HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-07-03, Page 8PAGE O • AIION. VA� QOM . AN'S 'BATHING SU?1TS —Castes, apecinl • �' ° ' , PE, CLE• for bathing: , or ;rich ar,. PRINTED ..RA.. welastex gathered $1;69 izes; 14 to 20; •years , .... top. 'White, 'knit cotton pantie. S. • - ' I '. There is exceptional , wear and•. wonderful �,� T�r�A �L: P �.,. vab . ial . ,..... ....::. 59c ur this• ga>•'iaetit. 'Spee • ... , .... GIRS RY9N S4'N 9LPS 69E 8t/5 c •. 125 ... $ You Fava►Tite style; BUTGHE;I� BOY 'PAJAMAS •. . F: Fanc • attbrns. Can•be':worn: as a.' , IiERCH.IEF ifr SCA.R y p , ZCTAit. M �: S Fi . O .• 25c• 'AYALA :STRINGS E W• ATERS suitable feres' it, 'separate skirt • or slacks. .Sizes 34 to 40. Singlet • • f N knit• for'the men qn service, Duigkirk yarn W$ILE� ON VACATION, • . ,. ,. I. ' 69c. ' :force K'liaki and.'Navy Ball -.. ,.•q;;. M, inAxrf. , . :� i 14 to. 16• I Sze TS G fu 1 hod . RTIC ood y .. • S TH .CIA AD EIRO :_..��, .. .. A • Special . . } now • THEoc N . W sgwr s E!!L WEDDING 'BELLS.: BRADLEY7-STOTHERS Orange ,blossoms, .'pink, roses and p blue delphinium, prettily- arranged ed a- - round the chancel, ma ade pleasing setting for the wedding in Erskine se g Presbyterian' Church, Dungannon, at three o_c'lo,ak Wednesday aafternoonon, o Miss Eliza Lenore Stothers, Reg; f r: a, Mrs.er Af .M d P N, eider • daught., S..1 .. Stothers of Ashfield and Mr. He nr yn - eorge • :Br ade eldest de st son f. Mr: and Mrs:°henry BradleY,Coder- ich The. bride, given in marriage by. •l'er father, entered the -church to the of tile. Bridal porn; ;played strains liy •. her.'cousin; Missy Betty Taylor,, rid looked.:charining _Luciznow . The�l?1 e.; • •... _ ;, in a floor -length gown, of white•crepe sheer made on French4ines, with fin-' ger-tip •veil of :white silk net and head. dress of white :carnations and white• satin ribbon,: She carried the 'white satin Bible Which was carried byy her .mother at her : wedding twenty-five years ago, June twenty-first. Atter=; ding her sister as bridesmaid was. Miss Helen Stothers, wearing a floor- length . dress of white point , d'esprit with •ruffles• over white satin and a dainty white turban :.with•• pink flow- ers forming the crown. She carried :e.., ..:of, . .. .'rid' -- a nosegay of .sweet peas., The b , e groom was 'supported by his brother: William Bradley, in ;training in kit chener: The '•ceremony was 'performed by Rev.: C n•;lane-Donald ' n le re - ence of about twenty guests; all im- mediate relatives, and the nursesof the bride's graduating . elass, with Miss' McCorkindale, the superinten-` dent ; of Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital, Goderich, of which, the bride was a graduate.The. ushers -were, Mr. -Billy Tigert,--•I•r.' Keith _Hackettcousi S Of the bride.' During the signing' of the register, Miss Peg- gy MacDonald sang "Because". Fol- lowing the ceremony a reception was held at the home of .the bride's par- ents, the bride's mother receiving in a gown, refigured bine sheer, with large white hat.:'. The bridegroom's another was unable to attend' owing to illness, A. wedding dinner was :ser- ved from a. table set : in' "T" shape, the color . scheme being • pink- and white, with pink roses and pink can- dles in silver holders. 