The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-09-18, Page 5THURSDAY, S$PTEM$ER 1$; 19,41 'HE LUCKNOW yceum Theatre W•iNGHAM • Two Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday SEPT. 18, 191 20. DU.OBLE• BILL William Boyd & Andy glycle. **in**p • 'Three Men from Texas' Ken Murray & . Rcse Hobart * 11 r d: • .. "dight at Earl Cairolls" A Hopalong Cassidy and a ' musical picture. Also "News" , '. Matinee Sat. afternoon 2.30• 'Monday., :'Tuesday, 'Wednesday SE PT..22, 2I ,3 '24 • SPE-CFA1T Parpmount Presents "1 WAN-TED. 1 A�INGS,1' '¢rilp//AY.., WILLIAM MILLAND • HOLDEN -• WAYNI :•DONLE- //IAN MORRISVY mth=ions•tance-••Maot-e-•-Veronica-L-ak-e= Harry Davenport. Directed by MITCHELL LEISEN , • Also "Disney Cartoon" v . KINLOUG.H • Mr. and 'Mrs. Morking, Mr. Perry Neff and Mr. Glen Pinnell ,of. Ham- 'i]'ton visited over the, week -end at +.. .Wrn. Pinnell sg Mrs. A. Ho ins has gone to De- _. r tP�it aft°er4-spenclitig t -he Past• fc; weeks. 'with friends _here.: • Mr. and Mrs. • Howard' 1V1cGui1•v and family of.Olivet visited Su klay' with Mr. and Mrs. 'George Hoiden - by. .. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham havi returnee" do Ann' Arbor after Visit-' ing. with Mr. and Mrs. H.•' Graham and other relatives here • Mrs.- M. MacLean ,has goer to'tl,t - _Mr.. and .Mrs .Joseph Hackett. of West .where stro cin n ;tc � vaMs,b LADY PASTOR AT ' VARNA .CHARGE • (DIJNGANNON NEWS) The Presbytery of Huron of the United Church met Wednesday, Sep- tember lOth with silty ministers and lay delegates present from the thirty-five...charges. in. the :County., . A pleasing feature of .the morn ing session. was •the•introduction of the new members of the Presbytery. Among these was .Rev. Reba Hern of , Varna recently settled there -af-' ter ' four year -s service in Algoma district. Hern , is the •only wol] Man minister in London' Conference. • Rev,• Enos W.:Hart of Amherst - burg accompanied and •:introduced, Dr. Leslie. Pidgeon of Erkine.Arner.- rcan Church, _Montr'eal..Dr :, 1 idgeon is. '•making: ,a visitation of Presby-- teries in., thes' interests' of the • War Savings ,'Campaign in which' it - is hoped. to raise' sufficient funds ..to: 'wipe out -the present deficit. At, the afternoon session Rev. Har- sy Bsiyle_of Talbotville, ' president' of London Conference 'brought •press idential greetings and. addressed the members ,M. •a splendid manner on the Mission 'and .aims 'of. the ,ch ,urch. for' these. 'times. • Mr: 'Royle drew many illustrations. from the •situa tions 'prevailing two centuries ago and 'pointed out that the' church had; been ., thea .means of ..saving Britain' from serious difficulties if not spit-, itual • disaster..* ' • Mr. J. F. Maine; ' London, spoke on the needs of full support being given TrITl' phases of`--"th'e wofld•= wide church .life through. the Mis- sionary. enterprises of the church, • Some of the regular, reports were somewhat shortened by these ad:. ditional features ••of , the •Presbytery but each department reported show• ing important progress being made The Christian Education department. is, looking -forward to the program of; Advance: which is to.• begin in many.' communions this, autumn:. Fullest ce-operation- was -pledged to - the. world-wide Communion Services -day;•-•.S)ctQb r 5th.- ^' •'At• thea noon hour, the delegates. enjoyed a splendid -,dinner provided by' the ,Woman's Association. • - ST., HEI EN'S FAMILY. HONORED FRIDAY, • (ST. HELEN'S NEWS) • • -Mr. Ewart McPherson liad . a' sue- cessful . sale of farm stock- and izn . •'plernents on Friday. That evening neighbors gathered at the McPher- son borne and a pleasant social trine was spent and dancing was enjoyed to music provided by Mr. atisloMrs, George Stuart. ,After lunch, Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, • Florence and Jean were called forward: An address to . MrS. McPherson was read .by •W. A. • Miller- and on behalf of the Women's Institute Mrs. MacKenzie 'Webb presented a table cloth. Mr. •Andrew Gaunt read' another address :and 1Vr. Duriin Phillips :.presenter,, , Mr.':_'and• Mrs. McPliersen with a sir • ver • tea' -service, Florence with a, Clock • and Jean with - a.: Iocet 'and chain. Thanks was expressed-by;both -Mr. and -Mrs. McPherson who moved to Wingha n on Mofrday where Mr; McPherson: will be empolyed• in the �'ounclry. • The addresses were as follows: • ' • St. Helens, Sept. 12, 1941. 