HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-11-06, Page 14. 4
$2.00 A YEAR --IN ADVANCE --50c EXTRA TO 11, S. &
Lucknow t.,, 'Thursday NOveluber 6th, 1941
Mac Webster arid Roy Collyer a
town,, Dr. R. L. Treleaven of *Wood-
sto& andarinibleBaillie of Cargill.
are among the Members of a deer
-hunting ..party who left the end of
the week for the Parry•Sottrid,dis-
trict. The local paii. of •rilmrods left
on Saturday. = • They joined other
,members of the ,party at. Walkerton
-.and motored to Washago, north. of
Orillia,,. 'where -• they l•iP,Orded..: the
bunters' special late. that night They •
expect to . return : about Thdisday,
next. Another • Member • Of the party.
Catmeri.just recently returned frOin,
a pheasant shoot when he, bagged
. ,
three of the birds. •
. , .
. There be no Sentinel
- •
• . -
- ' •
At Lucknow . United Church . on ,
''Phnrsday. October, 30th,, a charming
iwedding took place when Jessie
Isobel MacKenzie, Only daughter of
Mr.. and Mrs: W. L. MacKenzie be ..
came the bride, of -Mr. Harold 'Rodger.=
448.-00 Of the late. Mk' .ancl:Mrs•
Win. 'Alhp. of, .LncknOW, Rev., J. W.
Stewartoffitiate0 and Mrgall*.
' -. .'
Pym was at, the organ • to playthe
wedding music and to . conmany •,
•IVIra..,. J.; Wesley ..19.ynt i her solo,.
'Because" ' • •
' • '
:The., church yvas:d.ecorated :with
ferns and chrysanthemums, under
the direction of Mrs. J. Wesley
Given in marriage by .her father.
the Bride :wore a. lovely . gown .of
ivory .crest French satin ork long
lines, with a gracefill. train . over
' hich fell a • full,lenith veil 'of
tulle from a coronet of ;flowers. She
,:earried a shower 'of Talisman roses
• •• • . • ' • .
'with satin, streamers and bows, of•
tulle ' ' ' • . .
. Mrs. J. Grant 'MacKenzie, as
matron of honor , Was govined-in.
Holland: blue moire, taf eta with
an veil , an •
wine feathered hat d 'i ' d
carried a bouquet of Butterfly roses.
MarY An' ' Ma I t • • •
sta.' c n yre, cousin
of the ' bride, was A dainty, flower-
girl in her long frock of romance
taffeta' with Matchingbandeau and
-ci- fi f • • .
assorted owers . forming a nosegay..
Dr. 1. Grant MacKenzie Was 'best
man And, the ughers were Dr. W. y:
Johnston, arid • Dr. :Wm. 'Connell. .
' A• reception' was held at the home
cii -the -bride's-parents-Where'4the-•-
. .
Bridal' Partk, received in the .living
innrehid •tripple 'sheer ever taffeta,
. .. .
Nlrearing... a black velvet., het and
corsage Of. - Talisman roses, The
groom's sister, .. Miss Mabelle ,A.11in,.*,
wore a •gown of 'figured' crepe with
matching accessories. A • -.dainty:
luimaieon was •served„. , the .. color
scheme being pink and white. ',
At • this time the 'rninistesi 'read „a
- , ,• -1, 0 - g ;;kWl!cit011-7-16fOrPlev.vierarp,
'irritolii -Lotidezdi.: ariet-Griderieh• ' Tfek.
will pub-
lished next week. . .
' •• It is customary with Many
' '-weekly Paper*, to take one week
..Off..in fifty-twn, and the. reason .
.. we select such a late date is in
...order :that our linotype „Opera-
. tor. Can 'et away . for a' deer '
konflog trip to 'NOrthern. Ont- , .
,ario: . - • - . , • • . „ ,
• ,' ' We axe undertaliingia get out
. this Issue short-handed, but Will-,
:ll.not publish a : Paper , next Week . =
' ,and; ash our Subscribers, . cor-•
-;-----. • ... .
William A. Lawrence, a former
resident of Liicistiow,1.= passed away
in Winnipeg, on September 1.6t1i..Mr.
Lawrence Was born M Lucknow 68
'years .ago. He was the youngest son '
. of the late Mr. and Mrs - Thomas
Lawrence ; Who Were :among the Pio-'
neer ,residents ..of the. Village.' l'' '
, For more, than 40 Year' he his
'resided in Winnipeg and other wesr
tern , cities, Iiii, last visit to Lucknowlyben
, as during the Old Boys' ,,,116,4inion
.j.n 1910. ., . .. • .., :. '. •‘. . :, . -., . • '.
