HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-11-06, Page 14. 4 4 $2.00 A YEAR --IN ADVANCE --50c EXTRA TO 11, S. & Lucknow t.,, 'Thursday NOveluber 6th, 1941 SAMUEL WEBSTER DIED SUDDENLY IN SASKATCHEWAN WEDDING.. BELLS N DEER HUNTING TRIP Mac Webster arid Roy Collyer a town,, Dr. R. L. Treleaven of *Wood- sto& andarinibleBaillie of Cargill. are among the Members of a deer -hunting ..party who left the end of the week for the Parry•Sottrid,dis- trict. The local paii. of •rilmrods left on Saturday. = • They joined other ,members of the ,party at. Walkerton -.and motored to Washago, north. of Orillia,,. 'where -• they l•iP,Orded..: the bunters' special late. that night They • expect to . return : about Thdisday, next. Another • Member • Of the party. -is-Carinen,--Thompson-of--of-xeSpondenta-nnil Catmeri.just recently returned frOin, a pheasant shoot when he, bagged . , three of the birds. • " NO SENTINEL NEXT WEEK , FORMER RESIDENT. PASSED AWAY IN WINNIPEG' . , . OBITUARYsvocEs SFUL BADMINTON • SEASON IS INDICATED .• ..- . . There be no Sentinel - • • . - ALLIN--MacKENZIE - ' • At Lucknow . United Church . on , ''Phnrsday. October, 30th,, a charming iwedding took place when Jessie Isobel MacKenzie, Only daughter of Mr.. and Mrs: W. L. MacKenzie be .. came the bride, of -Mr. Harold 'Rodger.= 448.-00 Of the late. Mk' .ancl:Mrs• Win. 'Alhp. of, .LncknOW, Rev., J. W. Stewartoffitiate0 and Mrgall*. ' -. .' Pym was at, the organ • to playthe wedding music and to . conmany •, •IVIra..,. J.; Wesley ..19.ynt i her solo,. 'Because" ' • • ' • ' :The., church yvas:d.ecorated :with ferns and chrysanthemums, under the direction of Mrs. J. Wesley UQYflL Given in marriage by .her father. the Bride :wore a. lovely . gown .of ivory .crest French satin ork long lines, with a gracefill. train . over ' hich fell a • full,lenith veil 'of w tulle from a coronet of ;flowers. She ,:earried a shower 'of Talisman roses • •• • . • ' • . 'with satin, streamers and bows, of• tulle ' ' ' • . . . Mrs. J. Grant 'MacKenzie, as matron of honor , Was govined-in. '--------------4----r-"--"'-'-ih'ibt-1-"bra Holland: blue moire, taf eta with an veil , an • wine feathered hat d 'i ' d carried a bouquet of Butterfly roses. MarY An' ' Ma I t • • • sta.' c n yre, cousin of the ' bride, was A dainty, flower- girl in her long frock of romance taffeta' with Matchingbandeau and -ci- fi f • • . assorted owers . forming a nosegay.. Dr. 1. Grant MacKenzie Was 'best man And, the ughers were Dr. W. y: Johnston, arid • Dr. :Wm. 'Connell. . ' A• reception' was held at the home cii -the -bride's-parents-Where'4the-•- . . Bridal' Partk, received in the .living roorn,-Thryfrde's-irrother-,Teceived-h innrehid •tripple 'sheer ever taffeta, . .. . Nlrearing... a black velvet., het and corsage Of. - Talisman roses, The groom's sister, .. Miss Mabelle ,A.11in,.*, wore a •gown of 'figured' crepe with matching accessories. A • -.dainty: ,........i- luimaieon was •served„. , the .. color scheme being pink and white. ', At • this time the 'rninistesi 'read „a number,oLtelegrains,..oL.Congratula, lionc„stroFrodpwistkesrLi6e-troria - , ,• -1, 0 - g ;;kWl!cit011-7-16fOrPlev.vierarp, 'irritolii -Lotidezdi.: ariet-Griderieh• ' Tfek. will pub- lished next week. . . ' •• It is customary with Many ' '-weekly Paper*, to take one week ..Off..in fifty-twn, and the. reason . .. we select such a late date is in ...order :that our linotype „Opera- . tor. Can 'et away . for a' deer ' konflog trip to 'NOrthern. Ont- , . ,ario: . - • - . , • • . „ , • ,' ' We axe undertaliingia get out . this Issue short-handed, but Will-, :ll.not publish a : Paper , next Week . = ' ,and; ash our Subscribers, . cor-• , -;-----. • ... . William A. Lawrence, a former resident of Liicistiow,1.