HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-06-19, Page 1ehlS•leFseeaeseet • . • .140.67•••••••••$er,,,,,,Atrwrr.r.,, • r••••flt. nkW. • • eereree,„eseeet •11 • "'''' ewe,f. • , ••• •‘1••••••••••....4.411.1••••••••••• $2.00 A YEAR -IN ADVApCE-50c. EXTRA. TO AL S. A. . axamessammar•was, • PROPOSED ROAD WORK OUTLINED AT 'JUNE SESSION SOOMer eessioris of the •• Bruce. •• Carney'. Corincil,, held at :Kincardine, • concluded:Saturday' morning • With. e• • ••emotiori to ,adjourn to Meet 'at.Walk- . erten • on November . .. • .. . . Highlighting.. the 'meeting!. ofs ,the • . eouneil iir addition4o -striking 5.5 Mill • levy, was the, defeet .of special.geant' e ' for centinaation schools, An .amende ' .inent to. the .educational •comenittee's , 'report to this.!. effect earrying by • .• single vote. • • • . • • 'After :hearing '•from He C. IVIOete, •. assistant Inspeetor Of legal.' ,offices. . Toronto that the • clescription..of -lande being' • 'deeded : • in . the .county „ was .".sluicking" and that 90. per • cent of . such 'deeds *were inoperative • and a • e eplyefromAllah Neleee, county tree surer, , who said that the deeds he had drawn. up evereOnhis estimation• • satisfactory, the councii.. named a special ComMittee, of lakeside. reeves 7..*-1-ChTerg eepenerate-Ilealo+meerbee- .. session. Most of' the lands in euestion Are lake' §hore• lots.. Special cemniittee.• nebers. are Reeves G. White, T. E. Evans, b...Chrietie, W. Shewielt And. ' ' • • . ' • ' • see County HighWae• s At -the January sessioft the council e authorized an expenditure 'ef two and one-half mills or ; about $77,0,90 for county roads•and as theeptoviace pay; a 50 Per cent. subsidy .this will allov. A total eependittire of about $154,000 for toed Purposes tdieriog the year. , ' The Highw.ays cemmittee compose tReeve Re -Elliot of Kirdoss , Man and 'Reeve A. IVEcTavish Greenock 'and E. J. - Doevem of Hep, worth Outlined to Council the prOpos- • ed Work for the year: Appy a light makh frOm Hepworth to Saubl• e• Beach; •apply enulch from Lucknow HolYrOod and' finish' preparation or base to Black Here; grade roach from Cargill to EloraeRead•and'Elort, Road to Chepstow; imprOve road from Mildniey to Arnblesicle and Am• belside to Ns..6 through ForMosa; finish eunstrdetion of base north V Ripley; improving and „draining • the road north fterir Formosa; preparini the base for the•luttire pavieg of the 4. road,. from Tara • to • Cheeley and • straightening the curves on theeWiar: ton -Oliphant • road. ; • Daring the year the Usual main- tenance is being carried. ihcleding. regrevelling, application of celciun, -chloride :peace treatment of tar sur- faces Where necessary and •weed kill.. ing and patching. , .• Fetter G. Moffateaf Kiriloss presere ted a largely signed petition from residents of the township eequesting that the two and one-half miles or the tieenty-fifth aiderocid lying be- tween' the fourth and eighth .conces- ' skirls be added Jeis the -Minty Read System, . • • " • ' • County Levy •• The rate for 1941 was fixed, at 51,e. mills, the same tate .as last year. Thi will provide a leeir of $169,295 foe general county purpe.seeebutseire-uddie: i, .tion the inunicipalities :which haw no High. or Continuation Schools tc support .are required to levy ;theefur . ther sum , $34,555.44 for the' eels.' iotre of educe mg their pupils so that the tOtal tax levy for 1541 will be $207,- • 85.0:55, • A As the provincial -government pap ":.50 per cent .subsidy on. ell, expendi teres on county roads and it' is est- imated that this subsidY tor 1941 wil' • be about $77,000. The total county ' inedget in the- Tem:, veill ebeeefore be .about $284,850.55. • Amounts each . municipidity nrist raise to 'meet this leey were tabled. • The county rate, is first given, thee • school rate). and the tete]. They are:• Alberrnarle, $1464,76, $701.68, $2166.