''• • .
On Thursday morning, October
30th.there passed away an aged and
practicallyA life long resident of
the Village of LuchnOw, in the
P.M* of Jathes- Y°Iirig• ' • ' • .- .
: The deceased was wet' . known
throughout the district as a drover.
ant',. ckccupPtion, Whinh ,.'he.• followed
until a few months .ileibi,v his death
faPing. health : forced him.. to
retire ... • . . ' .; ' ' ' . .
. .Born ' at. kJ oills,v-ale',...Oritarin. lie'
„ annual meeting of the Luck -
now Badminton Club was held M
. the Town Hall last ThursdayTh
., e - .
secretary- treasurer, kr. N.. 8. Cal-
vert read the Ireasurer'S report • M.. '
Calvert was elected • president by •
accientation• for the %Corning. season ?
and Miss Rutkluatthors, viee4,res.
John Mowbrai, was • elecied, seefet., ..
ary-treasUrei, ''The committee .ier =
games and tournamenes,:eoriast of
. .
the following: Oatherine jolmston, .
-.Prage II. Urlburt; Helen . MaoDoneld; .
Marion Bill
. The death occurred suddenly of
Banittel. Webster at hid ',home in
Craik, SaSk. 911 -Friday evening,
October .24th. Death resulted from
• heart failure, .D.eCeased was born at
LUcknow'.onjult 14th„1,880.• And.
at the time . Of MS' death wasin his.
'. 02ncl• year: HeA 'Went, ,to Crailc 23.
years ago and engaged in ,his trad:e
, .'
O r titOnlithingthe four, fearspe-
,--,• *. .-
, .. .
,..- viouS had spent in 'WinniPegHe the
' , .
waswell known through,otit
.Crailt district and is remembered bY:
bear this in .mind. •
The next issue of the Sentinel '
• will he NOveitiber .20th; ,;•.
- and-
a . daughter ,' heis survived by two
brothers and two sisters, David M.
of Marmiette,...Michigaa; Edward- of.
. •
Buffalo, N. Y.; Tena (Mrs.' R.. S.
children of th‘ late :.Margar. et. and
Joseph 'Young He came to Lucknou•
at the age of iixteen and has resided
here in
-Mac-- ---Treleaven,
C. ,R. Chapple ' and Allan Chapple;
Helen, MacDonald' is convenor. The • .'
fees for the Club Will. remain at .$1..; :
and not this to the ,
y-,' frlendkrhere. • j,
' Besides his 'wife he IS survived
by three brothers, John; Wilbert and
',erne of Seaforth, and two sisters,
- _ • - Mary--(Mrs:-Max-Itslynard)--and-Liilly
(Mrs.. Sam :.Congriun). of Lticknow.
-.. Funet4cal services were held in the
• United Church Craik, on MonidaY
• , and . were largely ' attended; • ? . • ,
• '
. •.,___‘_... .
West) of • Elbow, Sask.;; arid Carrie
(Mrs., W. B. Hurd) of Montreal.
ever since, Honest hiS: deal-
ings and. possessed of a droll and
. . .
pleasing sense of humor, Mt. Young
players paying
secretary 'will' not be. perridited to
use the courts. :A successful club . •
. ' •
, , . , . ,
The .weekly half holiday is ende4
had for long been, a familiar figure
,anticipated this seasOn.
and this afternoon (Thursday) tint.
. ,
here • and was well and favorably
,is .
- •
, .
. . • . . . ,
, • A n entertaining ,and variety. show
will be presented in the Town Hall
Lucknow, • on 4 Thursday NoVember
20th by the Port Albert IL A.. F.
male nee ho' f thirtY b s
. v i .c ir o , • .rnem er .
, This entertaininent is in ' aid Of
e a. n
and 'a full house should be in at-
, •
tendanee 'to hear these .01 -formers,
:Who are fully booke,d up for the
. .
