HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-09, Page 2• • licience• s- • THE. °SULFA" FAMILY NO ;MORE 'DISH WIPING The laboratory was quiet save for the drip of water from a leaky faucet. Thetwu men gaze .at each other "with haggard 'face over: test tubes. , Finally one, in a hushed voice, .announced, "This means ' the emancipation; of man- kind. ,. . ` Phe scene wash work rooni in the' New ',York 'State Agricultural ' Experiment Station.; The -men, 'both research ' .scientists, had nude the. .greatest. scientific • disk; covey `since . the invention. of the - wheel The results of. their r -e search will • cause strong. men . to. weep, and will send little Children • dancing joyously through the streets. They had proved that it is de- finitey insanitary to wipe ,dishes. • The 'men,. William, G. Walter and G.. J. Huekker; have buried' their findings . in. a pamphlet de- voted to "the use of the contact-' Plate method to determine the • microbial contamination . of • flat surfaces." No longer will the tired busi- ness man be torn from his news- paper and touted out 'of his 'anti - chair in the evening to stand at the; kchen sink wiping dish after dish. Childrencan`dash fry om`t'he houseafter supper$, and'' have an half hour: to .play; 2., -To scientific and to achieve the high= est' tizgLae• -Of cleanliness the housewife must wash and rinse her dishes -and then just tuck. them away in the pantry. After running • hundreds ' ,of • tests, ,Walter and Hacker " found that- the ideal vay to clear the: - dinner dishes was to wash ;them .. _an- water hated-abor-e_-1 grees Fahrenheit-.: for about..:two • • minutes, and rinse them in',water equally hot. for at least 10 sec- : onds. They then • should beallow- : ed to dry without . towelling .and • lie "pet away Dishes. that were washed in wa- •. ter thatwas.less than 160 degrees and~wiped' with. towels showed a large, number of bacteria on their. surface., More And More EfforA From All KeeFi Blood Type For Emergencies The dally,. Express of Lon - dem ER4giand. Showe yvby • British ,People Must Work Harder l;ltan Ever I itler has ftot Called on Japan yet. fie: has i [errely asked het to ' Into positign against''i}oth Sing- apore and 'the Russians, -'She has done so, She ,has reported that her oil - talks are beiinful, :and • if Hitler • gets more "himself she 'means to fight as •Urely.. as Odd made little islands ,,Neither has Hitler " dragged her claeta from scidalite to sesial menace. Too mueh cof%: and tea upset her --she became my best exatnile Of caffeine- nerees.,Then she switched to Postuni and ' SQOU after -she started the "thirty -day Post= ' test her irritability vanished. Once again she beeame the town's popular social leader aed ' Som.; people, and ell chlleken.shoufd never drink, coffee or tea. If Upset nerves make tic:ta irritable, Oen coaritiro no calcine, costs leu per Cup and b • preparca• blatantly au du cieiir with ,cio, ;Foams today` Iron! your itroiccri,1 L. -earning Blood, Group of "I DOES taste good in a.pipel" HANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCH -15g also packed in Pocket Tins P23! Modern Ejiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What are two things to' avoid when, beginning .:a socia1. letter? • 2. Is it ever permissible when „aske i; ter me food at the taible_ r to help one's self first? -: 3. Should an applicant for a poaitioir-extend his -hand in.greet ing the prospective employer who is' interviewing him? 4: Is , it all right for . a guest to smoke while- riding- in - someone else's car? • 6.' What .isthe fifteenth wed- ding anniversary, and what kinds ._.o17-gi.fts-purr-be. given? 