HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-04-10, Page 44.; O� R_ v WhMftley and Mrs; :Lorne Emoruy and. ,Muriel visited her parents, Mr.. and, Mrs. George Freeman recently. ;„...X1'. .,and Mrs.; Herb Curran' and rs. Lloyd I{unter, Mr. aid Mrs. -Thos. Anderson,' jr, spent Saturday; withMr. John Menary'. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran,' - Mz .Rill: French visited. -:over the. week,encl :With •.Wawanosh friends: Mr. and Mrs. ,Bert Treleaven and CwetdolynapentSaturday with ' Mrs. Annie• Treleaven and .•Mrs, Fiances •Coiirtice. Dungannon. • �t • M.an r n "Mrs: Harvey Anderson and d y u ts.:o# Mr. and , 'Marilyn werees MrSKl aeric Sir Monday. Mrs.Sam ic �' Zy .... • �ICI€CN 1iEVll Gigs you r chicks a good .start In ilife and keep them going .suit: _. THE LU KNOW-SENTINE ►jf : Mashes` ,rnlay. son .rosy`. DEALERS WEBBB, Pioneer presentative CREWE 3Lras. Raymond; Finnigan and Louise 1119tted iter' mother Mrs, ,Chd'mney near Helgrave over the week end. ' Mise,Hamot- Whitley spent' a few days :ia i�iiekagtwr with -her sister :Ella HURON COUNTY GRANTS • 'The Wai<den'a; committee of4Counny Council met on Tuesday=afternoon and: approved patriotie.grants of '$2,000 to the. Canadian War Services 'Fund, and $500' to the, Toronto'•Telegram's Brit- ish War Victims Fund: These amounts ,were made available at the January' session of County Council when $27 • 500 was voted for the: 1941 war ef- fbrt, . the same as last year: This is one-half amill- 9n the .county tax rate: Payment.' .of accounts . amounting to.. $1.560 Also was authorized for the fit- ting outof; thestage of the new rec- reation .hall at Port Albert airport. A spm up to $2000 ,was set aside for 'Alis work . at'"'the tannery session af- :ter representations had: been made by Mr..,. Ley, Y.M.C.A. , director. • (hatter, Hocke; • The Intermediate .`BB" hockey roar- athon continues. When it will end— well, your guess is as good ns .ours. As this is • written there is only one thing definite_Seaforth has won one game .and Paisley none in this best::3-iii-five series: But. there's-' been three ':games" .played,. Seaforth whit the opener 2 to 1. In Owen Sound . :minutes ' m t. bn;,Tue'sday of last vveek ten e of overtime: failed to .break a 6-5 tie, and on Thursday " night'in 'Stratford another . ten-rniputeovertime, game ended ;.in a .2 -all draw. : • • On Tuesday Seaforth _wort' 4-2 and have a .chance. to . win the -series in ':Stratford ,Griday from outside the defense .or 'sifting • it into the. corner. • .Seaforth.'had.'to come' from behind twice to knot the count, with -both their goals being a bit on the soft side. On . •the Other hand • Paisley's +were' both. clean• Rut••and came. from the potent , stick of Dick Craig. { •Its been . costing' Seaforth and . Paisley fans real_, dough "to follow their favourites: this season .and we wouldn't wonder if they, are pretty well. fed up on these 10=minute no decision .overtime tussles. We saw the gamein..Stratford on .Thursday and _ were frankly disap- pointed in, the .brand of hockey Tdish- ed, up° 1VIayibe it` was, the "watch your ' man". strategy that :"gummed. up the works, but in any. event it didn't look like championship hockey to us. There was.excitement enough, but :Baseball Association at the annual the• F D.B.A.' permitting elute -AO aign'i new Players replacing players Who' have enlisted for .act.