= passed away in Winnipeg, on September 1.6t1i..Mr. Lawrence Was born M Lucknow 68 'years .ago. He was the youngest son ' . of the late Mr. and Mrs - Thomas Lawrence ; Who Were :among the Pio-' neer ,residents ..of the. Village.' l'' ' , For more, than 40 Year' he his 'resided in Winnipeg and other wesr tern , cities, Iiii, last visit to Lucknowlyben , as during the Old Boys' ,,,116,4inion .j.n 1910. ., . .. • .., :. '. •‘. . :, . -., . • '. ''• • . Resides-his--W-idoWc.--sons- NG ' JAMES yOUThe On Thursday morning, October 30th.there passed away an aged and , '- practicallyA life long resident of the Village of LuchnOw, in the P.M* of Jathes- Y°Iirig• ' • ' • .- . : The deceased was wet' . known throughout the district as a drover. ant',. ckccupPtion, Whinh ,.'he.• followed until a few months .ileibi,v his death faPing. health : forced him.. to „ retire ... • . . ' .; ' ' ' . . . .Born ' at. kJ oills,v-ale',...Oritarin. lie' „ annual meeting of the Luck - now Badminton Club was held M . the Town Hall last ThursdayTh ., e - . secretary- treasurer, kr. N.. 8. Cal- vert read the Ireasurer'S report • M.. ' 1. Calvert was elected • president by • accientation• for the %Corning. season ? and Miss Rutkluatthors, viee4,res. John Mowbrai, was • elecied, seefet., .. ary-treasUrei, ''The committee .ier = games and tournamenes,:eoriast of . . the following: Oatherine jolmston, . -.Prage II. Urlburt; Helen . MaoDoneld; . Marion Bill • . The death occurred suddenly of Banittel. Webster at hid ',home in Craik, SaSk. 911 -Friday evening, October .24th. Death resulted from • heart failure, .D.eCeased was born at LUcknow'.onjult 14th„1,880.• And. at the time . Of MS' death wasin his. '. 02ncl• year: HeA 'Went, ,to Crailc 23. years ago and engaged in ,his trad:e , .' O r titOnlithingthe four, fearspe- ,--,• *. .- , .. . ,..- viouS had spent in 'WinniPegHe the ' , . waswell known through,otit .Crailt district and is remembered bY: ' „advertilers---to- bear this in .mind. • The next issue of the Sentinel ' • will he NOveitiber .20th; ,;•. - and- a . daughter ,' heis survived by two brothers and two sisters, David M. of Marmiette,...Michigaa; Edward- of. . • Buffalo, N. Y.; Tena (Mrs.' R.. S. was-.-of-a-feroily----'of-:-...4welve-' children of th‘ late :.Margar. et. and Joseph 'Young He came to Lucknou• at the age of iixteen and has resided here in -Mac-- ---Treleaven, C. ,R. Chapple ' and Allan Chapple; Helen, MacDonald' is convenor. The • .' fees for the Club Will. remain at .$1..; : and not this to the , • man' y-,' frlendkrhere. • j, ' Besides his 'wife he IS survived by three brothers, John; Wilbert and ',erne of Seaforth, and two sisters, - _ • - Mary--(Mrs:-Max-Itslynard)--and-Liilly (Mrs.. Sam :.Congriun). of Lticknow. -.. Funet4cal services were held in the • United Church Craik, on MonidaY • , and . were largely ' attended; • ? . • , . . • ' HALF HOLIDAYS ARE ovER • . •.,___‘_... . • West) of • Elbow, Sask.;; arid Carrie . (Mrs., W. B. Hurd) of Montreal. ever since, Honest hiS: deal- ings and. possessed of a droll and . . . pleasing sense of humor, Mt. Young players paying secretary 'will' not be. perridited to use the courts. :A successful club . • . ' • RED CROSS 'RENEFIT NIGHT TO BE STAGED :BY:RAY. 'CHOIR , , . , . , •.____. The .weekly half holiday is ende4 had for long been, a familiar figure ,anticipated this seasOn. and this afternoon (Thursday) tint. . , ' here • and was well and favorably ,is . - • , . . . • . . . , , • A n entertaining ,and variety. show will be presented in the Town Hall Lucknow, • on 4 Thursday NoVember 20th by the Port Albert IL A.. F. male nee ho' f thirtY b s . v i .c ir o , • .rnem er . , This entertaininent is in ' aid Of -th-rit-tirelted----erosr e a. n and 'a full house should be in at- , • tendanee 'to hear these .01 -formers, :Who are fully booke,d up for the . . 