HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-08-14, Page 5" TRIMS/Mt AUGUST 140;, 1941 THE .LUCKNOW ,-ENT EL PAGE ME' r. Alex 1.1 er an S. Was que . , . . . ':,\illa • . • DUNGANNON MORE RIVERS • °THE . . • I . . Wa - . day's swift moving warfare. Armour- . • ' • . Friends regretted to beer on. Wed- TO CROSS LUCKNOW SENTINEL eehastmed re : • • • ed fighting ' vehicles, such as tanks, ., armoured and universal infantry Lyceum Theatre ',Mrs. . 13 , , -.eel* . . _ WINGHAM • • Two Shows Saturday Night nesday of Robt, Treleaven's sudden illness.•In her 89th Year, she was feeling as usual but . on Wed-. • - t ,nesday morning she fell. and struck head .. • By Paul Winterton- - • Published every Thursday morning' Mirth and south; barring the Ger- • at Luelcnow, Ontario. • man invader, run the. great rivers . Russia. Always historically in -i- L. CAMPBELL •THOMPSON Science - and Mechanics Have Net Made Soldier A Robot - Resource And Initiative Have New Impor- e tenee. • . can have rie ved all armieg into, Insteed, the .eppoeite has happened. e • ,. .It is true that. meehanization. haS forced the modem •arrny. to man it- the open, They ha ,forced the. dug- . . self with skilled mechanics, technic.- ,ein opponents of ; e last war into . campaigns of wide frontage, great . her aga•inst the corner of the Of Proprietor . ' ' ' . ions 'and 'the' depth, range fast' movement In ' Thuraday, Feidaye Saturday . _2 - ' aewing.machine. causing a deep mit, which bled profusely. -The' weak Portant, they today .assnine, great Publisher and strategical significance • The Red . .. . _ . ' by' 'Kim Beattie • specialists.. But individ-.1_ and . . ,. i seeh warfare the: .Canadians will be eel courage, .resource and initiative • • AUGUST 14 .15 16 • ..._. . i . i - • CLARK:We GABLE , ' - spell she bad taken was a heavy stroke coming on leaving. her semi- • • .' • Army is .fighting from river be riv- 111URSDAY AUGUST 14th 1941'. er, However • the . foetnnes of War : • '' • ' '• • . 'OTTAWA: :---- To the Canadian stu• dent of military histoi.y and Profes- of the ordinary 'soldier of to et home as no barrack bound old- .arnties have a far greater valUe and alley could be. . , A • . .. HEDY LABIAAR- * * * .* in . • • • 0mrade 'XS./ . Comedy with Clark Gable in Russia. • - .resulted "Cartoon"..• • "Traveltaik'!' ' "News" 1 , : , ' -• • • ' ' Matinee Sat afternoon at 2,30" .. • . paralyzed. Her condition since has , • • . somewhat improved. Her son, Mr. NormarnTreleaven, Toronto, arrived the eanie. evening for a few days .. . Mr. and. Mee. Beet WhYwardand little daughter .' Betty of 'Se,afeeth ,. ... • . • .' •• called on former Dungannon 'friends. teat Week. pert is in •the errnY with the .Medical CerPn,• training. at (X- taWa and is on two weeks' •leave. - Mrs. Jphe •Gernies, Toronto, is .... . , visit:tug- among fejends iit this die- may sway, it will. continue to do on the Dvina, on the Dniester and EED FOR FUEL. . THE on the ,Dnieper. • . N ; • " ° - The great lend maps of _Russia , is ..!..c onsumption .of gasoline' and . oil as 'full of rivers as a leaf is full of in Canada helps to win the•wer only veins, .Nearly all have one feature whereeit serves war indlestry, and in CenemorHtheY flow frona. north , . to. •south or : from south to north: .0ther industriee-thet in turn support the war effort army' vehiclesetreite. This :..siinple eeographicel: feature- . . ring' planes.and.Paval :ceeft. ' • may .e.pell Hitler's ruin. .