HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-06-12, Page 1$2.00 A 'YEAR -IN ADVANCE -40c EXTRA TO U. S. A.
Lucknow Ont., , Thurscliy June 126, 1941 .
. The Municipal Beard ' illaghas refneed.
the application. of tlie•Ve Coupon
te diepense with a vote of the electors
• ,:of Lacknow. in Plie- matter • of *ping
• the sum of. $9500 to,
• cov,er ,the •purchase priee, .repair
• .teartarating coste.-Of the•Geddes.,bnild:-
. , . :-,,, •. .. :
•..• The -Board's decision was based .on
'the rePort of, IV: y. Near, .viCe-eltair-•
• ' Man •of the.Municip.at Board-Wile:held
'.. a .-PUblic.' hearing in the Village
• regard* to this application on 'flues -
day of I•as•weelt. • ... • .• . ..
• : At Abet:t petitinne • ti• ioni• carrying
. thirty.four• Signatures, vas presented
'-'-----,:-.‹.7.. ...T.:HA:hie. •feilthout..a•vote:1)e. the rit.e..payerS . • .. .
hers muSLatteild,.,‘„,i
• .• . •DAN -CE Al FORDYCE.
. . .
-''' 'Protesting.. the igsuing of this . d:eben-
. *with the vote,. The 'Boaid's. reasen Pail 'recently.,' -when he sectired cm, . . . , ! .
at least • five of. , the ••siic . classes th -- -' ' --at.-- -Foralyee.,-.• ' Sciteet-011---Erk. .
,. • • • In.refushig permission to diePense his. brother• ifitlie'ql.'nelatig---busiriess•--the---eutirse.-and'.ruent____.
wag' given in theee %words, "evving-to- 1- c t • liamilt-on. -quality for .t e examine, ion. ugtess
h ' • • t" ' g , . • ... day,..J tine 1 -9th,.. lieCharles' orchestra.,
- earn i Ray MeCreight -caller-off. Admission .
25e; ladies with' . • .
John Asribillance crertifieatel Cititst Seti' lunch. f-iret.-Prneeeds
the couree ihernding text . boole, band- ' f"
. ., patriotic purposes, • .
Last- week saw the .departure. of tat/o.
note families from the :Village; when
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Aitchison •snove(*.
to Wingittua'to jesicle and ,Me. :sad
'Mta, Norman 'Wileon moved theft
househOld• •fureiture • .to. • Hamitten
where tho ntake th.etr. •hointi.
Needless to say both families..Will
be•inueh jri,the . , •
1.1,Oraee and his: 'sou Dangles. hair(
been einployed.in•Wingh.ara :for .stemt
Horace WAS 'an active inembez
of • The, •Clitneinee • Club, and Doug
Was an up-and-tioming.Ydong .hockey• -
and baseball. player... • • . • ,
Mra, Aitchistan were„aetive.
in eltareir work in -.the, presbyterian
Church, and for .some time Mr...Aitch--.
iSon acted .as.. choir leader: .
• N • 'rue • - • ilson ';was associated With
r . ,
' Pleedingegeilty. to a long list ,
ec fo 01 :tnhti 2 iy,weekrobberies. George . Gray. throughoutran. and Arthur
Bruce .
Rolston were last Friday remand-
ed for sentence until WedaeedeY
. When they appeared yesterday
members- is kequireil to take .the- before Magistrate, Walker, •ehey
course. Already there are about 18 were eaCh sentenced fe, a term of ' •
young. Women enrolled. All that is three Months? in .jail.
neeessary' tO join the, class. la to' he
Conrinencing next Tuesday, June 17e •
classes mill be .held • Lucknow to
give instruction in the St. John Am-
bulance Association First Aid eourse.
A • i u Class •of twenty-fiVe
Information is deSired ft nia3r he . I
tallied from •Mrs. Walter Thintilton
J Lucknow.
present at,' the, Towiii• Hall next.lrees- ..t.,
day evening'at a. 0 olock, .fuither-
The, classes are hold once ,e. •
week •
tianqing' a Paramount Hall, every
for a tett-hour ,Period,, and ,.continue Friday hight to MacKenzie's orchest.,
for six weeks: Oral and practical ,,ra. Doer prize e Adinission 35e,
• 'nations are -taken to Complete
_L 04144•44 4444.w!4•0.
