HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-08-14, Page 6•
rief Boli Nems
More Hair Care
'Prop'er• B. rushinga ed ..Caref01• •
Shampooing , Necessary To
Keep Hair Healthy:-
ealthy -
With more and more smart 'Wo-
men adopting shorter coiffures for
summer, hair health, and well-being •
become doubly important, The real.
charm.•of any short hair -do lies in
t• he natural' gleam 'of the hair it- '
:self; And hair which isn't healthy
• • ,just doesn't, have,. a :shining : look
about •it. '
Regular and proper brushing
a...the _,great oi_ure-a1 V ;fgr minor hair
iailnirents, of course; "Regular"
means at least four times,�a.. week.'
'Yrnp e'. Means, using a brush with, ..
hong but fairly flexible bristles,
hohii lg it loosely in the hand and,,
'with • each stroke, placing it flat
,against the, scalp andthen moving,
it- upward and,out- ward -to -ends of
:the hair.
This way, every speck ' of dan-
druff is removed from the scalp
• ' and each hair is. ' •cleaned and
polished. ••
Experts;' agree :that haphazard
shaanpooingis responsible for the,
lack of shine = on a great 'many . `
''.heads. One soaping and' a 'brief:
• ringing- are not adequate.,
'The ;hair should be "carefully
•Dru§hed,--rinsed in hot water; then
given • two .vigorous soapings and,
either' four' rinses in .a' bowl or
"� :ftllly"•�d`� rniu'u.% o rn'�fig'"�tJltlr"`r
a • hand spray. Very + often,, gum- •
miners= after a shampoo is 'due tp
inadequate • soaping rather than•
skin py r3nsin>;..,•
Minn Treats For
CROSS the' foam 'twist me
Beinzians Mai lie ‘boto.
A Red Bavarian!
"Oh My!"
bombs dropped
from the; sky.
.BUt•over here --
Cod bless our:
"I suffered from constipation for
some:time, And` tried all kinds of
medicine; but =Refloated only a
short time. Finally I tried
baiter educe eathig this delicious .
cereal every ininnilig,"; livritei H.
Mason,' St. FaUstin. Que.
yeti get at the' causwiit colistipa-
thin due to lack of the right kied •
of "hulk" in the cliet, Eat this de-
licious -cereal (or try It in muffins)
every day and drink plenty of
,water. But remember, it doesn't
work like harsh purgatives . . .
ALL -BRAN takeS time. At your
grocer's, in tivo convenient age
packages at restaurants. htlade by
Kellegg's„in London, Canada.. 00,
Whea Carl Rogekii7-'-editoP of
the "PoWder Horn Sentinel,"• is
killed from ambush in the land:.
grant feud by , Russell MeselY's
Hat T riders, Anne -Eliot, pf Mas•
sillon, Ohio, his .niece, inherits
the paper. As she stens' froM the
stagecoach at Blanco, there is a
whisked froth his red head, but
the editor Who siicceeded Rogers
recovers' it before running- to a
rider, levels his gun again ,but he
drops dead as a door eloses be-
SiIcati. 'fate' gun play
had followed Snevels aPpearance
in the Trail's End with Ant Preia-
•tias, his foreMan, and other Hai
.: prey after hini. JOd accused Jesse
of double-crossingE 1Vlosely in the
feud, —Jeise's younger -brother
-Phil -refused to Irare....,witboutd
„Jesse- and When Jud started to
• hit Phil, Silcott, waiting for a,
game of poker, asked. if holkiiely!.is
orders' included ' beating up the
boy. Angrily, Jed warned jim
he 1.vas on dangerous groUnd,
writhing to the floor, and left
with the Hat T men. It was( then
that they lay in wait for Jim.
jelks takes Anne to the 'Sen. -
dad", office aad Jud and his -men
shoot it up but leaVe when' Jim
sbouid that .Anne is' inside., fin;
Red Plum Bova-
ityhy not prepare. a, batch todan•
8" red phlraisi cooked;., Cups%
plum juice;'-'1.PaCkage. strawberry -
4 thinned gelatin; dash .-of' salt;
To eook plums, combine plums,
cover, and simmer until just tender.
, Drain, reserving juice; measure
• I.% cups. Cut plums in large pieces.
Dissolve gelatin. in hot plum juice;
add Salt. Chill until cold' and
Jayrupy. Fold, in cream, whipped
only until thick and shiny; bnt not
stiff. Fold in cooked plums. Chill.
When ' idightly thickened, pile in
sherbet glassps or large bowl.
Seryes 6.,
• A Baby Inherits
Shape of Ears
Their -Size, Too, Is.' Pre- •
determined by Nature Cer-
tain Amount of Care Will
Keep Them Frei» Being
Bent Forward
Your baby'inherits the 'shape and '
size' of his. ears from hia ancest-
ors, and .if there is a•.preponder-
his ancestors,' it's pretty .hoPeless
to, think that anything the Mother.
