HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-16, Page 8L AGE. EIG1f t. New i Vali an UNDE lc" tom NOW& BE PREPARE() FOR THE FIRST, COLD DAIS *Ems :CO1 JNATIONS-Men's fine eQmbs long sleeve, ankle ttGarment . a ....... ... length' Ido .buo PENMAN'S' NATURAL COMBS_..: Longosleeve, ankle length, Size 36=44 ; •° 11.98 SHIRTS & DRAWERS—Garment . , .:. : 41.00 MERCURY COMBS -Wool & cotton, closely .knit from soft wool and... strong :cotton. Give long wear , as Well as. warmth. bong ": sleeve,', ankle length. 33-44: , . . • •- ,_•; $2.50• 4EN� PLECE:LNED. �'re i,heavY weight.$2.00- , �!ADIE 53UGGE. Longerlength, sMgoth.fitt n . 50-percent &9 X1.00 LADLES: VEST: No; sleeves or' short:sleeves. ¢50 & up em e o HEALTHY PEOPLE There must behealthy 'people in Lucknow; ;with .remarkable ;intest- inal :fortitude, or something. 'Samples,•. of water from 72• wells were, sent to ..the - Department' of Health, Tor- onto, for testing. Accordingto • the Lucknow,$entinel 36 of these Were -°g`i�ren -'D" tilaasift catiion -'�1 , .w•ate is supposed' to contain enough germs to . kill a .horseand' ,that's some• tlasng Senth snpton. Beware._ HARRY 11I0EWEN, -left . winger for the ' Clinton Juveniles last year•, when theyy won. .the Ontario champ ions$ip,. is. to get • two Week's train-. ing•,aa't'HTershey. Cooney 'Weiland ar- ranged the tryout.' McEwen is 17 ears old, is six feet tall and •weighs. 170 pounds. He is a brother. of "Punch'.' and ",T.immer' we • -of' .Hockey. fame in ,this'distriet. Rifle Club- Re -Organized The-Wingiiain-Ladies._Rifie_Club Which gained : wid. a proininence last • season, . has been ;re -organized for the coming year The. Club was es:- tablislie 1 two.` years: ago by Elwell • sWebster;.and Frank: Sturdy. of Wing - ham; OJfficers'; for the•',current season' are, Hon, Pres., Mrs. Elwell Web- - ster; presidentMrs. „Myrtle Platt, wife of'.lWi troi :rP1attsr.formerlwya one. of Ontario's ,best : Marksmen;; vice - • -THS LUC NOW SENTINEL PURDOST^FOT$ERGILL • Church, � hureh To- ronto, Street ronto, recently was the setting for the marriage ' of Maid Lillian, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. Fother- gill of Bovirsinan; Manitoba, to Mr. Athol thol Purden, son .of. Mr. and Mrs.. A. E • Purdon of Whitechurch. Rev. J Finlay officiated. Th. e bride. wore Y a dress of wing blue wool with'rnat- chin accessories. Miss Myrtle .Fotl- ergiih sister of the .bride,brides- maid, chose a dark crepe .suit trim- med in white with • matching acces- sories'.. °Mr. Heetor Purdion, brother. of the. groom Was best man. ' i Thereception • was held at the din- ., ing mornof the Hotel Gregory. The, •young. couple will. reside 'in. Toronto. BE NN1gTT--WILSON" .. • . A pretty October wedding was Solemnized a£; the Presbyterian Manse, Blyth, on Saturday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, when. Rev. A. M. Boyle united in . marriage Dorothy' Errat Wilson, daughter df Mr. and ' 1t7irs: john Wilson. of Auburn and CONSCRIPTION Mx. Hugh J. Bennett; son of Mr. and.• street length frock et Sea blue crepeWhile Conscription continues t6a corsage of 'Talisman rose buds.'the subject of keenthrimighoiit the • Dominion the an,'corn flower and Maiden hair fern:noinicement is Made -that every nianof military age and apparent •phyS- 'sister's Only attendant, .chose a dressieal fittness,- single ;or married, inwine gladioli.„ ,'agents, on 'the ' questiori Of joining.the arriiy•-.At 4S -Said that recruiting Mr. Ress Anderson, 13elgrave, Cou- •that this perdonal cenvaSs is sartet- Following , the ceremonY _Wed.loped by -Ottawa. In this COnneatien, ding dinner was served at.the hemResnurces Xinister Crerar declares of the bride's parents. Guests pored.conscription is not necessary. Mr. ent Were. Mr. and-:Mis. J'. BennettMr. Briice Bennett, ' Port' Albert; DISAGREES . ON Mrs. John Bennett, -Port Albert: WITH HEAD. OY LEGION' • , .