HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-30, Page 6Britain AtWar
virer Ore 'Fit'
litationine and Shelter LIfe
Steen to Agree With Nation's
Health .
Medical experts are both de- •
Ilighted and astonished that de '
npite more 'than two years of war
the,healtn tel the nation has shown
rat , improvement.
Neither shelter life nor food. reg-
ulations; bare lia4 •the ex.pected
effete On the contrary all the try-
'exte:eonnitions : have resulted In a
r, Atter. nation,.
A Member Of tile ,Mirtietin, of
• 'Food advisory committee Dr J
-C. Spence, says: "The health of
the children -under five this
anintey is better than it has ever
Never before liave there, been'
'less' signs of malnutrition and if •
, only we keep up the milk supply,
•the -health ot the younger children
isassure4l, no matter how long the
• Evacuation , ot 'children from
, Inelterto deneeiy populated".indes•
trial areas andshuns to' the coun-
• try has doubtless -played a great
•,. part in• aehieving this iinprove
•Dient in the health of the children,
but it is not entirely .responsible.
, .
, Parents have, been :compelled to
•'give their children simple, nourish..
Sin and Its Coneenuencee4Gen.
• 3:1-24; Ps. 14:1-3; Jo, 17: 9-10;
Mark ,7:20-23; Rom, . 1:18,32.;
6:233 nee 6:7, 8; James 1:13-115;
. 11 John 1:5-2:: 6; -Rev. 22:10-12, •
PRINTED TEiT-e-Dal. . 6:7, 3; I ,
John 1:5-4:6.
GOLDEN TEXT-eqf . we. confess
Our eine, he .15 faithful and right,
cons -to forgive go our sins, and
• to :cleansene front. ,all unrighe;
irotistiesee1e4hit 1e9.
• Tme:--The event recorded in the
book of !Genesis: took niece- atthe
. very beginning of human, history:
• the time cif which we do. not know. \
• The 14th„, Psaine was written by
David and thus; was Penned Some-
. tine 'between •1046. and 1016
The passage taken. from
may be placed about' 601 B.C.'Thee.
w-ordse.Of Our Lord were. uttered
• 'in April, A.D. '29.'• The Epistle to
the Romans was written in A.D,
60.' The.-EPistie tq the Galatians
was written probably A.De68. The
Epistle of James may .have been.
• written abdut the same time. The
'Fifa Epistle of Johin-and the Book
of Revelation -were .writtett about
Placee.The--fall of -bur -first Pare
----eereeeireeeeeateireeeeeelone..has . eeee .e_ents took' pleece in -Paradise, though
• the sante time a ter wider known we do not itii-iii-licire- tffis Mar
have . been . loeated. The 14th
edge of ditties . than in the• last ha may have_ beenwriitea near
... _ ., . . , . ,
' . Jerusalem. The .passage froth Jen-
-4'1e sweet ''sliortege has else; :
• emiah 15 to be related to the City
.4{ : ': itlYed a part. Cnildren ate fax too ,
of Jerusalem. Theewords Of our.
T Many -sweetmeats in peace -time.
Lord were spoken. in CaP:ernaum.
' according : to docters, and ruined . The Epistle to the Romans *was
• their''appetite foie nourishing focrd. written from the City of Corinth,
In .all : parts of the. country r as well -as 'ie Epistle of the Gala- •
• • both School teachers and, school , .tians. The Epistle of JaJmes w. s
medical !:1,fficera have- stated that written in Jerusalem. John ,prob-
' the inenroitemont. „ is not.'merely
.14113esical. The children are more
beetitithillniit-enroie easilye-etiatts-
' fled and "much happier than in
•• pre -War, days, •
• •
•Members of the newly -formed Air Cadets of Canada take the same
• • elementary flying .course as their big brothers. in the RCAF. •Abave,
Cadets Pierre Lebeati and Andre Jobin,...af No, 2 Jean de Brebeuf
-Snuadien, Montreal, study a scale 'model of the 'solar system.. •
• YOuth wants wings. And Cana. form. it is, actually,- a "junior air
da's 'teen-age boys are going to get force." ,, • '
thern. • in the newly -organized Air Started under the auspicei of
• Cadet League, erhich will train the Department of National De;
them in the preliminary program fence in Ottawa, the new organizte
a the RCAF. . tion is similar in scope to • the
' The dream of a pilot's. life won't British Alt Cadet `Defellee Corps,
vice ennui end other responsible
orgenieot Ao tviiielk most provide
adequa e adult leaderhin and in
Dance 'the local Unit.