• • i ' ft Canadians were Whciiii. intent ,, , ,. , . . i, One .cif tile mos t -ntubbewnly d'ee . in. their., ambition to leay,e nOthing tenetd:riVers w,A.1 be tbe•.Pniesten.. should,: b, done .tO in. Sionel soldier, none of . the -tactical featuree of the. present fast-moring war • on. land, which so startled thc World, wgs. a euenrise. Be IA as not astonished When the wholesale sub- stitution ,Of reaelenes for, 'men 'in to ' ''' ff. ' .day's ..arinieS in the. e en- Seve. b. eceining 't.90• poWeileul for the . 4 . • defence. All -military .minds. agreed ' e . • • - a the finish, ef .the alet war ' that It *fie certain .0,..colne. about ' i' ' ' •• • fli' in ,e natural tour se Off. tank's 'deVelope'''' a More direct result on theonteoind of an operation than In any. Previous nkilitary , age. In the 'Swiftf , • ar-rang. ing assaults of mechanized:mar; e hell •Sees . email : fighting unita'•opereeing far. from' Ilie-lase•Of Centiol and de- tl r • . .. ..: •' •cieloti, the qualit of lead•ership ir, the junior officers and non-cenimis- eioned :offieere is :le •,. ..., . ,,, . „ a first sea] ante - • • - of sUccess.. ' ., • .The 1sTew . Efficiency, ' '• - ' ' - • - ' • ' As Col. the Hon,. j... L. 'Ralston, . Minister of National Defence, puts Initiative and resource' were the it "J. • . • .. Canadian soldiers most yailuable as '' ", • ., • eets in the last war. In to war_ .., rare, these; .charac:teristies ,are indie. • pereiable" •• • '.. • • - .' . • • .• • - In iiddition. the .verL,' fact that to- . , • . . • -- - e tlue's • armiea are. so' highly. Meehan-. ized rillewi,.:>e. means -that , Canadian, tiu.,,:•aahie.d.: l'ir•fi. P.,t.2;ici seul.ii.,:i.:-.1:11...:47.efoli:t.a.,e1 j16,d..t.i..7(?,:::.1...i. ,. . . . Monday,...Tuesday, Wednesday , • -, - .... AUGUST—18 '19 . 20 , ../ . ' , .• , Mrs. Frank Ga•rnisa and childeen; • .. • Betty Jean and Dorothy, are .visit- Mg with her perentee.Mr. and Mrs. For 100 Mile* et is the bonndarY be- :•etndone-that gure a 'Victory ageinstIlitler Mitch tween ..the, ,Ukratne, and whet was • •• • • 9f • the balenee. •of meter •fuel'.atocks formerly Rumanian Bessarabia_ The •• .a.i.;, .• .. - . .: • ..... .,• . •-• • . Dniester is very winding; and it posain Cierilaihwouflid •:'• uftoract6tsbover,, .-f-lows - ghbtiengl?' • . :the .' , Lighening execution 014,3(1174. ,...t.,,j 1 ,.:., Ment as •a, , weapon. Capadian soldiet.s an': tneeediate .ge.„ep • 0.i., tea• .n.,w. a' •rno. i ,.6.- . ?I „.s. eey. •it inthetank's ,,dhbines- in- *. a..bil intentio' of • d..•• d ' ' ' • ri an oi (..i , IA W.,/,. .tie.ouction• on , Septernber •15. ' ' leen , , , • . , •• the cone:se of an. actioe was alwaye -le ,Jitil.,:iimi:iceev.,a" ,:ei 1, in '.1:94-: "iVe'are' starting Oil the ' most ' : ' .'•-• '' ''' . ' ' .•:.''' •voncterful bast. 'imaginable . i, .. • • wit,. .' • :MCI-MGM:1r PRICES 'Jas.' Sproul:.Hetty Jean, aged seven, Its average'-wi tit • very fast cl seas. if Canadians rea115/. understood . • - is 'about 100 yards, but. in some - ',I • •• • • . 'fuel _ ley then ,_1?-'"- ate cd then. -nredietenn. the• . • mai k of the • •goed. soldier. •But ,fe- • e • ....... le•ing confirmed' in time Massed tank ... er • :, e.„ --David I. Leew••• Albert Lewin ' • ./ereee, . had :a delightful bilehday picnic With nine little friends. et. Jas . t on:1r will ' • , . jus how precious m ., for nearly a •quar- places It stretches : .,• be in the scheme of operatiprieeeceen • ; . , to -day it cap be will or los neeicif ics Of Cambrie and Ant ells • '. ' ti.Ltiee, ........._,_..., t. ----e.. 4- • eeliattlee:ee-Intellig-erice -aticr.