HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-06-12, Page 2at Ontario Vows Summer Feeding Aid For 'The Beaten Foe' Dates Will Vary With Leta- tics oca tigfl and Season„ Says: Dept of Agriculture a While' datea 'will ill vary with' :lora• tion and season, the Ontario De- ,partment of,,. Agriculture i econq• • mends,, the following Outline 'of a AA:Mi terr"s eeding- and -pastur ._.pro • ,grun tor cdairy farms in this prom-', ince May 10 to June 10:_ Pasture Ball rye; •eet clover and regular. ' pas toregrain to heavy 'milkers. Seed :pas 'rp fait: Wires with . mu.... , lar grain•cnaps and.seed temporary 'pastuxeas ' ' ' - : " ..June 10 to` July 10 pasturesweet• • clover,; regular pasture, greenzonats' Wand early, aftermath, It. may be neees'SarY toY 1'Crea?Q-ilii-silt fes& Ink towards the end of this -period ? `.., Cut small Tacr-eag'e• of alfalfa to en- ,' ;auro -early 'aftermath for_ pasture. July 10 'to .August. 10:, 'Pasture; green • oats, regular pasture,' sudan. • grass, .millet • and •aftermath. Use ' silage,,,green oats and peas as sup* elemental feeding, Seed fall rye•be- •.'` tween ;August;' 1 'and 15. Increase r,,protein content of grain •mixture: , •August • 1U to', Sept. 10. Pasture • sidan grass', millet,. regular pasture 4-isi its 6'00 €*ata•._? -se .gr; .. ! :.J is 'aid silage far• supplemental feed:, ing Cheek. shade and'wefef oupplyi. S. pt. -10; to. ,end Of •season Paso ~ Lure --fail•'- T7;: Tolunteer• ,b Jwwth, aftermath and regular pasture For, :• supplemental feeding use silage and zayaif- pasture is •very ,_scarce.,,` Keep.''cowa°� in shelter .during cold .,rights, Trim' and harrow pastures.' Topi''dress . pasture fields ".for suc ,reeding Year; with : manu!re:". • GEN`ERAL, RULES G,enelral .,rules: Provide plenty of waate r, "vale ratort•Mitterk,Is-. and 'sem.-.. that shade4s,- a.vailahle..,.. If feasible;. have pasture for Milk ,section . of., herd near the barn.: Do:.net".overgraze: ° Cut weeds with scythe or with ,. mower ' with cutting bar ..set. high oft, the ground • • - ' Feed concentrates to.. the `,heavy ii•odu. cera, ,. : • Cutting ,• a two -mi'• , path in theuDowns d, is Oroa trict of :.N•ew `'Zea=: land recently, fire destroyed •10,-. 000: pinus•., insignis trees in i -a ,nurseryms an'plantation. :1 Tw"o 'British soldiers help a wounded Bismarck survivor 'apross the' of abtut. gangplank on a,rrival'at a' British port. German sailor was o off about' g.avenging sinking , a ,,.3011 saved by ;:Bttitish after Royal Navy, g Hood, quickly elided Bismarck's brief career. Autos Run;; a ckv,ard Up- , grade• on ROad Near ,'Water- • down, Ont.' •-• In Southern Ontario., near the • ' 'town. -.of • Waterdown, filst a few; ranee • off the' fine ' new . Queen Elizab tri• Wayi, there's a • little.. white post-•riiarkilig -a spot where motorists '•stop and get the ;thrill• thjei>?dives." :The-.surrouirdin$j landscape is- pretty,: The strata ` of'rosq claylooks like a miniature • Grand..CanYoQn. It's nice,''straight= forward' -looking count; - but if one stops by ,the 'post, turns off • 'tile ignition; and lets go the brake, Slowly 'one's tear begins to Move. backwards. • Gradually. it gathers momentum., It's running up', grad's' at _Y'5 , miles an heur. • WHERE'S AN EXPLANATION "It just cant be one says: : There's an explanation of course, and if the visitor'is clever enough .. Tie :will find it mit ler tsel 41id•' "lay thegh ghost" right h tth re b n the spot. The Ontarie roads are good , the scenery beautiful at any time. of • the . year and the, haunted hill neer Waterdown is right on your way to;almest anywhere in hospit-• able Ontario. • ern.: is Bette BY ROBERI A LEE. son to' the next until finally he -last_p his.. temper with the. seventh person to whom he had, been put ' throilgh. "Do you know who, I am?" said the man he blew up. "1 am' Air Marshal-" •' " • ;Despite . the voice, of . thunder; the pilot_ officer replied: And do. you know who I am?" ' "No,"•said •the air' marshal. "Thank Heaven for ,'that, said the pilot' officer; and hung .up. "I'm goingto kiss you. " fore I go," said the young ,man who had outstayed' his welcome.. "Do it now while Tin still • young,." replied . the girl •wearily. war 1. When a"Man and a woman ire standing in a crowded street- car and a man offers his .