HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-04-03, Page 1$2.00 A YEAlN ADVANCE -50c EXTRA TO U S. . Lucknow Ont., Thigs ay April 3rd, 1941 SEETING MONDAY RE. WAR SERVICES A Pubne meeting le. to be liebilri the Town. Halt here, net genclay evenieg at eight ,o'clock, at wh.ich plaits will he laid.to ergaeize, foe the War Services citiriPaigh u Luelmove. Rev R S, Skennee ef. Chesley, Chair - Mari ot the Bruce Coanty Committee will he preient,0 addreSs the meet- -"HOMECOMING WEEK" BEING SPONSORED IN MANN CENTRES . A "Hoinecoming Week" is being • planned by. many menicipalitiee in Ontario an an aid to the tourist traf- fic from the United States and also to provide a tiene when aid feeimign- tangee, can be renewed.' • The cane.; reign is now On in some .Centres and will be announced in others lie the • neat' future, . • , The week is planned to brink back many Canadians :,l'iow • he the United States and their friends to visit- at the "old home town". But the cam- paign definitely is not of the "Old Home Week" 'variety. " . . Already 41 districts in - Oetarki from Wiarten to Pieten have decid- ed to anter the • plan. Most of the districts have chosen the first week of July as this contains Friday July 4, and many Americans will be able to spend the tang rweek-end of the holiday here without I sing timeefrom Work.. • . It is ,expected that the plan will beepreeeenteeLlocallyeeratheenearefatee iire, -aimed, atinteresting local # mer- chants in reurvadingdiels "Homecom- ing Week", which bideifare to sweep the province, in a co-operative ineee to invite our frieade\frine across the line te- visit Canada, eirtt t em a. ig'--neetiehile heire, • , , 'Melee -CnitritY'saahete,Ove is. $1S,000 in this appeal ,appeal t to raise 45,500,000 efie.4er0vide coin- •,tlf!abeforts en.eaterterteinneeet .for oue sol- diers! sail :al -airmen. Luelenew • cen he cottlitiedMifin*,,rimet its quota • but it ieIniPhAatir that a large and representative gathering of citizen* be in attendance on Manday night. •' The lead carat:reign is somewhat de- layed and no time cirehe lost in get- ting *undeiway, A special meetings of the 1,1 :Legion ..Branch. WKA are A for Manday night, to which heads of , local organizations were invited to Vi*adt'cieuds :promotion of the caiapaigre ---"Ftefelreafr. Skinner was to • visit here shortly the "Mattere teal -lift in tileetranbee In aerie:centres the drive is pract- OAF ,eerePleted; or at least\ well un-' Huron 'County streeebig: "Ctiph ler ,Produceeeiretheiredrierearid- - quotas .have been 'struck and commit- tees and canvassers are busy, , • 7juth.11„ County's qeotaels $20;ee0 ich has been appoetioped as fol- lowsby mynicipalitieet e-- --Aelitielde--:$0504-eeeeelbOrnee16501 • 9oderielt -Twp., $750; Grey, $1,050; $1;266,1 Howicle $1,450; Hullett; $850; McKillop, $$50; Morris', $800; • Stanley, $875; Stephen, $1,250; Trick- - ersmith,. $800; Turnberry, $650; Ue- • borne, $850; V. Wawanosh, $575e West Wawanosh, $676. Clinton, $1,006; Goderieh,,$2,500$ Seaferth: $9001 Wingharn, .$1,000; lifgh 000; Brussele, $375;. Exeter; 1,00,Itialitnsal1; $360. ' e A' PEALS AGAINST NEW DRAINAGE BY-LAW • . • Kittle* Ciaineil sat are a. eourt of revision last week to -hear coinplaints gainst the new tlianIOT-Iley-hiev, , known as the "Ackert Menicipal Drain Repair, By -Law". A couple of assesnment appeals • were. received. The :by-law .also :provides a tee -day period after -the final -passing, where- in notice may be, served,, appealing, to.have the by-law, or any Part there- • of, quashed. •• propoialis aleo•being considered - -toe make •a slighteatitertitioti to the position of this hitch where it skirts the, county road at Helyrood. •This 'change is ..considered advisable in , vie* of the fact eomeeividening_of • • the 'road May: be required- when it receives .a permanent snefate, and • it appears likely that • the jaielmow to Holyrood streteh will be done this ereae. TO CHECK HYDRO