HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-06-26, Page 3Chest Annor Flo' Soldiers , lad Urged by Toronto Surgeon . —Would Prevent Eighty PA of "Fatal" Wounds • . •• Warning that .the percentage of chest wounds received by fighting men will be rumple higher in the present war than was the case in' ' the first Great War, Dr. A. L. Lock- . wood; Toronto surgeon and author, urged that light armor be supplied to' ail members' of •I•lritate's .fi: + tttig • fq.rtes .both .at home and L , attle- . • fields abroad: He was adressieg , member's •of the American Assoe- • iation= for. Thoracic Surgery: meet-...' . ing'recently. in Parente says a :story• in',theeno, a and`Maii- ' "Wit i so many machine guns and h}ghpowered shells in use; as they • will: be in the great. battles ..that will develop, in this' war, it is im:" perativ:e that t1e, men s�houid lie • much bette,'r protected, than, they are at present," .Dr. Lockwood de- • •clared: "If a country scan spend billiorism of dollars on destruction, • then ;they should be , able to .see' their way clear to spend a few mil- lions';on the proteetion•of their 'ovrn ,fighting forces." • NEED IS URGENT A chest"cov,eriiig such as • has • ' been :worn' with evident sucess by F.B.I. agents in the ;United States was suggested as suitable by the s}reaker. , ' "The danger of serious, and even fatal chest ineuty is also very close to British civilians,' ,the siirgifon"� ., s' drop- , d .added: With s Y bomb ro P , 4* `;ping„, build ngs.falling and shrapnel .from• 'bursting' anti-aircraft shells., 'whining downfrotha black sky, they are in as much or more danger than their armed forces,"' Dr, 'Lockwood urged' his • • col- leaiz•ues to turn their combined' tal- ents and experience to the task of . Preventing. a• major catastrophe, ' "Wth prop,ee •oreaniaatioii:we can • prevent , death in eighty per 'cent. ;,_of so-called 'fatal' chest ' wounds ' received in this. ' war." Other wise LESSON XIII LESSONS FROM THE EARLY . CHURCH -LI Cor. 3:1-15 GOLDEN TEXT -- For, other. foundation, can no man` lay than' that which is• laid, which is Jesus Christ. 'I O. 3:.11. , • THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING ' Time—The date'for the writing of the first epistle to the ;Corin- thians 'has .been variously played • at between 57 and 5:9 A.D. Place --The famous Greek ;eity._. of ,Corinth .was' on a .commanding pbsitien 'at the' sbuthern extreme • ity of the , narrow , isthmus which joined. the Peloponnesus to the mainland' of Greece, efte-n called the "Bridge •of the Sea," the-capi- --tal'.,o'f the ,province =of- Ache* ,. deaths •in•: these cases:•will be. one • hundred pee cent. The need,, is' • vital. and urgent,':' he emphasied. Commands Armored. ...Division Paul and Corinth Paul 'was finding somegrown- up Chri flans behavm" g• like -chtl dren in the G"hurch at Corinth, • and he writes• this chapter to correct such a situation: ,It will lie to our advantage here 'to summarize briefly Paul's relationship to the Church in this great city. , The: Apostle, probably'went to,:Corinth in the autumn of A.D. 50. Ori- ginally,,he' had intended this visit , tlo be a comparatively brief I one, bet, as:a result of ,the direct lead- ing of the Holy 'Spirit; ' Paul re- - mained for Probablye-eighteen,.; to be- onths. There is reason m be- lieve that th ` 'Apostle passed Colonel E. W: Sansom, D.S.O. who is In conimand',of. . the • Cana- ' dian 'Armoured Division, - P ✓ Rat -Proof Island East Indian. Dutch' e Ready For All. u /•A•' 'f%% /. elfeeaea Y fN} f lit,..