HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-06-19, Page 3Us "Pentoir with your paint - whenever you paint Wood: It makes your paint go turner and Int longer, effeetive. c•MVCIIIS TOL ,attd irasert attack • 'under the paint .... a common . Cif dainty' prints: 12.nt •untiar the paint causes Captnpiva aepaits. Good pintas ,atways add ':Pantaa" lb their paint. • 1 SAVE MONEY Olen TODAY' Cittititio1 rAti.sa 10 Pits t25cl Quarts 135e1 Gollatti ($1.251. , . • Yukon Pioneers Are Remembered -.. • - •• • - •' Most •Oertherly Mitotic Site 'in Cornin•ion- le Marked. ,By Bronze Tablet In . BaWeen C Yukon • Early , Klondike days In the Canadian Yukon. are recalled by . Canada's,. most northerly historic a bronze. tablet at the en- trance to the -Administration . . Building in D,aasson pity., ,Yulton, • Ereeted some years ago by the Department of, Mines. and 'Re - Sources en the advice of the flits feria 'Sites 'and Monuments Hoard of Canada; this inernerial tablet•' • pays, perpetual, tribute . to . the ' memory of the haetly pioneers ivhose determination and conrage gave vast tithes to Ithe world'. .• PAVED WAY F:OR GOLD . Braving extreme: dangers and untold • hardships, those indomi- . table prospectors and miners ven- • tured through the Chilkat :and • Chilkot :Passes into the. unexplored -valley of the Yukon. to .pave the way for the discovery a the rich geld fields with which •the naties ,of Robert' Henderson and George W. Carmack are inseparably. as- ' sociated. For. many Years' gold had been. prospected for in the . .Yukon,:but none of the discever- i,ereated anY great excitement - until the ,rich find was 'made on . Bonanza 'Creels on ..August , • 1896. Had this lucky strike not. been Made it is •possible that the treasitres of •Bonanza, Eldorado, • Hunker, Dominion, Gold River, and mai* others Might still lie hidden away in the' bedrock and: gravel coveredby the he,ateY for• este that grew in the valleys. After ahnest half a century the Yukon continues to be an im- Portant producer of gold, - but the pan, rocker and 'sluicing methods • of-tarlrItlott-dtke trmiereltave • been replaced by huge hydro -elec- tric power dredges.' • Although • many of the hardy Yukon • pion- eers have passed' on, each year their dwindling ranks parade to celebrate Discovery Day, when stirring tales of long ago are again retold. • ' • Taking Medicine? Observe Rules ,AlwaYs read the directions be-: • fere taking a- dose ..of 'medicine. • • . Never take medicine .in • the .• dark. • . • ., • Never Increase the dose or take ' :it more freduently without asking • yotir . Pear from the: bottle. with the • .tabel: upward. This .keeps •the ' label clean and legible.• • • . • • Shake any liquid medicine be- . fore' taking. • ' „ . Never. take niedicinet intended. for _othe_rs • Keep.medicine ont• of reach 'pt.. 'children.'• •;••Close the • container at 'once. Some medicines get stronger, oth- ers Weaker, when left open. . Never interchange tops or tov- ers. on pill or powder boxes if they ' •• bear. directions regarding ute. Dangerous results may oedur. . • , Never pour medieines hi& into • the bottle, as .it may contaminate. - the preparation.' •,Canada 'Combed • • For Manganese 1 • •t? HOW ALLIES MOVED INTO °.SYRIA scAme 0 • 1Q0: Aleppo" • SYRIA Tadmui Cairo $-iez -Carla! Amman TIIAIdSr . [RAO .101115AN‘ •• A "„:"' • , ' Map above' shows. how, British. and .Free French forees, getting. the juntp on the Germans for thefirst tune, battledtheir way 'into. French-.. mandated SYria. Arrows shows . general rhoiiement of Allied; tritons,' Whith.