6. In .what way . ,can a; -wife ---avoid accepting-an--inion-that: might displease her 'husband? • Solve This,Ona' .'A, couple of -gide ,handed the cashier of a cafeteria en' their way out a slip of paper with the number 1004180 on it. This sat- isfied the cashier, who let them pass without paying. Why? Well, it reads: "I owe nothing for I gte nothing." James R. Potter, managing sec- 4' ratgrv of the Ottawa Blood Ponor Rel•vice, has suggested that every record Of the blood group' Of email a its. memibers so there might be: no delay in case of emergency, • "If we are interested ia air raids, precautioas 'work we, should at least ltnaW the blood group of every ' Member 'of..:.onr family so every 'emergency can be 'met' aad 'many ...:.4r...POttar said 8,900 Ottawa citi- zeni,bad offered. their* bleed, ' Sue we need donble that nuin... been made by the government to •donble the supply -,of bleed. gerMn Canadian serum now was being used for civilians, in ,Englond well as members of the forces, and ,a.store was h,eing kept in ell Parts of • Canada -500 pints in Ottawa alone-primerliy for use of' milt- tary 'enthorities.. He expected the • supply would be plaCed • at dispos- al . of 'civilians if necessary.. There was a sapply in every military centre and on every. conioy at spa: 1111.1E • 1 YOB: HEA,llv Two little toddlers' c.oi}ldn't re- sist the temptation to explore the newly" built air-raid shelter. just , as they disappeared inside a po- liceman came ::along. ' ":Who's inside there ?" he 'asked . •'I sternly. '- For a. few moments there was a tense silence. Then, when 'he repeated his question, there came a reply in a shrill, nervous voice: "Hardly anybody,: mister." For his gallantry a Scottish soldier was given a decora- tion. A week or so later a -PAL asked him "Ahd what does the wile t�imh of your medal, Sandy?".• "She doeena ken. yet," was the reply. `.'It's no' my turn to write." • Ole. Olson came • into a Minne- sota village one dayand inquired at a drug store if thelyhad. any 'f'squirrel" • whisky. • "-No:•'.'--said -the clerk; ."but 1 can sl p you .a. little "Old •Crow." • "Aye don't vent 'to ' fly," said the Swede; ,,"Aye just ,vant to lump around a .little." Customer: "I've 'come back to buy the car I was looking iif ke$tefday ' Salesman: "Fine. Now tell me,what was the one dominating thing. that made. you. -decide to buythis car?" Customer: "My wife." Three • Canadian soldiers sleep-, nig in a,•tent- •iii-an:..Eriglisl camp:. were awakened= b s t'erri>f=iveraslr- " hat. -was •that thun ler or,_ young married man,. ",are not like . bride . sweetly! "Your mother . 'asked for iny recipe."' Jimmie considet;ed thought. • .Montreal.:Is . Quite : A. City •' One -thousand .miles from they Untie, :the-. harbor of Montreal rives busily -for eight. ,months of xthe year -After ew.-Y.or-lse-..N,. . it is the leading seaport of the ' continent and the greatest wheat- . -exporting centre,-rn` Fie�worlcl:-1t$ grain elevators can hold 12,000,- 000 bushels. Resides. a. floating • dry-dock •600 feet ; long- -and 135 feet °wide which can accommodate. vessels -rip .t� 25,00.0 tons, Mon- treal harbor has 81/2 miles of wharves and .6& -,_miles of 'harbor • railway trtiek. Montreal.' is • the. hea qu'arter's • . ut the . eanadian Ni tional "Railways,,. • the largest • • railway , system on 'the' .:North American -continent. '• • 'Beginning, with' the word i•sueh' as "Having-just-return;ed ;;to No; wait for the employer to 'of- fer tO shake hande. 4. He must neVer..,do eo without asking per- mission. 5. Crystal; anything in glassware makes Suitable gifts. 6. By consulting her husband 1,04 • • z: In increased Cost of Living • • it 'costs $112.80 today to buy tor .; bought 1or $100 Angtist, 1939, and 'the inerehie logew • ',,upturns in food -.prices, . Bipeds of the. Dominieu Bureau, , of Statistics .whe probed the cost- , miestion pretty thorough - the .extra• $12.80 needed to Mali- tain In August, 1941,.the budget Of Argust, 1939; 1S- to higher food. Here is how „they dffided .up. the • remaining $t.90 cents 7hich is be- ing spent. tnday ai,Tebtapared With fuel and lighting 70. cents:. rent, .