'Inland& of the ' year. - . • '. ' age bushieas 'places will remain, pp-. en, and will continue to remain open each Thursday afternoon until. the half -holiday is. resumed in 1Vlay of . . . . , .. . , next, yeer. , .•, • „ , • .• \ ' • --4-1)nritigi:this-Period,stores-nre...not, Conducts Installations , • Mrs. Charles Cotak, Distriet, De- puty Rebekah President , conducted •the installation.of officers at SOuth- ampton lodge ' on Friday. During the Previous week Mrs. ' dook• con-. :-,,Ile.W.,,Thatted the district ' • " known, in . , . , The -funeral .service .waa held at the Collyer residence • on Saturday' afternoon' November 1st, ,conducted • • by Rev. J., W.. Stewart of the -Luck, •Citurch Interment Was ;,•. - ruichases %Antilles 'Home I . Sam9 , Crewe hes. • • r 'S Sherwood' f 1 ' r ' esed the residenee of the late .„ John Spindler. • Indifferent health. ' . h . . • . • as aorced Mx. SherwOod. Jo retire , . • . . ' ' Arrived' 'Overseas • • ' . , Sergeant ' Donald' Habkirk. recent-, : lY arrived-Bieraeas w.ith the Perth. . Regiment. Donald's Mother, .,Mrs ----. ' . Viii:'Hibrifle, whIrriralialitrh-d'af . in , Lucknow With her alder.. and.. .1 . • brother; Miss .Christy and Mr. Dan Vim • ..L.,..ham, Ita.s. . 'received :Word. 'a his • -1 - 'Little •= safe,. arrival., . • . , open on Wednesday nights. cluetect-iiinilar-installations-k-Walk- erten' end Ripley. . .. , ' , • • 11 ' - -IVI s .s. ' M GreenhiCemetery. es 1 . , .. . Joseph McMillan, Prank Cole Mae- ' frearlarmincarid-he-mid-MreSheN , wood will -shortly take up reSidence . • -,. . . . • - . , . " '' -- -Grahainn in their new, hoine in LuCknow. ,.. TRACES HIST.ORY OF Raise'•Money For BOmb Vietims shall - R.' H. MCQUillin, • . . , ' ' • ' - - -- ••-•-- - — HOLYROOD 'OFFICE. ; . t •:., . . . • • -Th.,- -c-no‘As have tleir ”anole cinY" • .. — -~. •—• - : . -7 . ". ' ... but the • Girl Guides feature "cookie James Hackett and Joseph Mallough • • • .• - g acted as pallbeatera = :,- - - , . • gN ,CHARGE OF FREIGHT .. . ' • • ISreit stock 'of men .and boys' Work clothing and men's .wear, at or be- • • - • • lolly, Government controlled prices. : . THE. MARKET' ' STbRE. . • • .•. .• . . . '• LOCAL 'BRANCH CONDUCTS • • . • • • . • FIRST ,LEGION. FUNERAL .. . ' . - • - • • - • • ' , • ''' ---7-.'. ' • .' s'. /'1' '• ' •Dear Thompson,• - , , day", And such an event will be had' . . jAlq.cEs 'LAVES AND-CARETAKIN,6--AT-0.-MR:-:---- , .Mr. . . , ' Your, teferencefto •the, postniaster-: . ,. hip of 'Holytood in • last Week's s • '• • '' . : • ' Sentinel interested me, for many years .ago, is .,at , small. boy,. I was eeting postmatter for e•Aiine ,during b the local troop in Lucknow this laturda ' ' •• ' ' ,y.,•• With. samples of th r . wares,. he girls took Orders' in the village last Saturday, •and - which will , be • delivered ' the end • Of this Week. HOweizer lex benefit Of - ' , • - ai ng ea or e Pas few ., In . f .•li h lth f the t f months, • death • came to Mr. James Levis at his home in•Kinloss. Town - Ship on Sunday, October 26th Mr. Levis was 79 years of age.• . . . - ' " - 'Jim Gardner has taken over • the ., CNA freight deliVery „service .and along with this job has, been ap- .4 -pointed. depot • •• caretaker: Among oilier duties jiiii "meets!' the night • • The k.)cal branch of the Canadian Legion conducted its filst . military °. funeral last Wednesday, when they officiatedat-the-butial-rifiliTJ ' ea Levis, a meniber of the branch, and w'"b"Se-fesituarieviariliarlits-cOm't- lades; should play this 'Part in carry- ing him to his list resting place. The . graveside service Was : cOri- ducted by''Alliater Hughes, president e ,w i e six rnern ers of branch,'h'l • ' b ' =857 acted as pallbearers. Noble, JohnstonJohnSton. and . Clair. Irwin were . flag bearers' and'. he "Last Post" ' was soUncled by 'Reid , McKiiii. - ..,. ' .1..was.