HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-02, Page 2yment Up 47,41.7.9r1 •o• -•••••-•r•-•:•"•111-010, • WWI** FOR PLASTER, CAST • • . • • .,...44,4..,••••...er,A.,•••., .14011. Howe, Suggests • The Two Go Hand In, bear WI= foto be taken by: • the government to ration the pre- •dfiuquex, • tureey aunnuaer gotega. inualtlions d SOpply Minister C. P; „Heine xouuced at awas, • Vratte adeiltIting that eatecoleuala ▪ retail teal% aicentd 'suffer be • eaid oeiresideratken of that earn& . '200t • be allOwed to interfere with • „ lair POOgram. ' 'May' Viotti Car: Proud:ion *.*, • . . •• ' 'Seem/glee' had' been out to 4Z. •' %pent•Of the 194e mutat; fer..1.94; IthVireel, and tt likely weed be "'' • nerehissareetouttb.e, enePortieti • ".. even ra974. • feet the antornotede wetted be earned over to 43;130‘e Prodneefoe of en:anions as neethieselTe Wage and labor wan • treed,' linen oedirmei ears aneenfee- • IletrOe The •neme e'Gat d be-tene, et • lelente te be affected by the ear • tioetteg order agadest 'area goods 'Se washing nuatteitee, refregara. •• tore, vaermai cleaners, and other Mite curer goods. "Wei wife ep the& plant ca- eseehter,e aaid Mr. fifo-wa "There is • strere ake ho he doze theca w ea* Plate kr"'t /21"r?' The Whole Preediles •sYsteee .. • 'being reorganized me* undo• the 4-,eeieeee'es,..estiloeettemeedeshkeel-----tkee- ' ' • • iee-s. lecrattc.73- of s,14-0t,o, ,A. Th find Ian cif rationing Mee •Plies of ra* ntaterble was be" KO. heese Pf„. :En.!PlPhlneel. "There shoried be ho -less of ployniene be this chaege,over,", MrfeHowe; "Every plait wax can ase will be used, No nae resottlii have any ,difficulty ,getting' lob 13day7 :•' ---ose--------Theetthitreeatirterileteseepriegvam,. • W3 going ahead. Be this -program tbe°goiroesetnientes-Planaeire every mean reasechiee . shop a.tul, , plant 'het- can h edie war. orders. • More whines will be employed., • • •:in war industry as ' time gees• On. ThetLY "i it s't LESSON October .0 GOD OUR ;HEAVENLY;HEAVENLYFATHER. : -Gen. 1t252$; Ex.. 34:47; Ps. de103:1-13;40:2741: Matt, 6:24-34e •22:315-38; John 4:24; 14-20-23r Actsl. t7-24-30, .1 ha PRINTED TEXT Gen. 126-28; Matte 624-33. • , .• GOPOEN'TEXT,-- Our Father who east le eteaveheliallowed Tey Nansese-Matt.. *ke-Losplit IN iErriria 11 1,ztee-The first ettaistee ;al Gen- • airesecof seteree, refers to the tithe, of -mates creation, which tire do- not attempt to eate. The book of Ex- odus was written some time be- tween 14,99 mad 1506 B.C. Ines - much • as the 103rd Psalm is a 'esPealeit of Daild it Was ProleablY 'ween between 1020 and • 10,40' B.C. Tee prophecy taken from V T,IiA, Iran Written about 111 B.BC;• • The Sermon on the Mortnt _Tee de- livered in the summer eee. 26, orberftS the conversation of our Jered with the homier toot Plat* tneaday•Aprn 4the A.D.. 30. The :w PaSeagfJ from the 14th of John was - •uttered on Thuisday• evening, the. mune 'week, April Ste. Min hes never hem aide, by his ..reeneeieirelooteisteevIlleetteeseeniee •eeeecerlOrge..61 the living pod.: God three wa-s of revealing Him- • aelesethionge His Word, •th.rongh, His Works- and :ehrOugh :Son :Q.esesson considers reeelation' of God In fiword. • Man, le •Geod's • image 26. And God said, Let es make Man •in our image, afterour own likeness;; .end let" them heyes minion over tee flak of the sea, •leirdirof "tririferra dfie: and over the cattle, and 'over all the earth,'-ifia Over every2er40eing thing that oreepeth upon the`earth. 27. And God created man in His qwn image, in the. image o God the • creased numbers," the minister , • In. reorganizing the Priorities BY stain .en raw materials Canada ' and the Coned Stites had •got to- ' " Other. On United States ' 'Canada was being treated insofar ee,,.,2,1e.'