- 44; Amabel $5581.51, 82022.05, $7003.- 56; Arran, $10,394.18e $3175.56; $13,- 569.74; . Brant, 1,5.422.22, $4348.25. ' $19,770.47; Bruce $11,004.97, $2796,- 64, $14:701.61; *Carrick, $14,091.99 ; $8302.64, $17,095.61; Culross, $11,- 358:81, $2772.15, $14,131,02; Eastnor e $3043.26, $950.39, $3993.65; Eiderslie• ' ' $10,582.55; $2928.34, $13,510.89: Greenock, $101945.39. $2655.15. $12, 601.54; Huron, $13,75p.84, $8989.17, 7,749.01; Kineardirre township, $12,- 45.81, $3900.10, $16, 045.91; Kinioss .S-410, $203t.62. '$10,782.72; Lind- say, $552.8(3, $147.16, $700.32; St. Ed 'mends,' $336:55, $l28:55, '$465.29: Sao. geen, 8061.56, $2052.54, $8620.09; Hepworth, $417.78, Lion's Head, $484.: 22; Lucknow, 41925.g2; Mildmay, $1562.11, $947.11t7. , $2327.40; Paisley, • $1380:23; Port Elgin. $2634.01; Ripley • $1069.75.; Tara, $1201.64; Tees,e ater -$1682.56; Tiverton, $453,75; Chesley, • $4151.62; Kincardine town. $4475.40: • Southampton, $2,817.87; Walkerton. '* , ,$4815.80; Wiartin, $3320.04. . L. Disposal ,of the • balm -tee of • the county patriotic • grant of which • $3390.46 remains presented a knotty • Problem: ..Reeves of meet imitticipali. , t. ' Red Cress Society WE1.$ favoree tr entered into the debate. and while • to' be recliner* it tw,as felt that only half the actual amount Would reach county societies. ' As a consequence. ,disposal of this sum was left with. the warden's committee of which Mr Yen Dusen is, head. ' Grants ' Hos-pit-eh in - Breda, will •rcce ive • grants from the coenty. Bruee Nue- . ty Geneetil Heepital. at Walkerthe , neill recelve $4500, Lien's Head Ree' • Ctess hoeiptel $1000 And kiteardine General' hospital $3500 and a s.peeial grant Of $1000.. - t Reeve Kenzie Foster preeented tln e . figrieultural committee 'report, ir Which these grants were tomer:mend- , ed: to etich of the three District Wo. iten'e ,Thetitutes in, the enmity $35, 4, egrioulturel representative to defrciy expenses of junior, worlc at intereottne ty And county Icompetitions $200e \ • : , • . • ' $246.75 •INVESTtia IN • WAR' SAVIN-GS. ,STA1V11SeIN: & WEEKS Eight- Weeks age the sale of Wer Sayings • StampWas introdereed,. ,11.1 Scheel, hiitle stains): offered for sale 32* form representce tives• on -.Monday 'poly of each•,week, On Meinday • of this week .purchases totalled $32,25 bringing the. total: foi the 'eight Weelss i, te,4246.75. Esetane • friatForis, with. seine pu-Pile, not ih at- tendanee on: Monday, no doubt .pre vented the objective of $250.0 beipp reached And sale of stamps wile be held net Monday. in order thet it; may ese surpassed. ' BUSTER JOINS .HIS• BROTHERS AT 'PETAWAWA CAMP '• • . • . Buster Whitby is now ,a nientber el 'the .7th Artily Field Regiment and h in training at Petawawa with his two frlder-Aezetliets-G.teargeen ter joined .' the Highland Light Infan • try- at • Lendori;,• but .Waseglainied • by 'his brothers .and moved t� their. regi- ment. • • • A. number *of. the toys 'were Ome over the..week-end ineluding, Kenneth, Cameron, Hugh Curriing, Georg.e. and- -Buster Whitby,' Dave Ronald' He,ndetson,. while Elliott, ami George. Webster Visited at Kincardine,. .• , • Lucknow Ont., Thursday June 19th 1941 ,P1PE BAN'D IN NEW , KILTS SATURDAY Is1V.W •INSTITUTE OFFICERS . •, • APPOINTED' 'ON* FRIDAY . • , The June Meeting of the Women), Inetitute was: held . on .Friday 'after, • 'tome, .when the resignation ' of Mrs. Cliff. AitchiSon; evas •regretfully 'ke- ceive.d. as. seeteeary-treasiner. • , Mrs.; IlsteVey Treleaven was eppoitieed".to shcceed !'Mrs., • Aitchison. Mrs. 3. W. Jeyht was' aPpointed, pianist stepeeede ing Mrs, .Notrean •. ' „ .• .•.The, institute :voted $5.00 to Abe :Agricultural .gocity. .end plans. Were laid •th holda garden. party, with 'Jun( 27th e set. as' the tentative, 'date.; : ,Mts. IrCRIT1, Mrs. 'Douglas, ;ales: Yervers and Mrs.