The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-09-25, Page 4op' POs:.
dead of JQbns•f �V anvl e
Warillrler, in Winter
Cooler. in Suri mer
on ,Fuel
PHONE 150.-J
FRENCH 20 begins 'Sat.,.' Sept. 27, at 130 p.ttt. ,
GEOGRAPHY 20 begins' S'.at:, .Sept. 2'1, at 3.30 .p m.
ENGLISH 21 begins Sat., - Sept. 27,' at 4308R p.m.WIN.
Classes . meet every'rand Saturday' tin ; the public school at
Courses count toward d' degrees -And permanent firsts.
Mr. and Mrs- Walter ,Nie oisou
Wish to announcethe engagement' of
their •daughter Kathleen Edna to'
Pte. Ronald Percy 'Thacker, R. C. A.
C./flip Borden, . son of Mr. •
tnd'M'rs. Latchford Thacker of Kin-.
` .lois Township.' The marriage to take
'place early in October.
I • -
DICK—At Alexandra Hospital, God-
• erich, on September 17th, 1941, to
• Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dick, Dungan-
non, RM., NO. 1 a daughter.
r ObserVer Important
Member of Bomber Crew
By Ilugh• Templia j navigate. Everything else :is suboF
previous stories hi -this series have • dinate to that. }Ie does not have to;
described the tiara ng of a Pilot hi, worry piroting.the plane; that
the Royal, Canadian Air Force 'from ; is done by an experienced • Pilot Who
the day he enlists, rather, nervously knows:, Ontario as ypu Irnow • your
perhaps, to that other proud day; silt Own home. The Obseenier charts the
or' "seven months later, ' when . he course for him to steer and the Pilot
`gets his wings" : and completes his . carries out those instructions to the
training in this country. After that, letter, ,unless they may result, in
he is ready to proceed to Great. Bri possible' danger' to the aircraft and
tain, .where he gets some more ex: the crew. Apart, from that,..he fol-
perience under the somewhat •dif- lows the course the student gives
ferent conditions ;in a :land where him, ,even • if. he knows it is at 'right
• enemies they lurk. Then he In ready angles 'ten' tee direction in: which . he
to take over a300 -mile -n h
aour ought to. be going, AV the' end . of
fighter; or :to pilot . bAg bombers over • each trip, he hands in a' detailed'
Germany.: , : repot- •It' Omits :pothing, ev`en noting
In those stories, I have completed whether the • student_ l�eca;ne sick,
the task, I undertoolf, thanks , to the' : and whether he . carried out his ex
hearty Po -operation -of . the' ofhicials . erg in spite of his sickhess:
o , e Royal 'Cauadia' i Ain Force,A Rainy Day at . Mahan-'_. � ,
I knew many things I hadn't real=
but before that .task was finished, It was raining when I'ar • 'ed�.at
ized at the start.:' One of:these is that Melton;. but a fewplanes were up:
while -all reer-u'ts- want to..•become.• :The big silver• liners of the Trans-'
Pilots if • they 'can, the Pilot is not Canada and the seven larger Anter=
the Only important member of the • ican Airlines planes were arriving
'air. crew' possibly he ;isn't even the at; and leaving, the 'nearby. eommer-
most important.mernber• For that tial airport, and' the' little °yellow
reason, I am Writing• something a- elementarY'. trainers from' another
bout the training of the AirObser- RCAF. Schoolwere in the air, but
vers. . ' the Avro Ansons of the Observer.
Pilots, Observers and Navigators
I sat one day in the office pf M . Mr.__
` . ";•W: "'Ct7o7Cle t,;: cinilter • "a'cartag ""of'
the Air Observer School at the great.
Melton Airport.
During the last year',or twp there
has been an' .alarming increase in,.
the amount of .damage done by in-
sects hi stored. grain on farms in
Bruce County, especially ; •to• wheat..
Barley and oats have already been
injured but to a lessee degree.
The insects responsible are sev-
eral species of 'reddish brown to
nearly black, beetles none of which,
are as large .as a grain' of wheat and
most. are .much. smaller. - •
In infected granaries the. practise
of holding. grain over from year to
year ,gives them' an excellent • op-
portunity to increase, .,therefore far -
niers finding': weevils- in their grain
should •pyran ' to thoroughly • clean
their grana' les several weeks before
then•: new• •crop' is threshed,,into it.
This would include removal of sacks..
chicken feed and anything thee
i ight harbour weevils- Tlie , reixtain ..