�,p , hilae looked lovely . in • (LOCAL and GENERAL Mrs, Ethel MaeLaten Treleaven friends r of Detroit .called on Lucknow . on Sunday. . Mr. Norman; Taylor of town spent the week -end with his brother, Pte,.. Lewis Taylor. Miss Ruth Mathews. of the High School staff spent the week-end.in St., Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. George. D. Stockham, of Detroit were week -end visitors with Mr. Alex ' MeeDiarmid. , The tblisher'. Nirs , Thonipson< Donald 'visited over the week-, and end with relatives in Toronto.. .b . acDon 'da .liter Miss .Mabel M... .. aid, . �. ,af'R'eeve •Alex •MaeDona]d of- Asti- . field,. spent , a part of •last • week in "'reroute: - _ Cornmunipn will be • observed • in- the. n the. Presbyterian church this Su*n= day metalling, 'with a, meeting of.•the session'..at' 10.30.'a.m.. • •work out their own -.Problems so . man. ••-. ' Crerar was a -member of the Union- ist Cabinet.. which brought -in con= scription in; ' the :first Great War, but -he slow -doubts- hetiier_Cana_d gained- in • the effectiveness . of its war effort by the• conscription meas-; are of 1917, He contends,that in Can- ada today theneed is, for _industrial.• ,production • which did not exist •irr the last war; that Canadians 'must not forget the innportance• of the machine in the road to victory.. The tools to finish, the job need to be* produced in . even increased quant- ities he. laid'. The •statement made by . the president of the Canadian Legion .that • Canada shouldhave for- ty divisions in the field; and put the - eta y"• easneei"f Iiltint, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, . Miss .Bernice Anderson, Belgr•.ave; Mt. ' and. •Mrs. Harold Nicholson,, Galt; 'Mr: Wesley Bradnock, Mrs: Char •les : Straughan Miss Vivian Straughan, Auburn. Following the_ • dinner the • brida:, couple left for a: "'^tvedding ' trip ort ern Ontario.: On their returr they will reside on the bridegroom': • farm' riear 'Port Albert, rrr'..' • •nater--t3tntran ertn "!TBE B1G 3" ALL with DETROIT, •SUN'!DAY-TIIV/P.S. The enrdrget# :Pic- torial Review, "Michigan's , Own Horne Magazine'' .. The. American, 'We'ekly, "America's Greatest. Week- ly ' Magazine And •, the' - Comic Weekly, with .world's most famous unnies, ALL come _ EACH WEEK with The Detroit : Sunday '. Times, . "Michigan's Most Interesting- News paper". Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week. . 'Now Rack. in England Mr.' George R. Paterson, formerly Agricultural representative in Bruce but who now hold$ • the important • post of -Trades. -Commissioner to Great Britain, has returned to his post in the Mother Land after a 3 - months' leave of . absence in Can- ada.:Mrs. Paterson, who returned to Canada following the outbreak of war, accompanied' her husband to 'England and according to. word. . 1' received;'' they made a safe cross- ing of the Atlantic, disembarking at Glasgow on September 26th. Navy League Week During the . week commencing Sunday, October 19, and ending Sat- urday,, at-urday,, October 25; Navy Week will be observed the length and breadth of Canada by its citizens, its'school children, its churches. The '.people' of. Canada once again will be called on 'til think of our Navy, our Mer- chant Marine, 'th • Navies e aures of the - British heBritish' Empire, the merchant mhrin- 'es of other countries .in the pritish Erepirei, and of the occupied Icount- ries. Tljrou,hout Canada,., in schools • from 'Halifax to - Victoria, chil'd'ren , will• hear of the traditions bound up with • the. lives -and, eXploits of Nel- Soh, Drake, Frobisher, Beatty, Jel- licoe. They will hear of, the bravery of themen of our Merchant Marine. ,.They will be 'told of the .efforts of the• Navy League of Canada 'on' be- half of our sailors and merchant seamen. • sound: The only:reason ..Germany is able to ' fiekt such a large army, is because