. dOes will alter the klutpe of those
It would be a shame to torture
a child by putting adhesive tape
• on his ears; for -it wonld pull everi
time hik head. wad turned. &nail.
net- hoods, fitting the head snugly, •
' will keep ,the ea:is 'back against.
'the heed, but ordinarily , a
mother needs to do• is to see that
-when Baby is lying' on his side
his . ears are. fiat to his. hpad aM1
. 'Too Sort mattreeses, which al-
low Baby to lie in a nest, and,
pillowS, Which result in the wane
Mutation, all are taboo for the
baby; Let him lie on a comfort- •
able .but firm mattress which does .
• net sink Under' his body' Weiiht,
• arid it' will lie, a simple' mqter to
Then, when grown, his 00rs will
not be , any shape other than the
One which is natural, te him„ •
Biiiiidasi Coffee
.Extravagant Gift
Of coffee, as a birthday present
i'or bin father, then had to eall
-on brdthers Einer 'end Otto to
be 80 on August 12, lives in
, Sweden. Postage on the' 28 -cent
gift, which miist go te Lisbon via,
Simpson "had; recovered .from, :the'
Her advisor drilled , intOthe young
•.She !decided' She. should write°
the StOry of the Sneve
the. sithseque.ni .• Attack on , the
•-to 'Silcott • far criticism. -After
reading he slante'd .-a Warn
friendly' grin..at her, ',white teeth
-fleshing in the' tanned face.
torte. -jUst . tell What tooli- plate..
very brief arid' impartial, . The.
Only names you need 'to. Mention.'
:your story is 'much' too ind-ignant
hotly. '"Yow.had 'Me write near- • ing what 'it ,says. -in the''''Sentiner
.1y. -half a column.about, the scheol , •Jellis replied. dryly'. '1."1 hear Bust
niore, than that here.. :Or. isn't
Murder b4 news here?"
"If • this story had -nothing . to', do..
with the."Senti714-1 say -
will -be etpecting yott,.te lambaste'
they will...discount ',all •
"Used to be," lie corrected.
'Tin a 'reformed character."
Later in the week Rufe Jelks
drifted into .the office, a copy of
the "Sentinel" in his band: •
"I 'dropped iii with a new
item, Miss. Eliot,": he said. "That
fine young character, ,Rufe .Jelks,
has bought ' the 'LonghornCorral '
from old man -Monk. •He has done
paid.a dollar down and will settle
the balance at some, future date
•unknown -afte the mazuma begins
to .roll in."„
".'Good for , you, Rufe,"',Silcott
said. "I . didn't know you :were
• a capitalist." •
wasn't Or • this morning. I
had a run • of luck at the Jumbo
playing roulette.: "Couldn't pick
'em wrong.:, When• I walked out..
in the gray'dawn there Was thir-!
teen. hundred and •.forty-two dol-
_ji rs of Mr. 'Ruse: Mosely's , dough •
"packed away in my jeans: ' .He
won't like that when he finds; it
out. • Since I'm..:figuring on set-
et-tling: down" soon" he spiiled
--blandly _at Anne "r ' .decided. to
be a respectable business pian
who would, be a catch for some •
nice gill
"So' you 'bought "the Long=
born." . - +
"1 bought the Longhorn. - And
I want a nice little ad put in
yore paper, Miss. Eliot, ' about how
all .the friends'•:of Rufe Jerks will
be greeted hearty 'when they come
to, my .wagon. yard."
"N.ewspaper advertising is the
life, 4gf trade,, Mr. Jerks," Anne
• said gravely. . ' '
"Sure enough? Well, trade . is
what -TWAT crazy�lcid`days
. are over." .
A Spade :ls a Spade '
• "Mr. : Silcott has reformed too:
I expect you'll both be pillars' of,
the church soon.'''
"Jim;. he 'needs a' lot mote ,re
foraging than ' do," • Rufe' said.
"Why, I just been. reading in the
`Sentinel' how 'he' got 'into 'an' un-
fortunate shooting affair only
this week. He's sure awild coot:"
"I didn't get ,into it because .1
the paper. 1Vlayl. 11;,e fltas ,done
bought it allready." ,
Anne agreed with him warmly.
I, AAmm.mmor7rwm7.11.
Lawson, comes:, to, arrest Jim but
Anne says she will cover the town
with posters that tell the truth.
Mosely offers to buy the "Sen-
tinel",but Anne tells him she will
run it herielf.,. Anne had been
engaged to,Jesse Lamprey in Mas-
sillon. She thanks -Phil -for -asking
would^ be t& write a- short imper-
sonal account, giving nothing but
fakts. This would be a complete
surprise. You would gain ground
a lot.' Pair-,tninded .people would
.see you are an editor mitt biased
by your personal viewpoint."