• Behind a barbed: wire fence,' "somewhere in the 'Dutch East Indies,'" lie row. on row of .drums of 'gasoline, coveted by Japan. • Preparing;for anye.eventualitereE-ast-Indian Dutchhave-augmented defense £o eces. Man in foreground is' an Air Raid Precautions worker.. sprinkling neutralizing, solution during, anti -gas drill. • • • an architect. • To him. wee reveal , ed the whole 'plan of the. building and `to prescribe the •w•ay, in which' it. should be carried out.. 11, "For: other 'foundation. ean;•no man lay • than that which is, laid; which is Jesus Christ." • 12. f'Biit.'if any man buildeth _ at' old silver, o d t n.. , un... o n.,...t .. ,f.. ..g• costly stones, wood, • ihay, stubble,' leve a e. pos 13: Each man's ;work ., hall be .. Period ' de ... • ' f' st::: Olathe a' ..shall' through" in Corinth a of iiia--^ xirani e _ y _ _ declare it,' because It is -revealed severe mental struggle,' out of which he came with ;the resolve ' in lite; and : the fire itself shall to reach moria, simply and plain- , prove •each,,man's, work of'what p y sort it'is." The judgment of ly than ever. The Church whichsortboll Paul .founded here was brought', :forth with much travail; and he ever. looked. on it as peculiarly his. own. Around his relation to it, some'ef the ,most ,perpTexingalties ,tions of his life cluster, and' 'out of it grew: somite tlt', his 'molt !in portant teaching. • 'A Rebuke to Corinthians w�" • ' I Cor. 3:1. "And' I, brethren,• could not speak unto you as unto spiritual,' but as''unto carnal, es :unto babes in Christ. 2. 'I fed you with milk, "not with meat; for ye were, not yet'able 'to hear it: •nay, not even 'now are ye able; 3. for ye are yet• carnal," The, • Apostle •fe.lt that all his preaching • would• do.. no good if he"talked - • about• spiritual things 'to men who were unspiritual: ' They' • were Christians, real ;Christians, •babes in Christ : but 'there waxy one dead - Tory, a small island off . the north -West coast of Eire, has never been troubled by rats. The ' 280 inhabitants attribute this im- munity to 'a ,deposit 'of holy clay. This. is only.found ,irh the grave of a nu-n'-`-killedin one c t :the crusades and, whether it keeps rats out of Tory or not, many: people believe that it does. +fiche' owner of. the grave,is said to.make a • useful income by exporting pounds of the clay to inquirers from all parts of the world. Roseneath, a village • on the shores of Gareloch, in Scotland, shares this distinction. Years ago sailors the wofld over learned that Roseneath stood -on soil that was free 'from' vermin; and skippers' arriving in Gareloch would•send a member . of the crew to dig up J. few •pounds of this rat -proof soil and bring it aboard. • • The Tideless Mediterranean • Christ is here set' fort sym i- cally as a fire, as only one-' aspect of fire, rietnely its, testing power; its, ability to discern the perman- --ent from •the transitory,--theefalse_ from, the true. It is a fire that will--test—whether ' a- building will reaHy-st-anil- or�not,-- t -is -4 . 'Who puts' the final approval or disapproval upon I m'an's work.• 14,. "If any: man's : work: shall abide whieh he built thereon, he shall •reiCeive 'a reward. 15. 'If. any man's work shall• be burned: he shall Stiffer loss:' but• . he •himself shall be saved; 'yet se as : through fire." . If all that a Christian has done • here on earth is' finally shown to be worthless, still, when ,,all of his works are consumed by the 'fire; he himself may yet' be saved as .by passing, through a f i;e. ly..