• Andre* were named as the Com mittee in charge.. • • The booth..and program Committees includes, '1VIes.. Clark, Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. Ostrander and Mrs. Morgan 'Hendee/4. sere . • .. . Mrs'. W. G..Andrew*.took. the, Mot- to on "The loply•Way to.have a' friend is :be one": Mies. Feesa_Greere gave . . a reading'. The toryeallWas- cinsWeted by ari exchange of flower stfps. Miss. DorothY-Doeglae; ; guest ,shcciker gave en • interestieg..leetreec on Formosa and Alm T. Clarke gave 'n -of the -district- •anntial Meet - be? The potato salad contest was wen .hy. Mee. WITI. $T. JOHN COURSE COMMENCES HERE Lucknow Pineliatid wi11ePpear for it regular .band„.conceTe, this •Seter- day night with:its members .dofining their, colerful.ne* kilts and:Plaids lee , the, first . • • , • o That is; all but the druinmers., for the, entire band menet' turn out in their new upiforres, as six ',of , the plaids were "Pilfered in transit". The shipment Was reported Short at Mete- treal, but A cable to Scotland reveals that the, complete circler was shipped: and it now retnains a matter of lo- cating the missing Plaids, or await replacement Of the balance cif:the order. '• ' The new outfits, height in golor, were made th order by a firm in Gies - Kew, Scotland, and their eafe arrival in :Canada ie just one Moro instance that • 'Britain • d livers the goods. in spite -et erry s orp er a sea craft. CONSIDER ORGANIZING LOCAL. SOFTBALL LEAGUE • A moveinent is. •Ori. foot 'locally; to organize :a softball- leagrie; or to, re- organize the. Indoor. Softball, vdth garieL• played eut-of-doors daring the. sunimer, and the playdavvns probably run off in the, arena as. night gamei, the fall. • ' Whatever plane .are adoptede it • is the •clesire of quite' a 'number to.have 'sone organized .sport activities here• for. the .surniner months and a meeeing has been called foe net Monday even- ing in the Town Hall, to cliscess the matter If. p. are .interested be on halide to lend, e hand. :Join R. C: A.F. . • • , Herve.y Naylor, of .London, and • yeentece .son Mts,• .Naylor of townehee been Felted .up by the RoYal Capadian,Air. Farce and.. is at 'present located de . Fingal. ' • DONALD IIENDERS N APPOINTED ENUM ATOR Donald Henderson hoe been appall.; ted census enumeretok.f Lacknewo succeeding thalcite Albert, Boyd who away sudden1Y oh Satarday. Mrlioy,d had commeneed his clutipe leet Wednesdey. „ ...Donald's appoietment twee made by •ATehie MeKe.y :of Underwood, chief :enumerator for „peuee -County. , • The first period .of 'instruction in Ainbitlauee. forirsc. wee held 'hi. the...Town. Hall .Tuesday evening, from 8 to .10 o'clock, ,conchic7 ted ber D. W. V. JOhnston. Twentysthree ladies,. seventeen ,from the. Village, and six from Dunganhoh' were :in Attendance. Any 'others eon: tee:whiting taking the • course must attend the remaining five classes. The next period of instruct* • is next TliesdaY night. commencing' promptle 8 o'clock. The first period. of in- •struetion was 'devoted chiefly.. to lect- ures and bandaging. , These .(Who: commenced the Course this week included', -Mrs. J. C. Nab, , Mrs. Harvey Treleaven, .Mr. IV: A. Porteous, Mts. Howard Agnew. ..Misses Helen 'and Peggy MacDonald Ms' Mi.S. N. S. Cal: vett, Mrs, 'H. "Me MitcLeiman, Mise. Keethleen Caritithers,• Miss' Jean Mc, Millen, Mrs. ,.,Minnie Horne, Mies R. Weede„ Mies, Etta 'Belle' MacDonald' • Mrs. NiTellter Hamilton, Mrs. Hugh Cu'niing„ Mrs. "Herb McQuillip, •Mrs, Jelin .131ake,' Mrs. Otto PoPp, Vies. • Smith, Mrs. Lorne Iyers 'and., Mrs. Wm. Stewart. • • Donation a Received • • Donations to. the Red, Cross Refugee Fend are acknowledged as follows: Paramount. Women's Liestitirte, :$5.09; Anonymous $2.00. ' • VACANCY MA THE • IGH SCHOOL. STAFF Scheel Board is ad - TO NOMINATE. FRIDAY NIGHT ' • • knominatten meeting to be held orleIday night of this week at 730 o'cloc , for' one hour; to All two