HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-09, Page 1• $2.00 A • YEAR --IN ADVANCE -50c EXTRA TO U. 8. A. Lucknow Ont., Thursday (Maher 9th; 1941 ASKS MUNICIPAL ' " CREAM CAMS ARE USED STRUCI( B• CAR; :; MAILING LIST VORRECTED HONOR POPULAR BOOKS FOR FORCES IN CANADA` •OTHERFOROFFICE. - The Sentinel1maning last was, ASH FIELD ELD BOYS a DL>;D ss F .NO GARBAGE SYSTEM A provincial wide campaign is un AGED 'MAN HURT ., corrected up. tQ -Saturday last, Special; arrangements have •been SINCE . LAST 'WEEK, `lit ,, .. - for. about William Greggan, whoJim a year has been employed on the farm of Donald McFarlan at -Kir_ lough, `is in Kincardine Hospital with gP a ractured •. ri ht • le as - a •result of - g• ' g car Al- being struck by a by - ; , • . i R 3 . vin �� Flamiltoxi, .-3,• Dundee.. and . erL' ' of. L" cknow. ai3d ' accom-' m. : Y . >�.. . a a panned• by his . brother, Raymond , - t e Second 'Concession •• •, h .< The 'accident occurred just 'afte dark on Sunday evening about : •a anile south . of Kinloss village, It appears that Mr. Greggan, who ' gave his .age as 58 years, had walk- ed to Kinloss late that afternoon '.early • ' . and •• subscribers are asked, to . •i hili "s sent of and Archie P 1 p , .o �, check the..date •on'.their- address Mr. ;and Mrs.. ,Ebner Phillips, Ash- label to date rinbie if proper ere- field; who have enlisted for active dit has been given. If not please service, were.,: honored' •recently... " advise us at once. •their. home,. Jain is at present ,stat-- n bar of There 'are. ,still a um ,. "oned. • •ed Deer Alberta and Ar- i . • at,. R , , .' subscribers, who• are '.iii,' 'arrears; a clue"at.'Cemp Borden: During,th dating back prior. ,to: the change evening, bath was , resented ;with' '' p• of ownership ' of this business.. n d the followin . ad-' f a ".wrist watch and g,. Sufficient. time has been allow- dress; ed nor, the , settlement of.. this• :. Dear Jain• and Archie •and there are debte .We,' your friends and neighbour .,..it cases where 'cotituiued disregard.. "'•this Opportunity to .show are of • these accounts will result in you in takfnga tangible way. how -proud • collection ,action having to be •we are ,of ti way you heeded y_.otar taken. ". country's call. You are leaving us 'of , made bythe Canadian Pot 'Office' s Department to facilitate the -sending ;o#. Books o Canadian Forces. ir. •at camps in Canada and ,Newfoundland The value attached by soldiers, sail. s ors and to•a: '.lentif 1 su 1 .�.: ,plentiful pp. 3 .ef books in them reading morns,, et has been stressed both ` .the saner, byof t eitiselves and .b t'h'ose who �havi. h Y visited •their cam s..,Good,'interest• p ing.npoks are always in.demand and is .highly important that the sup• • ply should'be• frequently ,replenish-, ed Honorable William, P. Mulock, K: C., M.P., Postmaster General an- Since Thursday has.riot been paralysis .de • are no •sus . ' or. vicinity a tertained•'tha- its course, fter 'seveli .• '.Dines i nxnedia'te• vicinity: toll has -numbered four' etients p degrees of paralysis. The Sentinel e last Wednesday Lorne Reed, and Mrs. Manson of last week thele' a new case of infantile glop in Lucknow; There et cases in the Village'. Y , g d. high hopes are • en- the :epidemic has run staking •in a total ;,a in -the village .'and.; . ' r,? ° + ! ' The' diseases , ••three• death .and Yinb affected ' with varying. - was scarce} � off y the evening when 16 -year-old '.son of Mr. Reed, was pro- " •... " 'day' • The Village Council on Tues nigh t was asked . 