-fault-.they were carnal—they_ allowed the flesh to dominate, their' lives. The carnal' state might be described .as a state of .pro- tracted, infancy. A babe cannot help himself, and that' is the life of many Christians. They make their ministers' spiritual nurses of • babes,'. keep thein occ pied gall the time in nursing and fbedrrig them on the Word of God. "For where-' as there , is among yeti- jealousy'. and strife, are ye not carnal, . and. do yet not walk after: the manner --ofemera? ---4:-F•or-when-_gne saitti _.- I' am of Paul; and another, I, am , of Apollos; are ye .• not men?" These Ceritithians were not walk- ing 'according, to ' the Spirit ;of Christ, but they were conducting themselves just as' plain, ordinary -mien of the world, a conduct,which was characterized by jealousy, • and then, as always, by, strife, followed ;at last • by division. ' It seems as though the Corinthian Church broke up into factions, each one of which took a different , apostle as its su rposed head and teacher. The Mediterranean is often known as the tideless sea, and h is true than in its western ,half tides- are only a matter of a few inches. • Butfarther east tides Ate plain •enough. • a • At Leghorn on the . Italian coast there is a foot of tide, at Vehice as touch' as three' feet. The strange thing is that in the Gulf of ° Syrtes, on''the Tunisian coast, qaite 'large tides occur. The rise and fall amounts to six and a half feet, while' on the shores of the island of Djerba, off,Tun- iaia, there is actually 'a diger- - - ence of nearly ten feet between ' high and low water: The whirlporers of Scylla \and Charybdis, in the Straits of Mese sina, which we.. 're by o dreaded the` ancients, still exist and are deep,' eddies dangerous to small boats but not to modern ships.. "h • All God's 'Fellow -Workers •. 5, "What their is Apollos? and what is Paul? Ministers through whom : ye believed ; and .each ' as the Lord gave to him. 6. I plant- ed, Apollos watered; lint G gave the increase. 7. So then either is ' he that - planteth' anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." Paul declares that he and Apollos and other gospel messengers are mere- ly •servants belonging. to ,God,'. and that it is abasurd for the Chris- tians at Corinth to divide into parties, saiyng that they belong • to men whom God,has sent to serve • them. Thesservants of" God each have performed a• task • which the Lord assigned — they have different tasks but are un- ited in their aim and purpose, the advancement of the Church: 8. "Now he that planteth and he that .v3atereth are one: but 'each shall receive his own.reward ac- cording to his own labor." The rule of the reward is not the tal- mntts or gifts, northe success of 'Goad's servants, but their labors. This brings the humblest on a level with the most' exalted. 9. "For we are God's fellow -workers: ye aite God's husbandry, God's building." God needs men toy" carry out His purposes. For the • distribution and •applieation• ofChrist's finished work on the cross, God depends on then. 10. "According to the grace 'of, God, which was given 'unto me, as, a wise masterbuilder I laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let each elan take heed how he . buildeth thereon." Paul s'as not only, a laborer bet Blind Streets More Poular' Blind or dead end streets, once shunned by cities which, enjoyed the reputation of being well-plan- ried, • are ,now. considered useful and desirable i rbsrdential is, triots, . accerdin , to ' a ' survey re - a •Committee" wis cei'vei}' by the!'Y of -the •itontreer Plano-thg. Depart- ,went. '- • This kind of• street was