'Inland& of the ' year. - . •
'. '
age bushieas 'places will remain, pp-.
en, and will continue to remain open
each Thursday afternoon until. the
half -holiday is. resumed in 1Vlay of
. . . . , .. . ,
next, yeer. , .•, • „ , • .• \ ' •
Conducts Installations , •
Mrs. Charles Cotak, Distriet, De-
puty Rebekah President , conducted
•the installation.of officers at SOuth-
ampton lodge ' on Friday. During
the Previous week Mrs. ' dook• con-.
the district ' • "
known, in . , . ,
The -funeral .service .waa held at
the Collyer residence • on Saturday'
afternoon' November 1st, ,conducted
• •
by Rev. J., W.. Stewart of the -Luck,
•Citurch Interment Was
;,•. -
ruichases %Antilles 'Home I
Sam9 , Crewe hes. • •
r 'S Sherwood' f
1 '
r ' esed the residenee of the late .„
John Spindler. • Indifferent health. '
. h . . • . •
as aorced Mx. SherwOod. Jo retire
• . .
' Arrived' 'Overseas • • ' .
, Sergeant ' Donald' Habkirk. recent-,
lY arrived-Bieraeas w.ith the Perth.
Regiment. Donald's Mother, .,Mrs
----. '
. Viii:'Hibrifle, whIrriralialitrh-d'af
. in , Lucknow With her alder.. and..
. • brother; Miss .Christy and Mr. Dan
Vim •
..L.,..ham, Ita.s. . 'received :Word. 'a his
• -1 - 'Little
•= safe,. arrival.,
• .
, open on Wednesday nights.
erten' end Ripley. .
.. ,
' ,
• •
11 ' - -IVI s .s. '
M GreenhiCemetery. es 1 . ,
.. .
Joseph McMillan, Prank Cole Mae-
' frearlarmincarid-he-mid-MreSheN ,
wood will -shortly take up reSidence
. • -,.
. . . • - . ,
. " '' --
in their new, hoine in LuCknow. ,..
Raise'•Money For BOmb Vietims
shall - R.' H. MCQUillin,
• . . ,
' • ' - - -- ••-•-- - —
; . t •:., . . . •
-Th.,- -c-no‘As have tleir ”anole cinY" •
.. — -~. •—• - : . -7 . ". ' ...
but the • Girl Guides feature "cookie
James Hackett and Joseph Mallough
• • • .• - g
acted as pallbeatera
= :,- - -
, . •
. ' • •
ISreit stock 'of men .and boys' Work
clothing and men's .wear, at or be-
• • - • •
lolly, Government controlled prices.
: . THE. MARKET' ' STbRE. . • •
.•. .• . . .
• • . • • • . •
.. . ' . - • - • • - • •
• ''' ---7-.'. ' • .' s'. /'1' '• '
•Dear Thompson,• -
, ,
day", And such an event will be had' . .
jAlq.cEs 'LAVES
.Mr. . . ,
' Your, teferencefto •the, postniaster-:
. ,.
hip of 'Holytood in • last Week's
s • '• • '' . : • '
Sentinel interested me, for many
years .ago, is .,at , small. boy,. I was
eeting postmatter for e•Aiine ,during
b the local troop in Lucknow this
laturda ' ' •• ' '
,y.,•• With. samples of th r
. wares,. he girls took Orders' in the
village last Saturday, •and - which
will , be • delivered ' the end • Of this
Week. HOweizer lex benefit Of
- '
, •
- ai ng ea or e Pas few
., In . f .•li h lth f the t f
months, • death • came to Mr. James
Levis at his home in•Kinloss. Town -
Ship on Sunday, October 26th Mr.
Levis was 79 years of age.• . .
- ' " -
'Jim Gardner has taken over • the .,
CNA freight deliVery „service .and
along with this job has, been ap- .4
-pointed. depot • •• caretaker: Among
oilier duties jiiii "meets!' the night
• • The k.)cal branch of the Canadian
Legion conducted its filst . military
°. funeral last Wednesday, when they
officiatedat-the-butial-rifiliTJ ' ea
Levis, a meniber of the branch, and
lades; should play this 'Part in carry-
ing him to his list resting place.
The . graveside service Was : cOri-
ducted by''Alliater Hughes, president
e ,w i e six rnern ers
of branch,'h'l • ' b '
acted as pallbearers. Noble, JohnstonJohnSton.
and . Clair. Irwin were . flag bearers'
and'. he "Last Post" ' was soUncled
by 'Reid , McKiiii. -
..,. ' .1..was.-an„inipressive-Ser vice,anct
4:eilttroe_krztute,„ , o•
' '
• . , . .