$1.10; home furnishing ,and sex': vices $1.20, and f Inisceilane?us items 51.10. Food advanees ranged from a 13 per- cent decline in potatoes to a 49 per, tent inerease in butter. " .• Main increases were, dairy pro- e,ent; meats ;arid' fish, 26.9, per. , cent; cereals' 11.7 per cent; dry groceries 35.5 per cent; • vegetables 2.8 per, cent •tuid, fruits, 18.8 per Fuel riteantinle advanced 11.6 per cent .Rents ,jumped 5.7' per cent, and clothing moved• upward 10 to 15 per cent. Priee changes in tile ,furriishings accounted for t'he 13'1 per cent advance hoPm furnishings •itnd services While in- creased coste In' health maitite- tion, recreation. and .insuranee bobsted miscellaneous items 4.1 per cent:. U. 'S. Aluminims Drive Successful The 'United States -wide alu- minum collection campaign yield. ed an estimated - 11,835,139 pounds of scrap, *defence officials have announeed-a total equiva- lent to the amount of aluminum ne,eded in 1,900 fighter planes or 350 four -motored bombers. Under Nazi Rule More than 1,000- Norwegians arrested- during the. state of • civil siege . were tried by court -martial • ' and sent to prison .campi in Ger- many or in -the NorWegien inter- • labor leaders were among those sen teneed..- • Between 100:0-00 150,000' claimed -for enitivatiel the start Of the Sc't,Ir., BY ANNE : ASHLEY \ -cate-colared -Wash -materials *our - A. Be -fore they are washed, i3oak them in lukewarm water, to which a few droPS df turpentine have been added.' Q. How can I ViTaSh straw matting? • A. Wash the matting with a cloth dampened hot salt water, °.'-aming a handful of salt to a bucket of hot water, Wash only a small Space at a time and wipe dry at ' once: This also prevents it front turning yellow. Q. Ho* can I remove the shell more easily from a hard- boiled .egg? A. Creek the egg firmly down , on a 'table, and roll back nd forth a few tirnes. The shell will almost fall Off and the 'egg *ill be perfeetly smooth. Q. How can I remove Stains Oh metal Oh traYs? A. A little denatured alcohol • will remove these stains. ' sandwich filling? • A. A delicious sandwich fill- ing can be Made by adding to one cup of chopped ham enough vine- gar to moisten, ahd then one tablespoonful . of peanut butter. Use celery Salt and pepper •as sea- soning. Mik well before spread- ing between slices of bread..e. Cuticle around my fingernails? A. •' Ordinary table butter ie excellent for this purpose.. Bets on 'Russia . A delayed despatch advised re- cently that Atalph Ingersoll, edia ,tOr of PM, had arrived at Ankara frorrf Moscow on his way back to the U.S.A. with a report on the Rattle of Russia. He told a United Press correspendent that the U.S.S.R. "cannot be beaten and- may, with Ameripan and Bre- tith'equipinerit, turn the tide and sinash Germany. "Loss of Leningrad, Kiev. and Odessa wouldn't affect the Rus- sian wai effort ---that is if they lose those cities -while it seems unlikely that the Germans ever will teach Motcow." . BO YOUR EARS RING? Maybe somebody's talking about youl They noticed your bad breath, Sour, gassy stomach often acconmanies• °eta- siohal constipation. AMERIKA blonde 3 laltatives, for quick bowel action and. ADLERIKA today. The new buildings , of Trinity o ege a oronto 'have been ormally opene an are now • occupjed. by this year's. student& There is n very heavy registration in the Freshmen• C as& This illustration shows the new Dining Hall called &radian Hall after.. tbe .Founder . of 'Trinity • College. . ' The. new buildings also include a complete equipmene of bedrOoms for Men students as well\ as;Common Rooms, Recreation Rooms, etc. " • Salada _Tea Co. first and second prizes