HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-09-11, Page 8NEWk'SWEATERS—Sweaters in 's►hort and `long sleeves. Short $215 " lee. sweaters to wear under a suit.. .::.... $1,95. &, s `vewe e. WOOD 'Epit.1,OTDERED CARDIGAN knit from pure botany wool. Buttoned up the front. Ribbed waist band. , $2.15 BOYS SWKATERS=Zipper neck, closely knit all Woolsweaters, pullover style with military collar. COLORED BROADCLOTH -with cotton. goods getting scarcer, you will welcome this Offer. -For dresses, quilts and general. • :- des* yard •,., 19c Use. ,36. atutches wi Y.. d .... .WOOLiETT &. PYJAMA GLOTRS—NQt till') to thinkof flette 'Pr Fall. For Ladies, Men and Children's= wear. borders - size: •P'r. lEETTE, BLANKETS. Rainbow � .large a 'Crewe W, ,M. S. The Woman's Missionary Society of Crewe United Church held their September .meeting ' at the home of. Mrs. Raymond Finnigan on Thurs- :' "day,' September; 4th with a good at, - en ance t,endance' present. In the absence of thepresident,' the first vice -.reel :,,ode. t'took char e• of ''the• devotional `exercises Following • this a program was given: reading by Mrs. Shackle- ton on Temperance, ;reading by Mrs. J. Ct rran''`°A-revieWin China' reading. by . Mrs. R. Finnigan.. The• .&tidyj,k:on. China •was .given by- -Mss, . ill atrielEafter-urhich liars;" Crozierd•Mrs Kilpatrick each p . Offered prayer. Mrs. Crozier pro- nounced the benediction. �. THE ••. LUCKNOW . SENTINEL - TROUSSE4=UrTEA TIN -HONOR -1 OF WIN ,HAM BR, .:.. E -ELECT Mrs.. Chas. .Swans Winghan't held 'a trousseau tea reception in honorof her •daughter Agnes, bride-. elect of this month. Mrs. Chas. Stew- aid, Mother of the ;groom, assisted the hostessand bride -elect •in re, ceiving,. 'Ars. T. T. Smith,. .Mrs, M. Howell, • Toron r'! , poured tea in the afternoon a' . Mrs. Hugh Curring- and Mrs. Jae Kerr; in theevening. Those assisting, were Mrs. B. Brave- ley, Toronto; Miss D.... Deans, Miss T. Ellacott. The trousseau was shown by Miss MUIar'ion Simpson, Miss Z; Steward, Miss Y. McPherson, Mrs, A.,Henry.y ,Mrs; G. Gannett 'showed ..: , the linens, china, 'silverware' and guilts. and beautiful gifts. Included in ` .the . gifts was _a . Targe silver tray presented to Miss Swanson by. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, of Winghan, where SIGNS' OF OIL AT 1000'' FEET 'IN CULROSS WELL v ' idence: of oilsts at. about a E. thousand' feet as drilling continues on the farm of Warner " Smyth: in Culross 'Township. Rock' being she. has worked on the office staff onto on. Monda' and Tuesday. Tor 'the pasi'so `en -years =From• -the ------,-------;-----------7-----,-;:.. staff Miss Swanson receiV a large Mr: and Mrs. Eldon, Reid of Or • mirror. Mrs. B. Bain invited ,to the illia, regent . newlyweds; were, vis- tea room and Miss 'Gloria Swanson itors in town the first. of the week.. and Miss Jean Bain were _door at - decorated with late summer flowers. `Rev. Robert A. MacCorinell had tendants. The house ,was ' prettily charge of both services . at Knox church, Kincardine! on Sunday last. ° ADDED ' ' The Misses Sadie and Mary Mac- NAMES Quaig of Chicago are spending a Mac- -,-..- couple of . weeks vacation at their ` To the list of names published last P CLo1and, NERAL. Mrs. Neil Gillies is visiting rela tives in Toronto and Port Perry. Jack ,Leith of. Fort Erie visited with his mother and Alice over the week -end. , . , _ ' Miss Flora Webster is. visiting With her sister Dollie •,);Mrs. C. M. John- ston)., .Sarnia;, Ont:' Miss Arabella Car er.Qn of .,Glen- coe spentthe week -end at. her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Agnew' have returned, from a holiday at their cottage at Sprucedale. -NOT MIAOW FALL CROPS Or APREAAGE UNDER OFTION • Ashfield township farmers in the area immediately south of Axnberley .who -recently' gave options on their farms to . be used as the site of an .airport were .officially notified last week not to sow fall wheat on the property .they .haveoptioned, thus giving further strength', to persis- tent reports that •tie work is to be proceeded with. in the near future. One 'farmer reports that efforts are being now made to lease the. land; and Which plan is. not regard. ed • with favour. • •Some of the farmers affected pro- fess to have seen }blueprints of the j 'roect and state, that it is' to be a Project , bombing. and gunnery area; extend- ing out into Lake Huron: In 'this case there .Would. be , only a few buildings for storage with accornmo dation`. ,for maintenance men only. , Mr. Garnet' Henderson has 'en- listed in the Military' Police Force' and is training.. at Kitchener, 1Vtr. and. Mrs. Win Schmid attend- ed the Jewellers' Gift -show iir,Tor- week, haye been added four more home here. brought tothe surface was . heavy men •from the community serving ,with a black Substance • ;and each overs'ea's. Do . you know of . any trite "thc' drill was pulled it -was.,..,ozhers? _ ...... . A19634 Sapper. Herb McQi,tiIlin ' '7th Field Co inpany-,, 2nd Dim Royal Canadian Engineers Canadian'Army: overseas, ,Y covered, also, reports the Teeswater News. I __. The drillers.have_.expressed .sur-- prise ' at traces ,of oil at such a shal- low depth•, sand drilling goes .on in «ntieipatisn or '.nal ng a strike. The undertaking, 'in search of either • na • tural gas or oil, is being financed. we understand, by Union Gas, Do- minion Gas and Imperial Oil: Firesbyterian , Y. W: A. •' .. . The: June. meeting Of the ,Y. W. A. _•w,,d _tbe,,Tre,Sbyterian church met at the 'home of Miss MaudMurdoc i •with an attendance of twenty: The Meeting opened by, singing psalm 81. The scripture lesson was read ' and Mrs. J. E. Little led in prayer. The Bible study was taken by Mrs. Ewan' MacKenzie. It was decided to have the , September meeting the third Thursday in. September. A Reading was given by Mrs.:. C. Cook. Miss Katharine MacDougall took, the top-, fe-frena•=Dear ,Gofo•uthr Study- Boort was✓give;.i byMs;l-ally! MacDonald. Maudie Fisher -closed the meeting with prayer. A31182, Gni. R: F. Button 53; Lt. AA. Baty, 3 Lt. A.A. Reit. R.C.A., C.A.S.F., - . Canadian. •Army Overseas, A35501; Gnr.: J. ' P. England : Fair Dates Sept. 25 and 26 16th .Bty., 12th Fd. Regt., R.C.A.A.F. Iii lists of fall fair dates appear.- Canadian Army .overseas:. ' i in...numes.�.w•eeklyapers, the Lucknow Fall Fair is, not listed;" 8ba0P'""Murray ---- which has probably led to the opin- ' 105 Oscar 'Road; ion' in some centres that there. is Torry, Aberdeen, • Scotland no fair here. Such is not the.. ease: Canadian Army Overseas. The dates of the Lucknow Fall Fair A4106 ,Tpr. J. #-i. MacT.avl;sh are September 25th and 26th; and .,12th Army Tank Battalion the inclusion of these dates:in such (B)• Sgdn. T.R:.R.,, • Doug Clarke ..of the No. 1, ProVoSt Company, • R:C.M.P., visited . , last week. with. his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Temple • Clarke.: ' , Mr. J: H. Leith' who • is` head tin- smith at the Canada Steel plant, Hamilton, visited , at 'his , home over the week -end... ' • �Mr Jahn McQuill ii..w o__iiras con,: fined to bed for sever, al ` weeks. thin sunnmer from a":heart condition,. fis 'enjoying improved health now: • Called by Whitechurch Charge. At a'we-ll attended- meeting of�the congregations of Whitechurch, Lang - "side and Calvin held last week, an unanimous call was. extended to the Rev.- A. 