HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-08-07, Page 5•
.THURSDAY,. AUGUST 77th, 1$41
Lyceum Theatre
One show each night at 8.00 iS in,
Sat, night two shows at 7.45 &
9.45 p.m.
Thursday, 'Friday, Satui day
AUGUST 7,. 0, 9
"1941's 8at8elield.o/ ro,." 4'1
A Pouamourn Pictgde `y'liceiwat'iOR/•
A heart -tugging •romance of
old Virginia.
Also "News" •
Matinee Sat. afternoon at '2.30
- 1bitilay, Tuesday, . Wed.nesday, .
AUGUST 11, 12, .'13
England's .funnies�coiise"d'ian
in'• thefunniest treasure hunt.
ever finned..
Also "Buster Keaton"
Sport"- "March .of. . Time- •
Mr.''..and Mrs. Irvine Henry '.and
son Ross spent .Sunday at the home
of . Mr: and • Mrs. 'Robert Ptirdon,'
of Whitechurch: '
. Miss Thelma .Johnston of •Curries
Corners' spent Sunday at - the. Home
• of her • brotherr, 'Mr,' and Mrs. Fred
Johnston. •
Mr: and Mrs: Wesley Alton and
• 'family of London spent the week-.
.'end with friends in..the Wm."'
• Mr; and 'Mrs. Archie Anderson of
St. Helens spent ,one • day' recently
'with 'Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Henry.
• Mr. Ross 'Browning , of South-
ampton is • spending a few, days with
his . aunt; Mr Thos Henry. •
'.BORN--To7,'• • it. and- Mrs. Geon
Alton, . a ' d4ugtiter. Congratula-
tions. .• i • •
Mr. and"M> s R:iibert "Hamilton "
and Clarence of •Wingham were
„Zion visitors • over the., week -end
and,: holiday. 1.
Mr. and Mrs? Jas. Gardner 'and
sons were ., • visitors • with Mr. -and
Mrs. Ernest Gardner on Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Hunter & Mar-
lene,.. Mr. Harold Gardner, Mrs: W.
T. 'Gardner pent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Jke Freeman, Leeburn.
Misses 'Lois and Beryl Freeman
of Leeburn• returned home on Sun- •
day • after• a three weeks' visit with
Zion and Lubknow. friends, •
• Mr: and ..Mrs. David Alton • of
•Lucknow visited on Monday with
Mr. and,•'Mrs. Will 'Gardner..
• Mr.. and Mrs. Richard- Gardner.
'attended the Reed and Barkley pip,
nie •on Saturday at' Goderich. -
Services next Sunday will be in
the evening at 1.30 p.m. -
Mr. and Mi's.• John Turner .and
family of Kitchener spent the week-
end with her brother, Mr. Albert
Patterson and Mrs. Patterson.
Mr. Wei. Scott and Miss'Marville
Scott of Kinlough visited one day
last week with Mr. and • Mrs. Al-
bert Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGuffin and
two children of . near , St,' Helens
visited, .on Sunday 'with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. 'John Jamieson.
.Rev. Clifton of • London will ,
peach in the Presbyterian' church
next Sunday` a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Clubb and
family .of London visited 'on• Mon'
day with the former's fattier; Mr.
John Clubb.
Mrs. Pennel of Langside' is stay-
ing with Mrs. McGregor.
Mrs. Brayford of Toronto spent
• a few %days last week with her
• mother, Mrd. McGregor.
Rev. and Mrs. Graydon Cox and
little' daughter of Coniston are vis-
iting Mrs, Cog's parents, Mr. and
Mac Ross. Mr. Cohn will be preach-
• ing in the United 'Church' here ort •
Sunday, August 17th. There is no
service in that church next Sunday.
Mrs, Clarke, of Amherstburg re-
turned to her home after spending
a week with her, father and sisters
Mr.. R. Carrick' and Annie May and
- BORN -In Wingham hospital. on.
August 4th, to Mr. and art. Geo.
Tiffin, a daughter:
Mr. and, Mrs. Wilson of Toronto
spent Sunday with Mr. and ' Mts.'
