HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-03-27, Page 1— . • • Vie • ' • . • • • • ' •a aa ' as: • . ••••,VdataFa17.•!;'„Faitat , . • .• et, •-• • eIe a, 11+ aaaa $2.00 A YEAR. --IN .ADV4NCE-50c EXTRA TO U. S. A. WAR SERVICES -DRIVE,. IS OK " ...; -Tlus week. the • naaiorawide 'appeal was launched to raise .$5,500,000 to enable, Canada's War Sera.* Organ" irationain catay. On their -vital werk, ' in easing the della he of Canada's • . fighting pee sassy froth. home, and bririg to them in some small measure • la least, a few 'of the .,comforts and pleasures that they ' have saerifieed • in 'forsaking civilian life: . Folleitring fig closely upon the war saving s's' _campaign, it's another test .asto What degree tanedierie have their hearts in this tit:tete ceriflict: . We at, home can,Rotalet our -fighting 'Men down. The more than five mil- • Ilea dealers askedfor in this 'sails- • in -one 'drive" Wit be spent directly on • our men In uniforni.by the Can- • adian Legion, • the Y,M.C.A., the Sal- vation Arinaa the Knights. of Col- ' ambits, the Y.W.C.A., and the I. 0. --.D E., acting as agents for • the folks ,• back home. •a. ••• her place -beside --Great :Britain in • ..fighting ,"all: out" against the would- • . "be world: canauerpas, very few.people • hi this couetiy escaiie he in- evitahle sacrifices demanded teem the indlaideaL Wemay-hot te. Compelled • to, grope around' at night 'in. pitch• • darkness. We may not have to dash for aothb shelters sand Shiver appre- hensively. as the drone of German: bombers . grows' louder and louder overhead; But .; are - shedl 'lava . ever:- • anCreasing demands an our piieltet books,:to Pay for the equipment and " .uPkeeP, �f our, young • Men who have . volunteered t� hells keep our iighte • going and .our land free;' from the invader. • •• • flt is' stressed *metier, that thee will, be 'no further camPaigne this year for any Of these auxiliary ser- . vices, including the .Red Cress,. What About Lucknow? Heron County has been well 'organ- • ized ao get the drive swinging aloitg. The county has been divided into zones , comprising atia verieus townships and urban municipalities. Loral • min „have been appointed and in Ash• - field and West Wawanosh the iespec- '• ' tive Reeves, Alex MacDonald and • 'Thathas Webster have been appointed to this office. - In Blame' Coenty, Rev. Rs P. Skirl- „ner of Chesley is chairman of the County Committee. The County corn- • mittee is funetiOning and calling on Municipal .Conimiateees; to get into •'operation quickly. Within the Vill- age, we -have failed Of era; move being- yet undertaken to pro- mote the .campaign. • From Rev. Skinner we aaaa- recei- • ved, a suggested outline for organiz- • . lag a municipal conpaittee, with as- sistance, offered by the County' Com- • raittee ff requited. • Mr. Skinner suggests filet the reeve - of each apimicipality . is 'ahe logical • head of each local •committee' and • urges thatsa meeting; be called at the • searliest possible 'date of those cal- . culated to assist in putting over, the • • • : canipaigh. •„ -7 ” • -• ! • a 100 Pledge At Ripley • . • • In the.War Savings 'campaign re- • cently conbluded at Ripley one hun- dred ,citizens pledged themselves " to 1 purchase certifieates regularly. The campaign in Huron Township isde- layed until road conditimis improve, vvhen rnetiabers of the Township Coun- • cil will act as the committee to Make the canasta. • • ' WARN AGAINST FED GRAIN BEING USED FOR SEED • • . With thoesarids of tens of feed ' being • •brought in Ontario from the Canadian West. on the gov- • ernmental free freight Plan; the On - teal° Departtneilt :of 'Agrieuature werne against iteY of this grain be- ing used for seed on Oiliarie. farms spting. Agricultural- officials state that neither Western feed grain , Or. badly weathered Ontario grow , Amid act used ria seed this or any , other year • To. date