FOR 'SALE -weanling pigs -
Sherwood, R, 7, Lucknow,
67-1.6, Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs, George i ons
.Phone Gibb
FOR SALE=large barn containing
a lot of good timber. Cheap for cash.
Phone Dungannon 96.
WANTED'' -2 rooms, heated, with
use of bathroom. Apply at Sentinel
Office. '
"FOR' SALE^wicker baby; buggy in
"first class repair. Apply at. Sentinel.
Office. u
FOR SALE—frame- barn` on Coh. , (i;�
Kinloss;..kno'wn as the Robt. McGil;
livary,farm. Apply to J. W. Collwell
Apley' Phone.• .
to extend sincere thanks :and
appreciation to friends and neigb -
bors for their kindness .and sym-
pathy at the .time of theircleazi
r g
Mrs. • Harry T.hompson.,, nieces and
nephews., wish' to'' express their sin -
cone thanks and appreciation to the
many 'frionds' who were so'kind to
them during their recent' bereave-
- ment'j.and we ,specially thank • Miss
Hattie' Sta.nley,•,Rev. •HHarriilton:.and
L:O,L: No.. 898;; also. alt .these who,•
sent beautiful 'floral ,tributes:' ••
ing insects could be sprayed With NOTICE. TO CREDITORS kerosene.
An 'excellent• method of controll- , IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE
'ins insects_in fall qr winter is to.. d A 1 W S of `John Spindler,.Gentleman, de- ':
choose,,a' cold day and .run all grain —
through a fanning mill. If the right 'is hereby' given that all'
screens are. used ,almost every in- AUCTI tierso Notice having 'claims' aga'th t'the
sect will either Fall through the 1 . estate of the late John Spindler,
screens into the chess box . or be • Who died at .the Village of Lucknow,
bio«gin out behind the mill. These in the County of Bruce, on the Thile
should be collected at least once beth day of August, 1941, are' not,
School were being' balled home from every •hour and taken outside'andified to send their 'claims duly ver -
the wireless roam Perhaps that AUCTION SALE of farm stock' & ified; to the'undersigned, on or be-
burned' ,mnlements at of 5 Con. sh enrn the Tenth day of Oc , 1 ,
?i 941
't a Ilial a disadvantage.Y. tober
.an n ,_- _. �- _.Euingatioii,.-fS...9sll =
,, ensat:.
Woollett was able to, spare hours �"
when the temperature of the grain o'clock:. See ,bills,. George Drennan, distributed, having regard only ' to
Prop.; Well 'Henderson,; Auc., such•claims as. are then .received.
Dated" at Walkerton; this:Eighth day—
of ' September, 1941,
J. A. Cameron MasDanald,
I I.,u,cknnw, Ontario'
and Wllliath'J Spindler,
Luckpow;'Ontario, Executors:
P. S. MacKenzie, Solicitor:
Walkerton, Ontario. •
PRICED TO SELL -1 -horse 'plow,
Barrows scuffier•; hand seed drill,
Cyclone hand seeder. Apply to
Reid, Lucknow. • -
ON. SALE' of farm stock at,
Lot147, South' Durham Road, 1/2 mile
west, of Bervie on Thursday, Oct-
ober Brown Bros., Prop:; Matt.
Gaynor, • Auc. , ..
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vint visited
on Sunday .witil Mr, and. Mrs. °Geo:
Alton. server" is .at fault. A more accurate
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton'and fameterm would be "Navigator".: The
ily spentSuriclag nth-Mr;-and_Mrs_. Cg .
tune ,�i :s corn,riwhen the avigator
E. Wilkins ,of Paisley will . be . the 'captain of the large
Mr- and Mrs- Robertson of .Auburn lanes and theegetww 11 be onl
spent a .few —days last . week wii& the wheelsman"
Mr .and Mrs" Spence .Irwin- . 'Mr. Woollett should know what he
`.`There's a :tendency ori,'the part
'of the p=ubis" observed. Mr; Wooll-
.eta, "to .thick of the Observer as:.a
man who just sits in a plane and
looks , out occasionally,. while the
Pilot does all'. the work. and takes.
allthe risks. Perhaps the'•word "Ob:'.
The monthly imeeting of Hack-. is talking : about. He . was a ' Pilot
ett's W.M.S. was held on. Tuesday himself in the.last 'war; and has had
at the home of Mrs. Adam John- much . to do with flying ever since.