'to • consider the units al matter of establishing a municipal p . • garbage. collection systexia: mat -The ter was brought to 'the $oard s at-# a ' ten ion b Dr. W: Y• ' xohnston . M. t • • O. IL f ar • the Pillage: :e •'' It :was .recommended that.' Such a s stem. be•.commenced, without de-• ynew lay, • It was pointed ,out" that: flies n . - arg-partieularl'y' bad -this yeas, and. P ' that they have som , co act ono with the epidemic thisHalf • village has 'had •gpress matter under. Council has ther sideration : as to the procedure •nee'-, .• asses should such .a 'service be .in? Y tiles -., ,, „_ ._ •'date What 'the. Board did was: reel na= ' Accept Jack Campbell'sg .•tion: as a member of•.the Arena .Cont-. ' mittee and appointed: Wm. Murdie Pp as his successor. ' Appointed Rev: C. H: NI nald ''' `. r d : . : as a member of the Lib Ory Boare n.... derwa .' to retrieve .thousands upon: Y thousands of'cream cans which have been diver ed '•ta, •man . uses; other t y ,: than as cream containers: : Thus • actions ' is °imperative, as dui , to, war`. conditions a very serious' , ' f Cream cans •-. thf•eate.ns shortage o i riot on• the ::dairy industry .which, s - ..fox the riorities..list to secure steel for • • supplies of cream cans:. Loea11 `Silverwood ',Dairies have Y ' 4indebtedness .appealed to fasters to i"eturn ail' cream -cans, regardless of, whether new or old.. The fact that some of these cans, may not -belong to the IocaI creamery makes no difference; as ,an exchange :can be made be- tween .creameries. The response ..to has been fairly satisfactory, but. there are - many cans. still" in use for various ,purposes' that have not yet been' re- ' turned. It is .'a patriotic duty; and in the interests of the 'industry gen- eraily at all available cans be nut } back...circulation.-.----_. and was returning .:on foot; in, the evening. It is reported that •walking •in , at the call ditty,and for this we EDD 1 • _. E. .__ .:_. ;adm.�re :.your, decision ' 'you the 'common- pounces that in the , interest .of. our. soldiers; 'sailors and airmen station- 'Newfoundland, .trounced to, be suffering • from the n s' malady,_ Lorne had been wo king .• the • aged man was the •eentre :of the highway, and with scars " coming from both ,directions he tried to, get off to 'the roadside. Facing the lights .of a car that •failed to,.dim, the. Hamilton brothers .didn't see Mr. Greggan until with- ' ,. Y. .. T in -a few feet of ham. I3e was struck _ We will miss in . - FARRIER-GILLESPIE ity,., You have been willing helpers A ret autumn weddin and we have always enjoyed your p t3' was sol- - einni�ed at the home , of Mr. and associati • with us. ' Our ah-dest Mrs- J.. Gibson, Gillespie, ' White- .thou hts youy }� g ' go with wherever ou church at 12. noon Saturday, before may be and:We shall not forget, you•' .a:, ,bank ' of autumn. flowers, when ,in your absence from us_ e_ . G Barnar united 'in marriage.. i is as to,1 - ," G, pBarna.��„-� ani r..,.rriag : _P cc t Weise e. ,.,,,, bas.: a gl? ed •. in Canada and and as a special measure of co-op, ,eration, all 'Post. Offices throughout the country • will act as depositing centres for Books. This to appliesg 'books only—not magazines, news= papers, etc. • so o 'wish.- stip i 'o r h,.., Y-,,..! on his • father's farm, a rule and a ' : • half east of the Village, on Monday.. Tuesday K� • •he wasn't' feelingwell andti: ': by' Wednesday evening there .:were .i p y -" definite s} ns .of• Oral sis. Both lower limbs are. severely of-, Y iM fatted 'although his ,father•, stated; .. r i t the week b4.$0i] . .� -_ r �»,... �_ : �. - .:.:.... _ succeeding Itev. A. A. Maloney. ;Instructed the.'Clerk to notify the f' a .to, action • ars Supply . false a ., . •i .