HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-30, Page 7lF •
Raise Allowance
. For Dependents '
British Government Armours.
' ces increase for Families of
Servicemen - Similar Steps
.L'ikl;ly Here.
, British 'Government Wls;ite
: Paper recently announced :in-
creased allowances for depend-
ents of servicemen. • effective on
'the firs:t••pay-day in November:..
After reasonable commitments• '
such, as rent, are met, the .allow- '
ante will, be 16 :shillings' .(about ..•
$3,2$0} •weekly far a. wife and 16
additional shillings for each fam-
ily•'Ulnit,. Two sclidol-age'..ehiidren-
are,considered e unit.
The .. maxitxtum ': commitment al
* lowence for silent,. inmtfrance in-
• ; stal.rrtents : ted similar'„ essential
expenses, will'., be., £h (at ieut
513.35) instead of the' present
• £2 .
• Families with a high pre-war
•living standard will be able to
' claim increases to"'£1 for each.
unit' and higher commitment al-
lowances lup' to a £3 maximum.
.The new provisions allow also
a 210 maximum for emergencies
such as illness ,and funerals.
Increased dependents' ' allow-
anees . for British .servicemen are
expected • to • be followed •. by a
similar step. in• Canada • before
long: I.•
•`It is also understood early 'ac-
tion 'can be expected toauthorize':
payment of a1i vances .for'
l�. .than two children.
The present' allowance for non-
commissioned ".ranks is $35 ' a
Month to a man's wife, and $12 a
month each for . children but not
for more than • two. Allowances'
.for 'commissioned officers' wives
• start at $4,5 a month fo,r the rank
. ' of 'lieutenant ; .and increase with
rank. . The $12 monthly, allow
ance for children is the: same for •
.all ranks.
Jan Masaryk,' foreign minister
•of Czech governme.ttt in • exile,
• i n his.
arrives in U.S. 1 -le is-nig g
countrymen to .cease present vio-
lence• toward Nazi conquerors
"before they kill . off . all my
people," but promises more and:
better trouble later • on.
Indian Women
Work. Overtime
Repledge for War Savings
They travelled- a rough country
of steep rocky hill slopes, narrow
draws, and high' ledges, As they
neared,Yeager's camp they -fasten•
ed their 'mounts •' and moved for.
ward on foot through a fringe of
small pines growing in a ; boulder.
field. There was a chanes that
Yeager was to meet his allies at
the danr,'but it -seemed hardly like-
ly When they were fifty yards
away they were relieved . to see
the fat little . Hat T' 'rider , busily
• - o .ce..
.� `"Fyob�g'befors4the H•a•tfP-' i-einf r
ments came' in sight the watchers,'
in the rocks could hear the -sound
Or theirhorses' hooves striking
rocks. Out IA an aspen draw a rider
emerged;'' .followed by a. led pack
horse arid a' second man.. • •
Petewaved a big .spoon at them..
"Caine . and get 'it, brothers!" he
' The man swung around, . ,aston-
ished. He stared at Jim, jaw slack
and eyes dilated,
"Why -why, what are you doing
here?" he: gulped, out.
"That's •strange," Silcott said. "I
was just going ' to ask you that."
The trapped man knew' he mt:st
not let Silcott guess why he was
here.:He must get. him and Pesky
out of ; •Che way'before the 'retain
of his eoinpantens.`There'•was some-
thing about the editor's manner he
did not like, a hiut,uf grim purpose
": t'hatr.`wa�sd-t�u•1=bi•n�g: �e-•-told- him.._,
self that. the,se•`men with rifles in •
. • their hands were probably just out
on a hunting trip; and dit not be-.
lieve_.it• Silcott and Kennedy were
not ' birds of a . re:ather.' They were
• net -even friends. Some •oummon
purpose other ' than. pleasure had
brought them together. ,
'1' knocked, off, a couple : of clays,-
ays -
to• get a buck," Frosty explained..
;'Got kinda tired of beef three tithes
a day."
_ 'That'swfinee Silcott said heart
it ' PeskYantl re re-su6"'�ti4ing-- :0'.
