HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-09, Page 1•
$2.00 A • YEAR --IN ADVANCE -50c EXTRA TO U. 8. A.
Lucknow Ont., Thursday (Maher 9th; 1941
The Sentinel1maning last was, ASH FIELD ELD BOYS
a DL>;D ss F
A provincial wide campaign is un
corrected up. tQ -Saturday last,
Special; arrangements have •been
.. - for. about
William Greggan, whoJim
a year has been employed on the
farm of Donald McFarlan at -Kir_
lough, `is in Kincardine Hospital with
a ractured •. ri ht • le as - a •result of
- g• ' g
car Al-
being struck by a by
- ; , • . i R 3 .
vin �� Flamiltoxi, .-3,• Dundee.. and
. erL' ' of. L" cknow. ai3d ' accom-'
m. : Y . >�.. .
a a
panned• by his . brother, Raymond ,
- t e Second 'Concession •• •,
The 'accident occurred just 'afte
dark on Sunday evening about : •a
anile south . of Kinloss village,
It appears that Mr. Greggan, who
' gave his .age as 58 years, had walk-
ed to Kinloss late that afternoon
' . and •• subscribers are asked, to . •i hili "s sent of
and Archie P 1 p , .o
�, check the..date •on'.their- address Mr. ;and Mrs.. ,Ebner Phillips, Ash-
label to date rinbie if proper ere- field; who have enlisted for active
dit has been given. If not please service, were.,: honored' •recently...
" advise us at once. •their. home,. Jain is at present ,stat--
n bar of
There 'are. ,still a um ,. "oned. • •ed Deer Alberta and Ar-
i . • at,. R , ,
.' subscribers, who• are '.iii,' 'arrears; a
clue"at.'Cemp Borden: During,th
dating back prior. ,to: the change evening, bath was , resented ;with'
'' p•
of ownership ' of this business.. n d the followin . ad-'
f a ".wrist watch and g,.
Sufficient. time has been allow- dress;
ed nor, the , settlement of.. this•
:. Dear Jain• and Archie
•and there are
debte .We,' your friends and neighbour .,..it
cases where 'cotituiued disregard.. "'•this Opportunity to .show
of • these accounts will result in you in takfnga tangible way. how -proud
• collection ,action having to be •we are ,of ti way you heeded y_.otar
taken. ". country's call. You are leaving us
made bythe Canadian Pot 'Office'
Department to facilitate the -sending
;o#. Books o Canadian Forces. ir.
•at camps in Canada and ,Newfoundland
The value attached by soldiers, sail.
ors and to•a: '.lentif 1 su 1 .�.:
,plentiful pp. 3
.ef books in them reading morns,, et
has been stressed both ` .the saner,
t eitiselves and .b t'h'ose who �havi.
h Y
visited •their cam s..,Good,'interest•
ing.npoks are always in.demand and
is .highly important that the sup•
• ply should'be• frequently ,replenish-,
Honorable William, P. Mulock, K:
C., M.P., Postmaster General an-
Since Thursday
has.riot been
paralysis .de
• are no •sus
. '
or. vicinity a
its course, fter
'seveli .• '.Dines
i nxnedia'te• vicinity:
toll has -numbered
four' etients
degrees of paralysis.
The Sentinel
last Wednesday
Lorne Reed,
and Mrs. Manson
of last week thele'
a new case of infantile
glop in Lucknow; There
et cases in the Village'.
Y , g
d. high hopes are • en-
the :epidemic has run
staking •in a total
in -the village .'and.; . ' r,?
° + !
' The' diseases ,
••three• death .and
affected ' with varying.
was scarce} � off
y the
evening when
16 -year-old '.son of Mr.
Reed, was pro-
" •... " 'day'
• The Village Council on Tues
nigh t was asked . 'to • consider the
units al
matter of establishing a municipal p .