este- a.ncies on the LOknOve Count% Board. Whether or not this Will be accom, plished: 'is the :question that. is re-' e,ehring the most discussion at'ethe • moment ,and from the amount Of kn- .terest that appears to have been a- roused in..muniCipal 'affairs, the meet- ing should. he well attended. As te. prespective candidates there have ;been a couple of names mention: ed that we have heard, ibut there' has heels no definite pronotincement by • anyone that they are seeking 'office. ,Failare to procure a full slate gives rise to the queetion.as to (what will happen then, and it appears' that in such 'an event, nomination meetings • vertising for a teadher to fill the will continue to be held until a full vaeancy Friday night's developments are be- ing awa...eiteel with interest. suiting ,from the resignation of Mr; Gordon S. IVIacIntyre. Mr. MacInteere wee' previously at St. Helens :and for the past six yearrehas heen a populai member of the Lucknaw teaching staff, It was not until. en effort had been malde to have' Mr. MacIntyre reconsider his decision,' that the Hoard reluctantly accepted the resignation. The Hoard has also received the 'resignation of the musieeteacher,J.Mise --peggY-IVfacEherrald, wheleasedone-ex.- .Cellent work along this. line , in the local school since ,inusic became sucb imliortant, phase of the curripulum. 1VlacDc,nald .has - also. . taught music in a leege number .of sliseaet SPECIAL HOG 'CLASS: AT LOCAL 'FAIR' • Directiere of the Lecknow 'Agricul- bleat Society are 'laying .plans for the 1941. Fair to beheld as. usual the last Thursday and Friday of ..Septerne • There mill be fteepecial class' this Year; for Market Hoge, With a hotel of $.15.00 in prize money... offered as follow §: $12.00; • 2ticl; $10.00; 3rd,. $8.00; 4th, $6.00;5h,$5.00; 6th, $4.00.. Two-thirde of the prize money is don- ated by,, The--T-Eaton Co.,. with the. local Society putting up $15.00: Regeiations applying to this •exhibit are as follows: ' • Hogs. 'meet be owned by 'exhibitor and mut have been fed. by him for period ert not less than 90 days pre- ceding Exhibition.... Hags exhibited in this class must be on the. grounds not later than. 11.00 a.m. on Friday, SepteMber. 26th and all' begs must • be unloaded and- ex hibited in suitable pens. • Ailtarge ;will he -sealdebee sealedetene der eciothe .highest biddernids ore the basik f dressed carcass weight and grade -must be in the • hands °fettle Secretary by 2.00 • p.m. on Friday, September 26th .and must show the price per cwt. • to the farmer :on the. B.1 tgrade, and tho differmitials be- tween grades, purchaser to take des livery cif hogs at Fair Grounds. Ilogs mill be identified and 'judged on the rail and prize§, awarded on the carcass haehe Swine Committee will see that hogs are clearly marked, and accompanied by etatement of Owner- ship and. identification- „ Judging will be, done by Members of the Flog Grading staff of the Dom- inion Livestock Branch. Hoge entered in this class should 'weight not lees than 190 or more than 220 pounds, and produce carcas- ses weighing from 1140 to 170 pounds. There must bd. lit least four pene exhibited to qualify for prizes. Net marc than two entries' will be accented from each Exhibitor. ' At a ieeent meeting, presided over by 'Presklent Fe G. Todci, eemmittees were named .fer the revision of 'the prize list. They are; Hersce-Adam McQueen, . Jacob Iluntor Peter Watson; ,Cattle -A. Gaunt, David, Carruthers, Geo. Ken- ,hedy:. Sheen aid. Swine ----.Sam: Alton and S. E, 'Robertson; Poultry, Grain, Roots end °Vegetables -J. R. Hackett, G. A.. Greer, Adam McQueen; Deity And Table Supplies, Ladies Depart - meet and 'Women's Organizations - Mrs. A. Ackert, Mrs. W. E. Gordon, Mrs. Phillip 'Seerwarte We, Sae; Web- ster: Fruit --Jas R. Hackett, Wallace Miller and Alex Aridrew; Fine Arta and Flo‘'Vers---S. RathwelL G. 11; Smith, Coh, neeker.