HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-09-04, Page 5TIFIVESDAY SEPTEMBER 4th,, 1941. '
Lyceum Theatre
WI NGH'AM .. •
Two• ShoWs Saturday Night
Thursday. ;Friday, Saturday
Road to Zan'zibar'.'
A light comedy - in dark ,Africa
'Sport ,Subject" "Cartoon"
• -"News" " al
Matinee Sat. afternoon it •2.30:
.Monday; Tuesday,' Wednesday •
• .SEPT: , 9t• :.10
s: *, in , *. .
The mightiest outdoor 'picture
of them, all with breathtaking
' adieu and thrills
"Cartoon" & "March of Time"
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest , Blake, Mrs.
Wm. Blake and Dr. and Mrs. •. Dan
Blake attended the C.N.E. and vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs, Douglas
Gibson in Toronto over the week-
r. and Mrs. 1. N. Kilpatrick and
Vek• to and Miss Hilda Twarnley re-
turned hoiine .on Monday from a
trip through Muskoka to North Bay.
They visited the Quints . while, at.
Callendar. .
Mr.. and Mrs Albert Alton 0
n of
Belfast visited on Monday with Mr..
and Mrs. Ernest' Blake.
A trousseau tea 'wee held at the'
home of ' Mrs... William Irvin last
.Saturday "afternopn in, Txon_or of her,
daughter;. Anna, .whose marriage
takes plade •., this week.
AS'H F I ELI) w.
Miss_ Greta:eampbell-af Lucknow
spent, her vacationamong friends
here. '
Mr. and •Mrs. Donald . Martin ,of
London :were Labor Day visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
MacLean. • •
.Mr. and •Mrs.•Kins•low of. Chicago
visited' here i'ecen-tly--•at the -homes
of Messrs. Hector and D.-A..'Macs
Miss Sadie Johnston, R.N. , of :
:Newlyweds, Presented
A social evening• was 'enjoyed" at
the hall` ,last Tuesday night, when
a riuniber of friends .gathered, toge-.
ther to honor Mr. and.: Mrs.. Charlie
o • gins, -newlyweds; (else Jean-••ikn=
derson). During the eveningthey.
were presented with an endtable
and magazine rack (combined) and
the following address.. Miss Hilda
.Twamley read the address and Mr.
Jerry Cranston made the presen-
tation. . • -•
- . Blake Community, '�
Tuesday, August 26th; 1941.
Mr: and Mrs. Charlie Hodgins: •
Dear Jeari, and Charlie:
It affords us a great .deal of pleas-
ureetoegatherehere• tonight's -in honor-
onorof .your' recent marriage., We feel
this is a fitting time to . extendto
ineere-congratulations- and.
best wishes. • •
You will be greatly missed, Jean.
in our community and, churchgath
But; as you start' out together
Now that your man :and' wife
Here's wishing loves sweet melody
Will 'bless you all •thru life;
The first hundred years Is the hard:
A..saddened Nile community , as-
sembled on 'Wednesday afternoon,.
August 20th •to pay final tribute
to, a genial and respected friend,
neighbor and lifelong resident of
Nile, Joseph C. McCann,. of stout
hearted,,• pioneer stock, passed away. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 4th, 1,941
ein August, 17th ,at the home of his.
daughter, Are. George Twamley of
Ashfield,.Iafter a prolonged illness.
Mr. Mcbann was born seventy -Seven
years ago in Colborne township, the
youngest of twelve sons and daugh-
tete of the' late 'George McCann" arid
Eliiabeth .Castle, natives of the
County of Armagh, Ireland, who
settled in this country in - 1847. He
wag' 'a,;successfuhfarmer and worthy.
of the esteem, ofall who :knew him
a •prprninent , xner fiber and-offic,Al.
in:church and fraternal affairs, one
til failing health prevented such ac-..
tivities.' Over 'fifty; years: ago he was
married . to. Rachel Fielder. of Ash-
field;u-hoesui viv-es- him with eight
children: Mrs. Ernest Girvin, of Tor-
onto,; Mrs. Chester Brown, Detroit;
Miss Mere, of Chicago;;. Mrs. George
Twamley of Ashfield; Darrell" and`
Harvey, of Detroit; - Reginald,of.
