HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-04-10, Page 1•
- p.00 A. NEAR -0 ADVANCE -00o 'EXTRA TO IL S.
-Captain .p. r, Carey, of the High-
land Light Infantry, accompanied by
two recruiting sergeants was in town
Oe Saturday, and on Monday the ern-.
1 age eves, -visited by Captain F. 'T.
James of Walkerton, whO has' been
appointed recruiting officer for the.
greater part" Of Bruee, 'County. •
Both men Were. on seinewhat sim,
iliar missions, and both,:ntreesed the
urgent needier new recruits for act -
iv: service 'all branches of the
" There has been little recruiting eic,
• tivity for 'seine tittle but no* the drive
, is on-, and the public Will soon be
"recruit Conscious" again. The sea-
° tem -Of recruiting, is .now more stabile
izee and volunteers are. assured of
considerate attention. ' Capt. James
points out that where groups Of 5 or
6 are 'arranged, transportation ie pro-
kucknoii Qnt., Thursday April 10th, 1941'
vided to ',tendon for the medical test,
and while in London, until accepted
— ee-ere---rejeetecieeeleepingeetiecemodation.
• ei , Meals are provided. ,
While Capt. Carey is primarily" in
in recruits for the Righland
• Light Infiratry; • he Will -direct. ,an
Apply, for other branches Of. the
service( to the • :proper • . anthorities.
Capteeearey 'IA -located- in the ILL I
• wing .of Wolsrey Barracks' at Loh -
dee. The Battalion is in training at
present at Debert, Neva Scotia. New
reeruite will be-iiiiiiiediff-Lotiden for
time and Win reinforce the Bat-
• talion as needed.
Capt. Jerhee arranged for a _re-
cruiting; banner and posters. to be
. Put up in Lucknow, and Also contect,
eed Clyde Reid and Dick „MeQuaig
from whoin prospeetilre yeetilit§ecen
secure some advice Capt James cab
:be contacted daily at the Walkerton
Aimouries,.When he Will discuss and
- advise regarding enlistments in ell
beanchee of the service. •
At the Tice distriet ',meeting .IN ASHFIELD
Friday, Mrs. Charles Ceek was elect-
ed incoming District President, Mrs.
Cook will shortly he installed in ...her
new office, ierhieh. She will held fer
the ensiling yeer:, Members of. Jewel
Rebekah Lodge in attendance at the
district meeting Were, agre. Cook;
Mrs. T. Clarke, MeS. 0, MaaKellate
and .Mrs. Ite H.• Thompson.
Rebekah L dges held in Palsies, on • •
Eircent In casefr-Where postpdne,
ments. were necessary, due to road
conditions, a seeleseef :Meetings, has
e, been in progress throughout Nuten
County, with a vie* to: establishing
units of the. Cenadian,•Federation of
Atita ineeibgfor •this
pose was held ae,SS•eNo. 9, Ashfield
on Wednesday evening of last -week,
bet Aliimilar. gathering scheduled fey
Thursday night at St, 'Helens had to
' *Repeatedly we ask ' advertisers, )4- postponed •
press coeresponderitt, and -other con- This -national -Organization -isenoe_
tributors or news, to let us have political, but is aimed at unifying age
Melt. copy or contributionsearly in 'riculturalin support of 'policies ad-
-the week, but without fail every Wed- opted' to sOlVe agricultural problems.
-nesday fieds, a lest minute, fleedof tor the ultimate benefit'ofethe farm-
meterial, thrit makes it difficult to er. '
.publish on time, and more difficult. At the -meeting in Ashfield last
stnl•te anticipate and gauge our type Wednesday. With a representative
• Moved On Tuesday ".
Mr.andMrs. Q. A, Greet and Eva
tomnienced imoving oi Tueeiday from
the farm to their ,home e"on the
until-, ,reeetithe -tenantedebyt enel,
Mts. /awes Ritchie end fenlify: Mr.
• Greer held a pucceseful. auction Sale
at the farm on Friday, •whieleelie has
leased to Mr. andeMr,s. Vern bej Hin-
• ter.
reqeireneents for the issue..SO once gatheiing. present, it was decided to
again we 'say, "Early, Please"!• ----4- a Municipal unit. Gilbert Frayne
• deputy -reeve of Ashfield was elected'
_,,,e___*_..e.: president of the, new -unit:
RED CROSS DONATIONS NOT' • The ineetini, was presided bier IY.