• garbage. collection systexia: mat -The
ter was brought to 'the $oard s at-#
a ' ten ion b Dr. W: Y• ' xohnston . M.
t • •
O. IL f ar • the Pillage: :e
•'' It :was .recommended that.' Such
a s stem. be•.commenced, without de-•
lay, • It was pointed ,out" that: flies
. - arg-partieularl'y' bad -this yeas, and.
' that they have som ,
co act ono with the epidemic thisHalf
• village has 'had •gpress
matter under.
Council has ther
sideration : as to the procedure •nee'-,
asses should such .a 'service be .in?
tiles -., ,, „_ ._
What 'the. Board did was:
reel na= '
Accept Jack Campbell'sg
.•tion: as a member of•.the Arena .Cont-.
' mittee and appointed: Wm. Murdie
as his successor. '
Appointed Rev: C. H: NI nald
''' `. r d :
. : as a member of the Lib Ory Boare
derwa .' to retrieve .thousands upon:
thousands of'cream cans which have
been diver ed '•ta, •man . uses; other
t y ,:
than as cream containers: :
Thus • actions ' is °imperative, as dui
, to, war`. conditions a very serious'
, ' f Cream cans •-. thf•eate.ns
shortage o
i riot on•
the ::dairy industry .which, s
- ..fox
the riorities..list to secure steel for
• •
supplies of cream cans:.
Loea11 `Silverwood ',Dairies have
Y ' 4indebtedness
.appealed to fasters to i"eturn ail'
cream -cans, regardless of, whether
new or old.. The fact that some of
these cans, may not -belong to the
IocaI creamery makes no difference;
as ,an exchange :can be made be-
tween .creameries.
The response ..to has been
fairly satisfactory, but. there are
- many cans. still" in use for various
,purposes' that have not yet been' re- '
turned. It is .'a patriotic duty; and
in the interests of the 'industry gen-
eraily at all available cans be nut
and was returning .:on foot;
in, the evening. It is reported that
•walking •in
, at the call ditty,and for this we
EDD 1 • _. E. .__ .:_. ;adm.�re :.your, decision
' 'you the 'common-
pounces that in the , interest .of. our.
soldiers; 'sailors and airmen station-
.trounced to, be suffering • from the n s'
malady,_ Lorne had been wo king .•
the • aged man was the
•eentre :of the highway, and with scars
coming from both ,directions he tried
to, get off to 'the roadside.
Facing the lights .of a car that
•failed to,.dim, the. Hamilton brothers
.didn't see Mr. Greggan until with-
' ,. Y. .. T
in -a few feet of ham. I3e was struck
_ We will miss in
. -
FARRIER-GILLESPIE ity,., You have been willing helpers
A ret autumn weddin and we have always enjoyed your
p t3' was sol- -
einni�ed at the home , of Mr. and associati • with us. ' Our ah-dest
Mrs- J.. Gibson, Gillespie, ' White- .thou hts youy
}� g ' go with wherever ou
church at 12. noon Saturday, before may be and:We shall not forget, you•'
.a:, ,bank ' of autumn. flowers, when ,in your absence from us_
e_ . G Barnar united 'in marriage.. i is as to,1 -
," G, pBarna.��„-� ani r..,.rriag : _P cc t Weise e.
,.,,,, bas.: a gl?
ed •. in Canada and
and as a special measure of co-op,
,eration, all 'Post. Offices throughout
the country • will act as depositing
centres for Books. This to
'books only—not magazines, news=
papers, etc.
so o 'wish.- stip i 'o r
h,.., Y-,,..!
on his • father's farm, a rule and a ' : •
half east of the Village, on Monday..
Tuesday K�
• •he wasn't' feelingwell andti: ':
by' Wednesday evening there .:were .i
p y -"
definite s} ns .of• Oral sis.
Both lower limbs are. severely of-,
Y iM
fatted 'although his ,father•, stated; ..
i t the week b4.$0i]
. .� -_ r �»,... �_ : �. - .:.:.... _
succeeding Itev. A. A. Maloney.