- . .Sem Alton, Alex Andrew, 'George Xphoedy. 'Wallace Miller; .,ned Mc- Qiiillin d. H. Smith were appoint- ed in yharee of spacial attractibris, concert denee. Mee • A. Ackert was appointed to lee, in (+mere of. Women's Org•aniza- tons'. ' . Com M i tees.. appointed' regaeding. pitthi‘ hell events ,werer Lucknow, G. TT, Smith, Campbell 'Thorepson; Kin- loss, rie Carrethees, Robert Moffat; West; Wasverosh, George Kennedy, A Carta; 'Ashfield. Sale Alton, Jecob Hunter.. • •• • • .schools. .-- Loc,ally kiss Grace. Huriburt, teach- er of ',Grades III andtIV, will in addi- tion, Aasume the duties of music in- structor for which she has the peOper ,qualificetions.„ A revision. of salaries has been Ad- opted by the Board, with a general increase approved of. • • ,New Overalls:, . Work ...Pants, . Work Bracee, Seeks for hien and' BOST. 'Tug,. MARKET STORt.',.. North and South Brute flosineefes Associations, each $190; each. herd- culttnal society holding an 'annual flower show' $20; Bruce 'County Mehl Day $50; Bruce County Volunteer ('ivil (heard for the purchase of am. munition WOO; Bruce Comity Re cruithig committee $500e agrieelterel societiee perividine, a fair is held iii 1041; Arran and Tara $1901 Carrick $160e Cheeley $125; F,astiner $1$7; Hepworth $101; Huron township $146; Khicardiiie •$127; Lu cicn ow $14,4 : North Bruce end Saugeen, $153; Pale - IV $142; Teeswater $256; Tiverton $100; Underwood $98; Wituton $110; Walkettofi Chrietnias Fair $00, !kruirrr?'r 1s, . NOTICE RE A:pcOILTs • • • • , ii'mest important that, All _outstandink accounts , owing. • The.. .Sentinel be paid •at an .. early date, The response, since ' the change Of ewneiship ef this . 1Se-rein-as -hes been very .fine and we wish to'.eipress our • thanks. -to, all those who have. paid so• . promptly.' • To those who are still indebt- ed. to The Sentinel, an early . settlement is required: . Subscription. ., accounts ,paid • within the. next few days will result in your label dete. being advanced eccerdingly as. , the subecrintion list will be brought up to date shortly. 1 COMING' EVENTS 1 • DANCE. AT • PARAMOUNT . Dancing at' Paramount Hall, every Friday night to MacKenzie's orcheet- ra. Door prize. AdMiseion 35c. '• WEBSTER, PICNIC . The annual Webster Re -union will be held at Harbor Park,' Goderieh the afternoon of Saturday, June 21st. Basketlunch. Everybody welcome. PRESENTATION MADE MRS. HORACE AITCHISON A pleasant time was spent at the borne of Mrs. W. A. Porteous las Wednesday evening When .a num of- friends were entertained in non. of, MrS. Horace Aitchison, "twhO re- ceolly-mOved to-Wingh-to- resid During the. evening Mrs. Aitchison' Was presented With a. lovey table lamp. ' SILVERWARE PRIZE FOR BEST THREE DAIRY COWS - Lueknow Agricultural Society has been. donated by The T., Eaton, Co, a silver' muffin dish valued; at $7.50 to be offered for the "Beet ,Group of three Deity Cows"; shown atthe local fair. Any family having won an Eaton prize in this class at any other. Fair in 1941 is not eligible to compete: • •••,......www••••••••••ca CONTRIBUTED WELL TO •• SCHOOL GRANTS CLANSMEN SCRAP CAMPAIGN • ,• . " SET BY BRUCE Mr. Godfrey Hall of Ashfield has . • cou NTY. 40,UNCIL. • • centributed to The Clens: mens'• salvagecampaign. So • e11 i , n 'fact, that -tie colleeilen of scrap Met- al, rags and papeee lime valuable en- ough ;th, warrant a, 'trip ;being made to. collect this .salvage Material. " • .While the, Clansmen ask the e9-011- eretion :of rural • cOnteibutors de- liver' deit salVage to the depot at Johnston's Feed Bern; there are oc- casions when thie is impesaible. In such cases, if the quantiter and. value of the material is Sufficient, arrange- ments can be made to collect this. John A. Logie, reeVe ef, Paieleyo. Was chosen warden of the county council of Bruce when' that body con- vened last Week .in Kincardine Town •Hall; • On a fifth ballot, Mr. leigie And e Gordon ,White; reeve' of Lion's Hea Lueknow High d •.were• elect, each. having , procured 16 . • COUNTY CHURCH PARADE HELD -HERE SUNDAY The annul COunty L.O.L. church parade was held in Lucknow on Sup day morning to thre United Church, ewith„.sa,„.j.aege„,eepseerglesers. Rev'. R. C. Todd was in charge oe.the service, with a Very fine sermon de- • livered by Past Grand 'Meriter,, L. H. Saunders of Toronto, the Grand 'Or- ganizer. ASHFIELD GARDEN PAR.TY. AS 'DECIDED SUCCESS The Ashfield Circuit Garden Party held last Friday ever -ling at the Blake pointerient Was a decided success: There was, a, large crowd in attend- ance and proceeds amounted to $125. FollotWing the supner, a cast Of i St Chu eh i h • re thd their popular players from yiqor a . r n Gode c , p sen Play "Page Asa 'Bunker". The' plaYers • deserve- credit, for the splendid way in which they ell took their parts. RED:cRoss PLANS - SUMMER .WORK. Work Rooms: To. Be Closed. During • 'Jelly and August But ,Appeal. Meth • Tol.adies To Do. HOpie Sewi�g and Knitting To Cover Quota For Two Menthe..•; • • • • • • , • .. The Lucknow.• and Vicinity Brandi has ieceived its quota Of fleapit& supplies •and garments • for • British herne • 'victims. for July • and ".August. Theyare as fellows: o "•.• ' • TWeilty "he-epital sheets; 20. PYjani- ae;' 30 convalescent shirts; 10: wont- ch's outfits, each consietingeof a pair .of, 'sleeks, knee length ...step' coat, c bleuee,..a knitted, pullover and dark knickers; 20 boys shirts. It will take the combined effort of every woman 'in .the community 'who can .sew to finish these garments by September first. . The. work . will be. cut, out soon and •will the ladies of the Village who sew please; Come to the work ramie On. stolse--folloveing -days to get.theireWork; Jeipe 26.th, 27th ande28th.'First coine first served, so ifyou have • a choice plinee be, eerier,. The work room lei') be closed during July and August. The :sewing coneeners front- the rural societies ;will get the quota for• tlieir workers. The work room - will be open.. this Saturday evening froin .8 to 10 pen. for the convenience of the women 'who *isle .to leavefinished sewing to be w1for02 shipped .negeu2o4titth; • knitting Can be obtained from Mrs. McKim at her home, on Saturday.. And at the Red 'Cross Reims oh Tuesday, June 24th. all knitters please take ,suf- ficient :Wool to Jseep them busy for two months. '-. The •need is very great and wiP •'every woman please bear in mind the message' of • Mrs. Winston Churchill wife of the Prime Winston of Great Britain, to, the 'women_ of the British Einpire; '1 beg Yeti all, not for a day„ not for an hour' to relax but make sneer - human efforts to surpass if possible what you have elready„, done", . • •' • DANCE AT ZION • L.O.L.' No. e044 will hold' a dance at Zion Hall on Friday,. June 20th. Total; proceede for the British War Victithe Fund. Lunch served. • Charles orchestra. General admission 25c. - • GARDEN PARTY Air LANC:SIDE " Langside Church is 'holding a Gar- • den Party on Thursday, 'Jute 19th. Supper served from 6 to 8: Admission. Achelte 35c, Children .20c. The Blue-. Vale :Yeang People. will present their play. • , • DANCE AT ST. HELENS On Thursday, June 26th, in the Community Hall, St: Helens, tinder avelaP.iepersoceoefthe daferWpaanins patriotic purposes. McCharles' orchestra, 'Roy McCreight caller -off. Pie and ice-eream will be sold. • Admission: adults 25e; child- ren 10c. • - • , SOFTI3A LL , MEETING A Meeting of, all those interested in the' forniation of a softball league locally, will be held in the Town' Hall, Lucknow on Monday evening, June 23rd at o'clock sharp. The Village needs' sanie sports •activities and if you are interested, plan to, attend the meeting. TOURING BRUCE WITH PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM . • Harold Greer