'Assisting. in serving were two• caneinS of the bride Misse's;Dorothlt Tigert and Doris Tay lor, and two aunts, Mrs:. Ewart Tay:- tor ay=tor and Mrs. Harold Tigert. Mr. and Mrs.; Bradley left by' motor .for a hon- eymoon Which will be .spent in Mus- koka, the• bride' lonning -for traveling; a smart black. tailored mannish serge suit with pin .stripes, black Mexican style hat with _white trim, and:black gabardine . shoes ` tipped with -white kid. Her accessories were white. 'On their return they,will reside in. God- erich. • • and G�EHEfAL Miss: Maladie Fisher is.holilayitig in Kitchener, in ,. . Borne spent #e week, endMrs,.M end wit -daughters h her -. n hters in Toronto: Mr. and firs Ted Collier, of Ham- ilton spent. the.' •week -end withrela-. tives. here. . HURON ' JUDGING- COMPETITION • Mrs. A..0.. Elliott spent'last week ai in Strathroy.,with •i11r and Mrs. I a .MacRae. ' a• `me gtwimmirig. pool was• The Gans n eanin out • on. given a thorough cleaning Monday. K ' Arrangements. have been made. for LivestockJudging- ,, Com the- Annual- ,, g_ .� :,. . Petition open to' all 'fanners' ';sons in Huron County, to be held ' in the Clinton distriet on Tuesday, July 8th.. ,._c tb .following lige -I stock ° will he judged: ;heavy horses, beef cattle; dairy cattle, ; sheep: and swine. • The ' prize: money fot the event have: , been donated • by the Huron County Council through the Junior Extension .grant. . . : • The competition iwi',,1. be under the ricul hea7�el' �g _ -:-=C S . df -J �rrecti d. n . total.representative. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson jro I•Iainilton were Sunday 'visitors With ie• '� .i elatives : he ur ess, rof Bei. • •and Mrs. 3°• L. B g.. Morriston -are . �- .present holidaying at Bruce Beach. ' Mr• James Pickering who . has' been i11` :with pneumonia is making a : sat~" isfactory recovery. ' Mr. and ; Mrg Stuart Collyer and Teddy of Westwood are holidaying with relatives :here. . . Miss Alma:Solomon' of London;is Holidaying with her parent$, Mr., and Mrs. Austin Solomon. • For Grades IIX, X,', XL XCITt. . •• . .. _ . ;. _a ' royal of the. SubleCt; to the... FR • • partene�xt • of Education, tha following students of the Lucknow High 3 Bonk, • lambert --Eng., C; Ai. & M Hist., 1II; Nath ,. C, 'Chem. III. :Bushell', Aisla—Eng•, C; Math, C, Chen., C• M Hist,; shin, Saih-n6•, C;' ,A & C; Math., 'C,• Chem., III; Fr. C, C Culbert,:• '13arbare�••EngA�, Chem• ,._,. School :. n Charles- En$•.,, C; A Dalton, . the standing. indicated:' Thst•; C; Math,, C; chem., C. Obtained to LOQ%• xT• -66' to ?4; IIIA- Gardner Kathleen— ' I--7 % , 60 to lir C-50, :to `5.9• . Gibson,. Kathleen ..Eng., C; A & M ,n 4 C• A --it o -n , h_ , shield'presented 'by the Frays: n Iiacketty :•,$cit E g jry h F r. C. Latin : • a ' int I. ofie e e , y ahem II , Pr vQ st. I , Il k • d3 I r.Generala lixothers ; fo _ t _ am second. , rvin Willa A. & M. Hist. = C. L,`orraiiie,;k'erguson c e and _. , . I . .,, -. .. ' En' . •II' A•. �. Grade X Jean Bissett and Alan Johnston,atherine_- g , y Irl s. I: • C hem.. , =i , �:shield,the T ,. a. . M •� I hI o t, e,. f' ''t " eH ' w ns ►. • ied a s winner* - .M t San K `M c I ' Orode IX Doreen Miller• wont gist