HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-08-21, Page 1L
.X2.00' A Yi<.AR-IN ADVANCE -50c ...#RTRA. TO .U. S.: A.
Luekno-v-V , Oat,, . Thursday • Aug st iisti 1941
RobertJ. Thoxnpsort, youngest. son•
..of' 3. 'and Mrs.D'M.. Thoripson
.passed away suddeily inKincardine
Generai'°Hospital about two o'.c1oelf.
last ' .Friday _r►z �,
orniri ...following a•
brief illness, the• native:Of - which'
puzzled his medical.. attendants and
e' h.- .a' .. s. yet• not
the' cause ` af. d at ..h s; . a yet '
definitely been established.;
Widely -known in : this district and
' • in other, O'ntari'o. •centres, few young
niexr had the happy faculty. of mak
ing-andretaining, friendships, as had-
• Bob Thompson, I and his , .sudden.
death brought. deep sorrow, riot only
to his family and relatives, but to
a wide . circle ' of intimate friends.
Becoming ill MVIonday night, Bob
was taken to the hospital on' Tues
day, although his condition was not
considered 'serious, and,, while the
' nature of the Illness puzzled' his me-
•dicar', attendants, it was at a 'late
'hour Thursday night. before his con-
dition. became alarming, • With ;the..
end coining very unexpectedly= -early=
Friday, morning.
- Bob Thompson was born in Luck-• .
new twenty-eight .years ago, . He
faced life with the handicap of be-
ing' deaf •'and dumb, and received
his educationat the Ontario School
for the ..Deaf a Belli/11e,, where he
was. a clever.scholar; nd where
marked ability' as an athlete became.
evident, and was developed.
• At the Kiwanis •Ice carnivals in;
° Bellville ;Bob.- won • the I,speed skat-:
ing honors in both the Senior boys
and • open City classes. He 'played
, The. Arena Committee met in the
Office of Geo. H..$rnith' on Monday,
evening; when . Robert Rae was ap
pointed chairman. Changes In the'
"Council Board have- resulted in
changes, in the personnel of the Ar-'
erre .Committee. The seven-'inari
Board 'ineludes.. Robert. •Rae:' , G, H.'
J Cam. bell, W. B, And..'.
:thr , act . , p
erten;- Jack Kilpatrick, J: ° W. Joynt.
and, Austin Solomon.
The •Board discussed the necess-,
of •erect , a retectin barri
,icy . ing -P ._ ____ - _g
cede along the north' side 'of the
arena, because cars Which are park
ed along there° -have 'occasioned con
siderable,damage to the metal sheet-.
ing; by bumping into it. In one case..
the metal has been perforate& ' ••
Mrs.. P. M. Johnston of Lucknow`
has received. 'word' of the death of
her brother, . Peter James, which
n kgs ,,Angeles. Mr James
has for many years been a resident
of Sana Barbara, California.
A' son of the late Mr. arid Mrs.
Wm. James, he Was. born on the
10th Concession of Kinloss; but went
to the States as ,a' youth where he
has since 'resided. Ile . served 'with;
the American; Army ` in the Great
Mr. James is survived by his wid-
ow, .two sons and a daughter. He
wasone of a family of eleven child
ren, .and is --also -survived by • three -
sisters, -Mrs.. Maud Scott of . Den -
with -the Bellville 'Junior-Mackey'aver; Col,; Mr's: Joseph Wall (Ida)s
Con. 14, 'Culross and .Mrs.
team,.• under the coaching of "Toots"
Hollowa . .' and 'after • leaving school
:played Senior O.R.A. hockey with
Galt, and later tried out with the
London - Tecumsehs.
Bob. had morethan ordinary abil
• ity 'in hockey, baseball and softball
' ' •
—arid _l -dyed with true sportsmanship
'for many clubs in this district- He
^;+ played.• intermediate hockey with
n via E1 TE CRANIUMS �li�.���iri�,:: W'i.gh�a �`¢q`' ` -..
Lttc"ktt T`eeawa.
,;: wham,' -Kincardine- and- this=year�:was
• `.. , playang with.; the. Hanover. Rex Sox,
* t Floral tributes from numerous 'eth-
letic. organizations were prominent
among those that banked the casket
as a last mark of esteem, to one much
--beloved-by-Young..and old.