We'll throw .in with' you. 11 you're '
alone?" •
The last words .were flung 'out-
abru__ptly, The Hat T,rman hesitat-
1-niC : r' wbuTil :uet do to ;l e
caught lying. '
The first rider dismounted, turn-
ed .his lore `loose with grounded
bridle, and gave his attention to
r..th,e-pada a n.7Lepel an apea0.:.. fns
teued with. a diamond lifter `vlti'ch
he released very', carefully while
the other 'man 'held the reins close
t'o the• month,
• tIaTotatakiitg_any..clthnces. of jar-
ring the dynamite," Pesky said in
Jim's.. ears. "Frosty. is 'the ; fellow
at the reins. The other is „'Roan .'
The two men - carried 'the seeks',
to a grassy spot close, to the as-
pens. The thIJ, 'e horses; were pick-
eted .AtlteraPas•sing,; a thataleu.ar,cttuid,.,.
the s•a
Plying the needle ' and using
hand -powered sewing machines, •
women' on Indian reserves in
northern Canada are furthering
• the' war effort by eonve;`ting • dis-
- • carded military "clothing into use-
• ful garments for their families,.
the Indian Affairs Branch of the
Mines and Resources Department.
The department said "substan-
tial - reductions" in government ,
'relief expenditures for Indian •
clothing have. been. !lade possible ,
through increasing use of the con-
.verteil military clothing., "Great-
coats,. jackets, trousers,, shirts,
underwear, puttees, socks and
;gloves, no longer sorviceable to
the' army and air fors-e;'.--aand for-
nierly dispdseii of as shoddy .Pr
waste, now tire being shipped into
.remote Indian • reserves through
the co-operation of the armed
forces,",•the department said.
Land Lubbers-..
Good..Sailors .
, "A couple of, other fellows with
me," he 'said reliictantly:•-•,;
"Boys from the ranch?" Kennedy
inquired. ,
• "Wliy, yes. Yeager •and Judson,..
Wark is 'kuida :slack right now and
As the time draws near to the
season of Hallowe`'en, that much
. beloved season of all the younger
householders (and many older
ones too), the attention is focus-
ed On the golden pumpkin. ;West
people may think 'mer'ely of pre-
' serving it• in its simplest fashions;
to use as a pie filling in the less
fruitful, days to come, but there
are many interesting things Which.
• can :'be done with it and here are
a few' of, thein. • •
Pumpkin Chips'
• Pumpkin
Ginger • • • . ••
Peet and halve the. pumpkin.' '
Take out the seeds and .cut into
thick chips. • -For' each. pound of
puinpkih -allow 2:'cups •suger-'and
1/z cup lemon juice., Place chips'.
le a deep earthen ware dish and.
sprinkle .eaeh layer' With a layer'.
• of .sugar. • Put the lerrion juice
over the. whole. .1 -At -this -Ten -lain
for. a day;. then boil together, al-
lowing.,1 cup• water to each three
. pounds of • sugar,, 1 •tablespoon ..
bruised• .ginger tied. in' muslin
• bags,'and the shredded peels df
' the lemons: When • the pumpkin
• becomes tender, .turn the. 'whole
into a stone jar. and set away in a
cool , place for '.one week.: At .the
end 'of that time pouf the syrup
fPt •Hifi! e
�''of "tle ' c'lirps. • B'o>'1°' �d'o�viru
rich and .thick; then '.pour. over
the .pumpkin: arid seal.,This makes'
' •a' delicious . sweetmeat. • '
Pumpkin .honey
5 cups sweet pumpkin
' 5 .eups sugar -•'
2 oranges
• Put some peeled pumpkin -
through the food chopper; stew
and measure. Add sugar, , grated. ,
rinds and pulp• of the oranges and
cook very slowly lentil clear. Pear •
• inta:,.-glass and 'cover. •
• Another • ' met d •• stake. ripe,
yellow .pumpkin and cut in large•
' .piecess Peel and scrape out all
the stringy' .portions.., Weigh the
-.-pieces-.a-nd sal1ow.-2_cups. sugar.and
1 small leinon or oi'an.ge to 'each •
' pound p•ump'kin. Grate the' pump-
® kin on a coarse grater. Mix with
. it the. sugar and 'rind.and strain-
ed juice 'of orange or •lem•on. Boil.