C; math., C; Lot,' THURSDAY, JULY 8rd,, 1941 Thurs., Fri., 'Sat, July 'a. QPENIN( s ' . • ' . SUMMER SEASON . Trail The Sante Fe "The BOOSTS' THE HAND l Following the Pipe Band's appear-, at, .Seliforth last 'Satiirday Day, the BeacenAleraldrcertied the :bleed in ,Yon aE all yell can't help but thrill, to the sight Of the Liichne* Pipe Bland. Talk to the men of the. band nnd you'll thrill more; hicanse theiere kenziee, TreleMrens—and en on. All these are •niines familiar to the lend d •the heather. ,They ldve. playing in: that LuCknew. hand, Every Satutday 4•ilight they appear in Lucknow and. present a cOncert,' arid the Scotch - field flock in droves- tO listen to the Stothers, Who. has a farm in Ash- ington doupty; tells ns that when he is at ;the farm over the week -end the folks all want to eo into Luck, now to shop' on qt.du*day night. He knoWs that their, real--Ireason is 'to listen te the- pipers • play". ugs New Congoleum Rugs presented by William °Macitenzie for Latin, II., ` Fr,,. �I. .' • General Proficiency, witht•y, to -,Mac- MVlacKenzie, Fear1-- Kenzie ,airing second.. ' MacLennan, Catherine=- . r o:these• .stud- 'ac •ennan, 'R;oduey.-,Rig:,. C,_ A. Certificates � issued tM., L ents by the 'Department of Education & 1VI Hist.;' 0; Chem:, C. 14i given'to the. students after • ' McBride:, .1VMuriel--Eng.., . C; A will. be. Latina, school opens, in September Hist,. C; Math; III; Chem, ' 1 C; French, C. , Mr. and Mrs. Bal Hewat and child=` ren Bobby and Nat cy. Lou of Toronto spent the. week -end her . Pine ipe Ba'd `:°as .in.: atten- dance Saturday t Seaforth at the annual Clydesdille Field Day.: Mr, and Mrs. Stewart. Burns of De- troit were, week -end visitors with .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns.. Cpl P. J•.Naylor of Hamilton, and son._.J.ack of . Toronto have been • visit- ing here with 'Mrs. Naylor, .:who wi 111•: , Reeve N :E. Bushell, Jean •and Net:. lie Cranston are spending two weeks `vacation at a cottage at 'Wasicgo Beach. ". . • ' Dr. and Mrs. ,d. F. Macltenzie and. Mr.• and . Mrs. 'Goodenow of Detroit .are .holidaying_ at -their 'cottage ..at Bruce SS KroAlan. Hale l Flynn . Olivia DeHaVilland . GRADE IX . • Maize, Ellen—A .& • M' Hist, C:; Agnew, gnew Katherine--Eng„--Eng„C, French chem., C; Latin., C; French, O. C Art, C; Music, C, Soc. Stud., C; Morris, 'Constance—A & M Hist.;, Gen. Sc., • C; Bus.' Pract, q. - c: II; Math, Allan, ,Jean ;Eng:; C; Fr., 0;. Art, Mowbray, , John—Eng., ILII; ' Music, ' II; Sot. `Stud., C; Gen, II; 'Chem'.; `II„ Latin, , French, I. Sc., ' 0, Bus• Pratt., C;. Math., C. Orr, Helen -Eng,, II; A.& M Hist':: • .Alton; Jaek__.&nga'G; Art.; III; Mus. II; Math., I; Cheri.., I; pat., II; Fr., C; Gen. Sc., II; Bus. Praet•, C; Math.; I. - .::Weal Hatherine—Eng•, 'C; A. & M.I , Blake, Heward•=French, C Hist., C; 'Math.; ;C, Chem., o;• , Latin;' .:, Chin, William g:; C;°,French, C; C; French, 'C. • ' . Ii,' Soc• • Stud:, ' C; Reid, Kathleen=Eng•, III; • A ' & M 'Art; II, Music,.. ,. • n; - Sc' C- Dao :•pmt, tc ..1►�ath ,.C• ulst,,. 