Rhys Pollock. •
Congrattlations to' Mr. Hector
McKay on celebrating 'his ninety-
fth birthday last Tuesday.
Mr.. and Mrs. Allen, their son, Mr..,
Clarence Allan and • Mr. Wallace
Parton of Parry Sound were vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wea-
therhead • over the holiday week••
' Miss Anna. Stuart .of Toronto • is
spending •her vacation with Mr.• and
Mrs. Georg Stuart. •
Mr, M. , Brown, .of Kitchener .was•
a week -end _visite!. at Mr: R. .Woods:
•4VWr. Wm, Bel'1 of 'Pine River was
a 'recent visitor with Mr. and. Mrs,
E. J.. Tliom •. 4 •• • ... •
Miss Taurine 1Vlrller,„ Reg:N of
W,inghaxri..spent •the .week=end it•
lner':bo ie- here.:
Neely Todd :and Gordon' Miller
,Were ' home from 'Stratford .for the
holiday week -end.
1Vlr..-:a-nd-Mrs.=E.1•mer•:Boles --and Garnis' of Guelph' Were visitors
with. Mrs: John Webster. On their
return ,they' were accompanied.' by
_.Mrs Jin ao es�w.ho-than;spent--se-v=
eral'weeks with friends. here. •
:Miss 'Ltiettie Fox of Vhitechurch
was a recent,guest of Mr .and Mrs.'
D. • Phillips. • ;
Mr.. and Mrs. Win. Dougherty &
Gwen of Guelph are visitors with
Mrs. R. J:.Woods. They, with, Mrs:.
Woods and, Mrs. Robinson' Woods:
spent .a day with friends at Bay-
• 'Fire •' completely . destroyed • the
barn owned by Mr. J. • W. Joynt
On. what is known as,,the McPher-
son farm_ en . Monday morning.
There 'Was "no` ore on the' place -at
th':time and 'it • is' thought that the
blaze •was caused from the -burning.•
of some weeds a, few. days• ago.
Evidently, ',the fire had sniquldered
in the grass until if reached. the .
straw' r stack, • and spread quickly.. to
:the barn. Besides the grain, ,recent
•i .thresll,od from 20 -acres of wheat;
ladders, ihainpers and other ap-,
pies packing supplies- were • lost...
Three years ago .on August•'10,, .19'38.
Mr. Joynt's barn on the."Red-Brick"
place was burned by lightning and •
since that' :his barn in Lucknow was
also• burned by lightning:
`The August meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society will be
held . on Wednesday, August .13th''
at 2.30 'p.m.'
Mrs: Allan Durnin and children
have- taken .tip residence•'•in
an -'Ml`s- Joh ttr-Cet.n•i 4r a t
Dori were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas.- Douglas, .Mitchell.
•Mr. 'George• Gillies, 'who, has spent
the past few 'weeks with his .sisters,
Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. 'D, C. Mac.
Donald and tither friends -left on
Monday for hit home •in the West.•
. Mr: Jack McDonald of Learning -
ton, Mrs. Neil Gillies ,of Manitoba,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry, lee of Term: -
to were visitors with 'Mr. and .Mrs
D. • C. McDonald.' •
Mr. 'and Mrs: Kenneth Robert-
son returned, to Windsor on Wed,
nesday.` •
Mrs. W. S. MacDonald spent the
week-endl at St. Catherines with
her daughter, Mrs. Lowrey,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stanley spent
Sunday with Mr. George, Thomp-
MrS. Angus Graham of ,Lucknow
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. anfl Mrc Andi•esat Emerson.,,.
Mr. Will Scott and Miss" Mar-
Ville spent Sunday at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson vis-
ited . friends at .Goderich recently,
,bt ':ufW'd.'KfEN
WHO ..... IS HE?..
I,a t week's picture. was that ,of
. a many
a7 esrderr't -of - this Village for y
years, where he practised dentistry.
health. forced the Doctor to
retire from ht's profession 'a few
years ago.' Possessed' of Many fine,
qualities, rntieh.• could be. said in
complementary terms of this es-
teemed gentleman.