PREVIOUSLY 'ACKNOWLEDGED , Fred Watson, reeve Of Stanley ToWn-
• . ship, convener of the Huron County
Ir the • list -of contributions.- to. the Agriculture eommittee and Reeves J.
‘Lucknow and Vicinity Branch of the W. ,Gamble of NOWick Township and
Canadian Red Cross,' which was 2-... S. ,II. Whitincire. of Tuckersmith tewn-
cently publishedH-the folleednig- con ship were also Present and addressed
tributions •were, not included : ' the gatheriege Ex -warden peagan of
J. W. McIntosh, Collector „ , Goderich also spoke, • ,
• Mrs.. J. Gillies, $5.06; -Mrs' Grace The seiggested constitution for the
Hudson, 2.00; J. F. Dawson, 1.-60; 0: Association -vires -adoptee and Gilbert
MeMillen,....'5.00;ePharis Mathers, 2.00; lir( ayne; deputy -reeve of Ashfield was
Sam Morrison, 3.00; J. Purvis, 2.00; elected' as president, ane-Allatielteede
J. H. 1VIcIntosh, 2.00; Pat McMillin, •Dungannon; vice -President
Youngster Feared Lost., • .7 eee,
With the whereabouts, of little:Shit-
ley Marshall unknown for about two
hours on Saturday -eYening,4t was
e_eertuseefeeegenuine• alarm On the . pert
of her permits, Mr. ;and Mrs.. David
• Marshall. Shirley liad been Missing
from about the supper hour until 8
o'clock, when. Constable J. If. Leith
was notified and sonnded en' alarm
to organize a Wearche-partie.
• In the tneantime ,Shirley was lo-
cated at a he in; the neighborhood
=end the only one of A score or more
of homes :at which enquiries had not
earlier been made. ,
The death, occdrincl at Tuxford Hos...
pital on Wedneeday bIlareh 26th. (ef
Charlee, Masson Nieholson.
' Mt, Nieho1sen3was a native of Kin-
loss "To*nshie; herii September 2$rd,
1868, On Lot 17e Concession 6, eldest
son of the late eAlien, and •Catherine-
Nichelson. "
' In 1892 hei went to Caleineti where
he was engaged At 'Mining for 12
years. e
Forty-three years ele he Married
Letitia Robinson, ,formerly of Ches.
ley-,TheY moved' to Saskatchewan: in
1905, where they have einee resided.
lyfre. Nicholson predecease'd her lius-
band in Octobere 1938'.. •
Rev. Ronald leavidsen of ,Knox
Presbyterian Chnech, Moose Jaw, of
which ehutch,Mie. Nicholson ,hadebeen
an elder for :many year's; conducted
the service at Bellamy's funeral home
on Monday at 2.4P.m. With interment
in Rosedale Ceinetery.
One in -:other, Shin, of Tuxiord and
two nephews; Grnt of.Vanco-uver and
.6.00,- Other • officers will be elected at
Frank Miner, Collector
. the first meetipg of the beard Of db.-
MacKenzie $5.00- w eaters .4which waselected as follow
John McIntyre; 4 00.; 00; there, being one representative froM
Donald fileIntyre; 1.00; Wm. Scott, each school section in the; township:
1.00- Vic Emerson i.00; Vas Tiffin- Mrs.. Robert Davidson Dungannon.
1.00; Frank Miller, 1.00; Neil Mac- John A. Johnston, Cedar Valley; Lee -
Callum, 1.00; Dorothy Knight,, .50. lie Pentland, Nile; deht Foster, Shep-:
Ro§s MacMillan, Collector ' pardtOne Albert McGee, Port Albert;
:11. Bain, 2.00; N. J. Bain, 500; -We A:'Vulbert, SS- No. 6, Raymond
Alex Sutherland, 200, John McLeod, Finnigan, Crewe; T. 3. Leman, SS.
1.00; George MacMillan, 1.00; Jennie No. 9; Themes Sullivan, Kingsbridge;
-Pieecee 2;00; No. -name, 25c. . :qrs. George Lane, Liniesville; Sabi
4,1thii, Belfast; !Hugh MacKeniie, kin-
- tale Fred -Aildersedie--Zititt; deaden
QUOTi SETS LARGER liVrIo Ritchie, Lothian; Murdock 1VIathesen,
OP SWEATERS AND MITTS Hemleck. City; Wilfred Bradley,•Am-
• • .• ,berley; Ale3c MacDonald, reeve Lech -
greater proportion of ture•-way.