- •.. _ _ . Net onlyare cans .used' for. many' . other purposes on the. farm, but•'as well ''t it- 'kno�icri• even strettlibrt:. . •. a glancing blow ` by the, ear -that ' fractured his '.leg • below, the knee ' ' 'Wel `str€- - . .. - .1.7 , _ ..„ _. _. _• ,, .._-_Pe - their only daughter, Agnes Lorraine." ens of our. esteem'.and with them to Garnet E. Fattier,'son• of Mr. and go our best wishes for your health, Mrs.13. Farrier of. West Wawa- , • , .. - � 'snee return. d)' - _� -to .w. -a __.„.-t,~,..,...._,-11? ._„ Forces with much .appreciated read- ing matter 'now' may ,hand in these it their Post :_t slight : improvement' was .' noted in, the , , strength•. Of' one of .the' legs. , f 4 The: Mildest' '� - • • . • in .the 'matter of r eiriforcin '-the : Arena. This is a result , of damage g.. done • by snow piling up on the 'roofThe last winter.' 1 a leas ized Reeve Bushell to sign the , lease • on the apartment: above' the new municipal building,. withg rd' • $50 it the tenant. •. G4":. � Granted' $50 to 'the Women's In, . • the village : ,there, are steam •cans serving in various capacities as con- 'tamers . of most everything but cream. • •stable It is against the law to .use cream cans for.; anything but., 'their proper purpose. and. upon being `kn down feted head cut's. man was removed' to Kincardine Hospital. 'County 'Con- ;Herr Lemon. of Kincardine • Y investigated: .•_,W. nosh. •injured •The bride, lovely in knee-length . 'gown of rose petal crepe with shoul-. der length veil and 'carrying a .show- er boo uet . of . Talisman roses :was q . ' given marriage : by her father, Farrier; . Signed on behalf of 'your friends aiid • neighbours, Wallace., Twainley; Hugh, Menary, Irvin Henry, Blake Archie, on behalf of his brother Jim, who was unable to heApresent, voifnes JGf'fice=the books donated .should be clean and iri, o'od condition. It will' 'not even g, be necessary to wrap them 'as' they. •Alton. will be placed in mail bags • special- ly provided for the purpose, •:in Citizens :can ensureF that men'..in case . of, the -'seven ' that of young „Jackie '' Ferguson,' 5- . .year-old son :of + r. and Mrs. 'Tota M Ferguson. Jackie has shown •onl . a 'slight weakness in one lei which g g is evidriit only if he tries' to walk. , ' In Iron tiling $ ; a . Attending. Dental College Morris ;Pearlman, only son of Mr. The bridesmaid, Miss Olive sister of the groom;. _wore a wine crepe frock and 'carried a ndsegay thanked their' friends in a few well-' chosen words:• " - ' • .• 'camps in Canada' and in Newfound'-, land will receive 'tfie full benefit of this`privilegehy_going..totheJr,_boQ1 ; • Severest of all cases that have' not:;;, ;been fatal, is that. of Jean Winter- tei�i,_$-„y ar-old slaughter ofll , statute ssist-thein in fixin the._ g and Mrs. Ben P:earhnan, lies enter= ed Toronto University to stud den- y• tistry: ' ' Morris' attended the local; carnations 'and roses: T e groom ' • • 'was attended by Mr: Jack Gillespie, brother of the::bri`d'e: The. ,wedding • WINNERS OF BACON HOG : ' ' SPECIAL ANNOUNCED shelves and `.picking out VOWS;and handing them in at the: Post Office, which will arrange for' delidery to g Mrs;' fie. Winterstein Jean'seon- dation• became alarming last Friday... • • <, morning' she• and late that mornin she was rush- ` �_t°`a 'scenery of 'the Town Hall 'stage, if , they see ,fit to proce'e'd with the un- dertaking'.. _ . ' A complaint regarding' Cellar A tei`iia ce Reeor�l Stet ' '. _ Attendance records .: were statter ed, at Teeswater Fair last Wednes- day when at. least 15,000. 