-an„inipressive-Ser vice,anct 4:eilttroe_krztute,„ , o• ' ' • . , . . . LEGION PLANS FOR POPPY DAY :.. - AND'REIVIEMBRANCE7skar*,, - . . •••-r--- • the illness of My father • who was - •• - .• • ' • • ' .. thez_LtAtepost master' at Holvrood • :-----.....- - • ,z....offier,..and...especially_theiniaLfolk,;.111•1862,_. Hlis Here is the postmaster t, as. given t.4:). me wine. years. agoby the ' P: G. Department : .= • .. . ' . „ , P .. , 0 . p IVd• - HolyrooA ' o e ' AtigUst .the, ; - . .!' • - . • • those ..who have ,hot . booked - their .• - ,the Guides'. Will be on Main Street. .. on.. Saturday afternoon When • you .cah obtain your. tOohierequirements , , • • , . . •6' hire, • ng an d' Born in Sumersets.' B 1 Mi:".• ',axis' joinec_L,tbejlnpz.,_uP..pa,-tb„e_,:arri.,Kalf_....,fht_,Athxtiine--'--:;,•-.-- eria army at the age . of 18,, with which he • served for Silt. Years. After . his Marriage" to. Martha' Hall they. crossed the .Atlantic: in a sail- t rain as wel1. as benig on ,the 30i ' train. • . .. - , . •,,' ., . . .... • , . • Jim recently took 'charge of z the express delivery- . service; . and for sciine ' time he has been the :rural • ' . .. -7.----s134;10-trebrtlirlo-airliriffrar-of ,. the Canadian Legion, "Peppy Da?' . . will be ' held in Lucknow this Sat • urday," when . you willbe asked to it buy a poppy i 'commemOration• of ' 1 those who paid the supreme sacri-' ' fice in the last Great. War, • • - - l• .• The poppy' ' fund serves...a,. two- . ' .. fold purpose.. It relieves unusual, . :distress: among veterans ,and. their . ' farriilies,Larid, handicapped veterans . . 1856 under Mr. W. McKenzie; May changed to John Anderson , ' • W114 Subscribers '• •• e come New ' . , Mg vessel and resided' for e, ' time in United' States before mail' courier. on R. R. 1, . Luelmour. - - - • " • • " • ' Office closed in .Jnne 1864, '. till 1868,, when it was reopened. urider Win. „Elliott, whn died during the • ' — , • • - year. 4- ' . • ' psOntmeittemadeditorakhate.%; • During the past week we have added '' ' ' ' ' • ' . pix new subscribers . to our ,,, „. ,rn . 1 ' them, We we come em, rflaw•Pg "b•'•'• " .hope , they will enjoy.. this. weekly Vito their homSitoikes' ' and inVite , • :- , :.••• • , . • •! to. England. • • „ . , returning . • , • . , • . Thirty-three " years ago, with -. . their tenni Mr ' and 'Mrs Levis ' . • Y,'• • , . ' , • came , to Canada and since then .ayiej,resicrectrAnuAketvoavt.,,,,„,„me,m10.*, . , • . •;,, ,. •EmplOyed At Peterborough Herbert• , and Harriston. Tayler, setts . ' .. of Mr. T. B. Taylti of St., Helens, ° are employed at war 'work witli ' „- - — , - • • . _ .• - . ' OP d, •earraiveiihooet-bY,11-teonianufa •„,„:„...,4,,,,,,_ •thc... f Inrcontri - - g al=rippther - •• , . , .• .. ' IfiVICffriatlimr.;6GeticakitmElkatla "aydr-Oatrifiri..-"L'in . ,t, ,,,,,,,,,. __„7„,„,,,;__,L, -1-4-cr-mx7r-ra--1, r• - "r"' , rta,...---e . ,, . ei•-, :. • ' - of thes „SteAVI' '66-M6er 8 ti'l ' iiarr. HeweVrii0' '-'1: ' . * ' ' ''''' k'' r • , • ' — e mi. ' - . t• e i -L'' .,_ –tr..M.tr_fil. - .01"..on: Monday for, their new jolisi The Rembinbrance Pay' service ' this Year ' will alao be in charge of _ the Legion. Local clergymen will ' . take part. M the service' that . will be held In the Town Hall next , .• TuesdaY.". irforiting . commencing at : • ten o'Clotk; . • . • Stewart, 'acting as toastmaster, pro-. Posed the toast to the. ' bride to which the groom • reSponded.•. The toast .. to the matron of honor, by ,Dr .• Connell, was responded to by -Dr; j. --:Grant. MacKienzle, and dim to the parents by br. W, V. Johnston was responded . to by Mr, W7L".