HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-06-26, Page 7have been entrusted with an instru-
ment for great good. I. believe Can-
adians and visitors froth .other
countries will . be much impressed
with the picture of Canada's 'war
effort as reflected at the Exhibition
th p .. g
there ." +Ie r ea1ize, " he 'said,. "that • ws
At th'e close of the War of in,-
N.B. Possesses
Noble History
Museums House Many Relics.
Of Storied Past - First, Dia.
covered In 1497
The 'east coast of the, land now
known as: New Brunswick, was'
touched by 'the Cabots-John and
• $ebastiari-ln 1497. Nett came the
French' explorer Jacques Cartier'
In 15'33.. ' ,
Authentic, bistoury of .the region
begins with the conning 01" Samuel
de Champlain in 1.604. Entering ,the '
• 'barber o2 a mighty river 'on the .
t .• feast of Jahn the Baptiste, June
. 24, Ohaniplain :gave,..the river 'the
name or the, Sainte: 'The company
.•a1terwerd coasted southwestward,
and spent . a disastrous, winter ' on
•Docleet's Island ,(now • United States
soil) he the St. Croix River: Of 79''
men,' 35 .died of ':oold° and scurvy.
There followed a • century 'and a
half of 'ill-defined grants' made .liy
the sovereigns of beth England
and France; and confligting :claims
gave` rise to bitter warfare which
hinged; on 'fish and ,fur.' • •
The destiny of the New World
' was decided on the soil of the Pro- •
wince in 1755. In the spring of.
that year an I Engli>ih . force from
Boston _Under Colonel' Robert'
Monckton sailed northward to take
•Fort' Beausejour. The French gar-, .
rison surrendered • on June 18, 1755,
""" --'• . and the ;occulpation of the position
opening: 04 the Seven :Years 'Wer
in. America. Part of the ruins 0.1
Beausejeur may still be seen near
,Sackville. Many relics are , housed
' ° in a museum which has been built '
Lad of 7 Freed
In Assault Corse
Magistrate R. E, Inglis of
Halifax gasped, then roared
"mise dismissed" after seeing
the accused while hearing en
assault charge last month under
the criminal- code. Here. -'s the
train of events: _
' The mother of an, 11 -year-
old • boy was in the midst of the
story of how her child was
` beaten when the -Magistrate
asked -for the :accused who wed
not represented by counsel.
, In :walked . a spindly -legged
seven-year-old boy. •
19141' xhibitiion's
:Important Role
C.fi1-E, 4 W ill' Present; to •.Cit
izens ;of Dominion a. Picture
of the War :Effort In 'Which
' the Country is Engaged
The ' 1941 Canadian . National Ex-
hibition which opens, on. August 22,
in Toronto, and rune to September:
8.: will; say C.N.E. officials,' lie:even
• more eoneerned than in. 1940 with
•presenting to the Canadian citizen
the important role the Dominion
is playing in aiding the Mothers_
landagainst a malevolent ; foe.
"We have • aligned, our efforts
w}.tli those bf,,the„government andn
all agencies engaged n the -Pro-:'
tection of .our liberties, freedom
and the 'national well-being,” said
President John •Millar of the C.N.E.
recently -in speaking • of plans for'
'e min Exhibition
' . the for
• depend,ence in 1783; many. :United
Empire. Loyalists emigrated to the
continuing British Colonies. The
.first. shipload&, reached Saint Jehn
on May '1$, ':1783. With this •.influx
of settlers the erstwhile County e "
� yes Erctrcnee-
Phis ''yeas '•liar Pzhi 2�LtQ�9 have a
SteriStettin.Can1' b e-MeeP• of
New Brunswick. '
On July 1, 18G7, New Brunswick
entered Canadian Corifetleratiou.
Many Canadians
Are I11 -Nourished
Financial Inability and Lack
• of. Nutritional '• Information.
