HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-23, Page 5TlluJSiA , OC ;Oi ER :3,r Lyceum 17Theatre .IVI NGH'AM. Q • THE �,U.C+(N W $E strI hi Tittf�. Shows Saturday. .Night Thursday,.. Friday, ''Saturday October 23, 24, 2.5 SPECIAL, Also "Cartoon" en "News MatineeSat. tefternoon at 2:30 Monday, Tuesday, : Wednesday October 271,1St, Z9 ANN SOTHERN LEW AYRES MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN * x in • e e' `Maisie was A Lady) • The best in the. Maisie series. fir' -this picture--Maisie=•=does°= her best to ,reform' a family.. Also `Edgar ,K"ennedy Comedy' ; A7 "Novelty abde ' "Sport Subject" BELFAST : CENTRE . School has ',reopened again after being closed- for the past Couple sof Weeks owing to, the • epidemic of infantile; paralysis. in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs., Pharis Mathers of l,, cknow est spent Tuesday at the home of 1 and Mrs. Alex Hack- ett Mr.' and Mrs. George Irwin of Dungannon spent Monday at the home of . Mr. •'and Mrs.. Glenwood 'Ca•mpbell, „. • Recent visitors- at the horde of M s. Thos. :Hen)Y were Mr. ' and Nth: Arthur Brooks of Fingal,. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Irwin of Paisley and 21VIr, Robert McAllister 'of f' Goderich township • Mr. .end Mrs Thos Ferguson of Lanes Spent Tuesday: at 'the home Mr:' and 'Mrs. Irvine `.Henry.'' Mr, and Mrs. Glenwood Campbell stet family motored -to Grand Bend on Monday last Where `'they : spent the day with Mr. • and . Mrs.. John Irwin. Miss .Lila Irwin ,who.. has. been spending, the ,:past ' 'cottple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin re turned lio`me-- :viiith Mr. ' and Mrs Campbell.. Mr'. Ross Browning has, returned home after spending the, `past .few weeks with his,. aunt, Mrs. 'Thos.' 'Henry. . • . • Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon McTavish and family 'spent Friday last at the home ' of her brother,' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest- Gaunt.: • _:--1VIr: `Harry lievirila-busily»'engag-A ed pressing; hay' at presient. Messrs . Jaek . Alton; Harold Henry and Grant Rutherford have return'. ed to. Lucknow 'High school . again since the school'' has been reopened.. Mr. and Mrs. Jinn Curran and son Dick:spent Saturday with Mr: and Mrs.' Irvine Henry.. • G LI V ET Mr., Alfred Sherwood and daugh- ter• 'Ruby spent 'a day recently; with On Thursday 'afternoon,'. October Mr. and Mrs. James Lyons of West slid, about eighteen ladies met tri Wawanosh • iii %sur h'' fob ; i r gul'ar :M.S"' meeting.. This was ;a combined meet- ing for the .months of September October. The opening hymn was followed •'by the Lord's prayer, in unison:' During the .business 'period I. it • wasdecided to hold ' our autumn i Thankoffering ' •service on Sunday i afternoon,, October Atli with Miss Ilorothh Douglas, a missionary of 'Formosa who is -home on furlough. Mrs. Gilbert Barkwell took charge • .ot .,-then; rerfaa•o �rrf the neeli g�... s• svzo-trrraa�er . + FOUjiTMI c•Oh10ESSIO The Annual meeting of the U. F. W. O. was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Alex Sutherland. Mrs. Levis presided and the meeting op- ened by repeating the Lord's pray- er in unison and singing "0 Can- ada". The minutes of last meeting, were read and adopted, The Roll call, was answered by "The most neighbourly thing that ever happen- ed to me. The business was then dealt with making plansfor the .St, Andrew's dance. Mrs. Hughes gave a report'' of. the Red Cross work that was done during the summer which was.. very encouraging. The program followed; A ' 'reading.,, by Miss Mar- garet McKinnon, solo by Miss, Eliz- abeth inson' • accompanied by Hu es Topic -Our inter de- pendence one upon another, nations" as Well, as' people, by MO Dean Mc- Leod. Solo' by Mrs. J.. Carruthers accompanied.'by Mrs. D. ' H., .Car' ruthers. A musical number by Mrs. McKinnon and Mrs. Middleton Dur- ing• the election of officers it was. decided to:re-elect the.Same officers, as last year. A vote of thanks was given the hostess ,and'ones taking part. The November : meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. D. H. Carruthers a week earlier than• the usual day. Singing the National An.; them brought the meeting to : a close. Lunch was served and a pleasant half hour spent:. 