A money order for fifty dollars
'has Abeen mailed the Ontario Division.
of the Navy • League of. Canada, rep-
resenting the Proceeds of the Tag
Day, eonducted in Lucknow on Satur-
day by .members of the local Trail
Rangers orgenizatione
Total proceeds amounted to $0.93
but the difference was made up so
that, an even $50,00 might be sent •t9i
assist The. Navy League in carrying
on eheir good work of .providing com-
forts for men of the Royal' Can
adiarnislaVe. the Canadian Merchant
Service and. Royal Navy. • .
ni i and supeiviiion of
The orga z ng
.the Tag Day "was'Pretty much in. the
hands of Willard Thompson, who had
a dozen willing workeraiwho patrolled
__the streets of the Village from morn-
ing matil evening linty -their -boat -
shaped tag boxes. These lads deserve
a lut---of-credit-f-or--the---willin
to, undertake this task, and for which
they received not even a treat, s
the opposition thereto”.
•To Nominate Next Week
cause will now be taken ir
, indefinite, and will probably remain
• • , so until a , full Board is elected to
office, A nomination aneeting
been 'called for Friday, June 20th,
with a View to filling. the two council
vacaficies created by the resigriationf.
, of 'Catancillors- Harold Treleaven.. an
. William Murdie. In •event: of an el
4...444.-4 ••••
•-•---Vetien--, vat rig--take-plae
day. , June 27th.
•• The Couneillors will then be requir•
ed to deal with the resignation.. Of
Reeve N. E. • Bushell, which is on
• fileyand in +Meat of it being accepted
a norabiatiOn meeting will then lai•
necessary to fill the reeyeship va
eancy.• ,
- Then there remaina,,the•problem of
'what the new ' 'council • will do. witl:
the Geddes I3uilding. The expenditure
• of $9500. can he sulribitted to the
ratepayers. for their' acceptance or
rejeetion, or the building can be of-
' fered-fer-Leale: Mr. :Bushell himsel
Wilson Were quite popular. here and
until Moving to Hamilton Mrs. Wil-,
son. Was organist and. choir leader in.
the 'United Church, and was fee-.
qu.ent „dernand' incl. always: willing ti•
oblige ',with .her 'talents in the ..aet-
ivities. of the church antvarious ethei
organizations., . •
'-• • •
. .
---lia-a-mede---an • offee_to_ptirehase the
building and assume all liatfilities• in,
,connection -with what • iniprovementg
have already been Made. This offer
. is subject to aeceptance by an early
date. .'
In event of -a vote being taken and
the expenditure. defeated,, the builclitre
weed either have to until it
could be renovated out of current
revenue as funds permitted, or bc.
disposed of. •
: . • .
HarrY. Andel -Son received
a :service phi and a:card• expressiw
Congratulations, from the. 'executive:,
.'Silvervi,:opd's •Dairies Limited,
marking' • the.• `Completteir - of • tw•en-ll••
years of :loyal service tethis• erganization.
' •.
Mr. Anderson was first .eniploYee
by • • StiverWOods. 'at . Dungannon, •bu
forabotitt -18. sears ..has _beete'employee.'
With the linty. Lucknow,. and flar'
more than fifteen yea:es has beeli
manager of • •Sliverwond's ,.downtown
• ,
The death of :little. Muriel Jean
Hodgins, infant daughter of Mr, and
• Mrs. Maurice Hodgins,- occurred ai
her keine, Concession 14,. !Unless
Monday. The little girl was five
menthe and twenty-four days .old.
Death vas due to.pneumonia, vvhich
followed ,whooping cough and measles
with which the, little girl had beer
Besides her sorriaking parents,: ;
young brother else survives: The fun-
eral Was held at the parental
home on Wednesday afternoon With
interment in Greenhill Cemetery.
age and ateard is $3".00. s
sistant organizing seeretary was ip .t..O.L. Ne. 1044 Will hold a dance
. Miss Lilian Gredie of Toronto, as-, s
Lucknow this -week making plans foi at Zion Hill on Friday, June 20th.
conducting •the eciiirse here. 4, Taal proceeds for the British War
meeting consists of lecture; discaties"- Victiins Fund. Lunch served. Mc-
sion and acto•al practise. The course 2C5hee.rles orche•stra. General admission,
deals with structure and functions - •
of the body, fracteres, haemorrhage, GARDEN PARTY AT LANGSIDE
174; '"ealration,4efec. sInan416strectiop is. re..ree. 'den ' Par.tY on rearies ahyo,Idistinge_e7ena T.'
• •• Ye -Ong worne'n. .of. the district, and
Supper served from ate 8,4dmission,
by a loeal docter. • - ' •
•mert: 'are .not liarred,..,.are • invited to , .