--kirfthe MacKenzie••'. The toastmaster - Con- veyed tifarika to thesoloist and Orr ganist and Mr. J. Wesley Joynt re7 sponded. - • ' :• ' .: . . Later' the • hippy couple left. by motor for Montreal and other points, in Quebec, the bride travelling in a black 'English boucle suit, trimmed with Persian lamb, black Velvet hat and matching • accessories. On their return they Will reside in Lucknow. Out of town guests who attended the Weddirig were, Miss Rertha Allin and .Miss Mabelle• Allin, Toronto; •Mrse. P. O'Brien, Detroit; Dr, and Mrs. J. Grant MacKenzie, 'Madison,. 'Wisconsin; Mr. -and Mrs'. " Thomai- 'Brownlee; ..Thamesford; Dr and Mrs. Wm,. Connell, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. George' Marr, Jr., Dorchesr ter; Mr. Harold Pym, Wingham; and Mit: A. Pentland, London. . . ' BARRETT •• HAMILTON ikr:4-vedding-volco4^,,,ztaimst,swas solemnized • in St Paul's Anglican church, Lorne Park, on Saturday evening, October 25th The . bride . was Emma Margaret. Hamilton, R:N. daughter of Mrs. A. C. 'Hamilton, Huron Township, and the late Mr. Hamilton,_and the ,groarp, Lieut. G. J. (Jack) Barrett, son of &Ir. arid Mra. G. V. Barrett, Oakville. The trot= was student minister of,4he church for nearly three years. Aat.. ttmn leaves and Chrysanthemums decorated the church. Rev. F. DUBS- tone' Of Wycliife College, asaistecl by . ' Rev. E. %glen rector of St Luke's Anglican' church Palermo, officiated. Miss M. C011itOh played the organ Given in marriage by her brother' Andrew Hamilton, Huron Township; ' the bride. was attired in a dress of . moonstone blue crepe •with silVer fox cape, =itching blue hat ailel 7 corsage of rosebUds. Marion Handl- tori, her sister's only attendant wore a 'frock • of gold sheer wool, brown hat and. accessories- and corsage of roses. Robert Petrie, Valleyfield, Quebec, was best . man Immediately folloWing the cere-. Mony, On behalf of the congregatioh . , ,. Sohn Cowie- and • E., Nyles, church wardens, presented the young eouPle with a elock and a Bible'. The boya of the groom's Sunday •sch061 elasi also made a presentation % to the distiple. • , . , • A . ....i.Aii4i4itltii tfthiti fieelti at whiTitn. , • • . AN IMPORTANT MEETING .YOU ,ARE.• EXpECTED: TO . ATTEND.. ' bell. , ---4-- -,---ion-arises,, • ' : if you are not a subscriber to The Ncivember 1838, Mrs.. Agnes Camp- , Sentinel, . here is a ba ' • '' ff l?ell (widoW.'rif 'A. T. Campbell) .• , „mem o er wi m eres you -The that. 11 • • t . t • -•L•Th Sentinel ' December 1897, John Purvis.' December '1942 for ,,• their sop and daughter, in their ge- dining . years . ... . , - ' • , ... , '• Mr. L,avis . was A kindly, honest hard Working. Man, He was a great , upon completing a tWelve weeks' -• - . • • machiniSt course at .L Trade • • .- ., School , , . 1 London . • • , • • — , ' A meeting will be held tonight, Thursday November '6th, at. 8 o'clock. in the Carnegie Hall, to . organize ComMT-WSevings,--CFriz" paign. Other important business will be brought up.' Every patriotic' citizen is expected to .be present - • until the end of June 1917, Susan Purvis. ; • , .. ' ... - $2.00. - October 1341, Mrs George Colwell - Hoping this will. be of service, • .Extra 'copies • are alibTaVailable • k t the ft t five cents each wee a e o ice a, c traveller and often told of 'crossing the Atlantic' eleven times. In •the last war he served Overseas with the ' • . ASHFIELD YOUNG 'MAN GETS NAVAL COMMISSION ' YOuts truly„', John Elliott,. London ' each. ' . • le - ": , .• 1-60t1r-Battaliort; Three of his sone saw much ser- ' George 'Buller', Who recently , • ' ' • That evening time Legion will bold a .dance in the Town Hall. 0 ,=music 1 ' ' by Arthur's orchestra. ...- • . 