she is forcing millions,'of workers in the' conquered counties to replace Nazis in her factories. "If• we have conscription of men in the manner:r urged by its advocates", de- clared Mr. Crerar; "it ishound to raise the issue of .conscription of labor as well asthe conscription of capital:. I am confident that . in. the 'turmoil and discontent a measure like this would create, our war .ef fort would suffer and . suffer 'great • 1y".: CONTRACT DEBATED Huron,' Township Council has run Into sortie grief with their gravelling contract this year. At their October meeting fault was .found with the inferior quality of gravel being used, as well as the fact that only a small pad of .the, contract was yet com- pleted. George Lavis of Clinton, who has the contract, sought part pay- ment for the work done, and when the Township Connell decided to hold back part of the amount re- -quested, a heated -.debate resulted. • -Pre-Nuptial Presentation • Prior to their recent marriage Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassidy (nee Kath- leen (oraham of Kinlough) who`have taken up residence in . Walkerton; were guests of honor at a gathering held' at the Riversdale Separate -School. A :large r a ge -number of young people of the section . were present and a most enjoyable 'evening was spent by all those in attendance. (Suring . the -program the bride was presented with many beautiful and , useful gifts. . MOTORISTS are faced with a new worry. With the government taking over the supply of all anti -freeze products, garage men may find it difficult to supply motorists with , these products. Many motorists will have to get along with alcohol in their 'radiators. • ENGAGEMENTS, ,0 • l NGAt�1. N.ON ' A sectional , meeting of the west; ern divisipn o£, Mait1an Presbyter - d .in ^Erskine` ial Society to he held. Presbyterian church, Dungannon; on •October 21st at` 2 o'ock fpr the congregation,: Miss ' 'ern-,Itob1�; Toronto. visited her rnoth''r, ir`. Elizabeth Robb over the' eel end; Visitors -on Sunday with Mrs. WM, McConnell and 'Mrs. des. Finnigan were Mr.• and Mrs. Sid G,}bson,.,Sr.,. and i�i4r. and Mrs. Sid Gibson,:. Jr. and . son Bobby and • Master Dick Johnstoi from Stratford. ' .. Mr. arid Mrs. Stanley. Hughes, To • ronto and .Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Black, Lucknow. spent' Thanksgiving. with thealadies' •parents'°Mr. and -Mrs.Da= vid'S:' Errington ,. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. 'Lavery and Miss 'Tena MacDonald of Toronto were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. R. T. Douglas..... • ' Miss Marion MacDougall, primary room iteaeher,, was: in Guelph over the 'week -end, attending the Ontario Presbyterian Young. Peoples' Con- ference.' on-ference. • • , Pte.: Lewis Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, `11 r ,'Norman •°Tay=lor -•attended- -•the- funeral of the late Mrs. Richard Emmer1ton of Kincardine. Mrs.' Em-. ran " `vias.' a cousin.. vi_.Mrs Tayloc� Sidney Rouse: of the R.A.F.; at Port Albert and Mrd. Rouse (nee Evelyn Whitby) have :ri�ioved to the residence on • Ludgard •ISt;, formerly occupied by' Mr, and Mrs. Henry Carter. Mrs. Dia Cornish of Clinton, .Ont arice_-announces the-.-engageinent_ok her second daughter, Lenore' Eliza Week -end visitors With Mr. and Mrs., .. Kenneth Cameron were and._Mrs.._E D C.amerore' and, Mary Louise and Mass. Frances Lamber tus: of Walkerton .and Miss' Dorothy Bet y of London.. Mr W'ell�ington Harvey-anti-motkr- sr Mrs. Lewis Taylor and family motored to London Friday .and • re- mained until Saturday. Theywere accompanied home by . Pte: -Lends Taylor for the week -end. Rev: C. H. MacDonald, Hen and Marion, Mr: and Mrs. J. W. Hen- 3erson r. dim,, Donald and, Mr.. and Vlrs.. Morgan Henderson were We. extend' our sincere syrimpatliy to -Mrs., A. E. Anderson 'who , last week was: 'bereaved •of her brother