•alsh; Grant MeDiarmid, Paramount;
mitts ,atel sweaters,. rather than se , Herbert Stothers., SS. No. '17, West
.jeany; socks, is. aeleed- for in the new,. Wawaeosh.
est ' quota received by the Lucknow.
and Vicinity Branch of the Canadian ,, • , _
, , DONATE $25 TO THE '
Red Cross. , ••
This means that knitters will have WAW SERVICES FUND
to eoncentrate On these tvvc;
day night ths Liickno* Flee Company
us OW instructions for knitting mitts
voted a donation of 325..00 to the
and sweatees are available, and knit-
Lucknow campaign for the :Canadian
tet will firid this worki comparative -
War Services Fund. This is probably
ly Simple and easy to change over to.
-e-The-quota sete-the_ratio of knitted the first .donation made; locally. and
rectirements at 15 pair of two -'way 'mine as a Prelude Ire setting -u
of• the organization to conduce the.
'Mitts, 10 eleevelees sweaters and 25 -
drive here,'
pair Of eocks. The local branch ha's
been 'knitting about 100 Nile. of Socks
a. month, and if this number is con-
tinued, it will. mean that 66 pair' of
mitts and 40 'sweaters would be re-
eled:red to maintain the proper bal-• e 'here of the death of Mrs: Marie Gould
ance asked for at, headquarter.
• ••Thie quota of knitting, all in k aki,
amines to the Months of April? May
• and June and ladies :of the cemmunity
who ',are doing..Reda -Cross knitting
are appealed to, to concentrate on
mitts and sweaters during that per,
On Good Friday, a Three Hours'
Service will—beeelield in St- Peter's
Anglican , Church, Lucknow. from 12
noon to. 3 • p.M., eernmeitorating the.
Crucifixion of mit ;Saviour. The ser-
vice is to -take the form of a quiet
devotional , period in . which all the
_clergy of _the..Village_ have been in-
vited to take ifart. The various mini-
sters will give short 'devotional talks
on each of the Seven Words spoken
by our Lord froen'the.Ortes. It is
hoped evereene inthe community will
feel free to Attend this service. If you
find it impossible ,.coine for the
full three hours, tome at such time
and stay. as loug. as you can.
The following ministers Will give
ten-ininute. •talka. at' approxinuttely
the hours given; •
12:25—First Word—Re'. R: A. Me-
. •
Financial Statement Nee.
Red Crose, for wool, Invo
•No, 16086 • . • • •
Red .Cress, for 'wool, Awe
No. 16526 , '
3, Mar. 1941
ice .
$ '33.70
' 145.15
$ 173.85
.Seeoi Store, for !geed • • 25.8,3
• •• 204.6
• Refugee Bills for March . '
Red :Prose, Invoice No, 16927 f 14;04
'Red CroSs, -Invoice No. 17132 43.20
TemPleton's, supplies • 2.30
• Market supplies . . . ,, 8.89
$ 68.43
Elizabeth E. McKim,
Chairman Women's War- Work Com-
-mittee. •- • . :
. WANTED at the Red Cross Rooms
'Knitters who will rip and repair. bad
ly knit tons and. toes of socks.
12:45—Second Word—Mev. R. C.•Todd
1 :10 --Third Word—Rev. Mr. Wilkins
Word-eltev: R. C. •Tedd
:55 --Rev.. :I: Pollock
2:15—Sixth WordThltev. Chas- Nac-
. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Renwick of
neer nelnioie celebrated their fiftieth
-wedding ennivereary on- Tne4daY.,
March 25eh, .at the home of • their
daughter, Mts., Giorgi Inglis. At 12
o'clock " noon- .dinner- was served, to
the family and relatives; and during.
the afternoon neighbours and friends
'called, th extend their • best wishes.
Rev, ,and Mrs.., Clark and the elders
of-Beheld:re and JilicIntosh United'
Chutehes.presented them' With a five -
way :electric lamp.
, Mr, and Mrs: :Renwick' have lived
'their entire lives in that &immunity
and are highly eseeeined citizete.