„ ••••• •''. •, . ,ouR niGHT • , 5th Sproul's ;on Tuesday; • August-.. , her birthday: '• • . - Mrs. • Albert" Orset returned from a vacation_ • ' 'spent with ' relatives. at • Golden. Valley. • •' : • . ' ter ere•"irtile Ifoni• bank to bane. • •., o e •, y , e • • • t b launched b -th British Ern- - The e are rapids about- 15�milesr • • • • f they could t 0 - . pire forces, ey cou no : p se from it g mouth. „ . • •ibly- Use up big quantities 9f, gaso- In short the Dniester is a' bard line and oil for pleasure purposes: '• • • ' • — • • ... • ' ••• • • • river for a Panzer division to .cross. without . great pangs of conscience. . , . g. .. for the. Nazis in-' .------- . Noe ww.a there any 'Surprise •to the I .. .. .. i .agi at t te t th . • d . m n ive : s ea ers in c epee and sweep of to-clity's .offezisietes ! tiwati •.11 laviql, Of • r ( T..' : e, . , use,a m ni cc. ei ,•1 ti . vehicles .... g a ng and motor!zed in . .• • • • • • mind, rather than paeade,squai•e pie 1 e • - • • • - • cision, .is 'the hall -marl- n f -‘• , o , the e.- • - - •• , . ' ' ,. • e _ _... . _ re__ _ —. •11 -• 1111 me. , - ••,„ II .. .Starring • • • • The United United Church services are • Withdrawn for the remainder. of 'Rev. .eVen al:It:Wing - in the British Isles, where motor 'credible- Skill :in , spanning water • ''. • • . car . drivers are so close ti...militerY under fire But the Druepele is far .. ' that they can See the Lir- operations fantry. The revolution to arinour, i Plate, WitleeN Ilild', 'gasoline /Wide' 'it • • .. ' ' ' • r ' ' inevittible, feature the I ' ---• • - •-. -__ S;':''S,. ;1 _ ' .• Atigiest While We P. Newman harder. The •Dnieper is • a Mighty .• ' - - •.' ' Evory of Ger- • ----- • -U MARGARET • SULLIVAN it .. . . . and Mrs.. Newman and family are gent necessity for guarding the mo- Waterway, in Europe only • • •• • • , 11111A I, ear FREDERIC. MARCH II ranking • • y, private motoring tor fuel supply _ee-__---e---- IIIIIIIII • - _.-----4.-; • having their .vacation. • hVolga d the Danube after' the • oga Dbhae . Iliii 7i---N.:7e . .,' • .,an. become almost .non-existent. On :•:"-.'"'", 41\11116 7-1 .., . IIIIII I ill Also "Canada Carries On'',.',. Visitors With eMr.. and Mra. John • Its fame goes back into ancient his been . ..e.,...'-•-• - ,,,: • Aimee; . i di 1111100 Ili III . , • • • this toritirient we have hot yet 'Blake' ---Y ee '7. ---:"--*2-'-':-:--7 i ifir , eerie "7" '--Ifiell 1, - ;nee. letneeeito ii i en ..Xii"I I lag .A., . • . 7°11.--."-11447---7-well-s''''''tc""lit'F•ise-ia-blie"swanIPs-61-Sincd- sixf. icien iiinpresse with r'e-W--7-"'-'-'-*:-, . . . . . :`,....,-,417ii •••``..-'.,. ,lei .:,•slir,, MAJOR -GENERAL.. iiiiimiiii• •••""maimmline „ Reeves, Berbera Ann '136,bby. 'ensk provinee, •by the sourees. ,,,,,, , -v. --...:_e_ee4'4",l'e ' ' - and .hard hitisneas of the •situatiOn. When We • ---, ---'------ - E.W.SANSOM...1).$0,---7---1; Miss •Vivian Tiffin and Mr Joe Pit- of the Dviria and the 'Volga, and . • el:, ..,-;401M. --.."-<''''' ,-,. , - - .-,,, --,- - - • = COMMANDER 1st. CAN: _ ., . • ' _ .... . ...... .., . , . ere then Canada's . gasoline consuin- •fin, Wingliam, • travels .rnore'lhan '1,400 miles be- • '. • . - • . . . • — d . h • • -,,.... .4. , -, ,,,,,L1.11, `-'!') lareh'ill '''''••• "relfilli e Ile,- .-•,401111111e-.4.2"-, -e••"•••••e4e - ' ARMOURD'reVielteN :URG.ES ROADSIDE'. . . 'Mr. 'and.Mrs. :for it • reaches: the,• sea. It' flows, thru • vreepeeee •!'• „. eee •-- eeteele., -:-... ' . 'W.Frne.S. RF CUT'. „ JohicHlake enjoyed . ... Tuesday accompanied hy -Mrs. 13. iow, undulating laeds,., fertile plains . • "WHAT THIS, TOWN NEEDS" -with and rocky steppee. Its •banks, M the ,`- ..- e• ..e e, /, e .1 p .. e - „ •c-- IF .ff-41---Avr, • -'"''''' - -...,,-4)t 0 •.,-4! pl.:; . . - -- • • ee „..e.,„„e,e-.. '''''''''',' ...:-, _,..qesm .--- J.• Crawford Mr.' and Mrs. R, . . eeee7.,,,eAT 0 ..-• ,-„.