'persons High school, where he was' a clever ^S e r -years music was played by Miss' Winnifred Farrier and during 'the signing 'Uf ' - At the IJucl now Fall 'air there the various' Training 'Camps—where ed to London.' A continued spread of y p; water. • led .. to a 'lengthy discussion on the Matter, bringing out one Dint g p that the: ' town is . only i•esponsib'le for the .proper drainage 'of surface water.:' .council also. •discussed ,securing I•, man to inspect the roof of roofingp ' ' • aeked he -grounds: •=Gate-xeeeipts 1200 per-. 'were we l over $2,800 and . , p sons paid $334:70 'to ''get on the grandstand, which was filled to cap- : ,• acty by: 1.30 o clock. The day turn- ;ed out. fine after, an ell day..rain on : Tuesday. sttrdiit. iii duan t c g g- ere ago he has been assisting in his fathers store. . the . register Mr.. Frank Gillespie. cousin of the bride, sang .Because . After the' ceremony. a 'buffet 'Inn- were ei ht 'ens of five , g ' entered ,in 'the 'Bacon' Market- Competition.. Forty-five dollars o •' s each, g , Hog 6 in they will bewelcomed-with: interest. and will'. relieve the monotony of Y the boys in . Canada'' Forces, espec- sally 'during the Fall 'and Winter: -the- -paralysis--res lied M her -being - later lased in .iron ' lung;ands P tragic to relate this sweet little girl ;is now practically .completely, poral- TO SPEED LETTERS OVERSEAS cheon' was served: Fo11ow.'ing this the happy couple left on a motor prize money was divided' $r $10, 8 $ $6, $5 and $4 and on a. basis the standing was seasons. yzed. : ' 1 Since then,' however, there .have , With a' view to speeding up the of letters' relatives' and trip , to points East and on their re- 'turn.. they will.. reside in 'White- church. . • of carcass weights as Charles Anderson,.. Al- art Gam mie, Ewart,Taylor, Wilfred •follows: ' `RAN .INTO. CATTLE �- ` been no other cases, acid this coin- munity is praying that' the epidemic •', its first. t Frt . the "Geddes building";: as recent .• dui°em _; iris d friends- in-• Canada• tar the Canadian, friends Guests from a, distance were pre- : Beckett; Alex 'Andrew, Ft G.,, Mai, _ " A - - ,r. ry `.. "ham •Ear-'+ claimed victiirn..lo�*ahI _ - P t • �74: b w a 4, i :haven.@$ail rs > . : « , .;,• .- g FAIR MOIR 10 •ithat - , a.�. - M'+:- � ;;S; '�M V° . •, :• , wN*�.i.5+aT•...8,._..._. '" '., .• _ . r��h' : XS? ,°�itPi i%1".�J4Fffi•�'��'li�$•tifi • .n"3s C 9 - i na ev. u -'L .�� . p(,AIM _ qU Iv�i'k•q I:YSU WQ!'{iMYYYbI•�f. �.. •,4YbC('.:Rp W' Ap... •, .Nk49f ail :., ry1J h.fatfa .8'.- ter 'weir; ..'Sb3".. • p pµ 'LR. il^A.::,V .• �NS.' kyr. ^�'�d�t r �+� �J--v��ri ��1' '. _ �y�- ,�y,,, .¢.c���'.�.' H.h 'n.Ti'iY-.T��• •CIL•Y.�'�•.y i :.4Y F 'ems .e h` • 'I=ti avy and on'i;saiiii d29Wi`igig � .. • � _ _. _ _ W Polack IL e. M:P...>'os-Dant - , :. ` • : ki. Galt -air d-- erg -- .. S"i' The hos Were sad_ sealed' ten=. g 3t{�(11' b . : - _. .::_ :� .-mad. -_ �f- 1� �2 oJKW 1i:' i3 - e� ales�ioing Well of-7rarn-on-Friday forced ,a caiic�e - The auction sale "season" opened Winn` ..of • Dungannon -Fair .• Indoor • • much earlier than usual this year exhibits had been placed and•7udged and throughout,; September' there on Thursday but the,'fair proper { ashed were many. such ,events_:w,th several on Friday was completely w . - . - .more billed for the early,-, part 'of - out. The. concert and dance as fair r , night attractions were held however Octobe .Without exception the re •: sults •seem; to be _quite 'satisfactory, and ,were ,well patronized. Rain in- -help, General, that arrange- eSSeCI- Ca2CaS;— m master stated mems' are now under way