They have a family of three So
living: Jack, Clark and Eldon, and
one daughter, . George Inglis:
Frank was killed in the last war in
the battle of Vitali Ridge,' and Ed
passed •away in litieknow nineteen
years age. There are eleven grand-
ehildren, -Frank and Roy Renwick of
2:35—Reventh Word—ilev.Chas:
An offering. will be taken at the
door for Miseioiiary work- among
jeviish refugees. _ • :
During the next week every home
in the Village of Lucknow will be
vielted, as a Score or more Of can-
vassers undertake the assignment of
raising some $700 on behalf of the
Canadian War Services Ned.'
This "six-ineone" drive, as it is
called. Will Provide funs for the Cat -
Olin Legion, knights Of Colunihne,
Salvation Arent T.W.C.A.
and el.0:1),E,; sufficient to perinit
them to continue their work of prov-
iding,„ comforts and services to our
fighting men. :
The _national objective is $5,500,000,
Liecknoer's share is Only $700: We
•must not fail them. Any sacrifice, we
might be required to. make to don-
ate to this appeal, is insignificant
compared with the sacrifice "our
boys" are making and will make in
the defense bl the freedom and com-
forts, the pleasures so many of us.
are so.complecently enjoying,et home.
Let's get behind Alit eeampaigne
Willingly, liberally and whole •heart-
How Your Dollars Help
This is the only national appeal
to, be made this year for our men in
.uniform. The purpose of: these war
servicces' is to sustain the morale
•in place of sockseMq.gelCiin advises ---At• their-regulate/meting per -Mon;
The, anual Pipe Band Ball has mon
•:wideeliread fame as a night that fea-
• tures old time Scotch dances, arid
• when this event was staged. lest Fri-
day evening, the Town Hall 'was pack• -
ed by a capacity crowd.'
Until after midnight the old time
dances • were in the limelight. Neil
MacCallum piped -for the sehotische;
•• ' MacKeneie and fenny MicLen-
leenan for Scotch role end D. A. Mac-
• Lennan for A Jeesey Reim young
•giles in Highland garb and four pip-
• ers led the Grand March. They were
Mary McQUaig, Mary Lerriline Johne
• ston, Patsy Treleaven and Mary
• Louise Porteous and Pipers Roy Mac-
Kenzie, Kenneth Rintoul, Kenny Mite -
Lenten arid D. A. MacLennan.,
Two orchestras, bicCharles' and
MacKenzie's supplied Mimic for the
• big eveet, while Roy McCreight:Don-
Old glue, Alex MacLennan and W. J.
Davison shared the duties' of ceiling
• off.
illesurnes • Duties
Rev. • 0. N. Mackenzie, pastor of
Ripley and Olivet chercheS, has re-
• ,• sinned his duties again after an en -
•forced holiday of several weeks, due
to health, •
• Word Itra been received by friends.
whith.oecurred in Seskateon, Hospital
ori • February 16th. Mrs. drnild was
formerly:Marie Rennie, her , father
having taught' school -many yeaisi ago
at the Second, the Fourth • and at
•Whitechurch. Two years ago Mts.
Gould visited for a time at the Me -
Kay lionie on the Second Ccincession
Telof Missionary Work
Aft" Isabel Taylor of Orillia was
a week -end visitor with Miss Dor-
othy Donglas: Miss Tayloi.aild miss
, Douglas were associated in the mis-
sion field at Tarnsui,;ForMOSa, Japan,
until conditions in the Par gest re-
sulted in the recall of all ,iniasiop-
• Aries:. This Week Miss Douglas is in
Kitchener and Niagara Palls, where
'he is speaking on her work in For -
• .
Harold :Walker of Walkerton, who
several, years ago was n.memher of
the tank of Montreal staff in Luck -
now, bee some thrilling experiences
to relate on areihl at his home fel-
lowing his retail; from 'England.
MT. Walker has for the Past three
years been a-ssociated with the Lon-
don, England' bran& of the Batik of
Montreal and apart frem his return
ocean voyage had some thrilling ex-
periences during frequent bombings
in the - Old Land.• •
The highlight of it all hoeverer was
the return voyage; when twice 'their
convoy of sourie thirty-six ships was
attacked by Gereaan submarines. The
two 'attacks came on Successive days,
rind both .under toeer of ' derktiese.
One of the attacks was launched a-
• gainet ships directly astern • of the
one Mr. Walker was on. Only the de-
• stroyers of theebonvOy were pere
mitted to halt to atterript resete Of
the crewes of the torpedoded ships,
while the other boats steanied full
speed from the danger zone.