0, Math„ C, Chem.. C, Latin; Dahiner, °Verna ---Eng., C, Fr.,; C', C;: French, 0:. Azt, ITTI; 'Musa C; Soc., Stud., C; Gen. • Reid, •: Lorna --A & M Hist:,' C; The June meeting of the Ashfield Mrs. Hector 1VIcLean: Mrs. Donald onakiare* aci_tlauteripture lesson. She read also the proPhecy from, liabalc- kek 3-18 With its explanation by Rey. Kerr, of • yancouter, ,B.C. Aire. Wealei- Robb' led in prayer. The'roll call was ture. The minutes and treasurer's re- port were given by Mrs, tir.. Simp- son. Mrs. D. A. Me.Lean gaVe. airead- ing entitled "Ptayer". Mrs. Donald MacKenzie led in prayer. Mrs. Earl, Howes gave an outline. of the work of James Evans,..a Canadian trans - 1 lator of, the Bible. Ile ;Worked among ' the • Indians and finally gave theta 5' language they 'could read.,,Ile taught them to rest On the Sabbath Day and ,thrilled them with main of his trav- Mrs. Hector McLean, gave a paper on_The Indinns' and the W.M.S. Since 192kIndian bearding •sehoois have been assigned to the care of the' W. M. S. The Cecilia Jeffrey school at Lake -of -the -Woods and 'one at Bertle• Manitoba. The boys' and : girls are \ taught and become self-reliant men and women. Our bales are sent 'to Mrs. (Rev.) Ester gave ae outline 0,41 'Christmas entertainment given by' the pupils of the Ceeilie Jeffrey school for` their parente. Anna Itine •McDonald gave a talk on the Supplies sent to these schools. Mrs. Colin Me - 1 Gregor led in prayer. I ,Lunbli was served by Marie 'Fei'•• guson and Lillian McLean and a soc- ial half honr spent, Mr. and. Mrs. Orm. Moffat and dagl.Iter, Marilyn of Toronto • were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred IVIurdoeh, Mr. Lovell, Miirdoch ane:Mrs. J. G.. Mur- doch of Teronta, attended the, funeral Sc C; Bus Pratt '0. ' • goat which he hitches te his lawn mower for mowing his spacieus lawns: In the winter it is hitched to a finial' .the Paths around the home. . 4Wachinery Dismantled Chein., C. Elliott, FI'llwood't---Eng., C; Fr:,, C.; • ' Solomon, Murvin ' Art, 0; Music, III; Soc.ud., ' .0• 'Taylor, Betty—Eng:; VIII;.' A & . M Gen. , c., C; Bus. •Pratt„C; Math., Hist.,: C;. Illath.,, C; Chem., II; Latin: Ferguson, . Lorraine ---Eng., III; Fr., C; French; C. ¶I; -_Art, .II; .iisie• I; :Soc. Stud., h1I;' Treleaven, William -Eng,, C:; A. & Gen: Sc,, II; 'Bus..Praet., II; Math.,'I• M •Hist„ 0 lWm•, C.; Latin, C; Ferguson; j gina1d= Eng•,G;, x ; French -Fn. m C; Art, •III; .Music; D14I, 'Soc.. `Stud Weatherhead', Grace -Eng., C; A & II; 'Gen Se., II; Bus. Pract., C;1VIath,..M Hist•, C; Chem:,• 0,, • IDI. : Wilkins, Muriel—Eng., II; A & M Hamilton, .James-Soc.FStud., III. Hist., III; Math., III; Chem II; Lat., Henderson, Eileen,--Soc. Stud, III• lll; • French, Henry, Harold—Eng:, •C; MLA.; McNeil,' 1tay-A. & • M Hist., { C; Music; 'C; Soc: Stud., :C; -Gen. Sc.,•Il; Chem 0.' • I r .. Math., n :Elwood -Solomon who is in training. ',with the 1.C.A.F. 'Was home from St Thoinas over the week -end before MacDonald, Bertha— Irwin, Bus. Pract., Art, ITI;' 'Musk; 1; Soc. Stud., 0;. Gen. Eadie, Doris— Gen. Se, III; Bus. Fred., II; Math:, ARM, CarolynErig., It; A & M GRADE XII, . MacDonald, Doriald—Fia I; Soc. Campbell, Audrey—Phys., III; Lat: killer,' Doreena.-Eng„ II;-- Fr., II;, - Crozier, Lorena-L-Enga, C; Fr.,. II Art, I; Music, • III; 4Soc. Stud., II; Curran, Bertram—A ix Ali Hist., C; Art, C; Music, C;' Soc. Stud., II; Gen FinlaySon, DOnald—Eng., 04 'A."' -&- Art, III; MuSic, C; Soc., Stud, C; Gen French, III. Kincardifle. e ' Wed. July . 