'WH ITECT -RF1 :. ' Mr : and Mrs. Walter .James . have' moved into part of Mrs..McGregor's 'house. WFe;welcoiiie them to the.vili- age; also Mr. and Mrs, Wes Heimpei. have moved into ., the Pettipiece house...Mr. Heimpel has.been work- ing with Gillespie 'brothers for some Norman Wellwood, soldier from' Guelph" and Elroy Laidlaw of Kit - diener spa frf,h- : V r ekrenrd at=their homes here. Mr.. and Mrs..R. Coultes. of Mor- ris spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Ab' Coultes.. Miss Marie Aitchison is 'helping at the home of Mr. and. Mrs.. Rhys. Pollock. 1%ev. Mr. and .Mrs. Watt of Grime-- by visited with her uncle, Mr. Wm. Barber and Miss, Muriel 'Watt 'Wino has been with Mr. Barber for Some time, return wathr,..th giv Grit ASHFIELD Mrs 1Lockwood Of Munroe, Mich., spent 'the week -end with relatives here.. Mrs. M. Jo, MacKay of Goderich visited recently' with her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Buller, and her son; M. Roy MacKay. • '; Little Lorraine. Hamilton is home ,,af. ter. thre wepks,_.of.: treatment in -a London ' l ospital. ' Altho'rzgh' her McCharles-read tine Scripture les-• son: • Mrs. George. Brooks .gave an ' inte`resting reading, "God' let m'e' be:, aware": m Norine Walden •favoured with,• a solo. Mrs. J. Coiling gave' .a good temperance talk. Mrs. • David , Stewart gave us an'instruetive and,, .interesting talk and reading on. "Ways and means oraising money. 'Mrs. W. J..,Bouisten.,,gave a read- 1 ing "A crisis in a W.M.S. auxiliary" While the collection was being tak- . en,.Mrs.. C. N. McKenie told a very interesting story . on "One-tenth Giving",' also on our .new Study I Book. Mrs. C. N. McKenzie closed • With prayer. Our next meeting will :be in. charge of Mrs. J. Black ''as evement, Mr. Duncan Farrish has secured a'position in Hamilton. Those from here who,attended the social •evening ' at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Jerry Dalton'report a very enjoyable time.' 'This is the ; first of such ''entertainm nts that are . to with. the'Kintail Woman's Institute. Rev.. Mr. ' MacDroy of Orangeville occupied the pulpit. of 'the Presby terian church.last Sunday. be --held this: winte� in connection TIE Lt tKNCW . SEN I NEL. Published every• Thurada morning, at Luc -know, Ontario,. L. CAMPBELL THOMPSON 'Publisher and . Proprietor THURSDAY;�OCTOBER 23rd, 1941 ..LANES DE Mrs, 'Harold Johnson 'and little sons returned to their home on Sun day after spending. a:, few weeks with ''her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conn.. Mr. Victor •Ejnmerson accompan- .led' by his mother, Mars A., Banner - son' Mr.. and Mrs: Ben Naylor Of ;L: ucknory . and Mrs. •, Hay .'McGee , of. Wingliam attended' the funeral of their cousin _the late. Mr .•Cameron Ramshaw on. Saturday near .Roek- wood Mrs Wallace Conn aiid .little' daughter. returned hofne on. Sunday after visiting a ' couple . of weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl -Caslick-: of Cuulr-oss. • ' Mr. '..and' Mrs., Russell Ritchie of. 8th 'Con. spent Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. . R. Tiffin. ' Mr. and Mrs..:Wm.: Brown, Ard- yss and G,ertie spent' ' the week -end with relatives.at Tiverton. Mrs. J. " B. Morrison • spent the week -end with Mrs.. Toni .Morrison of Whitechurch., • -Mr-s: John Maclntyre,- ancV soils, -,. Giant and •Billie spent a few days last week with Mr.. and, .Mrs. George Mr. and ' Mrs.. George Tiffin and tittle• ` daughter spent . Sunday with Mr:•. and Mrs: Cecil Xalconer, East Wawanosh. Mr. Blake Gaunt and: ' Wendel' Taylor spent a day '. recently with Mr. and' Mrs. Perry Pennington. Mr Jim Richardson is.: assisting with farm •work at., the home of Mr. -Jim: Wilson7V1iiltechilreht `�_ " ---• The Whitechurch Woman's. Insti- tute held their, October'' meeting on 'Tuesday,'in the hall with the.;presi- dent, Mrs. Lance Grain' presiding. The ' roll 'call was ans*ered' by.an attendance' of 40 naming of a flower beginning • with ''the first letter of your name. Mrs�: Russell -Gaunt gave a 'paper 'on . ,the' risotto—The ' fainter is God's partner. in giving to the; world -the 'food it , must have. 