Alhambra, California,- and Wm.,' of
Colborne: He , was predeceased by
the ..eldest son, .Lloyd' of Alberta.
The funeral service was held in
Nile United church and was largely
attended: Rev. D. Pomeroy, of Fins
. gseanlv, iacefo-ramiseta r epdas.Rcoenu Jtoehdn_thCe, ., \evspapex:A_verti• s, ixg._Wins
Millian, of.Baltirnore,4 Maryland, a
grand -nephew of the deceased. The
floral trileirtes,which•_surrounded the.
casket - were profuse .and beautiful'
while favourite hymns sung by the
choir added: to- the dignity of the
ice, A' duet' '-"There'll. Be' No
sere r ,
Tears in the Sky" was sung; by'Isaac
Tabb and Loren Pentland.' The pall-
bearers were George Millian, Geo.
Ryari; George Feagan, Tho's., Reg-
inalds and Watt Hamilton, grand -
,nephews ,of The deceased. TnterfneTit
took place in Colborne. cemetery.
Published every Thursday morning
at Lucknow,' Ontario, -
Publisher and Proprietor
Some, folks say, ' "They can't t
Wingham: ; spent the . week -end at • "d 'n b. the looks of o
A proclamation in the Canada
Geeette ref August. 16, 1941, appoint
Monday, 13th ; of October, 1941
as Thanksgiving D.ay. In the q. aM
language of Royal edicts, the pro
clarnation reads: °"Whereas :it hath
pleased Almighty God 'in His Great
goodness to vouchsafe ,this. year unto
Our 'Dominion'of Canada a bountiful
crop and other blessings, We ,there
fore corisidering that these,. blessings.
.enjoyed by Our pegple. tkxroughout
the'said: Dominion •.do•.cail for a sol-
emn and' public: acknowledgment.
haue___thought._..fi't,_, y and with the
advice of Our Privy • Council for
Canada, to' appoint; . and We do ap-
point -Monday ._the thirteenth day of
October next as a day , of general
thanksgiving . to Almighty GO for
the bountiful crop andother bless
ings which Canada has been favour=
ed this year; And We do invite all
Our loving subjects throughout Cane.
ada to ebserve 'the sail 'day ' as a
day of general thanksgiving". •
Bt...1.g Igitig......2..h s_etzeu two
her. home here`: - You're certainly going to make i
School opened, at 'Heinlock City We hope the finest oflife
sckhool on Tuesday. with some of the. Are coming to thetwo. of you;
pupils' of Laurier in ;attendance. May., every dream and plan you've
Misses Marian MacKenzie, Jean made
Bissett an .Helen MacKenzie. left Be realized "for you,
on Tuesday morning_to.attend Luck_ And •'that you'll be a' happy pair
• now High school.• Always. will be true of you. •
._ •pow
will-Neu-accept- this.• t...
�L� alit but es reinem•-
er of- lair:- and- 1Vlrs: • Franke I•Iarnn
}} �T�77 44 ��•• . -,v a ...1� a
t of 14100 r uncle•, frc an
tG,. egti1t�ta i?wutr�
1Y-oorr-sledee-signs-sof ' nesp o- -- urhoiiae.<.commuxnity._
meet. Signed en-' behalf of the. Blake
V: R: Ester preached his fare- Community, Kilda ''Twamley, Jerry
well .sermon sonsonSunday last before ,Cranston. -
• ke charge of a. con Charlie, 'on ''behalf el Mrs. Hod-
�i•egation in Brantford. leaving, to to g . • ,. gins replied, thanking everyone •.for
While the people chis: commun-
ity Are sorry to see Mr. and Mrs.
Ester go their very, • best wishes
will follow them to their new field
of , work:
• I,
their 'gift.