Ibeine"issued by'` the Wartime
Prieee •and Trade. Board, to all
persons and 'firma ineluded in the
nation-wide ' licensing' plait. A
coinbination of Iblue and gold,•
the licence certificate must.' be
placed on the• door or ari adjoin -
Ing window of.the'licencee's: p.laee
of business. -Deadline for secur-
ing a lieense is December 1st,
1941. '
ane else except for what Was in it• -
for h iii>s elf," ., '
"You know me, Pesky. "You can
tell" Red I'm all right." .
"Yeah, I -know 'you;" the crook -
nose man growled. "You're one'
of Jed's 'Y'betcha'. man. Ready to .
run on any • of. his: dirty errands .
:.wieen • he '.cracks the whip,"
"We'd. better . get bus , Jim
said. "You come along, with us,
+-Frost•3and sder -ts •,m•akee th.aem,is :„_
take of trying to 'light Out.: But
before we start the firewGr-ks, you
'•had better turn loose those horses
and drive them' away 'so that they -
won't get hurt, Pesky.”
"'That's right. Keunedi3' walked .
to the' horses and freed them, Willa
a heavy rope across their flanks
he started 'thein, galloping out of
the Pocket. .. '
'; ou'rs not .going •.to _leave m
afoot?" Frosty': said:
Ma Abe ,your fti Inds will give'
you'a lift:*Don t worry sthoift' tic
futt,i•e, Frosty..L.ive happily . in to
Present." . Silcott pointed to the
gunny sacks. "Hoist one of them•
on your shoulder and 'carry it to
the Var.' Better-:iii3t "sti.nrisle-or-^-
we ll both go t4,. kingdom come"
Frosty did as he was • . told. At
the suggestion •o ',the Diamond
Slash •magi ,he repeated the •trip.
Jim inspected the face of the.•
:cliff. "This spot ought to do," he
• said, and knelt dawn in front, ,of ' a
t down to eat breakfast:' we- could: get o es Y`=shaPectienalasi ertahe' bdseao 'vele^^,
liv1� tn?�P]Eat„ 7 n
t each
teadi ee _the_'.tw,a hicf e'en .ainonp the
rocks 'above, During"t,ne m"Ta'll= 'tfee'
'bottle weiit from hand to band
more than once. They ate. harried `
lye and as soon as they had• fin-
ished :Judson. end 'Yeager saddled.
'ami departed.' '
. • Jim and Pesky drew back among:
the.rocks and'detoured to a small
_-gulch • 'ieadin down•--ta• ,the- park.=.
This they deseend.ed carefully, Sil-
' colt inthe van, As they drew clos-
__ea to the park they redoubled their
. precautions against. beteg-heard. `
Frosty was cleaning the frying. pan,,
the t
the coffee pot, end ,.in
Ile had his back to them and was
•singi'ng, very. much• off key, a cow-
boy song:
"Sift alone. 'boys; don't 'ride • sio
slow. •
Haven't got much time but a long
round to go.
Quirt hian .the 'shpulde
m. rs and
• rake him` down the hip, ..
I've cut •you toppy mounts. boys,
' now pair off and. rip.
Bunch the herd at' the old meet..
Then 'beat 'em on the tail.. •
Whip 'env up and down the side
And hit the shortest trail."
"Why: Ise in such a hurry, Fres
ty?',' Silcott netted, gently, drawling
the- words.. "You've got all day,
haven't' you? And maybe not such
a long trail to ride either."
Lind-l.utilfere, contrary to gen-
eral opinion, do make good sail
ors. This Conies on tl>i4 authority
of Hon. Angus Macdo nand, nn•ni-
.stet of notional defence for naval
services, no -less.
He caul in an interview: "These
meat from inland cities make ex-,
eellent sailor:. They. are all do-
ing: very well and we al'e glad to
have them.'"
The Naval Reserve. and the
1va•vnl. 'Volunteer Reserve,. Mr..
Macdonald replied, had largely
made possible the it,bu ng fm,
.the. present Canadian' navy from
13 ,ships at..tile autsc of this war
to "more. than • 20 • times . that
number" at .the present time.
By early sumieer of 1942, Mr.