'Mrs: (Herod&l loeltiigaue p.mifm4.•O.pe.n ise....,r enol r 3 `I7eauty-o• r-3] care Mis ear -y- Cil ' ,••0 gave Ir SOIo=:tweet -stair Lug :Miss' convener and' her helpers --=MTs. M. Coiling, • Mrs. W. S: McGuire, Mrs. W. B. Walden, Mrs: Jos. Coiling and Mrs. W. T. Roillston , "Every duty, wetland honestly done, is contra 'bufion to victory'." THE Punts MnmTse ov Centra `MAI`I•Y`A "JOHN DOE" IN TELEPHONE WORK A sullscriber nrtitoa 'The ether day !' wail that Jolts Doe had completed JQ yes with your company. y. . "Johne got.. er•e he is, by trues. ligence-, attr-,rtdustry. But your' company 'got John where 'he is be. • cause it also mbintelligent- enough first to choose, then to promote ' "2'o me Joht Doe hi the tele• phone compost'."" ' We are quite content that this company should lie judged.l}y the people who work for it. Their skill, Gentles, and devotion to set'. •.- vice account, in an 40#4,e'5#194° large measure, for the progress " s of the.telephone. .6A4',9'414.°1 .yam p villa -visited` with -Mrs and -Mrs bert Patterson one day last week: Mr. and Mrs. Cross 'and,lamily of Wallertofi spent Sunday with her parents. Mr.. and Mrs: J"McLean. CANADA ..rl ON 0 FIR MANUFACTURING, HANDLING, OR DEALING .IN. LIVE -TOCK : ' ..POULTRY, CLQ THING hor FOOTWEAR LICENCE UNDER THE:' WARTIME: PRICES AND ' TRADE'' BOARD .LICENSING ORDER ALL PERSONS IN' THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF BUSINESS Manufacturer Manufacturer's Agent Packer (meats, Fish) Processor Blender'. Importer "Exporter Warehouse operator Public eating place operator • Coldstorage.operator..', Retail delirategsen op&ntor. Shoe repair shop operator •Caterer • Custom tailor Broker Clothing contractor • Commission merchant Wholesale merchant or jobber Producer who buys and sells the Retail merchant . produetrof others Drover, Mikan, or other gam- • who buy. the, t?rodreb W CO, .: culture for resale . • Auctioneer ' Co-operative buying • 'Co-operative marketing or N organization MUST ':HAVE A LICENCE, IF THEY, HANDLE OR SELL . Groceries (general) Milk •(evaporated,` condensed or Mealsor lunches (catered; or Fur goods (wearing a Bread, biscuits,. or other' bakery' ' powdered) `delivered) Herr produeb lee -Cream ' ' ° Meaborlunchestoldforconacmp- . MIIBnery .Aeratod • sod mineral- waters • lion on the pianists .. M.. apd-ajsthas.. . . (sok drinks) Dvestock comen. pmducts- . Rubber footwasr Livestock or poultry. Boots'and,hos Rndjap , MMen'an',s or or boys' boys' hcalothingtsor YaYsmm,e, dor doth of• silk; .Nude! oth of cot oa uIth, Me,,'scmboys' furnishings b!.. kegs) , •: • - eapr ' Women's, misses' or children's' rayon ' Women',,g misses' children'sVim or cloth owool tn":± • accessories (lingerie, co:reb,bbnkeb) gloves, etc.) Um or'doth of Wei Fresh. frulb•and vegetables Frirlt or vegetable preparation, Candy or ehoeoietea ecked, cured, canned) Ereakfast food end cereals Meeh, (p, . M'earoni and kindred product Meat (fresh) CoBee, lee, , cocoa, chocolate, Fish (packed, cured, canned--" . or spices Fish (fresh) ' . Sugar or molasses Poultry product (eggs, dressed ('shies poultry)`' . Chees�r Flousormillfeeds . Milk (fluid) or Cream Feeds For livestock or poultry • A farmer, gardener, livestock or poultry producer, or fishermen Is pot subject to licence, unless he buyssuch'goodsfarrnafa. • AfOrDe Biker ; 194.1;-swh'e'n'imr-of-die=abeiiii g`oidi are`bougiif 7fof rule; Moth."the t 11i1it'tr. a buyer's licence numbers must be marked on the sales slip,, invoice, or other document recording: site so,1.. licence pplication Forms will* be, distributed through the mail. Persons who'do not rike0/0 one should apply at their Post Office where copies of the Licensing Order may also b.• aiaurei A Window Certificate and a Licence • Identification' Card will be issued to each licensee. The CmtlllsuI must ire affixed to the main door or an adjoining window of the' place of business. No licenct foereggb'sld • Mildred Moore gave a reading.. Mrs. Sholtz then read an address . and Mrs. ' Lott presented Mrs. Garnet• Farrier with a set of bowls in 'hon- -- Red Cross .quilts have been _quilt- (-.or' ..of her . recent marriage. 