Responsible, s. Says Toronto
Doctor • - •
While it as :true "that Canadian
food resources are sufficient, or
could . be ‘pnade so, to provide all •
our citizens with proper food sup-
plies, evidence , is accumulating to
• indicate 'that many Canadians aro
not well fed,'.' Dr. E.' W..McHenry,
- 'et Toronto, said in'.an address in
Montreal at the 30th annual •eon-
vention of . the Canadian Public,• ..
H ealth .Association. • I'
"The ;growth and health...Or ehil= -
dren Cannot be'normaI unless trIree
are properly Jed, nor oan healthy
babies be produced :if rnotaers suf-
fer 'from malnutrition,'•' said De.
McHenry, a;'professom in the Uni-
versity . of Toronto's High -School •
- "Accurate information .regarding
our'.nutrition •conditions has only
beep .availdble,, in recent yeprs." -
Dr.I McHenry said. "In 1935 the Do-
minion . Department of 'Apiculture •
carried : out exte'nsive surveys, on.
the •consumption of milk'.and cer•
Iain' protein 'foods and the results
• 'showed that there was, a. relation.
between, financial theorise 'and the
of 'milk, meat ' and eggs. One-
third of the •children in tanules
having the lowest incomes were
• not receiving' milk 'to drink.", '
The •reas•on for tho failure of
Canadians to secure proper food
supplies, Di'.' McH•enry' said, were.
• twofold: (1) --The financial in-
ability of some families' to pur-
chase the right fonds' in adequate
, •amounts; and (2)-A lack of nutrt•
tional infortnetion.,
"There is urgent need,' he said.
-for a•national, unsitertakieg.to.-pro-
' Vide information about. wise .and--
• economical choice of 'coda. In time
• Of war it is •particulatey important '-
that our people' be as well fed as
•Dossible ,to maintain health and
working efficiency. • .
"The status of nutrition Is not
now satisfactory, arid it ,could be
• • markedly interested with little ex-
pen•se' by an intensive :program of
education. We' can confidently .ex-
pect an .improverbent' in health, in
contentment and in ability to .,do
the work which the war effort re-
). " '•
"Ane impro`veinent in. Canadian,
food habits," he added, "should
mean a betterment...6f markets for
Canadian fare products. The use
01 our own foods sheet(' be en-
• couraged to help 'the' farmer and
to prevent the unnecessary use of
• foreign excbaage;" •
Largest • Photograph
keen sense of their responsibilities
in this crisis' and• are, eictending
their utmost co-operation.
- -'O1 eo:nrse," • he event' on, "we
are .keenly aware 'of the necessity.
. for a.nieasure.ol •diversion and re-
laxation in this time of stress..' Re-
creational and "cultural phases will
not be neglected as components.cif
an, all-out defence' effort. Occasion=',
al relaxation is essential if we are
to serve .at our best. We are highly
enthused ley theprospects for 'a
•really great••Exhibition• and there
•is 'ample reason at this juncture to •
• expect .that we will have one of .
the most spectacular and ,success-,
ful shows"'in qua• history." "'
According to Elwood A. Hughes;
general- manager of the: C. 1I. E...
exhibitors end tnicessionairea are•
contracting for exhibit spa'ce with
great enthusiasm. "In all my exper-.
ience of the Exhibition, he said"
'"I have-not seen a' comparable cow
Maisie so early- 'timbre -year. Pere
haps they have' in.mind the success'
oli the. Exhibition, of 1940 in the
face of •a certain amount • •of' - crit-•
icism regarding the wisdom of
carrying on during war time.
"Qn a recent' visit to Ottawa,"
said. Mr. Hughes, "I was assured of,
the hearty co-operation of the .navy,'
army end air force, and other of-
` ficials, and the three, services will
play a spectacular part in our act•
ivities this year. ' "' ,
"Any opposition to, the holding
of ' the show this year has dis-
' appe"'rred, especially because of the
assueance - of the government that
Exhibition. Park and buildings were
not required--fvr--irrititary"••-piterieses
in „the summer, months. The ag-
gressive. attitude of manufactur-
ers, export and import groups, and
their determination •to carry on- if
only, as a war .measure seems to
• reflect the spirit of Oe Canadian
The Army and' Air Poree
photograPhing from the air every
square , foot of the Common -
Wealth's 8,000,000 souare of
territery: The scheme teke
years te edinplete,';and its: cost
will run into millions.
a lee
\ aed Tyre appearing in the vsar
dispateheS, this struggle seems, to
assume _greater Aspect as' a Holy
,--LChatha Newts.