;Instructed the.'Clerk to notify the
f' a .to, action
• ars Supply . false a
., . •i .- •.. _ _ .
Net onlyare cans .used' for. many'
other purposes on the. farm, but•'as
well ''t it- 'kno�icri• even strettlibrt:.
a glancing blow ` by the, ear -that
' fractured his '.leg • below, the knee
' ' 'Wel `str€-
- . .. - .1.7 , _ ..„ _. _. _• ,, .._-_Pe
their only daughter, Agnes Lorraine."
ens of our. esteem'.and with them
to Garnet E. Fattier,'son• of Mr. and go our best wishes for your health,
Mrs.13. Farrier of. West Wawa- , •
, .. - � 'snee return.
d)' -
_� -to
.w. -a __.„.-t,~,..,...._,-11? ._„
Forces with much .appreciated read-
ing matter 'now' may ,hand in these
it their Post
:_t slight
: improvement' was .' noted in, the , ,
strength•. Of' one of .the' legs. , f 4
The: Mildest' '�
• • . • in .the 'matter of r eiriforcin '-the
: Arena. This is a result , of damage
done • by snow piling up on the 'roofThe
last winter.' 1
a leas ized Reeve Bushell to sign
the , lease • on the apartment: above'
the new municipal building,. withg
rd' • $50 it the tenant. •.
� Granted' $50 to 'the Women's In,
. •
the village : ,there, are steam •cans
serving in various capacities as con-
'tamers . of most everything but
cream. • •stable
It is against the law to .use cream
cans for.; anything but., 'their proper
and. upon being `kn down
feted head cut's.
man was removed' to
Kincardine Hospital. 'County 'Con-
;Herr Lemon. of Kincardine
• Y
•injured •The bride, lovely in knee-length .
'gown of rose petal crepe with shoul-.
der length veil and 'carrying a .show-
er boo uet . of . Talisman roses :was
q . '
given marriage : by her father,
Signed on behalf of 'your friends
aiid • neighbours, Wallace., Twainley;
Hugh, Menary, Irvin Henry, Blake
Archie, on behalf of his brother
Jim, who was unable to heApresent,
voifnes JGf'fice=the
books donated .should be clean and
iri, o'od condition. It will' 'not even
be necessary to wrap them 'as' they.
•Alton. will be placed in mail bags • special-
ly provided for the purpose,
Citizens :can ensureF that men'..in
case . of, the -'seven
' that of young „Jackie '' Ferguson,' 5- .
.year-old son :of + r. and Mrs. 'Tota
Ferguson. Jackie has shown •onl .
a 'slight weakness in one lei which
g g
is evidriit only if he tries' to walk. , '
In Iron tiling
; a .
Attending. Dental College
Morris ;Pearlman, only son of Mr.
The bridesmaid, Miss Olive
sister of the groom;. _wore a wine
crepe frock and 'carried a ndsegay
thanked their' friends in a few well-'
chosen words:• "
- ' •
'camps in Canada' and in Newfound'-,
land will receive 'tfie full benefit of
; • Severest of all cases that have' not:;;,
;been fatal, is that. of Jean Winter-
tei�i,_$-„y ar-old slaughter ofll
statute ssist-thein in fixin the._
and Mrs. Ben P:earhnan, lies enter=
ed Toronto University to stud den-
tistry: ' ' Morris' attended the local;
carnations 'and roses: T e groom
' • •
'was attended by Mr: Jack Gillespie,
brother of the::bri`d'e: The. ,wedding
shelves and `.picking out VOWS;and
handing them in at the: Post Office,
which will arrange for' delidery to
Mrs;' fie. Winterstein Jean'seon-
dation• became alarming last Friday... • • <,
and late that mornin she was rush- `
'scenery of 'the Town Hall 'stage, if ,
they see ,fit to proce'e'd with the un-
dertaking'.. _ .