has been touring i3roCe„ County' the past couple of weeks with his public address system, which is being used in suPport of the Victory Loan Campaign, by the Bruce County "Committee. • . On • Monday Herold and Bud Thoinpson• metered to Wierton and on Tuesday preceeded the 49 -car cav- alcade of floats, announcing its, ape prbach an1 approximate time it would reach the various centres along the .votes. To„ breek. the. tie the reeve of . the,- niunicipality with: the largest. assessment, 'Walter Chisholni3Of Ri•aeae was allowed • to cast en additional , vote, Which* he gave to. Mr. LOgle, . a's • hed hie, peeverps votes. At the ;opening ineeting, •Majer• M. . j. Flanigan of the. Salvation Army Liendon,.expressed thanks -for the me - bile canteen -ands supply car' donated , the county: . • er • Resuming werk Tuesday, the Coen-. • • heard HI,'R.- Magiwpod. of .Kincar- line on • behalf'. Of- the Briicee Recruits . • • Oommittee.-He asked co-operation ,• reeves in aesisting. recruiting .Ahd • •eseerIonneilesinenialtingat eee:ALte&te... up' to $500 to .cover incidental ' ek- penseee • • It was :reported . that le auctioneers . :the .county had been .liCensed at . 825 each;.2 hawk,eraliad been granted license- .and 'One 'permit ..for trepepene-' tation of fowi. was: issued. . • , • .Grants recommended for high and, continuation •scheola. in. the. .Cotsre, ty were• 'table.d; by • Gordon :White... Of • Lion's. Head; chairman of the educe., *mei committee. -; •Kincardine high §chool receives • $514e.57; Ripley- con- • tinuation sdhoolt. •$2286.20,' Tiveeten -continuation seliool-$982.93 '• ' A pI . Other high schol grants are; Cites - ,•••••••arrrro',11.,314,.M. • ley,' $4298.42;..,• -Lucknottre '$1063.19; .• 'Port • Elgin, -. $4910,19; . • Walkerton,. $4924.9;:Wiattons 4227440; , Other , ' sontipeatiop schdois will receive: Al- • lenferd„ $619.54; Hesivverthe $975.21; . Lion's Head,. $1084.66.; 'Paisley $2032.- • . :38; .. Seuthamptore; $156,08; • Tara, $1340.19; TeeeWater $2651:05. Payments 'to schools outside . the ceenty were: Clifferd eentineatieri, $534.77; • Goderich • collegiate $45.09; Hatiovee high $2644.62; ,Owen, Sound , re liegiate ..$423.30; ' Wingham. high $413.09. •• • . • •• . . • ' .The ReveR. S. Skinner of., Cheeley, 'chairman. of Brine County War • Ser-: .vices Committee asked Cooperation of., 'the •,-reeves in having the ' Campaign, , whieh has been ...dragging on • -more e -- than three. months,' brought, to a lip- , ' . isle* Ile feared the • county • objeetive. of $18,00.0 Would not be reached line 'less.. a grant from the county, -,.was • • made. Jtewas reeealedthat. several • munieipalitiee in the county ;had not'. to date made' a,.canytiss: or cdptribu- ted to the. fund. To date $12,829.66 has • been received at county .lieadquarters."'. "Some people do .not seen); aware 'ronte. This _waa spectAci2,14z caved-- •Vet there. lg. If ilkarTIVUali must Teal,. • 'Cade and Lucknow citizens regretted • it did not pass through heee. From ,Kincardine, the floats • proceeded to Walkerton and Hanover, and on Wed- nesday moved into Huron County Via Wing-1mM 'and Clinton to Goderich. ' Welcome Rain . . Friday broughta deluge of rain' morning' and evening that was most welconee, following a prolonged. dry ,speil. At that it is feared the hay crop will be ehost, as it gdt ,off to ,a poor statt is a result Ofsthe un- usuelly dry spring?andeclover is. al-, ready staitirig to. blossom.LANGSIDE RESIDENT PASSES IN WINGHAM WILL 'BRUCE FAIL IN ITS OBJECTIVE • With onlyea few days temaining in .the 1041 'Victory • Loan . Campaign, Bruce ,County .was still 15. per dent Off reaehing its objective Of $1,050,000 as at Tees:sky night of this week. It remains with the small subscrib- ers, many of (whom canwell afford to invest $50:00 or More, to put Billet dOunty over the top. Many other counties have far surpassed the Ob- jective