• . stun. . In .1929; he returned' from England,
STEWART=At Alexandra.Iiospital, Miss. Gwendolyn MacKay of. Rip- and with another pilot �f the Great
' Goderich, on ••Septetnber 15th, 1941, ley is visitingwith Jimmie Hackett. War, operated a company in the
held .
• to Mr'. and Mrs Melville, Stewart.: A 'miscellaneous shower was
nganaa � o 11,3,2 a *�� atztheAtomemId rs„� Ralph Cameo'
to the visiting newspaperman,' and .is above 65 degrees F• and there-
when- he -had-: to keep anethex a, fifore is not satisfactory in athEr
pointment, •,Dirty. Pilot Smeck acted 'than summer weather:, Several funr-
as guide, Aigants are -sold by"drug'stores and
-�A41-dc tion `oneeside-.of-_the_contro'�'. sed stores, era. which. have. given
room. were wireless:sending and re=! very good results.. Bins., should: be
ceiving sets. Two way conversation ' made . air tight; .lining with 'tar .paper
Capbe carried on from anywhere in is a good method; , seeks could then'
.Southern Ontario. Later, I . saw the .be laid over the 'top of the grain
wireless equipment inside•'the Avro and the.fumigant poured on- at the AUCTION SALE of farm stock, Lot
Anson plane and; marvelled at its rate of one gallon to 250, bushels. • 18, . Con. 12, West . Wawanosh, mile
compactness and efficiency.,But that The top could then'Be covere&with -north•-ot St: Helens on -Tuesday, 'Oct
is not alL. Recently a :direction find- tar paper. ,
g4ta'ilon•-has been,instalied,.,.A 'lost • �„eope ;-tee.; wat'ned -dgeiret .•the
AUCTION SALE. of entire list of
household "effects at the residence o:€
Mrs., .J_ 1L Leith, Main St,,. Lucknow
on Saturday, Sept. 27t1r at 2 o'clock..
J. H. Leith, .Prop.; Matt. Gaynor,
ober. 7th at one o'clock. See bilis.
Ernest &. Harold Gaunt, prow; Matt.
aviator can' send in.a :call for help, use • of '.carbon bisulphide without, Geynor•T Auc...
and when the answer goes•, back,: it •
;the 'addition of some other substance
will tell him exactly' where he is,,,to render it non inflarnmable.Car-
and how to get back home. in any . bpn bisulphide .forms a very explos-
kind of weather. i 'e gas and any unprotected 'spark,
Laid out on a large, table.. en the ; will cause an:explosion, and fire.
centre of the room was. a map of;
Ontario. On . it was . marked the ex- , ,
minion Skyways
were + ''
o red
C tocf-
f -
North ti's'; • � ereise .for the day. Co pinsAUCTION ,SALE' of household e
Limited,. they called' it, and their stuck im rile map at half. -a -dozen' . 77( /7,l!cc��[[�.,� �iSagrg . �� y' . 7 T
1 D.4.1.6iu'•��'-:i.2T���U.11ittP.`J1,01".ii�)F+'i: L,a�Y.ablYl':da+•4iw,Sv.A")yfti1?d:adn•q lt.�+
p1aa fEaww'-7rela "Qf� at lam- .. ,the
lg iii ill' y n, another -.
q k :; -0 ET .W's e I A,
_:.,�� +=fib �'i k�"—"ti Y§7�Orli✓•'-i14�'E��'k�=�CS�'i,%��01�'L"'•;-
AUCTION SALE of livestock (cat•
tle and. swine) -at Rip Stbck yards
on Thursday, October 2nd at: 1.30.
sharp.' 125 head of cattle. (none of
them Western). Thos. Harris, ,Prop.;
Donald 'Blue, Auc.
e jeagnect ee =o_ l es: e�ate t":a cio ewh.ose
the finals i the O:B A: Intermediate m�riage ,is to take . place on Sat=
race and will'battle it . out with., •the urday. .
winner of the Milton -Essex series,
for .thgsilverware.. In the semi -fin- •
als. Hanover eliminated;Waterlloo. In INJURIES AND SHOCK pr tved fat -
two straight games- The final series' al to Er. J. Trombley of Snowroad,
is three. out of five.