•seat''to • thewoman, should her. escort .also' extend his thanks?: 2. • Where should a couple stop dancing when they. wish ;.to .leave ,the 'floor during a dance? 3.._''Shouid a man, .when start- ing .to smoke; .offer_ a cigar or •'. Cigarette to, ,the . other 'Merz in the , • party?• 4 -TS it 'permissible to' contra • dict ` another perseil in converse. 5. When a child has outgrown' wearingof a .bib,• should he be allowed Ito• eat with his napkin . :tucked .under his chin? S. 'Where, in the church,,is the ridal .procession formed? Say Democracy Must Prevail If Social and Political Free, d•om is to ,be Preserved More'. Than , 6,000. Christian Scientists Attend Annual Gathering in Boston Ifs p social and oliticall freedom is to be preserved. "democratic .forms of Governrhent must be maintaie. ed." delegates to, the annual meet-, Eng of the first Church of Christ. Sci'entis`t, • were. told. More thati' 6;000 Christian Scientists from, Many .pacts cf the -world; attended the annual gathering. The i oattd of Director's. in a message .tO the inieting. declared: 'The preservation and incoi•rora• tion of these fundamental elements of.true demncracy'in the basic law of every nation is a cause to which all Orittiana ate morally commit- ted and • which we as (Tristi'au Scientists are determined: fa de, fend.. • WAR REI.1111C WORK,. ' , The Clerk of The Mother Church, Ezra W. Palmer, reporting on, the War relief •work, said That.the War . Reber C'olrinittt'e in I3oston began PS work On September, 19.. 1940. Today thousand Delay over one ousanti commit• t°t s s:irving as a recognized ,actir'• , ity cf the t°ranch ehurehss areship• p,;n.; war relic f material to Roston or fa ono of the •ot'.lcr three tierkatr I now 'functioning 'in Now 'York, '. Portland, Oregon, anti Los Angeles. Answers t•-•.' Year- both : the. woman _ancl ___. the man thank the'"` person' who offers the' seat, and the man lifts 'his -hat to him. 2. They should• danceto the edge of 'the circle of ' dancers.: They ;should, not stop. in the middle of the. ,floor and try to walk between the dancers, where • they-, are certain . to , be in the way. 3. _Yes; or if the party is too large to do' this, he should offer one' to those. nearest' him. 4. No. If yell can politely pre- sent an opposing'Viiewpoint,'it will create further conversation;' but drop the subject if jou. find that the Other pexso ns feelingsel1n g s are e should ' he sh No • o• hurt 5. , bee Orrin, he taught to u a n Akin exactly as older persons do. '' 6. In the vestibule. This can be done very quickly' if• it has been properly rehearsed. • 80► Cut I t� BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.. .How can' `I prevent`'.paint from '.dripping over my hand When ,'painting, a ceiling or. any over- head work? ' . •: .A. Cut a large rubber, ball in half and, push -it..up the 'handle of the paint brush, as close as pas- ruble; the 'cup will catch all drip, pings. Q. „How can I heat roils sat- isfactorily./' A.,mo : A :st satisfactory method' of heating rolls so that they wily` taste the same as `•when • freshly. baked,is to sprinkle' them with. water,: place in a covered pan, an<l heat in a moderaie'oven from five to ten minutes Q. •r How can I' increase t.:14' _gloss offmyi hair? A., The beaten *Hite Ofan egg :added to the regular ,,shampoo water greatly increases the gloss of 'the hair.' Qt. How can I prevent. -painted surfaces