HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-11-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR
The 'Bible Society executive met
at the home of Miss Tena• Laidlaw
to review the work of the • year and
to elect new officers in place of
some who have left. Rev. Mr, Barn
and audited the books. Rev. Mr.
Wilson opened and closed the meet-
ing with prayer, The collectors will'
'soon be calling and . ask your 'sup-
port . of this good work.
A number from here . attended the
funeral of ..Mr. Norman Fry in
Wingham last week. '
,Miss Yuill, teacher at No. 9, spent
the ' week -end with ' Miss Mildred
McCleneglian at her home here; .:
• Miss Dorothy Knight who has.
been at her olct• home near Grosshill
for the :past few weeks returned to
, the ,home .,of Mr, 'and ' Mrs. .George
Fisherlast" week.
Mr _Ronnie Forester- has secured
work with the- Beatty ;'Co , -Fergus '
and he and Mrs. Forster will be
moving- there. 'soon.
A fighter-pilot;-mnat.keep,.48�basie...factors
-- :in=mind: These-are_technrcal flying, •init-
tern, apart from "batde.tactics.
And he most .also;, realeniber other things
for instance how to talk on his aieratt
telephone; he always speaks clearly and
Concisely. . . '
Midi,. telephone lines carrying'` an extra
heay.i.lo.ad directly: concerned. with
Canada'swar effort,.. you can help tele-
phone workers maintain good; service by
adopting .fighter pilot telephone technique.
When; your' telephone rings; . answer
promptly, and• don's waste' time by saying
"hello —instead. give , your name imine-.
4iately, %eaic distinctly; direetiy into the
'mouthpiece,: and be sure: to replace the
recrav_.er:Y oil tile hook •when you have
finished your conversation
Tour c&operation yea
will 'help' • us' to ' OH a `sem
provide fast, , ac- • ,
curate , telephone
service for a
nation, at war.
Miss Frances Crozier Was up from
London and spent last week -end
with her parents, Mr. and,Mrs. Win.
Crosier,. •
Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred .Drennan .and
children visitedwith Mrs,• Dreattan's
parer: and Mrs. Joseph Racket
Lucknow, `
Miss. Fern .McGuffin spent •the
week -end at , her' home near For-
dyce.. . .
Mrs. Bert Treleaven was' over to.
Wingliam on 'Sunday to visit her
sister, Mrs:. Ewart . Taylor,' who is
a patient in Winghatnt fiospitak
Mr. acid Mrs.. .Sherwood Honored..'
On Friday evening' the xnei hers
of the'.Y. P. U. entertained this coin-
^munity at a Hallowe'en social ins the
school A good • program -of ,readings,
choruses and musical numbers;; also
the Crewe Journals' read by Thos.
Culbert proved very :interesting:
During the . eveining, . a presentation
was made to, ;V!'r...and Mrs. .Sam:•
Sherwood' 'bd ore leaving for their.
new home• in Lucknow.. A compli-
mentary address. was read..by 'Rev.
M • 'e jan, Although taken by
surprise Mr: Sherwood, on behalf
of he and Mrs. Sherwood, thanked
the 'friends and neighbours fortheir
kindness and assured them that
Crew% people would always be re-
membered. The gathering sang "For
they are jolly good fellows", contests
arid -fortune -=telling --were _...enjoyed
and lunch was served to conclude
a verb enjoyable evening.
Mr. Ronald Treleavenspent the,
week -.end with: Lucknow friends.
Mr. 'and Mrs. T. M. Durnin are
edsa g_telFncks._at__ApRI�:. it
. Recent visitors .with Mrs. 'Thos.
' Henry were Mrs,' McCreaty and
daughter Margaret, Mrs. Alex. Sim.ith
and . M. Gordon MacKenzie of
Harriston, Mrs. 'Ernest Huggins and
children . of Lucknow and Mr. 'and
Mrs: Richard Gardner of Zion.
""''-Mr:'°A�rcltFe -Nicholson-has-.retearnr
edr .home after spending , the past
week at Guelph.