respec- tively. Twelve- other cash prizes, DonaieS prizes offered fer the same event. ranging from $25.00 to $5.00 are Ontario Plownien Will Com- pete: Fe'i: Valuable Prizes At• Branch Matches • Plowmen throughout the Prov-, ince are looking forward again With keen anticipation to the day of their' branch 'meta to Compete for some of the valuable prizes being 'offered. A cash prize of 510.00 offered to each of the eighty branches by the Salada. Tea Company for the best land in jointer ploW sod classes is of .particular interest, far the win- ners Of this "Special" earn the privilege of • competing for valu- able trips in a Special Champion- ship Class at the next. Interna- tional Match. The good fortune • of two young plowinen from Hornby, Ontario, in 1940' has be- cothe the topic of, conversitien among ploWinen all over Ontario. As h reward for their proWess . they were given a trip, which took them to Points of agricultural •in- tetest in the United States and Canada, from Toronto to Van' - They saw. cewboys sheep -herd- ers and miners. in the "copper" town of .Butte, Montana. This was a live, almest wild city filled with the imeXpected. In loWa they sat in on a conference with farmers and answered questions abotit Canada and her, methods ef ..farMing. kvery minute of their trip was an edueation 'and' they learned many .-.neW methods of farming which they are nsing to considerable' advantage on their Vice-Piesident of the Plowmen's Association, accompanied them as guide and, manager. • If restrictions do not forbid, a similar opportdnity will be given tb the virinners of the first and second awards of the "SAL - ADA" ' event' at the "Interne - Omar being held this year near Peterbotough. They will also re- ceive geld and silver medals tor Canadian National Railways Revenue ' Net revenues for the nionth Os • August, 1941 increased by $14- 503,5.51 ao cOmpared with the month, of August, 1940 according to -the monthly statenaent of op- erating revenues, operating eic- penses and net* revenues issued: recently at headquarters of the' Canadian National Railways all- inclitsive system. months of the Present year am- ounted. to $42,196,254 compared with 524;040,849 during the simi- lar period'of 1940,.an increase of • OPerating revenues for Aug- ust, '1941, Were $25,808,928 61n - pared With $21,220,188 in Aug- ust 1940. Operating expenses for August were $20,637,196 as coy& pared with $17,552,007 in Aug- ust, 1940. The net revenue of $5,171,732 for August, 1941 comoares with $3,668,181 for August, 1940. Poi the eight -months of 1941 operating reVetures. amounted to $193,179,853 aompared with $157,296,771 the ,correspond- ing period of 1940. SO LIME RS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES '111DDILE-AfaE" WOMEN (All) 'HEED novIcgit If you're cross, restless, klEaVtiTIS- suffer hot flashes, dizZineas..cansed by this, poled a woman's Ilfe- COrtinottild. Made capedialtp, /Or Women.. IXOriclgtda of thousands re- markably helpladr Follow label direc- tions. Made In Canada. "Paddymelcin" is not a melon, but the name of a kind of wallaby native of Australia. ' The most powerful anti-aircraft searchlights , can throw beams vis- ible five and one-half miles. . "Bombs," was, the laconic, ans- "Thank heaven for that!" chimed in the third. "I thought we were going to have more Captain: "Are ' you happy now that you're in the Captain: W.hat were you ciVilian Rectuit: "Happier still, needs Mentholatuarfor • dozens of minor ail- mente. Small in 'cost but verk valuable in U80. QUICK RELIEF FOR HEAD COLDS CHAPPING • TIRED AND ACHING FEET , CUTS AND BRUISES AV ...CLASSIFIEA ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WA NT ir7D •AEROMATIC IVLETER FOR AUTO mobile, truck, tractor, . bus and marine • engines. More' 'power! Stops carbon!. 