'H: Wilson, Eden Mills, 'Guelph Presbytery. The Presbytery Of Maitland : met on Tuesday .to coif - Sider the call. ' Until recently °'Rev. The regular meeting of. the Luck - John Pollock was minister to these nod r Women's 'Institut'e will be held congregations, when' he resigned due Friday, September 12th at 2.30 p.ni to ill , health: - Roll call—"Name a Canadian bird": lists of fairs , as referred to above, would be much appreciated by 'the• local directors. ry *ratouri'INEInAlatittrAirdout Mu .Chit after. Dr. Donald A '.1. aird,._pa7- chologist ...writing in The Ameri- can Weekly with the September •14 issue' of Detroit Sunday Times ' tells ,how, although you may not, utter a sound, your 'lips more' elo- -quently express ability;. -emotions Sr; chances for success than words, or even your eyes, might possibly in- dicate 1 and. tells how to read them. Be sure to get the Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week. Canadian Army Overseas. URGED TO DECORATE 'FOR RECO.NSE.OE LOI' , a RE' fw Notice` To Users Of Welt Water ' VILLAGE WELLS in use ,in Luck}iow, recently testedby the • Department of Fe:tlth at Toronto, show 50%, or 36 out of.72, have a "D" classification. ` IN VIEW OF THIS the local Board of Health hag passed following regulation: "THAT the owners of wells tested, be notified of the result of -the test and those that tested "C" or "D" be advised to put In Municipal Water, or so correct the well that further tests in 30.days show a sat- ' isfactory water supply. ' "FAILURE to do this will result In closing of the well". • the. CLASS "D" --Bacteria of intestinal origin present in num- bersusually considered, unsafe for a drinking water supply iun- •less the water is previously treated by' (roiling, chlorinating or by other recognized; methods. -THE BOARD Of HEALTH, Lucknow TH./RSDAY, SEPThligR, 11, 1941 601 1._ _ . _..1 STRUTHERS—In Wingham General Hospital on . Tuesday, September 2nd to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Struth- ers (nee Etta' Swan) a. son; Robert George. • BAR In GER— Ashfield Township on Wednesday) September 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Barger, R. 3, Luck - new, a son. ' ' ROBB...4n 'Kincardine General Hos- pital, September. 3rd, 1941, to , Mr. a Mrs. Clifford Robb,. R. 3, Holy= ro,a, a daughter.' . CARRUTHERS-in Ripley' on Sat- urday, ay, August 3.0;`• to Mr, and Mrs. David Carruthers, .concession 6, Ksi'h, loss, .the -gift of a daughter. ENGAGEMENTS ;Already surveyor$,' st',akes"ltave been Rev.'. Charles H._ MacDonald of. =set 'out. for toWers....nLd targets. Lucknow announces the engagement The plans are said to. call for the of his eldest daughter, Margaret, M., withdrawal i)f' a considerable body ,A.T.C.M., to Rev.. William A. Hen- ofwater along the shore line from, derson, B.A., ' of Hillsdale,, the mar, • Mr. J. S. 'MacKenzie is slowly' re= covering from a fractured" leg,' al- though as yet he' is unable to Walk ,and is still confined to his home: fishing and navigation. Much of the land,. too, comprises a "danger zone" encircling the. actual bombing ground. It is known, that contractors, telephone and hydro men have re- centlyinspected the proposed site: EPIDEMIC BELIEVED CHECKED. With no new s of .'infantile paralysis��•eported;, in the •distrietr health . authorities,'' believe, that 'the 'minor epidemic may be .checked.: Of, the seven- cases reported -in -the- area, progress toward recovery is , tieing made, . although insome cases it will be, slow: In an effort to halt` the spread. of the disease, school'opening was de- layedE in Huron and Kincardine townships. •s The town of Kincardine was de- clared "out of bounds" for members of the R.A.F. at Port . Albert. • riage to take place in September m the Lucknow Presbyterian. Church., • Mr: and Mrs. John H, MacDonald, Huron • Township, announce the en- gagement" of their daughter, Mary Isabel, to Mr. John,Murdnch'Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, of Lucknow,' Ontario, the marriage to take place September •20th. • ThUrs —Fri $014411_ IA 13 ROY ROGERS • "Young Bill Hiekock'.' ._...and A Really Funny Comedy "Melody. and(Moonlight" Vague . Jerry Colonna Vela g Kincardine Mon:,. Tues., Wed. Sept. '15, 16, 17 JEAN ARTHUR Bill ;Bolden , Warren 'Williams. "ARIZONA!' .. .. _. -FOR KINCARDINE FAIRr•- Thurt Fri.,, Sat, Sept. 18, '19, 20 need .ortir We `Mou Police" • PROUD .OF HIS ‘CLADS!. Wm. Scatters ,of Kinloss purchas some specialgladioli bulbs this •• Spring, and the results are very pleasing .: to him, for • he has . growri'""k' e some very' ',beautiful blooms this year. The grads are of the Picardy variety : _ Mr..' and Mrs. Charles. Swanson, of Wingham announcethe engagement : and Mrs. W.H Bartlett an, of=- heir='daughter, ,Mary-•Agnes-_ta— Rev. nen a ement"- of -their-------- Mr. Lloyd Frederick Steward, 'son Of bounce the. g g Mr. -end Mrs. Charles Steward, daughter,: Margaret Lydia, to Mr. • , ' .