Minimum unit , is a flight et 60
boy between 16 and 18 years of
age, junior units being permitted
for, boys from 12 Years up if in
Senior is in existenee.
As in the RCAF, the bbys dre,ss
in air force blue, and their badge
is en albatross with maple leif
above and. Air Cadets Canada be-
• low. Squadron markings .are worn
'at -the shoulder, and rank badges :
are filmilar -to --fliose of the air
farce, with Cadets being able to, .
"climb to non-commissioned offiger
ranks. Crest of, uniform ie set at '
• approximately $16 per cadet. e • . ''
The Air dada ,League Imo vOine•
into oxistenee as , an- answer to
• a request for training from ate;
• minded Canadian boystine young
t� Pain the air force, 'Private ale: .
•' cadet corns Inici , previously • been,
started' in sever4 'cities. The pies
• Alt' orgaffizatien is closely tied in
with thealn force, with, a number
• of air force -officers acting aslial-
son between the cadets ;and . the
air force, and inspections being
Made by air force officers. • ,
. Boys joining the air cadets .4o
not autoniatiCalin• on attaining 18
Years have' td join the air forge,
but it is. belied that most will; and
, that the training. they receive in.
• the air cadets will save many
• months of :air , force training. The '
• air Cadets meet after school hones.
Once, or twice weekly. In :some
come trne--imm_edietely; -but the . which has a .memberehin of 190,0 0; "..
echools the air „cadets have been
' The' Canadian -Ale7Ci,"cleta eicp•-et-, • •• formed as' a part of: the schoel -
--to-havo.-25.,6.60..,..boys„enroLled..,,for- ...,..eadet ,colips-,-„,,.: „.....-
the new school year... -By James Montagnes, NEA
- -Churse -Govern 216 Hours Ser -v -ice .C:oriespead-eni.
Canadian boys between, 12 and
• 18 years Of age are eligible for'
training. The basie eouree •eevele e.
two years,' -a total of appeoximately ,
216 hours. Subjects covered inchide
aircraft recogeition, maps and map
reading, a study of airplane meg-
,' Mee and airplane construction,
drill,' airplatie armam-ent, Model,
ably penned his First Epistle In we 'know that we are in Ham: 6. building theroy of , flight,' signal
the Citi % of Ephesus: The visions .; He that Saitlehe abidethen Himing, first aid, knotting,. Matnenme
Orth'irlIn'or Itenetattone-weini"-- ughte-#ith-Weliealerefete;---wallteeeveneits -.:etiezeeeeelneeleal-e,teeining„...eeeeeee_
given to Jobn one the Island rf. He welketh." If . We say that we • Advanced. training, to include.,
...... •
,Patmos:. ' ,•• ,•'. .• abide in Christ, and derive our' • aerial navigation, aerial pilot -agree
Law of the Harvest• life from Him,. that we know Him, phy and radio, , is planned for
• cadets who haveepassed this ele-
mentary treining.--• e•-• - .
Boys join -the attcadets on a
Voluntary basis, and. parents must
• approve, Each boy is given a enedi-
. cal examinationerand only those
physically fit ta stand the training.
program are accepted. The ()mann
zation headquarters are at Ottawa,
but local arganizatiOn's will be' in •
crarge-creeloculechool.,boardsyseiee 1 Forces; will • be issued, a.ccorcling
elementary training these • boys
, be Canada's future pilots, navi-
• gators, Onsereers, gmnnera. ground
• crews. For the Jeague's set-up
'follows closely the senior air force
pattern :�t ranks, training atm
. ,
. , , •
rnents, is a liar, and the truth is
not in him; 5. but whose keepeth
His word, in Himverily hath the
love of.God been perfected. Hereby
• C11`011 maw CIIL 740k
WEAP N.B.C. nee 060k
WJZ N.O.C. Mee 7701.•
• .WA110 iC.1148,3' SSOk
WOO, epee
.cA.NAD1AN .severtopie
..CFOS Owen SO. .140014
CKOC noinittee
-01111114. flnnhiltOfl HIM
eicrn -st, oath. mon.