• 4',.4.4ar,i - ii. --,1., -,,,..._ • P. .:" if A:":" - - . . •ain, E. WillisWllare high, pertictilarly on the ' . • 1 ' , . ar ..„, ----7---, f. , ,....., .11i oil - 04,---2., 1 - '''. ----V.:-.'_.: - • • - -- . Farmers.- . whe • make • special ef- •forts . to .Jeep 'their land Clean , of. at Port Albert cottage side. At Smolensk, well over eastern, Mite's Letitia Durnin, BA, of 'Font •1,000. 'miles from its monthit i§. under- A number of .artic es• .the • • abeve. caption have appeared re- , . , , •-•.4••;, „ iivgp,. 1, . • - • .---=-.--- .---- • 00,1 ‘----Ti.•`• ' -_=---__,---1-----7-,--___--7.7-• k --' - -.1' 4e4,0"-e,i ,,,,, -' ( a b' '\'\A --e...... " • e I i e ,, - - e --e----, . ' 'discouraged Frances 'spent .few.. days 'Pripet centty in theleepwater News. They I -.0.: _ _ - ..„,„....,q , .. weeds .'befe when . a visiting 1.50. yards wide.. Where the „___.• _;_,----- .-----.77-7 111' .1 --111111,;. p - .„„,„,„,,, -.., .,, r- ,'Il ; ' • •• .s.------' • -- . municipal and 'road. anth.oeitiea al-' • ' low noxious weeds to -mature seed her. aunt,. Miss - Letitia •Dreaney, 4` • • ••,.•Mrs:. Jas. Stonehouse left on Sun- joins it• from .the famous •marshes it a Of a ile• :wide. In are written by residents of the town. •or• rural conneninity, and deal with .e,„ -e, ., - eee ' - - .,..._ ' e 4 --'1"--7- , '1 ". 11101 h'I elle ,!: VW , .. ...........e.e.----- ll'it •vAri7L---' ._ CT me is quarter Wide. range.. 'subjects; Viewed. -,. .e.e..„ - on roadsides adjeining their. farms, day.tO visit With her brOther•-in-laW 'some plaCea i .the e b etrovsk e of .es • • - -- -le, , . 6----• Mr. Jelin public.. ___ -_-_ - - ';'' - We ..e01111111 ... -• ' .-,•--,---.7PIP,' -- e- grates Jain •D-.71Vret-Leod,. • Crops, I Weeds 'Ontario Mr. Joe StorieliouSe' Westfield, for ' ' - ' district it. iS• orie and a quarter -Miles . y ... . Such -,-----=-----------• -- -:— , ignilinniiiiliiiM ! • '' '' ilie111011' ti ,Il ,T,,,iti-v73".pm:011, • ' • , el --Heeds and Branch, 'or-Ati-iculti-fre; a while. .. . .' . Wide. Not a bad tank tra 'Also An expressiOn of views on . !II • ' le.... HI til,;Z.T iiii il lq MI ,• - • ?IX -", f . -.et e lelle 'lie/tee" • • 'Dept. Th-e-Weede : ' _ it flows at a •treniendous speed in ---Ita- might '—"----• topre-railiire-a-Prion sugge - ' -----"'"'",'„--- •--e..- ,ee.,... 11 eo••••-eic„, • ' Control Act clearly states all weeda. • Mrs.:C. •C: Brown Who has been , . .- . • . • . on. the sick list is some. better, tins • .. ' . parts•• . e.- ,, i - prove Vantable, locally and we would . •.: --ee-eee--„-. ., . - ' e'reee---- .....- 1 e-e-......eeeeee.....--.." *.1 • -on roadsides-diustebe••clestroyed--ofee•imeek,, . , .,, , , • .••• - welcome the onialinne-and77, neorri- . , • - _ ..._.e.e.- ------7..t...• ..... -ten. enough to prevent the ripening , . • ' • Mr. and Mrs.• Wilson Irwin, Ash- . All these rivere• are mere streams* compared with•the Volga.- That •Nka • • ,. „ • _. - , ., ...., of their seed., • .. . 'id • 't 'd• • • • be a Croasing• for the Nazis. TWo .. , . , res ect This a piles equally to;rur- P • P. • e. - ... • ' •`,.4e0..--- 'Te. -- - -- ' ''"--"' • However,: many Municipal, coun- . cila find it •difficult to. get 'help "fo 1-. • 1 this work .at the proper. time.. This is particularly true, this ,year: They their • f' S d le Le . -IP visee on, un ay wit r. en d ' min ton . • • IVIes. DaVid S. E g , : , 'Mies Martha Ferguson on the 6th COncession, West WaWanosh, visited' Mrs. Stevirartefor a few days . . .. thousand. three hUndred• .miles. it flo • 'f • ' ' ' ,ws • rom source te• sea, an . is rarely leas thanA . f • '1 a .quer er o a•mi e wide- It • is no. myth that ,the Wage 'dents for ,we belieVe froth ..a al rest . , ,, ., ., • • tiOn.partisan etandpoint, they might well be able to best point out "What • • .T.Pis ', Town .Needs". ' . i• Oit.,••'""'''' iftteene• - §• -,,,•" ' • • . , . ., --e..