from blistering? A. Excess moisture in wood, which is drawn to the surface by heat, either, froth the sun's rays Or other sources, causes' paint to blister. Alwaysbe sure, before starting to; Paint, that "the wood' is, thoroughly dry. • •: HAVE.. ^YOU• HEARD. ‘fair it� " Tet Jasper.. S�Iootit Big Scale Affair There will be considerable "shooting" at Jasper National Park, Alta., this Season., While Some of it may be "explosive" none ' of it will require firearms. The first 'shooting" will begin lilt mid-June when Canadian ;and 'United„States camera, enthusiasts, will . gather under direction Ivan Dimitri; color camera export,•,;=; with an .opportunity of widening ,i their , picture skill. The second' "shooting" season will •beginAug- , ust, 3.1 with the 'opening of ; the_ 16th annual ' Totem Pole Golf Tournaninent for which 'already, 150 entries have been, 'received: ' An, •oman was visiting g Vii. Ode!. ly �' a.' ranch m . Wyoming,. and, on noticing • a lasso coiled up •bn 41, • cowboy's saddle, .She inquired what . it was used for. "We use that for catchlrg cattle and horses," ; came the reply. 4. "Indeed,". retorted the woman,. "and what-d'o`yen use f -or bait?" This story won first prize'iti a 'competition run by an American periodical for 'stories of brevity ' and dramatic content:- ' Elvina Parker received a tele- • gram• from, her brother, who was accoi hpanyiing her' husband on a ' big -game expedition'in Africa: The' - telegram read: "Bob killed lion • hunting. -Fred." Elviria, overcome., with grief.. wired back; "Send him , home.• Elvins.". p`t Three weeks later a large pack- ing-case arrived from Africa. In- side Wag. a lion. Epi1ra sent be telegram: "Lion' reepived: Must Mistake. Seitd Bob- Elvina." Back . froni • Africa carne the reply: "No mistake. Bob• in' ' Fred." '.� 'that heart It is no wonder y everyone 'liecom.es mere irri- ' table inhot' weather, because for •every degree. increase in temperature, noise travels one foot faster each second: • to A pilot office'` was detailed telephone angent message to the 'Ali',, Ministry. • .t • Ile was switched fro t one per -t Boy:., "Mother • this book says that in the ocean the big frdlre at -sip -the -little : Is that that true?" ' Mother: "Yes,'"I believe it. is." . Bay: "How do they open - the tins?" bugs around ply kitchen sink? • ' A. • Pour a • pint of kerosene down the sink drain once a week. Always allow abo6t:.ar. hour to pass before _letting. the water run. The bugs will ,'soon disappear., Job Insurance Stamps On Sale � Late '-4 is--Nl®nth 13,000 Post Offices Handle N Distribution of. S h e e t s Throughout Canada • Sale 'of stamps .to be used. in the' establishment ' of the unemploy-' merit. insurance lurid will be made through 1$;000' post offices • throughout _Caiieda, it was an- nounced at the Insurance ' Cam- "niission':s office in •..Ottawa:. It is' expected thatthese stamps, which will. be ' placed by employers in • employees stamp books, will be available for purchasea few days before the starof the' operation of the law . n_ t:' 3iily :1. They will. ;he Sold' in s g+ef T SOLD N. SHEETS s. ' W tut Sc encs �.4 It Do1.ig : HALF BRAIN GONE, LIVES " It is possible .to live with only ' half a brain ;and still not be half 'witted.. . At 'the American • M'edical. Asso.- ciation convention this month • two Cleveland Clinic physicians, Dr. Louis J. Karnos&L and Dr. . W. dames_ Gardner reported :the cases of three person'd'nrs ' than two . years with the entire° right halves of their.brains re-• moved:. The two halves of the'baiq are notidentical in their, function, 'and seem toact-as two drivers of a twelve -horse team which co- ' operate with 'each other in keep g in all "movements ',co-ordinated. • --o- NUTRITIOlti AND. MO'i*I'[&R IOODL _... a ,• 4 • ,•' • . The PERFECT Chewing Tobacco Will. Demonstrate: Canadian Dishes How . to • use up Canada's un- the theme of the free coold'ing school held twice • daily in• the Electrics Buildi'g .at, the. Canadian National i.Xhiti IC•n .Ithls 3rear.' Typie it ,Can- adian disheswill be demonstrated,'. featuring apples • and: Other • fruits, vegetables, f our, eggs and milk. 