}ye service, • ,lie Junior age Itntit was Advanced to 21„. of age _ °by May let and the residence rule was. moved, ahead. a- month ; from: April 1st to Mity 1st. Incidentally 'Craig was the. out standing•--nian -on: the ice aliho_vgh.,, • after w firing a,' beautiful back hand. goal, in the Prat frame, he was shad- • .•awed continually and,••pretty thor- oughly by Frank. ;Sills during the last two periods.. . It looked like •:carrying it to ex-.' treeriee at ,•times though and a bit, cruor& too: Craig alternated oil de- fense: and even when behind his own iblue line; and with the play a the ..Seaforth:_ end, 'Stills parked the Paisley blue ,line directly; in. frront. of Mr. Craig. • . There were '2,300 and district attend- ance with . Pa'isley , and district well represented. They even ran: a special train- from .she Bruce : village but this proved somewhat of a financial i set back. as the. day was•deal for motoring..and only about a hundred spectotars Boarded' the -iron•,"horse. And',' you may remember .there was 'a couple of other team§ playing hoc- key that night --:down in. Beantown when the mighty Bruins .squelched the Stanley Cupaspic ations. of The Maple Leafs Jack • MaeDonakr of Chesley was re-elected '•presidentof. the Ontario there 'were few effective passing plays meeting in Toronto on Saturday.. that carried the attack to the goal A clause. similar 'to that . covering .ado :'te' mouth, and an overdose of shopting hockey players. has beenP d by WE CARRY The. 'Folll►wing Limas Of _chick ,t �. rte lt I,;ii1Ai N'S .. ,. '45 , •. N CSTO..... Roe-Vitafeed , , ., .• .:moo ovrt. PIONEER MASTER, PURINA CHICK, STARTEN'A $3.00 cwt. -00 cwt. . $3.40 cwt, O. A. C. formula •. 0 cw•t, la son Bros. 4. THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 19.41 • • • 9 horse,quiet. ' NOTICE . TO. OREDITORs . ' N ..rQI;� s;�1LB—Biivng _: ��i:aine Apply at..Sentinel Office,"_......_Ali'.persons-"Having c aims : s AL —2. stor- the estate of SUSAN PURVIS,_ 5 E s .FOR on a O U E No s AR H K FARM f l i 4 les in good repair. Apply , at Luek, "died- .at, the. Townsh p les, • • nteenth day of • December, now Sentinel. the • sous a• FOR RENT—Good 19 0, are hereby notified to send in GRASS FARMS, Water., Apply to . the unde rsig d full: particu_1`a s at P to od Ap and o. fen es d g c. James Young, Lucknow. • • thereof on 9r.' before the 26th day of of it 1941, ,after which. date. the . es- 6 A r Apply at Sentinel FOR SALE= -No,» of choice, pigs, P ' - ribated amng othose weeks old, $4'each; also'•1. cow, fresh, tate will be dist entitled there ' Robertson & •Robertson, `Walkerton, 'Ontario.. • .Solicitors for the R,xecutos. EXECUTORS, SAL --OF FARMS There will: be offered for $ale by Public • Auction on• .Saturday,19th April: 1941, at 2 o'clock in • theti after noon at the Generai, Store, Holyrood,. by Matt. Gaynor, .auctioneer, the fol- lowing. lands: • 1 Lots 16 and 17, Concession 10, Township of Kinloss,. 200 . acres • moreor' less, on .which is 'situ„ate. a large bank barn. , . s 2 Lot 12, Concession 8, Town. r i:: •...: Ontario's ' Students • Offer to Help Relieve Emergency Need for Farm Help! , Already more than 6,000 of Ontario's sturdy High School. students' have volunteered their services to the Farm Service Force of.Ontario! They are devoting their summer months to help fdrtrters meet the greatest production demands in their .experience: Students will be relieved of school responsibilities as farmers require them.. •Especially, pre- pared courses of study, have been .offeredto fit