for- the .institution of a time and space con. f NO TIME 'O SPREAD • motorist ren.into into a herd of ten cet7, weight. and •• grade, and went to ' F. t°. tie, owned by Jac k•• Mc Millan,' and W- Fearman'of Hamilton at $14.75, . being driven on the Highway: Com -.t row and an anguish to this village that: +� w'11 •not soon be for°otten. g -serving ,Airgraph ;Service between United, Kin IDLE., RUMOURS , +' ing over •the sharp grade just west 4�4' `, Third Prize" this counts and, the y g- , dom. i is policy d In keeping with h p cy to 0 While it is not, or has not, b�eeri,: r purpose o minimize the serious •ou p p t in Vill- Pictured. In The Starof the Bill them 'torist couldn't get Monday nights .Daily- 4, tar pact- His car under ep trot before strik-Thompson n urea' some of; the wives and children •ing one of the • animal's, which had Won • : •, o f Teeswatet-r ' and r his Tegrndson ' Dougl Alton, . ,everything possibly_to_facil'itate_ the r'._ 'ransmission of mails for our For- ces, with the minimum; Orletsand nese, of the .epidemic ,this age we do believe that repeating of idle rumours • has done ,a good deal _ of British airmen and officets, who • to be destroyed The' car was not comprise art of the everincreasing serious damaged. 'Who and Mrs. Wm: Alton of 1. son of Me:and Toronto, won rd prize in the freak rt 4. T nveyance contest Teeswater with bidding brisk, and excellent suran` ll to , a ;degree to offset the loss occasioned byhaven •prices bein obtained, particularl g g y:.colony ' ' for' cattle, liogs and !poultry. Matt.' to. cancel the show.' •delay, Gayor� re oris that "at 'Henry• Gaynor- p my Bos- of Old Country folk are .'at • Hon. Mx. Mulock is planning ;to institute 'this special .system;• at an early date. Following completion of arrangements now under way; a definite announcement will be made by Hon, Mr:.Mulock as to' the. date. of commenceinent. • of harm and has caused the' num= ber of cases to be ex d in instances • as much as . threefold. •Air • This condition. •wes not benefited any by ' daily paper dispatches on ' Monday of. this week ,and.a sub- sequent radio report, which referred . now making their 'homes in Canada in the vicinity of the. Port Albert 'Bought Prize Sow • Navigation school. In. the picture . W. E. Henderson bought the first were Mrs. C. W. Crawford and son', prize. Berkshire sow, owned by Ad'- Peter • and Mrs. D. F. Canham 'and am • Thompson of , Stratford, and ex- • son ]Vlalcoinn who are residents -of hibited at Lucknow ,Fair. Lucknow. rd family of Fair; sanded and Douglas hitched• • Mr. Th• peon's stallion and young � Doug s po to a • contraption rep- , d nting• th= Fire Department, and taus,', - • + of mirth as well as 5� getting in on third money. Douglas • .. ''� returned to Toronto on Sunday with man's sale• in Morris Township last• 'week, three Durham cows sold in, Has Crop This'Year succession at the `handsome figures John G: Smith, of Osage, 'Sask., of $125,, $120 and $116 each:• in renewing his Sentinel,rrecently states that they have had a crop this •• year for the, first time in ten years: CONSERVATORY PROMO• TER • LUCKNOW Under. this special system the sen- der of an Airgraph communication., writes the message' and address on to two new cases. These had devel- oped on Thursday of last week,. were regarded by 'many as a further fide - n the home of e late VL Tose h Taylor and the Canham fain p RESEARCH WORK .TO sly the °residence Misses Hazel his parents who spent the week -end in Lucknow and Teeswater. ' �� •VISITS THIS WEEK ' a special form' provided b the Post p p y' Office. The completed form is