25% 'more mileitge. Airmail for quick infor•mation! Agents, write for territory. Dept. 9, Box 163. Vancouver. Canada.. AGENTS SELL A GUARANTEED produet. Attractive package. Sells on sight. OVeV 100% profit. West 11 1 Manufacturing Compaity. Dept. A„ 151 Church St., ToronIto. SCORES OF BRAY CUSTO1VIEEtti make money with- fall chicks. Get your idle 'brooders working rais- ing bt•ollers. Especially this fail. Limited nuMber laying pullets.' Ask, for Dray Fall Service Bul- letin. Betty Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. COWS. HallIrEft CALVES 3 to 12 " months. Hull 13' months. P. Hon-. ALL TIrPES OF BUSINESSES SOLD. • - City, Rural, Large, Small! Every- thing' strictly confidential. Twhn. Exchange, 2 College t r 0-e t, FARM FOR SALE 100. ACRES, 'DUNDAS COUNTY. 90 aCres Cleared, good soil. Large house, • barns, four outbdilding. 0. J4ow occupied. S. St. Thorpe, %VII. •101.oW1611 11131,111:-. sale. • Clara Butt. pink, sec per dozen; $4.50 per hUnfired. Pride of Haarlem. 70c a dozen, $5.59 a • hundred. J. Vet,. Fergus, Ont. CARS, , NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS .LTD., TorontO's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three lotations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road, • 2040 Tonge St.1650 Danforth Avenue. Our • Used Cars Make us many friend:1. HAVE VOU GOITRE? "ABSORBO" teducea and removes-. Price 35.00 per bottle. Trial size $2 postpaid. N. LINDSAY, 1,AAV oloVit'N, CAP, 01.118 rio Spec irrl Dena et Merit for far met s erilleetions. ISSUE • PERsoN AL • permanently, private15.• removed: ' Face; LimbS; Treatment $2.011 ' postpaid, plain wrapper. Guar- anteed kill .roots .wIth one apPli- 'cation. Canadian. Chem -hi -try Com. • party, Wilkie, Sask. • 'HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE on • roquest regarding fall classes, now beginning. Robertson's Mir- , 'dressing Academy, .137 Avenue 'Road. Toronto. MUSICAIL INSTRUMENTS .• of stringed mtraiera instruinetits ••• -Send fur etitalogue. Dermis & Co., 381 Nairn Avenue, Winnipeg , MEDICAL Rheumatic Mime and Nenritis, Munro's Drug Store. 3.T5 Ottawa. Postpaid S1:11n. MEDICAL . YES, MINK' RAISING IS I.,UCRA- • tive.• lint don't forget. your suc- cess depends an the. foundation • stock you start • with. ,Invest a sterna . to know about "1110.1.A11" mink breeders: the producers of beautiful' large, dark, silky furs, Eft SUPERVIXOUS HAIR. MOLES Ntraiqk permanently and painlessly rembved by electrolysis, 18 yeare' experienee. Anne 'Graham Logan, 140 Carlton Street, Suite Two, FILMS DEVELOPED Oil 8 EX INISUIDES with twory non Amino rum vugiont% ii0x 121 • NEURITIS ' PEOPLE ARE 'TALKING 'ABOUT the good results front taking . Dixon's „Remedy for Rheumatic„ Pains and Neuritis. Munres.,Drug Store. • 33S Elgin. Ottaiva. Post. paid MOO. ONE 25/40 OIL PULL TRACTOR and One • 20/ 35 011 pull Tracttir., Both reeonditionedr Thomas . I Stott, Cromarty, Ont. TIMBER WANTED • sTANDIs(; musi FOR FALL. • and Winter requirements. P,O1 • Box 101, Station Ir., Torontb. OFFER TO IN List of Invent:1Mo; nerd full infor- Ity prints' and Whin broa•deloth. Four phunds for one. dollar post- ' paid. r,ritile Jobber's. 516 (,)17cen STICKERS . :tufo doors. windows, halls and ' ' for :IN' Harvie's Flag •Stgre. 233 Kriig St. East, Toronto. STAMPS one Month. Elite Stainp ngtt. ritOi l732 Winn Meg. Manitoba. REAI,47.STATE POR SALE IN DESEHONT0'. HOUSES $S0b UP, town water, electricity, gardens, • several with both. furnace, gar. • age. One 17 acre farm, /rot' • • particulars, see, Mrs.• C. lit Schell, Play Safe! Send Yciur Films To Imperial For better results and faster ser- 'printg 8 for 25e; both with free en- ' iargement. 1217iffialtadtht: t rmn;rtT(rr:iiii.i.stlesytd:f:utoplitetitus,t..wi 1112teog,f1 $e 1st .372,P1:11; • 12 for 8fle. No orders for less than flat type with entbdrised Margin. ' •