• The'second attack came Its the ships
neared 'the ()aside fringe of the dan-
ger zone, !when the coriVey scattered
gild from that poitte were on their
1own• Was a sniall quantity of
*. '
Mr. and Mrs: •Jaeob Iteed, Dungan-
non, Wish to announce the 'Marriage
of their, youngest dalighter, Anne
Louise to Francis deihn Linklater,
only'son of Mr. and Mrs..Roy Link -
later of Leeburn,
, . .
The Langside Y. '.S..are present-
ing their play "Grandpa's Twin Sis-
side on Pridav evening April 18th at
830 sharp.. Admission 25c and •15.c.
Ori Wednesday, April 16th, under au,
spie s „a he-e-Ktritaile'Women's-elir-
stitute. Quilt Will be auctioned dff.
Leech. counter .eervice. Donald Mc -
Charles 5 -piece orchestra, including
Clark Johnston, • Vocalist. General ad-
mission 35c. „,
:,St. Nelee's .Wortiefi'e Institute is.,
sponsoring a dance im the -Count-unity'
•Hall, St... Helens` on •Tuesday. next
:April 15th...McCharles orchestra. Roy
MeCreight Caller off. ;Admission 25c
and 1.0c; ladies with, lunch free. Pro-
ceeds for patriotic purposes.
. For a k 0 od -time and a good cause
Patronize the dance ender auspices
of the Lucknow Reffigee Committee
in the'Town Hall, Lucknow next Nged-•
,nesday night, April 16th. bicKenzte's
orchestra; lunch counter. Adinission
35c. Entire proceeds tie purchise• ma-
tetials for clothing for British War
Victims. • •I
The death occurred in Walkerton
Hospital, on Wednesday Of Florence
May. Thomson, beloved wife of Wm.'
Gollan. The funeral service will be
held at her late residence, Lucknow,
-on Friday Afternoon with interment
in South .Kinloss Cemetery. Basides
her husband six young, children sur-
--of -our- lighting, menehleiereadelllg t, -Ce
• In the early hours of la'st Satur-
day morning two local business
places were broken, intp but in both
cases Abe loot was practically nil,
ihdicating that it was cash the thiev-
es were after. .
The two places were ioe.,Mcliiillan';
• Butcher Shop and Eltriei Johnston's
Service Station. This is One of tielr
oat tines that Mellinen's has been
• broken into; het they gained Mithing
on this latest occasion, • even over-
huiking or passing, up soMe coppers:
Entratce was gaiped by breaking in
a re irr basement winders,.
At; Johnston's, entratee wag gained
• b'y sthasWng a glasi in thefront door
.to reach the inside lock. In dile case,
as well, they failed to seeure any
cash. and a check-up failed to reveal
ally tiamehandiee missing unless it•
Under Auspices Luektiow
• Agricultural Society
Town Hall, Lucknow
Friday, Aped ,113
. &Act :COntedy
• "LoyEt,,y LADIES":
Presented lay ' Ready-For4Ser- .
viee Class of the leineatriine •
United Church
Presbyterian W. M. S. -
The April meeting of the W. M:
S. was held at -the honie of Mrs.
MacKenzie. Mrs. E. ; A. Mac-
Kenzie presided and took the devote
Inlfofferingieri:istsee held Stattky
eVening, Aril 16 with Sint Dorothy
Douglas as special speekereThe Bible
study (was taken by Miss MacPher-
son and Glad Tidings prayer given
by Mrs. .3- S Mackeneie..The topic
from the Study Book on Di. Goforth
Arai -taken; by* Mrs. W. Huston. Mrs,
Philip Stewart sang ,a solo. A very
'interesting tali was given by Miss
Dorothy Douglas. Current eVente
were taken by Miss' MaeY MacLeod
during which -Miss Pettit Henderson
• and Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie sang a
duet. The meeting elosed•with hynin
214 and 'repetition of the Lord's pray-
er: •
Canadian sailors, soldiers an air-
men, such personal. services 'as 'would
be otherwise denied them in military
life.*, _ '
For instance no • fewer •than
8,200,000 free baths were taken last
year alone by Canadian fighting men.
in thee, facilities_ provided_ by cute
through. just one of the six 'organ-
izations which this campaign :
braces. 28;131,676 letters and poet -
cards' have been written home by
Canadians in uniform; here and over-
seas, since the war began,—all on
stationery provided by -four of the
six war Service organizations includ-
ed in this drive. Statistics equally
etartling, can be given relating to
every one of the separate services
Performed by all six organizations.