permits have been, ieseed from the Piece Connty office for 5• 2 scar loads of feed grain- under the Freight :Freel;Grain Polley. These a consist mainly of oats.. barley' and screenings. • • . , • :Card ad ;Thanks . I wish': to thank my friends for theit ma ilY lieti of kindriega 'Oaring' my in, nese, alio Jewel Relleatili Lodge, A, Y. P. A;a:Rev. A. Ai Maloney and Dr, COVeTlefot • . . • ' Dorothy Cook. FORMER ASHFIELD LADY. pASSED 'AVVA,Y AT E4ETER The death occurred in Vie:Witt. Hos., l'ailtal, London on Saturday .of.' :Mrs. William H. Johnston, of Eareaer, form- erly Sarah $.. Blake, Mrs. Johnston, • who was. m her 77th, year, Wes . an 'aunt of Di. W. V. Johnston oa.. Luck- noiva, : . •. . • ,t . .. " ,- • , Mr. and •airs, aohnston were Mar- ried ss years ego, and of •leste. years Mr. Johnston has been ;well knewn as a writer of historical artielea, many' of , which have dealt with, bi- teresting facts of earlierdayti ita.AOhr field, of which lieshad intimate knowa ledge. : The, -.funeral -*viceswas held -at - her late residence in Exeter on :Tues- day with interment in .Eaeter betna. • etery. : Besides her bereaved husband, airs. Joheston. is survived ,by three Bens, H. Freeborn 'Johnston, of Washing'. • ton, D.C., •doing research 'work for the Carnegie .Endowment; Albert W. Johnston, actuary for Excelsier Lif aandatDrasstak--Gecil-slcihnston; sof-the _Matteis, State .Hospital, Ileacon,L,Na : Y., and by tarri sisters, Mrs: D. K. Alain; of Aehfield and Mai. Ileabeit Alton, West Wawinoeh and a :brother • Thomas of Aihfiela, , • Lucknow OM" Thursday, March 27th, 1941 -RECEIVE. SIZABLE HY.1510 CREDIT Receipt of the alath Power •haieging a crealt og $867.35 to the leeal:Hydro Commissioa came as ,a • Pleasaut serPriPO, the first of pho' .weela ir „•• wee reported receetly that there would likela be zio such teredittl: is- sued thie Year, as they would, be used to establisha fend for post-war ad justment andstabilization of rates. However Osier and 'abaire the credit' there was a deductimi previding for • etabilizationin the :aiiiitunt of $119e218310411t6.art:. B‘ • T 11 represents the diffetince • between -.the, actirial cost of power delivered daring the fiscal 'year and the amounts paid by the local eastern' during the year an• a • basis, of estimated cost. Puling the fisetil year the local Commission' paid to the H. E, :P. C. e total of $11;836.69. The actual cost of power, phis ,the local systeni'e ailiarestifsaopetatitiga' costs -and -fixed charges aniounted th 4101969.34, leav- ing the above nieetioneell3th Power 'Bill of $867.35 to the credit' of the, Lucknow Hydro -Electric S.astem. : • Rome From East Coast Ott Brief Visit. : Week -end visitors at the he of Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald of Paramount oaricla•M ded r., and Mrs. Marvin' Saiderson • of. St Jahns, • N. IS: and Mt: and Mrs. Frank King of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sandersori ar- rived in •Toronto on Friday night and were leaving Ttleaday -morning' on their return to the East Coa te atteadirig to' business for -their res- • pectiye• firms,: Mrs. Sanderson being with the Robt. Simpson,Company and Mr. p,ancleeson1 with Western Canada in St. Johns, N. B.. DAY' 0,1? PRAYER OBSERVED • Selidea last, setatpart as a Nation- al Day Praaer; by prima Ministea. Mabtaenzie Kink, was. Observed' as such in local churchee. The occasion .,eeiricicied with a day of prayer ob- served in the:01d Country. • . Some local. members of the 99th Battery, joined the unit in parading to St. Paula; Anglican Church, Wing - ham to attend the Morning service. Iinproving After Mishap • • Jack MacKay, Con. Kinloss Who _hasabeenaconfined -to bed- ahree- weeks is improving and 'expects to, be out again scion. Jack was hurt while closing a heavy door during 'a kale which blew the doer'. off its mooripts, throWinga, him to the jet:tend: • 1"'"' Moves TO Village , Mrs. Wm. Habkirk of Teesavater, who Was recently bereaved in the death of her husband, has moved eta Lacknow to make her home with her -sisters-Clatialreasa-Mass-ilnaltitairnin ed over on Monday, being.assisted by her son Donald and Mrs. Habkirk and Andrew Baillie, all •of Mitchell. " Bags. 