A complaint regarding' Cellar
A tei`iia ce Reeor�l Stet ' '. _
Attendance records .: were statter
ed, at Teeswater Fair last Wednes-
day when at. least 15,000. 'persons
High school, where he was' a clever
^S e r -years
music was played by Miss' Winnifred
Farrier and during 'the signing 'Uf
' -
At the IJucl now Fall
'air there
the various' Training 'Camps—where
ed to London.' A continued spread of y
water. • led .. to a 'lengthy discussion
on the Matter, bringing out one Dint
g p
that the: ' town is . only i•esponsib'le
for the .proper drainage 'of surface
.council also. •discussed ,securing I•,
man to inspect the roof of
' '
• aeked he -grounds: •=Gate-xeeeipts
1200 per-.
'were we l over $2,800 and . , p
sons paid $334:70 'to ''get on the
grandstand, which was filled to cap-
: ,•
acty by: 1.30 o clock. The day turn-
;ed out. fine after, an ell day..rain on
sttrdiit. iii duan t
c g g- ere
ago he has been assisting in his
fathers store.
the . register Mr.. Frank Gillespie.
cousin of the bride, sang .Because .
After the' ceremony. a 'buffet 'Inn-
were ei ht 'ens of five
, g '
entered ,in 'the 'Bacon' Market-
Competition.. Forty-five dollars
o •' s each,
g ,
they will bewelcomed-with: interest.
and will'. relieve the monotony of
the boys in . Canada'' Forces, espec-
sally 'during the Fall 'and Winter:
-the- -paralysis--res lied M her -being -
later lased in .iron ' lung;ands
tragic to relate this sweet little girl
;is now practically .completely, poral-
cheon' was served: Fo11ow.'ing this
the happy couple left on a motor
prize money was divided' $r $10,
$ $6, $5 and $4 and on a. basis
the standing was
yzed. : ' 1
Since then,' however, there .have
, With a' view to speeding up the
of letters' relatives' and
trip , to points East and on their re-
'turn.. they will.. reside in 'White-
church. . •
of carcass weights
as Charles Anderson,.. Al-
art Gam mie, Ewart,Taylor, Wilfred
�- `
been no other cases, acid this coin-
munity is praying that' the epidemic •',
its first.
t Frt
. the "Geddes building";: as recent
dui°em _; iris d
friends- in-• Canada• tar the Canadian,
Guests from a, distance were pre-
: Beckett; Alex 'Andrew, Ft G.,, Mai,
" A - -
,r. ry `..
"ham •Ear-'+
claimed victiirn..lo�*ahI _ -
P t •
b w
a 4,
i :haven.@$ail rs > . : « , .;,• .-
g FAIR MOIR 10 •ithat
- , a.�. -
'�M V° . •, :• , wN*�.i.5+aT•...8,._..._.
'" '., .• _ .
r��h' : XS? ,°�itPi i%1".�J4Fffi•�'��'li�$•tifi •
.n"3s C 9 - i na ev.
u -'L
p(,AIM _ qU Iv�i'k•q I:YSU WQ!'{iMYYYbI•�f. �.. •,4YbC('.:Rp W' Ap... •,
.Nk49f ail :., ry1J h.fatfa .8'.- ter 'weir; ..'Sb3"..
p pµ
'LR. il^A.::,V .• �NS.' kyr.
^�'�d�t r �+� �J--v��ri ��1'
_ �y�- ,�y,,, .¢.c���'.�.' H.h
'n.Ti'iY-.T��• •CIL•Y.�'�•.y i
F 'ems
h` • 'I=ti avy and on'i;saiiii d29Wi`igig �
.. • � _ _. _ _
W Polack IL e. M:P...>'os-Dant
, :. ` • : ki.
Galt -air d-- erg --
The hos Were sad_ sealed' ten=.