} .. was badly burned When he came
•, in contact with a live wire carrying
TIME° TABLE 22,00 volts. He was 'working: on a
Ont., a 'hydro worker. The victim
SUNDAY, ,SEPT. 28, 1941'
Full Information From Agents
Canadian Naticr�Jl Railways
pole about 5 miles east of Kincardine
•when a brace and bit he was using
touched the high• (,tension wire.. His
right. hand and arm was badly burn
ed, while a hole.about three inches
in diameter was burned on the right
side of his chest.
We know a man who travels across -
Canada • several tinea a year.' He meets
and talks with literally hundreds- of
people of all• classes.
"The more people I meet," days be,
"the dearer it becomes to Me that folia
in the Thain want to be kind and help-
ful. They're s pretty . detent lot.
"But Tor unfailing courtesy and
helpfulness 1 world pick the
and women in the telephone service.
I've yet to find one I wouldn't tarn to
with perfect confidence .m an' emer-
gency. They seem to put courtesy first
every time. That "vaieewieh-the-sthile'
phrase is a M tter of actual practice—
not just a phrase." •
Tell. We finer to hear anyone talk
"like that It makes us try all the harder .
to deserve each
pra 'e pe�eial" e'v '
ly when tele-
phone eerviee
is so vital to the
nation at war,
• .1 :30 , to 6 • o'clock
Quebec {an• to 'ari'o -true any Wound= -from one to aznot er: .._ _ _ars, _ �Ez day September 29th, at 2 _oclociz. _ —
'T'i ansconflnentau
ace. no 0 e ked th ta,ries wee Fowler, )t' Welt
and he is s be taking that day.
mar a �couise' ep .
ore to have been.there. It was not a Rally . Sunday will be• observed',' top , c
When, War broke &d in September ;straight trip out and -back, - but .had! in -church Sunday a.m. at 11. o'clock. '
AUCTION. SALE of the farm, farm
stock and implements of the' Estate
of. Archibald Johnstoh at. N.H...Lot..
1, Con. 9, E.D. Ashfield on Tuesday,
Sept. 3Qth, at one o'clock. Positively
no reserve. See bills for list” and
terms. Farm offered subject to re-
serve bid. Matt.. Gaynor, Auc.; Fred
Johnston and Thelma Johnston, ad-
ministrators. • .. .
1939, Mr Woollett and his partner. several turns and angles. The stud-, The Pastor is anxious that every
'C. R. Troup,• were asked to form the ent Inuit learn to navigate such a ; family be represented next Sunday,:
first.Air Observer School.' They had course accurately, anad • .he should be , at this' service. •
it going by the' end of May; 1940. 'able to tell to . the minute when he The Red Cross knitting and sew -
and, ithas been in gperation ever *ill be back at Marton again, Her in handed in by Zion workers the
since. In all that time, there has may have travelled 3;00 miles or , past three months are as follows:
not ,been one accident to . students. more.' Similar exercises are. conduct- 2 boys coats, 1 boys• shirt, 5 pair
Pilots or planes—not so much as a ''ed at_ eight.
girls bloomers., 1 suit pyjamas, 3,
flat tire on a landing gear. Canada Outon the edge o the 'runway, a f girls skirts, 5 quilts, 1 turtle neck
may not 'have been prepared to' go 'long fine of Avro Ansons was drawn ! sweater, 2 pair long stockings, 7•,pr.
to war, but in our experienced `bush' up, mostly yellow,. but some silvery , socks, .1 scarf, 5 helmets, 4 pair
fliers, we. had a great asset. and. a few camouflaged. Some of: mitts.
The Air Observer School at Mal-- them had seen active service.' They« •
tong is operated by a civilian com- are altered for usen the schopl: The ; PATHWAY TO PARADISE" by
pang, boininion Skyways' Training gun turret is removed and some of , Maysie Greig: popular novelist, be -
Ltd:, under an arrangement some- the windows taken out. Guns are not i gins in The American Weekly with
what similar to those • whereby Fly- needed for protection here, and -the ' September 28 : issue ,of ' The Detroit
ing Clubs , operate the Elementary plane gains speed' and saves fuel as i Sunday Times. a .story of romance.