Macdonald said,' he anticipated
the R.C.N, would have 400 ships.,••
nlocti'y: {Milt hi Canadian yards,
Ogden's is my
When an old-time
roll -your -owner sees
"Ogden's" on a package, he feels
that it's been branded specially for
him. For Ogden's is not - just
another tobacco 'but a distinctive ,
blend of teeter, riper tobaccos •
with a. flavour which has kept it
a steady favourite for a quarter of
a century. Buy a package today
and then Ogden's ' will always be
Your brand.
Onlythe best cigaretto'papers --
"Vogue" or "Chanteclo'r"
aro good enough for Ogden's
Pipe Smokers!
`�° ' Ask for (Ogden's Cut,i Plug
"I have used all kin s of piles and.
powders, .but nearly e°verythtng gave
me a great deal of discomfort.' I have
been eating KELLOG'S - ALL -
BRAN now for abqut five months,
and it has done me so much good'! I
will never be' without ALL -BRAN
in the house," writes Mrs: E. Goodale,
Hamilton, Ontario. •
Try ALL -PRAM'S. "Better Way"
to .correct constipation due to•lade
of the right kind of •"bulk" . in • your •
diet. But remember; 4LL-BRAN- -
doesn't work like cathartics. It takes ••
time. Get ALL -BRAN at your •
grocer's, ..in -two. `convenient, size.
packages; pr ask for the individuall.'
serving package at restaurantMads ,
by Kellogg's, ,in, Loodon, Canada:
slowly,.. stirring frequently 'and
skirai ing, if necessary, until it
.is smooth and thick: Pour at once
into small ,glass' jars' or tumblers
and cover with melted paraffin.
Steamed Fruit Puddings
2 cups flout•'
4 teaspoons baking powder
l cup gu
1/z teaspoonnk salt
% cup shortening
8 teaspoons sugar
8• tablespoons water -
2 cups fruit, berries, apples,
cherries , ` • '
Sift flour, baking powder and
salt together. Cut in the short-
lk • r, -ad a y
ening. Atld•• mt g
make a dough as stiff as for baler
ing powder -biscDivide fr
into 8 greased moulduits.s •and 'adduit 1,
teaspoon, .sugar and 1 tablespoon
water to .each. Place a piece of
dough an top of the fruit Steam
45 minutes and serve with lemon '
sauce. •
Lemon Sauce'
•12 tablespoonts, cornstarch. _
1 cup boiling water
3 tab1espodns. lemon juice
% c sa_gar '
1 • teaspoon: grat 'd"Terrro'fil••tFt?id•-;--
1 teaspoon butter
Blend the cornstarch and . sug- '
are Add • the . water and:
'- -cook --15- -itriiiLttes,__ atir'ying.-__ conte_
stantly until thick. 'Add. lemon
juice, 'rind' and butter. Serves. -6;
. r a Tacit 0•I; AZfk7=L— 11n5 Irl. • r e. -$&u. ,
pa •tltessaigl - o -z owdei.�..,
veli'tfi1•44T--f.^- ,ico=n•=fid' fa7rL=- - ' ,
,the , outfit three years and never carefully and' arranged .a fuse.
.saw' -a hand get e 'day off for Bunt _ .• '('To `►re continued)• .
ing." a...._,. •
"It:y;on. don'tsee a buck, I reckon `hoC.olate• I!'u !ding
you would assoon-shoot a dam,"
Silcott said. , ' • ' ;° ,By Katharine Baker
The Hat T man 'slid an-. appre' If you have to lure .the chil-
in a he eye at bins.. He .was not .ren. •, eat their ,vegetables vi*ihlt-
tar a . S m frame of must' atv'enj of the promise, of a delicious •dessert,
puns. . Silt tt ' a have 'got Chocolate Pudding is just' about
word • to .Silcott what, was afoot.