next outbreak. The situation locally, which is at of and. Ada Webster. :.TEESWATER BE CARRIED. OUT' LADY KILLED-. Local music teachers' are' a'ntici- YOUNG WOMAN pating with, interest a visit• during v ICTBM OF •PQL'10 • the week' of October 6th from `Miss hnto graphed on miniature film which is despatched' by air. On ar- rival 'in the United Kingdom photo; graphic enlargements are made and delivered through Army Postal now viewed more favorably by hied- seal authorities, is this:. During the, epidemic there have been six cases within the Village, three of which have been .fatal, ° • From the poliomyelitis litis epidemic hew Women s and Children Warm p Hose. We still have silk hose at the which struck • this .Village, medical old low prices.' The Market Store: science may yet obtain invaluable information regarding the • iikalady. Fatally injured in a motor acts- dent five miles east of :.Teeswater on Saturday, Mrs. William Arkell •o> . that village passed away in' Persis Hebden,'A,T.C.M., of the Tor- The death occurred early . Iast onto Conservatory of Music. Miss Thursday inorn'ing of . Mrs. Leslie • Hebden 'has •just • been. appointed Wardell, of. Huron Township, and travelling .representative and pro- daughter of Mr: and Mrs: R. A. • motion manager for the Conserve- Grant of Concession 12, Ashfield: ' tory. For more than 14 years she Mrs. Wardell, who was thirty- . has been a prominent' member of three , years of age, had been ill the Toronto Conservatory of Music since only the previous Monday: staff. Her death Was attributed' to polio- For the first year m her new pos- •myeliti•s, as the dread 'disease added salon Miss Hebden .will tour „the another to its'toll •of victims in South larger Ontario centres and will later t Bruce` over a 'period of almost two extend her activities to take in the . months, • Maritime provinces, Quebec and ,Mrs• Wardell, formerly Isobel Western Canada. r. Grant was born in Ashfreld, the sec -L Before joining the. Conservatory .ond youngest daughter of 1Vtr. and staff Miss Hebden was a student of .0e - Hass: R. A. Grant. -She attended Hem- singing, piano and theory. She wasBobb lock City school and Lucknow High' for some 'time .private secretary to school. About five years •a o Isobel g Sir Ernest Mae1V[illari, principal of married Leslie Wardell' of Comes= the . Conservato �,' cion 4, Huron Township, east of tht During her visit Miss Hebden will 'Bluewater Highway. Posses"sed of. a •• . meet with the music teachers and disposition;of lovely disposition friendly and kind,grew local residents .interested in music Yit + Mrs. Wardell was held 'in high es- g to discuss.music problems and Dints Y w"her ,and her p teem by all,who kne of mutual interest. early death is felt keenly by a wide - • circle of friends. ' ,the Service to the : troops 'in tile usual way, The rate on an Airgraph 'fines- sage will be 10:cents. " `. .. In the case of the three other lit- tle victims, an Wn:terstein is in a London Hospital and Keith Kil- Patrick and Jackie Ferguson are • • 'At least research work will be •car- Let Us Do It • Pied out by ,_ the Department. of • «• No •need to order printing out' Health in Toronto in this, regard, on of town, when you can get work a larger scale, than ever before un= 'single ton Hospital: Mrs. Arnold Stewart . , StewaWalkert• of , Streetsville is in the hospital in ' a critical condition: Mr.' Arkell, , •' driver of the car, escaped with 'min- or injuries. • NAfiURE PROVIDES MORE V's --'-- at their •homes, making a total ,of two existent cases in the Villa e. g done like that here"". That was the dertaken m