- . . •••-r--- •
the illness of My father • who was
- •• - .• • ' • • ' ..
thez_LtAtepost master' at Holvrood •
:-----.....- - • ,z....offier,..and...especially_theiniaLfolk,;.111•1862,_.
Here is the postmaster t, as.
given t.4:). me wine. years. agoby the
P: G. Department : .= • .. . ' . „
, P .. , 0 . p IVd•
- HolyrooA ' o e ' AtigUst
; - . .!' • - . • •
those ..who have ,hot . booked - their
.• -
,the Guides'. Will be on Main Street.
.. on.. Saturday afternoon When • you
.cah obtain your. tOohierequirements
, , • •
, .
. •6' hire, • ng an d'
Born in Sumersets.' B 1
Mi:".• ',axis' joinec_L,tbejlnpz.,_uP..pa,-tb„e_,:arri.,Kalf_....,fht_,Athxtiine--'--:;,•-.--
eria army at the age . of 18,, with
which he • served for Silt. Years.
After . his Marriage" to. Martha' Hall
they. crossed the .Atlantic: in a sail-
t rain as wel1. as benig on ,the 30i '
train. • . .. - , . •,,' ., .
. .... • , .
• Jim recently took 'charge of z the
express delivery- . service; . and for
sciine ' time he has been the :rural
• ' . ..
,. the Canadian Legion, "Peppy Da?'
. . will be ' held in Lucknow this Sat
• urday," when . you willbe asked to
buy a poppy i 'commemOration• of '
1 those who paid the supreme sacri-'
' fice in the last Great. War, • •
- -
l• .• The poppy' ' fund serves...a,. two-
' .. fold purpose.. It relieves unusual,
. :distress: among veterans ,and. their
' farriilies,Larid, handicapped veterans
. 1856 under Mr. W. McKenzie; May
changed to John Anderson ,
W114 Subscribers '• ••
e come New
' .
Mg vessel and resided' for e, ' time
in United' States before
mail' courier. on R. R. 1, . Luelmour.
- - -
• " • • " • '
Office closed in .Jnne 1864, '. till
1868,, when it was reopened. urider
Win. „Elliott, whn died during the
• ' — , • • -
year. 4- ' . •
' psOntmeittemadeditorakhate.%;
• During the past week we have
added '' ' ' ' ' • ' .
pix new subscribers . to our
,,, „. ,rn .
1 ' them,
We we come em,
rflaw•Pg "b•'•'• "
.hope , they will enjoy.. this. weekly
Vito their homSitoikes' ' and inVite
, • :- , :.••• • , . • •!
to. England. • • „ . , returning
. • , • . , • .
Thirty-three " years ago, with
-. .
their tenni Mr ' and 'Mrs Levis
' . • Y,'• • , . ' , •
came , to Canada and since then
. , • . •;,, ,.
•EmplOyed At Peterborough
, and Harriston. Tayler, setts .
' ..
of Mr. T. B. Taylti of St., Helens, °
are employed at war 'work witli '
„- - — , - • • . _ .• -
. '
OP d,
•„,„:„...,4,,,,,,_ •thc... f Inrcontri - - g al=rippther
- •• , . , .• ..
. ,t, ,,,,,,,,,. __„7„,„,,,;__,L, -1-4-cr-mx7r-ra--1, r• -
, rta,...---e
. ,, .
ei•-, :.
• '
- of thes
'66-M6er 8 ti'l ' iiarr. HeweVrii0' '-'1: ' . * ' ' ''''' k'' r
• , •
e mi. ' - . t• e i -L''
.01"..on: Monday for, their new jolisi
The Rembinbrance Pay' service
' this Year ' will alao be in charge of
_ the Legion. Local clergymen will
' . take part. M the service' that . will
be held In the Town Hall next
, .• TuesdaY.". irforiting . commencing at :
• ten o'Clotk; . • . •
Stewart, 'acting as toastmaster, pro-.
Posed the toast to the. ' bride to
which the groom • reSponded.•. The
toast .. to the matron of honor, by
,Dr .• Connell, was responded to by
-Dr; j. --:Grant. MacKienzle, and dim
to the parents by br. W, V. Johnston
was responded . to by Mr, W7L".--kirfthe
MacKenzie••'. The toastmaster - Con-
veyed tifarika to thesoloist and Orr
ganist and Mr. J. Wesley Joynt re7
sponded. - • ' :• ' .: .