CIRCUITS VOLTAGE, Training At Trenton . •Goiclon Campbell,: wholore:way •taught school at Holyroed, is now in trainieg at Trenton with the R. C. TWO IgSTRIcir MEN NOW .OVERSEAS • ' • The village Council sat until raide eight et their regular meeting on Tuesday. The last business of the night was the dealing with arrears Of., taxes, .and the returning of some to the .CountyTreasurer., - • , ,Complaints of few hydro' voltage: ttar have been receeeed, decided- cciu,neils to mekeea .thitroagh.check of .all circuits le the .Village. Alex Har - ens eiraci inateucted to proceed with, this Wale, and eubmit'e complete re- port Of his findings at the May. meet- ing,. • It was a session when "Oncontiolle able expenditures" were fn the lime- light; including a $200 requisition to the. Lihrary; 575 to the Pie •Band; the purchase of fiee hose amment- ing to more than $200. and the - School Board requisition of ,$150. • ee With only 950 feet of reliable five hose, the Fire 'Company kequisitioned purchase cif an additional 200 feet 40, -meet-. the-,.-...Under-writereeerequitee- rnents of 1150 •feet. The .purehase price was $230.e0. , Ten thousend gallons of water; pro- vided the C. N. R. during the Mara sthim, was billed it the nominal fee of $6.00ffn-eadditien-a leber hitt of, wasg5preitediy the re Com- Two' Young. men from this district are now serving with the Canadiap Arnie "Somewhere in England". One is Wilbert -Dentin of St. Helens, son of Charles Durein, and the lite Mrs. Durrell: The other is James Scott of Langside, son,.�f Mk. and •Mrs. W. J. Scott, Wilbert. arrived overseas re- cently while • Jim has been there for, a longer period: The fernieris with the •Royal Canadian Engineers 'While jimmY is attached. to the Royal Can- -adianeOrdnanceeGorps. • NIECE DIES IN GUELPH • Mtre .lames'ForiTitei, has received the sad etews-of the death of her. niece Miss Lima Morton which occurred in Guelph General Hermital on -Tues- day, ApniI. lst, following a brief ness. Miss Morton was in her 52rid hear. She is the de:lighter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Morten of. Guelph and for - Moly of Lucknow. WORKING TWO SHIFTS * NOW AT FLAX MILL • With alterations to the build- • ing completed, tind the seutching ma- • chine from the Seaforth mill install- ed, Anderson's Flax Mill is now hum- * ming smoothly on a two -shift sched- ule. In all twenteretWo,men are employ - •Ted on the two shifts and 'with? tons And torts of flea to be processed`, the • Mill has a long stretch of work ahead of it. • • Hrother-in-Law Passes ' Mr George Burgess received word •redently cif th; death of hie. brother- • In-lear, Ur. Siamese:en llinch of Car- • nian, Man. Mrs. ithich, tonherly Mar- • garet Beigess, is well kliowrath many older residents in the earlemurrity. DANCE PROCEEDS TO. BE INVESTED Tb suM of ,Sixty-four dollars; ap- proximately the net proceeds of the dance held 'recently by .The Clans- men, ad to be inveeted in War Sav- ings Certifieetes in the l'utine of the Club. At "maturity in seveneand One- half yee"„rs 'the certificate, wM have a ,value of sso.00. - the -report of the dance -vase -re- ceived at a meeting of the Club on Mouday night, When a committee was appointed to pian for. the annual spring dance, which hae, :bean featur- ed, each year since the group was or- ganized. •.•' The financial report is as. !ohms: proceeds . ... $ 144.00 • Expenditures orchestra ..$ 50.00 Printing & radio . . 9.24 weptero Bus. co. •14.24 1.00 $ 74.50 $ 69$6 in response to a ILE.P.C. request, Alex Havens was appointed to Mike complete Cheek Of all 'household el- ectrical appliances in the.villag'e...So Mr. Havens will be calling shortly to ask if you have an leon a toaster, a vvasher,"a yaeuem; etc.eeec. •, • Councillors are to irispeet the new- ly acquired Geddes building Within a few days and will no doubt proceed to haire the Prendees cleaned hp as the' first step, preparatory to reno- vating th_e building to make it ten- antable. .. Greg OF THE -PRESS r111 and Will ibe in eharge of the Br Ward Net proceeds.. (Less decoration .,account • outstand- ing), ' • • Vieiting At Ottawa Mr. Archie- Mecintyre and see Alex left on Friday to Spend a fete ,,dttyci at Ottawa, .with ales. 