Mr: Ernest Mitchel,: Colborne Town= ship and at whose funeral the fain- ily • attended on Monday , ,of this week. ' • - Miss Wilma Treleaven, Toronto, enjoyed the week -end at her home! with her- another, • Mrs: ` G. C. Tre- , leaven and sister Lois, Mr: and Mrs. Jas. .Wilson, Elora, were Thanksgiving; visitors with their relatives here: • ° Mr, anti Mrs. J. D: Richardson and family, 'Aylmer, were . recent .visitors with Mrs. Annie Culbert and, sons.. Mr•. Kenneth. Hodge, who ,is -taking a" five=m'b'ntli-MY •lmeeh'anrc•- course - • was home fo r the 'week -end from: Galt. • Miss 'Cora Finnigan spent Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Mo - t ora.. Arth • anda • i at o kt , ui, f.m lyM n A• missionary rally was held in 'the .Uiiited .church -on Friday after noon October 9th with a good rep- resentation of- the neighboring aux- ;diaries. Mrs; Arthur. Elliott, presi • dent of the Dungannon branch, .as- listed.. by the vice president, Mrs. M J: Reid, conducted the afternoon's program and .opened with all sing ing the hymn "Let there be Light" followed by the Lord's prayer •in unison. The Scripture lesson, the: 25th Psalm • was read followed by prayer by the residing minister, Rev. W. P.: Newman. ` The Nile Auxiliary then contributeda number:. which was a duet,' sing;by Miss`Hilda Fin- nigan: and• Mrs. A Watson • accon partied at the- ,piano' by ' 1VIiss Beth McPhee,. ; Mrs. Lednor of Port . A1-1 best gave a talk on "Complete Hap piriess" Width was well given arid in ' keeping with the address that followed. Mrs. Rich. Johnston spoke a .few words of greetings and Mrs. 'Sam • Kilpatrick and: Miss Edna Mc- Whinneysang a duet. After a, hymn - Mrs: Chas: Alton spoke a word of welcome to the visiting ladies- and introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Rich. •MeWhi-nney who gave a very clear and interesting ' address on "Life" in its many phases also speak, ing of the many' things we , have • to be thankful for. Misses Fern Alton r and 'CoaCulbert••sang a duet. After -a-:4 ymn-'and--•the=Nationa1=Anthem; 14. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th„ 1941 tea and refreshments were served .n the basement which 'bro'. ght td.—the close a vefiy -hap* afternoon of social and spiritual value.. • • R,, C ' .. Mr. Alvin Sherwood o f the A. F;, St. Thomas, spent the week- end here. • For . his gallantrfy a Scottish sold ie? was given a decoration, A week • or so later a pal asked. him: "And what does the wife think of . yonr medal, Sandy. "She• daesna ken yet", was the -eply. It's no' my turn to write". PURPLE GROVE The :ladies aid met at the ,Puerile ,Grove . basement last Thursday :and sullied ` two quilts for the Red Cross. Mr, tKenneth. Robertson spent -the weekend at his benne here. • • -Mrs.. Dan McDonald has been con :fined to ;her bed for the past days . ,Her many friend& hope fora} speedy -recovery: Miss ,Lettie. Gawley visited. with Mrs. John. Collins en...Sunday. Miss Sadie' Polio'ek returned 'home this week: . Mr and' .Mips; Ira Lesson and' babe visited' . 'at Mr: Albert Thompson's ' • last week. • Miss Marion Walsh spent Thanks= • giving at her home. •• 'Mr. • Will Scott : and Marville re- turned home after a trip to Quebec . City'. • • Mr. and Mrs. John. Emerson ' :ted at Mr. Isaac: Nixon's on 'Siittuur �dalt� t Jiitr- •- _ Ia_cThviefi ' f• Lucknow. 'he =mar- riage o to e p ace e a er, par a October. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staples Cruickshank- announce the • engage- Eent of their only daughter, Ruth lizabeth, to Kenneth Malcohn Mac- Pherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. MacPherson, formerly- of LuCknow. and Mildmay. The wedding will take place in the united, Church, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, on the evening of October 18th. Kenneth_ is a lieutenant in the Canadian Den- tal .Corps. REV. BENJAMIN EYRE, pastor of Chalmers, Zion and Millarton Un=' ited churches in Kincardine_ Town ship, has tendered his resignation effective at the- end of the confer- ence year . in June, 1942. Mr. Eyrt came to the three, -point charge fron-' Hornby three years ago. He is at Present the president.. of South Bruce Ministerial Association. DONALD HUBER, 13-year-old.Han• over lad was seriously injured by a• rifle bullet at a shooting match or Monday., He was struck the neck as he went to remove a target. • IN HURON COUNTY in 1940 there were 101 highway accidents an hi crease of 40 over the previous yea when the total stood at sixty-one. Solve This One A coupleof girls handed the cash ier of a cafeteria on their wary out a slip of paper with the number 1004180 on it. This satisfied the cashier, who let -them pass without. paying. Why? Well, it reads: owe nothing for I ate nothing". • • • Customer: "I've come back to buy the car I *as looking at yesterday''. Salesman: "Fine. Now tell trier what was the one dominating thing that made `you decide to buy this car?" Customer: "My '.wife" • las: 3?ili F •':'' erideraon :at � ill.'stisle: Mrs liilliee 1 Robertson who un-. terwent a recent operation in Vic- toria Hospital,. Landon, where 'slie is still a 'patient, •Was shocked last week to learn of the'. sudden death If • her sister, Mrs. Harry Logan of Teeswater. • - Entered Queens Frank MacKenzie, son of Mrs. William MacKenzie, has . entered. Queen's University at Kingston to study medicine. ' Hears From Sister , Mrs. John Little of town received a recent letter from her sister, Mrs. Johnston, of Dartford, Kent, Eng- land. Needless to say Mrs. Little Was happy, to hear from her sister, who spoke -highly and with apprecia- tion Of all that Canada is doing- for the Mother Country. A BARGAIN OFFER With fall and winter ap- proaching, Tfie Sentinel -will be a particularly Welcome weekly visitor to your home. If you are not a regular subscriber, here is a special lbargain inducement to - new subscribers. The Sentinel from now to the end of, Decem- ber:1942 for' $2.00 That -is more than 14 months for the price of 12. Take advantage of this of- fer. now. Discharged From; Hospital- • Mrs. Gordon Russell of Kinloss Township, who was • struck by a car' in the village of Formosa at a late hour., on Tuesday of last week, and rushed to the Walkerton Hos- pital, was discharged from the 'local institution on Thursdayi it was at first thought that Mrs. Mussell was injured internally but oh elCamin- ation . it was found that she had sustained but slight hurts and has now • almost completely recovered from the 'mishap and isconvalesc- ing" at her farm: home in Kinjoss.— Walkerton Herald -Times. PARMEAS...As rMeoerabT AS 11BMOOHSHS It may not appear so dramatic to operate a dairy farm, to grow grain or raise bacon as to make . planes and steel tanks, but ' the work of the farmer Is `just as essential to victory as the work of the armament `maker. Always interested in the, development of agriculture and practical ' co.. operation with farmers, the Bank of Montreal is especially ' desirous now of assisting our growers of foodstuffs. Farmers are cordially invited to talk confidentially'with our nearest branch manager respecting their credit deeds., 0 BANK OF: MONTREAL 1 "A BANK .WHE-R.E SMALL_ ACCOUNTS' ARE WELCOME" Modern, Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 124 Years' Successful Operation, Lucknow Branch: V. N, PREST; Manager. • 1' Bargains in Undcriwea New_ Fall Merchandise NEW WARM • UroDER'GARMENTS NEW. WARM HOSIERY. FOR MEN,. FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE . WOMEN AND CHILDREN. • FAMILY. MARKET In All Departments NEW 'KNITTING-. WOOLS AND TARNS -NEW FLANNEL AND WOOLEN BLANKETS. ., •g - , ib • 4 STORE, Lucknow �,..E."iti•.:sr,«F L.4w" � r'a '.":�'caGw.ru�c'v2'.d. ",..'.'' ,�'�,;• • Watch for Month -End Sale Bill