,They would cover the use of canteens,
sports facilities; libraries and reading
matter, educational help, smokes, cof
ee, religious services, and many other
of the "little" things that; count a-
way frOm'honte'anel'Ioved ones.
• Behind' Drive Locally
The Tome Organization Was set up
on Monday night at a public meet-
ing attended by, note you, about 12
oitizens of the community. 'Rev. R.
"87:Skinner, Of Chesley, head, of he.
Bruce County 'organization pres-
entWaato address the elcirift-huteikusee4he
less enthusiastic gathering: The as-
sistance of The Clansmen, the local
branch of the Canadian Legion, the
Fire Compete, the Council was pledg-
ed to put this campaign over, with
Di. W. V. Johnston as chairman. '
Canvassers from these organiza-
tions with other assistants, are be-
ing •named; in all to number about
twenty-four. persons. These' canvas -
sets are to meet thnight (Thursday)
in the Town Hall at 7 o'clock to draft
final. plans •and to have territories
assigned prior to comniencing the
• campaign which will be Speedily con-
-crated-iiiid-eompleted within a week.
Rural Section Plan. '
Rev. R. S. Skinner announced while
here Monday, that a thorough and
•in the County will be made. This
' -A very pleasant evening was held
at the home. of Mrs. Jotieeh Agnew on
Monday evening when friends and
neighbours withered ,to lionor, Miss
Evelyn tirhitbeeyounger daughter of
and lYirs. Joseph Whitby., weals°
Marriage takes place in St. Peter's
Anglian ' Church on' Sateedeee tu-
Leading Aircraftsman.Sydney Reuse
at Port, Mbert,:.son.
During the course of the evening, •
which 'wag spentit: playing Chinese' •
checkerse-Evelyn-wareepresented with
a lovely silver ciaserole. :Thee Mil-
dred .Ritchie made the presentation .
after Mrs. Kenneth Murdie had read
the following 'address, to which. Mimi
Dear ,Miss Evelyn:
The news of Your aproaching mar-
riage .has afforded us lunch pleas-
ure, and we, a group of your Mende
cannot allow this happy ecciiien to.
spasseewithciet expressing to you and
;your : fianci-Sinearti glO11-*Idiar'
for Your feture ' happiness Mid pros-
perity in your coining union We.earn2 •
tly 13.6.11•2.-.Aitt not onlyallwedded
joys w
and may be found in
home, but that. ,also the
sunshine of cententitent and geed
health may 'attend you throughout a
long life: ; - • .
We would like you tee 'accept this
little-gift-ase-a-Ltoken-of ourelrien
.4 ppointed Night Constable.
Alex Butler, of Gaderich and for-
merly of Lucknow his been appOinted
night 0e -hatable in the Huron. County
capital at a, salary of $1000 a_ year.
Mt. nutter, a butcher by trade, has
been a resident of aodericll for up -
'Wheels of fifteen years.,
• The Aritherley site appears to be
no 'eager considered for the estab-
• lishinj of an Air Force bombing arid
gunnery wehdeL This location as-be-
lieeed to have been passed up in view
of the fact that it entailed the tear-
ing dOWT1 of o0 many fine
buildings. This block Of several hun-
dred acres is as well' a particularly
productive .acteage, of excellent farm
-'7" • '
. However it is still expected that
this school will be eitabashed , along
T.ake. flurori's shorea, and reports in
Huron estisty this past Week were to
tho stfeet that the Site lead been eel-
•ectert et St. Joseph's, ten miles eolith
of Bayfield. Several sitehave been
Surveyed inetuding • Ambetley, St.
ileseph, Crediton and Grand Bend,
Al! for 25(
complete canvas of all rural areas
he proposes to de through Township
Councils worichig in • conjunction with
School Boards and teachers in con-
ducting the drive by school sections.
. Many friends called on Mr. and
Mrs. John Gillespie of Whitechurch
at the week -end to extend congilitte-
lations and best willies to IhiS bee'
teemed eouple, who on Sunday obser-
ved the sixtieth anniversary of their
•Irae (warm and sunny on Sunday,
quite in contrast to their' wedding
day, three score years ago, when
snow storm Made roads nearly Impas-
sable. Mr. and 'Mrs. Gillespie were
married at Lucknow. ,
They have a family of two sons,
Gibson of Whitechurch -and- Charles
of St. Themes,- and one daughter,.