Adults 35e, Children 20e. The 'Blue,
whicir.entails no obligation whatever '
aid. ,copmst..,_vpiaaley Young People *ill•:preseat' their
. .
take ..-this: valpableefiest
uirn those taking it...•itli. GREAT DAY'S • SPORT. HERE! .
. ., ., ' • . • iSealottle June IltleeListoWel JUhe
. .
' •
18th Stratford . June 25th' are near-
Mr. N. E. BUshell got the surprise
of life last tvveek, when he re-
ceived by express 1; pair of 'shoes
which he had ordered a year ago last
winter and which he had long since
forgotten about.
The shoes were purchased in Port
Elgin from ee, travelling salesman
`Rho Wolf, a 'special. fitting and guar,
anteed ,delivery ofi`fini P -air of. hati
made, all leather shoes, made ire' Eng-
land, A 15:00 deposit was paid, by Mr.
SOW, and later he s -received aek,
nowiedgement of the order which
stated the shims would be. delivered Ii.
July last yeark
' They never came and Mr. Bushell
41ad quite , decided the .gent was a
crook, and that be had, been tqaken
in" for the anion/4 of the deposit..
But last Thursday the shoes arrived
C.O.D. for the balance of $3.00 an.
they apoedr-olx--all---they, were rep:
resented as. and are stamped
1-eather,r-and4tmade in England". The
only. trouble now is that they don't
fit just right.
A Junior judging twain of Roe(
Hen er
far: as We .1mow.- •: • • .•. • "
A'..house' to honee, canvas .. of the
Village male made, daring the inorn-
ing and afternoon. and in the evening
their selline, efforts were cOrifined tc
the 'people on main street. The beep
who ..aeted as • taggers...incledied -Alan
.McKini;. Ronald • .Johnston, Gordon
Yergesori, George Chin.
J3-1.1hneteneivan:. Lie Allan ,
Stewart, Stanley Pres ona a
•Deneld. and Donald Thompson.
• .
The death of Mrs. Milton McMul-
len of .Toronto occurred in. St Mich-
ael's Hospital op 'Saturday. evening.
• •
1 -by• -centres on e
Bi Harness Race The funeral service was e
onto -on :Tuesday 'mornipg. .Besides
. Circuit. .12 eveate daily. '.Admission her husband, 1VIrs. McMullen is surviv-
" Members of 'Old 'Light Lodge A.F. t• 50, cents. Bumper crowds are being ed by ioxie son, Capt. W. F. McMullen
undo:Sr evening to the Luck- i rr ngea, for. „ . '' and two_daughters, Betty and Mary
& A.M. held their annual church par- 1 a i _
ow Presbyterian church. Rev. C. kt-1---------
GARURN—PXRTY--'—, .Igrs. McMillan -Was an ,accomplishee
arnst. She was,president-I-of-the
gists° Association and vfas active in
will he !held at the Blake APpOint-
. .Norman. Cansphell, Kinloss. ToSitin-
ship farmer; died. in.Kincardine Hos-
pital on Tuesday 'afternoon ..lroM ie-
kiries" received • in a runa3.vay. accident
Which ocerirred, at his horine.'ehortly
before the neoe hour .that. mottling.; .•
.• Campbell ;., 38 •Yeare •of Iwo*,
.11! 'son of .Duncan. Caraphell. :Of. the
•TIlaCkhorse... vicinity. His, son's farm
:is on the.Duthatia 'road A short dis-
tance west of Blackhorse.: •-• • •• . •
• Mr.: Campbell sv.p.e cleaning up the,
orchard we •utalerstand,'•and was driv•thig-
oi.",teani,•and ,sfagon back.a •Ittne
to the rear •of the 'fated to dispose et
his load.• • • • '• • ' •.
•, The teain took :fright for *scene' um
accountable reason, orid Mr. catnPs
'bell .Was throwft from. the •:wagon re-
ceiving; :terrible ..head •injeries from
Which he. passed away soon. aftee.
is survived • by . his wife • and
'three- -children. -
- •
• St. Helen's Man Joined Un• • ,
Allan Durinn of. St. •Helens has
enlisted' as a motor mechanic and it•
attached to the 7tli Army Field Regi
• med. at PetaWawa. *
All coMpletee Red Cross sewing
and knitting is required to be Sent
in by /Saturday,'June 21st, if poesible
' and not later then Tuesday, June 24
. The L:O.L. County • church iervice:
will be held in the, Un.ited Chureh,
-Luckno-lunday rimming' June.