Flying Training Schools for Pilots. a result of the changes. • adventure 'and unusual situations
That enabled ,the R.C.A.F.' to take'Everywhere around the Observer ' in exotic surroundings' concerning
advantage of the experience of older School at Melton were evidences of a glamorous heiress who decided to
Canadian pilots, and it speeded up similar economies. The oil is all til- ;marry in•accordance with a formula
the early stages of the British Com tiered and reclaimed, and when test '. that shunted love : into the back=.
monwealth AirTraining Plan. ed, 88% is as good as new. One' ground.`Be,sure to get The Detroit
The company looks after main• serious problem at All schools using Sunday ' Times this week and every
tenant* of 'flying aircraft, building: British or, American plane's is -the ; week. '
and flying in general, It supplies theobtaining of repair parts. At'Malton. FORMATION OF units of the Air
experienced pilots and the repair most of them. are manufactured in a
men. The R.C.A.F. takes' over the little workshop. A -mechanical gen- 'Cadet League in Huron County .was
ground. • instruction and the disci- ius, and a small staff, using mach i strongly recommended by Squadron
pline. Squadron Leader G. W. Jacobi Inof their own designing. w hich Leader Hedges as he• addressed a
meeting' of the Clinton Lions Club
is the commanding officer. look, as the. Director put it, e '
something out• of a Heath Rob' on held in the Commercial Hotel. re -
1 A• Specialized Job • ' cantly and at. which were present
The course lasts' twelve weeks. A
cartoon",make many of the r�iair
' C parts Doti of easily' obtained meter-,
representatives of other county
I new class comes in every month and clubs; and school boards.
... ills saving more money and keep -
another graduates, but there' are •al- '
iways three. distinct classes at the
school at one time. The educational,
i requirements tot a an Observer are
1 higher than for a -Pilot. The course.
A •
AUCTION SALE of household 'furn-
'iture, effects and tools of .the. late
Albert ,Boyd Estate, on Saturday,
October 4th at the Boyd residence
Lucknow. ,The real property will be
offered subject to reserved bid.For
further particulars 'apply to Jos.
Agnew, Lucknow. Well: Henderson,
Silo filling is the order of the
day in thisicinity.
Mr. Alfred Sherwood and daugh-
ter 'Ruby .sent Sunday with Mr,
Sherwood'sdaughter, Mr. 'and. Mrs.
Melville Henry of Amberley.
Mr. Joe Brooks attended the wed-
ding .of his brother; Mr. Arthur
Brooks held at Lucknow on. Satur-
day. '
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr- and. Mrs. Glenwood Campbell
rug the planes flying. Beverage "Rooms Close' At 111 • were Mr". -aiicT -M'i §: Jas. -Barkley of
Planes are overhauled in two huge . Effective on Monday of this creel: Echo Bay and niece of Clinton. Mrs.
hangars. After so many hours flying. • beverage rooms in Goderich com I John Barkley and daughter ,Jennie
the Armstrong-SiddIey motors are menced closing at ten ,o'clock; ar ' of Dungannon. 'Mrs. Ira Campbell
• i; is stiffer and entails more hard overhauled' Each° Avro Anson has
tyro of these. big engines. giving to hour earlier than heretofore. Notice of Lucknow and Mr. Floj:d Camp-•
Work, though it undoubtedly has it top speed to the,°altered planes of to this effect was served- by the Liri t dell of Brussels.
share of thrilrs„even in Canada. The uor •Control Soard,of Ontario in ac Mrs. Ida• Hacktt of Lucknon'
'future observer has a specialized job 200 miles am hour: At longer inter cordance with a by-law
vale, the whole y approved b5 i spent Sunday at the home of her
plane, is -torn down
and. he must make no mistakes, .. Goderich Council two .weeks prey i daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hack -
and rebuilt. •
Sometimes. those who start the • ions.
course as Pilots anti fail to rnake the That . day, there was 'a visiting
ett. _ •
j Mr. John Campbell's nephew, Lt. -
grade are shifted to the'bbservers' Planeyin, one of the 'hangars, a huge • Cnl. J. H. Siothers of Ottawa. Qf-
rdecourse. At first, they ate disappoint- b'ough's bomber, belonging oto the. Peds are always kept warm with freer Commanding the First Corps
Arn'erican Army. A committee' fru hot water bottles. •• .
', ed. but rote. Woollett says that invar- , the Air Corps was visiting Canadian Yrriops„ R.CA.S,C. at Toronto
wa and
iably they are all lad they changedIn:'•s.•mesa hall a full-size Mr,. Ellis Stothe'rs of Toronto called
g ls h
geng information propeller hangs on the wall, backed , r +
j before they have Balt -finished their P pe ,n Mr. and Mr. John Gamplaell,on
course. ' The visiting bomber dwarfed the by a square of blue. carpet used in sundae,'
' Avro Arsons but it was rue -.•hat be when he Kin '
r. bur .: rs, es r
The Air Observer must learn sev-
eral .' Westminster Abbey
t t, M 1 I W les Alt ,n and
older arid lacked something of thee. and Queen were errii,med.. On thy,
things and all of them trust be family *,f le,ndrn spent'esunday dt
sleekness. hub is a silver Avro Anson. and ion.