'viceCharles .serfed7 on a ' mine . •. Jame Cenadien, Navy d the Royal ' • - Attended -Federation Meeting ' • Special At Lyceum , : . • son, 'president ' Next Monday, 'Tuesday and Wed- Mies. Helen Thomp cDougall second nesday, the Lyceum.Theatre, Wing- and...MisaMarion M . „. , . , 'vice-president of District 1 of the ham presents the technieolor attree ., .. ' Federation.. Teachers ...were• tion" BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST"; .Women Teach 'sent at a meeting in Goderich on starring Greer Gerson and Walter M . • Pidgeon. • .. Saturday attended by a number of teachers of North Huron. The meet- . • • • . ' • • • . sweeper with the British Marine. ___ ...-......... • ..... , .,, ---- • ' who served with the Can- Arthur, . ,• : • • . adian, Forces, wes killed at 'Hill, 70: , -. . • • „ . , • . George served aS. a lieutenant with . the British 'forces for lout years •in ..0, France and at the dim of the 'war . 'came to Canada, where for twenty-. . five he. has been in the min- Volunteer Reserve,„ has received the ' • • .. .4...,.en.t of . .. • , • , , apponumpaymaster. For the. • • • Pat -five . year's 'George has been • • .- • • • • • . employed in the office. of the Hinge , and Dauch Paper Co. at ,Montreal„ • While there he attended night clas- .., ses and this. summer received his B.Sc.• degree. • ' , , . • A Usual - Hallowe'tn ' • HalloWeen • 'last.. FridaY night, , passed .off -Pretty much as usual in • • . the village. Practically all the 'roll- ing stock' that Was on the loose . Was moved around freely, but there . appears to have • been little. or • no • deliberate' Vandalisni.f/The kiddies of 1 course, were. out in full force to , • make. their calls, and they are huick to spot the homes where the treats are the best. . . Operated :On In Toronto ' , Mr. John A..M K ' 11.1 ', ac enzie,. • . . a .a pa len in . Lticknow, has been ' t• - i ' St .Michaers HoSpital, Torento, for the .past month where he has undergone . tvird operatiorie. Mr.' MeeKenzie.ex- pects to. be able' to' leave the hospi, . ew aysvi u -wi re- tal withinaf . a but '11 main in the eity for e short while before returning to 'his Xinless home' • . . . , • Mg called for the purpose. of 'or- Nev hose, gloves underwear for , . • „ . ganizing this inspectorate, was a d.:. all the family, et or below, Govern -'East • • dressed by Miss Thompson, who ment controlled prices. THE MAR- . . • , . ' • . • described the calms and advantages KET STORE. ' . . of the Federation. - years . • . • ing busmess at, Drumheller . and Coulee; and has Met . with much sliccesS. . . , On April 9th Mr. and Mrs. •Lavis observed their 57th . wedding an, George recently spent two weeks vacation • at his home. near:Lochalsh and . expects to take• up his. duties. at Halifax in. the near future. He willreceive the rank of Shb.7Lieut.' • , .1.• r , . • . , 'RV niversary at the home of . their in his new appointment ••• . .. ' • . • 1 ' COMING EVENTS ' i ,TO ASK FOR -ELECTION - I IN. HURON -BRUCE 'RIDING , daughter, Mrs,, Alex McLeod. . 4 military funeral was •held at irk George h4 had.:singular success He •attended .• Heinlock City school . and Goderich Collegiatewhet* he . , : • . Leg Troubling Hun '• , • , .. A' leg which has twice been brOk- en and which was the cause of his onfinei,,„ez,:t .,0. *a hoapital., bed ter k any long months, it again bother- ..„----,, ing Bill Webster.. "Long Bili' as he is popularlyknoWn is at present in Kineardine-where his /nether lives, . . • • , , . • ..4.-..mmolgeommantG,t1Embi and it is reported •itere that 'there is a possibility' that the leg May•yet • o be amputated in event that have , . , 'the limb fails to. respond to. treat- .. , . ,, • • ment, . . , . - ' • ' . , TOXOID Care „MONDAY. • • ' • ' , . 1 . .. • • . ' DANCE AT -PARAMOUNT , A deputation of reeves from North • Dancing at Paramount Hall every Huron visited -Bruce County COuncil Friday 'night to =isle by MacKen-- while in sesskon this week 'asking, zie's orchestra Door :prize. Admis- that ,the Ontario Government be in to hold ' ' ' his late residence on Wednesday charge . of • the Lueknow branch: of "the Canadian • Legiori. •The:,furi4:al service was c'onducted by ReV. R. MacConnell and Rev. C. 11.. Mac- ' took business training, At the age of' twenty-three he ' has' been sel- . . -., . om 200,, young en for his .