Miss Thelma Johnston. of Couri'es,
• Corners spent Monday,at the • home
of her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
` Johnston. - ,
., . Mr. and Mrs; Jack , 'Irwin end
family have returned to their home
. for the winter after , spending • ,the
past...months at Clinton and Grand
Bend.. - •
Mr _ „Phi, .._Roy_ ,Xrwin -and
H family': of Fordyce: spent. Saturday
X FER`SWIPEit is bi e -loose $pRN;�-�- - w ._ �� at the home.,.clf mit, grid Mrs. Glen
out .nt Berkeley, California, Earl BANNERMAN—'In Kincardine Gen- Campbell.
• Wightman reported to "police that eral'Hospital October 27th to Mr. Mr. and, Mrs:. George Alton spent
• a 5 -day supply 'of
diapers: and sleep- arid Mrs. Elmer Bannerman, R.R. 4, Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas
ing suits for his baby had been stol- Kincardine; .a .son. • Taylor' of west Wawanosh'.•
en from °his clothesline: HYDE—InKincardine General Hos- Mr: and . Mrs. Wesley., Alton and
pital, October 30, 1941, to Mr. and family of London spent a'; day ret
Gently at the' home 'of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs.. Harold Hyde, Kincardine, a ,
son: Albert Alton.
Mr. and Mrs.John Campbell spent
as tStt�Lr
day kit week .a the home o Mr.
v rcm�n n J ols o
.Harm biaciettr~a�a
�hours youngV1Gttt
Wal• • a 1'n 'L'Fie Z?'lliEfi'y-'wxYt«12r+�✓�x�e�rru„m a "'
son of Mr. and Mrs:`]1�10
Do1-li Wilson,
nd y next; ant�e�Itfsive-�of-Suit=- on= -Saturday--
2_miles east of Glamis. A younger day, continues until Tuesday Nov Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry spent
sister is recovering from the same ember •.18th, Use of dogs is not ai-: • Sunday at the 'home of her . father
illness. • •lowed. Mr. Alfred : Sherwood and Rub
DYSENTERY caused the death of
7,year.-41&.Donald. Wilson who pas -
At High Noon •on Saturday; Oct-
ober 25th, the United Church par-
sonage here was the Scene of a quiet
but very pretty wedding when the
Rev. W. A. Beecroft united in mar-
iage Lenore Elizabeth (Wellings), of
Witighain, daughxer of • Mrs,' Dia
Cornish of Clinton and . Mr, Camer-
on Elliott MacTavish of L.ucknow,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan 'MacTav-
ish of ,Lucknow. The bride was lov-
ely in a street length dress of rose-
wood wool with navy hat and .mat-
Ching accessories. Her flowers were
•Johanna Hill roses 1VIr. and'Mrs.
Ed. .Marsh of Wingham were: the
attendants.Mrs. ,Marsh Wore a street
length' 'wool dress of British navy,
black hat;: and matching accessories
and a corsage 0of Talisman roses. Fol.'
lowing' the ceremony, adinner _was
servedto immediate relatives at the
hoineyof Mr: •and' -Mrs: Wellings.'The:
dining--room-was--deeer-ated-in- a-
scheme of pink and white, the flow-
ers being white_ carnations.
For travelling the bride donned
a soldier blue tailored ' wool: suit
with navy and white accessories.
After a short wedding trip the hap-
young couple' Will reside in Luck-
now,--Advance—Times •
Mr. and Mrs.: D. .S. Campbell an-
nounce the .engagement of .their
daughter, ;Maigaret to °Ben Ruttle,
son of the fate Mr. anti: "Mrs: `Tack
Ruttle. The marriage to take .place
at their home, Lakeside Farm, Bat `
urday ' November ` 8th. •
SOAP ARTISTS in Blyth • on Hal-
lowe'en had a chance to win a prize
.for "sketching". A barber of. ;that
village offered a cash prize of $1.,00
•for the', best drawing in ` soap, on'
any store. • ' window; of .Winston
�ChurchilL The„_artist's name had •to
be inscribed below•
the picture
Brussels Victiin Back Home
' Masten Kenneth Wood, who has
been in a London hospital since he
was .a victim of infantile. paralysis
in the recent epidemic; has returned
to his .home. ' • His many young
friends are delighted to see hire' back
and hope
that, though his recovery
} ...: iWr Yx lax✓$
Red, Cross workers met .at,'t�he
home of ,Mrs. Ben Scott last week.