3t{�(11' b . :
_. .::_
:� .-mad. -_
1� �2 oJKW 1i:' i3 -
ales�ioing Well of-7rarn-on-Friday forced ,a caiic�e -
The auction sale "season" opened Winn` ..of • Dungannon -Fair .• Indoor
• •
much earlier than usual this year exhibits had been placed and•7udged
and throughout,; September' there on Thursday but the,'fair proper
{ ashed
were many. such ,events_:w,th several on Friday was completely w
. - . - .more billed for the early,-, part 'of - out. The. concert and dance as fair
r , night attractions were held however
Octobe .Without exception the re
•: sults •seem; to be _quite 'satisfactory, and ,were ,well patronized. Rain in-
General, that arrange-
eSSeCI- Ca2CaS;— m
master stated
mems' are now under way for- the
.institution of a time and space con.
motorist ren.into into a herd of ten cet7,
weight. and •• grade, and went to ' F. t°.
tie, owned by Jac k•• Mc Millan,' and
W- Fearman'of Hamilton at $14.75,
. being driven on the Highway: Com -.t
row and an
anguish to this village that: +�
w'11 •not soon be for°otten.
-serving ,Airgraph ;Service between
United, Kin
+' ing over •the sharp grade just west
4�4' `,
Third Prize"
this counts and, the
y g-
, dom.
i is policy d
In keeping with h p cy to 0
While it is not, or has not, b�eeri,:
r purpose o minimize the serious
•ou p p t
in Vill-
Pictured. In The Starof the Bill them 'torist couldn't get
Monday nights .Daily- 4, tar pact- His car under ep trot before strik-Thompson
urea' some of; the wives and children •ing one of the • animal's, which had
Won • : •,
o f Teeswatet-r '
and r his Tegrndson ' Dougl Alton, .
,everything possibly_to_facil'itate_ the
'ransmission of mails for our For-
ces, with the minimum; Orletsand
nese, of the .epidemic ,this
age we do believe that repeating of
idle rumours • has done ,a good deal
of British airmen and officets, who • to be destroyed The' car was not
comprise art of the everincreasing serious damaged.
and Mrs. Wm: Alton of 1.
son of Me:and
Toronto, won rd prize in the freak rt 4.
T nveyance contest Teeswater
with bidding brisk, and excellent suran` ll to , a ;degree to
offset the loss occasioned byhaven
•prices bein obtained, particularl g
g y:.colony
' ' for' cattle, liogs and !poultry. Matt.' to. cancel the show.' •delay,
Gayor� re oris that "at 'Henry•
Gaynor- p my Bos-
of Old Country folk are
.'at •
Hon. Mx. Mulock is planning
;to institute 'this special .system;• at
an early date. Following completion
of arrangements now under way;
a definite announcement will be
made by Hon, Mr:.Mulock as to' the.
date. of commenceinent. •
of harm and has caused the' num=
ber of cases to be ex d in
instances • as much as . threefold. •Air
• This condition. •wes not benefited
any by ' daily paper dispatches on
' Monday of. this week ,and.a sub-
sequent radio report, which referred
now making their 'homes in Canada
in the vicinity of the. Port Albert 'Bought Prize Sow •
Navigation school. In. the picture . W. E. Henderson bought the first
were Mrs. C. W. Crawford and son', prize. Berkshire sow, owned by Ad'-
Peter • and Mrs. D. F. Canham 'and am • Thompson of , Stratford, and ex- •
son ]Vlalcoinn who are residents -of hibited at Lucknow ,Fair.
Lucknow. rd family
Fair; sanded and Douglas hitched•
Mr. Th• peon's stallion and young �
Doug s po to a • contraption rep- , d
nting• th= Fire Department, and
taus,', - • + of mirth as well as 5�
getting in on third money. Douglas •
.. ''�
returned to Toronto on Sunday with
man's sale• in Morris Township last•
'week, three Durham cows sold in, Has Crop This'Year
succession at the `handsome figures John G: Smith, of Osage, 'Sask.,
of $125,, $120 and $116 each:• in renewing his Sentinel,rrecently
states that they have had a crop this
•• year for the, first time in ten years:
Under. this special system the sen-
der of an Airgraph communication.,
writes the message' and address on
to two new cases. These had devel-
oped on Thursday of last week,.