FIRST Pi iZ'E in the Bruce Coun-
- Beautification Bureau compet-
• ition for improvement ' in rural
school • premises was • awarded. °.to
U.S.S. No. 7 and 8, Saugeen and
Elderslie: This section also won 3rd
prize in the Provincial competition
sponsored by the Ontario Horticul-
Sunday School n'eyt Sunday will Lural Society. The teacher was Ern-
be at 11 a.m. Church service at 7.30 est Crawford. of • RR. 3, Goderich;
who has resigned to enlist with the
• Lyle and Allan Ritch a are at-
tending Lucknow High .School for
the coming term. •-
Mr. and... Mrs: Boden Ritchie of
Walkerville were recent visiirete in
this community, '
• Miss Elsie Ritchie.4ias•-been - -'
gaged' to teach school in • Culross
1Viisses • Elleda. Hunter • and Violet
Ritchie returned to their former
schools. • -
' Miss Marion- .Gardner "spent last
week visiting' Mr. and Mrs. James
'Gardner of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Howeld-spent
•the holiday with Thedford• friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman and
family of Goderich• Township Were
• visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
• Wm. G. Hunter. • ' • •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred •Andcrsoh and
' Mr. Chdrles Anderson visited Pink.
erton friends on Sunday last. •
Mrs. Ruth'Graliam of Clinton, was'
a 'visitor recently' • with :her aunt,
Mrs. Wm. Ritchie. and . Mr. Ritchie.
Mr. and• Mrs. Nelsen Webster of
Windsor called 'on Mr, aiid•Mrs• Will
Gardner 'on Labor Day. ,
Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. .Barclay of
�• Dungannon were, visitors on Labor
.Day, with Mr: .and Mrs'. Richard
Gardner.. •
' Messrs;. Lane Gardner and,Charltc
Anderson returned on Saturday hav-
ing spent sonic time employed ,at
Clinton •Air School. .
Mr. and Mrs. Win.. G, Hunter,
Mr. and M. Wm Gardner and Har-
old Gardner, Mrs. Jos, Cooke 'spent.
Sunday with Mr. and` Mrs. David
Alton when their families v{tlre un-
it d. Mr, and •Nits.. E:w;art Webster
and children of Kirkland Lake are
"Spending their. vacation With Mr,
and Mr's.. Alton: Mr. and Mcg. Nel••
son Webster-, and 'family were up
, .froth Witidsor for the holiday. Ewhrt
and Nelson hadn't met for twenty-
one 'years.
Mr,` and Mrs. H. Koster of Toes
onto -spent the week -end with her
mother, Mrs. Hogan, John and sister
Marga et. '
Mr: Basil Hogan and sister Irene
spent a few days at Toronto Ex-
Mr. and Mrs. George Halloran of
Buffalo, Mr. Jas. Gilmore & Frances
of London, Margaret -Gilmore, Chic-
ago, Miss Hel,en Gilmore and Sgt.
and Mrs. C. Ktetz and babe of Ham-
ilton spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Gilmore and fam-
ily. ,
The 'school, term , has again 'opens.
ed and boys attending Lucknow
Hih School from this vicinity arP
Elther and Herbert Culbert, Lorne
Ritchie, Arthur and Gerald Gilmore.
Messrs. P. Hogan and Connie vis•
ited the Exhibition last week.
Mr. and Mrs, ii. Culbert of Wind-
sor, Mr, and Mrs. .E�" gmith and Mr. •
and Mrs. McIntosh of Detroit vis-
ited at Mr: A. Culbert's' over the
week -end. .
Master, Dick and. brother Jack
Ashton of Detroit returned home
after spen'ding their vacation with
their grandparents, Mr. and •Mrs':"
A. Culbert.
MissIrene Hogan, R.N., has :re-
turned to Detroit after a two weeks'
vacation. Mt. and, Mrs. Hogan ac-
companied her to London.
Mr. Jenies Barixby spent a week
with his son Dr. A.Barnb`y in Ilam-
ilton recently. ' '
' Miss S. 'Parrish and Mis. Sproul-,
of Goderich visited with 'Mrs A.
Helm on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, and
Mr. and Mrs. W..Hunter, Lorna and
Luise spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs: Johns Mckinnon of Tiverton.
Robert MaIlntosh, who is employ-
ed at
mployedat Hamilton spent the wee$ -end
with his parents.
Pte. Jas. H. Hamilton of Londgn
spent. Sunday . at home.