• invaded' south Syria •from Trans-Jordania and Faleatine. -......: 1.How. Can I? • , BY ANNE •ASHLEY • Chick Johnsen, stage and screen . • I,...._ . , • Booster For -Canada. Chick Johnson's Role comedian, rejoicing at the success Q. • How tanl stop hiccoeg,hs9 . A. Try -moistening seine grein- ulated sager with •vihegar and • eating it. This .often brings in- stant relief. • : ' . Q. ,How can I increase the quantity. of soup on hand without • weakening it by adding water? • A. , Keep a box of bouillon pubes 'on hand for this purpose. Add two cubes to •two cups of vvater, to' increase the quantit3. of soup without detracting,, from its • flavor. • Q. • Hot can I remove kerosene .spots firo*1-1-dth ? ' A • If kernsonebas_been spill- ed on cioth,"scour the spot with • turpentine; then with soap, and Warm water. • Q. How can ; • prevent the raisin, from •gciing to' the bottom „ of my cake? of -a three weeks Wanting trip•in Mteant L.'obsen big- 1,,91,1P territory i ,• rettireed over Canadian National Ratiways with two bear trophies; I•ene an • eight loot -Grizzly, the • other a Brown. He also stopped ' • off at Kamloops, B.C. and was, fortunate With the tiqn' t. , "Can- ada ta the finest place in the • world," said Mr. Johnson:, "and • hereafter I'm going •to be an un- • official publicity agent -for 'Can- • ada in Hollywood and New York." • With his his partner, Olsen, Johnsen•; will soon be engaged on, a serece • pioduction of the farcical success "Heilzapoppin.". HAVE If 0-11 IJEAILD.?1 • • The. 'hsavage 0.frican tribe of Ubangi's have 'habit of stretch- • ing the lips of their ivomendtround. cieculer wooden; iliplts 'until finally the become silt or seven "inches ,in size,sticking4 right out. of their • fees like Om Oates. You've seen their picturerin travel tnagazines. The Story goes the rounds that two Ubangi girls met one very het. day, in the jungle. • One :of them stuck her lace 'UP close„to the • Other .And rapidly repeated: '• f-1Petei Piper. Picked a peck of 'Pickled peppers!;Now you, fan Me • for awhile !"- Airman: "Is that your new girl?" •' "No. Just the old • one •paiaited • "Why e won't you advertise?" • asked the representative of •a newspaper of e, man whe, owned a smail business , in provincial • town. "It doesn't leave a man any , time," was the reply. "I adver- tised •once last 'summer and the consequence was was kept so • busy I didn't have time to go fishing the Whole season." • Butler: "Your car is 'at, the ' door, 'air."" • '• 1. Guest: "1 lcnow 1 hear it .• knocking." An official with a 'very annoy- ing manner was making • spection of an aerodroine. On this paiticelar • afternoon • parachute praetice was being 'un- dertaken by a • evenber Of , pilots, and the official asited question ee:-qtrestion-of-One-nrare-about.-.,- his ' experiences- ' and sensations While -failing through •the Air: • "Bit supposing your Parachute • fails to •open while you are coni- ing down ?" • he asked finally. ; • "What do you do then The pilot had had mcire than • enongh by this time. "Take it • back and change it,'" he replied. „ ' He: "I am to!cl he has inore' , !non.1.7y than he knoWs what to do with." She: "Has he really. Such ignorance' must be bliss.", , • What SclOace before stirringthem into the hat. A. Roll the .raisins in beater Doi • llg" • Q. • How can, I reStore .the brightness to a dull brass article? • A. Soak the article, fer about • a half-hoUr :in a pint of belling .water, to which a little rock am- monia has. beee added. • After it has been removed from this beth, • polish witha chamois. , Q. Hew' can I 'prevent flied food from absorbing ,too ditch fat? •• A. Byadding a teaspoonful of • vinegar to the' lard that is used j for frying. .Etiquette. • BY ROBEit I A LEE, • 1. • If a v..rottian is standing directly. in a man's way, must he tip his hat when he asks her:per- mission to pass? 2. What are some -meaningless expressions of speech that 'should be •avoided? • 2. Is it all right. to'. ask ,for quotation's .as toe the price- of, rooms when making hotel reserva-* • think' ' • • With manganese. striking •nevi. higlia in price, and.the uncertainty • of shipments from present .sources of supply, principally Russia and India, with the growing demand • On account of the war, Attention is being directed to soUtices of the• metal in Canada. Some years, ago the Natural Resources' Department of the Canadian National Rail- ways made an Investigation into the mineral resources. of Canada and among these was a matgan- ese deposit in the vicinity.. of Sussex, New BrunSWick. Work is now undeil way by a company formed in TorOnto, to erect a crushing mill oi. the site and it is. expected that • produetion will commence Within the next two months. Over 90 fercent. of the world's manganese production, Which is in excess of 8,000,000. tens annually„. -is consumed- in the. inaeufactilre ' Of iron and steel.. .It is also ttsed with other metals to form variona alloys, and , in the reanufttetui.eof dry -cell batteries, paints • and dyes. • Manganese .is also used in chemistry to liberate Oxygen: Luitn1; elitjack Shortage. W. Earl Hunt, Gerierel Man; ager of a° northwestern. Ontario ltimber company, said reeently that a, shortage of experienced I lumberjacks • and • gezieral bush workers exists this yeaf just At a • time When a' record summer sea- son of pelpWOrel-catting 'and log- ging is in'prospect.• Timber operators estimate that there is work .for more than 10,- 000 woodsmen from now Until the . end of August and that a survey showed little more than 006 trtee' availabl, 'said the general man - neer of Pigeon Timber Company, Ltd. • 4., " s it • permisss e o siou comments at motorists who show • alack Of consideration. for others.? • S. When the dessert is served at the table, •should it be done by the .host or the hoStess?' . • . 6. W,h�n. a' bride has a sister . of suitable age-, does she usually . serve as maid of 'honor? • •• • Answers Yes, as she steps aside lie should.thank her and tip his hat. 2... Such expressions as "Don't you know," "just Wonderful," and '"if youknots,. what I mean"' Will detract greatly from. anyone's speech. 8: • Yes and , upon re- ceiving them maim 'your choice known. •, Hotels,as a rule, are .prompt to 'acknowledge' applica- tions. •4. .No; 'even tliough they may be .guilty of mot stupid and discourteous driving. 5. The hostess usually serves' the dessert,' ' though the host Allay de so if , de- sired, leaving. the hostess free to ' pour the coffee." :6. Yes. - • Wo,nderl •of Teeth In the teeth the body has per - feet cutting and grinding a para- tus for dealing with the feed. The front • teeth, celled incisors' (which • means cutters),, cut the •food into . pieces as it is put into the mouth and the side teeth, or -molars (which mean millstones), grind it up small. The teeth ,are really, -skin Structures, corresponding closely with the nails and hairs in . • their reocte of origin And develop-' meet. • They originate from the delieate skin layer which, folded. inwards at the molith, constitutes the gums. The bulk of each tooth is Composea of dentine, much den- ' ser intexture than ivory, Mit the crown is coated with the still harder enamel, ,while at the root is a cement. „ .4••• NASAL HEALTH BAROMETER,: The hose is'a sensitive indicator of hedyconditions end • reacts by. changing its acid or alkaliee staie, eccording. to Dr. •Noah -1/' Fabri- Cant, of the University of Illinois. •• College of :Medicine, Chicago.' The inteiiorrnethbranesbf the nose in their narrnal,• healthy condition are 'slightly acid. If they become • alkaline this fevers the. growtff of . • germs. ,The acid -alkali condition • is' governed by the secretions pro- duced by the • membranes, ,and these •change frotai..miriute,4te, ram- ute. When a person is suffering from , a cold, sinusitis , or nasal allergy, the secretions -beeome. kaline, . furthering •the troOle. .Restcand sleep overcome