-- ,eee,,e---• -- " ''.e,ee;', , - -2-e-,,V . - Llb,s .i... . • ....-- CRUISER TANKS - i',7),.,71 ' ' • I N, ACTION . ,. iill.:onr_men• pnetly te•Lined _ ..._ , • to__ realize responsibility _under .• the Weed, Control -Act, but are •un- able to obtain .adequate labor. ,-Pev- ;their •eral municipalities have made 'spec- ,Nellie. . Mr. and. Mrs. John 'Goarley, and. niece ,of ..Thorridale and Mr. and 'Mre., McCrel of. Glencoe visit- boatmen sing their song there. •IVIay they go on singing it in - peace for centuries. •• • ' ' ' • . -• ,. -- -Personallyeevie.-believe:what--thieee- town needs is a , good deal of: sub- •stantial ' pondering .. on that "very - "what does • 'this. • town - , ' '-'• n ,.• . . 3 , . - ,11Qariel . . t she their place, in this, kiadof Riglit . in their " :everyday. • o:istence they are using and applying war. ' . the. ,. - ' ---.... • " " ,queetion. . i ' '71c--m''''';`,.nr_ . ' dilltto...;-••=1,*11.- --kuilliTgoelk--01---tk•e*-2eou•si-aser' _ . — • ggetili — , I.,. . ' eelltftgettli wriveirstnrie'niei,i:Oriam-7- ,-.'i.:0,.--e•ii,k4F''..-4•ret- .rt frii-7.1rEz,.....r. • • :_. • ,..-... -21 . ;4.7•47,44,-ortreepos....entt,:fedura,••• Ter...X,AML =,!..,,,..-.1,...___010 • es . • '-'satitreitr. d • . a • n. - • • - _.... jai fie& then. that Wawanoth.•recently.. • ' .. . . ... e e , e. . , :,: a „„ e . . ' " 4 .--: . . , of property,. so . • . no weed seeds will Mature to blow . .. • • ..--,-- . . The August meeting of:.. the ' Wo- •should be some very. constructive Let have. e. 4 5.,:e , '4V- 4- .--•• • .,., A.::•:. • "W,o , ".'''''.. ,* iy, v ohed" . ' over farm lands. ' - • . "We dearly for neglect • • Flat Rate Needed. • \ .. . men's institute was held in the corn- =nay hall. with an attendance of suggestions. advanced. us r • • • • you opinions expressed her public 'need = = I: = - ' •......... " .,.i., :./.• , '444, lf ' . . . :1i,i'' ., ::80.. ..,,: ,, ,,,,, - A , T4 Commander of our •• oversees. . forces,re as .refeeringeto..the • mechan- • • . ,heve paid • of weeds on roadsides and. oh farins The Arthur Enterprise News saYs. 'Perhaps. the present gasoline around .:30 and with Mrs, G. ' Mc - ation-your .parne not necese- arily sbe revealed. = 1111111111(11111 ' ' 911111111111111111111111111 Ilf 1 1111112101111111111111111"""m""mm""m""" IIIT ii.,11 Adaptability Of Canadians. 'Canadians He., during the last war", said Mr Mac- , .short- • lead to fuller v Pherson, the president in the chair. , .. , .,.. .. . • man's blitzkii.eg' of 1939 and., UNIVERSAL CARRIER • menet. that. more cad/drive • Leod, and a Similar situation Must ,cige may a reelization. of the need fin. a flat rate for liy-_, The roll call waS very well respon- TIME THEY WERE DOWN . ,tactics 1940 eXcept the "fifth column", and ' GOES .TIIROUGH ITS .... .., terse can cope with running • .- • , repairs, not be-aTlowed' t9 aeNielop riciw. Less drocElectric power in Ontario, or •at "11 -1 -0 -13Y -ti naming of including. attack by tanks ilea motor: f•',A . . , • la to farm crops through Weeds runs ' into millions of dollars every year This enormous lo'so could be . pre-. vented if eVerycine co-operated jn a war Of their own on. weeds". 