�icdta'aow.: "Joseph Clare Richards; .son of Mr. • Mr.. Evan' McQuihin 'visited ' in ' TUWLAND .CO: GETS NEW Toronto` -the end 'of -the weekwith AIRPORT : CO-: ""• - his sister, Mrs. Harold. Dawson and Mr: Dawson, . and attended the C Mrs. J. W. -Henderson, Mrs. Mor- .gan Henderson. and her mother, Mrs.. Currie of' Wingham, spent, a few days last week at 'Toronto Eac- hibition. •. a ^Mm •and nM s,Jr,via ,Mceshe--ef. :;,.Iuunw�vld -of-Boste�u~:spent�l�kLe eek -end_ wit. Mr. John McQuillin, Frank,.and.Mr. and' Mrs. Fred' McQuillin. As -part. of the, observation of Re= consecration Week, citizens are ask- ed by the National Committee to fly flags arid decorate their hones and business! premises' from :Sept: ember 10th to 17th._ The second an- .niversary ; of Caiiad'a's . entry into, the war is being observed through- out the Dominion o pay na lona honor to those who, on land, sea, and in the air are the defenders of our country and in proud memory of those valiant • hearts who have fallen 'for our common freedom. In connection .with the Reconse cration Week a pledge has been ap- proved by, the National Committee in charge of arrangements. ' The Committee urges. ' that the Pledge • should be taken ,publicly at mass rallies and other meetings and priv- ately by individuals during the Re- consecration Week. The following text of the Recon - *secretion Pledge has been ,released by the Hon: Mr. 'Justice T. C. Dallis, Chairman of the Cominittee: "At this time of 'peril for my ,coup- try, in this' fight against the• evil powers which threaten to •engulf. • the earth, conscious of my duty' -to- • ward Canada and toward my .fellow man, I . solemnly pledge before Al- mighty God that I shall do all that lies within my power, and deem no sacrifice too great, to bring about the victory of our arms, that. right may triumph, that justice may pre- vail and that a. righteous peace May reign throughout the world; JO this end I reconsecrate myself, . with faith, with courage and with the knowle ige that, though the path be hard and the day be dark, our; efforts can not fail". Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Decker, Bil- ly and Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Tierney . of- Kitehener _spent the Week -end with the former"! parents, •:Mr -and -Mrs Conrad nPeker Sgt. II. S. Curring hes returned to New Brunswick and w,as,,accorn pained as . far as Montreal I y Mrs. Curring . who . will visit her sister, Mrs. M. C..McDonald of that city. Mrs. W. J. Little attended the Richardson-Doupe wedding at'Port Credit on -Saturday. The. bride, Miss Helen Doupe, is a daughter •4f Mr. and Mrs.' H. A. Doupe formerly of Lucknow.. { Cousin of College Founder We learn with interest, that Mrs: D. C. McMorran of town; °who • cele•• brated her golden wedding anniver- sary last weelt, is a first cousin of the late J., W. Westervelt, founder Nixon. Sid spent.._ 17 months in Eng,will be .returned promptly after eat= an.nd ' of the business college of that name land ah s some interesting stor. . in London. The Towland Construction Com- pany, :which recently completed a new airport at Aylmer, has been. awarded • the. contract for. a new 600 -acre airport about two' miles south of:. Grand. Bend Village. The contract includes grading,. drainage and. construction. of rixnways- The Misses Lorna Roach of Dun- gannon, and Dorinda Weston' of Tor- onto returned to their respective homes after assisting at Rest -A-' While guest house-, Bruce Beach, for the tourist season. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips and daughter : Wanita of Apple. Gate, Michigan and Mrs. Johnston of Nile visited with-LMr. and Mr§. George Phillips and also .called on Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacDonald, • Mr. , anti Mrs. J. S. Kilpatrick and Miss Susie 'Kilpatrick attended the 'Kilpatrick -Hannigan wedding in Kew Beach United Church on Sat- urday. The groom is a cousin , of Mr. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Charles Steward, Miss Zylyda Steward, Mrs. Hugh• Cu/yang .and, Mrs. Win. Schmid attended the shower. at the home of Miss Yvonne McPherson given in honor of Miss Agnes Swanpw,,,pn Friday evening, September 5th. Sgt. Sidney Seaith, air frame. mechanic of the R.C.A.F., who is an instructor at Aylmer, spent the week -end with' Mr. and Mrs. Mph e mg -AV- - Li,ste�` i One of three new teachers 'on tile - Listowel Public School Staff is Miss Kate' MacDonald, formerly of Luck - now, who is teaching Grade 7. . ' and Mrs.O.. Richards, 'b irwiew, take 'lace .Mrs: John Carruthers announces Alberta; the wedding: to p . the . engagement .:of ' her second on Septen+ber. 27th: it' their home, youngest daughter, Margaret Kath The ;Parsonage,' Bervie Ont. leen to Mr. Ronald Elliott Forster, • Mr. 'Richards, :a nephew . of the • youngest soon of Mr.' and Mrs. James late Mrs. 'N, E. Bushell, made his Forster •' of .. West Wawanosh, the home here with his aunt and uncle- • Marriage. to take• place the. latter ; for some time while. attending Luck= part of September: ' ' .. now,High School. RURAL TEACHERS Teachers 1n -A -s itield -and West Wawanosh schools this, term are' as follows: ' Ashfield 'No. 1. -Alma Anderson, No: 3 -James McNeil. U. No. 4—iadeline Caesar. No. ' 5—Ada M. Webster. No. . 7 --Jean A. Long. . U. No. 8—Graham L. Pinkney, Mil- dred Anderson. No. ;9—Jean MacMillan. No. 10—Elva Twamley. U. No. 11—Hugh Myers. U. No: 13—Hilda Twamley. No..15—Ltiella Cowan. No: 16—Muriel, Quinn. , No. 17—Virginia .Barris. _ West Waw nosh No. 2—Ethel Washington. No 3—Virginia Tiffin. , No., 4 Beatrice. McQuifin. U. No. 12—Dorothy Drover. U. No. 14—Elleda Hunter. U. No. 17• -Mrs. Muriel Newman. SSES A . COMPLE-TE i -OCT OF kir FALL DRESSES, . COATS, JACK= ETS, SKIRTS & BLOUSES NOW ON HAND. YOU 'ARE .INVITED. TO CALL IN AND SEE • 1�EARLMAIwT Give Us The News About. The Buys In 'Uniform . The Sentinel is. anxious to print all the news there is about commun ity boys who are serving with the vafibus branches of the Canadian - armed: forces.. We not_only,want newsy ,paragraphs about the new enlistments, but would welcome the privilege of -printing extracts from some of the letters the boys send .home from ' overseas or from ;Can- . adieu camps. The'co-operation,of all. readers is asked to see that we get full information about the mov4 nients and adventures of the lads who are representing us in the fight for freedom. . All letters subrnitted , les to tell 'about his experiences. tracts have been made. GRAND CONCERT AND DANCE By, . Russ ‘ Cre glato i and His Vlai'iety:Entertainers &orchestra, In the Arena, Lucknow UNDE NSMEN AUSPICES . Freda Sept. I9th. CONCERT 8 to 10 — DANCING '10 to 2.• • .PRIZE, DRAW FOR. A Bicycle, Chest of Silver, Airplane Clock, 97:piece Dinner Set, Ton of Coal, All Wool Blanket'SSatin• Bed Spread, Floor. Lamp. Tickets Now On Sale, 25c — 5 for $1.00 AItminur n. Prize A ticket, will be given everyone bringing a piece of aluininunt to the Arena. Valuable prize to' the holder of the lucky ticket. ENTIRE PROCEEDS IN ID OF THE RED CROSS NEW WARM UNDERGARMENTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY FROM THE SMALL. TOTS • ' UP TO MA & DAD. ' . . • NEW KNITTING YARNS V Yarn;. Benmiller 'Yarn, Fine Yarn.For Fancy . Knitting, Lar -_e Ball Yarn lord Knitting Soldiers' Sailors' and Airmen's Socks Special • Prices RE, Lucknow NEW FLANNELETTE 'BLANKETS, . SHEETS, BED • THROWS, WOOL- LEN BLANKETS, WOOL BED COVERS, ETC,•NEW LOW PR CES.