the alka-. • line •condition and help •restOr-e-ilie • ' membranes to the acid state.' •Or. Fabricant's diScovery , is contrary to a 'belief 'generally held that •one should alkalinizethe body to get rid of a cold. • ' . •. • • • • "INVISIBLE" COLORS. Current studies ,by 'scientists at McDonald • Obsere atory in ' West .Texas•. may theow some light on the little-known structure of the upper reaches- of the earth's • at mosPhere. . les bei, -trarde-sree--.o- • shifting films,.of •"invisible" col - (Ili in the night sky. , McDonald Astronomers, headed by C. T..EI-. vey, are oNaminine through see - end equipment the variations in . patterns et red, green and yellow • • filtrs-Shiffing aeross the .skies - but invisible to the naked • eye. • -0-• CELLS KILL T.B. GERMS Diegovery of a new eimpter'jil the natural. defences of the hunian body 'against tuberculosis is re- .., ported by Dr. Morton C. Kahn of Cornell *Medical, College - Nev York .Hospital Association. This, Chapter explains . what hap- pens -to T.B. germs engulfed„ by certain wandering white cell6 in • the, body which are a person's priecipal known defence against tuberculosis. • • 'Heretofore 'scientists sometimes • had observed these cells lifeless and containing dead tuberculosis • germs. • •,Jt appears that the Cells, Contain • a /henneal, probably an ei123/111e, • which kills TB. germs, and that the defensive cells tan. and Some-, timet do dOntintie to live. , .The importance of this diecov... ery is, that aparently the quality of these wandering cell S fixes the, , • 'ability of.,a perSon to reeover from tuberculesis. It might be possible to strengthen the cells. • • Sow Millet' Now For Hay, Pasture Will Provide Roughage itt Counties , Where Hay' Crop Likely To Be Short With the hay ere') likely to be short in many, counties due to con- • tinned drY.weither, farmers might • be 'Well advised to consider the . merits of lgilleras either hay or pasture, -says the • Ont. Dept. of • A•gricUlture. . Millet should be sown daring • the first half of . June on Nvell- ' prepared. Soil at the rate of 29 - to 80, pounds of, Seed-1)er acre, disPending iiarietY and.size ef Seed: Some of %the -Varieties! • grown,• Jtee• Enipire, Siberian', Hungarian and Common: ' The crop can be pastured when • one foot high or cut for hay When it. comes into head. • Some vari-• • eties' will be 'ready' fort hay in • about eight: weeks from 'time of seeding. • • Not 'Higlis:in Feedrbg'Valtie • Millets ,are ' net •partieularly high in feeding Value, but they, • will preclude a • large amount of roughage 'which can beused to • advantage in conjunction' with • • alfmalatroowest.eetterkalelegetnex4slies 00.04 . fall pasture. .cItis iriet readily in- jured by. frost and will ,furnish • pasture •for •cattle later than Most , ether crops, if •the snow keeps 1 • • Water Is Vital . • In Cow's :Ration • Accordips-• to dairy authorities, water is the most important part Of the daiiy cow's ratfoA since. water. :repres:ents at 'least seven-. eighths of thaMaterial Which gees • into tile 'milk. pail. A Shortage of, • water. will cut dowr the milk sup- ply" ip Ore qui et;Iy. Wan 'as'hortage of, any other ..part of the ration.. Te§t's show ' that A.cow.:will; con - m vont thre'e' -fOu-r • ponied:4' of water to • each pound of dry•. .matter eaten. • The average ani mal in the herd will drink wand 12 gallons per day. A plentful, supply of water .of especial importance Cold' weather': • The two , things which affect • the 'quantity a cow can drink are • the tempeiature • of the • water' and ' the number of titnea she drinks. No cowshould or will drink .,as Much ice Water as She •• heeds for heavy 'milk • production, nor. •can s e •iin e at time. What Pencil Costs - To purchase a lead pencil the Canadian National car-' ries • a ton of freight one mile, while a scratch pad of good quill- • ity must be paid by five Otis of • freighttarried one inile. These • examples are quoted in an. article 'On "Salvage" in the June Cana- dian National Magazine. ' • STOP WOOD ROT PENTOX!,,,,TR„T r 03MOcE WOOD FRi:Si..