..CPCP Montreal
Norte Huy 1.74014
• CFCO Chathatti% • 6Salli
• CPP1.. 1Lailidnn . 11,5701a
.' Stratford • 12404
•CFRC .1Chagettan Amen
keitO SIOOt,Ste. i114.1401%
net_deceiven •
Gs/theta_ not • and love Him, then it ought cer-
mocked;• fos .Whattioever a man tainly ter follow that' we ehould
soweth • that shall 'he also reap..
8. For he that•Soweth unto, his dwn
fl4es,h shall of remt4aTr-
vest true in the Materiel world,
euption; but he• eeat SONVeth 110.0 ,
• Elle Writ ,Shall 01 ,theeSpieit reap,
eternal 'life." The law of the har-
Canada's Maj. -Gen. H. •D. G.
Crerar shows what the smartly-
• dressed .than will wear on a
bomber flight across Atlantic to
H�w Mr. Bevin
Gets The Women
sownee such- weir -lie-. thefele
should probably understand fleshly
indulgence, atithethe gratification
of _fleshly ,desires. That whiz) man
has Saved, and :that *Which he has
gained,: will tern tp decay. A course
01 self-indulgence .corrupts • the
•moral nEiture and, needs in.„Oestrue-
'tioe. B sowing to ' the Spirit, he
Apostle., simply mean living ac-
cording to the laws of the. Spirit.
A' man who lives spiritually knOwe
a termination for this life is ever-'
lasting life.'
, Men Deceive Themselves
• 5. "And this is the mess -ago
Which we have heard from Him
and. announce unto you, that 'rod
islight, and in Him is no 'larkness
• at all. 6.. If we say that we have
fellowship with 'HIM and ' walk in
the darkness, we lie, and do not
• tell the truth. 7. But if we walk.•
• in the light, as He is in the light,
we have fellowship one With an-
other„and the blood ot. Jesus His
S�n eleanseth as from sin. 8. If
We say that we have no site we
deceive Mirselves; and the truth
is, not ill us." One can hardly con,
ceive of any man saying he has
no sin, and yet there are men that 1.
talk just like that, Ohristian m I.
so-called. The Apostle nays these
men have deceived themselves, if
they really believe What they say,
and the .truth is not in them. Men
who say they have no sin do hot
know wnat, sin is.
Confession and Der.ial
9. "If" we confess our sins, He
isfaithful and righteous to, forgive
us our ,•sies, and to cleanse us.
tiem all unrighteousnees." When •
we • confess sine' we acknowledge
that we are guilty cif some partied -
lar sin. God has told\ us that we
have forgiveness of sins through
the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and, promising this, He is ger
faithful to what He bas said,en
we confess, sin, by forgiving and
• cleansing • Us.
10. "if ere seY that we have not
sinned, we make Him a liar, and
' His word is not in us:" This is a
repetition , of verse 8, making a
• denial of the fat of sin to „tie
doubly. heinous, In that we tines
make .out Con to be a liar, and
we reveal that His word is not
• in es.
Only One .,Life Satisfies
L "My little children, these
things write I unto you that ye
mayenot 'MTh And if any man in,
• we have ah Advocate with 'the
Father, Jesus Christ the right-
eous." no word- Advocate 'means
ono' callet to another's' side, to
help in time of heed. In an hour
of sin, the Lord Jesus immediately
comes to out aid, • •
• 2, "And he is the propitiation for
our sine; and • not for ours only,
but also for the whole er14. 3,
And hereby we knove that eve know
if vve keep Hie coon:nand-,
Meets, He that eaith, "I know him",
tied keepeth not Ids • comflland
Replying tO 14 complaint in the
House of Commons that women
were being called into war work
too slowly, Labor Minister Ernest
Bevin declared that "no, Country,
not even .Germany, has tried what
is virtually compulsion Of women
as we haste tried in'this country."
He announced he is starting a com-
plete tie* 'survey Of the country's
• labor resources, • .
.He told -the Hobe Germany had
been forced by -a workers'
volt" tri. abandon levelling wages
and' forced overnme, and addedre-
"They tide*, tdetheuasu
"They adopted the usu-al ruthless
German methods and found them-
• -Selves up against what is a very •
• strong and alinest •universal force
•1--8norking • class pSycholcigy.