'The wome n. the class have re- ' gi:ested -the iviiege of collecting ;aniong.the4nselves money for mo- bile.. canteen to be knout ui as the: C. N. • E. Mobile Canteen. As the • .-.audited. ,se_ats 1200 and is• al- ways filled to capacity this worthy"- •goat shourld easily-be-ashievecl -A in other years, a birthday cake: will be presented to the aldest lady pre- • sent at each day's cooking class. Canadian Public School •children Will be, thrilled to see in their war work display,^ •Socks, sweater and • helmet knit by Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose.•for their soldiers. The work. done.;;by • •Canadian school children far their, British cousins overseas Snakes an There will be no distinction on these stamps .between the em- ployee deductiont and ,the '.pay- ments made by; employers for the'• reason that the commission is not concerned whether; : the employer makes the 'tote payaferlt-oar--'di-- - vides the contribution • between • himself ,:and: his workmen on the strict letter' of the law. Officials of the' commission state that some employers will pay the entire shot, as is done in Britain', but of course they da -:not 4nake any recommendation _; 'that this ' • be Proper nutrition elittates-th 'danger, of miscarriage's .and •still_ births, among other 'beneficial re- sults, e sults, accorditg to tests Made' at .• Toronto's prenatal clinic over a period. of several years,' it was. disclosed ' at the recent Ontario 1VIedical ;Association convention. , The diet additions for prospec- :tive• mothers 'in the test provided included oranges, eggs, milk, to- matoes, cheese and wheat germ., One .of the 'outstanding results of -the experiment was that among the mothers receiving this supplemen- tary diet,there were, no stillbirths'' or miscarriages. 'Other beneficial "results includ- ed: fewer, compl'ication's 'during pregnancy, reduction in the .pre- valence of anaemia among expect= ant mothers, •shorter duration of labor, increased ability on the pari of mothers to nurse their own children; reduction in illnesses among the 'babies. 'done. • 4• .f. 4 • NO OTHER TIRE LIKE IT ! vl:esu ne CHAMPION ^'� ROM the innermost fibre 1to `the sensational new Gear Grip Tread, every- thing, in this Smart, stream. lined Firesto 'e Champion tire is new aiid�different. It sets up entirely new stand- ards of safety:and long . mileage because it is the re• • stilt of FireStone's quarter • century of 'e*apenence in building. tires ;for race track speeds. Here are some of the things 'you get .in Firestone Cham- pion tires --new Safety -Lock • cords treated with a new and advanced Gum -Dipping pro- cess; 27% strdnger bond be- tween tread and body; 35% ° ' greater heat protection against blowouts; an amazing new tread with thousands' of sharp -edged' angles for, quick stops -a tread that gives. 11% more non-skid mileage. Not onlyis the Firestone Champion an engineering i triumph but. •t is super - value es well -for, with ,all its ware 'Value, ft does net cost On ,code One cent Mini ordinary tires. Have your nearby Firestone Dealer put them on todayt • fir, } \"Y� LJ . /rrky.� W e(!e ti SAFETY -PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY FOR YOUR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY Imposing display in the Women's • Build,ing'. • - Building permits' issued . by .204_ municipalities in Canada • during., , 1940 had. 