'Dear Luella: We members , of the Women's- In- stitute felt we could,. not -let . this opportunity pass without express- ing our., regret at your departure from our 'midst. . Throughout the years •you• -'have CREWE Mr. >and Mrs. Clare Ghamney and babe of , Belgrave ' visited' his sister, •.Mrs. Raynard Finnigan. -__,._._-.for- a- io-w-w: Mrs. Levi Eekenswillei'-?• u- glas of London are speeding a fel, days with friends here., . . • Miss -Evelyn MacLean of �Ow�enh •' Sound spent the week -end a', her home here. • '.There -will be, no service in the' ' Anglican Church next -Sunda o '-.- • ing to the Harvest 'thanksgiving services .to be held in.Bervie, Canon W. A. Townshend of London will be the speaker in the morning and the Rev. A. C. Calder - of Goderich will preach at the evening service: On Sunday, September, 28th' the 'Harvest Thanksgiving Service will - be held• here at- 11 am. and .7.30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Zimmerman of Chats- worth will be the special. speaker at both services: .Mrs'. Wm. ' Holland' has" gone to Toronto -where she has secured a position. • • �erxVit•ok "W ' �,�t•�.��iS,'"e�dt�yp:�..ysrrtl�� • IC'I.NLOSS ' CENTRE Mr. and Mrs. George White and family of Belgrave were recent vis-. itors' with Mr. and- Mrs. Michael Gamble. . Mr. and 'Mrs. • HEirold Congranl -spent Sunday with Mr, and , Mrs. Morley Bell of Gorrie. • We are•pleased to report Mr.'Jolnr Robb who had infection in his, eye' and after taking treatments in Lon - don, is much improved.' Mrs. Annie • Smith, Ripley.. cnter- tained Miss Eileen -Valid recently ' as a .guest of 'Miss Cecile Payer df Montreal, who -•is ivrsi ing ,;at lief home. • Mr.- and Mrs. George Carson of Toronto were' week:end visitors with 1 Mr. and 'Mrs. Archie MciKinnon: . Miss -Marion Smith returned to' St. Catherines after spending the past -week with Mr, ,and Mrs. Ray Schumacher. '• • - Miss Waldorf of Pine River is vis • itirrg with Mr. and •Mrs., Baynard Ackert: Mr.• and ,M*s. 'Percy Deyell of 'Winghatn, spent 'Friday 'evening with the latter's ',parents. 'Mr": and .Mrs. Mark Johnston. • Messrs. Chester Robb and Lri'rnard Murray' etHamilton were week -end „guests' at, their homes. ' Mrs, Ed. Cassidy,., Ella. and •Thos. Cassidy 'of Huntsville, m Helen O'. Hagan, R.N., 'Guelph. Wm. Semple, Windsor, were guests last week with Mrs. Jas. Valad`and family. a ven. Bert _Treleaven. .their daughter, Mit, Bei Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shackleton visited at-Goderich with her parents Mr; and Mrs. Jesse Gray also' Mrs: Howard 'Durnin (nee' Fanny Gray) who is home from •Kitamat, B. C.,,as the Deaconess Home has 'been- dos, ' r. • an rs. �: Krl�'tgi�k�via- ited Rev,'and Mrs. L.W. Kilpatrick, Strath'roy, , Wednesday.. °They ; were accompanied by MrS. R. T: Kilpat rick and 'Mrs. Agnes McCormick of Ldng Beach, California, who 'had' been their guests during the past three weeks. After spending a few days at Stiathroy they will return to Michigan to visit Mr. and ,. Mrs. Floyd Kilpatrick at Dearborn and Mr. and :Mrs. Eugene. • Hanson, at Jackson before returning to Cali- fornia. Mr. Lorne Emmons made a busi, ness trip to Seaforth on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Treleaven, Toronto, and Mrs. Frances Courtice, Dungannon visited, with Mr. . and Mrs. Bert Treleaven and .1VIr. and' Mrs. S.' J. Kilpatrick. •• ' - Mr. Colin Crozier was home from' Wingham for the week -end. - Mr. Gordon Nixon, son of Mr. George Nixon of Saskatoon, who. is in training' at Camp Borden visited. a few days -wiith his auntolVIrs. Vic- tor Whitley. ' Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Kilpatrick vis- ited ' with . Zion and St, Helens friends on Monday. Miss , Muriel Quinn spent the week end ,at her home near Kin ar- dine - Miss Shirley Sherwood spent a pleasant , week -end at Dungannon, the guest of her cousin, Marjory Mc- Whinney. Brother Dies In