.15tle. at 11' a.m.., conducted by. Past
Grand Mester L. 'SI:tenders :orror:
onto, Grand . Organizer. • All .brathren
and .L.O.B.A. lodges •are cordially in-
. died. , Members will p,lease. meet tit
the. Arena; Lucknow, at '10.30 a.M.
IliacDonald, pester Of the church, and
Chaplain'of the local order, delivered
a very fine sermon. Miss Peggy Mac-
Dbneld sang a pleasing vocal solo
The Lucknaw, .Pipe Band oommenc-
• ed 'their weekly 'Saturday night .bane
..concerts last week. They •will 'be out
each Saturday night during the sure-,
mer 'months_ under the spopsurshie
of the Teueknow Business Men'i As-
sociation. .
arid the, caoir..rendered an anthem.
• el "Page •Asa letinkee• , pre,Sented' hY, ittticlm
BARGAINS .Congoleurn, lepoleum I ow motored• p
It Toronto on Sat -
end E,'eleol .Itugs' and mats this ineetb.1,,playere ee alit -dee St. Chmeit, Gedde erday eveping and ten -Mined until af-.
A *Reit of-the_Retail Drug -
'The Aahfield Circuit Garden y es -Ye
PP. e..-McMulIen ,Was .born, 'in :WeStWood.
ment on Friday, June 13th. Su e mans' women's .orga•nizations, , Mrs
A platoon of the :Kent
forty-five strong includis
fleet -B. spent the day 1,
on Monday and put on a
demonstration in, the eve .
a large crowd of people.
Travelling in four army t
London at 11-4.in,„ and. we
at the outskirts of the Vitie
reception committee indudin
Hughes, president of The ,
Reeve N. E. Bushellr J. R.
president of the Ensbiess Mit. 0.
'iodation; Austin Solomon,. Ch'
the Fire. Company. and The. Pre,
Through the Maariestreet, gAi
,effectively decorated, the plato6;
ceeded. directly :to the park
their tents Were "set up", and di
shortly served. A- :welcome edd
to the dinne17-inid-WP-Periteen
a stack of pies and Mogi - •
1)Y the ladies of the Village.
In the afternoon the platoo:r
lowed out as nearly as poSsibl,
routine, training and the peel i•
Welcome to visit the park time
glimpse of army life. ,
,Shziep at 8.15 the Kents Conitnewee
i &ministration on the Main
Russell Reui and Arnol, s
ehat was lined- with spectators, ,
"McGuire'did.well at the 'Bruce Count5
(judging Competition held at Pais1e5.
:on. Tuesday. This team of •lads,,tna
Reid Only 14, placed third. They were
' coached by Goldie • Martin. • •
Each won individual • .aseards,..Rus-
•sell Reid the. dairy cattle shield;•.Reif
.3:Undersea' the beef cattle ',shield ."arid•
Arnold McGuire the. twine ••
1' the •-the Senior •competitions Goldic
and Austin Martin tied in horsaeudg-
ing and Austin Was high •in the cleir5
--cattle competition: • • • s
• Covering all, eiaeses;•Goldie'•Martin
was in. second place' and'Austin'ir
third with ,cine point less; Rosa Hen.
derson. clise, well to :place •ninth. ••
• froin • '6' • to 8, •followed by the play, lOnt, - •
d Mr • W J. Davison of.
TO OIL ary
'ich. Adrniesion:•40c and 2(la • -eel.: the ferieral. , •
at • , MARK ET, STORE'.
. • • •
Pastoral appointments presented tc
the London: Conference Of the United
,Church, included that of Rev. Jamel
Wilkins of Ashfield Curpuit to Oil
Ree. Q. Howse, Newthend-
landresell-sess'eseWilkifls. Rev
W. J. Patton presently of Oil. City
:will go to the McKilicip cherge; sue
deeding Rev. R. W. Craw,. .
Commenced. Selling ,
Ernest "Freek" Button and I,ineoh
• Morrison joined the erewe of a' lak(
freighter at Goderieh last Week ane
will .spend th,e summer ..gailinge
• 0._...NEW PRINTS;Cottons, Curtains ariet
,e-q-e•;.deaneries at the Old Low Prices'. at
/7 -THE MRKET STORE •' • . _
The • first collection Of. serap'niater-
ial conducted by The, Clansmen,' undei
the NatiOnal' Salvage CaMpaigie. was
held in the village last Friday even-
ing !when •large -quantities of 5vaste
speper, rags end scrap metal were
.'cPllected. • •
• Lucknow Merchants are Co.:operat-
ing to conduct a !summer series of
prize draws, which will be made each
Wednesday night at ten o'clock..