.;-areeeteedeseneleotheithreatedetleoeteafee. eeeeeeoedeeb_aeeekifetbisreomrtwye • • ••• ., • o• 0,•'• ' • States that as • definite eotatract. • . • ..•.,• .DEFENSE.DAMSEL created he teeth. 28. And God. . blessed them; - and God sald unto • them, Be fruitful and Multiply,• and replenish the earth and sub - du e - it; and hive ,domirtio'n over the ;fish of the .sea, and over over the • ' birds of the heavens, and over e5evere,.. living thing that moveth enliMe-ethoseeeeehe'e7e7ffeeeteesteepeeeffeve • lire-Peg:sr; 177-akirtz ,arld assistatitilemonstrate the me of new 'window," 'a tra.nsparent plastic device enabling doctors Obeerve wounds through aplaster past. •Idee *as•develeped in •Britain to aid in treatment of complieated bomb wounds:, apart fromeGo 4 is markei by Jew- - lassness. Of 'etierse.the,.K.in,gdom • of God is righteous, and God is eigtihaseese.lettlatioeheseteGolits drain is to live righteously It is , to desire His righteous'Way in us. see 7fikerIetheegelemee-o-feattekeis net to 'dream about it, or to Wielt that we Were Participating in His Kingdom, or even to appr-ore the rule of God, bet it is to yield our lives to Gied; trot to •talk about righteousness, but to practice righteousness. .• ---•--Just Go -Fishing • Mrs. Anna Cheyce, aged 92, is a candidate for the title of oldest =MOW -7ereateti--.141-4ite–titviise– in/ogee- -It ereeredewitlesetteinteerighte• equs esse s was, _created hole: This .,-greet at '• tribute of Man, as he came , 'from the creative Land of, God, might ba•Calle•d the moral and, •spiritual image. • • • God as a Father , • 24. "No men can serve two mess tors; foc either he will heteehe One andlohe the °thee; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mamma:. 2$, Therefore I 'fray •unto you, Be not anxious for .your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; ' nor yet for your , body, what ye. shall put me Is not the Life more than the food, •and the body than • the raiment? 26. Behold the birds of toe heaeee, that they sow not neither do they reap, nor gather into- barns, and your heavenly • father feedeth them. Are not ye of • much More value than. they? .e7, And which of, you by being 'anxious 'can add one cubit trete the measure of his fife? 28. And why are'yeanxious concerning raiment? Consider the ernes of the field', how • they grow; they toil not, neither ' do ,they spin: 29j Yet Lime:unto -e•yoe that. even Solomon in all hi• it eery was not arrayed like one of • these, • 30. But if• God' doth se clothe the gram of the field, which . today- Is, :and tomorrow is- cast into the oven, stiall he riot much more eldthe 'you, 0 ye • of little -faith? 21. ee not therefore anx- ious, Saying, What shalt' we 'eat, or what eleallevve skink? or, where- , wereat shalt we be clothed? • 32. Viir after ail ,these things do the elientilet seek; fet your heav- . enly 'Father'kehweth that ye have need of all these things" %Vitae is meant by .God heieg our Fa&ere There lee definite relationship Me plied bere a relationship of love. The beathen thought of God Is that be is far rernevesi llorn our pere. Weeders. either ignorant of • oral fttruggleseor unsympathizing with there. Tbe Christian has the double armour against aexlety-the name of the Father, .avid 'the convection • that the Fathers knewledge is its great•as the leather, leie He who Calls us hs children thoroughly understands •eel t bbs c h ieleen • • , • • • •••' • ei -oryteef, - • ere • jf . They also terve who occasion- ally 'alt and primp, says • Gladys •• Transeau,' one of the skirts cur- rently swishing through Navy De- partment week because of male , heir.; shortage, She distributes math Japanese'. Talk • •`Encirclement"" • .rt 13 queer hos,/ the Japanese • talk •of -"eneirlernent," •seys The Se Thomas tmes-Journal, Japan. • was. net "encrdedee- until sheeel crimpliehed it herself • by pushing • into •Soth Chine and Indo-China • dterr to the borders of Thailand whieh she .also wants, Bet the • result is she finds herr-elf with Chins' in the North, the • British . also North et Hongkong, !sidle in the • W'est arel Singapore to the • • Suth, ehe Deteh rseuth and souh- - east 'wth the Kast..indiesi and the eknited States East in the • Philip- pines. • • • The face is that if Japan had been Satinfleri with her huge grab of Manchuria she would ,not have been 'in the position of o.called endirciernent. She imply tuek • 'her neek into it, •. • • • • Mrs. Choyce, with her sunbon- net and' high -necked dresses, is .a 'familiar sight along the 'banks of the Perkiomen River, fishing for ,"cat" and bass. She keeps a 'photograph album 'Of her.prize catches, which include a ea -ditch pickerel and a three-' re- irei‘eratiteirefeeleileeveYeereolee . , . werry-osoteen.• her-reerpe or-lorigavityee----ese-se British. Officials , Cross Germany, • British diPlernatic 'personnel • left Heleitiki by train recently, • en rou ur u, th-lemer Finnieh ship Oihonna 'Lee - beck, Germany, on the way to ' Lisbon and horde. Finland an Britain have broken diihnitatie relations ' • (The transit through Gerinany • Will be by sealed' train and it is .uxdikely the Britons. will. be per - glimpse of enemy. tear -Cory.) Invasion Tactics; • Tried At Quebec Battlestip's Successful Test New Wilted State! 9yhig Settleable Peewee Initial seeeie Tests • A new experimental "air battle - 'ship," constructed for the United States Natty and described as the largest flying bOat erer built, was given Its first static test last wee,k • et the Glenn L. Martin Company factory at Middle Meer. While navy ieipectors, company • officials, newemenand Photograph, ere leeked onehydraulir Jacks Pen- • ed epward oh the pleuehr•Witage to give ft eiverloed tests.- Ae'spe,eial eteel tient?, abut as high- as .4• twoetore•y •bnieding, eitireleeee " the plena , • • . The -flying boat; the , KPit2h1-1e luta not 'yet been taken • 'facterhe- The irtationeey tests will continue ter several daeir. In about ten days or:• two :weeks.. officials •sitid, it will be ..r011ed out • for the first time and in a =nee or see weeks it • will be ready for its, test night. The ,all -metal flying boat has :a ':---200-footee_Wiagkpreed„ ,.two-4e..A hull 11,7 feet long, el powered by four 2,000-horsepciwer Wright., eh- . piex cycloneengines, and' bas • h, • normal. gross Weight of 1e0e009 perinea. Its armaments are a secret, 'but 'it has iris turrets. • • . The giant beat dwarfs . Mar- tin -built Russian Cipher of 63,e0ee 8.30 through • the fall: and winter ▪ poundee the- largeet :a -peens -beats • previously constructed, and , the trail blazing.China Clipper. of 52,- 000 pounds noritiat gross' weight. it Is •roahly comparable in size to. the United, States Arniies new Dougres' le19--eboratterethehweeld.'s largest land •plane. f • . '11110-10 REPORTER • 87 DAVE ROBBINS Bert Pearl doesn't have to take Cende Kelp ot theeAlr," dafly, at. a back seat teealeeolth, anywhere. Beres friendly Happy Gang per- sonality will be ntuch to evidence when he becomes Mester of Core, =Weoti Saterdayllnight of the great new 1941-42 'SHARE Title. •• WEALTH series Of Programs. Fill- ed with all the entertainment, in- gredients that made last