U. S. Mr, John Malloch and his sis- ters, Miss Agnes Malloch and Mrs, Lottie Clifford received the sad news of 'the death of their brother; Robt. Malloch which occurred at his home in Los Angeles, California, Thurs- day, September llth. Mr. ']ii'allocrh had been in failing health for some months, but news of his death carne as• a distinct' shock to his brother and sisters, We extend to them the sympathyof this community. SERIOUS CHEST •INJURI ?S were received by Mrs: •-Thomas Reed of Greenock Township whch site was knocked down' And trampled by 7 COVtr. been a faithful member of our group and we are .going to miss. you. We hope that you will find it possible to visit', us often. - .�y Please accept this table- o$'h Whi&t carries.• with .it the best wishes for your' health; and happiness iri your' new home. • . - Signed on behalf of the members, of the Institute .,Janet MacPherson,' Jean Webb, Chris Miller. •..-Septehiber 12th, 1941. Mr. &-Mrs. Ewart McPherson, Florence and Jean ' -Dear Folks: - Your: friends and neighborshave tret--here tonight, :not ...far_el well . but - to wish you prosperity and tra ;jiiness in your new •home. It • is a distinct .loss to a "commun - ity, when good neighbors. move a- way. We shall miss you. Luella,. your willingness' . to, help -4n •all' worthy causes will not soon be for- gotten.' Ewart,_ your neighbors will miss one who was. always ready .to le "z 'a •helping hand and we know that both .young and old are sorry; to . part with Jean and Florence. We 'ask you .to accept •-chest rcr .6tat ^' f i it ' ~ friends and neighbors _arid. with tlieni Our sincere desire. that all., the good things -of life -may be yours. • ..' Signed on behalf of the St. Helens community, Durhin Phillips,,And- rew Gaunt. ' Frank McQuillin'and 'Russel Webb went •.to Hamilton last week where they 'are employed in 'a' munition factory. ' ' • ' All the ladies : of • the community are urged to attend the Red Cross ,quilting in the Hall on ' Friday af- ternoon. The Annual Thankoffering of the. Women's Missionary Societte will. be held ' next Sunday commencing , at 11.15 a.m. Rev. Mr. Howse of Ash- field will be the guest speaker. Mr. Andrew Gaunt -exhibited his Shorthorn cattle at Stratford Fair. Present Newlyweds Mr: W, M. Humphrey and his 'bride, . formerly Miss Doris Reid of Ashfield, were honored at a gather- ing in the Community Hall on Tues- day evening, when dancing was en- joyed .'to Music by McCharles or- chestra. During the evening they were presented with a studio- couch by Peter Campbell 'and Ronald Mc- Crostie; , after a congratulatory ad- dress hadbeen read by Hugh Ruth- erford, Jr. -THE, LUCKNOW . SENT.iNEL • Publishes] •every Thursday- .morning ' at . Lucknow, . Ontario. - . L. CAMPBELL .THOMPSON • Publisher. and^ Proprietor• • T!IUfSDAY, SEPTEl1'I$ER ,18, .19410 CREDIT DUE. • Officers.and members of the Luck-" how :Branch of the Canadian -Legion are to Ise congratulated in the man- -ner in which they planned end-'-eai- ried' .out the drumhead service,- and patriotic rally here on • Sunday. As the baby branch of • Zone l0•. •.of the Legion,. the bear bran;.h)had"• th.e''opportitniiry • to herd the service here, :axid it"' is' to :their credit that ;they shoulder ed the arndertaking and made such 'a fine .job of it. • -• 1'rovinci�'l police assisted.. by a • local force 'of special traffic officers 'succeeded with little .difficulty keeping the• street, .clear of'traffic-- so tra isso • the parade 'could be • witnessed With views being' in no way' ob- structed. Traffic congestion was,also averted • and the pig crowd handled without a mishap. • It was a well arranged, service, 'that. to all appearances went off' without a hitch: 'rhe ;weather was • ideal,..street. decorations were mist attractive, nine of 'twelve' braneheS joined ..in 'the ,large parade;- the Speeches were' excellent and a .vast'. i • eriL ince to he. �� • • •-�.._ fill ressive and •r r H� -_.