There will be six cash prizes of
$5.00, $2.00, two $1.00 and two 50-cebt
• prizes. Winners will he. allowed fif
teen mit-ides to claim the prize, and
\'Must be in town te do eo. The prise
ilairay be claimed by any membet of
a family living tinder the setae tool
• In event Of prizett not being claim-
ed, they will be pooled for it gland
prize drawing at a later date.
• Tickets on each 25 -cent . purchase
be.given by all 'Stores participa-
ting. Ballot boxes for depositing the
tickets will be available at each. store
and the recipients of the tickets will
he required to sign their 'name and
address., on eseh ticket before depos-
iting it. Tickets will be given out
on all perchesee ththughout the week
and will be collected by six o'clock
each Wedneeday afternoon for the
draw that night. • •
Be sure to ask for your tickets, 'if
a Merchant °veld:Nike giving them to
a la sure to be in Lucknow
Facts You Should Know!
By Reeve N. E. Bushell
." in 'a, .Mey issue.. of 'pew home' Paper
1, endetivotnied to .aatline a, suminaee
showitig some of the reesons)why tha,
Coundl perchaeed the building . known
as the .."Gedclog...Bloc.k", but
some inforinetiOn whith the Council
tbougibt... w„ell .• net , to, ais.cloae... , Bow,
ever,'.. in .ehe. lest two Week§-,--thitigs
have developeciele a point Where I
find it only.. faii.: to the Council ..and.
myself:to tneke. an, explanation.
. Therefore:. order to • Make things
.-eleare I am obliged to •revert•to the
.year Of.1934;:wthienMr. 'Alex Harailton.
was Reeve. The -records.' of- the . toWp
the petition in pi eon* What I made it a point to ask ef couple why
the-Coencil has .done, whet would ypu -their' name showed on the petition,
do if you were reeve? In all fairnesS and they replied that Mr. MeNah
my reply is, if you were es:inking en had insisted. A very aeriona state of
the interest of the town; -which any affairs -a petition .given to an of
reeve or ex -reeve ,should • do, you ficial of our goverilinerit, by --
would clO exactly what we did, secure two of our eitizeris, supposed to be a
a- place-- fee in adeence of the time true and. honest statement ehowing
you are in need of same. the wish of every ratepayer as to
The "GeddesBlock" -was for sale, Whether a debenture he panted or
situated in the ;. beet suitable, place not, and not a quarter of them even
for a town office. The town had a approached. Mieenpropeiatikin of
Credit allowance on this building leg- funds comes' under the criminal Code.
" h et al cash paid out for it, Is this accusation parallel? We pure
pose th find out.
Miss Laarine Martin, daughter of
g e
in round figures, $538.00. Is that not
had increased ' to the extent that it a bargain? I leave 'that for you to
was found advisable to secure a larger ',answer-. . , •
office, and equip it with a, vault. On • A' Sir -law waS passed in Council, to
making a Survey of .the town for a1 borrow $3500.00 on a twenty-year de -
suitable location it was found to be a beature and I think this is Where
Very difficult task; and as. the Bank some are. Misled, as this amount an -
of Cpmmeree had vacated- the site pears fee' too great. Nevertheless,
of our present office, and it having when you are in need of money from
a vault the Council: thought it wise the bank you, ask for a line of &edit'
to secure this. SO, the Reeve and Mr.
Andrew Stewart were engaged to,ap,
'preach the landlady, Mrs. Johnstime,
with a view to renting the premises.
This was. accomplished vat a rent
of $216.00 per yeer, for a •period of
t ears. ,with the privilege at the
in excess of the actual ameunt of
your requirements, in (*dee that your
requirements are well taken cave of.
So. it is with our debenture. If part'
of it is not used. it costs the ineni-
cipality nothing It lies in, the .office
a ,serap of paper. However, let us
'For your information I might point
out that.stlie issuing of debentures,
and raising of money has gone on
in your. town for years, Without in
some cases the consent of the peo-
ple. 1.:et me aame some concrete
cases. During Mi.- Rae's time as
reeve, the station street Was paved
and a pp -law Was passed in Council
for the issuing of a $7,500.00 deben-
ture, Without a• Note of ,the people,
and not a Protest made against %hie.