'Mrs. ed in several homes during the past A. Walters gave .a report of the week. ` Convention held at Chesley. In the 'contest Mr's.'Lott won the first prize ST. HELENS .Anniversary services will be held in the United church 'next Sunday •.at' 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, with Rev: Mr. ' Beecroft of Winghani as guest speaker. Mrs., J. B. Miller of Innisfail, Al- berta 'spent a few days with rela- tives here. -Mr. J. R. ' Webster is making fav- ourable improvement in the Wing • ham Hospital where he has' been a patient for the past week. Mrs. Jas. Gaunt. is a visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Ward Shickluna at Port Colborne. Miss Laurin. Miller was home from Winghatit for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. 'Callum Cameron bf Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J: • Cameron. ' An emergency knitting course will be held in the Community Hall un- der the auspices of theWoman's Institute on Tuesday, November 4 and Friday, November 21st. All those wishing- to join, are requested to hand their, names to Mrs. T. J. Todd or Mrs. W. A., Miller at once:. The'regu ar meeting of the. Y. P. U. was held in the church on Sun- day ' evening r with the president, Dorothy. Miller in the' chair. Mae Mcponaldfi°eed the scripture lesson and the topic from the Study Book "Serving with the Sons ' of Shu", was taken by Mrs. Mckenzie. Webb. -Mrs. Will Rutherford favoured with an accordian selection. Mrs. R. J. Woods is a Visitor at Guelph. ' • ' . • 'Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb, Mrs. Allister Hughes and Miss An- nie McKenzie of Wingham, attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs: James taking at Guelph on Tues- day: MAFEKING' Mr. Godfrey, Hall of Dungannon was the guest of Mr: and' Mrs. Cecil Johnston on Stndoy. i�`` Mrs. • Thos. Blake a'nd' Olive, vis- ited with relatives in Clinton last week. ' Miss Willa 'Irvin is employed in Goderi'ch at present. Rev. Mr. EazelWood' of $enmiller had charge of the Rally Service at takes here last ' Sunday morning. and Mrs: Mac Ross second • prize. On' Friday of this week they decided to hold a :bazaar and donate the pro- ceeds'to the Queen's Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims. • THE PICTURE, .' GALLERY v `WHO IS HE? Last week's picture was;that of WILLIAM CONNELL a" drygoods" merchant in Lucknow for many yearn, . a prominent 'churchman and a beloved citizen of integrity and civic pride:. Mr. Con - rel 1's picture was' one of. the most puzzling to identify which we have published. Our own minister, Mr. Howse, took his place at the' anniversary ser- vices at Nile. A .numb s, of ladies quilted tWo or the Red Cross, quilts in the hall last week f Miss Muriel Blake of London was, able to be home again' last Sunday to visit with her. parents for the day. . Anniversary Services will be held in Stake church next Sunday, Oct- ober 26th. Services at' 2.30 in the afternoon and '1,,30 in the eitenitig.' Rev. W. J.- Patton, a former mini- stet "will have ,charge of 'both ser- vices. 'Special. music ;frons 'Liieknovw and Dungannon will be heard. • After'Decembe.r'1,1941.. no unlicensed person imay,buy • for resale, 'hand.le, 'or sell ani -:of the above goods. Now:RtR9" FYTURTFIER4I+NPfzoii'MATIfi'eN, SrtiOUtlYte 4pCTtbRESSPxUx 1012ii'R'Efil'S VAWDi?REC.TdBMAX til EN a'SW COMMTEPUTEUrsik Vd7UM'.. ferPi '- *sem'"'• 7 rn ' • blued tinder the authority of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board-- ITTAWA, Come& 9 STARTS THIS ' WEEK IN LUCIENOVIT You can help You must help • 10 More and, more War Weapons are needed by our armed forces. Every community ,in Canada can and' must support this National Drive to buy War Weapons.' War Savings•, Certificates "s 'de the one'. means of support t can use. Out community . must answer the call — Everyone must do his share. Yo'u can put more War. Weapoins into action. Push the sale of War 'Savings Certificates wherever : and whenever you can Support the . . War Weapons Drive in' our corn- . munity. . . _Published .by 'Lucknow War Savings Co`I'nniittee: ,71 DOiiBLE Your Own Pledge to Regularly!