Bob coached Junior baseball' and
hockey ,team's :in Kincardine with
considerable success, but sport was
not Bob's whole life. He learned the
printing trade at Bellville• and for
six' years has been 'on the staff of
the Kincardine, Nevus. He was also
an efficient linotype operator, • and
--was a conscientious and diligent
worker at his. trade. Bob took part
in social life as well, andwhatever
his associations, his radiant
person-ality and ' friendly smile overcame
what would to many ,have proved'. a
serious handicap.
• At the funeral service en- Monday
Rev. C. H. MacDonald spoke of
.how .Bob had overcome his handif
cap. -His -was -a -life veli-4ry .o
said, that should be an inspiration to
us all. 'The service was held in the
Presbyterian church, following a
brief service at the family residence.
Rev, , MacDonald Was assisted ,by his
r , - son, Rev. Douglas -MacDonald.
Interment was in South Kinloss
Cemetery, • the pallbearers being
close associates of Bob's :in his work
and sport. They were, Charles Wyse,
Tommy Pollard, Eddie Sutherland,
• ;,Bill McNair, Clark Finlayson and
4" • likordon Irwin.. I •
Bob is survived by his sorrowing
parents and four brothers, Gordon
of Edmonton, William F. of Tor-
onto, Andrew of Bowmanville and
Dr, Kenneth of Chicago, all of whom
were home for the funeral.
Johnston (Nellie) of Lucknow;' and
three brothers, John and,- William-.
of Colorado: and Percy of • Chicago.
Predeceasing him were 'threesis-
ters; Mrs ?'avid • ,ohnston, Mrs.
Susan Crowdis and Mrs. Lizzie Rob-
inson ' and one brother, Edward ,of
'Thompson -Soper
• A ' .retty wedding was. solerrini°zed
in Christ. Chur-eh:Cathedral, Ottawa
Sergt•-Observer Alex G., MacKen-
zie of Lucknow was among the. class.
of graduates who received •'their
i s ' at an im ressive ceremony.
at E.ingal ' Bombing and Gunnery
Scheel oh Saturday afternoon.
It .,:vias the; largest numb' to
greddate since the Inception of the
school and '1ikewiie • there "was the
largest crowd o f proud relatives and
on, Saturday, August the • ninth at
four o'clock; when Elizabeth Max-
well, daughter' of ::Mrs., John .Soper
,and the • late Mr'; Soper, become the
br-.ide•. if • Mr. ;Andrew MacKenzie
Thompson,: son .Of Mr, and Mrs: D.
M Thompson of Lucknow. Canon
Howard Clark officiated.:
Mr. ``and Mrs. .Thompson 'left for
s eetator; whovi!itnessed the coir -,'a wedding cruise on the St, Law-
. rence: Theywili•°resitie in: Bowman-:
_ :. , f win s by•Win- .'Common -w a
Perrin . o g g vilie``•where Mr. Thompson is prin..
der W. D. Van Wet,: who was, in
the thick, • of the Battle of Brtain :eipal of 'the ,Public Sehual..- -- Mrs.
, Thomps'on was. aformer member .of
a year ago.
mon s ectators were Mrs. the Bowma"nville. High- School staff.
'Among the p
Wm. MacKenzie, Miss Katherine •
MacKenzie, ie Frank and John Ii Mac 'LOCAL LADY HAD.
- •
Kenzie of Lucknow, Dr. Witl•.Mac-
Kenzie Of Grosse Point, Det `ort; and H IP FRACTURED
Miss. Isobel MacIntosh, Re :N: of '
• Miss. Marion MacPherson of Dick-
Globe and Mail pictures of the now is in Winghatn ' Hospital with
graduation included a splendid pie- a fractured hip, which she suffer -
tate of Alex and his mother and ed • at :her home last Wednesday
sister.,.Katheriue.. :Qa . - _ morning, .
Sergi: -Observer 1VIacKenzie ' teff`
Just how the accident -`occurred
following the graduation' for New
Brunswick where he will ¢.do coastal
duties: for a month before being
granted a leave to visit,at.his home'.
here. • .