year's ShoW such a standout, Share The Wealth brings it an back to the 'air -hires every Saturday eight at f.rome _the .C.,,Beeeeithewerk, CHSO CKLW, CBO, CBL and •efebers-singin•gerti aeireolet • • CKOC in Hamilton. ten niblUt00 past eight, reaturixell comedy stars from everywhere, and getting Toast and Marmalade • -.off to a happy siert, Tia Coml° Beep. heir Ittughe a -plenty 13 ;store.' ' * • * the simile that the rural cone , triunity' ofteenjoys at( it's favors, /to Memoir'-. the • Hangs that are ,oe top of the popular hit Parade, aud the heart eonge of the years • all neatly conahlue in a twice' ,weekly teeters . prograde from• • CKOC. Named "Hoedown with Og- den" •and featuring ridden' Ed • tied Ws violia - Dorothy Whyte- -rim* irtylerit, mid a harmony:guar- • - •tet, the ..prpgrara Is -heard Tuesday', • and Thursday atseven o'clock. • Arrarg a borne party and 0407 the • • . • e , • • Tipe From Here ;nd Therso • Baebling, bubbling Boli Hope has • returned • to the air. Teesdale. • 1,0 pen. - NBC. Canada% • Percy • • Faith to ctindrictor for another , sermon of the Contented Hoar. • NBC, Mondays at 10 p.m. Alexander Wolcott, "To w it • Crier", of radio %eine, is en route • to London to , make a trades Of • broadcasts for 'Cts• , There. are periestent rumors s' that .the "March of Time" nuts sooneetitrn to the air! • Record 'for the week Lanny NEW. SHAH .. -..,.,t7rB-eauty Sox,' new national network program, wlfl get its first airing from (AOC and the C. B. C. National iNetwork on Thursday everting, October •2nd. One of Canada's most prominent, •ychnag musicians will have a lot to do with the shewe but at present hereeeem.e is a secret. Tuee In for one Orilie-71.alFreeeseeleemhtger Mee prises: Thursday evening, 9 pee. • Ede.S.T., on the national network of the C. B. C. • retrefiese-e-Time is Due to the United States revert- ing to standard tine, the major • portion of network shover origetat- ine over there and in Canada r will • be heard 'by listeners in Ontario one hour later than they have been eccustonied to hearing them. Ili •oteer words, the 'Happy Gang will. -I he heard lane et 2.00 b'clock, Char- • ' lie McCarthy at 9.00 on Sundays, tand Guyehotribaseleeatoils00-one-Sate..-...,--es-------e-e- hrdaM • Canadian' Arety motorized writ seized the Quebec Provincial • LeWatery recently in a, mock attack designed to acquaint the public With invasion tactics. • The attack almost failed whefl! thousands of epectators blocked .the roads to see the derrtonstras -eftmerateetedashreelmareedeetheeetaseesezete„, arogreafedalthiMe, • . _ eareasseith4eloodseerfothickevapores • want. • • • •• Practice Righteousness "But seek ye fleet His Meg. dome and His rightdernes; • and all these thlegirerhall be belied unto you. The Kingdom of God. Weeders ail that part of the udiverse 13 • wieeh God hes sovereign away. We are 'already in the feingdoin of Gerd, God rules over live. .in the order Preyer we are told to prey, • "'Me kinedern some, Thy wtlJ be On." 'pro Kingdom 'of God renrieri • to each man when that rOgun yleltIS his life to God, through Jesus' chest1-lords, day the whole urli. Terse will be ender' 'the rule of .04el but today, the wort?! !heti, 1146 CURIOUS WORLD Fergu Con B• y William I •et is as peR cervr muNTAiNgiA wrni 54 .ACTIVE yoL ceNt:4nEs ANtvc) too°1401'SPRINGS. Ahc> 15 susjecr TO Aspur gbufz EARTHQUAKES •theelLe.e/ TIDAL WAVES Fleel...LW SEVERE SH, At -JO ieureotets ARE Com, wrr 1,15AgilzouS FiR.Ed ACCAPANYING• TH EN% , • -Pao-us-71/EtJ%J= WERE AFFUCTED vvrTH 07ITAL. , TOUBLE' 11-4E SAME AS WE ARE -roc'/ He IDEA' THAT TH • AD Pmp-Ec-r Ta -Th • APSe. FRDM The Fif4c-r • -r4A-r E..c3L.cliGt r THE AC our .8-1- 0c*ORFE.