unpopu- ' lar in the past, •aecoi ding to tjie survey; chiefly beeause,it'could not be •used'• for through traffic, pur- poses, and'' did not ,provide lettere • facilities for automobiles a n d trucks. , DESIRABLE FOR'RESIDENCES,' �The.survey: further •adds that, At ra,;eriy located, and--a�quatele designed, blind streets are rgecog- nfzed as'desirable for •residences, .: chiefly because they, are free from the noise and hazards of busy their- oughfares. • , The advisory committee was 'in- formed that many other Canadian and American'cities'•have repealed • regulations .once prohibiting'blind streets and others tolerate ; them under conditions. Montreal has almost' 100 dead end streets and this situation is to be studied'by the .advisory .com- mittee. , /^. Bjt' W, Tuiis CURIOUS WORLD Fergusonilliam COPR, 193a SY NEA SERVICE: AVOCADO. • PEi� •. MG i THE' L,4UkEC • PAM/GY. :AR / OVFS i�A57E N rrs c5R.Ei T F Rom sEprovieze TC) •'THE, EFORM, THS EGZUiIVOXES (N1AR' Z/ AND SEPt23) Do NCPrbNiD1= THE .YEAR EQUALLY THE IN, i trLVAL -- -F SE EMBEF.. ISA FEW • ©AYS -LONGER t. DURH'JG ,COUR TSI -HP, MALE FLIES OF Ti -4 E - FAN1 iL'V ,'•Et11 P/rDAr`E i?P F ENT T1 -t E FEMALES WITH G/Fre... , GUST NIi r Btatest31 1=� CCeeNterAteelING PRIG, OR, 1N3 SOME iNs-rANcss, Bi T5 C)F GAY F=LOWER PETALS' THE closer to the Sint the earth is, the faster it travels along its Orbit, and, since it ie at its nearest point during the winter months 3t makes the d•stanc6 ,from the autumnal equinox to the vernal equinox in less. Time, - .F;,f,l...How crickets can bCesu d as thorsometerll. (No. 17) , . - • it'LANT'!NG FOR :PORCHES The planting around the house poreit should '• receive the special .. attention of , the, home grotend .de-, velo:per. .When the porch is. along • the front ore�s ide, the manner' in which •it is pra-nted directly affects the appearance. of the hoose.. A porch so • 'located.• and used for outdoor Hying 'requires' a planting that gives ,the occupants a degree of seclusion, although ;his cermet be the major purpose of,the •plant- ing if the general''appearance of • the house is to be• considered: The • porch • pl'anting is subject to close i'r;epection and should •.be': of a type that" is • attractive as viewed from -the`•porch. Open or Secluded •• 'Plans for the•'.completed pia'nt- ing fretluently . =include . a'�' goad proportion of evergreen• material,' :valued for. -its-• year -'ro'u'nd - fo'rnl-- • •and: color.: It it .not. meant that this. •part •of the planting should •co-pest`eelirely ofeateci-tiee•fornis• e a's'. •arbor. ,vitae; yew,, juniper and • • ehamaecyparis. These tend: to give,',the -planting a. ,stiff appear- ance .when. used to excess: It is • better to • use them •only for • the ..required tall accents, adding .such shrubbery evergreen as the Jap- anese 'hollies (ilex), • evergreen barberries, Carolina 1 •rhododen drone., andromedas, cotoneasters. and' evergreen• azaleas to .form the mass ' of the planting. - :•ei - .i .• hr-u•bs f --Dec'iduo-us--flower ng -s ' h an im• ortant i habit ave r f ed p e n place in. 'combination • with, these evergreens rn an' illiormal_ plant "ing : of considerable, „size., ,The , 'smalli deciduous flowering trees ..such. •as dogwood, flowering, crabe. ,apple and. •cherry should be used ' more • than they have .been to frame' .the porch and -give it''shele .ter, 'shade .,and seclusion without ' • the undesirable • tendency to -hide;' - 'the heuse'`behind a'olrege -screen.-- Vines trained on ,a trellis offer a.. means.'of introducing, further. va- riety.to the plan ing, en.