' 'Any. time You feel the world is
going W. the dogs entirely, read •
the •advertisetnents of' the perfect
happiness to be found at the.Sum- '
mer resorts.
Trees .can be felled' with 'a few
strokes of an aile but they require
to their •ffill, ornamental itature„
on the epue•of the. moment, ,should
not •So much as be 'trimmed by.
anyone but experts. About the
tree ie "rapidly • baritig cities '
the feet that it' io rotten, beyond
repair, •atui threatening 'ite neigh.
Charles Moffett Mohan '•(top),
15-month-o1d tot :shown arriving
in Washington, .D.C., from Knots.
ville,_Tente. of airline
Hostess, Peggy Herrick.
. -Gary 'Cooper and .Barbara.. Stan-
wyck '('below.) • play leading roles.
in "Meet 'John 'Doe,"' the; story
of Mr. Average Man. This film.
is •said to be' of Academy Award
(above) poses in the latest style
in bathing. suits, 'and, ifyou, ask'
us, her 5 -feet -one and 112 pounds
e - a • •lrra;e 11or=
this favorite "summer .:.wear. Mil-
dred .is listed 'as one• of the 19.41
finds of Warner Bros. Her most
recent pictures are "Footsteps In
"The • Dark", and "Affectionately
Yours.". '
:.i;. yw<rr::•xxgaa.Ksu.
ENTS -Constance Winant • (top)
recently married and 'settled in -
Peru, South America, Her father,
John G:. Winant,, is in London •as .
amass- a
°thea membersof family reside
in native Concord, N.H. •
Canadian '.•• navy recruits ;(below)'
study a ship's . model at•.' a West
Coast barracks. •
T H' E W 'A R • •WEE K Commentary on Current Events
Russo - German Conflict
P o s s i. b. ,l a But ' Unlikely
"In.' a -short time something
great will happen: You just
watch and•-wait.'•'-L•ieut.-Gen-
eral Yamashita, head of the;
Japanese military Mission to the
Axis powers.
"Russie abides by prbvisioes
of ThU Russo-Gerniarr pact, -in -
view ofwhich rumors to the
effect that ,the U.S:S.R.. is 'pre
paring for war with Germany
are false and provocational."--
Tess, official • Soviet news
:••,,agency- '
r *. * t
Despite strong denials on the
part, of the Soviet Goyernment,
insistent: rumors that war between
Germany and Russia 'was immin-
ent swept . all • Europe last week
and coritinued to • receive the ma-
jor , share of attention from the
press and radio On this side of
the, Atlantic.. However• 'distorted
thtruth of the reports,' there was
noiabt about -this,
thing big was•en the. offing.
, Part of Peace teffensive?
In the opinion 'of this column,
the four moit plausible explan-
ations for the reported massing
'a German troops on Russia's
frontiefe were:.
1, The, move could be a gigeie-
tie feint engineer d by Hitler to
Screen his preparations for a
'real smash in the west against
Gibraltar aeainet Ireland, ot
-Great Britain herself. s The long -
feared invasion might very well
2. The move Might be part of
a great peece offensive being
launched in an underground sort
of way by the Neel. higher-uris.
(A .more fantastic , explanation,
but ronember -Hessl Rees"
mission were what we think it
was, he flew to Britain with the
purpose of convincing British
leaders that it would be better
to: call. off 'tire war between Bri-
taini and Germany- and, let Hitler
- clean up on the Reds • instead).