Anne Wrates The 'Story
to tell what thought." '
.issues is firm. It dOesn't 'matter
what'you think about' this killing.
All that Matters in a newg story
is 'just what happened." HO
glanced through what she had
written'. "You say here, 'Jud
, Prentiss and his ruffian's rode
into iglanco with lawlessness :and
murder in their hearts.' We don't
kno* 'that. Anyhow, it's only an ,
• "r suppose it's only an opinion
that they flogged Jesse Lamprey .
and tried 'to kill' you and came
. here and shot into' this
building with me it." •
-"Let me write the story," he
suggested. "You don't have te use
it. But it will give you a 'line on
what I rnean..'It's'important folks
should net think You are just an
impulsive girl." Again he gave
her , his cheerful smikl. "We're
• :going to show them a real' editor." -
She liked what she had written,
as most young writers dd. ' But
her judgment told her. Jim was
. She ran the itorY exactly as
Silcett wrote .it, though she found
a good deal of•fault with what it
left out "You don't, even say
they` lay in wait to try to, kill
you," she complained. "You
Speak abOut an unfortunate shoot-
ing affray. That's a nice way
to talk about ,a bunch of Murder-
• • A Reformed, Character -
"Everybody in , the county
knowS, just what tobk place,"
, Jim said. "We're not giving any-
botrY information; We're just go.i-
ing on recOrd as leaning Over
back*ard to be more than fair."
Said, almost'yindictively. " From
all I can learn, you are as wild
as yung men come.",
Anne soon discovered that she
liked working On a piper.
cott had stayed on the job as her
mentor. He taught her how to
give a friendly • gossipy tone to
the ,"Scritinel" news and impres-
sed on her that even trivial events
were worth recording to build
up .intereSt arid good will. She
found herself setting down that
Hilary Benson, chanipion horse-
shoe pitcher 'of the Powder Horn
' country, had heen challenged by
Pete Yeager anci had successfully
defended 'his title', bY • winning
three games out of 'five. Bar
Oyeratieeti she wrote, had brought
te the editor a basket of the
largest potatoes ever grown in
the county. Everybody z4VaS
' pleased to know that little- Bobby '
wrote an artiele that called a
spade• a spade, but he talked •ine
he'. cooked 'up. Now. I
r. hadn't listened to him',"
over' Irwin a
know that if everl y011 get riled.,
at hint' yon can blast roese with
the whole story."'
."Would Mr: 1VIosely• care much
"Considerable. He's bullhead:.
ed, and he's going his 'Own :way
regardless. But he likes folks to:
-think he's a' good citiien, the way
the Big lgogul in 'the . district
ought tiO be. Kinda funny too.
You wouldn't etpect the boss of'
. a hell -roaring. outfit like the Hat
T to be thin -Skinned, . But Russ
isn't any Jud Prentiss. Whon
he pulls off, his, dirty' work he
likes it • to be all nicely covered
Anne smiled. "You don't like
"Not so you could notice it.
Hew about you, -Miss Eliot?"
"He's very g!ied-looking," she
said judicially. "And he told me
himself he ;was gOod citizen:"
(Continued: next week)
A Vegetable Chat
. Now that the gardens tire at
-their best .and one is just literally
eurrminded wItit vegetables. one
'cannot help but think of haw
'fortunate we ace to have this food -
and Vitamins at our 'very doors.
As blood ; regniators; vegetables
hicomParable. Tin* Most
'helpful, in' this„ reePeet -axe spin -
celery, chard, lettuce, tome-
'• fi.esh cucumbers, carrets,
parsnips; lima -beans; radiahes,, no -
and peas. Next' of ininertanee .
furniehing ,iren to fhb.. blood,' such
string heand and, brussels spre_uts.
.Rich in Vitamtns ,
It is' not so many ,years -ago that
min studk ank now it is a house-
hold word. It was , found that
, green vegetables, fruits . and milk
and milk prodnots- contain a 'very
special stbstance necessary to •
groWth and health. By expert-
'menting in the feeding Of animals
it was found that, when deprived
growth was retarded or stopped
entirely and . the general health
showed a breakdown. , When the
„ vitamin ,foods were° again given,
deuce of. pOsitive irnprevement In
;health. The. richest in'
are lettuce, celery °and raw cab -
Most iMportant of the Vitamin,
tables are better tonics and blood-
-builders than the .finest medicine.
Stalk and leaf 'vegetables more
than ally artifidial :Method ,to rid ,
' the .body of. poisOna and' regulate
those troubled with Constipation.
fibrouS 'nfaterial,, that it , is Called
A Few ,Vegetable Relei For All
The Family -
' vegetable -or tomatoes.
