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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-06-26, Page 5
THtliWPAY, . NE 26th, 1941 Lyceton, T< e VVI NGHAM • - One show each night at 8.00 p.m.. Sat. night .two shows at 7.45. & 9.45 pan. Thursday, Fkiiday, Saturday A h• 'JUNE 26, 27, 21. SPECIAL. Aexanalerrca presev,/s 11 HE THIEF OF BAGDAD v Pictured in splendour, with • a • cast ., of 'hundreds, Wks- '•enter. taining• fantasy thrills all with its background :or the Arabian Nights. .. Also : "News" • Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30 Monday, •T.ueeday, Wednesday JUKE 30, J#LY 1, ° 2 • CA'RY GRANT . KATHARINE HEPBURN JAMES STEWARr IN.. HE PH`'I'LADE .PHIA STORY: A comedy of upper crust man - nets and marriages.' Also "This. Is England" R M,AFEKiNG • Mrs. Geoxge T'itzsimmons,,!who '.has been visiting w• ;i her daughter,... rs. Cecil Johnston for'the past week, re- 'turned to her home at Arkona;.,Mon- da.'y. . We extend., congratulations to Mr.. :and Mrs. 'Jerry. Cranston. (nee Cora Thompson) who were married last W ednesday... , Mrs. George Pollock of Sheppard - , ton spent, a few days' last•week with her daughter . Mrs.... Cliffoad :Kilpat- rick* and Mr. Kilpatrick A young son. arrived at the home o' Mr and Mrs. Ghas, Hallam last week. Congratulations. ' A, number attended anniversary ser- vices at Crewe last Sunday, • Last Thursday' 'evening e, , large numbei. of, ladies;' on the, line, ,gath• ered together at ' the home' of •Mr's. Thomas Blake. to 'honor Mrs. Hardt(' i.u. - THE LUCKN OW SENTINEL rG ANNON ,Vire extend congratulationsto Miss Madeline Caesar, Having completed her teaching course at Stratford Nor- mal. school, has secured the position of teaching at Lochalshand'Miss. Al... ma Anderson, . also successi ,I . Iwi11 teach at Port, Aubert.. Miss Annetta. Stewart has completed her first year at Toronto University and won first, class honors in philosophical'studies. Visitors with M. and ]Vers. Wm:. :1. Robb were Mr. and Mrs; Wni..Robb Lucknaw, Mrs. Alice Rabb,. Auburn.' and ;Mrs.' Harrigan, Hespler. Mrs. Murray Dyer' and little chili), ren, ;Patsy and Shirley. ofEden Mills have been; sending a fortnight with • her mother, Mrs.. 'Thos. , Dickson, Sr irho'is convalescing Irani illness. Pte Ernest '•Durntn• :enlisted ivith the Actitre' Service ,Corps, spent' the week-epd ' with••'relatives on. ;the 6th. "Hackett, (nee Mary Cranston) and concession and later has, been trans • *Mrs. ,Aeg.•Broome knee Freda. Satin. ' ferred to • Nova Scotia for :farther ders) :recent. brides. All the guests training. were seated on the lawn, and a shprt Miss Clare. Pentland,: engaged in Programme of community singing & mothercraft nursing in 'Toronto is. a few .contests, conducted by Miss sgending this week with her mother, ;rear M Millan ' and Hilda Twamle3 Mrs. A; B. Pentland, •were enjoyed: Following this, 'thc Mrs. Dari Fowler,vyho makes her. 1 guests of honor took their placesAand )tome with Mr. and Mrs. Victor E.r- I two prettily .decorated baskets were rington, is enjoying better health and • I carried out, well. laden with many use:is at present visiting friends i•n, God �ful and pretty apts. Then all joined• erica ' • in singing "For they are jolly good. fellows", After. the gifts had. all been - Mr. and Mrs. Win. McConnell and opened and'admired by everyone '.Beth received ..an 'invitation to attend i • made suitable replier the Silver Jubilee of • the Rev Wm .hitt), .>._ S their s _ _-.,-_ _T....M`eran, Ridgetowrr-on--June,:,.)- t -h' thanking their friends for their re end later in the 'week Father Moran membrances. Lunch . was served and 'of Detroit visited with them. brought leasant everting to a .close•, tong t a p Mr: Sydney. `diheo i, ..Sr,, and Mr: d and . Mrs-. Sydney Gibson, Jr., .an • 'Friday. evening with. friends in th< Master Bobby Gibson. of. Stratford burg, spent Sunday afternoon with the for Mr. Frank McNall of Ayi'4ner spent pier's sisters, Mrs. Wm.' Mcdonnell, Sunday at his home: and Mrs. Jas: Finnigan; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed, ' Eunice,: Howard, Helen Webster, Mrs. Archie Tragic Death of Nicholson• and children went to. God- Little Jimmy Allan McIntyre RAPID CITY 7 Nix.' iriinein •ef the Veterans_'' G uard of Canada at .