."I dunno• what •you mean, Red;' :the• most. tempting • reward you.
he said sulkily. could .offer:: Tlie youngsters -love
':No go,. Frosty." Jim's voice had its tithe •chocolaty .flavour. It's
.nourishing and
abruptly liardeiied. "You know why just •as wholesome a
we • are • here, • just as• we 'do ,why • as it .is, delicious.
you are. Take his gun, Pesky. Chocolate , Pudding
He might• get notions."• squares. unsweetened .choco-
• •late, cut in pieces
Jim• Gets .Busy.. •cups milk-- (or 11/z 'cups eva-
Frosty was 'older than most pun-
porated• .think and 11/z cups
cher•s. He, had •been riding •for fit- pot water) •
'teen years.' and hao -taken many •
falls. As a"'result,'of a broken leg, % cup• sugar
4 tablespoons •cornstarch
from one "of these he walked' • a 1/4 teaspoon salt ;
little lathe. Itis thin 'brown face 1 teaspoon, va.nil'la• -
was, seamed with .wrinkles; andthe Adda chocolate tl milk in double
• eyes that" looked out of it were boiler. a-nd heat. , When chocolate
'faded • to a skim -milk blue from is 'molted, 'beat with ,rotary egg
'Wanting at -several. thousand biaz . beater- until .‘blended. Combine .
ing suns. 'sugar, cornstarch, and. salt:. Add'
• , •iVow lod'ky here, boys," he pro-, g
•tested. "You got rue ivi•ong. I. a small amount of .chocolate, mix- .
dun•no what's'eatin' you.. There's ale tura,, 'stirring vigorously.' Return
reason for ..you,. to • take my gun . • to double boiler and 'cook until
•away. I. may •be a Hat T hand, thickened, stirring constantly.'
but •that doesn't Mean I'm . any Then cook 20 to 25 minutes long,
'friend of Russ'alesely.': . • ' , eel stirring occasionally. Add
"You don't need to tell us'that," vanilla. . ghill and serve with
- \ifbennely SiIid, relieving- him of his cream. • Serves 6.. •
.45 and milking sure he carried no
Mother• f N allure'
Throws A Party
Nature ;s 'a • prodigal,' yet, as a
rule, she has ulterior motives. !n
her prodigality, observes The New
York Times. If' in Spring she gives
' the fruit tree' more blossoms than
the tree can :possibly use; .it's to
make sure of luring, the pollinate
ing bees. If . in• the Fall ,she pro-
-daces 'more seed than any plant
needs 'to 'perpetuate its species --
more, indeed,,, than can .ever find
'foothold; in the :sail 'and room, to
gt'oww'-she may have in mind the
welfare of the birds, the Chip, •
---eaunks,athealtunsaa race. and other .
creatures that want .
their breakfast cereal.' But .her
Autumn 'extravaganza . of color.
•seems• ..tact.,. be. an'exception to the.
• ru)e.
Ap.p.arently the' October qutbursi '
has no.special . meaning and serves'
no useful purpose. What good .it -
does to the plants themselves the
biologists have not been able to ,
discover. It seems to be just one •
of :these generous things, like sun-
•. sets and •raiflbows and northern
lights, :that, Nature in Der' exaber-
art yields as`bemi1s'eB to keep--�-~- .� •`
animate creation ,thinking well of •
its 'earth and' glad to be, alive: •
Just,riow she is throwil3g a party
towhich--ali • are ane ted elf--thpse..
who attend get -comfort and peace
',and new faith and courage and
vision out` of it; if they are uplift •
ed an spirit ,axed even a bit intoxi-
cated by what. theysee;' perhaps . •
that's the intention: •
other weapon. -" That weasel
ivo'uu be ld 't •b a 'friend of a thirty -
- dole
New Plane Minus
ar-month caw -puke. Or of any .Tall and 'Fuselage
Get quick relief 'from the Sniliiing, nlueus-choked
Misery of your head cold,. .. seethe your sore in-
flamed nostrilsbreathe freely again .. "Veep
better. Mcntliolattrn penetrates to the remotest
nit passages .. , helps clear head and nose and
keep them clear, ,'. inatadtlj relieves your dis-
tress, aY Money bath
Ask yoter drtiggut for IGftatho'!d'ttip
today, Jur,c or tunes, 30c
ISSUE 44--'41
United States Atiny Air Force
officials were reported authorita-
tively. to be keenly interested in -
a nc'w "flying •ring"' radically
different from cul•rcnt airplanes
and • beliclved to holt. the promise
of reeolutionliing aircraft design.
