Gee.
Stuart; R.R„ • 3,-Jeck McIntosh
Giant MeDiartnid, Alex MacDona1d:1
Fred Anderson,' Donald MatLean,
Gordon Kirkland; R.R. 5 -Jim Mc—
Intosh, Alex MacLeod, Reissell
Gaunt; A.R.. de -Archie Machileye,
Richard Martin; RR. 7 -Pete rale
righ, Rey Alton, Cedil Johnston,, Wil-
fred Hackett; RR. 1, Holyrood-Geo.•
Halderiby, Frank Thenapeon: R.R. 2,
Holyrood--Derizil: Statters. P. A.
IVierray; RR 8, Holyrood-Richard
Elliott, 'Ernest Ackert.