(;,ravenhurst, iw a:, home' .for • the week -end.; •' • Gnr. Howard, Reed, Was home from Petawawa Over . the :week -end'. .' Rirs.,.Andy Culbert and two child- ren of Windsor are spending a fe,� days with. her ,parent's; Mr. and Mrs • Richard McQuillin: ' • •� Mr. D. B. -Murray. and fancily `spent w�HITEC URCH. - Mr, and Mrs Pymtt of � Montreal are visiting at the :home ,of Mrs... Joe Holmes: • Mrs. Griffin of Detroit is visiting. her •brothers; 'Messrs. John, Patrick and Milds .McMillan. Mrs.. Naismith,:of N. Dakota is vis- iting ,,her sister, Mrs•.Robt. Ross. iMr. H. Cooper, a soldier of Wood- stock, spent;the (week -end •with his; wife and little sort, at the home of. Mr. Rhys Pollock. , Mrs. Rhys Pollock' and little son also Mrs, 'II.. Cooper and little•son are spendin this :week- at , Rev. J. Pollock's . cotta a at Kincardine. • ' Miss Kate Smith of 'Hamilton is visiting Mrs . 'A. Fox. , - ` Mrs.: Geo, IlacCle taghan, who went to the: West' for •a •fev eaSeks, .return- • ed home last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Elgin Purdon'•, and t h �,atut=d y—to�the�Webste r � _ _ is-Coutnitinity.-la in deepmourn- union. ' Miss. Mary Carter is hon den ac • ing and Fief of the horrible and•sud-• re from ' trent Monday evening around Stratford for' the holidays: 5 o'clock, when little' Jimmy McIntyre, Mrs. Allan Binder of Stratford is son of'Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard McIntyre. visiting her, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jin•; inet ••instant• death, • when •iumprng England. ' quickly, out from' the wagon on which Sebool:closed Tuesday for the`schol- he was riding,. a ,heavy gravel, truck si•si that ,got through ; on their year'. .crushed his body. 'The accident work. The others will. finish Friday. ...'pened • on the, gravel road opposite • Mi . Roy Garvin • LE.DQN. IAN inbro, Tuesday, Juiyiist: ,aA M TILL MIDNIGHT D POPE. BAND PARADE SIS 'BANDS.ENTERED' ' • • 200 PIPERS AND DANCERS • LADIES. DRIL•LTEAM COMPETITI ON . TORONTO & DETROIT POLICE TEAMS COMPETITION IN. 'I,''UG-O-WAR, CABER TOSSING: ETC. 'AMONG OTIIFR ATH- LETIC EVENTS. EVENING PERFORMANCE . BY HARRY •i )NNS.& TROUPE . - DANCE 'IN TOWN ' HALL AT NIGHT _QX.S & REFRESHMENTS SERV ED ON GROUNDS 's tate, 'He,yvas with, another little' paI on the',iwagon inten- ding to meet his dad. He was going, to be8 years of age in July. Sympathetic .s ow not •begin. • to tellh YXnPa ,this community feels to the parents and .• relatives• for, the lots of their' lit- tle lad. And our only consolation is. , that, tho' we strive to keep our bodies •herein this life, our spirit someday wings its flight. Jimmy is only gone lotted all Dearly lov 'e •ear little w hr I . D Y • Y f to who knew him, he Mill be sadly miss- ed at the Nile school and in the many homes about. Besides his parents, he leaves his`' older sister, Reta, 8. years:• old. -The funeral takes.place Thurs- day afternoon With church service at the Nile.. Rev. G. Hazelwood. is in •charge. , A ,large congregation attended a special service Sunday. morning at the United •Church. The church was lovely with early summer flower and three canaries loaned for the.occiasion-com"- pieted a note of beauty and•cheer. The promotion of pupils in classes was. followed and after that three infants were christened iby the pastor, Rev W: I'. Nevynian.' They were; Dorothy Etta McNee., daughter of Mr. and h h no 'We...can- family of Detroit are, spending a'few• Weeks with his parents; Mr. -and Mrs. A. E. Pardon.; " ' • , Wedding bells are.ringing loudly Miss May,Mason of Blyth.is spend- ing this week with her grandmother mho is .slowly improving: A Red Cross. quilting was held •last week at. the