Catherine, Mrs, Charles Martin of
East Wawanosh.
It now. seePue unlikely that, guroil..,
'County ientenniel celebration
held in lune as proposed The loniMit-,
:tee met last week, but nothing Was
done, gave ,the presentation, Of est-
imates ofelhe cost of ,tlie Propelled .
,celehratiOn,•rinining [into several thote,
seeds of 'dollars..
Various paembers of the committee
said cold. water Was thrown on the
celebration idea when Connty. Connell
in iipecial sesiliOn; refused to vote
and redeeor-
ating the •Court House, (which was .
pert of .the progiani. This, they said,
had taken the 'edge .off the proposal
and dainp'etied_ the enthusiasm. ' Op-
ponents argued the Money could be
put to. better use in furthering the -
war Wert. '• •
. William Henderson, soh of Mr. and
Mrs. 3. W. Henderson of Lucknew,
arrived home the latter part of the
week upon Concluding his Veal year
in studying for the ministry at Knot
Gollege, Toronto. Gradnatioti exer-
cises will be ,held riext week and the
following week, this ' popular youug
man *ill be ()tabled. Unless changes
are made ie present appointments,
'Mr. Henderson's first charge will be
at Geraldton,- He is the third young
man from' the Lucknow Presbytel.-
ian Church to graduate for- tlie min-
istry in the past fe* •years.
The annual Meeting of, the: Huron: el
-reit Growers' Association wage held"
in Clinton last week and Was marked .
by a largielY increased attendance
over the 1940 annual. The financial
statement; showed a balance of $82.29 '
en. hand,
Offiors fer the years were deet,ed.
They are: Honorary presidentie Geo..,
Leithwaite, Goderich; James R. Stiri-
ing, Byfield; and Mrs. D. A. Smith,
• Sloancrest , Fruit • Farms, • Goder-
ich township immediate past presie
Called to Detroit •
• Mrs. W. Horne left foe Detroit on
Monday a morning having been called
there on account d the serious illness
of her daughter Mildred. , •
TO CW11010196 Sailing •
Earl Plowman, who spent the week-
end in hucicnow, plans to sail this
season, and 'left on Monday to join
the creWe of the Mathewston which
has been tied tip" at 'Chicago during
the winter. expo..
ience at sailing theiLakes. During the
winter he bas been engaged in driv-
ing a truck at Oshatta. •
dent; president, R. 'J. McLaughlin, -
Biussels; vice president, Wesley
Joynt, Lucknow; secretary -treasurer,
J, C. Shearer, Clinton; directors, Ben-
son Sowerby, Goderich RR. No. 1;
Howard Armstrong, Goderieh
Middleton, Stewart Middleton,
Clinton, ga. '3; • James Gardiner,
Kirkton; Murray Grainger, Varna;
Clayton Laithwaite, Goderich; Thos.,
Salkeld, Lucknovi; George Johnston,.
Bayfield; D. E. Lassaline, Goderich,
Motor traffic between Lueknow and
Wingham has been practically nil
this week, due to ,the bottom going
out of the road in places. One par-
ticularly bad spot was at 'Sam' Mor-
rison's and another at the outskirts
of Wingliam. The road near Amber -
ley is. also reported as bad, as Well
as the Port Albert to Goderich stretch
of the Blirwater. • "
Concession roads are also "going
soft" in places, after being anew -
blocked. until last week when a cater-
pillar plow .,undertook the task of
plowing them out. Eventhe big "cat"
had no success in trying . to break
through Greer'sand the •St. Helen's
sideroad last Wednesday, and aban-
doned the effort until Friday.
The hard surfaced road south to
Goderich has stood Up well and is in
excellent , condition., mhile the .gravel
road north to Kinloss is quite pass-
able, though rough.
Warm sunny days have done much
to remove the last tracesof winter "
and a good rain would soon improve
read conditions. •
Attend Rally
Local members of the 99th Bat-
tery, as well as members of the loeal
'Branch of the Canediati-LVArtvdra
SeafOrth on Sunday atteliding the
ItallyeAnd taking part in the military,
parade, in support of the Huron
CounteeWat Services Fund
rk, .