The dispatch hof a hundred divi-
sions of Nazi- troops to 'the Ruse
-sian • botder-=-eoirlt eAhen-:.be :conte.
stinted as evidence of ' Hitler's
good 'faith in making that type.
of peace proposal. • ' '
The Screws on Turkey
3. Hitler might be 'exerting
severe pressure:on Russia to ac-
cede to reported demands for, fur-
ther economic • collaboration. .The
wheat and oil he needs sobadly
are ' to be found is. vast quantity
in the Soviet .inion. •
4. In the . view of Kirke ' Sitnp-
son, Associated • cress correspond-
ent, Hitle' was seeking to im-
mobilize Russia while" he put the
heat ' on Turkey to "collaborate"
With •' the Axis against Britain.
-7."*ripe•ars-unliifielyef a -said. Mee •
Simpson, "That German • military
efficiency would risk 'a .2,000senile
round -about march' through..Rus-
sia • to reach Iran or Iraq and 1
their vitally important cil re-
sources with a better and shorter
Turkish.. route available. Nei. is
' Germany apt to have to fight Rus-
sia . merely • to obtain additional
supplies' of grain and • ell from
Russian sources if that is h11 Ber-
lin is after."
Britain Trikes`;lnrrt:aEive
The first anniversary of the fall
1 --"of France lllst--wee'kesaveerra-un*
daunted • Britain engaged in a
'three -front offensive against the
enemy—in Syria, a'n Libya and in •
the air over Germany and, the
. Channel. 'Britain atppeated to
be doing everything in her power.
to 'forestall a tremenddus• new
stroke of 'Blitzkrieg war which
was felt to be impending either
`against British life lines . lie the,
' east or against Britain herself,
was 'endeavoring to hold up the,
Axis juggernaut until aid:from
the ;United States could become
strong enough to turn the tide.
The fight , on the borders of
Egypt and Bibya was developing.•.
last weekon a much larger scale
.than any struggle yet waged on
either shore of the Mediterranean.
With the 'imperial conquerors of
East Africa flowing northward to -
join the Army of the . Nile the
British were at Last a match.
in manpower for the; Germans and
Italians, who unquestionably had
been reinforced' with men
tanks by every sea -borne • means.
Nearer „Formai ,War •
In . Washington last week the '
Administration, already admitted-
ly waging informal war' with the
Axis, made- a number of signifi-
cant moves which brought the
country nearer to a state of form-
al war: all .German consuls and
agents, were ordered out •of the
U.S.; , action• was taken to freeze
Axis fundis held in .Arrierica; the
United ' States flatly - accused the '•
Germans of sinking the American
merchant ship. "Robin Moor" and
branded Germany as- ,a treaty
violator; in a message to -King
eorge - ., . veR
gave • renewed assurance of all
• out aid to Britain. '
Still War of Nerves
• It was still a' war of nerves. .
That President' Roosevelt under-
stood this and would play to the
utmost the game of keeping:Iiitler
guessing was amply evident last
week. But most- experts were
agreed' that the big crisis .would
come in 'July. '
5avvg Ontario 's
• .' `Natural
• Resources
4 d
• G. C. Toner
Ontario Federation of Anglers.
and, Hunters • ' .
(No. 46) '
I introduced -Mr. Douglas 'last
week by quoting him on 'water
.conservation and • forests. s Here,
I am continuing'tQE quote him: "'A
definite. 'plan-,' .of •reforestati'gn
must ,give the' atnotint .or eereerit- ,
age, ' of land, 'in any : given area
that --will : prove - to be "best for
water' conditions if •eievered by
forest or swamp, . If there is such
a ratio between -forested: and 'tleat-e
ed 'land then' our • problem is. not
• ISO: :,,complex.. ; ,Using this .percent
' age• we could 'find. the amount 'of"
land ineach. township that would
-need to be returned to .forest if
water conditions. are ,to be at their
best.". ,
"Fortunately,., our forest .engin-
eers have worked gut :a definite
formula•. to 'determine the ,amount
of land to reforest. Here it is,-..