'Alex joined the R.C.A.F. at''Lon-
don and wad -sent immediately to
Brandon. Other .. points of . training
during the' past few; months includ-
ed Rivers, Mari", Goderich, ,Crumlin
and Fingal.
. '•Ernest S. Henry; of Kincardine
was .among the observer graduates, MISS W- DOUGLAS CHOSEN
-p M--and--there- was- one -airman from the_ !QSPITAL . SUPERINTENDENT
Far East, ` Seig't.Observer William
Leslie MacKay, son. of Dr. George
MacKay, a Presbyterian'. missionary
in Formosa,'at present • on furlough
in Canada. Sergi: MacKay who was
born in Formosa, •came. o
in January to enlist.
is • not definitely known, but Miss
MacPherson • may have caughther
foot' in rising:: from a conchin the
kitchen - which threw her to "the
floor, where she was found . by her
brother. John'•upon .his returnhome
atnoon hour.
Miss MacPherson is held in high
esteem- in t'he:' Village and many
friend's herelearned of the accident
with sincere regret:
Clifford-Babb of. :Holyrood"has. se-
;cured. ,the contract- for the delivery
of mail on R.R. No.. i; Holyrood and -
•commenced his duties 9n Wedries
lay. For' several weeks Cliff. drole
this route for the Purvis 'Estate.. -
This • is the .first time since - the
inception of rural mail delivery
from -Holyrood that the route has
'changed' hands, the Purvis family.
holding, the contract continually' for
over a quarter of a century.
Raising Big Litter
Mr. Fred Hodgins, of Kinloss
.Township owns a sow Which is
'mothering 'sixteen of a litter of . 18
pigs. They are now about 12 days
old and • thriving. This is her third
litter. Early . this year she raised 12
ofa litter of sixteen and previous
to that had raised eleven of '12 pigs
in her first litter: •
. n w
Richard Kilpatrick of Ashfield
has corn that' can beat that eleven'
foot stalk , that Andy Clark a was
broadcasting about -recently, Rich-
and measured a stalk of the ,Sweep-
stake variety that is' growing on
his farm
and found it had attained
a growth of 11 feet, four inches,
Mr. William Statters of Kinross,
has been ill for a time with pneu-
moria but is now making a faVor-
able recovery. Mr .Scatters' has' for.
over twenty-five years been ° mail
eourrier • on R,Ii;,. 2, Holyrood, and
his ditties are presently being con-
ducted_ by Bert MacLean of Kin-
thing who is sure
• a�done no -
nothing .can be
With the proceeds from their• scrap
collection last fall and this spring,
The 'Clansmen plan, to send cigar-
ettes to the boys from fhis,commun-
ity on active .service overseas. ' .While the t e fund lasts .menthl or,
h lasts, , Y or
ders wil'1 be :placed for shipment of
Canadian "fags" ,. t4 theseMena Can-
cigarettes are -much apprecie
ted overseas, ...and the policy • •of
"Smokes ' for the soldiers" which
The a stn.' n: ere Adopting should'
T CL n e. . �', . P g
,be mighty" popular.,
But to carry out this undertaking
the complete and accurate address
of each soldier overseas niust .be
received, & in this regard the Clans-
men ask for the' addt-essesof all
men:in Lucknow, andon the Luck=
now: and Holyrood rural routes;' •who
are now overseas.
Such ' information is required ,at
the earliest • possibl'e date. Addres='
set' of all such men should b:e clear-
ly; . written ' or printed .'.arid mailed
err brought into. The Sentinel _officee..
It remains with the parents, wives
or relatives of "these men to pro.
vide The Clansmen .With this in.:.
formation, • to- assure . the ..most ac-
curate and complete .list . of names.
The list of ,names and . addresses
will .he published next' week, so that
omissions or errors may be correct-.
Ata meeting of the hospital• board
held Tuesday night; Miss Winnifred
Douglas, Reg.N.,. was engaged to
take over the''duties as Superinten,-
ana• a .,f-W4r-nghnm General-Hospi
Miss Douglas Will report September.
1st, and Miss,, C. Shultz, who has
been superintendent for over two
BOWLING WINNERS years, and who hasresigned on ac,
count of ill ,healtkc• will remain on.