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
James MacDonald were Mr. , and
Mrs- Randy: MaeDerialet.-Andeson.o
But faloe MX -arnrl, Mrs;e,EciwarcteRRiley,;
a ncl da , kits;•r-e •et s- fedi s-Mis•.::a
Mrs. N:ezl M•aeDoeselsl-of. K mita j .-Mr,..
and ,,Mrs. Tom Campbell, •Creighton.
Mines, Mrs. Jas. MacAdams and Mrs.
Dick -Oakes, . ,Goderich. .
Mr. • and Mrs. Oliver McCharles
spent Thursday evening at Sea-
ea-forth. ' .
Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Blue .and 'fame
ily of Detroit ,visited with Mr. and•
Mrs. Grant McDiarmid.
Paramount School didn't ' open
Tuesday. Orders .. from health In-
A WEEKLY DRAW for $10 in
prize money, sponsored , by Tara
merchants, has proved so sti cess-
ful .that it will be continued through-
out. September and probably until
Christmas: •
' Mr. and Mrs. Albert -Alton and son
Blake and, Mr. etc Mrs: Rich. John,
ston are spending a few 'days with
friends at Hamilton and Dunnville.
Mr, Archie and Billy Purdon of
Whitechurch .spent a day aeeentiy
with Mr. Ross Henry. • •
A • number of ladies attended the
trousseau tea . given in honor of.
Miss Anna Irwin, bride to be, by
her mother, Mrs. Will Irwin of Ma-
feking on, Saturday. :
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and
son of Whitechurch spent Sunday
with Mr: and Mrs. Irvine Henry:
School has re -opened for another
Mr, George- Thompson and .Mr
Trafford and family spent Sunday
at Mr. Will Stanleys at Lucknow.
Miss:. Doreen Collins returned
home after spending some holidays
with her sister, Mrs. F. Schmidt of
Mrs. F. Emlaw of California vis-
ited. with her niece, Mrs,' V..Gawley'
during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lisley Hunter, Mr.
and Mrs. Stuart Hunter and families
.visited,at Mr. Sam Emerson's re=
' her sis-
• o v
. Miss J. Long ng ,
Mrs. Ralph Hill' 'recently.,
-term with Miss Hilda Twamley •a- Mr. Don • :MacDonald, Walter Cot-
gain as. teacher and all pupils press: ling, ,Calvin Robertson, Mr. Will.
ent. We wish them all a happy and Scott • and, Miss Marville Scott at-
Mr ,,Tack Alton, • and Mr. Harald
.Henry have returned to high School.
Lucknow after spending their
holidays at. their homes' .here: „•
Mr, arid Mrs., ROss. ,Sherlock: and
Mr: and Mfg. Sam' Sheriock Offline'
-g 11 w ere-visitors.-last-rweek�witli,
Mr. and Mrs. James Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. Salix Alton and sone
Jaek-- attende-d the' Toronto .E'uchib-
itien on' Monday. -
Mr. Herb and Miss Rena Steph-
enson of Varna spent a . day last
week ,at the'home of Mr, arid Mrs.
Albert Alton • and returned home
with their- mother, Mrs. Robert Step••
Merchants who wish to increase,
sales will be' interested in knowing•
the actual. 'value of • newspaper' ad=
vertising as. compared with • other
mediums: Nationally' known public
accountants in. the Unit•ed .States_
asked: two 'questions of, consu• mers'
in Loui.sville, Ky., who -received all
forms of 'advertising:. The questions
were: (1) What • kind of adve.r'tis
ing. influences you.most in,yodr buy-
ing? (al -Whit -h.' of the 'various types-
ypesof advertising do you find most !,
objectionable? e. • •
Here is how, advertising, was grad
eco: .01 Theatre :screen:-.advertis_tng
is the least effective; (21 Billboard
and 'circulars are, next poorest; (3.)