'a total' value of '$113, 4. c on an- -counted "for 485,6:13,697;: and the remaining. amount was •spent for additions, alterations ,and repairs.. Protect your ItOOhS and VASA' from FIRE' and THIEVES We have so size aind type •of Safe, 'or •Caibinet.',tor any purpose. rrIsit us, or write for "'prices, etc. to , Dept. ' W. • J.64J.TAYLOR UM1TE,D 'TORONTO SAFE ;WORKS 145 Front, St,. E.. Toronto Establisher►- tam; D0 -H•' -T LET'' -ROT 03"'0° "• "Osmose Speciull lFeae. n Pesl Mixlnre" - daply c Itt.umrpenetrating protects t1¢. . vital gropndline -„prolongs tyI life of posts our to. five times ,..:,,,,,,,,,:111 , :- just paint 4" above anile d *es below :lie 1W -dm lint- 9 =:� highly concentrated.effective• WSWW. material used to- .age quanti .. ties by the, Power Companies. Quart... sue • Treats 20- 25 pods, Callon «,.....•., $4.15 treats.E0.100 Ports AREAL MONEY SAVER • ORDER TODAY •• A,,, lou• Dealcr or r•dcr'Dv:c, PcooF.1 OSMOSE WOOD PRESERVING CO of Canadu ltd- .• HEAD OFFICE CASTLE BLDG.-MO$TREAL,.QLE • Branch. •328 Dupont 5tr • Toronto Ont NEN WANTE5 3S to 52 years old: Women who, are restless, :moody, NERVOUS -who fear hot flashes;'dizzy spells -to take Lydia E. Pinkhaiii's Vegetable com- pound. Pinkham's'is' famous fur helping:Women during these "trying times" due to functional irregulari- ties: Get•abottle today from your druggist! WORTHTRYINGI,_ !'i 1 11$1I:14D AD-VE-ffTISEMENTS..: AGENTS WANTED' LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT D tb. sell.l?hillips. Lighpg tive System. • B. Phillips CompanY Limited. 32 Osborne Avenue:' To- ronto. MANE "REAL MONEY" GET INTO BUSINESS FOR YOUR - self. Supply localcustomers with 300 established home -and • farm, needs including • teas, coffees,, Medicines, and ton. cattle sprays; es, ics.• Fenrvteic made $125.00 last week, •Patmore earned • $31•'00his first day, Gerard .$143.00wee 10 Bel1emare',s income was $..0 last year. Full 'orY pare Youtake ex- No capital tal Or C x- p territory. ' cluslve` perienoe required. Write W R. Purnell, Dept. WP. Paula Co., zi St Paul Street East, Moitreal, Que. ' a BABY CHICICS GOOD MARKETS. THAT'S WHAT'S anticipated for poultry products. : Mr. A. Densmore hos been n Bray •customer for 0' Years; he speaks enthusiastically of results. Cash in on these •'geed markets with Bray May Leghorn pullets, or June heavy, ' breed pullets. Bummer chicksn' Bray Hatchery, 130 John • North, Hamilton, Ont. PRODUCERS, OF'''EHICKS FOR 16 years, barred • rocks bred to lay and S. C. W. Leghorns Barron • ° strain.. None but .large •eggs• set. Rocks' and Leghorns as, hatched 8 cents, Rock pullets 15 cent's., Leghorn pullets 16 cents. Every` thick is from blood tested breed- ers. Satisfaction guaranteed. --.$1.00 books your order. J.:D. Johnson, Fergus; Ont. .• ,BABY 'CHICKS ' AND STARTED Pullets, Barred Rocks,.. White.Leg- hores. Light Sussex Government= Approved• stock.. Write to Cov- eneY s •Hatchry, , Mitchell. Ont. ' CACKLEBEP,RY . POULTRY '"FARM, ., highest quality, production Sar- red Rock ,Chicks, from eggs laid on farm only. Blood -tested,' un- sexed,, 8c each. Established 18 years. Gordon Burns, Paris,. Ont. BABY CRICKS, , PU•LLETS and CAI'ONIZING BUY BLOOD TESTED STOCK FROM a • real breeding Farm or 2,000 . Layers and 10,000 breeding capac- ity, Chicks and Pullets guaranteed 100% Livability •for 3 Weeks. Sussex chicks and Barred' rock cockerel's. Month Old, Pullets in Leghorns, Stock&, and Hybrids. at 35c each. Our caponizlng expert can canonize your cockerels. Lake - vis PunitrY Farm, Wein Bros., te Exer, i' 25 FREE CHICKS ' WITH EVERY 100 Pit7LLETS OR 100 rniied risks ordered, We give 25 free chicks. Pullets $14.00 to $18.00 per 100; Mixed Chirks $700 to $9:00 per 100: Cockerels Per 100,.lighit breed, $1.50; heavy breed $6,00... Pullets _and mixed c'heapor in June. Goddard. Chid: Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Out, CANNED. LOBSTER BEST QUALITY, PACKED UNDER Government inspection $22.00 per . case, containing eight dozen half pound cans. Plus freight your nearest, Station. AU goods guaran- teed. T. M. Linkletter, Summerstde. P.E.I. , Eggs! Eggs! ; Eggs! ' UNGiR�2,,ADED EGGS WANTED FOR export .to ' the British Market. hh , prices aid. For Market res ,.' Hig' ,est m 1 p P further particulars, write Canal= tan Provision & Sanely Company, .' 