'Muth - tyre's ;brother, Alex • Nichieleoh, MP, "Setaly", a neerrihme:represeats' • - the IVIaeXcintie -Cortstiteeneereie Saab-- atehetrati in the Hotted, which IS presently initerision and Met • Nicholson expecte ter bit in the Cap- -Rai ninth, maz • TOMORROW NIGHT: (FRIDAY) IS THE PIPE DAN]I BALL . Ciad Mille Failte, liteealiy, trans- lated as, ft • hundred ''ftlietusaad wel- comes, is the invitatien extended by the Lueknow .Pipe Ii,and to lathed their ani al Scotch Pell to ,be. this FridaY: night in the TOWYI Hall; Ws the Old Terrine Seetch dime of the year, featuring the Grand March to the skirl ar'the piPes. Then there wilibe Scetch', reels, sehottiechee; lane .cerse jereeys; tyre:ate-re' and �d tirne waltzes. ; . • , • There will be ttve oeehestraseilliace Kenzie's, and McCharlese and hoot nion,, all the .Soots in the district are. going to be out in full force to show • yea ho Ye those old time, dances hoiu be done. , , , • TEhipERATURE GOT UP TO 52' DEGREES ON 1VI4NDAY •Match 194t; :wee aewietrY. month generally.. The lowest termierature warrhelearir ieed; lite' highest temperature 52 degrees, and this on •the lest day dr the month. SnoWtall: was 181a inches, ten inches lees than • Meech 1946, althOugheMateh of this ARE FIFTY-SIX YEARS MARRIED .A. famila gathering was. held • at the •horne, of Mr. and Airs. John Kil- patrick on Monday evening in hon-: our of ehe..56th Wedding anniVeesary of Mee., Kilpatrick's. parents, Mr. and • Mrs, :William' Robinson of East eWat-: w.a.noehe • ' • , • • ,Williata Robinsai and Annie Camp - ell, es was her maidens Mune, were 'aierried at WhiteChaeckbyltev. An- 4derion i Mirth 31st, 1885e and have: eince been eontineious residents of East Wawanosh. Mr. Robb:Mon Is now 84, and his vvife 78 years of age. Both enjOy a fair measure of health,' with Mr. Robinson having made a splendid recovery. from a recent illness this winter, . Their family includes, 'Edward of Minnesota; Mrs. Cecil Wheeler (Lime lay of Brussels; Dr. Harold Robinson of :Walkerton; Dr. Wilfred Robinson of Dryden, Ernest at home, and Mrs. Kilpatrick (Annie) of Lucknow. -.-.4,arroligetliteseeeeeheetatherederetilltorie" des; evening. at Mrs; Kilpatrick's to. join .with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. in. • °beer:Ong this 'happy event weiee Mr. and Mrs, Wheerer, Dr. and: Mrs. Har- old Robinion and Mrs. Bremner Of ....sienlekreisereareratigeneaeYear=ageee—f-''ettIrklertie Robertson of St Angustine SPECIAL AT LYCEUM . Don't miss • the special attraction at the Lyceum Theatre, Wingham, this - weekend, Its, that much talked of picture "Little Nellie Kelly", starring Judy Garland. •• PARTNERSHIP FORMED 'Recently Leith's Produce Was form- ed into a partnership With, M. Davkl Tusher of Toronto; and the new firm avill be Lietowel Produce 'do. Mr. Leith.brotherof Yr George FUNCTION•Leith, has. taken a poeition with the • . • • ice. He has been employed with Canada 'Packers Toronth, and has Conurierichei next, week A is one had cansidexable office experieneee- intention to featiire an editorial eath 14ethivel Bannek' week for a period of several weeks. SIAFERED SNOW BLINDNESS outlining the functions of the riress in a democratic community and As relationship to the various Phases of corinnunity life. There is considerable ignorance as to the ;ridden and pre- rogatives of •the press in the area it serves. MS lack of knowledge is almost entirely the fault, of the 'press , itself because it has neglected the of Thanks We. wish • to express • our siecere thanks and appreciation: for the many acts ef kindness and expressions of sympathy and floral tributes by -our friends and • neighbors during the 