'least a more equalized rate. Here in Arthur we have two chopping mills, and bo. are Supplied With power both •by large' enginea that run 'on- fuel ,oil. The cheap Hydro power of which Ontario boasts is ario Cabinet .Minister and his of fice. An .invitation to • 'the White- church Institute Meeting cin Vies" , day was .''received .end Will be ac7 cepted. A beautiful appliqued guiltNew made.. and donated by •Mrs. Wm. . . . , , . Street decorations that have been up. since the Kents visited here ' several weeks ago,. are due to be taken edown, or'replaced, as the 'el- emeSts have caused them to become ' • • ' ized infantry, under by flying air- ' • • '1ac n. • V' realles , .1N as p -ed in the British' • : A rmy. a$ early as 1990 and 19°7. . . ' • Importance • . . ' ,What. does initoaish is that the trenarefcens„ .../.4. • • - fictiena t modern wrrior. It was those identical native ,char- 1' . acteristics which, gave the Canadian 1 'soldier of the last, war his histori:e . .. . , . aii•e handier with niechanical and devices, than the people: ' • Ein•opean nation. • .=. . * Perhaps. most surprisieg of :li - 'ley slo ment of military. 1, e ( L P, . • gafigets. nil any , . • •• - . all in . . tactics• • . . • . , • NEWSY NOTES . . . not cheap. enough in . many _centres to compete With the diesel engine: Wouldn't'lit• be a . Campbell Was displayed and it was decided. to. sell ticket's , on it with faded and tattered.. • The bunting on the. hydro and telephone poles, Which made an el- 1 ive ability and which, ni turn, forinatiore of armies from foot eol- i - k Rave the Canadian Corps its form % •diers to wheeled troops and the .done 1 lidable shock ti reputation •in tin and weapons, in the CanadiVin ,, esiehted r '''Y' ''vett to the . for • '''. . • S' in jail TWO MONTH at hard labor . was .the .sentence imposed on All BOVvman; 20 -year-old Godere ich shoe. merchant who' staged O e. hoax, robbery and 'caused self • in- flicted wounds, .to support his •§tory of being slugged and robbed. The• sane thing to sell the Arthu'r mills; and scores of Other Ontario mills, Hydro PoWer at ;price Which would make- it to their'.advaritage to in- ' stall electric motors and 'save ill this much-needed oil that • • is now .:very day being consumed'. Proceeds for war purposes. . Miss Mater Murray gave an interesting an informative talk on."Laws per- taining to women and 'child -I -en". Mrs, Andre -w. Gaunt lavoured With "7 a solo `ilVly Country 'Tis of Thee"! "Woman" •was the title of e. reading by MrsJ, Thom and "Friendship" fective decoration, 'is now badly bleached out and should be: taken down One of .e• number of big fl • • ' • flags which were steeng across the street, iS still.flying although badly tattered and faded, and it in no way enhances'. the a Pearance •of. ' the p . inant position of massive • enteine,s . of war as the major offensive weapon, 'has tremendously increased both 'the value and the importance of eachin- diVidriai soldier. '11leehancial talent ,,St technical trai.ning areen'ot wasted, in • • • , , dependent minds. and eatural abilities • ., offensive battles of 1918., Hecause it ,,,,, , . a .1 0in e - a Canadian''h b't t think' ' d , ''''s - Pendently,' they thought' foi• them- selves •in th conftisiOn arid tumult: • . e . • • • • . of ac ion It was thew is inc to im- provis,e and invent, so, they sermoun- , .. ted sur pi ise obstacles by developing etrategiet, ties that not even hbleing •of the cavalry has taken ' idaniour and colour •froin military i. r • • . lie. There. ere only nine. horses. in the Canadian Army. 'We will .. . again thrill to tire stirring • of squadrons at the.•charge, with • . the dc - the • left never • picture • the • money,' $g2.19, and severainpairs of THE PICTURE ' .E. .of One by Mre. .D. Phillips Mrs. Main thbroughfare: of leadership haVe scope, even in. the • • uporthOdOx tactic as ,custorrei'llack- . sabres flashing aind the di•iiin , r „ • of gal-. shoes were regovered. , . " , ' GALLERY NO INQUEST is being held in the,„ McPherson .expressed regret •at the, removal to Lteeknow of : the sec.