. Later' the • hippy couple left. by
motor for Montreal and other points,
in Quebec, the bride travelling in
a black 'English boucle suit, trimmed
with Persian lamb, black Velvet hat
and matching • accessories. On their
return they Will reside in Lucknow.
Out of town guests who attended
the Weddirig were, Miss Rertha Allin
and .Miss Mabelle• Allin, Toronto;
•Mrse. P. O'Brien, Detroit; Dr, and
Mrs. J. Grant MacKenzie, 'Madison,.
'Wisconsin; Mr. -and Mrs'. " Thomai-
'Brownlee; ..Thamesford; Dr and
Mrs. Wm,. Connell, Wingham; Mr.
and Mrs. George' Marr, Jr., Dorchesr
ter; Mr. Harold Pym, Wingham; and
Mit: A. Pentland, London. .
solemnized • in St Paul's Anglican
church, Lorne Park, on Saturday
evening, October 25th The . bride
. was Emma Margaret. Hamilton, R:N.
daughter of Mrs. A. C. 'Hamilton,
Huron Township, and the late Mr.
Hamilton,_and the ,groarp, Lieut. G.
J. (Jack) Barrett, son of &Ir. arid
Mra. G. V. Barrett, Oakville. The
trot= was student minister of,4he
church for nearly three years. Aat..
ttmn leaves and Chrysanthemums
decorated the church. Rev. F. DUBS-
tone' Of Wycliife College, asaistecl by
Rev. E. %glen rector of St Luke's
Anglican' church Palermo, officiated.
Miss M. C011itOh played the organ
Given in marriage by her brother'
Andrew Hamilton, Huron Township;
' the bride. was attired in a dress of
moonstone blue crepe •with silVer
fox cape, =itching blue hat ailel
corsage of rosebUds. Marion Handl-
tori, her sister's only attendant wore
a 'frock • of gold sheer wool, brown
hat and. accessories- and corsage of
roses. Robert Petrie, Valleyfield,
Quebec, was best . man
Immediately folloWing the cere-.
Mony, On behalf of the congregatioh
. , ,.
Sohn Cowie- and • E., Nyles, church
wardens, presented the young eouPle
with a elock and a Bible'. The boya
of the groom's Sunday •sch061 elasi
also made a presentation % to the
distiple. • , . , •
A . ....i.Aii4i4itltii tfthiti fieelti at whiTitn.
, •
• .
bell. , ---4-- -,---ion-arises,,
• ' : if you are not a subscriber to The
Ncivember 1838, Mrs.. Agnes Camp- ,
Sentinel, . here is a ba ' • '' ff
l?ell (widoW.'rif 'A. T. Campbell) .• , „mem o er
wi m eres you -The
that. 11 • • t . t • -•L•Th Sentinel
' December 1897, John Purvis.'
December '1942 for
their sop and daughter, in their ge-
dining . years . ... . , - ' •
, ... ,
'• Mr. L,avis . was A kindly, honest
hard Working. Man, He was a great
, upon completing a tWelve weeks'
-• - . • •
machiniSt course at .L Trade • •
.- .,
School , , .
1 London
. • •
• • — ,
' A meeting will be held tonight,
Thursday November '6th, at. 8 o'clock.
in the Carnegie Hall, to . organize
paign. Other important business will
be brought up.' Every patriotic'
citizen is expected to .be present
• until the end of
June 1917, Susan Purvis. ; • , .. ' ...
- $2.00. -
October 1341, Mrs George Colwell -
Hoping this will. be of service, • .Extra 'copies • are alibTaVailable
• k t the ft t five cents each wee a e o ice a, c
traveller and often told of 'crossing
the Atlantic' eleven times. In •the
last war he served Overseas with the
' • .
YOuts truly„',
John Elliott,. London ' each. ' . • le - ": , .•
Three of his sone saw much ser-
George 'Buller', Who recently , •
' ' •
That evening time Legion will bold
a .dance in the Town Hall. 0 ,=music
1 ' ' by Arthur's orchestra. ...- • .
'viceCharles .serfed7 on a ' mine
. •.
Jame Cenadien, Navy
d the Royal
' • - Attended -Federation Meeting ' •
Special At Lyceum , : .
• son, 'president
' Next Monday, 'Tuesday and Wed- Mies. Helen Thomp
cDougall second
nesday, the Lyceum.Theatre, Wing- and...MisaMarion M . „. , . ,
'vice-president of District 1 of the
ham presents the technieolor attree .,
.. ' Federation..