More:seer. when Mr, Hamilton was
reeve twe purchased a bridge; erected
it, and laid a sidewalk, after which
a debenture was approved without
termination of the fifth yetir, if all assume it will take evetyctint O bringing it to the people. Also. the
-parties-ceenceeeted Were satisfied, to the $350000 to equip the office :and< present town office was rented and
.mere than.• an hour. and a haif •
performed With rifles, machine
and 'bayonets. They donned their ra •
and generally. demonstrated the'
•-ainentals of infantry training.,
• In charge of, and accompanying 4;1 •
plathon .Were ....Lieut. R. • W. Ames
Mont. Ret and -Capto.in- ,Rtm77
Lieut. Hey was charge of the re •
cruiting end, following the. demonetre:
flan made an appeal fee- recruits
Others speaking over the pularc ••
dress System, in .support of the *a
effort; and :the. •Victory Loan:: -ea*
naign: included ..Mrs. !MelCht.
,Rev,..A. A. Maloney and Rev:
• Lister the 1°0'1. branch of the Can
adian.Legion et-deneetteet daner..
ancrisitego. Witherensie-fOretheedance
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin of Hur-
on Township suffered a • fractured
aXm in a meter accident mist of the
Village late Saturday night.
Her brother Anatin, driver of the
car, and- other passengers, escaped
with-oill5eaelshakingeep although thc
car , was badly' wrecked, as it went
into the deep Aitch in fronts of the
George Greer farra.
The accident occurred iwhen the
driver dozed off to sleep inomentate
TO Hold Sale •
Leonard Irwin has secured:a pos-
ition in Hamilthit in an. munition fac-
tory and. is holding a clearing auctior
sale of farm stack, implements, eta
on Friday of this week. '
within: three vveeks• and in'the mean --
time' all hoeseholders are requested
to "dig coat"' this salvage, material
etel have it ready for ',the next call.'
Entite. proceeds will be used for war
purposes: , •
•There are few points: that the
Public are asked to. keep he Mind aild
it • fee changes Miele. in the. instruct-,
ions prevjeuelyannouneed. •,.
Waste paper, and magazines' must
be bundled separately,. and tied . se-
curely .for easy 'handling. in all eases
'they are required - to 'be. •elerin and
continue for the belance of the • ten lTivinr quartersPhe:r-ees443 the- unulirentersted- tit a-consid.erable_Lamount
yeae term, under the same .agree- icipality• each year Ad. -cm -ref the de•, of .money; Paid to • the first •name on
ment. This is just twhen the .difficulty benture is $246.27,; leas the rent Of the petition, and no objection made
arose.' between the Council and . Mrsthe hvingeuarters which es $150.90. to the emoney being spent,' Mid was
hith niakee• a' total. per • leted without • a by-law be -
;Johnstone, Which made it very clew
that new quarters 'must be knight
before. the term; would expire. •
Why? 'Because Mes. Johnstone ad,
vied the Council that a verbal under-
stariding was, AS, she thought, pro-
posed between she end Mr. Hamilton
and my. Stewart, that the taxes on
said building wouhl be exempt, and
requested.that f shouid see that this
be granted, .
Knowing that we area Council could
ing that Mrs. Johnstone was sincere
in .her statement, did if this promise
was really made• by the two in ques-
tion, theti it was nothing but fair
and right to grant her some conces-:
'akin: So 'Mr: Stewart Wee •called by
phone erieet the Counek "together
etith,Mrs': Idliristone and Mr. Remit -
ton, that a clear understandirig Might.
be presented 'to the Coencile A mee-
sengee was seet to' advise Mr. Hamil-
ton of the proposed plan. However, he
*as busy claintipe by the time he had
clemenp, it would be too late to go
that night..Feeling that. Ales. Johnston
must be giveo some consideration, I
called , my Cornicil together for con
sideration of .the..nuitter and. we de-
cided-' to reimburse. her. an aniount
eqUivelent to hell the taices• by in-:
creasing her rent. However, thie did
not In e e t with .1her approtal and . .
retinal' she .asked thesCouncit to ye -
cafe the building,' as sheiwas serving
• popors-te that effect. • .
Hart the loose expired• pnly two.
alter nati ves Tema iced. • FIRST -to
pay, the tent phis the taxes, or/S8e-
°NO.-Lend. all the town redords Out
en tOe Street ns there vvastt't another
piece 4,6 go, • where there was the
aceoreadetior of e -Veldt. • • ••
every Wednesday night so you :woo t
Miss your chance of being a winner. 'committee,
All' types' a serap .inetal, •except
'tin, are yaltutble.