'recent bereavement of • our beloved .husband and father, \ The• latter are cousms of the vener- • able couple. • OBITUARY , THE LATE MRS. W. If. JOHNSTON • A well-littown and. highly esteemed resident of Exeter passed away, in trictorie Hoepital, London, on .Satur- day, last in the person. of Mrs, W. H, • JOhnston, in her seventyeseventh year. Seiffering from ,arthritis, Mrs. Johnston had. been,. an invalid for litany years. Finally gangrene•de- veloped, and on February 25th she remirved to Victoria HosPital: Mr. Johnston,.also hes teen in frail .healtle was in hospital at the same time. Born in the township of Ashfield, her Maiden name was Sarah. Blake, daughter ef the late, 'Robert and Bevin Freeborn Blake. .\ Flty- three years age.---hh-i' was united jn • HAS REUNION rienutEs Received' an . interesting letter' re- eently. from D. C. Anderson of Erek inee Alta., „fathex Of Fred Anerson jr., of this Commtinity.• "D. C."' in fortes us 4tt is forty years since h. left Lucknow, - He recallsereading,, recently in the Sentinel about pictures of the 191e reetnion, lit the posseseion ct hee residents. Mr, Anderson has a :pit ure of the Huron thg-ofewar team that defeated• the *mei teem on Occasion, as well as a picture of th • Highland bend, taken at the local de .reit, and with the late "Singing June ener" Hunter the foreground. e • LEAVING VILLAGE- , -- • Mr."and Mrs. Vic Durnin and Mr: and .Mrs. Tack Champion:and daugh • ter Pansy are shortly going.to movtm to wingha. to 'reside. Their homes • just east of the village are :offered for sale or rent, elswhere in this is-- sue. Bothand.JaelLara employe year had an average temperature a es marriage withher /tow bereaved' hits - bend •ared• during her long illness Mr. Johnston heti given her can:dant and loving zero. For a short thee follow-. ing their marriage, Mr. Johnston taught echool in Ashfield; for twelve years he taught at Sexsmith and for • twenty years he was a teacher at SS. 14; Kippen Twenty years eta he and Mee: JehrieWrieritired to Eiceier. 'Beth •Of ,thein, in their Younger years were ardent workers in church and Stindaye Their family were all students :and have _distinguished-thernseives-in- vaeious walks of life. Freeborn is in research work With the -Carriegie In- stitute et Washington, D.C., and. work has taken him to, many parts of . the world. Albeit is an admen' ith the Vxcelsioe Life Ineutance Co Toronto and Dr. Cecil Jelmston is a • doctor at the ,MatteaWan State Hos- Pital -at Beatcree N.Y. The laegt Dr. Mary Johnston, at the time of her • death, Sept. 23rd, 1930, iwasassociated atith the Mountain Sanatorium • at Hamileon. Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn Johnston Mr. Albert Johnston and Dr. and yrs. Cecil JohnStort were all present for their mother's funeral. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. D. K. Alton of Ashfield and Mrs. Herbert Alton of :West Wawanosh Arid rine • brethet, Thee. Blake- of .A.shfield. A- niong thoee from edistanee who were present for the funeral were Mrs,' D. X. Alton Albert and Leslie .4 Ash- field; Mrs. Samtiet Morrison and der - don, Kinloss; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ,,Morrison of Clinton; Mi. and Mile Thos. Blake and Mrs. Rd. Johneton, of Ashfield; Mr, Albert Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster and in liroWn's factory at Winglicart. • • RECEIVE CABLE FROM' • • THEIR DAUGHTER OVERSEAS • �n:Saturday, Mr., and -Me. as-. Angus -Gham, Concession 4,•-lcirdoes, re- ceived a congratulatory cable frau • their daughter Jean, on the occasion of their 31st wedding anniversary. Jean, who is a name in telarge hos- pital in England,' states she is ?ate, and well and is receiving parcels •which are being seat to her. Mit. A. A. J, 'Simpson and Fondly. iinpoettent • duty .tif. making its read • te_ ers convenient with the fundameneed Held Succeseful Dance principles involved in the Publicatien. The local branch of .the, Canadian canimunitynewspaper-Thaseries -Legion-held •a successful dance • on seeks to mage amends foe the ends- Friday night Witli image by ala& glens of the pasteetaidetcreireeenteln -Kenzie's orehestia, with Rey Mee simple language , an explanation • of the main relationships between the newspaper,- its: readers,' its commun- ity, and its associations With organ- izations; bustnees groups and institu- tions within the --realm seeks' tit, - serve. • The nine phases t6 be discussed ire The 1W -46M -a theliiise; The Press and GovernMents, The Press and the 'Churches, The Press and the Adver. tiser, The Press and Propaganda, The Functibns of an Editor, The Funetiens of a Reporter, The Press and Local History, and The Guarantee of Free- dom. We sincerely hope that our evad- ers v,rill carefuily study an. digest the series, because, we believe that it • will, give them a new understanding of their Iciest newspaper, and the his- torical purpose of its Mission in the community. • • •. George Gibbons has been looking at things through dark colored glasses for Abepast ten days, as a result of an attack of snow blindness. Dur- ing the week of- the storm George joined 'Regent of men erriPlerd in shovelling out the cuts along the 0- N, R. tight Of .way arid by the end of the week •George's eyes 'Are se affected that for several hours he vas totally blind. John Miller, 4n - other of •the crewe. of Workmen, was eineilarly,• affected • although not so severete, •REBEKAIIS HELD SOCIAL A pleasant sottal evening sponsere'd by Jewel Rebekah Lodge, in obser- yarice of the Weal Or4ee'0,16th birth- day, was held in the I.0.01‘..Hall on Wednesday 'bete .About tireentsedive tables were occupied for etrogressive eitehre tvith Mrs, , Walter ' Hamilton, arid Mr, ,lkoy Bled( the 'prize wira hers. A aliett program ineluded solos • by Catherine Anew- and Alor.ace Alt - Clasen end a piano instrureental by NOrrtiare Taylor. lama was served followed by dancing which Concluded the patty, ' Definite Signs of Spring • Here's Proof • positive --sap's run- ning; the mush* season ' is open. in Huron; . Township roads are being plowed out-' start was. made in Ashfield the first ofthe week; and further we heat the teport that some idowing hes also .been Started along the lake in Ashfield. ••Ceeight as "Master of ,Ceremonies". •The ladies present each received a lucky 'ticket and when, the diem was made, Kathleen Reid . Was the firet winner rebeiving a 5 -pound box, et Lania'SeCords, Pansy Cliampion re- ceived a three -pound box and Mrs. JelekeaSt,eis.art .a two -pound boica- - .BRUCE of A. EXECUTIVE, MET HINTS TO KNITTERS • Please cast on stitchesvery loose- • ly. • Be mire the inside edge of heel where stitches are picked -up is very If you -cannot .graft the. end of the toe please put the 20 stitches On • a piece of string and do not wash or press the socks. ' SoCks: are, being sent back with the eboire faults. LQST BEST FRIEND AS 'OTTER,' SINKS • Forced ter abandon ship when laines swept the 11401.9.S. Otter ,ehtle on patrol ditty ,hait WedlitiejaY, minting, nieeteen niore lives were added to the toll the Royal Canadian Navy has paid .since the •outbreak of aware• • The Otter wee forinerly a, yacht, • but was conveited into an antiesub- -marine -Patrol ---vessel while Canadian- • built corvet es were completed. Her comple ut was 4 of,ficers and" .37 ratings. Fire that broke out in the engine rooni spread so rapidly that there neyer was a chance of effectively fighting it and the Ship had te,be abandoned with a furious sea run- ning and a bitter gale *ring. Nineteen of the crewe Of 41• men lost their lives, either dee to . ex- posure or when one of the lifebeats capsized along a rescue VesseL • One ol the victims Was Wireless. Opetater gar]. Day of Toronto and an intimate friend of Bob 'Thompson of Lucknove, who is a ivviretess oper atoreen'a minesweeper ea the Etat Coast and which vessel was natified to -Proceed--to'-fle--aid:--eit-the--ptier: :We• publish part Of a eletter re- ceived ,frOra Bob by bis parents., Mr. and Mrs, R. IL Thompson on Tues- day,- •-; . • March 29, 1541. 