• •3 C1.0. [HEAD OFFICE • CAsTLE • Merr�us Restiess , .11 Cranky? Restless? ' Can't Sleep? Tito easily/ Annoyed by fe- male functional -dia- orders and. Monthly distress? Then tate Lydia E. P11;t)Olarti's Vegetable Corn - pound, famotta for over ,60 yearin belning sti�h rtindoWn, weak, nervous' ,condltibris. Made especlanyipr **mien. • WELL WORTH TRYINCH • 1. • This trop can be soWn in drills' 24 to 39 jetties apart, using 1% ; ,to 2. pound's of seed per acre. Seed should: be sown six to eight 'weeks before the crop is required f�r . pasture. Farmers are cautioned • to exercise •care in pasturing to prevent a feed flavor in 'Milk. • Handy Product • Preserves Wood Popular Among Users of, Paint - Wood Preservative For Domestic Use Now Being Marketed - ''PentOX" 'New Product • Dohestic consumers' Such as, • painters, contractors, •household-: • ers, etc., have found satisfaction • in a new product sold, under the trade name" of' "Pentox." It • fills 'a long-awaited deniand for It • ready -to -use wood • preservative • for everyday use with paint. • TASTE•nAVOW fRESHNESSICONOMYDIX1E P100 HAS EVERYTHING • Prevents ROt • This new product, which is be- ing menufactered- by the Osmose 'Wood Preserving Co. of Canada, Ltd., in Montreal, shows every evidence 'of becoming Very popu;1 lar among users of paint. It has • many features can easily be ' mixed with any paint, varnish or oil, and is packaged in 'handy size.s,' scientifically measured for- • pints, quarts and gallons. It is • designed to prevent rot, repel in-• . sects, termites, and ants, and keep • wOod and 'paint •in sound , condi- • tion. The principal constituent is .sodiern fluoride a proven wood preseivitive, -Which is conimon tO the products for industrial use, Manufactured by the same com- pany far many years, with great • success. Its action • is • very simple • and • logical. • Oil 'in the paint is •used ;as a spreader only; the fine par- ticles Of "Pentox".are evenly dis- tributed over the painted surface. As soon as these particles cOme in contact With the moisture .'in ',the ,they_ber.ome save in the moisture and diffuse into thel weed, thus rendering the wood Under the paint immune to •the attack of decay and insects. . A seriees rival for the now gen- • erally approved cattle feed, beet • pulp, has been given • extensive • feeding trials in Florida,. Process- ed Ettrus Pulp, made mostly frem grapefruit produced more milk per vow thanbeet pulp, although the latter put on a little more weight than the forxrier.• • . "Democracy is nothing • more than a -lot of individualsco-op- erating for the common goed.". '• -LeOn Henderson. • • 'Winking Bass" Wins Contest , • At Leapt, This Fish Story . 'Told by Montrealer Was 'En-. OLIO to Win Trip to Bahamas Charles Hall, of Mentreal, was • , announced by the Qtiebec 'Anglees! .Association as Winner of the. assoc- iation's •"fieh story" contest frim • • among 6,000 entrants with ,his yara.. about the. "Winking bass." ' • Hall, whe wen a ipl's.-.ne trip. to, Nassau, Sa.hatihis, wrote that While ,fishing last season, .4. dropped his Peerl-handled knife into :the water. Moments' later ,he Caught a'fertiall bass, put it on a stringer And hung_, • it •over the side of the boat. ' • • water• 9dA:eWP churnedn'and iinsaW Ifirge . tiSlITIrRsII,VstGorAii::0AeYs;t40 male •bass "siteieg away atUte. • stringer with the' Small pearl-hand- l-h:ntriast-icfst-oVerboard-. and as Hall reached'hito the Water • grope for the stringer he felt soinething, nudged into his hand It was •• the knifereturned by the ., boa, .