109 Front Street East, Toronto: M flN'r i'EB Y C U • IlAI tl. M FAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- •. ery, also rebuilt equipment al- - Ways on hand. Terms arranged. 1Correepondence invited, Hubbard. Portable Oven Co.. • 103 Bathurst1 St.. Toronto. C,ntis, NEW AND USED MOUNT. PLEASANT .MOTORS LTD., •Toron o's , oldest Chrysler, t'lym- .•outh dealers; three locations, 632 • •Mt. •Pleasan't Road, 2040 tonge St. . 1650 Danforth Avenue,,Our Used Cars Make us many friends. i k.IHAUST , PANS EXHAUST FANS. NEW GENERAL: E1'et:trtbs, • way ,under wholesale. Toronto Mercantile, 29 Melinda. Toronto. , - ,; LEGAL • J. N.,LJNDSAY, LAW OFFICE CAP - Theatre Building, tit.' Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. • LIGHTNING; HODS ' ' LtGITNING RODS. BUY' FROM • Manufacturer. Save thirty tb forty per ceii't. Phillips 'Company, 32 Osborne Aveneie; Toronto. FILMS' DEVELOPED AND PlitI t''I'JIn . • 6 or 8 iXPOSCRES 25c BEAUTIFUL ALBUM t•1ltEI ., , With Every Roti AERO VII;M 'INiSH :liS at►x 1*1 ' TOIt(r1i' •l) MEDICAL. HAVE foil GOITRE? ' Ar)SOi.tf3Ot' reduces and removes, Price $5.00 per: tattle: J. A. Johnsfot;,,CO., 171. King E„ Toronto. .DONIT DELAY! EV EF.y Si'1FTlR- er of Rheumatic Pains c , ,` N eur- itis should try Dixon ,a Itemedy. .Munro's Drug Store 33.5 rig in, Ottawa $1;,00 postpaid ISSUE 24 '41 LEAF TOIIACCO FOUR i'OUN.DS BURLEY •AND VIR-1 groin 'Leaf for pipe •51.35. •Five , •, pounds Fragrant Virginia • Leat -Cigarette Tobacco $2.50 postpaid. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., • Learn- - ing•ton, On,tacrio. NOTICE FRUIT AND . VEGETABLE 'GROW- ers, The Oakville, Basket Co., Ltd., OakvIlle, Ontario can supply your boxes, crates and baskets •prompt- ]yt reasonable prices. 'OFFICiI TO IN'VE1'IORS, •AN 0FPEIt„TO EVERY IrtvENT( ia • List o Inventions t nvent ons and fail intor-' Rams., y. matlo,n sent free. The • Co., Registered, Patent Attome a Y , 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada. Ltlli.'.t;MATIC PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SUF= ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa, ,$1:00. postpaid,. SAI }SMEN •: SALESMEN INVESTIGATE NEW glare and sun,preof shield. Will eliminate glare from •sun or head- • lights: Send 50c for anmplc+' and ' particulars. Money returned . it not sati:vfied. C'iearvisio•re Com- pany, 116, Danforthi Toronto., OPPORTUNITY OPEN - STEADY ihcome, full or part time. Guara,n- teed Fnmilex Products are attrac- tively packaged, ,create 'Instant eyc-npneal, build and hold cus- tomers' confidence, If you are willing to adopt •onr nicthods and invest fru we vtiT help you to, prnl;re•s surely ,arid' quick - .1y. For free: cntaip,gue and com- 'pir•t'o details: •MIS:< (, St -George, 570 St. Alement, Montreal. 1„ 'rotRrsT 1i01'!il°: • AURORA. TOURIST HOUSE, ,COI` shim design, central location.. 9 lacri•fices for uuir•k sale:-Philll'ps, • A urora. W ANT • WANTED - M.1 X I°Til WOOLEN It,igs, Writs far priees.. FleahOre ton Woolen tifrtls I"Irshrr.ton, OnL•: • '1 SNAPSHOTS :TO -DAY • TREASURES `TO -MORROW • 'your Niels are car'cfitily and scion- tifieatl,' i,ro(eased by imperial, to , -make ,sura ;they iris2. 1 o'r R I:Y1''oSL'fl1! 1oiI.DiS 2,e with belt ullful erilargement free. 8 reprints With enlargement 25c. Thousands ee letters from satisfied. customers, testify to our superior quality and .verVire, MPf;il1A1• I'lil'►'1'O S1?ItV14}1; De'et. le.t. C ;; I •r u. rti tat on J. Tor t nt Fur farms in -Operation in Can. ' Ada iii 1939 numbered 9,906 with 'a value of $14,349;887. Yr •