Radio and direct Mail follow; and,
(4) Newspaper' advertising was der
Oared the most effective -to the pubs,
• SEVERE BURNS suffered while,
attempting to light a fire: with coal
"oil- caused the death of Miss Edna
Wade of
Alleriford.' Miss Wade was,
to have been married shortly. Ow-
ing • to the severity : of • the ,burns
the casket was 'iiert opened•• for the
funeral service. ••
tended' the races. at Stratford rte
cently.:. '
Little Wayne .Nixon • of Belfast
visited' his aunt, Mrs, ; J. Emerson
last week. , '
Mr. Orville Jones spent a few days
at. Donald McFarlan's, ,
Mr. ' and' Mrs...Ted Hughes, Mr.
and Mrs. Warren and babe .and Mr.
Gordon Nixon, of Teeswater visited"
at Mr. John Emerson's recently.
Miss Marion Walsh spent: the week
enol at her home here. -
The Mission 'Eland meeting . was
henson who has been spending a.4.ew held on Saturday August • 30th at
•days.: here:' the home of Mrs. Peter Moffat, Cul-
Mr.Stuart Cameron 'cif Vancouver
avid phis;rine#:her;.:M.x:s, aIohzt Caineran
of Lucknow visited With Mr., and,
Mrs. Irvine Henry one day .last
week. ., - - -" ,.,;
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis. and our 'new teacher;, Miss' McPherson of-
family of Tharnesford made a few • Alexandria, Ont.,• .in 'charge. ..
calls' on friends here last week en -
route td Tara and:Allenford.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie . Nicholson
and 'family 'spent Sunday-. •at the
home ofMr. and Mrs.' David Alton
of ' •Lucknow,•
Mr: and�;:S Mrs: iia •Cavi belle 'of
Lucknow spent one day. recently
With their son; Mr: and Mrs. Glen -
weed Campbell. ' '
. Mr. :Ross Browning. of Stititharnp-
ton is, spening a few days witf is
aunt, Mrs. Thos. Henry.,
Furthermore the survey • found.
that newspaper er advertising sold
rhos sthead tkoil inaediaYe�e�ty��s,,aisfir,�est
e l ati, peri • sen oto` earl :go°od girl:
a `ver fling; ail -other the sa-se-11-44-
per cent.
Sixt -.fiveout of every 100
y o ,
women buy from newspaper 'adver-
tising and 51. out of revery 100 • men
are ” likewise influenced. Two of
every 100 women buy from' circulars
but 10 of -every 100•--wo aen-object
-to •circulars while •one• -of every._100.
men buy from circulars and 10 ob
ject.'Thirty of every 100 women ob-
ject to billboard advertising and 42.
of every, 100 object to theatre screen
'ads. -Hanover Post.
rose with an attendance of 19. After
the meeting•-".a,,•pwas .-.held on•-
the, lawn with races, games and.
School.. opened on Tuesday . with
_ CSU N. LL.1$1,NUTES .
The .West Wawanosh .Township
Council, held •the . regular meeting.
OD August '12th with all the mem-
bers'present and' Reeve •We.bster. pre •
sldirig The minutes of last meeting i
were read and accepted on motion. •
of Councillors Miller and McPher-•
The •T.ownship rate for 1941 was
set at two and one, half mills less
government subsidy -of one mill. This
was done on motion of Councillors •
Smyth and Miller.. The Clerk was
instructed to eorres,porrd with regis-
tauditors re fees etc., for the
Township audit. •
:The Council •adjourned, to meet en
September 9th at •1.30 ,p.m,'
School reopened on Tuesday with •
Miss Beatrice ' McQuillin -in 'charge
of S.S. No: 4 (St.; Helens) ; Mise Dor-'
othy Drover of Sea orth at a rdyce;
'and Miss Vivian Tiffin of Wingham
at S.S. No. 3. •
Nig:'Wilson Woods of Guelph was
e week -end visitor With Mrs. R. J.
Woods: .
Mr. Jas. Hyde and Mr. Cecil Hyde
of. Kincardine spent a• few days at
the' former's home here. '
Mr. Jack Watson. of London was
e .recent caller on Mr. E. J. :Thom
and other old 'friends here:. •
Miss Jean •Thom has returned to
Mr. Alfred Sherwood and daugh-
ter Ruby spent Sunday at thehome
of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs,. Mel-
ville Henry of Amberley..