and citizens and residents. of 'truce will .surely not be content un- less theetobjective in their :own. count• y is at least met. • • See your local canvasser et 'once and invest all You can. e ,Here are the :results up- to Tuesday night, and . Loin' Headquarters . of- ' ficials at Weilkertot are confident. that by the..end of the week, last min- ute investors' will see to it that the loan is oversubscribed in Bruce: _District AkN. Ameba .Wiatton, Peninsula, objective 00,000; sales 9I,000; petceritage 113.8. Saugeen and South •AM- abel, objective $180,000; 'sales 4129,- 000; percentage 71.7. • . . Kinloss. and Kincardine -Objective 4270,000; sales. $241,060; percentage 89.3. • . . D -Carrick i Culross and Greenock -objective .$210,000; sale S $170,000;. . percentage 81.• E -Brent, Elderslie And Arran -ob- jective $310,004 gales 271,000; ,per- - eentage. 87.4. , • Total sales -$902,000;, Percentage 85.0. The death occurred in Winghain on Saturday, June 14th Of HannahlShowf ees, beloved, wife Of 1saa Crowston of Langside. Mrs. CrOwston .was in . . NOTICE.• het 74th year. e Service at St, 'Peter's Chareh, Luck - now, Sunday, June 22nd at 9 aui conducted by Rev. W: Moore of Millbank. Change of hour in view of anniversary teryiees at St. Peel's Church, .teipley., ize that we are secure only as long as is the empire", Mr. Skinner, said. George R'. Patterson, assistant dem- i Men, trade commissioner. for agricul- ture and former agricultural repres- entative for Bruce county was pres- ent -and ,as asked to addresseethe_ ' meeting. Mr. Paterson is at present home on .furlough from Britain and he dealt witlit cenditions there. .ADMO'RE GRATTON SOLD, • TO RACE:IN UNITED -STATES Doeald.McCharle§ has sold Adniere : • 'Grafton. to Jim Gordon of Hamilton .. who will shortly 'nee him at Batavia, New • York. This racer .shbees fine •• The funeral service was held at the home of her son-in-law, Willitun ken- qedy, Winglenh op Tuesday, ,June 17e with' ihtetteent iw Winghtim Ceme- tery. Jitneys On .Wednesday • The lady howlers have changed their weekly jitneys p-.) each Wecines- day afterneele ceniiinenciiig this' week. Last weefes -winnera ,weres fitst, Mrs. Clarke; second, Mr's. Chat. Stew- ard; third, Mrs.' D. Huston., ;roise an hi Seaforth nesday placed. second ih the 2.28 Otase. Experienced' lierseneen rate Admore 'Gratton cia a "corner" and.,accordieg to Donald it :wits Lloed .TurveY Bluevale who "made him". BORN r BALES -In Tenerito General Hospital Private Patients Pavillon, to Mr. ane Mrs, J. Mimi tales (hee Mergli41 ItlaeLennee) on Thursday, June 5th, , a daughter, Marion Jessie., t 4 • 0 eNDERWENt OPERATION Catherine Prest, .daughter of Mr. a Mrs. V. N. Prest of town under-. wen .an emergency anpendicitis opet- .atien in Wingham Hospital. early Monday morning: She was rushed to Wingham about midnightsfor the op- eration from which. ,she is meking a satisfactory 'recovery. ' ' • LOCAL RED CROSS 'BRANCH , GIVEN $244.75 By Burtow Co. A motion grantipg $10,000 to the Canadian Red , Cross Society' •passed at the January meeting of Huron County Cotineil was rescinded leet week, and the, aniount divided •.arpong 23. branches ,of the society: in Huron Conety and bordering 'municipalities. l!fineteen• branebes in the county' will -each receive •$487.75; Lucknow • and Clifford each $244.75; Kirkton. and Woodham $122.25. . This‘ action wee taken on the rec.,. ernmendatio.n of the warden's dom.- mittee; the report explaining that th•e Red Cross Society. was not holding • 'a pation-evide earepaign this year. The motley was eriginally voted in anticiphtion bi such a campaign. Receive 'New Flags.. The Lucknew Branch oethe Can- adian Legion' have reeeived their new flags, costing them over forty. dol- lars,. They are .quite , attractive and We upderstend will be on display at • Jolfiestone's Furnita-re Store for it fenr days. o".