F-indingg the C-arrr-ityeH•uxren--neg
iigent in maintaining . the Earl
Bridge, over•the Maitland, in a state
of non -repair Justice''I'1 C. Makins
on Saturday assessed .damages of
$4,625.25 _Against the county. The
plaintiff's had asked $19;500. The
judgment, grants a 16 day 'stay in.
-case-of .appeal; - _ _ _ _
The- action arose' out of an ac,
cident ori July 7, 1:940„ when two
girls-� ez killed and. other --pas t .
we - were' .s. , 'ac' enzie:r
Mrs. - :Russell ...Robertson, _.Mrs • .T.;
-Clarke'-and_I•Ielen 'Hnniilton.,.A.t..-:th
mixed rtney on • Monday night 'the
winners were Mrs. Huston, Mrs.
Hamilton; 'Mrs.. Clarke, Wm. Mc-
Pherson, Wes Huston and Donald
A Wellington 'county, paper says:
"Here in Wellington the - county's
quota for the . War Services Fund
Was taken care of from a one -mill
levy on the county tax .rate. This
would have been a much fairer way
to reach the desired goal in Bruce
County. In times such as these, three:
municipalities should not be allowed
to entirely ignore their 'responsibil-
ities, Ater a long; hard struggle,
Bruce County raised' is quota of,
$18,090- for the war services fund.
Three municipalities in the county.
failed to make any contribution to
the fund, despite repeated urging
and. requesting".-Chesley Enter-
prise. •
Benjamin Donnelly, highly est-
eemed resident of the Second Con-
cession of Huron • Township, was in-
stantly killed on' Monday of this
week. Death was due to a fractured
neck 'which resulted when he was
thrown from a wagon to the floor
'of ,his barn, '
A combine Was .at work harvest-
ing grain on the Donnelly, farm' and
"Ben", as hewas best known, was
hauling the ' threshed grain to the
While unloading the grain it is
believed that the horses stepped for-
ward throwing Mr. Donnelly off
balance and causing ' him to crash
to the barn floor, thereby suf er-
'e' that were a
ing in'uris y
g J
pp '�
instantly fatal, for Mr. Donnelly had
passed away when help reached him
within 'a few moments. a is sur-
vived by his widow and three bro-
thers and two 'sisters Mrs. A. C.
Hamilton of Huron and Mrs° Wilson
Hamilton of Lucknow art sisters.
The funeral on Wednesday after -
mien was largely' attended- for 'Mr,
Donnelly was well arid favourably
,knownin the community, ,
BORN- , • -
WEBSTER-In Wingham Hospital
on . Sunday, August 17th to Mr. and
Mrs: , Harvey Webster of Lucknow,
a daughter,, Nancy Patricia '
f you
Mother (on train): I are not
a good boy I'll slap you.
Junior: You do and tell the
Concluder how :old 1 really
Mr. Gordon S. MacIntyre has ac-
cepted the position as principal of
the Continuation School. at Sioux
Lookout, in Northern Ontario,' some
two hundred miles east of Winni-
peg. :
inn.'peg.: There are over one hundred
,pupils ori the roll of this northern
town. Mr. Maclntyre is at present
en' route north, and is makin°g the
journey to ,that' head, of ' the lakes by
boat, having left from Ttibermory.
Mr. Maclntyre, _ whose home • is
nearY, .g
P'aisle first 'tau ht at St.
Helens, and later„was appointed to
the' D,ueknow High School staff
which position he held for sib years.
Gordon was quite popular in the
community, and many friends here
regretted bisdeparture.
M . Madrityre's succesor. ort the
is'Mr. Clarence local staffc R..Chap-
ple, B.A., of Fleshertote Mr.-- and -
Mrs. Chapple have rented the home
of Mrs. T. Watson and with' their
son, took up residence here. this
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas, of
Lucknow."She is . as graduate of "Vic-
toria •lospital,. London, .and for tour
years 'was' on the, staff , of the Red
Cross 'Hospital, Kirkland Lake. For
a year, she.was dietitian at Luella
Hall, Oshawa, and is at' present on
the staff of Christie Street Hospital,
Toronto Miss'. Douglas did' peat -
graduate -Work in dental Miming and
is qualified in book-keeping and
typewriting. -Advance -Times.
son of Mr, and Mrs. D: M. Thomp-
son, of 'Lucknow, whose sudden
death lasts Friday caused' universal
sorrow in this district. •
The work of hard' surfacing, the
Bruce County road from Lucknow'.
to Kinloss commenced the, end of the
week: The five miles from:Lucknow
to Holyrood willbe eornpleted this
fall and. this streteli of '. the road'
had received its_ primary, .treatment;
b., Tuesday night :Subsequent
plicatioris ofashphalt,crushedroCk
and. sand Will, give a final surface
Similar • to the road south ; of • Luck -
now. ...