these willing young people for the summer's work on the farm. Britain is depending upon Ontario's farmers to supply a great proportion, of their needs for cheese, 'bacon, con- .centrated milk, and other farm products. After ons wick on Fifa Farm, Mesa uturdy,4 young voluniuerr rekeivi Fh3,r diMincflve crsif upon €ipplkofiofl Fo ,ifig Farm ton** Force. Dapa`rtrasnt. .i Labour, ioronfo. • Farmers who have . not 'registered their requireliens for , student assisttsnceore urged strongly to do sowithouf delay. Simply notify your Acricultural' Representative or local High. Schaal • Principal, or write: Farre "Service Force, bepartritent of Labour, Parliament Bidgs.y'Torontor •1`UE N.TE . - M IT EE — LABOUR — AGRICUL R... �- EDUCATION — AND DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, OTTAWA ONTARIO 1NTf�R•�DEFARiMEN'rAL COMM ....,.... ........ ......... _....... O • r. WANTED; O PAl3.T"LIRE--10 head of young cattle. Apply -to Gordon Mc- Tavish, RR.. 2, Lucknow'. 'FOR Yellow '' SA'LE—A •quantity;'of ,.Y ll ow Blossom •sweet clover seed, Phone Bert Treleaven, 78-7, Dungannon. . F011 SALE_White blossom sweet clover. Dan McKinnon, R. 6, Luck - now, . Phone Ripley 26-12. BACKACHES "GO •Q[TiCKL- Y, .'often. after first , dose. RUMACAPS two - 'way action attacks the cause, relieves the', pain. McT(IM'.S DRUG STORE. FOR SALE --A pair of `Clyde mares, and 10 cows and heifers some fresh- . ened, .'others• due to freshen soon. Apply to . Wilfred Fairish;' R. • 7, Luck oni. 2-16 ''Du n inn . Phone $ g on ow, P ne . less . or ..or , . n r s e_ -.- _ OO..ac e �_ .. . ass• 1. ,_.... _ _ --• -.Krol , . -__ . ,_ P .. T. �� -:�,. • SEED GRAIN "FOR. SALE—Alas$a which is •situate a good brick house Oats No. 1. 99 % germination, 60c and bank barna ter bus°; Q.A.C, ,21.. Barley. No. 1,' 98% germination, 80c per bus. W. P. Both 'to be sold subject to reserved Crozier, ' RR'::�'1, Dungannon; Phone" bid.: 7®-13, Dungannon. - - -TERMS-: 10: per cent of purchase FOR SALE—Cabinet model; �° Philco ineley .atIime. of :sate; balance; In 30 'electric radio, . Cheap. for' quick:, sale.' days. . A-1 condition. Mrs S. McGuire, Luck- For further particulars' apply to now.. BABY CHICKS -Blood tested, vigor- ous, well' bred stock, produce Wing:- ham ing= ham Hatchery ()hicks. Four popular breeds.. For price Hit write Wingham Hatcheries, Wingham, Ont. FOR.: SALE—House and 'lot id the village of Lucknow, the property', of the Estate of, the late Samuel Mc- Guire. For further particulars apply to the 'undersigned, W. S. McGuire, 11. 6, ,Lucknow,.Ont. • Austin 'Solomon, Lucknow Ont., • Executors. STABLE . FOR • SALE—Tenders .. will be- received for the -purchase. of • a stable, .on or before Saturday, April 12th, Por' further. particulars apply to' Joseph. Agnew, Clerk; Village of undersigned. John R. Lane and. Rodger Corrigan, & Executors Estate Susan Purvis, , de- ceased, by. Robertson .:Robertson, their, solieiters, Walkerton. NOTICE' TO CREDITORS• In the Matter of the Estate of Cathl' ' erine'.I eCharles. late of the Township - of Ashfield ' in the County of Boron, Widow, Deceased: NOTICE', is hereby. given, •pursuant. to the •'Statutes in that behalf, that 'all•,Creditors and others having any claims or demands against the Es- tate' of the said Catherine• McCharles,. who died en' or about the Seventeenth day of December if.D. '1940, are re- quired on or. before ..the :'Nineteenth Lucknow, day of April A. . 