home of'Mrs. Robert Cohgratulations to ..Mr. ' and Mrs.. Duncan: Kennedy . of Wingham 'an% formerly of here, who are. celebrating. their 25th wedding'. anniversary " on Wednesday. , They ' will be guests of his sister, Mrs.;Lorne Woods • and Mr.Durntn of St Helens, also Mr.D. Kennedy's mother, %rothers"` "ani 1 sis- ters will be• present.. . PAGE Anil ZION. �.. A number from this •comm .unity at- tended. tended the. annual �'ebster re -union at Goderich on +Saturday when •a very? .pleasant afternoon was, enjoyed with favourable picnic. weather and a good attendance.. We regret te.report that Mr. • Rob, ert Andrew is at present suffering from an attack of pneumonia. We hope ;that the attack may prove to be a light one' as Bob's�.health' has not been of too rugged , a nature of late, at best. ' ' • ' Mr. David Anderson Of :the Mas- sey-Harris :•Companys office staff Toronto; ,is on holiday at 1iis, home here; - . " An I.O.L: church' .service will , be held'at. Zion ori: Sunday.,.evenmg,.'Jtily, 6th at '1 3p p•m. when the members. will: be addressed by ,Rev. Bro':. R. C. .Copeland ` of Gorrig Visiting: intim' • .,bers 'are ` `cordially i'nvi'ted .to .unite in attending this •.service:� ;The'dance sponsored •tby theTL.0 L; on. Friday night in. aid of the British. War Vtctinnis •Fund 'was • largely atten-- • ded with •' proceeds' amounting to •$30. •clear. is planned to hold another tt-"the-rear-fu-tiire. • • .The annual S.-8, pienie vaill.be held on-Satur'day afternoon, of, this week en the beach at •the, end of the •bound, dry. Everybody iwelcome.: • ST; HE1ENS. The July rieeting of the Women's Institute. will he held in the ' Com-, munit'y Hai on Friday,, July • 3rd. Please. note the change in day. Roll call—A current event. Subject "Edu- cation" in charge of. Mrs. D. Philips Program. committee—Mrs. J. Came.r- on,• rs'•• '1 al n�Hii ftiri:--klostesses-- 'Mrs: Lorne Woods, Mrs. 3. Cameron; Mrs. McKenzie Webb. . • . • Don't ' forget the • At' Home in the Community Hall to -night .(Thursday). BORN -In Kincardine Hospital, on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs: John Swan of Bervie (t�ormerly; of St. Helens) a daughter: . . Observer George McQuillin of Mpli- ton was a week -end visitor at'. his, home here. ' • . ' Miss Dorothy Barbour of'Fergus i, - OBITUARY • REV. JAMES WILSON ' Rev James Wilton,. B.A.; D.D:, in. -the."mr'nistmy--o�=-tiie•°-h•Presbyter-ran= �• church for`nearly.half a. century, died . at'his home, 3'4 Northcliffe boulevard Toronto. He was' in his. 76th: year. and had -been, ill'' only 'two .weeks ,with pneumonia. ' No minister in ' Canadas religious life was better known than Pr.. ."Jim'; Wilson.: He retired • from' the . active ministry in. 1938; but .after his retire - menthe was, II'if anything, more .active than ,before:.on May 29th he attended • nett i••to-'Preshytery • Presb er- ian .Church at. Knox 'Church and, al- • though' he complained, of feeling "un- der the weather,'' he' remained until'• adjournment. • . D ring his . three' years • of retire . u anent, he preached frequently and' was one of: the most interested'meinbers of Toronto -Presbytery. • Wilson was born in •Huron coun- ty and, graduated 'frod :Knox -college ..in 1893. At Drummond Hill Presby teria'n church the same. year, he, was orda'i'ned to, the ministry and served' e 'rs: is er for seven Years: - Laterite a '•min t there as Laterite ministered• to congregations .of Gl'encoe,, Dovercourt 'Road, where he• remained for 20 ,years,"Brampton the and Wychwood • churches. He led campaign which resulted 'in••the build - or guns, fanke, sliipa and anaanrrziti • i a .Visitor. with he andmother, ,Mrs. R. J. Wods. Mr and Mrs.; T. J. Salkeld and Mr. and, 'Mrs. W. I. Miller were .recent i 'itoxs with Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Dall- vs ing, Monkton. • The following articles were for• ed Cross • ucknow.: warded to -the -Red R , w rd e d Pali Soldier's cks• 5 ` ar seaman's so r P 1 par socks; 4 sailors scarves, 2.' pair 2:away mitts•;.1 helmet; 1 sleeveless' sweat er; 1 turtle -neck sweater; 4 'blouses. Donation of 8 quilts. • ;Miss' Laurine Miller has received word .of .her success on the recent examination fo' nurse registration: Mr. George Gillies of Saskatchewan. is a visit?ir with his sister, Mrs.. D. C. McDonald and Mr. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woods anc�" little son of Guelph ' were week -end visitors' with Mrs. 'R. J.' Woods. • Messrs. • G. A. Webb and Gordon Miller. motored 'to Toronto'on Tues- day. They iwere accompanied to Bur-' lington by Mr. J. R. Webster who will visit bis brother there. e-himdm�, o f vaTuable uses for "rags I : - �,a • Material production/ and Paper In tear , Next• atm Clansmen Collection in Lucknow will be MAY EVG., JULY 46_ ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAN. SERVICE'S• H.0LYROOD .Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Snaith and fam- ily spent amily'spent Sunday at. Mrs. Donaldson's, Culross. . . Mr. and'Mrs. Howard Harris and Lorraine, Mrs. Thos.'' Harris; ' $were' Sunday visitors' at Mr. John`; Jamie son's Lucknow., ` Mt: George Colwell is the new Pro- prietor of Holyrood Store. re. Congratulations to ' 1VIr. and Mrs. thear Harvey .Ackert of Lorne ©li rival of a young daughter... • Miss. Ellen.. Smith 'of Creemore .is spending; this week with'her sister• Mary at the home of'Mrs. Almer Atli ert: ing' of new churches at .`Dovercourt Misses._-GwendolYn. Ackert, 1Vlisser, ch wood.- . and' W Y is wid- Dr. Wilson is survtv�ed by ,h ow, one daughter, Miss Ruth Marion Wilson d.Toronto, arid a brother, Jos- eph of Huron county. Gunner: Your wife is very broad- minded, isn't she? Boatswain Oh, .yes. she believes there are two sides to every questidh —her own and her mother's: CREWE Mr. 'and Mrs. Kely of Kincardine. were guests of, M, . and Mrs. • Jim Sherwood on Sunday. Mrs. Kelly was. soloist at the service on Sunday after - on. M y • Jack of Detroit were ' week -end • guests with. Mr. Menary and Mr, and. Mrs. Herb Curran,. Mafeking. Admission—Morning and a f ternedii, 35 cents, 'Children 15. cents: - Mrs. , EVENING -25 cents. :. • ' • Sanctioned under War Char ii ie Act 1939. 90% of proceeds' for'Evenia g Telegram' British War Victims Fund • 10% of proceeds for Local ' War Charities 'Organizations ' KI:NSMEt .' CLUB of KINCARDINE . ConunUfl tY FOR. WAR SERVICE WORK KINCARDINE Fiiday:July E at (i•30 pan.' 3 Banda. Military' Unit, STREET PARA® Floats, Costumed Paraders. with, all the old favorite games and lots of CARNIVAL new ones. • N under�Ihr• sitars 9 p.m. ,Modern dancing'to the DANCING '• 'bind per music of the ilbY`AI. AIR I ()RCE.I)ANeE 11AkND (by • mission of Group Captain, l'. 11. Robertson, A.M., FIt.-Lieut. Cyril Fletcher conductint).: • Old time dancing to' a,.re•al O1.1) TIME ORCHESTRA. Earl . MDNee; Allan Wayne Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Iirown; and Ora Marlene. Maize. daughter of M. and •Mrs. Bert Maize. The, Women's Institute last Thurs- day in. place of the regular June meet- ing. Maladies of the carumunity met at •the Parish Hall and .quilted six quilts for the Red Cross.In three weeks time, a shriller quilting will take :place again. All assistance You can give will he welcome. PURPLE 'GROVE The Ladies' Aid was largely atten- ded at -the home of 'Mrs. Victor Csaiw- l'ey last Wednesday. • ' Mr, Kenneth Robertson was home fromt Toronto for the week -end.; Mr. Wesley Hill- of: Sarnia visited at Mr. Ralph"Hill's home last week. Quite a number from here attend -- ed the Stirling red union last Satur- day in Goderich. Mr. Andrew Emerson 'reserved the prize for the oldest' man. Mr.