• Rags need not be 'in separate
classifications,. but must be bundled
or bagged separate from arty other.
salvage materials, Old shoe S are not
wanted and should not he included
in the rag bag. • ' . • • '
Neither' gleiSS,• glass ibottles or old
hones are being handled by the• lode]
Riebb,er tires or old rubber. beets,
car ,batteries . or radiathee are 0,c -
. The salvage • depot has been eon-
veniently legated Johnston's Feed
Ilarneend rural residents who Wish to
ea-opeeate en tide ealvage camPaign Now in' all fairness to the Coueeil
are tequeated to leave sueh items as and' myself, I ask aey of you men McKim, Mr. Let apd Mr. Hornell. wel s •
listed above at the salvage .depot, or or Wtitnen Who .plaeedaeheir mane ese Do these nob coestitete the •proteet? 'dames tided.
per ear., w even comp _ th • e
ot year to be paid of $96.27. This et. ing passed. And ye . e e ,
twenty years would make a totael nien, now become financially inter -
building and 'then the building is ested. Let us make analysis of their
of $1925-.40 paid out by yOn for the '
years with it revenue front the living sineerity.
quarters receivable as long as the • When the well was in the limelight
building stands. I pointed out the water could'not be
Let us now return to the present used in the secluidary• well, and that
town -office and sum the cost . of it each 'being the case, We might big a
for the succeeding twenty years. The fight retain the $5,000.00 bond held
first four years will be at the agreed as a credit to -the town and, its water
18:64:007Thesbelancee-fer years, at-thal-
is supply. Was Anything done to help
by 'these saute people? it's true there
rent of $216.00 a year which
rent, pipe the taxes, which amounts wa's a farde—ilbreed- At--.71011F-1160P
te.$4,566.56, making sa, total paid out Pointing olet_,how funny it was that
for the twenty years $5,439.56. 11 &mid he tight and so many .wrong.
But had you bought the ' building A few months after you paid in cold
and moved into it, you ,would thave cash some $.1,500.00 for the answer,
aNed the alai:Are 16 years' rent, vvhich Financially interested, Eh?
• •
Pour Recruits Reported
Following, the visit of 'the Ketits
here ,on Monday it -was reportedethat
there were. four prospective recruits.
Bob Orr of Langs'ide and Phillip Mac-
Millan were two of them, although
we understand Phillip is interested in
joining the engirieers.
provided by,ACCharles' orchestra,
The Platoon spent the night under
canvas in the path. and left Tuesday
morning for Kincardine, via Holyrooe
and Ripley,
, The itinerary for the Test Of thi•
week is, as fellows, Wednesday, *mei:
ampton; Thursday, Paisley; Friday
Cheeky; Saturday; Walkerton. where
.the ' platoon reinains over until Sun-
day to take part in a druaihead ear -
Tice in the afteriiMM before returning
to London.
_There was general 9.tharatic91, ex- ,
pressed. for the *Moberg nf the pia
teen who were gentlemanly pre'
friendly and mingled freely with the
people of *hi conrmunity during thei:
stay here. •
To Move To New Home
• Mr. Henry Carter is relieving at
the C. N. R. station at Clinton while
Garnet Henderson is' supplying here.
Henry has punehased the residence of
the 'late Mrs: Angus Ross, Ludgard
street,. and intends moving in some
time this month. \ •
hi $4566,56. Deduct from this the
total of $1925.40 in the above state -
meat, whielf would leave you °Wirier
of your building with iik cash credit
of $2541.16. Who would 74 ar e say this
Wasn't' a paying "reposition? •
But now we find the purpose of
your Coteicil blacked by selfish indiv- that this building would be used only
iduals who fcirmulated a petition, in- for municipal mirposee, of to - accent-
dueed signers: and had it presented odate a busiriese already established
to the ' Municipal Board by William ' in your town. The second weuld be
Hornell,so., , and s exe-teeeteevde Wit . livBe.sAnfdreerm_ to allow it to go into private hands
the business. men. who 'did notlwish a with fie guarantee that yotir imiiness
will be protected against outside earn
bnietrek.bueineas to stalk ,up in this
already. So don't delay your keeping
petition, as offers haVe been' receive
How ri4,licirlons! The Conticil bought Shifty uetill it *to° late. ,
the said ielock for municipal purposes ' 'In Isumrning it tip I ant making
only. Any). sehool-boy wild under- diagrioeis. ,It 84)1248re it is . the man
stand this. •IlnwPvry let us grant not the project they are after, par
those 'petitioners that lame 6s- ticularly so when at .ef-reeve an
cosi., and call og the, husiness men his right bower iotight informatio
and take a retain] and find out how as to hew many nameslhey *mild re
ninny were called on by the canvas- quire to defeat the propcisition. '
ser on main strpet. We find they 1. requested a cony of the petitio
were -Mf. Rae, Mr. Charlie Chin, Mt. arid when looking it ovdr wits hint a
BY Your action the Mumpipal oar
'has turned esi down, aegis there are
only to thing's left now that can be
done. Ilave..a vote' of the people, to
either hold possessiop of: this prop-
erty or .allow it to • go into private
hands Your -Connell h,as promised
Graduate at Hamilton
Janie M. Alton of Belfast and Eliz-
abeth 1VIcDonald of Lochalsh was ar
mong the class of fifty-seven nurees
graduating from the HamiltiOn. Gen-
eral Hospital. - • -
JUST ARRIVED --A wide variety ,or
new Summer Dresses. B. PEARL -
A Victory Loan Bond in your Bank
is better then • a Nazi bomb • on your
Changes of Residence
Mr. ,and Mrs., N. S. Calvert balm
moved' to the Dr. Treleaven .lionie "
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor al-.