1 4 , to y post prepaid,or, deliver, to the under - CLEARING AUCTION '•SALE of signed, Executors of the last Will and farm stock, implements, hay •& grain Testament of the said deceased,their at NAL Lot 21., Con. •12; West Wawa names, addresses and descriptions, the nosh, on Thursday, April 17th at onefull particulars of their, claims, a o'clock: See bills . for list --and terms., statement of their accounts, and .the - John 'Aitchison, Prop.; Matt. ' Gay -:.nature. of 'the securities (if any) held nor, Auc. by them duly verified by affidavit: CLEARING AUCTION• SALE of ANIS take notice that .after such farm stock and'implements ' t the, last mentioned date the said Execut- ors. will proceed to distribute the as - Wilson Woods farm, .% miles east of • sets of--the-said-.deceased--among_the_ St.. Helens.on T ursday, April 10th parties entitled thereto, having 're -.at -one o'clock. See bills, Matt. •Gay- said only to the claims. of which. they nor, Mid.; Earl Cranston, .Prop. shall then have' notice, and that fie -said executors wi i not,ie liable' •for_. -. the said assets' er any part thereof-% to. any person o persons of whose • Bray Chicks are :real mope,” makers -I can,.prove it, Mao• our order here. 100% live de, very guaranteed. . - Fin.Iays�nBros. LUCKNOW T. E Cartvay BARRISTER, •SOLICITOR Kincardine, Ontario. Branch Office .In The Spence Block, 'Lucknow, East of the' Bank of Montreal. Will Be In Lucknow Each Wednesday Morning .& sifter • noon &' each Friday Afternoon. claims motice shall not have been re- ceived by then at the time of such distribution. • . . • '1 I Dated , at Itueknow, ' •Ontario, this 25th day' of March 'A.D. 1941.: o DMcCharies._ D Wald , R. R. 8, Lucknow',' Ont. "Sarah ,McDonald", _ _.... ° Executors: NOTICE '1 O . CREDITORS . In the Matter of the Estate ' ot. Peter Hodgkinson; late. of the Town- ship of Kinloss in the .County of Bruce, Laborer,. Deceased. '.Notice is hereby given, pursuantto' the, Stat Utes in that behalf, that all Credi rs and others having'claims or de ds against 'the Estate of the said Peter -: Hodgkinson, who died on pr about the iiaenty-fourth day of March A:D. 1041, n••e "^'tired on or before the Twenty-third day of April A.D. 1941 - to' send 'b;,- post prepaid, or deliver to, the undersigned executors of the 'fast Will and • Testament of the said de- ceased, • their names, addresses and Idescriptions; the full particulars of their claims, a • statement of their ac- coini , and the nature of the secur- ities (i f any) held by thein duly ver- ified by affidavit. And take notice thatafter sue list mentioned' date " the said Executors will proceed ''to distribute the assets of the said deceased ,among the part- ies entitled thereto, . having regard only to the claims' of which they shall then have notice, and- that the said Executors will not be liable • for, the said assets :or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall . not have been received by them at the .ti•fne' Of such distri- bution. " . Dater] at Lucknow, 0"titan., this 26th day' of .March Asir. 194x. • • Joseph Hodgkinson,\ RR. 21, ,Holyrood,,Ont. George Hodgkihson, • Paisley,Ont., E9iec'utor& F. T. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST : IN LUCKNQ'/: . EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON • 1:30 to 6 o'clock 0.. AT . WM. SCHMID'S. STORE Licensed Auctioneer For The County' of Huron Rates Reasonable a• GEO. E. MaeLENNAN RR. 3, Luckngw Phone Ripley: 12-27 • :situs arr�awaxar�:rtwa