• Village;, Streets Alse ,°;
At the, 'seine time as this is ;be•
ing done • a : section of Village, roads
will be given a hard top treatment.
G•r..,ading, of the streets :te.'be done
commenced on Wednesday in the
block .north' from Smith's Garage:
Other streets being done include the
road east to Outram and then north -
to the "dead 'end" at -the Mitchell,
residence, • all. of whichreceived`+, an.
initial coat of tar on Wednesday, and
it will be about two weeks before
the work will be resiulned. ' •�
Deathcarne with shocking sudden-
eats t� James • Valad of Holyrood on
Friday 'morning about seven o'clock.
he had been ¢engaged' • at his usual
farm duties' previousto his death -
which carne almost, Without warm:.,
irig,;,Tdue to: hernia of the heart.
In his 54th, year, Mr. Valad Was-
born in •'.Greenook'• Township, and
was the second son .a'the 'late Pet- "•
er Valad andSarah • Racher. His.
father died : eleven', years .ago` and' „.
his mother eight years ago;
• In1910' Mr. Valad married Mary
Cassidy' and seyenteen years ago
with their fanilly they moved from
Riversdale, 'to the. Kenny farm on'
the ,8th Concession, which they lat- . f
'er bought. Mr. ,Valad was an in.
dustrious,. ' hard working ,man and.
at the time of ' his ` death o' rned. 300
acres of' land. He . was a kind' hus-
band and ,father, and wall:be missed
in his 'hone by 'his' family and in
the neighborhood by many ' who ..
Attending 'Aircraft School knew the hospitable welcome that.
• alwa s .awaited. 'them at .the . Valad
`Merle Joli n of 1Vir:--arid. -• -- ..._
Mrs. P. M. Johnston is attending The funeral ,was held on 'Monday .
the. Galt ' Aircraft School, .taking, a ,morning tram his late .residence.to
course as a' mechanic, His brother•, : St. Patrick's Church, • Holyrood,
J. C,, who is taking military ;train- where Requiem High'Mas5 was sung:
ing at Kitchener has ; also signed up by , Revi . Father Leavey, parish
with; the R,C.A;F, priest. Interment was. in. St, Ann's'
Cemetery, Riversdale. .
Mass .servers were two nephews; •
Kevin McGlynn and Lloyd •Cassidy
of Riversdale . and a quartette con-
sisted ; of four nieces, . Misses • H'elen
The 21st Field' Brigade, R. C. A.,
Reserve Force, left for Thames Val
ely Camp at London early Sunday .0-agan, N. of-Guelpli,,Reta anr�' a
morning by special. train. ' The Bri- • Geraldine O'Hagan and • Jean Cas- . .
wgnde_,,yyhich is _under the command ` sidy of . Riversdale.. Flower- bearers:
were - three , nephews, John Valad, '
Guelp ,
h•'. Elmer O'Hagan, St. Cath-
erines and Mervin Valad, Cargill:
Many lovely' floral tributes' and: a
large number of Mass 'cards show -
of Li ut:-Col, 'George Howson. , is
composed 'of .Batteries from Wing:.
ham, Kincardine, ..Walkerton and.'.
Listowel. • The Walkerton '97th Bat-
tery isin charge di '.Major P. Stuart
'NW—Kw—ale• of Walkerton.
Among the local boys attending.
camp- with the,.. 99th. Battery: of
Winghain are Jack Campbell, Har-'
old Thompson, Clarence Greer, Jer-
xy- Bathwecll .-•W:' ,Webster. Clair
1 ► , . a was- tried al, 'rzre•; "i i?k_..,-1- Yl?e'i'•r•A.1. .a it
ton, Rexford
Lcnil�on and elle witness' testified
the :structure rattled=so--- ueh--the-- Me -n-'who iOstrander' and- Reid
s' actin ,as a bugler.
noise could be heard ' three miles'
away.• .