were regarded by 'many as a further
fide - n the home of e late VL
Tose h Taylor and the Canham fain
sly the °residence Misses Hazel
his parents who spent the week -end
in Lucknow and Teeswater. '
a special form' provided b the Post
p p y'
Office. The completed form is next
The situation locally, which is
at of
and. Ada Webster. :.TEESWATER
Local music teachers' are' a'ntici- YOUNG WOMAN
pating with, interest a visit• during
• the week' of October 6th from `Miss
hnto graphed on miniature film
which is despatched' by air. On ar-
rival 'in the United Kingdom photo;
graphic enlargements are made and
delivered through Army Postal
now viewed more favorably by hied-
seal authorities, is this:. During the,
epidemic there have been six cases
within the Village, three of which
have been .fatal,
° •
From the poliomyelitis litis epidemic
hew Women s and Children Warm p
Hose. We still have silk hose at the which struck • this .Village, medical
old low prices.' The Market Store: science may yet obtain invaluable
information regarding the • iikalady.
Fatally injured in a motor acts-
dent five miles east of :.Teeswater
on Saturday, Mrs. William Arkell •o> .
that village passed away in'
Persis Hebden,'A,T.C.M., of the Tor- The death occurred early . Iast
onto Conservatory of Music. Miss Thursday inorn'ing of . Mrs. Leslie
• Hebden 'has •just • been. appointed Wardell, of. Huron Township, and
travelling .representative and pro- daughter of Mr: and Mrs: R. A.
• motion manager for the Conserve- Grant of Concession 12, Ashfield:
' tory. For more than 14 years she Mrs. Wardell, who was thirty-
. has been a prominent' member of three , years of age, had been ill
the Toronto Conservatory of Music since only the previous Monday:
staff. Her death Was attributed' to polio-
For the first year m her new pos- •myeliti•s, as the dread 'disease added
salon Miss Hebden .will tour „the another to its'toll •of victims in South
larger Ontario centres and will later
t Bruce` over a 'period of almost two
extend her activities to take in the .
• Maritime provinces, Quebec and ,Mrs• Wardell, formerly Isobel
Western Canada.
r. Grant was born in Ashfreld, the sec -L
Before joining the. Conservatory .ond youngest daughter of 1Vtr. and
staff Miss Hebden was a student of .0e -
Hass: R. A. Grant. -She attended Hem-
singing, piano and theory. She wasBobb
lock City school and Lucknow High'
for some 'time .private secretary to school. About five years •a o Isobel
Sir Ernest Mae1V[illari, principal of married Leslie Wardell' of Comes=
the . Conservato �,' cion 4, Huron Township, east of tht
During her visit Miss Hebden will 'Bluewater Highway. Posses"sed of. a
•• . meet with the music teachers and disposition;of
lovely disposition friendly and kind,grew
local residents .interested in music Yit
+ Mrs. Wardell was held 'in high es-
to discuss.music problems and Dints Y w"her ,and her
p teem by all,who kne
of mutual interest. early death is felt keenly by a wide
- • circle of friends. '
Service to the : troops 'in tile usual
way, The rate on an Airgraph 'fines-
sage will be 10:cents. " `.
In the case of the three other lit-
tle victims, an Wn:terstein is in
a London Hospital and Keith Kil-
Patrick and Jackie Ferguson are
• • 'At least research work will be •car-
Let Us Do It • Pied out by ,_ the Department. of •
No •need to order printing out' Health in Toronto in this, regard, on
of town, when you can get work a larger scale, than ever before un=
ton Hospital: Mrs. Arnold Stewart . ,
of , Streetsville is in the hospital in '
a critical condition: Mr.' Arkell, , •'
driver of the car, escaped with 'min-
or injuries.
at their •homes, making a total ,of
two existent cases in the Villa e.
done like that here"". That was the dertaken m Canada .inn any
unsolicited' remark of one satisfied community where the disease has
customer just a few days ago. The struck.'