-• ected frm recent naval coministion•. - . 71 . The final toxoid clinkwill be. held in the Tottril Hall, Lucknoir, ' on Monday November 10th between 9 and 10 a, m. Note the ,change in day, owing to Remembrance Day sion 35q. • • • petitioned- a .by-election been nonald. ' 'born ' Huron-Bnice riding, whieh has The' flag draped casket was n..49340.,E:4314NOLINVED.:-, 'falling ,on Vaa-sdar-. " -----"^"', • . At Kintail the second of the series !•• ' of ineculations will be given .at the - • , , school on Wednesday morning, Nov' - ember 12th betWeen 9 and 10 .a. In. ' -vatatit-sintrithe-ileattr-rotff',i, . to the •grave iir-Sotilr--Kinloss . „...-..... The ',Victoria Mission Baria<11 the _ Robertson, M.LA.‘, ... • P.resbyterian Church Will hold -their • co mi e . was appointed cent- k tri lt e ' autumn thankdifering meeting in the church on Friday, November 14 posed of Reeve Raymond ,Redmond, . . . of East Wawanosh,•Mayor Crawford et 8. o'clock. ' . of Win ham and Reeve Joseph Me- ghis • cemetery hy:P. A. •Murray, Wm. Dahmer, Roy Wets, Herb Miller .,„• , George, Burgess and Dick, .MCQuaig. He leaves to • mourn' his •pasaing, • • widow four sons and :four . • . . The marriage is 'd- f . announce o . , Jean May"Riteliie; Reg:N., of Glide- rich and Ivan Papernidk, which took .• . place on Tuesday, November 19th, i ins, ornier y ' 1940. ReV. James W'lk° f' 1 •• ' • „ . . . . LOCAL .TAILOR - OBSERVED . HIS lOth BIRTHDAY FRIDAY , ' ' •.-..-...-. •-• . • • DAtionThR OF .LOCAL COUPLE SUFFERED FRACTURED SKULL - '' ' , . - f- ` ' i to visit CE • . BOX SOCIAL AND DAN ,,, lanes ,9 Culross Townsh p, .. . -1 -Pa-. " -- •Tuesday• ' ere P • • • rge-the-holdin a ,. ram= Hall, . on , Queen s , ark end u , , . . g November 11, 'under auspices Ward of a by-election before the next datir'' also two brothers and - - • -,,.. • a sister win, has passed her ..ii birthday, as well' 'as fifteep gra-' - .• • •\ • , .'Luc -know,, performed the eer•-• ' • .inony • '',- - • . , •• - " Still a comparative youngster .in sprit and agility, and alining. to remain that WAY; Conrad •Decker, . ideal tailor observed. his 70th. birth- day last Friday. • • . . , . Con, as everybody ,knows him, ., has been in LUcknow for. thirty- four years..He.danie to the.. village ' ,from St Helens to enter the employ s of the, Anderson, _Taylor Co., -which ' Was an extensive clothing eestablish- ,, , . went operated at that time where Jack Kilpatriek.nOW lives, by 30 ' Afiderdon. D. • -C. :Taylor, and John • Hildred, " Om Worked for them for a tithe, • . . before going to Kitchener, where - • he ferneined otilir a few wont TAP before returning to ' Lucknow ' to Opel his own tailoring busbies.% which he has conducted ever sinee. . ,..„._....=., Mrs 'Roy McGee of WinghemFive was thrown to thepavement and suffered • a fracturedskull, when she collided With a bicycle on which Riaisell Armstrong was Adini. The accident "occurred in. Wingham late Friday afternoon in front of the Walker Store as Mrs , McGee :Was Crossing tram • dibsorl's Baiery. no - Russell had a .couple, of teetlk k ck ed out and Was Shaken tip. Mrs. , McGee suffering SeriOtie head in- .1.1 it'S was rushed to Wingharri. Hos-] rsquare. pital. Mrs'. McGee, formerly Leola ti. 1- . ii daughter tif Mr and ay or,. s, a• Mrs. Ben Naylor of Luckriow. , „ . , Red Cross. session. of the provincia1 g islet- Huron TownshipLe Admission 25c. Ladies With ,boxes ure., . • • lucky for children and ten. great grand- •childreri. - . • . . . .. for a time when he WAS engaged, by Mr. W. G. Andrewthe . free. Prize for box and ----,. , box receiving highest bid. Donald • FACTORY IS BUSY . Auc.. Muqc by o ,.