James A: Edwards and his wife,.
wile sued on account of the death
a -. izaheth. at-A•t berley Beach -at -a
=_ � • Beniuger-(4VIer3;4 �13�-th--M-rs>�,ab-
• •A.,• pleasant • afternoon ..was 'spent
cd thenigh--etae•, • "; •rhich Mr.
Valad' was held. •
.Pallbearers were Angus McIntosh, •
John Robb; W i. "'Eadie;' John Me- ro..
'Glynn, Nicholas O'Hagan and John. •
,Cassidy: c .
Be diu Iriz 1 *'-Mr- ' la,¢t asp+ . w r
r meq'
gus and three : aughters f ► Ray'
Mond ,Schumacher '(Dorialda) and I •
Helen arid -Eileen at -hunie,.• - -
• Alse surviving are four brothers,
Peterof Riversdale, Joe of Cargill;
Albert of Chepstow; � Frank Of
Guelph and three sisters, Mrs. Frank
Winners *of last week's prize draw
were, 1st, •Gordon Lyons, IL 1, Luck-.
now; 2nd,, Elizabeth Lyons, Luck -
now; 3rd, Vyetla Phillips, R; 2,
Lucknow;. 4th, Shirley Irwin, R. 5,
Lucknow; 5th, Reg Ferguson, Luck -
now; 6th; Mrs. 'Sam Cupskey,
Dant•ing at Paramount Hall, • ever
Fridaynight to MacKenzie's orchest-
ua Doo prize Admission 35e,
Paramount Women's institute. is
-sponsoring - a-•-dfange in the '_rata-'
'mount Hall, next 'Monday, Augtiat.
25th. McCharles orchestra. General
admission, 25c. .,unchecounter. Pro-'
coeds. for W. I, war work purposes.
aged 16, are given judgment .for
$611.0; Mrs... Clara _Ritchie, . who sued_
on .account of the . death of • • her.
daughter, Ida, 18, for $750; ' Miss
Edith Ritchie, injured, for $567.75;
Miss Rita, Gallowan, 18, injured, for
$975; her father; through whom she.
sued, for $225, and Eleanor Carson,
16, injured, for $1,125, and Everard
Carson, through whom she sued . for
$382,50. The Cartons live in .Gerrie
and the others in , Howick 'Town-
Partially Negligent
The amounts awardedwould have
been 25 per cent higher had his
lordship not found that the driver
of the car, going 60 miles an hour.
'the way Trina <r dance, was 2$
per cent negligent, in not keeping
a proper lookout.
"The” bridge", said Mr: Justice
Makins, "I must find had been badly
out of repair before the accident
for some years: The neighbours up
to a .distance' of three miles away
tell of the noise of shaking of the
bridge when a vehicle goes over
it", -..
gather' g of the family of Mrs. Rob- ert Hall (Sadie), London.;_ Mrs. Wm.
ert..Ha> ton and_the late Mr. Ham-._01sgan (Evelyn),, Si. Catherines.'
Ilton: Those attending the funeral from
Mrs. Hamilton' ' has twenty-two a distance were,'Mr. and Mrs. Stew -
grandchildren and. one great -grand- ' art Martin and" family, Buffalo; Mrs.•
child, Clarence. Button. Those • pres- Wm. O'Hagan and family, Mrs. Don
eat were Mr.'and Mrs: Frank Hain- Smith and 112r, John Marino,> - St.
Ilton and nine daughters;. Mr, and Cather-ines; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Robert Hamilton and five. sons. O'Hagan and family, ' Detroit; Mr.
and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Barkwell and Mrs. Frank Valad, John, Mrs.
and their family of five sons and Straus; Thos. Moore. and Helen 0'-
three daughters. Haan, Guelph; Thos. O'Hagan,
Those present from a 'distance Brantford . and Wm., Bert, and Ger-
were Mr. Robert Barkwell, Miss aidCassidy of Preston.