• . and take part in an p E�C sober service, of •reconse.cr• ation. - ._— • HO:LYROOD R,ayira-rd Ackert injured , Irz. Shooting 'Accident Monday being the opening of the duck shooting season a number of local ninrrods 'turned out to try their luck, and Raynard Ackert happen- ed tb be the unfortunate one. While hunting around Black Horse Lake, a g zn, in the • hands of Mr. Dick Mc - Quillen of Lueknow discharged for some unknown' reason • within about six feet of •Raynard's ,foot..Raynard' had to walk about half -a 'mile to the car and when the doctor was called he had to be removed to Kin- cardine Hospital where: -the big toe ' an the left,,foot had to be amputated and ;also stitches, in the first toe We understand she' wall be, confined to. tl e hosiptal'for sortie time owing' to the danger.:;.of ,infection. , We •all• hope for . a -speedy recovery. , .. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Harris' and Lorraine; Mr.. Earl Harris •spent' Sunday at Mr.• Fred McLelland's :at C:hesley . where • they met Mr., and. r Clarence Fhrrriw formerly ,of Holyrood,' who. were spending the week -end' at Chesley. • IVtr. • and Mrs. Oscar Keiffer, spent Thursday evening at' Mr. Richard ter. • Elliott's. - .Mrs.,H. Pettipiece • s holidaying Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MacDonald & with friends near Ottawa. family and Mr. James 'Ross • 'spent Mrs. Stewart of Winnipeg wlro Saturday .at Miss K. Ross', White- has ,been visiting with her sister, church. ' ' ' Mrs. Wellwood'. left for her home Miss Doris , - Johnston of Lanes on Monday. - spent the' week -end with her par-• Mr and Mrs. Clarence Cox re- ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Mark Johnston, ceived the sad news of the death of their ' niece, ,Miss Patterson of. r • o as be, nsick• wit sleeping sickness, and passed -away on Monday of this week, "Sympathy is --extended:- -. Mrs.. Sam • •Durnin' of Lucknow Mrs. •Wrrr' Roan at ' Teeswater. ' .spent Sunday . with her sister, Mrs. Miss P 11rie1.._W atstr ..hasi •tui ned John . Jamieson,_ who 35'' _not' as well and is staying with her uncle, Mr. as her many 'friends wish to see Wm. ,Barbour: • her. : PAGE Western Canada Special Bargain -Excursions FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA Going. Daily' Sept. 12 - . 6, 1941; Inclusive • Return limit -45 days TICKETS� IN boahe in GOOD,IN Sleeping Cars or in Standard Sleeping Cars • . at Special Reduced„ Rates for. each class. ^ Cost of aeeomodation hi Sleeping Cars additional. NOTE: GOVERNMENT •REVENUE TAX EXTRA., Baggage. -checked. •, • Stopovers at •al'1 points' enroizte.' SIMILAR EXCURSIONS .FROM WESTERN TO EASTERN 'CAN- - ADA DU,t1NG SAME .PERIOD• Tickets,' Sleeping Gar . Reservatio is and all.information from 'any a nt:: _ a ASK FOR' HANDBILL T251 C• NADIAN N..ATION,AL 1000100000;0.000000/000A 4100. • Mrs. D. Galles spent 1ast•T,hursclay' calling on old friends in the vill-: •age. , > ^ . Mr- and'•Mrs •,Roy :Paton of. St.. Gem' ea : are ' holidaying - with her•. mother, Mrs. A. Fox. Congratulations' to Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry on the birth. of a ,datigh- • SECOND CON. Mr. Alvin Hamilton ' spent• wed -It -end, •at his home here.' It , is a long --time since=: sucl}- a -Mrs. James- -McInnis spent a -few throng gathered inwLucknow• for any days last week with her mother, purpose, and it redounds' to the .glory atLt ckrio:w s infant • _orgarsiza1i. 11 that their efforts met with•such sue- cess in. this respect.' ..England Lands Tennis Balls - In ' Switzerland • .l • Tennis balls 'just®,m:ade• in•..Eng- land.' have been safety •delivered' to Switzerland fctr ;this year's national • championships there. How'theygot through will be a .'secret, -•-until' the war is .over. , - Their makers are actually sending more • balls, oyerseas than Til peace time. Sportsmen in ,.no fewer, ,than 51 overseas••territories are getting' balls -for tennis and- 'squash 'frons there today; t. and they have pro- duced an. entirely, new ball. CHIEF CORONERS .'ABOLISHED The attorney -general's department on Saturday announcedlthe abolition of the office of chief coroner in all counties and districts in 'Ontario, in- cluding Bruce and Huron Counties. fisatisfaction with, the system was fact chiCfly to' the a ct that chief coroners undertook most of the work. and rccctived most of the fees ;t'henr- selvet. 