Teachers ...were•
tion" BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST"; .Women Teach
'sent at a meeting in Goderich on
starring Greer Gerson and Walter M . •
Pidgeon. • .. Saturday attended by a number of
teachers of North Huron. The meet-
• • • . ' • • • .
sweeper with the British Marine.
___ ...-......... • ..... , .,,
---- • ' who served with the Can-
. ,• : • • .
adian, Forces, wes killed at 'Hill, 70:
, -. . • • „ . , • .
George served aS. a lieutenant with
. the British 'forces for lout years •in
France and at the dim of the 'war
. 'came to Canada, where for twenty-.
five he. has been in the min-
Volunteer Reserve,„ has received the '
• • .. .4...,.en.t of . .. • , • , ,
apponumpaymaster. For the.
• • •
Pat -five . year's 'George has been •
• .- • • • • • .
employed in the office. of the Hinge ,
and Dauch Paper Co. at ,Montreal„ •
While there he attended night clas- ..,
ses and this. summer received his
B.Sc.• degree. • '
, . •
A Usual - Hallowe'tn
• HalloWeen • 'last.. FridaY night,
passed .off -Pretty much as usual in
• • . the village. Practically all the 'roll-
ing stock' that Was on the loose
. Was moved around freely, but there
. appears to have • been little. or • no
• deliberate' Vandalisni.f/The kiddies of
1 course, were. out in full force to
, • make. their calls, and they are
huick to spot the homes where the
treats are the best.
Operated :On In Toronto ' ,
Mr. John A..M K ' 11.1 ',
ac enzie,. • . . a
.a pa len in .
Lticknow, has been ' t• - i ' St
.Michaers HoSpital, Torento, for the
.past month where he has undergone
. tvird operatiorie. Mr.' MeeKenzie.ex-
pects to. be able' to' leave the hospi,
. ew aysvi u -wi re-
tal withinaf . a but '11
main in the eity for e short while
before returning to 'his Xinless
home' •
. . .
, • Mg called for the purpose. of 'or-
Nev hose, gloves underwear for , . • „ .
ganizing this inspectorate, was a d.:.
all the family, et or below, Govern -'East
• • dressed by Miss Thompson, who
ment controlled prices. THE MAR- . . • , . ' • . •
described the calms and advantages
. of the Federation. -
. • .
• ing busmess at, Drumheller . and
Coulee; and has Met . with
much sliccesS. . .
, On April 9th Mr. and Mrs. •Lavis
observed their 57th . wedding an,
George recently spent two weeks
vacation • at his home. near:Lochalsh
and . expects to take• up his. duties.
at Halifax in. the near future. He
willreceive the rank of Shb.7Lieut.'
.1.• r
• .
niversary at the home of . their
in his new appointment ••• . ..
• . •
1 '
daughter, Mrs,, Alex McLeod. .
4 military funeral was •held at
George h4 had.:singular success
He •attended .• Heinlock City school .
and Goderich Collegiatewhet* he
. , : •
Leg Troubling Hun '• , • , ..
A' leg which has twice been brOk-
en and which was the cause of his
onfinei,,„ez,:t .,0. *a hoapital., bed ter
k any long months, it again bother-
ing Bill Webster.. "Long Bili' as he
is popularlyknoWn is at present in
Kineardine-where his /nether lives,
. . • • , , . • ..4.-..mmolgeommantG,t1Embi
and it is reported •itere that 'there
is a possibility' that the leg May•yet
o be amputated in event that
have , . ,
'the limb fails to. respond to. treat-
.. , . ,, • •
. . , .
- ' • '
• ' • '
, . 1 . .. • •
. ' DANCE AT -PARAMOUNT , A deputation of reeves from North
• Dancing at Paramount Hall every Huron visited -Bruce County COuncil
Friday 'night to =isle by MacKen-- while in sesskon this week 'asking,
zie's orchestra Door :prize. Admis- that ,the Ontario Government be
to hold ' ' '
his late residence on Wednesday
charge . of • the Lueknow branch: of
"the Canadian • Legiori. •The:,furi4:al
service was c'onducted by ReV. R.
MacConnell and Rev. C. 11.. Mac-
took business training, At the age
of' twenty-three he ' has' been sel-
. -., .
om 200,, young en for his .-•
ected frm
recent naval coministion•. - .