• • . ;(Durham Chronicle)
Editor Frank Secord, writing • in
the lastissue of the Meaford Express,
says that with the help ofthecl'cit-
izens he hotpedto put down the ply.,
jealousies that keep • businessmeslf:;•,o
the town apart, "because .the difficul-
ties are too small to talk about, but
large enough ..to block many an • .ave-
nue that -*Mild mean. more ' business
and more aetivity,abeut the place".
Isn't. it the truth 7 Most towns' have
,people of this .kind;:eitizens.who get
'ealous: because thdir- i'eighbonrsLI, .0 ted in a hotexchange, thattat-
ahead; bus'inessrnen who would rather
losea'dollar than see their compet-
•.itors.;make .a .quarter;;' men who, take
no: part • in a. town's busineess.activrities;
who ._woxddrather.sitback on their
haunches andreap.: the benefit of
.some other citizen's labour..
All towns have these kind of people criticize us, we: will endeavour,, as
-a-nd-nothing very hrtieh-earl be --done
about it. The only thing that matters
IS the percentage of this class of busi-
•nessrhan when contpat•eel with • the
whole. •If there • are only a few, the,
rest of the go-getters can get along
without them; if there are .too many.
then you :have what is called a "dead"
town. Remember that old poem, "I1
isn't• your town, it's you".
11 is a -sad- tate-of--aff ifs,, 1 .• .
2... That we were opposed to the
by-law and• • 11 not 'actually "tied
up" with .'that so called clique of
Rae, Hamilton and Anderson,. • we
were favourable, to them.
3. That we had `a motive in ask-
ing for "Letters ' to , the. • Editor
knew' they would be forthcoming,.
and simply paved the way for them
at a time • when no reply 'could be
made before the ' vote. •
TI -1E
Puklished . every Ihursday morning
at Lucknow, Ontario.
Publisher and Proprietor
,HURSDAY, • AUGUST 1th, 1941:
Last week's ;;`Letters' to the Edi
for", resulted in 'the publ'isher.. be-
ing charged with various offences
that caused us to. see "red" and/re
ter' all was ' said and' done, ':cleared
the. air and we believe rather; can-
vinced - our accuser, that we °were.
net 'guilty,
In event there are ° others ..Who
are thinking such things, lint who
didn't have the xnerveto openly.
--briefly-as-possible-.to--exgtairr" off',
position. ' '
The accusations were in effect
this: '
1. That we were playing favour-
ites ,in running a recent article by:
Reeve Bushell as a paid advertise-
ment, and then freely', publishing
a long "Letter to the Editor" from
W. B Anderson.. •
right, and • one 'that :will never get.
a :town. anywhere: In this worldof
competition there are enough worries
in business .wh•en all the businessmen
are pulling together without some' of
them .getting jealous over the succesr.
of. somebody else when probably• the
real cause 6f their own failure is
plain 'laziness or cussedness.
It used to be' said you • could not
make a sk purse. out .of a sows ear,.
-a1•though'modern-science has knocked
this old saw into a cocked: hat, but
it • is a sure fact that there are some
people who cannot work with others,
who see something badin ever'ybody,
who . trust nobody, and who go • a-
round with a .ower hp that catches
on then' 'shoe `hooks:. We'ie all seen
Some people are friendly in busi-
ness . for 'a- limited period and then
find something. to fall out about: It.
is strange that these 'things should
be, but they are, and there isn't •ve',y.
-rn i -that -ca ••be,-.d€in ahc •i; .._...
Mr. D; G. MacKenzie of..Luck-_
now called on friendson the 12th
concession one day • recently.
Mrs. Dora Lumbers of Toronto
took' advantage' of the• long week-
end to visit friends here.
Mrs. A. E. Munro and Miss Ger-
trude Zink 'of Detroit were guests
of ' Mr. and IVtrs. N. G. MacKen-
zie for a week -end.
The. cement work of ; Wiley's
Bridge is „finished and the work
of filling in the earth is well under
way and the road will soon be open
•to the Blue Water traffic.