'. s �ll�liessrelSeie reteeeesee ees
'lads' spent ,as tewt days with ii id
id'a ' W rgliam.
. n . c ax
Present indications are that Gt.
Britain will require every export-
able egg Canada can produce --mil-
lions' more than *ere shipped in
1941. .
This supply of eggs must come
from hens now in laying pens and
from ,pullets produced hi .1941. The
increased demand will require an
increase. in productionof at 'least•
two eggs per month per hen during
the laying season. This. can only be
obtained by greater efficiency, . in
Production,. better' care and man-
agement,. better feeding acrid better
marketing methods to preserve qual-
ity. ,
Great Britain - wants eggs of Grade
A quality. Every. Canadian poultry-
man can increase his, patriotic ef-
fort by planning for maximum 'Pro-
duction of Grade A eggs from his
flock during the next 12 months.
Last week's picture was that of
'a prominent personage in IKinloss
and Holyrood in years gone by: UUn-
fortunately we have not had an op-
portunity to sedure' a "thumb nail"
'sketch of Mr. Corrigan this week,
and none of our readers who knew
him well probably, have volunteer-
ed the information. • • „ .
I would rather have one little rose
From the garden of a friend,
Than to have the choicest flowers •
When my .stay on earth must end. •
The s nipathy of the cornmuriity
is extended to Mt. and Mrs. 'Harry,
Bateman of Wingham 'in the death
of, his mother,, .Mrs:. Bateman,, who
for "Many years was :a highly res-
pc•cied citizen of this bominunity. •
Mr. and Mrs. • Jack • Moffat and
1anuly of Galt called oil• friends here
on Monday.
Mr.. and Mrs. -'F G. Moffatq Miss
Margaret Moffat and- Miss Eagen
left on Sunday for Sault Ste. Marie.,
`Visitors on Sunday with' Mr and
Mrs. , Farish -Moffat' Wei*e Mi and'
Mrs. Robert Ross of, . Whitechurch,
Mrs. ' Campbell and Barbara , and
Miss.' Hazelwood of London. •
heirautres as •a o nercraft nurse
at Toronto . after a holiday at hers
home here.
Mr. and Mks.. Ewart McPherson
•were.:week-eyed visitors' at Toronto. •
• Mr. John A. MacDonald, a for -Mer,
resident of Con. 12'"and- his sten Mr: • `
Angus MacDonald. of Brandon were
callers on the former's 'Sister -in-
lays, Mrs. Gordon, ° .
Mrs. 'Gordon issspending the week
at.. th e: hem t?' .of ..her brotli.er eS M e
t'V. Salkeld, Goderich -
Miss :Joan, Earl .of, Toronto • was
a :week -end. guest of Miss Jean •
Mrs. Alex Leitch, .Mr. ah$ Mrs.
Jim. -Bowden ands Jimmy of Detroit„'
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Leitch and Bobby
Logan of•Belgrave were recent visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs.. E. JThom.
•Mr:' and . Mrs. 'Stuart Collyer and
Teddy :returned to ,;Westwood ,on
Monday. They were acocmpanied by
E ,g•;' Th:;w •will• also visit
The- following -teat
vicinity resurped' their duties on
Tuesday:.. Miss W.• D. Rutherford., to'
Kirkland 'Lake; Miss Irene Woods.`
to. Waterloo; MisS Norma Weather -
head. to Stayx er; Mrs: Jame's:.Ram-
age to- Holstein; 'Miss Ruth Ramage • .
Muskoka; Miss Dorine Webster
'Mx' and Mrs, Jack .Graham .of
Ann Arbour, Mich., are visiting with
his •parents, Mr. arid Mrs: Herb Gras
ham. ' .
Miss Betty McIver has returned to
hey.: hone Atterk splen t g„,the;., heat-
sl: en r_eg xtsdsl artrt fid-
ds.:, Hardgi<
.A number from here attended tli
dance at :•Holyrood on F -iday ,pee
ening in.; .honor. ,.of ' Mr: and: Mrs.
Charlie Hodgins.