Canada .inn any unsolicited' remark of one satisfied community where the disease has customer just a few days ago. The struck.' . . The accident occurred as a truck re reportedly p y drove Dist of a sideroad , Those "V's for Victory" persist in cropping up in all. imaginable forms. g For the Second time, to our know- 'ledge, the victorythe g symbol has Jackie's affliction is little other than an •evident• weakness in :the limb, while' encouraging im rovement is p noted in Keith's condition. The . Sentinel takes pride in the class of At the request of, .and with the. printing turned out, and what is co-operation of the local Medical Of- more eur prices invite ,comparison. facer of Health, Dr. ;W: N, Turpel of Provincial Department artment of Health . pa into the Arkell car.' . The funeral ,service, was held in Knox Church, Teeswater on Tues- , day. Besides her husband, Mrs. Ar-. 4 ap- peered on .a cob of corn in this MI- seventh victim of this epi- demic is - Lorne Reid lives 1 i� is__personally siipervising ' the re- kelt is survived .by a son, Herbert I mediate locality.'The second instance . was a freak cob. found' by young. e . who miles east of the Village. These . are , the. facts Wednesday 'not ;Nearly 2,000 View Bull search work to be done. He paid Figured at a dime apiece there his second visit to the villa a with- would be nearly 2000 persons view g in ten • days, the first of this week,. of Teeswater • and a daughter Helen of Toronto. • " • ' Lyons, ten y Y •years old, while corn cutting was •ui progress at the farm of his' grandfather, James T. Lyons. This normal cob was en= i c rcled. at the base by a number •small cobs which around at noon and those possessed of accurate knowledge of the situation locally, are doing a definite injury to this community, by repeating �� street talk". • � W. A. Cu.Tb'ert's'tori-and-a-half bull t Teeswater Fair last week: Pro•dfor this, purpose. a , . , . , The first step is the securing of .seeds, amounting to• $1?g5, were in r. B feces from some sixty chzl- aid of the Red Cross British om b 'd• • in the village with which re- Victhns' Fund. This monstrous ani -search work will be done in . an ef- , ,? Snake Visits Jeweller . • Bill Schthid, local jeweller, while at his work bench last week dropped ` one of his tools, and leaning down to pick it up, discovered he had a ' l •: in' symetrical fashion to form perfect V's. RED CRCSSS NOTES al Resolution Moneybags,owned for s Y p t to recover the polio .virus Thi b Mr, Culbert, is regarded as rob will be carried out lit the case of ably, the biggest bull in Canada, visitor. It was • a ,snake. Not a big one; but still a snake It was eight • el, � contacts, children who- have been ill tl or ten •inches long, and apparently ' g• The following ladies have re is- MEN! We have some special prices tered , for work at the Red Cross on War Rooms during the est, week:.Mrs. m nderwea for this month p THE MARKET STORE. ' • • - Anderson, Mrs: Douglas, Mrs: Smith. RE. Mrs. Youve, , Mrs. Hamilton, Miss - _ mach 'flu in recent a with so-called Thank Pott • • ' - weeks and children who have not Our regµest for• copies of the is- been so affected: sue of September 25th, was kindly, Common house flies. are also be - - ing caught in numbers, to provide f , full grown" Sill got it into a bottle ,� and pickled it in alcohol. We 'are }` told it i5 termed a "DeCa snake y or some such word: They never • • •to . ... • •size; are • Besides her husband, 1V1> s. Wardell ;ROAD WORK COMPLETED is survived by her parents, four tis- tars two brothers, Mrs: Frank' and The bard surfacing of. the County MacLennan (Annie) of Lochalsh, • Road from Lucknow to Holyrood Mrs.. en Chisholm (Bessie) Coder- lyes completed last week. The re= ich, 'Mrs. Eldon Johnston. (Selena), " ainder of the road front • Pollock (reap) .