Last Sunday morning the ser-
vice in the Presbyterian church was
in charge of the Summer School at.
Kintail . Camp. Next Sunday and
for the' next .six mpnths the ser-
vice will be in the afternoon.
The Kintail branch of the .Wo -
main's Institute -Meets this Thurs
day at the home of Mrs;' :Mervin
Avery. '
Although, harvest is in- full, swing
quite a number of farmers took
time off to attend the races at Godr
erich on Monday. . •
The MacDonald annual family re-
union Was held •on Saturday' at the
farm 'owned by Mr. J. K.' Mac
The Mission Band Yield their Au-
gust meeting at the home of Mrs.
Jas. Macintosh on Saturday with an
attendance of 15, Winnie Donald-
son the president, gave the Call to
Worship. The response was given
•by Dorothy MacIntosh. Hymn 745
was then sung. Mrs. Wm. Scott gave
the scripture reading. Gertie Brown
gave the offering verse followed by
the offering prayer by: Betty Mil-
ler. Minutes, roll call and .business
was then attended to. Mrs. Fetish
Moffat gave 'the . Mission Story:
Hymn 759 was sung and Winnie
Donaldson closed ,the meeting with
prayer: '
Mr. Angus MacKinnon of Harrill -
ton 'spent the week -end It his home.
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Moffat, Mar-
garet, Moffat and Winnie Donald-
son visited recently . in Toronto
With Mr. Graham' Moffat who is
now stationed at Halifax. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Brown, Ard-
yss and Gertie attended the funeral'
of lrs. Brown's aunt in Goderich
on Friday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Parish Moffat spent
Tuesday evening. with Mt, and
Mrs. A. Warrall 61 Teeswater.
In reply .:to•cha ge No, 1 the art-
icle by Mr. Bushellwas not : a `r`1'et
ter to the , editor", to begin • with.
It was a statement to the citizens
Of Lucknow • and received ' a pre-
ferred front page :position upon re-
quest. We received a nominal fee
for our ork of setting it Up up and.
Marked . it "advertisement" chiefly
for our own protection.
Questioned at that time by..this
same gentleman as to 'why we did -
this, we gave him the above reas-
on, plus the fact that if this gave
rise: to 'a series of such controver-
al articlesR-we-wombat-be-n a poste
' to' -get -something for GUT- time -
:and workof setting tpe:'•
We defy,'anyone to say we have
ever had mercenary ' motives or.',
played favourites in so far as the
Use -of •The •. Sentinel, -.columns-is__
concerned, and least of all in'the•
case of Mr. Bushell, who ,bas used
The Sentinel frequently and freely,
to • his own interests . probably • more
than any' other citizen of the Vill-
age. Mr. Bushell, himself, will have
no fault to find with his treatment
by The Sentinel, we believe.
Mr. Anderson's 'letter, while un-
usually long, as well as. Mr. Stew-
art's, was addressed to the . Editor,
in response probably, to a request
for, letters pro or con on the ques-
tion, of By -Law. No. 6. A similar
request had been made two . wee 's
earlier when a . brief article by Mr.
Bushell (no' charge) was the only
reply, and which received front
page prominence and a bold type
heading. Mr; Bushell also had a
short "letter to the' editor" in last
week's issue and all three received'�
equal 'prominence. •
So far as being against the By -
Law was concerned, we had no
Voteon the: question, and at no
time either publicly' or privately•'
tried to influence anyone as to how
to vote. Our neutrality, was based
solely on a lack of information on •
the subject. We are in no way tied
up to, or influenced in our opin-
ions by any groups or individiiat
in. the Village.
It is an unfortunate state in mun-
icipal affairs however] when it be-
-comes unwise -to- 'speak or write on
any municipal matter,% no matter
how well meaning or • how well ver-
sed en the subject that person may
be. It is a condition that appears
as if' it will exist until those well
qualified Jo be of service' to the
municipality retire and withdraw
froni municipal prominence.