1 Rah ,they must be' thy hrernr• bIr and Mrs Alb rt,
done well. ter , ey thµ Blades are replica in silvF r. eat e e
done perfectly• He must learn to lay 1 The buildings at all Air Force Altrjti. °
cut an exact course,' in spite of wind ei are . much alike. hut two tt.e Observer's• badge, each one Pear
• ir.g the name of the highest ranking l,ir and itis ,Gili,ert Vint of Lane's
and weather .that 'will take •him things impressed tee at 'Marton. The and . -,f r: •arr1 lvlrx. 'Harr,id Webster
' where 'he is ordered to go. More• officers, civilian personnel and men graduate in a class. In the office are
im rtant• he must return again and all have se$arate mere halls` .their. pic4.ures-of the graduates, and sera;, and :r,r Alldr, of D�,nryhrc,c,k were
food carries frritri the "earn? ee,ntrai ie,oks with .clippings and mire pie-
guests ref 'sir ar,d'"yrs. George Al-
- know where hd Os home, 'Fie ,must ten an Sunday -
learn to operate a'tricky .bombsight, kitchen, And there is,a hospital enth tures of Students --Winston C.'hurr.}'.
so that his bombs thio their target • space for 25 beds, yet it'has never r .. - }
• ill's nµphevT, th4 rJrrititPr rif a fair. • Rev. , aril :'i11. ,. Pat,tr,n• and so:
r us c, rd star. and so or,. Men c,f T'jr of afarth , i Atari wit MI. �Up 'in the middle .of the ceremony
Aeed he must un if needre to use a machine had a crash to Handle 'at this i1 i e i Y
' in 20 months' though an ambulance them are in Eritain now: a few re , aril' lir,. A1br:rt.Aiten one day last and yelled, Hurrah, Annie, you have
At the Marton-Schoal, to
Licensed. Auctioneer.
R.R. 1, • Kincardine, Ontario.
• 'Phone 30-24, Ripleyc
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardy and Coliti
of .Salem spent Sunday with Mt.
and Mrs.' George Harkness.
Mr. and Mrs. :Fred Thompson of
Toronto, Mr. Albert Taylor of
Wetaskiwan and Miss Muriel Taylor , '
of Edmonton •spent 'a few days with
their relatives here, Mr. and Mrs.
Orville, George and Wesley 'Tiffin.
Misses Ardyss and Gertie Brown,
'Mrs. Bill Scott,' Margaret: King, Dor-
othy Walters and their leader Miss
Grace Richardson attended Stratford,
Fair on Wednesday and compej'ted on
their project "Stand on Guard".
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffinn spent
Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. George
McClenaghan. • • •
Mrs.,J. B. Morrison spent Sunday •
with Mrs. Tom Morrison and Mari-
lyn' of .Whitechurch. • -
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Naylor, Mr. and ""a'”
Mrs. James Ritchie of Lucknow, Mr.
and •Mrs. Wm. Brown, Ardyss and
Gertie spent Sunday With Mr.and
Mrs. Vi.cctor, -Emerson•
Mr. Blake Gaunt spent,•the week- ,
end With Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ait-
chison of West Watvanosh.
The ladies of the Second and
Fourth of the United W.M:S. held a
very successful tea at the home f
Mrs. Robert Laidlaw on Friday:wheh
$4.65 was contributed.
Mr.' and ' Mrs. John MacIntyre,
Grant and Billie of Whitechtirch
spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs.
G•eiirge Tiffin.. •
Mr. Reuben Tiffin had the, mis-
fortune' last Friday evening While'
bringing home the cows to stets in
a furrow 'spraining his ankle so bad-
ly that
ad-lythat he has been confined to the
house where he Proves around on
crutches '
Mrs: H.. Pettypiece has returned
after a few weeks' visit with friends
near Ottawa.
Mary: "Who gave the bride a.,
w.ay?". ,
Tont: "Fier little brother. He stood
-ps alway stands ready, acid two' crash dead in the Prattle for freedom. yr got h.irri at last' " '