-7-- •S*//14. 3 -re •.1ApAN, satiated as it is, with the ocean bed dropPing sharply • away, is a 'veritehle earthquake center. • The people live in con- • stant jd of quakes, and never becothe actitsforned to thein • in ap4ie4f their frequency: There isealways the, chanceethai ' the n one may mean death, • NEXT: llow pire Is nOWT, , . optimorning funeinte for all' who. listen to the 1150 morning pro- gram schedule. You'll hear ',The • Gtasshoppers like ,other •insects, athe-through-OpeningsLeirre-the sides 'of their 'abdomens and can. •not be • drowned bp holding their heads under. water. 1 • I • CONCEITVIOWNI$T _ere_ eeeer„..„-e,,,,,,,,„,seee----------seosiovoreoseveseeresee • Mphamrned Reza Pa.hlevi, above, • liefsucceeded-het father as shalie of Iran after the latter report- - etily ebdicated because -of the crisis resulting from the invasion • by Britain and Russia of ancient Persia. • I • .•LADIES 1 ACTIVITIES . - • Many lanes' societies are rais- ing werthwhile 'motley by selling Christmas Cards. It is a pleasant way to renew old friendships and up telt 100% Profit canbe made underthe excellent merchandising plan,' Master Kraft Coeds, 342 • Doherty Bldg., Toronto, haVe one of the largest and, finest les of BOxed Assortirients, all selling for - $1. A letter to the above firm' will r eadire Oblein perti c u lane • --.'Up to log% profit can be ex- pected under their • well -thought- out merchandising plan. Won't Collaborate With Communists The Trades Union ' Congress, Britain's Taber parliament, has unanirnowly indorged a proposal of its Gen,eral Council for estab- lishment of an Anglo-Rus&an trade union e 01)4101. - *e Sir • Walter' Citrine, Secretary of the Congtes, in. support of the • proposal asserted firmly, however, that "we are not -pre- pared to cotlaborate, With the British Cominunist Party." • "We have found them totally unreliable for carrying out any • policy," he said. • Eighty -percent of Russia's oil centes from ,the Caucasus area. • .12 Decorative • meth. • .13 Electrified particle: ItOffieet's assistant. 15 To prevent. 16 TO spread. 17 To moistee • with dew. f9 Fish. • 20 Hilliard 'rod. 22 Epoch. AWMC-.3' MEMECNINDi mowiv 1 1 UralMME RE ID A _ T1 N T_SA ALL CE sil P 11 MUT T • Vt I AL GA L BOER 0•• OG All SL A ASS 1 MA of ANA GN OE. AQ AL mum:3m miacmarim 40 Musical note. 23 Stir. . 41 Ever (conte.). 24 Guarded. ' Beverae. 6 jeers. . 44 Tea. 29 Plural (atibt:) 47 Gull. • 30 Jot. 49 Widow's right. 1 To eject.• 51 Otherwise. 34 Natural e3 Mine shaft • power. • hut. • 35 Dov's call'. 154 Stranger. 30 Cessation: 55Rumnian 37 Southwest coins. (abbr.). , 56 Re is -an 38 Above.• , by birth. 39 Pistols.- • • 57 He is a - 15 ID A •• I 7 15'.iniraster7eLITS7''' • . -- or hard • instrument 18 This artist hat tanie. 21 To deprive of d• seat. 24 Dyetvciod tree, 25 Goddess of discord. • 27 Fold 'of string. 22 8 Indian.ut' 9p 22,Gpnn or magnificent T sables.• performer. 33 Card combination. • RVaEnRnawCaAy1636 Nominal value . 39 Civet type 2 To appraise. • beast. 3 Frozen • 41 God of hive. • dessert. 43 Ireland. 4 Triplet, 45 Assistance. 5 Soared. . •46 On the lee. 6 Fish egg. 48 $mall shield. 7 Completed. 49 Japanese fish. 8 Hemp textile. 50 Being. 9 FalsehoetL ,52 Courtesy 10 Nortemyths. tine. • • . 3 4 5 6 7 8 5, 10' 11 14• • -. 16 17 • 19 • 0 21 23 26 27 8 30 31 33 33 5.g 37 0 •I• 47 48 s5. 2 3 X THOUGI-IT GPYI-143UNDS wki) LONG. LSGS ..eee, • 071- )0, By j.. MILLAR WATT 1-1g. 1-1AD; SIR ! .6GroRq. sTiOnci ROUT MA1404 I fhtleased by The Sal Stedicatb, Ie r.t •:...-.•••.reiter-eleilateeiree,.....e • • • • 40111PPe ••. • tv