• Our motive in asking for "letters
to the editor", was purely in the
sense that The Sentinel, ns a news-
paper,, had a public duty to per-
form in obtaining for the electors
as much informatiot as possible
regarding the Geddes Building, and
which,xcept through The Sentinel
waS a itely riot being receided,
and. and ' elector's were unable to
decide foil' theinse'lves how to vote.
The Publisher ' knew , nothing 'of
any letters that' might :be forth -
corning for the following„issue,, and
had definitely no knowledge that
there would be • any received.,
What rresponse there' might be,
was as likely to be for the By -Law
as a$ains't it,. but .Because ltetter's
received were ” strongly against it,
suspicion, Which is rampart iri Mun-
icipal life in the Village; *as dir-
ected at the .Publisher as, having
' a. • sinster motive • in what we did.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wni. Larkin and
family of Toronto and Mr. Robot.
Reid of Port. Elgin spent' a day
recently with, Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fines' 'and-
nd"daughter Suzanne of Toronto spent
the week -end and holiday with Mr.
and MTs: `Cecil Blake. Mrs. Fines
and daughter remained for a. weeks
holiday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Finnigan and
'red of Bayfield are visiting his__
brother - Raymond and Mrs. Finni-
gan. • • •
Miss Frances. and Colin Crozier of
London .spent the week -end and
.holidayat their home here.' ,
: Miss Loraine Drennan is the .guest
• of her cousin, Doris• Taytor ''near.
, Mrs. Veriaptr Hunter and infant
daughter' spent a few days with
her irnother, Mrs:-Trelea-ven after
returning from ' Goderich Hdspital.
•M'r. Tom Mitchell and Miss Cham=
bets of Woodstock were guests 'of
-their-•cousin.I."--Benson7- Shackleton
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Whitley, Ella
and Marvin .visitedfriends in Ham-
ilton on Friday..
Threshing isthe order of the day
in' these• :parts, most of the grain
being cut.
Mr. and Mrs .Hedley, and family
of .Glamis spent Sunday •with Mr.
and ivlrs.. George Colwell.
Mrs, . •_Charles....Shiells . _and Mar,:
lene of •Wingham sentthe week-
end with Charles Congram's.
"So I says to, the Captain -`What about . dropping in at : Halifax,
I've got a girl lives there' So here we are►."
Mr. arid 1V1rs. Bert Bond of Wood-
stock, Mrs. Tim Cronin of: Mild-
ildmay, Mr. • and .Mrs. Frank Valad,
Guelph, Mrs.' BertYuellof: Tees-.
water, . Mr; and Mrs. Jerome Valad,
Ronald' and Eileen of Fergus, Pat-'
rick and, Gordon
gill. were holiday
Valid s.
Mr. and Mrs. ,
Sunday with Mr.
Cassidy- of Car-
visitors 'with Jas.' ,
scar Keiffer sent
and 'Mrs. George
Don't blame us if we are justa little proud of the new type that ap-
pears today in The Sentinel: We have chosen from the Linotype..
Legibility Group a new, ' clean fac e called .Excelsior which you, our
readers wilt appreciate because of its easier reading qualities.'
Reading .eotnfort is the basis of the design of this. new type of ours.
And, ,in additionoto that, it :improves our appearance -just: as if. our
• pages had been put through the old Saturday .'night scrubbing with
soap ,and water. ' ;
• See:The
Lost And Pound Departiltent
do The Sentinel Office lost and •.
found "department', license plates'
ares currently ' in predominance. At
present We have four markers, which
the owners may 'have by calling for'
•them. ' The plates jncluded numbei1s
17 -Y -1,t 43416-T, 41+J' 5' and' a P.C.V.
lieense855-0. '
Lost And Found Department
Ing The' Sentinel Office lost and
found "departinent", license plates
are' currently in predominance. At
present 'we • haye. four markers,
which the owners may have by
calling • for them. The plates includ-
ed nrmibers 17 ''i'-tl;"43416-T, 41-J-25
ar t' a P.C.V. license 855.-C;
Yours For Ea$y Rea\ding