moVing from the Siddal home to Itt,
Johnstone's- residence fohnerlY Oce
pied by the Calverts. Mr: and Me •
J. T. Edgar moved recently to Mrr•
S. 'McGuire's residence..
'Jitney 'Winners, ., ...•
. The. lady ..bowlete . are • holding. •
„local -jitney each Thursday during ,th.
'season. Last week's winner* 'were
Henderson, lat; Mrs
•Chas: Steward, 2nd; and Mrs. A. Sol
,orrion,...3rd,' • '
As at Tuesday night, sales of the
,1941 Victory Loan in Bruce County
for fu rther inforniatioti contult the • 4
14.441 -to \in
amounted to 1630" representing
60.4 per cent of the Bruee Coen y.
ohjecti-ve of $1,050,000. •
With ten days of the carepaign re-
maining Bruce, County citizens can
surely be counted on to put the loan
over the top. Other comMunities have
already exceeded their quotas, and
it should not be expecting too much
of citizens of dile CoentY to loan
to their goeernment it total of two
milifon dollars. In 1919 Bruce County,
residents invested 3% million dollars
in bonds.
The, taking of the Dominion censuf.
commenced yesterday,' Wednesday
June 'lltli.• The, original date was set
_fox Jona 2jitiliut due to the War. Loan
campaign, the eitiailestaking war de- -.-
layed a few days.
The leicknaer enumerator Di Al-
bert Boyd. In Ashfield they are Lorne
Johnston,' Wilfred- Hackett, john S.
Dalton and john MacLennan. In West
Wawanosh appointments include 'W.:
A. Stewarti. Wm. Watson, Rots- Mur-
ray and W. G. McCrostie.
Th 12th 'of Sely be aeiebrated
In the current campaign 1350 hi -0.
'diVidUal. sales have been reported to
bring the totel up to $634,000 Tues-
day night. Largest order received to
date las been $8006.
Figures released at headquarters at Red Church, Lucknow Hug Sunda:y
Walkerton •on Wednesday morning morning and for the district annual
give the ohjeetives by districts and Meeting to be held here next *all.
the reedits to date'sis follows:
District • ' Including Objective
A Aniabel, Wiarton & the
Peninsula e 4 •80,000.00?
Bruce; Saugeep ,& South • ,
, 130,0001.00
in Luckeow in 1942; Was gieen tman-
imees approved at the send annual
meeting of West Bruce County L.014.
held at Amberley last week: County -
Master Earl Hodgins presided.
•, A. feature of the meeting was the
penferring of the Arch' degree upoe
tWo menibers of the Luckleast Lodge
• The invitation to celebrate in Luck -
now next mix was :extended by Ceci:
Mullin. and Was approved and aceept.
ed by the meeting. '
The 12th will be observed this year -•
at Seaforth and Tara in Duren and
Drece Counties.
Plans were made for the dietelet
church serviee to be held in the Um
Huron, Kinloss and KO.
• e.ardine. ' 210"."000.0.0 .;
' D ' Carrick, Culross & Green- • •
nock: • , ' . 219,000.00
E Brant, Elderslie and At -
2,01;000.00 64.81. - • $I,050,000.00 $634,000.00 . 404
• Sales %
$ 66;000.00 82.5
73,000.00 40.5
173,00100 64.1
121,000.00 , 57.6