. .
The accident occurred as a truck
p y drove Dist of a sideroad
Those "V's for Victory" persist in
cropping up in all. imaginable forms.
For the Second time, to our know-
'ledge, the victorythe
g symbol has
Jackie's affliction is little other than
an •evident• weakness in :the limb,
while' encouraging im rovement is
noted in Keith's condition.
Sentinel takes pride in the class of At the request of, .and with the.
printing turned out, and what is co-operation of the local Medical Of-
more eur prices invite ,comparison. facer of Health, Dr. ;W: N, Turpel of
Provincial Department artment of Health .
into the Arkell car.' .
The funeral ,service, was held in
Knox Church, Teeswater on Tues- ,
day. Besides her husband, Mrs. Ar-.
peered on .a cob of corn in this MI-
seventh victim of this epi-
demic is - Lorne Reid lives 1 i�
is__personally siipervising ' the re-
kelt is survived .by a son, Herbert I
mediate locality.'The second instance
. was a freak cob. found' by young.
e . who
miles east of the Village.
These . are , the. facts Wednesday
;Nearly 2,000 View Bull search work to be done. He paid
Figured at a dime apiece there his second visit to the villa a with-
would be nearly 2000 persons view g
in ten • days, the first of this week,.
of Teeswater • and a daughter Helen
of Toronto. •
" •
Lyons, ten
y Y •years old, while
corn cutting was •ui progress at the
farm of his' grandfather, James T.
Lyons. This normal cob was en=
c rcled. at the base by a number
•small cobs which around
at noon and those possessed of
accurate knowledge of the situation
locally, are doing a definite injury
to this community, by repeating
street talk". •
W. A. Cu.Tb'ert's'tori-and-a-half bull
t Teeswater Fair last week: Pro•dfor this, purpose.
a , . , . , The first step is the securing of
.seeds, amounting to• $1?g5, were in
r. B feces from some sixty chzl-
aid of the Red Cross British om b 'd• • in the village with which re-
Victhns' Fund. This monstrous ani -search work will be done in . an ef-
, ,?
Snake Visits Jeweller . •
Bill Schthid, local jeweller, while
at his work bench last week dropped `
one of his tools, and leaning down
to pick it up, discovered he had a
l •:
in' symetrical fashion to form
perfect V's.
al Resolution Moneybags,owned
for s
Y p t to recover the polio .virus Thi
b Mr, Culbert, is regarded as rob will be carried out lit the case of
ably, the biggest bull in Canada,
visitor. It was • a ,snake. Not a big
one; but still a snake It was eight •
el, � contacts, children who- have been ill
or ten •inches long, and apparently '
The following ladies have re is-
MEN! We have some special prices tered , for work at the Red Cross
on War Rooms during the est, week:.Mrs.
m nderwea for this month p
THE MARKET STORE. ' • • - Anderson, Mrs: Douglas, Mrs: Smith.
Mrs. Youve, , Mrs. Hamilton, Miss
- _ mach 'flu in recent
a with so-called
Thank Pott • • ' - weeks and children who have not
Our regµest for• copies of the is- been so affected:
sue of September 25th, was kindly, Common house flies. are also be -
- ing caught in numbers, to provide
f ,
full grown" Sill got it into a bottle
and pickled it in alcohol. We 'are }`
told it i5 termed a "DeCa snake
or some such word: They never • •
•to . ... •
•size; are
• Besides her husband, 1V1> s. Wardell
;ROAD WORK COMPLETED is survived by her parents, four tis-
tars two brothers, Mrs: Frank'
The bard surfacing of. the County MacLennan (Annie) of Lochalsh,
Road from Lucknow to Holyrood Mrs.. en Chisholm (Bessie) Coder-
lyes completed last week. The re= ich, 'Mrs. Eldon Johnston. (Selena),
" ainder of the road front • Pollock (reap)
.• mom Holyrood Toronto, Mrs. Carl P
to Kinloss will not„lie .treated until. of. Huron Township; Sim of Chicago
. next year, although souse' prepare= and Allan, of Goderich who sails
._- __.and
including .. .. - '. ,
to work,n ludin gravelling,-_
ry } c g Will the Lakes. Another brothel• David
*b done. - 4 was• drowned in Lucknow at the
When surfacin of the. � . - r -
road to the g
,• Ca ding Mill 'swimming hole sev
Village was completed • the equip. 'era'years ago While attending nig
Village p q p b; W ng nigh
gave school here.