•,aform 'affording 'desirable' seclusion. -'. • 'Are You Capable. in An Ener ency?. Do You., Know •What. To Oo?, Nurse Advises 'You On ud= den, Sickness. In Your House- hold Doctors and ,nurses are always bttoy people, writs ,a: nurse, If •is therfore important to have some —knowledge 'of what to do in cer 'tale emergencies should a: doctor: or' nurse not be. available. What 'would you do if a member . • of your household complained of • abdominal pain. with; sickne4s and. slightly raised' .temperature? - Put liim or her the'bed with a covered hot-water bottle• and give 'nothing (not .even milk) eto.eat or , drink except ,water . ordiluted orange -juice. Don't • give any open- ing medicine until you, have had _ medicaI advice. A dose.•of castor ` oil or sny aperient may' lead to severe "complication:s• if 'the trouble ia..connected with the appendix,' for exainple •. • ' Wtat would you do if a member of i your househol45 gets scalded ,,or • • burntin some way? ' • Covera the afflicted part , with strips• of clean linen wrun4 out of a solution of bicarbonate of soda and water or cOld tea. 1? the aa•eei affected is large, keep • the patient at rest lying down • covered. with blankets and, with two covered hot- ' .-evaate -._ • or teamay he given' or. in the ease of a child, give glucose in ' -warm. -diluted orange juice, ' 'k' Haw would you' treat a deep cut. R'oi:,ld , y'nu apply ointment or not?. • You should not apply' ointment es rhise may •tt.rn the cut septic. Bathe the cut teeter cold :running • water, then bind it firmly with clelin linen or gauze. Use- a sling to rest and raise the fart• if pos- sible. Later, when bleeding has stepped. eoak off the linen in water ' before applying fresh. Small cuts do well with the ready made dress- . ing obtainable in tins' consisting of lint and plaster. The more• air a out can have the.' better• for heal= ing, but dirt must be kept out: so a covering for housework, etc., will ,be .needed, If the cat is •evere • stitches rimy be necessary: ' • • rty &,AVE ROBBINS "SWEET SIXTEEN'S"" DIARY As refreshing and tonic as -the Sweet Laurel gun it advertises, the new half-hour dramatic' , pro- gram, "Diary of Sweet Sixteen," ., is • now being 'Staged by Wrigley's each Thursday night at 8 (DST) over 'CF'RB, :It's ,something en- tirely different in radio enter- tainment. Penny-. Matthews,. the heroine, sweet'sixteen and always - in.', a pickle, is a real true-to-life• .girl who tells"' all to' her' diarjy. But ,what. she commits to its- " pages does not remain a secret— it is dramatized over the air -- and oh boy! do' the teenager lap' it • up. Penny's' troubles 'with her teachers, : with the new g'la'mor• -number • down the; street;•'. ' with her mother Who •doesn't, ape ,prove of many of her plans, With hex ;best girl friend: and' with ,.prosgective'..dat-es- , ... `reflect; the • thrills and disappointments •of all •, young people of that 'age who aren't _either "dhtpe'' o"r "jerks." Adults' listen, •,:too, and smile wist- fully in .reco`llection of how sad and serious thfiigs used to seem at sweet sateen. ' - "MAKE MINE MUSIC" - Another musical treat • heard along • the • air lanes these nights, comes from . CKOC in Hamilton— when• at 11'.30' a restful interlude • of semi -classical . and :: 'popular •musical comedy works is:featured.. ve- ferane ban eo ace a t ning of dramas, dance tunes., , and'' heavy -going newscasts, is. fast . be- coming a favorite ' spot en the dial for Canadian Iisteners., `Tune • in Make Mine Music from 1150 • on` the. dial, and enjoy a good- night '.s rpt of