The.. plane, under test. in Cali ,
foania, • lacks 'both fuselage and'
tail and is ' l'iter'ally 'a •"flying
wing." • Brief information on it,
including a sketch, was disclosed
by • a patent 'office . publication,
but officials said details had been -
classified' as •confidential ibnd,
placed in the secret patent files.
The craft is propelled by two . •
.flat pushers -type engines 'which\
are built into the. wings. • '
Movable 'tips of the wings
serve as rudder and ailerons. The
cabin 'is •in .the centre; and a gun .
turret has beeh placed atop' each
wing. •111 appearance., it reseal-
hies a seagulh
Aviation designers have been'
•working for two decades• or more
ort tailless planese .Which, - in
theory,. should `'be. capable 'of
much higher- ;speeds and. .greater
• manoeuvrability than" eon vent-
tronaf craft.
Britain's ,Fighting Planes and, Warships
MFlying Fortress", "Bristol.Beanfighter"r.
"H.M.S. King George V" and many other
For each .picture • desired, send
complete "Crow'n Brand" 'label, with
your name and 'add'ress and the
• natal) of the .Picture you want\writ,-.
ten ori the back. Address Dept, .1.12,
�,Tr h e' C a na
: a d'
Starch CompanY
• Ltd,. 49 Ncllrrig-
ton'St. E., Toronto
Miss Chan; ere. sveletsatea per/lanai
'Otero froim;.interested renders,'Ghe '
'.Is pleased • to reeelve •uggestIonN '
'on topics : for her- rot until), and IH.
even 'ready. to listen to Rant "pet
peeves." flequests for • reclines or.
,.area ant• akosa pa tumoral Osaleka; itufaxes+„ ,:
r„ of e_ro-tro_`�lt'IL7xs 'Alritt ��•iSo+t...fit'i¢Itrwa�
xisd �^
r0'n'•I;i}' �i'C''9f,P1i'ral•'A�434.t2F'/94. ePAs'f.,,i
t pu> . svislr a ecplg
17. Busy Elsewhere .
' Axis prisoners ..of wear camper:
somewhere ih • Pa @tine • thought'
they could taunt, thenr, guars
drubbing 'the orderly' ;who 'cleaned •
their qnarters '"Mr.. Churchil,"
The ofileer sin charge -bided, -his_-
.time until the next routine camp.
• `inspection, when. the prisoners, re...
plying to' questions, said their ra
''tions Were' better • than they 'had
received 'in active serviceand the.
clothing . p'.ovided • was ample. but
they 'complained that their • quer.
tees' "haven't been + leaned for ,a ;
.fortnight." •
' "I am really sorry," replied the •
officer,' '''but you • are • prqbablY •
aware that Mr. Churchill is• very -
busy fighting a war on four cote
tinents ; to ,drush Hitler' and .his
regime. You will. have to clean up
around here without 'has help."
Where We Stand
a-tasic i8' -to-he Le
finished 'once and, for .all. This'
people will .neier rest until every
hammer ` clangs, "'every wheel
tut -ns, every airpla`he flies., and
every man works Tor victory,"
Leonard �'V.' 13rockingtana.
"We .haven't begun' to win thist',
war so far. . All we have -oils! is --
to -avoid losing • it"
—J. L. • Ralston.
'J'dE finest baking
1 results are. made. easy
by •Calumets' double•ection,
which permits you to, use less.
• Continuous leavening is the
secret -'-•during the mixing and in
• the oven., Easy -opening, won't -
spill dioniainer, with handy meas-
uring device under 'the lid.
COPft. lobi; NE5DLECRAfT SF:R'ICE, INC; •i `.
Brighten. your home• with ;this colorful scrap afghan' that is jiffy .
• crocheted,. one medallion at a time. It's grand to uec on cold winter-
' days; too. Pattern 2968 •contains•directions for afghan; illustrations
of it and •stitches; materials• required; color schciiles; photograph of '
detail of a medallion: ' • • , .
Send twenty' cents in coins (stainps cannot be accepted) for this
' pattern to Wilson `Needkeeraft •Dept.i- Room '421, 73 Adelaide St.
West,. Toronto. •• Write' plainly pattern •nitriil}er, your name and ad=
dress. r
TECN4 t le.