The final toxoid clinkwill be.
held in the Tottril Hall, Lucknoir,
' on Monday November 10th between
9 and 10 a, m. Note the ,change in
day, owing to Remembrance Day
sion 35q. • • • petitioned- a .by-election
nonald. '
Huron-Bnice riding, whieh has
The' flag draped casket was
'falling ,on Vaa-sdar-. " -----"^"', •
. At Kintail the second of the series
!•• ' of ineculations will be given .at the
- • ,
, school on Wednesday morning, Nov'
- ember 12th betWeen 9 and 10 .a. In.
to the •grave iir-Sotilr--Kinloss
. „...-.....
The ',Victoria Mission Baria<11 the _
Robertson, M.LA.‘, ... •
P.resbyterian Church Will hold -their •
co mi e . was appointed cent-
k tri lt e '
autumn thankdifering meeting in
the church on Friday, November 14 posed of Reeve Raymond ,Redmond,
. . . of East Wawanosh,•Mayor Crawford
et 8. o'clock. '
. of Win ham and Reeve Joseph Me-
cemetery hy:P. A. •Murray, Wm.
Dahmer, Roy Wets, Herb Miller
.,„• ,
George, Burgess and Dick, .MCQuaig.
He leaves to • mourn' his •pasaing,
• •
widow four sons and :four
. • . .
The marriage is 'd- f
. announce o . ,
Jean May"Riteliie; Reg:N., of Glide-
rich and Ivan Papernidk, which took .•
place on Tuesday, November 19th,
i ins, ornier y '
1940. ReV. James W'lk° f' 1
• „ . . .
' ' •.-..-...-. •-•
. • •
- '' '
. - f- ` ' i to visit
CE • .
BOX SOCIAL AND DAN ,,, lanes ,9 Culross Townsh p, ..
. -1 -Pa-. " -- •Tuesday• ' ere P • • • rge-the-holdin
a ,. ram= Hall, . on , Queen s , ark end u , , . . g
November 11, 'under auspices Ward of a by-election before the next
datir'' also two brothers and
- - • -,,.. •
a sister win, has passed her ..ii
birthday, as well' 'as fifteep gra-'
• •\ • ,
.'Luc -know,, performed the eer•-• ' •
• '',- - • .
•• -
" Still a comparative youngster .in
sprit and agility, and alining. to
remain that WAY; Conrad •Decker,
. ideal tailor observed. his 70th. birth-
day last Friday. • • . . , .
Con, as everybody ,knows him,
., has been in LUcknow for. thirty-
four years..He.danie to the.. village
' ,from St Helens to enter the employ
s of the, Anderson, _Taylor Co., -which
' Was an extensive clothing eestablish-
,, ,
. went operated at that time where
Jack Kilpatriek.nOW lives, by 30
' Afiderdon. D. • -C. :Taylor, and John
• Hildred, "
Om Worked for them for a tithe,
• . .
before going to Kitchener, where
- • he ferneined otilir a few wont
before returning to ' Lucknow ' to
Opel his own tailoring busbies.%
which he has conducted ever sinee.
Mrs 'Roy McGee of WinghemFive
was thrown to thepavement and
suffered • a fracturedskull, when
she collided With a bicycle on which
Riaisell Armstrong was Adini. The
accident "occurred in. Wingham late
Friday afternoon in front of the
Walker Store as Mrs , McGee :Was
Crossing tram • dibsorl's Baiery.
no -
Russell had a .couple, of teetlk k ck
ed out and Was Shaken tip. Mrs.
McGee suffering SeriOtie head in-
.1.1 it'S was rushed to Wingharri. Hos-] rsquare.
pital. Mrs'. McGee, formerly Leola
ti. 1- . ii daughter tif Mr and
ay or,. s, a•
Mrs. Ben Naylor of Luckriow.
, „ .
, Red Cross. session. of the provincia1 g islet-
Huron TownshipLe
Admission 25c. Ladies With ,boxes ure., . • •
lucky for
children and ten. great grand-
•childreri. - .
• . . . ..
for a time when he WAS engaged, by
Mr. W. G. Andrewthe
free. Prize for box and ----,. ,
box receiving highest bid. Donald • FACTORY IS BUSY .
Auc.. Muqc by o ,.•
Carruthers r-:
. . .
The death, occurred on Saturday
.,in implement
business, and was well and widely .
known • in the locality.