Letters of .acknowledgement were
received from .the following friends
who :had been remembered by . the
Society, Mrs. K.-McKay,Mias-Liizie
Wall, Baby Leeson, Private 'Russell
-Stanter.--Th-e--election--of--officers- -yearling-steers •arid heifers; 40 -two -H
FOR SALE --Man's Korean ..beaver
overcoat, size 38., Mrs. Cann,: Luck
SOW FOR SALE --due • to litter in-
Deeember, Tamworth. Apply to Roy
McCreight, Lucknow.
Lucknow School. ' Duties to cona-
nience Monday; D.eeember 1st.
School, has low pressure boiler with
stoker. Lowest 'or any application
not "' •necessarily, accepted, Apply
stating salary expected. •
-Donald .Henderson; Secy ;
Lucknow' School• Board
We have started to saw again on
our new cut of logs. We will have
a 'large , stock of goodhardwood
slabs and also.have a good •stock.
of dry mixed, slabs. We have some
nice dry poplar wood for sale.
The Lucknow . Sawmill "Company
AUCTION • SALE of household fu"r.-
niture and effects of the, 'C, A, Mc-•
Kenzie Estate, at her late residence.
Lucknow, on Saturday November
..:8th,-at-2--o'clock-�kiai=p,-,Terixis :eash.w
WellHenderson, Aue. . Alex Mc-
Kenzie, . R. 5, , Lucknow, Executor.,
AUCTION SALE .of . livesteek; hay;
grain and - some' household effects.
at Lot 17, Con. 9, West Wawanesh.
on. Friday November 14th at one
'o'clock. See bills. Gordon Irwin;
Prop., Matt. Gaynor, Aire
AUCTION SALE at the- Ripley: Stack
Yards at. 1.30 . sharp _on Thursday,
November ' 6th, including ' •forty-
ortychoice; spring calves; 40 choice
resulted as follows:. Miss Margaret
Robertson, president;` Mrs. Clarke
Needham, -vice-president; Miss .Mar-
ville Scott, secretary; Mrs, -B. Scott,
treasurer; Buying Com. -Mrs, W.
Walsh, Mrs. V: Gawle•, Mrs. G.
Emerson; 'Organist, Mrs.- Jack Em
erson, The next meeting• will be
cif have been queried as to their
wishes in regard to electing a war-
den, or otherwise, to Complete- the
nnexpired term of the, late Warden
LeiPer.-Shoiild majority- request
the election of a neW warden -a spec-
ial session of Coimei
Mildinay douncil will have to go
outside ita boundaries for a muni-
cipal auditor for -its 1941 aeCounts.
Departmental reenlations now, pre -
vide that municipal auditors must
e:tain a license from the Depart -
submitted a price of $85 for the
• work, but this it much higher than
the Mildmay board thinks' it is
visiting with Mr. George Emerson.
Kenneth RobertsOn is much im-
proVed and his many friends are
anxionslY waiting for news of his
complete recovery.
Mr. and-'1111lis.: Knight and babe"
of. Wroxeter were recent. visitors at
'the home ,oV-Mic--and
• Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill spent a
a daY with her mother, Mrs. Long
.of Lochalsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon and
children, also Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Whitley,_Harriet and Matvin visited
Mr. and' MrS. Sam EMerson and
family spent Sunday at , Angus
Graham's of Lucknow.
Boys we've known since babies
• We see thern bawd the 'train after
knownosince they were babies, We saY
you", as r.ve.bid them Goo&Bye. gut
can?. What are we doing to help them?,
. Are' we giving them the things they
need so badly . ships and tanks and.
guns cind planes and ammunition? Are
we .giving them all they need? That's
one thing we can do : . we who itay
at;harne ... one thing we Must do. we
Published by the War, S.avings Conunfttee, Ottawa
musi provide the money so much needed
that is•tO buy'rnore War Savings
blhe help of every Canadian is needed for
Victory. ln these days of wqr the thoughtless,
' selfish spender k a traitor to our war. effort.
neresSity to relieve the pressure for goads, ta
enable more and more labour anc‘i materials to
effort; which Canada must make, demands this ..1kIrn
, self-denial of end) of us.