• ' •:• • • • • •, • "As the. fish :Ilisappea:red," Hall says. "I saw .him give me a .tvink ' •of thaekti. It 'Wes the firat winking 'bus that A ever saw." • Prices paid to Ontario Tarinere • for turnips the gest season have been ,better than Or many years. • The, highest mark was 45 centff,sit bushel for the best lots. From One ' station in. Wellington county a' , total . of • 200,000 • bushels • were shlpped during the winter. ...CLASSIFIED AD V E.11111;11141111. • AtiINTS WAATED •---LortiAdT:N-IN-(1. ROD AGENT- W AkitED._ _ , to sell Phillips •Lightning Protec- • Jive .`4Ystem. R Phillipa Company Limited. • 32..08borne Av.en•ue... To - IN 'ONTARIO TO SELL JEWELRY on easiest payment plan, in year • store. No investment,required. We suPply stocic. • Druggist, barber shop. electrical appliance • stores, etc. Write giving particulars,' Wm. Broadley, Yonge Street, Cp- . rotate. • ,• , • • " • MAKE "REAL MONEY" bEr' INTO Eilittl NESS, FOR YOUR-. self... Supply local customers with 300 established home and .farm needs 'including. teas, . Caffees.• ar,.e.dioilleg, cattle sprays' and ton:. ' lbs. Fenwick made $128.00 last week, Rit-trnore -earned $31.00 • his •• • first day. Gerard ‚$141:0O weekly, .1951 xeaK ••No lay-offs. You. take •no risk,. Full or snare ti ane ex- cluoiVe territory. ‘No•eupltal •or ex- perience reqnired., •Write W. R.• }tartlet], 'Dept.. WP. •• P.ciula Co., 21 •-St. Paul Street East, Montreal, 'Que. ISA8V.'CHICKS • WHY PAY: MORE, Win" ACCEPT • Jess? ,There Is a Tweddle Chick It 'every price. From Tweddle's' ,lowest poice class to the Highest, .ench, .W111 provide 'tor) perfefin•: ance in its,•Owat price class. In evory Twedifle chick you get •the essent.itt'ls for livability, fast ma. - tan ty. egg• Jaying Mhi4tty and.- nittut•Ifurtlity.'18 plarobreeds; • brid crosses and 4•.breedi of tar-. keys to choosie, frodt. Free cat- • 1.44,114TNINO. RODS alogue. Twedclle Chiek II/etcher- ' les Limited, Peretao, Ont.•LIGHTNINB itoDS. •BUY FROM , . maraufaCturer. Save thirty to forts; BABY. ORICKS• • ANTY"STARTED, 1 per cent Phillips Company,' 31. , • Pulleto.; Barred' Rocks, White Leg- 1 -Osborne Avenue, Toronto. ' .horiis. Light Sussex Government-. - Approved .stock. Write , to CoV• - .MEDICAL H eney's at6lierY. M1tehell. one. - . • incychns; TIREs.; tAILPIaS ' - moistei'..SA'vEnS . 'FREE CATALOgun MAILED- RE-' .ASR: FOR 01:k NEW. BARGAIN, ' eariartfogew. `Lowest prieeee Mt.a.leikue; -Over 1,000. money- ' -hig,hest Quality. Toronto, Tire- • . • savers. Quality 'Alan Order' House. Peerless, 193' Dufidas West, To • Montreal. . . . - , . • . , NOVELTIES rprIto. flap:salt , , BAKERS' OVENS AND MACH1N-',. • efy, also rebuilt equitable/al al- ways oh hand. Torras arranged:. C'orrespondence 'Invited: Hubbard t Portable Oven Co. 103 Bathdrat • • St:. Toronto. ••• GARS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's 'oldest Chrysler, 'Plyin• oath dealers; three locations, ,632 Mt. Pleasant Rind, 2040 4Yorige*St., 1650 oenforeh Avenue. Our Our Veto '1_,'"ara. make us many friends. KATI ATPOW -TAWS EXHAUST FANs. NEW, GENERAL Electrics, way under' •wiholesele. T,oronto Mercantile. 29 Ihfelinda. • Toronto:, • lFOR. SALE •1 A'ST R ATE D' WHOLESALE CAT- • ' .ALOOFRFREE, ()ver 1000 .fastest • soiling items. Penny -lip Merchcin- di(, co... Balfour tilde., Montreal.. LEGAL J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP- • itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, ' Ontario. Special Depattment for farmer% colleotiont, I CAcICLEBERRY POULTRY PARM, • highest •QUanty, production Bar- - red. ftc+ok Chicka-. •trona eggs laid' on farm only: lifood-tested, un - •sexed, 8c erteh. •Established •18 •. rears: •Gordon 'Burns. Paris, On • LOOKING AHEAD WE PREDI good poultry. markets. To c • these good markets there irre Bray started pullets: imtnediate • delivery, Specials now are Leg- • horns and a fine erose like R M x 'W I Also day -olds. pider chieks for summer, delivery now Efay • Hatchery, 130 John North, Ham- ilton. 