• and Mrs. Arthur- Heenier and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy of San- dusky; Mich.; Visited at "Mr. Jack Emerson's ort Suriday. • Mfrs. Harry, PrtimelI, is engaged at tlie horse of Mr.. Donald McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Pettypiece of .Itivesdale spent. Sunday at Mr. Ben Scott's. Mr. Will Scott and Miss Marv'ille and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Walsh tended''the Scott re -union at Tiverton on 'Saturday. '• ' BORN.:T0 Mr. and Mrs. lionald McFarlane;"a son. • "Those sausages you sent me: were meat • at one end • and bread at., the other:" "Yes, ma'am. In these.: hard times it's difficult to make both. ends meat". THE PICTURE GALLERY .WHO IS HE? Ellen and Mary Smith were the guest:. of Mr-. ' and. Mrs. Oskar Keiffer on Monday evening. Mrs. Howard 1•Iarris and -Lorraine accompanied. her parirents,. Mr. ani-' Mrs.,John Jamieson of Lucknow, also Mrs. C. E. Wilson, Kenneth and Don- ald of'. Saskatoon, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don . Jamieson ,of Paramount ori, there. , - Mr. and Mrs: Reggie Broome were Sunday visitors at kr.. Wm. Eadie's. Mk: and Mrs. Percy Deyell.of Wing - barn, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jo eph: Connelly, Agnes and Len spent Sunday at Mr. .lf arlc Johnston's. J(I'NLOSS • CENTRE An auctionsale was held . Friday od :the General Store, the store ein g Sold to Mr. George Colwell. We wish their),; every success, ' Miss Ellen Smith . of Creemore is visiting her sister, Miss; Mary Smith at Mrs. Abner Ackert's. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Gaherty; Chicago, g , M ' o-� Lance Mr; L-enna- O Jr., Kansas ';City, Mrs: Herbert Man- i, :ere, Memphis, Tenn. returned to their homes after. visiting at the Store. 1Vj es-srs--Wm --•anal- Eldon O'Hagan of St. Catherines are visiting at Mr. Jas: Valad's: Mr. and Mrs. Bushell of Ripley were recent visitors with • Mr. and • Mrs. George Colwell. Miss Blair, of Auburn spent Sunday 'with. her friend, Mrs. Wm. Crozier.. . Miss Susie Kilpatrick of Lucknow is visiting' old • acquaintances and friends here. Mrs. Writ. Reid and Miss Mabel Reid were in Toronto attending the funeral of the late Rev. James, Wil- son• whose death Pecurred from pneu- monia. jr.M'Harry Middleton, aircraftsman from Port Albert ;WO -Wag -guest solo= ist accompanied by Miss Peggy Mac- Donald at our anniversary services on Sunday evening. They were guests of. Mr. end Mrs. Wilfred Drennan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan attended .the funeral of their uncle, the 'late Jonathan Paterson at ' Wing halm on Monday. • " • ; Mrs. dna McWhinney returned home on Tuesday after spending the past two (weeks at Echo 'Bay. "'Mr. Jack Malloch had the house known at Crewe Store which he re- cently purchased from Bert Treleaven moved up to the far/it with tractors and 'grader. The building'was in gopd shape and war built of the best mat- erial some years ago. Anniversary services were held in Crewe church on Sunday despite the warm went .r good crowds were pre- sent at both 'servicas which were con- ducted by Rev. Beecroft of Wingharn 'united Church. ' . Mr. and Mrs. 'Vernon' Hunter of near Lueknow spent Sunday with Mrs and Mrs: Bert Treleaven. Last week's, picture 'was. that of the late ) ' • . ' ' , . JIMMIE ANDERSON . favourably remembered here by many residents, and who for, a manlier of years was leader o the Methodist Church Choir. r• • u1 • A fighter pilot must keep 48 basic factors in mind: These are ,°ethnical flying' mat- ters, apart froi(t battle tactics. And be must also 'remember other things --for instance how to talk on his aircraft telephone; be always' speaks clearly and concisely. • With telephone lines carrying • an eitra heavy ,load directly concerned with Canada's war effort, you can help tele - pone' workers maintain good service by adopting fighter pilot telephone technique. When • your telepho,pae rings, answer promptly, and don't waste time by saying lllo" inSteoxl give your nante imme- diately. Speak distinctly, directly into'lhe mouthpiece, and he sure, to replace the receiver on the hook when you have finished your conversation.: Your will. cooperahelpus tionto Ati,es 86wie4 d" provide fast, • ac- curate telephone service for a �•�� nation at war. , G `.