• "I would be stupid . tb ignore
the possible reper,chsSions of tale
• ing an Unwise step." -'
The -entry of wotnen into Indus-
try. as a result' of 1the gradual
speedipg up has been growing -
week by weak, Mr. Bevin said,
"Until now we are interviewing
40,000 to 50,000 a month,"
Remarking 'that the mebilization
of women Would have broken
down 'completely if be had Used
• a "hard °tidal; style," Mr. Bevin
declared that "not only have 1 got
• women. to inditstrY ,almost up to
the numbers required, but I have
carried the 'Confidence of parents
• "with me."
walk as He valketli and snould
live according to the coreraand-
nients of the Lord. ; The Christian
religion, making a perfect provis-
• ion for sin, is at the, sametime that'
• which insists mein a life separated
,from sinful practices. After all,'
CJKI. litrkaued I. aoptc.
CKCR Waterloo 14004
..citeac Montreal 78014
CICO Ottawa 1310k
Mune TlananIne 1470k
WOO Sodbury 75.01,,
CKPC Iltaantrattl 1$801:
CICLW WHablor '800k
CKNX Whighatm .1230k
winet Buffalo 1840k
WHAM Rochester 1180k.
.WLW Clocktohtl 700k
WEV.. SchettectoOr Sink
KliMA.VIttobOrst* 10:40k
I2V11111K • .,Chlengo Teen
wimple IMMO° 980k
•WER. Hottato • 550ti
,VVROW Ituttalo 1531114
WJR • , petreit. e 740k
(ASH England 9.51m
USE Esigl 1 oasein
IGSD Ilatatland 11.75an
(SE England 11.86111
GSV England f 15.14m
615431 Eng:and 417.711m
(.SI. Mislead 15.81111
GSV Engtomi 17.411111
RAO Spain 11:80111
RAS/ •'Hamada iolOm
RNLI Riaasla Lemont
11%1/0 Ittnnalai
vve,EA, Sehenneikatly
"4'7 111.33m
WiDAII Phila. 15.S7na,
WWII". 11 oaten *"".15.1%
eieeeix N. eerie 11.613M
broadcast gives:Yoh' actuality
three • of sbine. please Of the 'great •,
" Conimonwealth 'Air -Training ;dee,'
• 'with dieliqatic piatiree of .Canide'Se
:Tart in the fight fee Ali:Supremacy.
Kitthleen'. "Tiny" O'Neil of TO-. .
ronto won two dollars and a nalf
recently on, a "Name the Dog" OQII-
test on CKOC's Daybreak Serenade
• shciw. "Tiny" inimediately.torWard-
- • ed her cheek to the office -6f .the
• Mayor, Hamilton, and asked that it •
be contributed to the Lord Mayor's
Fund! We kinds none ' that the s '
• twodifty will go 'to some 'little fell-
fer 'over. there' who inight bare -
lost •his. Seam» in a 'bombing, raid. ,
.0h Tek -SCAMP was the Winning '
. name! Thanks "Tiny," •
• •;'.:.•
• Hero are three girls-- wile ..LN14
made a eeme for thnruselves
Canadian radio' rivet a. periogl ef'
years. • They 'are "the Campbell. '
•ters wiio have sung on many. star-
studded .B.C. • feature
• Right now they supply vocal high-
lights on "Blended .Rhythm", heard .
Tuesdays 'at '8.30 p.m. ,. E.D.S.T.
from' CKSO, CBO, CBL, C1COC and
the National C.B.C,. network. • '
, One of Cane,da's ;outstanding pro-
• and the men and women who do .
their vital sbere, is told 'every Wed-
nesday night at 10.30 thel net- .
work of the C.R.Ce. It's .the program
"They Fry-Vtt rreedoni;"-arid each
Volunteers who 'have not been
accepted •for service in and be-
• yond Canada in the Military
By William
u, g son
. • , . . .4. ..
• Listen. to .Fibber McGee and
Molly's great .show On the C.B.C.
network Tuesdays at 10.30 D.S.T.
Nice Listenin' is the Sunday on
CKOC f,eature at 12.45. D.S.T.-The•
Songs et Joe Petersen, famed Eng- • ‘,
lish Boy Soprano. •
Canada Carrying On --e: The, All- .
. Star show, •Wednesday's at 8.00
p.m. on the full C.B.C. network. •
The --young in heart ' from six .to
%imty will enjoy the adventure's of • •
•-Spe.edredinscineennileeeone,_:„e •
'CK.00alid "The. Crimson Traii,"
daily at 7.30. , •,
• Record of the week-e-Shep Fields
New Music playing Brahms Hun-
garian Dairee-No.-5,- -
HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 15 He was a
ott,14,../rA4 OA 6 et,SdEil T e•
na#Y9. 9f
EceIT Ralsteni Mini& e
-National-De.Ceincee 114141/___the_2_,Aak. 12 :oteRsed...