'DelirelitotWDaTiiiidrA14;,- • Well once , again yeu'lf beWeondeie. ing 'iwhe I'm so long ,in writing but this is the first tinee lye been aabote, shwa hist 'Tuesday' - Well hive been feeling kind Of blue . the last few days as I hive lost one of my very hest- Merida, 'Earl Day -as You no doidet save by the pipers. Last Wednesday meaning as usual - our sailing erders were for .6:15 a*. However' Tuesday night hhite a gale • blew up and we ,didn't gait' till 10 • a.m. I.. had the first watch and I. 'heard .11alifax WIT station calling • the Otter at frequent interval!, with no amiWee. This lEeptup and 1 begin to fear' somethingwas*rouge ' iFquarter to twelve the Sen- ior Minesweeper flashed 'as that the Otter ewes on fire and •Ordered,- Me t. proceed ;at full sive& iti44. peeltion about ten mike from whets; We Were. Our "sweep" was hauled and we set.' out at Maximum speed. The sea was running quite high and we cer- tainly did •serne bticking. Peery tittle. - we went into the etre_utlta_the _ha* would dip completely under and the spray of the breaking' waves went -clear *over .the:beidge-ilark-setid sheet of miter. . . • MAJLCILRED—CROS-:-- SHIPMENT, • e . • Refugee Clothing -11. :quiete, 2 crib quilts; 2. mereh tetillovers, 1, efirl's . jacket, 1 pair mitts,. 14, glebe sweat. ere,: 1 baby jacket, 2 bonnets,' eight bands, 2 geetrudes, 8 gowns, 2' night gowns, 2 boxes powder, 2 cakes soap, 1 complete layette,40pair girls' pa- • Hespittil Supplies-Vight dressing gowns, 7 aurgleil towels,_24 &ken griTrze-liandlierchiiii,711 dozen:khaki ehAnclkerchiels, 1- -pair-epejimasy - • Knitted Comfbets for Armere-105 pair socks, 4 pair. glove*, .11 pair' mitts. •, Knitted comforts' for Sailors -70 Pair mitts, 20 lielinets, 6 turtle .neck -sweeten, •5 sleeveless sweaters 25 scarves, • 9 seamen's long stockings, two cape: ••• :Helens IWneffil TricitituW-18 khaki handkercbief� 3 scarves four Pair Mitts, 9 Pair socks, 2 helinets, 4 girls' pajamas. Kintail WoMen's Institute -22 Pair socks, 4 pair mitts, 2 sareeters, foue dozen ganze,handkereldefs. Donated: 2 crib quilts.' • •' • • • • Holyrood, W. I., Hoiyrood Branch. - 1 dozeh•gauze handkerchiefs, 1 scarf, 1 pair mitts, e refugee sweeter, • Kihlough Branch -12 pair mitts, 2 pair socks, 1 sweater. Donated; one complete layette, 27 articles of baby clothes, 2 quilts.• •e PareMount Women's Institute -- 8 pair Mitts, 3 pale :gloves, 1 sweater, 2 pair 'socks. ' fHackett' s Wornee's Missimeary Soc- iety -7 pair socks, 7 scarves, 1 Pale • irdtts. Donated; 1 .quilt. Kairshea Club --4 dozen khaki hand-. , kerchiefs, 3 pair seamen's seeks, six pair mitts, 3 searves, 9 pair seeks, • 24 gauze lianclkeechiefi, '1 sweater, • Langside Red bri:ise Unit -1 dozen • gauze handkeethiefs, 6 pair socks, 3 pair mitts, 2 iweatoree• Zion Workers -14 pair socks, kat helmets, 2 searhes, 11 pair Mitts, one pair pitjareas. 2 dozen gauze And:one dozen khaki handkerchiefs. Donated: 2 quilts. • Junior Red L4rearee-2 refugee Sweat. The Betio County EXecutive ofthe Federatiori •of Agriculture met at Paisley for general husiness. The,ex eeutive consists of the following, of- ficers: • president, R. p. Nicholson Bince Township; vice-presiderit,' Pos- • ter Moffat, Kinloss township; eke, treas., Kenzie Filter; Berme township 'and committeemen 'P. Johnston, Walkerton, Louis Davies, • Elderslie township. Arrangements were also made tit hold a large public Meeting • at Mildmay on Tu.esday, April 8th at 2 p.nt, which will be addressed by , the county president. .. Card of Thanks • Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hedgkinsenevieh to thank the many friends. who ex - 'tended their eyeeprithereto them in the recent loss of their unele, Mr. Peter 'Hodgkinson, with special mention of Miss Belle and Margaret McDaniel& for theiteractey kindnesses shown him duripg the many yeers he had been ernployed with therre Also to the Rev. M. Hareilten Who took Otsego of ,the' funeral service, visite toealLoagi-. \ Mrs. hieClure of Paisley, District. Rebekah Preeident, 'paid her official to jewel Yteheinth Lodge here on Monday evening.