• went moved into town andway
a final dreseiiig to' village streets Mrs.. Wardell was laid to rest lit
_• that were included in this year's. Lochalsh Cemetery on Friday after-
hard surface program: The, boule- noon, a private funeral service be.
vards on main etre e _, -
, g y
a too dressina': et also received lsonofdPine. lrivartev: J” C. Nich
• .. .., . `Woods, Miss Lyons, Mrs: Yours Mrs.
• .,, • Hornell. Mrs. Little . and Mrs. Cook:
The Y. W. A. of the Lucknow served tea.
Presb tarsals church metat the ._, . - -
y "' -`
_ _ .... . _ . .
home of Mrs, Elmer Johnston, Diss Please bring all finished sewing
responded to byGeorge Burgess
p • g g..
and Joe Irwin •of town Geo. Stuart.. material for another study, • in an
R. 2,'Lucknow HenryHorton," R. 7 effort to determine if they are car-
. .+ Y,.Y
. Piers of the' disease, as is suspected cted
Lueknow, Malcolm Ross, R. 5, Luck-• I�
- , bysoitite authorities.
now; Mrs. E': � Barber, R. 2, Lucknow; .Y.
Mrs. John Mullan, R. 7, Lucknow
gioww any and enerall
- generally
quite common during a wet spell
which we are certainly havin now,
But how it. got into Bills shop is: • •. •
still a Mystery.
te?'Yj -;
Marion Maciiougall'read the Scrip; and knitting -in to the .Red '
ture :..M ,... g Red Cross
tore esson and led in prayer. _ . R _, ... nem
1 r ., p Y r. Miss Dome by 3 p.m. Friday if pos-
earl Henderson took the Bible sable.
Study. topic from
'. ,s D;• L
Mrs. .Mac cod, R. • 3,Holy'-• Busy Gratvelliiig
_ ..
rood. Thank you! A fleet of gravel trucks are op,.
.... _ s •exiting from the it J.
q , ,
Automatic Alarm Rang
The ringing of the ,automatic a:1-.
arm the
-the Maple Leaf
Y p •
Study'Hook" was taken byMiss
ng p on P. 1VFac :
Mialati farm
a Aircraft Cor-
Grace Hurlburt, Miss Maudie Fisher :
gave $reading. The current events
on our missionary work were given •
: by Miss Mary MacLeod, Hymn 381.
was su and Mrs J closed
the.theetina with Dray rattle el ose�l
At 1': J. MacMillans, east of Luck-
no*, Monday, October 13th, at one
&clock- C4eAse. Nn np n stria, '
o 1 s m ravellrn Hi -
L w Vo tage Stops ,Work , gravelling gh
86. R.
X.ow hydro voltage i5ii Tuesday af-• Wa' J. Brewer, son-in-Iavif of
I ,..
ternoon and evening made it ht.- Mr. and Mrs, Burton Roach leas the .
possible to operate the Sentinel lin- contract for gravelling this highway
otype and thus curtailed the amount from Amberley tb Listowel',, we are
.... _, :_ . told. Yuan ,:
of type matter We were able to set dt Bros. crusher is :operat
few this ,cella ins in the MaclVtillan ;pit- •
oration' Mon
p day afternoon Was
heard uptown and caused' concern'
until- it was learned that all. was
well! The alarm started upwhen• a
valve Was tripped ,,by pressure in
the _-. air
a ,main, and`.slot by the bursting.
of a sprinkler hehr9
1 '