- treas., Mrs. All Durnin and later A VISITOR'S" IMPRESSION • • : Pranks of today's Canadian Army. • : For years it 'w4 predicted thet . the eating of meehanized-wer would . • • • led troops could never have. done. The . . Canadian subaltern and N.C.0: Wert .. , ' f iant feet beating a thrnithving • it has been replaced ' by . sometineg f< more spectaculairan impress,on latoo. ' , , death of Wilfred Mi•ntz of Locknose who lost hie life in a motor ac- • -. 4,-. ir cident near sSeaforth. This decision e. was announced by Coroner Dr. J. . • ..,,e .4, W. .8haw of tedClinton,. who itivestiga- . ... l , ..e l • • . . . . il Mrs. Durnin was made the recipient of a china fruit bowl and nappies. Lunch of salads and bread and but- ter was served by the hosteSses, Mrs. Stuart,' Mrs. Rice and Mrs, W. A..Miller. ' • il oi • • • . • Red Cross Bee as week we- published a para-• L t graph in referen'ce ' to a visitor's • remark about ' our street liglitin,g, Since then we. liaLte, been. told that an American visitor', uPon driVing into the Village recently, 'wanted to know if there was a blackout on. to • '. ee the worlds armies so completely Wen. over to scientifie attributes that .' •, . machines, chemicals, radio beams, dee icate instruments and •precision wea., Pons, would turn. the • soldier into I mere automaton. 'lie. would only be the ' seldom at •a •TOSS or some resort which would turn a'• failing 'attack .. into a sue eq even when cUt-off from . • . . • , .nsp.ra.ion. Ell1C1 the. usual souiTe of i I t orders.. . ' . • That is •Why the Canadians win the •ideal, troops -df to of ireesietable' power '1 tank ' . ' tangible ' embodiniont •of ' military inight itt it,elfe The imperturbability, , of its. pooderotie progress Omagh the tumult of battle, with death Hug .froie its 'Massive billk, is incitrnate. • is the • t. i • • ' spil- Mars ' , .The .be.held Quilting Will on Thursday afternoon, Au- We mentiOn, this not embar. rap: or criticire .the Village Council, a ;robot for scientist' make shed , . ' . FOURTH CONCESSION 4..., A . gust 21st.• .A goect attendance is ye- but rather, -to. effectively illustrate .... . • - • • . . ,.._,._ . , . Miss Frances Pierce and her sis- .. p ter *Mane • . quested. ... Mr'. . and. Mrs. Edwin Pickwoacl Janet Edwin New , . the impression received by at least , one , visitor ' in respect .to ' the ' lighting of Our, Main It is - , '' e .„ • ' Verna, ef. Reston,' spent a few weeks with theif aunt, Miss , , .,„ , , ..,...., ..Tennie„.Pierepe--- ..- . e • - - - -- - - 'f \ : ' r Miss Shirley Moffat -is spending • ,•••• - , ' in Byes- '4 and of Yerk and Mies WandaDouglasof Mitehell . were guests of MreePickwoact's bro- they, •Mr. 'John Cameron. and. Mrs. • „street.' an angle that we, ' Who .. are • aceust- timed to it, probably seldom • con- sider. - ., e 'N •. • - ',ell, '.1 • ill ...e c• (., • • i ' • II • • her vacation with friends . sele. • • ' Mr. Jamas ' Fraser Of Dauphin, Man., is visiting with Mr. and 1VIrs. . . , D. L.•1VlacKinntrie, . iVIr. end IVIrs. Bert Bain life,Lone . • . don visited recently with friencls Carrieron. Rev. G. A. and Mra. Barnard were visitors • with friends at St. . Thomas last week. , • • Mrs. R. Woods Mr. end Mrs. Lorne Woods and Donna kverp re- cent Visiters• with frierida at Bruce- • FAVORS EARLY tLosthip • ' With the introduction of the me- stricted hetirs for the sale of. gaso-• • . . hne It was suggested to us by one 1, local Merchant 'that this afforded • the opportunity to decide upon earl- . s 0 to . . . 4....,-- r'''....'''' ..••••••" ..