• mom Holyrood Toronto, Mrs. Carl P to Kinloss will not„lie .treated until. of. Huron Township; Sim of Chicago . next year, although souse' prepare= and Allan, of Goderich who sails ._- __.and including .. .. - '. , to work,n ludin gravelling,-_ ry } c g Will the Lakes. Another brothel• David *b done. - 4 was• drowned in Lucknow at the When surfacin of the. � . - r - road to the g ,• Ca ding Mill 'swimming hole sev Village was completed • the equip. 'era'years ago While attending nig Village p q p b; W ng nigh gave school here. • went moved into town andway a final dreseiiig to' village streets Mrs.. Wardell was laid to rest lit _• that were included in this year's. Lochalsh Cemetery on Friday after- hard surface program: The, boule- noon, a private funeral service be. vards on main etre e _, - , g y a too dressina': et also received lsonofdPine. lrivartev: J” C. Nich .. • .. .., . `Woods, Miss Lyons, Mrs: Yours Mrs. PRESBYTERIAN Y. W. A. ' • .,, • Hornell. Mrs. Little . and Mrs. Cook: The Y. W. A. of the Lucknow served tea. Presb tarsals church metat the ._, . - - y "' -` _ _ .... . _ . . home of Mrs, Elmer Johnston, Diss Please bring all finished sewing g responded to byGeorge Burgess p • g g.. and Joe Irwin •of town Geo. Stuart.. material for another study, • in an R. 2,'Lucknow HenryHorton," R. 7 effort to determine if they are car- . .+ Y,.Y . Piers of the' disease, as is suspected cted Lueknow, Malcolm Ross, R. 5, Luck-• I� - , bysoitite authorities. now; Mrs. E': � Barber, R. 2, Lucknow; .Y. Mrs. John Mullan, R. 7, Lucknow gioww any and enerall - generally quite common during a wet spell p which we are certainly havin now, But how it. got into Bills shop is: • •. • • still a Mystery. te?'Yj -; Marion Maciiougall'read the Scrip; and knitting -in to the .Red ' ture :..M ,... g Red Cross tore esson and led in prayer. _ . R _, ... nem 1 r ., p Y r. Miss Dome by 3 p.m. Friday if pos- earl Henderson took the Bible sable. Study. topic from '. ,s D;• L Mrs. .Mac cod, R. • 3,Holy'-• Busy Gratvelliiig _ .. rood. Thank you! A fleet of gravel trucks are op,. .... _ s •exiting from the it J. q , , ' Automatic Alarm Rang The ringing of the ,automatic a:1-. arm the -the Maple Leaf our:"Goforth., Y p • __ Study'Hook" was taken byMiss ng p on P. 1VFac : Mialati farm at a Aircraft Cor- late Grace Hurlburt, Miss Maudie Fisher : gave $reading. The current events on our missionary work were given • : by Miss Mary MacLeod, Hymn 381. was su and Mrs J closed the.theetina with Dray rattle el ose�l COMING EVENTS SHOOTING MATCH At 1': J. MacMillans, east of Luck- n no*, Monday, October 13th, at one &clock- C4eAse. Nn np n stria, ' o 1 s m ravellrn Hi - L w Vo tage Stops ,Work , gravelling gh 86. R. X.ow hydro voltage i5ii Tuesday af-• Wa' J. Brewer, son-in-Iavif of I ,.. ternoon and evening made it ht.- Mr. and Mrs, Burton Roach leas the . possible to operate the Sentinel lin- contract for gravelling this highway otype and thus curtailed the amount from Amberley tb Listowel',, we are .... _, :_ . told. Yuan ,: of type matter We were able to set dt Bros. crusher is :operat few this ,cella ins in the MaclVtillan ;pit- • oration' Mon p day afternoon Was heard uptown and caused' concern' until- it was learned that all. was well! The alarm started upwhen• a valve Was tripped ,,by pressure in the _-. air a ,main, and`.slot by the bursting. of a sprinkler hehr9 1 ' cr