• 1 COMING EVENTS 1 , REFUGEE BENEIFIIT DANCE. . Keep in laded the date, Wednesday, April 16th e for the Red Cross refugee fund dance,. '• " CONCWERING ClioSs'" ' 'ten't fail to seethe spleedid test- er Play to be preseeted itt the Un- ited Church, Luelaurw, Wednesday, April 9th at 8116 sharp, sporisored by members of the Wontener Associa- tion. This 'Easter pageant win eon, sist of , drill; chorusee, .enusie and patomime, with, members of the Sun- day School Assisting. You aro invited _and. everyone_ young Lima old shoim avail thennielvee of the opportunity of seeleg tide Great Eveht drama- tized. Ettteetaining, .educational, Adeniesion, Adults 25e; "ohne drere 104 danghter, Miss Eteribelle; Mea. Herb • Alton and eon Harireyeerrd Itirs.,;Er- riegtore of West Wawanosh; Dr., W. V. Johnston end Miss Sarah tifallough of IL know; %Mr. and .Mrs. !Tirana Moffatt tied sen Donald and ,Mr, and Mrs, T: AL' Woods and Son Graham of leratford; Mrs: (Die) W. H. Woods of Mt.. Btydos and Mr. Johnston's sister, 'Mrs, Harry White of Toronto, is remaining for aweek, Nuttier. errs ftiends from a distance visited at the home Suriday arta Monday. • The funeral was held Tuelitley rife ternoon from the ,Mein St. United, Church ceedected by ,the pastor, nee, N, S. Woods, a, tousin of the, deceas. ed e Beautiful floral telletites testified to the esteem in Which the deeeiesed was held,- The, bearers; *teriVisasts, r..ileavers, W. C4, Medd, Writ, Ityckmart, G. S. Holvard, Geo. Maw - cin and W. C. Pecitee:Interrnent took - place itt the Exeter eenietell. •gatterl'riinAdVOCate, Mitte and. glovine, • !air reached the scene the Otter had disappeared and all that could be seen was an empty skiff. The survivors had been picked up, as well as five body*. Earl's. motheia who is a widow, lives tn Leuty Ave. in Toronto anti -Earl and 1 used to ride home together on• the street car when we were train- • Girl Ga1dece-e8 refeget sweater& The following dcinated quflts Two by ladies on .10tli Concession West, Kinloss; One by ladies on tith Con- cession, West Wawanosh; Mts. Cole, -Mrs. Mileiarraid, Mtn. Todd rind Miss Reid. • NO more Navy tWoevray rnitts need- ed now, but we do heed plain. navy Mitts khaki teetawity mitts, plain ng there, and 'became Very good friends. We went around a lot to- gether when we first 'clime down here but since we got on different ships, have seen each other only etea0ion- ally. ' He became engaged • about two weeks ago And was planning on get- ting married this sunnier.- It seems , too, bad that accidente like these: hap- pen It doesn't seem, the same as if ship is lost in action against the • enemy. ' • ' We just docked last night (Friday) .• as we *en e on patrol in the Otter's place, unfit we were relieved by an- other patrol vessel. • Friday was a glorious .*spring.like day. The sea was. as 'calm as a Mill pond.. f was on evatch. from 4 A.m. until 8 lied it was a beautiful sight to.see the day breaking. I came ashore about four this af- ternoon , I' went to see "Sent•a - Fe • • Trsill'i which is teat good. 1 then had • a Idea hot beth.in the s; mania then tame up here to the X. of C. but to Write this.- I guess 1 intd better be gettiet back again as this 61.6 sail- ing means early' rising. •IleaPe of love to everyone and hope allare welt • Itob. • wAticuitTcm trim* ILL iMr. J. A. Wesley, editor of the Ntalkerten Fierald-Timea auffetetd M • slight stroke reeently and has been • Medered th take noreplete tog -by his attending physieistri and a tote ohto gpi11tt. His cote:Mimi le net regarded as alarniing hoWever and it is hoped he *Melee ineripacitatedifer, 'OrilY a short patio& • :