THE nocKgi.SET,:lir
This distriet at present is assured
of three'intermediate hockey' teams
his season, as HanoVer, Walkerton
'and 'Ss/Ingham are knowh as suke
is being constructed, held a hockey
meeting last FridaY evening. While
both' Snider and:Berner ranks that
town are badly riddled it is con-
cluded that there'll be hodkey Of
some. sort in the!' Lakeside town
when winter seta in.
In the, Intermediate ranks, Wing -
ha is sparing no effort to build -a
st ong club. Bruce Small; last year
ith Owen Spund is slated for the
want "Toby" Greer from the Sepoys..
Vis said that Frank 'Cordick, classy.
Paisley centre, is also being songht
visited last week in London.
Rev. Rhodes of, Prince Edward
Island had charge of ihe serviees
in the Preabyter* n church 'On Sun-
day last.
Dr: Jack Tre nd hit 'friends Mr,
Ed Gifford of Chieago are spending
tissett, This is their annual hunting
Mrs, M. J. MacKaY was guest of
honer at a family gathering en Fri-
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. .R. 'Bonen, „ it , being ' Mrs.
MacKay's eighty-fourth birthday.
The Mary Hardie Mission Band
The new bridge on,the BlUe Water
18.0Pen for traffic and the old bridge
is being tort doWn.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyen and
Teddy of 'Westwopd were week -end
tvihsoitrnor.s with Mr, and Mrs.. E. J.
Miss Gwen Dougherty of Guelph
was a visitor with .her grandmother
Mrs. R. J. WOods.ilVir. Wilson, Weeds
alse 'visited with his Mother.
Miss Winme Barnard of St.Thom-
is was home ter the week -end.
guests of the Whitechurch Union at
a pleasant 'Hallowe'en party on Fri-
day- evening:
Mrs. John Niebster entertained
all: the' members of ;her family on
Saturday. OueSts included Mr. and
1Virs. :Tames Mitchell and •Billy; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Smith and family;
Mrs. Carl McKay and Miss' Dorine
Webster of Toronto; Miss Dorothy
Web.ster Of London; Mr. and' Mrs.
Elwell Webster ' of, ,Wingham; Mr.
and Mrs. Will Webster and family
and , Mr. and Mrs. Will MeCrostie
anTdhefainmeileYting of the Y. P. U. was
held on Monday evening at - Mrs.
R. J*. Woods',With IVIra. Stanley Todd
-Christian Cultute convenor, presid-
ing, Dorothy Webb read the Stript-
ure lesson and the toPic ,"Let uF
go to a good movie" was taken by
E. W. Rice, who also led the dis-
Seventeen ladies attended the em-
ergeney knitting course sporisored
bY the W. 1., which Was held in the
COMmunity Hall on Tuesday. Miss
LLillian Howell of the Department
of Agritialttire was the capable
structress arid !Mich helpful inform-
ation was gained by those who at-
tended. The Course will. be complet-
Dorothy and Allan Miller attended
the Presbytery Young Peoples' Play
party' at, Clinton On Tuesday eVen-
Mg, , Niagara rafts to jail' for 60 days.
year -Old .steers; 10 heifers in calf;
,5 cows in calf; 6 sows to pig; a num-
ber of chunks; pinnber of breeding
'ewes and a pair of driving horses.
Thos. -Harris, Prop.; DonaleBluc..‘
AUCTION SALE of household furn-
•iture and teal Property of the Esfate
'of Susan., Philips; af the late resi-
a reserved bid. 10% of purchase
money at time of sale, balance•there:
of within 30 days thereafter. Well,
Hender,son, Aim.; eJoseph Agnew,
We are open to buy all kinds
of logs And our Sawmill has now
started im again to saw all winter.
Do not Olt any „beech legs ieto
wood this year as we can pay, you
good prices for Your Beech Logs.