music that pleases. •*' * GILBERT AND SULLIVAN • Geoffrey Waddin'gten,', one of Canada's most a.lele . music' dire tors; has, returned- to the `C'BC net- 'work for another. series of :con- cents' of. the Gilbert and Sullivan light •operas for • the ' 'summer , months. Mr„ Waddington started 'as •..s , youth, conducting • radio orches- tres — and has waved ,the baton over the orchestras heard in many 1;1 of the: -outstanding shows': on the Canadian chain. His latest • series is heard' each Tuesday• night at ' the popular favorites from the Works' of the ' immortal British composers, Sir•' William Gilbert and Si"r Arthur: Sullivan. *• ,+ NOTES AND NEWS- The EWS - Thhe, familiar. "'loo -h'0000, 'Bloom!'" echoes again .over NBC's' ' red, Network each morning at - 1:1.30 o'clock: J The ',neighbourly "Goldbergs" : are returning _,to the network where they originated nearly 12 .• . years_.. ago ' for a new daily series to be heard in place of the serial,:, "Lone .Journey.". ' - l.ovable characters in the' true- . `to -life story of a"'Manhettaii. Jew -1 ish family are Molly,' Jake, Rosie, and .Sammy,. who rose from a lower East Side . tenement to a Park. Ayenue apartment.: In pri- vate life, Molly is Gertrude .Berg, who originated, writes and.directs the series. . A . ,versatile and • commuting singer is WBEN's tenor, John • Priebe,. who has been signed for • hi ea-' �EaranCe t is $ ve''.h a se. P a � Y thePoston � S m hony• son with p y y 4Orcheitra August 14th in Stock- bridge, Mass, 1Vir.: Priebe [s a -n-i`errber2:''Gf WBEN's , Candlelight' Singers, who: fills ,concert. dates between • Mon- day • evening$' .broadcasts at 7.45 o'clock. The August 14th date :• will; be the fifth time he has sung • Beethoven's • ".Missa Solemnis" under the baton 'of Dr. Serge: Koussevitsly. , eight • o'clock, and will feature ail e•. ..! ■ QUICKSILVER HORIZONTAL 1 Latin god of commerce 7.14e is the messenger or• of the 'gods (p1) 13 Assumed, • name. 14 Roof ornament. 16 .Conscious.' 17 Examinatign. 18 Strikes. 20'King of . beasts. ' . 21 Myself. 22 Fu11. ' .. Answer to Previous Finale slam Ar it E ©Derr CARENI D©® EMINCEA ©IMOD ©©D "®©®Ori ®Zi0®®. iIIA Y ®®il©® MIL.wva O ' ' MITA Err ©®cfo GEIDUEPI DIR®© :COMBO :'4:11M®g I- C [MEDIAE 011PlgrOlg3P1 39 Pound (abbe') 41 Unplowed. 42 Half an em. 43 Sound of 24 To suffice• surprise. 25 Musica7.note, 44 Musical. note. 26 Moor. 46 To splash:.' 27 Senior • 51 Forin of "a." (soli.). - 52 Helps. 29 Pair (abbr,) • ' 54 I'cy i't. arge. 31' Custom.;, 55 To discraih 57 To' shoot at 32 Turf. , 59 Males. • ' 34 Vestige. -, 60 Chief. • 35 Violently 61 His winged ::36 Scolds cap. • cont;'tnntly. 62 His winged 38 Sweet potato shoes VERTICAL 1 Door rug 2 Fragrant oleoresin. - 3 To succeed.. 4 Feline animal 5 Plural • pronoun. , 6 To bark 7 -Wrestler's -- throw. -Wrestler's_.- throw.' • 8 Sun deity 9 Shoemyker's tool., 11 10 Deposited. 11•To languish. 12 Measure. 15 Chum i it 18 Dispatehedt 19 Street (abbr,), 22 Revokes. '23•Tester. • ' 25.A ----is, called ley bin name. 26'Pert'Ilriing to focus: -28 He is a " god. 30' Cattle farrne ' 31 Pale. 33 To, stop up. 37 Undermines, 40'Saline solution. . ' 43 Tempers. 45 To prepare for printing. , 47 Charity. 48 Golf term.. - 49 Canvas • shelter. 50 And. 51, :Mohammedan 52 Snake. 53 Mineral. spring, 55 Age. 56 Beverage, 58 Electric term. 60 Plural (abbr 1' POP—Rhine Wine t 'WG!' WAD.' 5NOUN4 OF -71415 •Wt COULD B5AT • 71-16 ENEMY N "TIMI~ ! w5 t, { 7 — � • t ta. t cn Id."'� ) CICAfICYI` U) %•t R Y ..ti By J. MILLAR WATT IS. WE ' COULD ET WIM TO DRINK IT! esorla 61.27 0