Take the 'slope in feet per mile of
the area under • consideration,
• transfer this figure so • it will be
that of the desired 'total forest
percentage, substract from this
figurethe present forest percent-
age and the result will be the
piereentage,•_to reforest:" .._ _,
In Grey County
"Let 'us illustrate' this important
formula, as' it works out in Grey
•county: Three years ago 'we took
a census of water conditions:. Our;
Grey., county Council. , and • the
Owen, Sound' "B'oard . of Trade
combined to 'sends. questionnaires•
to each township clerk. In 'answer
these •men' described the water sit -
nation -,as ,acute Another ques-
ues tion. asked was the percentage of
land in each ,township unsuitable
r=agrxe:u•1•t� `:C---Tet=a' �i=rr g=th`e.""a-'
plies we found it- to . be 200;00.0.
acres or one-fifth 'of Grey Coen
• ty's 1,000,000 acre area. An- '
other census revealed 'that ,•75%.
of the streams in North. Grey had
ceased to' flow from ground
springs.. • .
(To be continued)
A candy company, at Evanston,
-Illinois, consults 7-yearkild Bar -
duce a new line. She tries them,
passes them to frierids, and re-
porte. Her :fee Cs' one lollipop a
Can Be Fun
• Party Preparation Shoul,d`Be ,
Limited in Senslble, Practical.
. Party -giving would be a lot eas-
ier if groups of women. who, .are is
the- habit of - etner:.taining • ,-each .. •
other would get together .and limit '
conn etition, writes Ruth Millet{.
For instancg•,'•,they might make
a. flat rule against thorough house .
cleaning before' a party, ,•
• •T'hey blight• also forbid the tale
leg' down • and washing of. ee:rtains. • ••
The amount of time. -spent on a •. •
-.meet night be limited, too. ,That
Iwoulii, eut out some of the' baking: , s
and. the • waste motion 'of turning
• • carrots into lilies* 'tomatoes into.
• loses,. radishes 'into tulips, and so
N.Y.. and .Singapor°
Linked By ' Air.
All-ait service between Singa-
pore and .New York was. accome
:plished lest „month for the first
time when:air mail and express
reached LaGuardia field by ,,Ues-
The mail and expreas was flown
from Singapore and Sari. Francis-
co by Pall American AirWays. The .
• elapsed tithe for the 9,473 -mile
route was seyen daye: The trip
by ship and train •used to'. require
There might, ere i' be' a prize a •
war=ded at the end of a soc!.i sea-
son to'the woman .who at her :own
parl,jes proved by her serenity, her �.
rested Look,• and. her lack of ani
sign of the jitters', that .she didn't '
wear herself; out trying to give the
season's most impressive ' affairs.:.
That way, entertaining could be=
come. a • way . of enjoying the cone=
pang. of one's friends-insteed'of
the means of impressing them.
No .longer would households need .
to • be tarn up for '' days before 'a
party: •
Husbands"wouidn'•t have to make
-aliowenceee--for'--ire•itable ..-Fabsent-•-,
minded wives,, their- minds ; cram
rimed with endless•••party, details and
'lists' of things still' to be done.
It would' be a . goad thing, ale
right, the limiting of ' party prep-, '
aratien,s to 'a reasonable amount.
Thea only "dtaeebeele ie, :would
women enjoy entertaining if the
competitive spirit. were .taken out ' .'
of it? Since they've made it so ire-
portant, .perhaps that is the thing
•about entertaining they most enjoy.
Sup laithers Cause
Aerial Traffic jam -
Fifty eceedi Sun bathing on the
reef of the San Diegb State %Aro-
nagii's College gymnasium caused
an aerialf treffie jam. .Massed,
flights bY cadets from an air •
school brought a complaint irons •
the girls. .The cellege aeked it be
made a eloged flying area, but no
action ;regulted. The problem' was
temporaeiiii solved when the co-
eds Went hone for. euminet hope
Cemetery Music
• An employee of the cemetery
at Pearsall, Tesias; hag perfected
a gravestone with a loudspeaker
-to ellow, relatives to play :records
of the dead' person's voice when
Fred .Neher