Blue •
chestra. . . • More than thirty local* men are
November 1St OT:yalter Webb, in
Wingharn follOwing brief_
• '
. 'Mrs. Webb, fOrmetly Rachel lk-•
him •
WED. NOVE ' ER 19 currently emPloyed . at the Maple
' • ' ' ,• . Leaf Aircraft Corporation plant. Re-
C, a •
Come LUCKNOW,come 11
To Carnegie Hall, • . ceipt of • a sizeable _furniture order.
-. • ' • '
To the United Farmers annual hall. last. week' resulted in quite a nuiri-
e Melody Mixers will be there ber of erriployees being added tO
Th ' ' ' ' .
To „ or ,, . round an the regular staff: .. - •:
Tplay.f • dances d • d :
Hospital a
till/less. He was in his eighty-
foiirth, year. .
A son of John Webb and Sarah
. •
Curning,. he . was born on the 12th
Concession of Vest ,Wawanosh arid
lived. there MAU A young man. In
Quilliti,• predeceased eighteen
years ago. On_Sunday, October 28th
Mr. . Webb suffered a paralytic
seiture ffotn, Whieh he failed to
'rally, passing away the 'following
Saturday, • ' , ..1 i'•^'
A private .funeral .service • was
. . •
• Old Camphor. . °
Thirty4ive cents the ecinGoodissionaee' I
- • • . . . " A lump. of camphor in the chest
And we, serve sandwiches and eciffee
free. ' .* . • or drawer where silveris kept *ill
•• keep it free from tarnish, is Claimed
the spring .of. 1881 Mr., Webb went
' ' tlin about
to Western Canada, set ghis
ten .trillea 'from Brandon He was
one of . the original ',pioneers to
held on 1\briday, at the residence df ;
's e t , P 11 !
si t r, M s. Wm.. Mac herso , t
Lucknow, conducted by Rev. It •
' McConnell. Interment WAS in Green -
GIRL GUIDE'COOKIE, DAY : in a "hint to housewives":
.. -
. On Saturday afternoon Nciveinber Well that'S nothing for a lump on
8th, LucknoW 'Girl Guides will hold your chest Used in berelied upon
a '"Cookie limy" in 1414610W. Those to Work wonders, in "keepirig away"
vilio, have not .placed orders , for diseaSe genii% Did. you ,ft:ver 'go ;,to
cookies' may secure Ahem froth the school' with a pie.ce Of the smelly
. ,
Guides ori Main Street during thP stuff strung around. Your 'neck? .
afternoOti.• Cooicieg arelac a do*ri, • A. good Many still appear to cling
Proceeds‘to be sent to bomb VittiMS to the Old theory, for lig said, that
thru the Girl Guide headquarters during the paralysis 'epidemic; local
in Viialaticl„ Elvuovists were sold out of camphor,
.Brandan Plains, having trekked-
.over the prairies by ox /cart frimii
Winnipeg. Mr. Webb helped to build
the fiftt grain elevator at .prandon.
Several years later he returned to
West Wawanosh to manage the farm
fOr his parents, 'and where tie had
since resided until selling his. farm
to Harvey' Webb, when he moVed,
to the Village 'Lb reside. Mr. Webb
. ,
had previonsly , lived in Lueknow
hill Cemetery. The pallbearers Were. '
sik nephews, 'Ewart, Gprdon and
Ross 1ViadPherson,1VIcKenzie, Lorne •
arid Harvey Webb.
' Mr. Webb is, surviVed i:i two
sisters,. Mrs: MacPherson 'et town
and Mrs. Margaret Radcliffe of
Winnipeg and .one brother, John of
Duluth. Two brothers pi edec'eased ,
filth; George in 1981 and Williarn in-
1928.. . • ' •-. .
mir", where Mrs. Hamilton redeived
in . a gown of plum -Colored crepe,
bleat hat and accesSories and tor-.
sage of roses. Mrs.- Barrett, Who
also reeeived, elibSe a black gown
1,vith gold tritruning, bleek- het Mid
aedeSSorieS and Corsage of roses. The
bride and groom left On a motor
trip. The groom „received his eerri-
iiktetcArm'. nr, katilteltiit .intertiing.
... .
, Purchases Resident* • ' .
WO; Jellies' LaVis has purchased ._
the :residence' oti Ludgard St, for-
, therly ' occupied by Mr, and . Mit.
Henry Carter and presently tertaat-
ed by LAZ. Sidney Rouse, and Mrs,
..-- .