7, 8,- 9:;. ro. Mon;;'�+�u s,, g. T R 1 'GUS STORY CIRCUS in Technicolor• , HANNA” "CHAD Dorothy Lamour HenrY, Fonda —, and - Bumstead Family in tf "Bhondie . Goes: Latin • 003. NG .SOON . TO. THE Air -Cooled Capitol/ Kincardine „KITTY FOYLE" "ANDY :HARDY'S :PRIMATE • SECRETARY, "COMRADE R" • • "SEA W F" .i."BAD.. MN„ "MEN... OF. -BOYS- TAWhT "BUCK PRI*ATEW' "ZIEtWIELD dlIi " ""BLOOD AND SAi!ND"• • NICE diaLfr "POT O'' GOI4Y' —ALL IN JULY 8't AUGUST AT THE CAPITOL! MacDonald and MO. 4. E. Thompson and •Fred Taylor of Oshawa, visited Aircraftsmin Harry ,Middleton of the R.A.F. at Port °Albert will be guest soloiet in the Presbyterian Church at both services on Sunday. through Lueknow during the Past ten days, an the plant located in the Dun- -Fannon pit-wite -dismantled and mov- ed elsewhere.. A big crane en'ioutoto the pit last meek to assist in the work' became lodged.ander the C.P:R. overhead bridge, just out of God- erich and as well as doing some dam- age, tied up traffic at. this Point for four hairs.. Mr. and Mts. D. F. Johnston of Oshawa Were 'holiday 'visitors with 'friends and relatives in the eominun- ity and attended Jubilee services held in Dungannon United Church. • : Mr., Con. Decker spent the week- end in Kitchener, returning with,,Mr. 'iind lire: -Piney. beeicer, Billy 'and Norman 'who Spent the holiday here. Billy is remaining in Lucknow for a visit. Miss Frnnces Sidcial and Mise Lorna Campbell of Toronto spent the week -end 'With relatives here: On their return they were accompanied ):ty WillardiThomPson who will -Spend h week in the city. Miss Elizabeth Lyons was a guest. at the Thompson:Reid wedding in Wingharn last' Thursday. 'Mrs-; IlentY Crick (nee Ada, Wet - Pon) rind Mrs. Rae `Watsan of Lon- don were callers on friends 'here last Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae and Mar- enret and Betty Taylor. Spent the week -and at .Glenn Rae cottage at Bartow Bay. family of Melvindale, Mich., are Nis- iting with Mr. and, Mrs. Kehnith- Cameron. Mrs. Snider and children will remain for a time. Mr, ind Mr's. Fred Bent and son d Ifiteltener and Mr. and ,Mrs., Hew- ard Derrick -of Niagara Falls were Sunday visitoes With , Mr. and .,Mrs. Angus Maclannon .who is employed in a gent's -4thing store in Handl- ton, aCeorapanied by Douglas Allen spent the week -end With' the 'former's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Dan T. Me - Dr. and Vire. R; Treleitven, and itlfant 'daughter of- WOOdstoeic visited here last- Week, and on, their return were acconipanied by Patsy Treleaven who remained here' until the end of the school term. Mrs, Wm. Alan Of Chatham. spent list week 4it the honie of her broth - Kinloss. Mrs. Allin 'accompanied law s'Ori Jack ,of Dresden and Miss Jean McClung of' Blenheim and remained W EBST .ER . CLAN ., HELD C_., ° I•G1VIG-AT GQDEkLI I ,44 d • The ',, annual re-urnotibtllur-Web- stet -clan was held' at Harbor. park, Goderich, on Saturday•June 21iit with' about 150 in .atiendance. The weak, pienic is to he held at the siiiiie plaie neitt year. and ill. the 'past officere were reelected. ' Race results were as follews: Gilts • 6 and Under, Gladys