\ e..,.... . ., • • . • • on the Sieth. ' , Mr. •and' Mrs. Stewart MacKenzie WHO IS HE? Mr. Walter - field. and Hayfield. • . . . .1VIr, aeci 1VIrs. Arthur Bramliall .. • . ler' closing hours for businese places bn 'Wednesday and Saturday nights, . , - e. e, Ne, ' - • of Walkerton visited. at letatKenzle's lett week • ' Last Miss ' Anna. Graham of Toronto spent the week -end at her hOme,s -of • Mr. Cedil ItObb left Saturday on new • a trip to the Canadian West.. . , also a . . . Miss Dorothy. Webb of St. Helens LUcknee spent a week with ,MrS. A. Hughes.' ber of .. • Mr.' Mearie 1V1iddleion was up on •an • • The -enetinel froth Hamilton over the Week-Ond. • - • Mr. and Mrs. Peter -.MacKenzie, wick) , • — no a who have been visiting with friends 1- 'her here returned to their`home in Flint, •. • • Mr, ' Michigan.' . I officei eek's picture PAN CAMPBELL. Malcolm t. merchant, ro 'tient and et One e ban, Campbell., is IVX • Na i eident of, 8.5 • year, a , p e was C ' b 11 ' the 32nd was that ,of . Campbell, Luck- and w,ho wag business man of ,tirne.a metre- g firm of Carher••• Ublisher of The P d H. . grail son. ,is cy Campbell is" , Toronto. She is „ • ' ' pictured as an . plc , • Bruce tattalion , and •children of • Hamilton were •guests with Mr. and Mks. Lorne Woods • -• • , , „ Mr. 4Ohn arfd Miss • Florence n Ill are' visitors .Stuart of Evansto ., ., at Win .H. 1‹: Rutherford's. , • .' •• • • .. Mrs. Hath'weil of Varna• is a vis- •tor W'th" her si er . Mrs Ft S 1 e st , . . . ;. weede. • . Rev. Graydon Cox of Coniston. • . . , will preach 'in the 'United Church next Sunday. . - • • ' • • ' Miss Flazel'Petts of London is 'a , , _ ''with •° Liacknow is one of the compare- tively few towns that liave, two Open nights a week, and there no' doubt are varions opiniOns about closjng hours On these two btisy nights • . : , , In St. Marys stores eloee at 11 o'clock on Saturday during thesuin- . ,. , ,• , . . , trier .and 'at ten• o deck during the winter menths. The move ii now oil foot to close at ten o'clock the year . . . . -. round. This subject shotild provide Some opinions for the column: 'Which we • : trying''• t ' t d ' • 'What are , 0 in ro uce ..on . at . •• - % . . itEMEMBElit , . . . , you• drive, . The sloittbr the more ke ee .• e. et„•• A. , , / • se •••e„. ••••••teee•Wee s ve --ree,e••., 'e,.‘ ekkez es se‘e•e. e...., eeee eeee-, eee eee e. eee, es „,,,,,..e. • Ocis bunted -up Willie standing. still totalit a ' allona e. So never le. - . ave our car staggering g g y . . . , - evert. for a few minutes -with the meter you . running. - Its lest 6 easy to switch it akar& . 'have • , ' .. - • , • Mr.---.1thri 'McDonald and 'MT. L. Of the Cariadian•Miiitia, and which. McIver attended •the MacDonald .re-. wag possibly taken . at, the time Of .,,_ 111 M Mr and- , ese. he • w.- visitor' ' .Ihig-toWn 'Rice- '-• , • • • . • . About 20 ladies St. Helen's ''fit-ecla".,' Which you cene read about elsewhere in this iSsUe •. . Save! , gasoline. Remember your:80,SO Pledge: . • , . I ' thuv't let iOur,p,ibtOr idle. ' 57 ...- ' union at, StratfOrd. • .. the Northwest, Rebellion when this ' -Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Sutherland Cm -Meetly We§ ordered to embark i of • Patkhill anent the weolc-end at froth Southampton, but the nprisirtg • .of the Worinen'a Matitute spent W very eo- . , . . . bje afternoon on Tuesday as Joya ., ph , ist-A Mt ... T , . cniottt nf tlir. Whits , - , , . • L'OCKNOW PIPE • RAND • is orie o , ree an a t at ,wi • eKovide , .: music at Teeswater Fall Pain\ • , . e , , ' • tii:,.4e.e.e'"det ' - I. ecelleetiteeee.., .. • knee youit.- -ail,' . , .., . . . 4 ......._ . ... ' I . . . r. Alex 1.1 er an S. Was que