1, -.01.. ..040 0, 'Believes In Self--P'esetvation' And.in 'closing our "Note . and Comp?et" this week, we, would .like• -to point out to some of -dour friends that advertising spate is' the 6i11y c,ominodity .The • Observer, has to gel. _ l- _ and no' Matter how• good the 'cause, we -consider, our selfish --.desire keep the wolf frtirn the. door;'a bet• ter one. -Palmerston Observer. RAPID CITY Mr. Jim. Carter, wife and sister of. Desbarats, Algoma visited ' with rel- atives in and -around Lucknow•-last week. • Mr. and Mrs. • Arnold Thomson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomson oh Sunday. Arnold has-,rc signed his position with the Super - test Company and isr going to work in ' Kitchener, Visitors ,with Mr. W. G. Reed on Sunday were' . Mr. D. B. Murray. Ross and Miss Mary Murray df St: Helens, Mr .and Mrs. Archie Nich- olson, Donald and Helen..: Guests of Mr, and Mrs. P. T. Car- ter on Sunday were Mi. and Mrs. B. Greer,. Mr .and firs. .Geo. Mc- Knight and four, children of Gow- anstown and .Mr. Walter Mason of Westfield, Harold `Doc', Stewart df Tracadie, N. B. arrived home Tuesday night on a few days leave. He, with Mrs. Stewart, went to Hamilton . Satur- day to visit with his mother, Mrs. D. Stewart. ' While Dick McQuillin , and • Ray- nard Ackert were out shooting ducks on :Monday Raynard had the miss fortune to have one of his toes shot, Relieving 'At Liicknow . Mrs. Violet Remus, who has been, assisting 'at. the''local post• office for the -past two month, left Tuesday evening for Lucknow, where 'she will have -charge of 'the post office While the, • postmiaster • is on; two moipths' 'l'eav,c of absence. -.Walker- ton Serald-Times. • Mr. 'and Mrs. Lorne • Wilson of Dundas ' spent Sunday with friends . ori the Second. • Mrs. W. T.' l ,ouiston -,,returned home Saturday after spending -a few weeks with friends at Dundas, also attending "the] wedding of her niece. , • Miss. Dorothy M.. McKinnon. Master Allen McTavish. is in Lon- ' don Hospital suffering from paral- ysis from which 'he . is improving. We hope for • a speddy recovery: ._ 44%,..�:A,..LC.,�:.Hamili is, .a't.:....th?„�,.. Ur: - home .of Mrs. 'Jas McTavish. Mr. Wilmer Hamilton spent. a few l'--day-eat-his home "here assisting -An- d rew' to' repair his shed. A .number of folks . attended. the. ... very large sale of ' 1Vtrs. Ben Dan--. .nelly last Tuesday. RC'N : rR�FG . O. --•I' 9 • • I !Qry L.F ' e. IN THE EL•EVEN'MONTHS' opea•• ation of Sky. Harbor elementary, fly- . big "training school 25,00.0 miles fly • ing hours have been put on the 'rec- ords without the sem lance •of a maj- or accident. Fourteen, young iiech- anics of the, DeHaviland - Airplane Corporations' are in Goderich. They are' busy' installing heaters in train•- ing:bom•bers in preparation for win- ter flying. . THE PICTURE - GALLERY - WHO: IS HE? Last Week's picture kvas that. of JOCK ADAMS a familiar "character" of the stage coach era^in iiucknow, and of whom have zforr to tell in a • to x 1. fw e ho„ �, • off. lately” issue. i -': AGRICULTURE MARCHES LTH OUR••ARMED FORC£ • !I ' 13ebind the lines where men and women are. ricking •life to defend • home , and country, men and *omen are roiling to supply the materials of.war- shipfi,,planes, ,tanks,. guns. These manufacturers—management and work- ers alike—are thus fighting shoulder to shoulder with,our armed forces. • But what about the farmers? They are doing a work of . equal impor– tance. They too are marching to battle, by toiling early and..late to Per- suade naturea'to increase the 'food supply on which the issues of rhe fight so. greatly depend. The 'farmer' marches side, by side 'with the. soldier and ., his armourer. Farmers who are, doing their bit to help ,Canada's all-out war, effort may find it necessary to borrow money at the' Bank. You should riot hesitate to discuss your requirements with our nearest branch 'manager. ,Your businesk will he regarded as strictly confidential. , BANK OF MONTREAL •"'p. BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Modern, Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 124•Years' Successfil Operation Lucknow Branch: V. N. 'PREST, Manager o' L, • " 162