• . 0:
plication, for Enlistment" badge,
reproduced above.
_ The badge will- be silver in ap-
Yiearance•willi the maple leaf ,in
• reI enamel. •
• Wearer s of this badge have of-
0 •
L./425 GIOWN
1HE actual pull of the moon on the surface of the earth dee
vends on the,varying distance at which the, moon is to be 'found.
Bet the results obtained depend oil whether or not the moon hi
working in co-operation with the eun, or against it. A full moon
and a new moon have'the sun's helP,'but during the quarter phases
the moon must counteract the pull of the sun.
NEXT: The strange' ease of the bashful eanarx.
• • POP -Passed Up
fered their services to- Navy,
Army and Air Force and haVe •ex-
pressed their willingness to serve
if medical , requirements • are
R.CA.F. Needs -
Radio Students
' An appeal. for a considerable
number of men between the ages '
. of 18 and 45 years, to be trained
as radio mechanics- for • 1t.C.A.F.
duty', has • beep issued by the Do-
mieion-Provincial War Emergency .
Training Program. Applicants Must
be British subjects who have sue,
• cessfully completed their second '
year in high school or collegiate,
and they must pass the R.C.A.F.
medical examination before start-
ing their 24 -Week course.,
Training centres have been es-
tablished. ,at Central' Teehnical
School, TOrOnt0;'' Westdale Tech.,
nical School, Hamilton, and. Tech-
• Weal High Schoel, Ottawa. At pre-.
sent there are 260students under -
gong training for important 'duties
overseas. The course 18 similar to
that being conducted :at a number
of Canadian universities.
• Principal James Gillespie of Con.
tral Technical School stated that at
present' there are about 130 stu-
dents attending the purse, there.
Men who esire, to enter this
branch of, the, R.c.A.r. should ap-'
•'ply imihediately. to the Deminion-
Proviecial War Ereerg.ency Train-
irig Program, •East Block, Perna,
mint Buildings, Toronto. Subsist.
ence rates will be paid to students
at the folloWing rates: Stedente .
boarding away from home, $9 a
week; students boarding at home.
$7; arel married' men,. $12.
4 * .
14 Operatic
16 Shoemakers',
17 Hideous '
18 Flat-bottomed
19 To view. -
20 Group of
plants.• 36 Little devil. -
21 God -of 'love. • 37 Company.
22 Transposed 38 Southeast
• (abbr.). • (abbr.). '
, 23 To slash. • 39 Electric unit:
24 Level. 40 -Exploit.
25 Mister (abbr.) 41 Health resort.
26 Put on shpes, 42 English title.
27 Kaolin.43 Bard.
28 Japanese &h. 44 Bird of prey:
29 Valued. 46 Tight grip.
. 31 Scheme. 47 He wrote
32 Ketch.. such as "Oh,.
33 Td poke. Suzanne." •
34 To kill. VERTICAL
35 Lady. '1 Drain.
H V 1
R E r A
• - A C
0 P.
R 1 NK1 NG
,, 16
. '
18 're:entreat.
20 Lunip of clay. •
21 Enthusiasm.
23 Lean-to.•
24 To torture.
25 Principal.
20 TO pause.
27 Reticent
• person.
28 To sunburn.
2 Story:.•
3 Being. 81
4 Point (abbr.). •
5 Fungus • .32
disease. 34
6 Giantess of
fate.' • . 35
7 Enemy. 37
8 Prepo'sition. 38
9 Playing card. 40
10 Epochs. . 41
11 Iilet. ' • 42
12 The song, "Nly.43
,Old ltentucky 45
Home," isene 46,
' of his -s.
Weapons. •
Plot of -(
To close with.
wax. •
Season. • •
Self. -
Afeica (abbr.).
- 1
10 •
' • 51-10W M
• COLONgl-
ROOM • I.;
tr "° e ....W.,. 'ea.., emit le.ereew
• ' NO, SIP!
TWAT WAS 1-15-
STAMM,* rise
DOOR ! er;)
• (akelea.id by The Noh gyn:benfe, Inf`.