2. Every day use a raw Vegetable,
---LF.2w—tre it or-sookedLacid fruit
.3. Every day Use one leafy vege-
'Every day use 'one starchy"
vegetable. .
5. Every day use; two -vegetables
other then potatoes.
ter"..tall vegetables Mr winter
FREE PICTURES •tio • the "Flying
Torpedo' --"Sky Rocket"--
ricanc" and 20 other fine H.A.Fr
Mail one Bee Hive Syrup label for each
'Picture desired or two 'Durham ,.Corn
Starch 'abets. Specify ---picture or pic-
.•'..Or ingredients and boil the mix-
ture • until 'it .iS -clear,' Pour into
sterile bet jars ,aad seal...
• I ate a .dinner Mice where this
was . served • with stuffed veal.
breast, .bsked PcitatoeS, buttered
: peas, whole, wheat rolls and .but•
• fruit cup and was one of the' beat..
'letters from lnierested readers, Sbe
• even ready Mallen •your "net
10,14, 01•!. lietorests tor reelpes or
Aperitif airoseS, in order. 4ildreas
your letters to .4Mist, Sadie II Chum.
Dog's Bomb Sense
, An English dog ean hear a
bomb leaving an , enemy •'Plarie.
-, He ignores the 'planes themselves
and anticraft fire, but when he
- tress fellows.' Every time. he
For Harmonious
Picture -Hanging -
.1n the general 'hanging of :plc -
broken if one desires a. harmOni-
• First: Pictures 'should. always- he
hung • flat against :the 'Wall, Any-
thing ise. preferable , to .a pictura
. tilted, forward. at' an angle So that •-
Second: Pietures,*should be. hung
.eye -level; so that they can be .
Jeve• l" means hanging the 'pictures
I that the ebilren -may see:
adult, • it May seen ridiculous. when
them, , In ether rooms, eke-levei
the floor, de,p,enaing on their size,.
lighted,.'hOth In daylight' and dark..
have a. garden. Where this, is init. ,
possible 'one-fifth of the food bud-.
get should be spent' for- fruits arid
Beet and Carrot 'Relish. '
* oranges'
. Ili teaspoon. of ground 'allspice •
2 tablesptions, of ground' ginger.
Grate the outermost colored lay:
er•frora the orange and lemon peels
and,' snueeze the , juice from the
lemons and oranges. Serape all,
white rinds until they are 'tender.;
then . chon them fine. Boil the
chopped beets and carrots in the
water for 20 minutes. Add the
orange juice lemon inice,. and oth-
Stift Wood Will
Make' Good .Floor
Want to crochet a narrow edging on handkerchiefs, baby things,
or lingerie? Here's a collection of ten of them—some for straight--;
some for round edges and' fel. corners. Pattern 2913 contains direc-' '
• tions fer making 10 edgiogs; illustrations of them' and stitches;
, materials 'required; photograph of edgings.
. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for
this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept.; Room .421, 73 Adelaide
St. West, Torontd. Write plainly pattern number, your 'name and
address. -
The whole
family enioys it!
for 3.7bting and old. And the
• chewing helps keep your
sweetens your breath,
freshera you up.. Join the •
. millions of haPpy -famines
who enjoy Spearmint alter
every meal.
if economy must•be strietly con-
sidered In the renovating . of one
Possible to use A soft wood, euch.
as pine, far 'yeiir .floors. \If these
fleors • are. well firilshed; you cap
In floor .)renoVation othe work
you de depends'. on the state of
your floors. Where the wood has
become worn, you will have to
scrape ft level and .smooth.,Where'
it is stained, 'you cari remblve all
blemishes with oxalic acid. To re-
move A wax coat, -apply.' benzine..
If you are - doing the task of re -
neighing .a floor youraelf• and not
'ptitting ',the work in-,' the 'hands'
instructions for the work from the.
firm where you buy Your refinish- (
money wasted. A good finish is
the result of first grade materials, ,
properly and efficiently applied.
Serve. this hot -weather treat to your family: Two Nabisco Shredded
Wheat with a cupful of milk, topped -with fresh peaches. It's grand !
These crisp, Olden biscuits -are 100%, whole wheat, with the wheat
germ included, high in food -energy. Especially good for children.
Always keep a box or two on ,hand. Order by the full name
"Nabisco Shredded Wheat." '
when ybu know how* tri Write
.what editors and . publishers re;
trilire. Our instruction in Journ7
Intensive and effective; it•testeh-'
'ea you how and what to *rite.
The, reasonable , fee May be paid
by instalfnents. Class or- corres-
pondence Study. Particulars free.
iSSUEr. 33—'41