Those from here who attended the
C.NE..at, ,Toronto: this week were:
Mi. and Mrs. George Haldenby and
Ethele- r: •-and-Mrs.• Ber ts-Mc-Lea
and Mrs. Slessor; Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Boyle; Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy -Graham:
Miss Violet Bell;, Messrs., Len Mur-
ray and Chester Robb.
Mrs. Neely of • ars ey • spen un -
day with 'her 'eousin, Mrs. C. Mur-.
Rev. Mr.. MacNamara .of Toronto
spent a few' days with. his aunt, Mrs.
Eli Jacques. " -
Mr. Wm. Barbour received the sad
Mr. and Mrs. Se O. ' Parry and
family of Detroit spent , the week -
news of the death of his sister, Mrs. end with Mr: and Mrs. Jas. Hod-
Norris of Walkerton. She had vise gins.
ited with Mr. Barbour . a ,little over ' Mrs. Wm, Percy spent a few days
a w eek ago. We .extend sympathy. last week with Mr. Land Mrs. Neil 'cued when Bill Sheeny yolunteered
M' Maxiene Reidewho spent two MacKay, Glamis. to make: the descent on the end of
to Toronto: Miss Jean -Webster 'to
Clinton; Mr. Charles ,McQuillan to
Clandeboye. -
• Mr.' and Mrs. J, W. Dean, Margaret '
and Billy.of London were guests. of
Mr. and Mrs. John` Cameron on Mon-:
day. "
A CQLLIE DOG, which fell down
a 65 -foot, w ell near Paisley was res-
weeks• here with friends .returned'I" Miss Helen Malcolm has returned ea, rope to save the canine from death
to her, home m Listowel.. ;,'to . Toronto •after spending the holi- t by ,drowning.
Miss Kate Hazelwood and Mrs. � days with Misses Nellie and 'Mar-
Alma 'Campbell and.daughter Bar- garet •Malcolm. .
bera of Londonvisited. with Mr. and . •Miss Jean Lane iketurned to Well-' spent the week -end with Mrs. Roy
Mxs, 'R. Ross on Sunday. "and to resxime her teaching :duties. Graham.
Mrs. Carl Lott and sons are • visit- ' Mrs. ' Frank Maulden. returned to Schvoi -r'e- r'red =en -Tuesday ,with
Mgwith Mr.' and, Mrs. Walter Lott. her home' at Glen Orchard after Miss Helen Hamilton of• Lucknow as
• spending the past two weeks with
Back from your, vacation at last, her parents,. Mr. ' arid- Mrs. J. R. The H. W. I.' will meet at the
eh? Feel any change? Lane. • , •• home• of Mrs: Flaynard Ackert ;on
No, not a cent: • Miss . Violet Bell of Kincardine September 4th. •
I Would rather have the kindest.
And • a smile that I can see, -
Than flattery when the heart is still'
And this. ?lie has ceased to be.
I' would rather have a loving smile
From friends I know are true,
Than tears shed round my casket
When this world I bid adieu.
Then bring me all the flowers today
Whether pink, white or red,
I'd rather have one blossom now
Than a truckload when I'm dead. r
h '
Fitt little leisd': "H'o6's that sit;
ting, on the park bench below tis?'�
Second little bird:. "That the guy
who fired puckshot at us the other
day". Third little bird: "Well' � wet
are we' waitin' for?"
"Every ditty,, well wird honestly one, h `a contribution to victory.'
°rN$ P1Lnr(E .Mt;11STER OF CANADA. -
■ ■■■res - -� — --------
Mary. is the "vole' with. a smile". Mary is the efficient
• person .generally known as a telephone operator. As an
operator she knows nitwit about telephone' equipment-
quipmenthow it Should be used and handled, '
Birt Mary is best known for her personalitq-for her cool
Hess in emergencies -for the grand things she has done,
time and again, ignoring her own danger•, intent ,on one '
thing only -to keep the standard of telephone service high.
We pay respectful tribute to Mary and 'tee. Spyyrla -
all the giris who work with her. Her (9 P., -
devotion to her job sets a standard of
public service. Tactful, patient and
courteous, Mary is the medium through
which this .Company and its' public
are always in touch. She plays a vital
part in ca'ha(fa's war effort,
is •