Chitinisan and Lois 'Freeman; bois ;6, and under, ' Frank Alton; Billy Consett; Girls 10 and MAO, -Eunice Iteed, .Dorothy Chapman , and Geeige ;ruiner( Girls . Turner; BOys 45' and' under, Bob Me- Itennier_arArnold Alton; Yeung ladies race, Bernadine Alton, Irene Ttirne: Young mens' rice, 'Melvin Morrison, Anneta Turner Mts. Ross Chipman. -Married iiiene.'rate;'Goidoii. Kirkland, „ Bert Alton,; Boys 3 -legged race, Gor- don Morrisen, Clayton Alton; Coiiplg race, Joe Freeman, Mit. GOrdon. Alton. BACK IN 1936 n emit owned bsr Hanover district fanner saVallowed feted little aPearent effect from the addition tet its diet' It's death oeetir- red five years later, when a "post tnorternV recovered the ball from the &av's., goblet'', little the worse of five years vent in the bOvino's dig - • C; Art, C; Music, II; Soc. Stud., 0: GRADE X b; French, C. Ray—Feench„ C. Gen. Se, I; Hui. Praet., III; Math. 0.• Bissett, jean—Eng., CI Fr., III; NicholSon, Margaret--Eng.,11I; A .tatin, 'II; Musie,_J; .Soe. Stud, 11; & M Hist., III; Ge'om., C;.ylisre., C• Music, I; Gen. Sc., C; Math, C. II Mat, III; . Geom., II; French, (:', darter, EileenEng., C; Fr., 'C; Salkeld,• Mary—Eng., III; A -& :51 I.at., C; illus., C; Math., C. Hist., II; deem., III; Phys., II; tat Culbert, 13arbarii-7-French, Ill. . C.; French', Ult. Gardner, Kathleen—Fr., C; Math.. Mr, Bert'Smith, editor of the Cree- rnore Star, and Mrs. Smith Were ers here the end th-e week. Miss school; retufned horne with her par- ents. Miss smith has been re-engaged and Apart from her school 'activities has been energetic M church and One - nip. INDUCTION pf REV, J. .W. at 8 part. The is Invited $114+4,1DAY, JULY 6th 10 cania-Chi;ich Schaal Henderson, EileenT-Eftg., C; vr., c; MacDonald, Betty--Enga C; Soc, .MacKetzie, Helen—Eng.; III; Fr., III; Latin, II; Music, HI; ,Soc. Stud., IVIacKenzie, Marion—Eng.; 0; ,Fr.. MacKenzie, Pearl—Latin, C. • : MacLennan, Catherine—Latin, O. MacLennan, Rodney—Fr, C. AleQuillin, Carmen—Fr, C; Music, Soc. Stud., C; Gen. Sea III; !Vieth., 0, Latin, III; Music, III.; Soc. Stud, 11; 4, GRADE XI Brigharit, Robert—Geom., C, Frances E. McLeara• Principal For every weman who makes:a tool: out of a man, there is another who makes a man out of a fool. SAVED WHEN SHIP SANK, DIES' OP PNEUMONIA Thomas Elliott of Goderich reale, ed word: frem the Departnient of , Naval Al/Airs-at OtEawa -that ids son. Lewis Elliott, had died of pneumonia in French Guinea On the west coast of Africa. Lewis Elliott was 2nd engineer on the Portadoc, a take freighter which * went into ocean service and was sunk Off Mika by a Gel -Man raider late He was 'buried there on May 26th, with full nairal honors, aceotding to the carerminication. annoiniciog the loss of the yes- ele•ht menibers of 'the 'crew bad . interned in French Guinea. I THE ci.,ki§wkEN's SOra0 LucknOw FRIDAY/. JULY 4th HAVE YOUR METAL, 'PAPER AND RAGS • PILED ON THE BOULE- „ ' YARD, :PLEASE, PREPARED FOR 0114 WIN wog Emil? tinginANG. • Sai'vaige DelsOt Is At, • Johnston's Feed Stable 'RURAL RESIDENTS ARE REGUESTED TO BRING IN' aft' SALVAGE; MATERIAI, 4170-111E-:A-110V-E---D'EPOT: • CLANSMEN SALVAGE COMMITTEE • Dr. W. V. Joh•nsion, Carniih•ell Thompson, floward Agnew, Joe Irwin and tiordon Taylor,