We also need your cherry logs. Be
sine and see us before you sell any
logs Or standing timber.,
The Lneknow Sawmill -Company
Phone 67 and 79
Miss Rea Miller from Fergus
spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Stein,.
Raymond Ritchards With ' the
R.C.A.F., at trentpn was home for
the weelt-end.
' Mr. -Robert McIntosh of Harnilton
and Pte. Jimmie .Harnilton spent
the week -end at their respectiVe
homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kosnlyna
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wni. Kempton,,They returned home
en Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry MacKenzie and babe
visited recently. with het parents:
Mr., Garnet Hainilton has secuied
a position in Hamilton:
BORN—to Mr. and Mrs..1VIarshall
Mrs. Grant' 1VlacDiarrnid spent a'
day in Toronto recently.
Miss Mary Cook from London is
with. her mother Who is' not enjoy-
ing the best ef, health. Mary has
secured a poJition in New York.
You May Be Interested
ThiS is your paper. As everybody
knows, Most of our day4T-day hap-
piness caries from pleasant asso-
ciations with others. One of the
cheery incidents in the newspaper
office is to have one say over the
phone, er. bi letter: 4'1 juat thought
you. might be interested in this lit-
tle event in our district'.".4.,' Sueh a
gesinre of thoughtfulness is pleas-
ing. there are not many Who take
the trouble to jot a thieg down and
send it, in, or call upon the ,phone
or drop into the office—alas!
Smoking - in a prohibited area at a
war industry, John b. PinIayson
35, Kincardine, was committed at
Mr. and IVIrs. MacPherson
wish to express their sincere thanks
to friends' and neighbours for the
kind acts and expressions of sym.-7
of the death of her 'brother,
Mrs: James LaVia'and
tend sincere thanks. te the Lticknow
Branch of the Canadian LegiOn tor.
the beautiful flOral, spray and ter
funeral; to Rek. Mr. McConnell and
Rev. Mr. MacDonald for their 'gains
and for conducting the funeral ser..,
Vicei at the home .and ;Cemetery;
their kiedness during the illnesS And .
at the tinie Of the death of Mr.
STRAYED—to the premises of,the
undersigned, on or about Thursday,
October 23iti, heail of young cat-
tle. Owner may have same by pay -
George Murray; R. 5; LifehnoW.,
galOw with 'large lot, situated on
the, main, street hetween the Bank
of Montreal and : the Flour Mill,
the late Miss C. A, PICKerizie:•Cash
.preferred pr substantial mai
merit and satisfactory monthly pay-,-
ments or would arrange balance
half -yearly Payments' op principal
end interest. Estate of Richard Mc-
Kenzie 231 Carry Winni,
peg, Manitoba. •
Notice is 'hereby gixen to all per-
sons having any claim against the '
Estate of James Young, late of the
Village of Lucknow, in the County
of Bruce, Cattle Buyer, who died
on or abont.the 30th day of October
dersigned, duly verified, on, or be-
fore Moyember Pth, 1941, as on and
R. C. HAYS, HaMilton 'St. Goderith,
Ont„ :Solicitor!' for the Eitate
In the inatter of the Estate of atria-
tena Ann McKeniie, late oi the vill-
age of' Lucknow the County of
Bruce, Spinster, decease&
Nbtice is hereby given, pursuant
to The Trustee Act, that all creditors
,and Others havieg claims , against
the estate of the late -Christena Ann
Mckenzie, are required tO send par-
ticulars of their claiins dulY veri-
fied to the:undersigned 'on er before
die Eighth of November, A.D. 1941,
and that thereafter the 'Executors
will proceed to distribute the said
Estate. having regard only • to the
claiMs of which he shall then have
. Dated at Lucknow; Ontario, thil
21st day of October, AD, 1941-
• • Alex 1VIcKerizie,
Lucknow, R.R. 5,
Executor' of 'the above Estate.
1:30 to 6 o'cloek
3 %
,An Ideal authorized inveitment
for individualt, companies, semi.
ion" 1)o9rds, eXecattori and other
575 6446,1. TOR040