Dorothy McKinnon and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Button arid Clarence of Dun=
das and Miss Mae Barkwell and H HEARD ALEX SMITH ON
Smith 'of Toronto. OVERSEAS PIIOGRAM
'Meeting ' in special session •on
Tuesday night the Lucknow Village
Council 'struck the 1941 tax rate
at 42 mills whichis unchanged from
last year's rate, although there are
some changes in the various rates.
that go to make up the total levy.
The. rate Was approved by the
Board tan' -the recommendation of
the Finance aCommittee, which' Con-
sists of, Councillor McQuillin, Reeve
Bushell. and, C uncillor S
The rate at struck is as follows,
and .for corii•paratide purposes the
1940 rate alai) appears.
• 1941 1940
County ' • 4.8 4,6
Village 1,4 2 13,4
Street lighting ..,,.,. ,.., 3.7 •3'.6
School .......:........•.....• �" 12,6 13.8
Library , ' 1.2 1.3
Relief .7 ' .5
Debenture 4.8: 4,8
42, 42.
• righafl -.:Robert W.-Chetn,
Campbell, Audrey F.-Eng..Lit.,
C (P.S.); Chem. III;, Fr. Au. C; Fr.
Comp. C. -
Culbert, Gerald E. -Mod. Hist.,
11; Alg., Iii; Trig., IIi Phys., II;
Chem-., I; Fr. A' .,. II; Fr. Comp., I;
Lat. Comp., C
Curran,: Bertram ,G: Trig., C.
Fisher, Mary R. -Chem:, C; .1r r.
Au., C; Fr. Comp., C. '
. MacDonald, Bertha C,-Alg., C.
Maclntosh, Robert J. -Trig., III;
Phys., C; Pr, .Comp., C,
MacKenzie,. ' John C;
Phys., C;.Chem., III;' Fr. Au., II; Fr.
Comp., III.
MacKinnon;. Grace. I, -Mod.. Hist.,
C; Alg.,. C; `!'rig.; II; Phys., I1; Chem.,
C; Fr. Au -,,I1; Fr. Comp., I.' •
McNeil, T. Clifford-Alg., C;, Trig.
II; Phys., C; Chem., C. •
• Melton, It .Jean -Fr. Comp., C.
°Ramage, Cuyler A. -Mod, 'Hist.,
C; •Ag, C. • '
Salkeld, Margaret R.-Alg.,
Phys., C; Chem., C; Fr. Ate, C; Fr.
Comp., III. ..
Wainwright, Fre,deriek ...Trig., C.
NlacCrostie, Marie-Chern., 11; Pr.
Au., C; Fr. Comp,, I.
I-75-100%; 1I-66-74; I11-=•-60.65;
C-50-59. '
'-Stdriding granted under Or,
cular••27 (Farm Laborer).
P.$. -Private Study. ,
.F. E. McLEAN,
(Priri: )
' Alex Smith, son. of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J.,Sgr-th, east of the Village, -and
who is with the R.C.A.F. somewhere
in England, was heard oh a 'radio
broadcast on Saturday evening. Alex y
took. .6 t on a ' quiz for :the soldiers ..
program, after which 'each contest-
ant had the opportunity to send
greetings to the folks back home.
Harold Greer heard Alex speak,
and quite readily, recognized h'is
voice. Mr. and Mrs.. Smith has been
listening in on a 6.00 o'clock pro-
gram And were of the opinion that .
the next program was at 8.30; and
so missed thee opportunity to hear
-their son speak.
Leaves. Soon For New Charge
Rev. •J:' Reynolds Esier,- pastor of .
Ashfield and Ripley Presbyterian
churches will leave the first week
in. September to assume the duties
Of his new tharge,at Brantford. Rev.
R. A.
McConnell is conducting` ser-
vices for two weeks at Ashfield and
Ripley while, Rey. Esler and 'Mrs.
Ester are enjoying a holiday. Rev.
Esler will preach farewell sermons,
on August 31st.
Miss, McKenzie of town received
word .last week of the death of her
only brother,' Donald. McKenzie of
Wallaalla, Washington. .
Frien� afters friend departs,
p ,
Who hath not .lost a friend, •
There is no union here' of heart's
That finds not here an ,end.