18A1811 CHICKS. PlriAlltiAS and CAPONizING BUY BLOOD TESTED STOCH FROM real. breeding Farm of 2000, • Layers and 10.000 breeding capac- ity. Chicks And Pullets guaranteed' 100% Livability for, 3 •weeks. Sussex chicks and Barred rock goelce1615. • Month • OM Planets in LeghOrns, Rocks, Mad BYbrida at .45e each. Our paponizIng expert can caponize yotir cockerels. Lake- view Poultry Parm, "Weln:Bros., Exeter, Ont. .Eight 'x, 6 Enlargenteiktik 30e • Votira'flim developedtend emit print enlarged 16 4 x 6, a0c. Reprints, same kite. 8 for 80t. • li.1CT 111.18.. Slat %ICH. 182 King East, »ept t ;rormito • HATE YOU GOITRE? "ABSORRO" • reduces and •re:noires. Price $5.00 • per bottle. 3. A. Johnsicin Co., 171 ;. Torontm• LEAF TOBACCO FOUR POUNDS BURLEY AND yin, ginia Leaf tor Pipe •$1.35. Five Peunds Fralsrant Virginia Leaf •• Cigarette To acco $2.50 potatpaid• . N.aturel Leaf •Tobacco Co., Learn- itigtOn, Ontario: • NoTircn FRUIT AND 'VEGETABLE GROW- ers. The Oakville Basket Co., Ltd., Ontario can atipply' your • • boxe% crates and baskets prompt7 • ly at: re'asonable,pticeo." 111161DtCAL DON'T WAIT . EVERY SI;EFER- '`er,' of libettrriaticl'aims oa tsrettritie • should try Dixon's Remedy. Man- . ro's Drug At ore, 035 • Ot talit‘a. l'ostrutid, $1,00; • • PILA, '15.EVELOPEIY i . . A-tklo rivevrrit) • , -6 or. S EXPOSUIVES . .' 25c ...• , • , ItEAVTIPETT. ALIIILNIt FREE '• A rot7711NrViNitrI111111R• 8 .... RON' 1'21 TORONTO ' ,..................,......... ISSUE 25-'41 LATEST HITLER NOVELTY Season's biggest laucch ;hit. '10e • postpaid; I/0x 441.. Edmonton. Orrigit 14) IN • KNI'tlit . AN OFFER TO E•V0111 INVENToR .1Ast af inventions and full infor-• • motion sent free The Ramsay Registered, Pateitt 'A/Ramey% •• • 273 •Bank Street, ottawa. Canada. • PAINTS • pAel'Oter • To tepe-Rir,T-$1.. .39 AND., • up, per gallon Nationally Icnower • paints -Freight. prepaid. Write for •PaWealers. ,Armet• Industrie% • • • ' •Glie,144b, ;•04441144et.' • . ntiEusirATTC t-PFERIT:Rs• • HIGHLY RECOMMENDEN-EVF.RY sufferer' of Rheurnatic rains or •Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug' Store. 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00: , WANTED' WANTED - MI X E 'WOOLEN • Rags..Write, fOr price.a, Flesher - ton 'Woolen Mills, Flesherton. ()tit. • WATCH REPAIRtc Qi'.1.ETTY $1 -WA TC}T tSPI TA f,4* -,- Send ias ytiur "AM:est" wasolt• re- '..anitti•ne 51.08. It • 11.111 teach. shortly in perferi condition. CFO- • • less • eos tl y,. »arts, need reralactnel. mail "siontriekt, • .worn.rrit W NT . Trh.N Wine' Trmt: INTO DM .hy selling FnmiloN Products to•ther • people in 'your commtinitY. Ale the ' . only one In Your te,rtithry to Mahe - money with. Mir aine of Mt .£1.1t1Y-: fintoed necessitie'4 N•ca expetierice needed. PetTin WI tit a.few dollars and own your •Imsinoss. No flak. - 'Foe .dataloaue and coniplOte de- talis: .570 'St. Cleine•nt Street, Mon- treal. ' 4-A SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW " • Your films are carefully and scien- tifically processed by: Imperial, te. m.ake sure • they , last. • , 6 or 8 Eki'08titt: rii.ms 25e ' with beautiful 'enlargement fres. 8 reprints with emerge:Ilene 20c, Thonsands of letters frog • sattified etlatomers testify to our superior quality end strvie.e.• IMMIti l'HOTO ssnVictt • Dept. 0; Station J. Toronto. • • When the ' Rev. Loyal •ht. • Thorepson, of Bloomington, Ill., „ I performed ihi-s 777th marriage re- cently, 'the, bridegronin . Paid hi* $7 7i 777 .1).€081110$1 • r. Thennpgen, Who haS bee* in the preaching business for 25 •• years, said $7.17 is above the av- erage. For insattice: In a 'doubles "cereinotty. Which two brothers married two sistets he -received 50 cents a couple. * . I