• Carruthers r-: . . . • ' WALTER WEBB . The death, occurred on Saturday .,in implement business, and was well and widely . known • in the locality. Blue • chestra. . . • More than thirty local* men are : , November 1St OT:yalter Webb, in Wingharn follOwing brief_ • ' . 'Mrs. Webb, fOrmetly Rachel lk-• him • WED. NOVE ' ER 19 currently emPloyed . at the Maple ' • ' ' ,• . Leaf Aircraft Corporation plant. Re- one C, a • Come LUCKNOW,come 11 To Carnegie Hall, • . ceipt of • a sizeable _furniture order. -. • ' • ' To the United Farmers annual hall. last. week' resulted in quite a nuiri- e Melody Mixers will be there ber of erriployees being added tO Th ' ' ' ' . To „ or ,, . round an the regular staff: .. - •: Tplay.f • dances d • d : Hospital a till/less. He was in his eighty- foiirth, year. . A son of John Webb and Sarah . • Curning,. he . was born on the 12th Concession of Vest ,Wawanosh arid lived. there MAU A young man. In Quilliti,• predeceased eighteen years ago. On_Sunday, October 28th Mr. . Webb suffered a paralytic seiture ffotn, Whieh he failed to 'rally, passing away the 'following Saturday, • ' , ..1 i'•^' A private .funeral .service • was . . • • Old Camphor. . ° Thirty4ive cents the ecinGoodissionaee' I - • • . . . " A lump. of camphor in the chest And we, serve sandwiches and eciffee free. ' .* . • or drawer where silveris kept *ill •• keep it free from tarnish, is Claimed the spring .of. 1881 Mr., Webb went ' ' tlin about to Western Canada, set ghis ten .trillea 'from Brandon He was one of . the original ',pioneers to held on 1\briday, at the residence df ; 's e t , P 11 ! si t r, M s. Wm.. Mac herso , t Lucknow, conducted by Rev. It • ,. ' McConnell. Interment WAS in Green - , GIRL GUIDE'COOKIE, DAY : in a "hint to housewives": .. - . On Saturday afternoon Nciveinber Well that'S nothing for a lump on 8th, LucknoW 'Girl Guides will hold your chest Used in berelied upon a '"Cookie limy" in 1414610W. Those to Work wonders, in "keepirig away" vilio, have not .placed orders , for diseaSe genii% Did. you ,ft:ver 'go ;,to cookies' may secure Ahem froth the school' with a pie.ce Of the smelly . , Guides ori Main Street during thP stuff strung around. Your 'neck? . afternoOti.• Cooicieg arelac a do*ri, • A. good Many still appear to cling Proceeds‘to be sent to bomb VittiMS to the Old theory, for lig said, that thru the Girl Guide headquarters during the paralysis 'epidemic; local in Viialaticl„ Elvuovists were sold out of camphor, .Brandan Plains, having trekked- .over the prairies by ox /cart frimii Winnipeg. Mr. Webb helped to build the fiftt grain elevator at .prandon. Several years later he returned to West Wawanosh to manage the farm , fOr his parents, 'and where tie had since resided until selling his. farm to Harvey' Webb, when he moVed, to the Village 'Lb reside. Mr. Webb . , had previonsly , lived in Lueknow hill Cemetery. The pallbearers Were. ' sik nephews, 'Ewart, Gprdon and Ross 1ViadPherson,1VIcKenzie, Lorne • arid Harvey Webb. ' Mr. Webb is, surviVed i:i two sisters,. Mrs: MacPherson 'et town and Mrs. Margaret Radcliffe of Winnipeg and .one brother, John of Duluth. Two brothers pi edec'eased , filth; George in 1981 and Williarn in- 1928.. . • ' •-. . mir", where Mrs. Hamilton redeived in . a gown of plum -Colored crepe, bleat hat and accesSories and tor-. sage of roses. Mrs.- Barrett, Who also reeeived, elibSe a black gown 1,vith gold tritruning, bleek- het Mid aedeSSorieS and Corsage of roses. The bride and groom left On a motor trip. The groom „received his eerri- iiktetcArm'. nr, katilteltiit .intertiing. ... . , Purchases Resident* • ' . WO; Jellies' LaVis has purchased ._ the :residence' oti Ludgard St, for- •, , therly ' occupied by Mr, and . Mit. Henry Carter and presently tertaat- ed by LAZ. Sidney Rouse, and Mrs, ..-- .