'Many • Foxes . •• • Single handed, and withoitt a ,dog, Jack Kennedy of Huron Township has bagged a total of 24 foxes'lliis winter, not to mention sorrie forty eobesa SPRING_ OEFICALLY ARRIVED runeral services 'for Mary Couft- ney wore held in St: Joseph's 'church, Kingehaidge on Monday morning with interment ' in Kiligsbridge cemetery:. Mias Courtney, in her 74th year, Was practically a lifelong resident of that Community, •For the ,Paet three years she ha a Made lief. home with her eat-. ter, .Mas.• Bowler of Sagirlaw, Where hee death occurred oil Thursdaa. Another sitter lean of London' and a brother, Michael of Ashfield also survive. Spring officially arrived' • last Thursday evening, and while it, was pleasantly 'warm on Sunday, the new,: comer hasn't provided anything ex- teptibual in the' line of fine weather yet. One tinier predicts a back- ward spring with lots of snow for some time yet, and according to the prevailing wieds.last Thursday they hither support this cOntention. The wind, when spring arrived, was pretty much in. the north, and this is re- garded as. an infallible sign that the next few weeks will he generally cold. and 'backward. • • DEATH OF MARY COURTNEY DML spawn) PAgsgs . 1 ' Althilegh in ill health for a' time. •the sudden death of David Stialid of Bruce Township same unexpectedly on Monday, Mr. Stroud is well knowa . here, haying farmed for a number . yearea' west of the Village before Moving to near Underwood some 20 years ago.. The' faneral Ceraiee was' conducted - at his home on Wednesday by Rev . C. Mitten of Underwood Uniaed. hurch; of which Mr. Stroud: :was. e member of the. 'boaad df stewards. Inter:Cent was, in Tiverton Cemetery. • Mr..Stroad is :survived by his wife. • fornierly tiza Patterson •of Huron Townelepaand fear 'sons and -three. daughters. . • ,• STORM TOR1'.$, • The etenn of last week is no,w only merilory-aquite a vivid. one prob ably t� many Who had expeeieeces. in it. All rnainareacis Mao LuelcaOw 'were again (men for pastor •tiaffic:. by Friday .evezdng. • '• . The -raid from athe Hank was 'the 'last ,to aeopepeO; as gangs of 'ellen were preesed: into petaiceapear the Math to open a stretch too teugl- fer the plow. 'The, Dungannon roe,' .1vas opened earlier Iir the day,. after - repairs Were mane to the plow Whicl broke down near Belfast. •• .{ • The Anaberley road was the first stretch to be opened. A mOester cat erpillar plow crawled in from the West. about 8 •o'clock Thursday more- ing and continued east to :A/Ingham, arriving there Shortly after 'dinner • • Even .Cat Snowbound• ' • • It wasn't Only week -end motorist' and Sunday night boy friends , Who were marooned the .storin.• From the Langside district' comeutkeauth- entic stmay4f_ana tabha cat 'thiita_was- Iti-o-iazi-atayed at a neighboar's. bare from -Sunday until- Tuesdayaaftesa• a :noon. The owner. of the cat Was con- vinced that pussy had perished ir •the blizzard, ;Out after the road wee broken on Tuesday the feline amble home. trite awntaarii; and thelea get: .up a laity meowing as much as to say, "Aren't you glad .I'M back?”. • • s Looked like 'IA Truck While Allan McConnell was streg glint along through the ,blizzard lase Moaday.„amparting, be saw vrhat Cp- leaved tFahini ta. he a truck beaiing dOwa. He mounted the snowplow bana for safety's ietaa, hat: nothing passea hint He Set mitaae'airiand ca tight. up to :Helen and Bud Thompson, whosa car was stuck 'pat. north of the Village. They: were ending; it ba-' to town with a car reg. thioln °vet their r itesda VISjbIllty tilt; •f. ra,tianzac.:11.1'i neg.! ttii..1.7ke1 e),:, wrth d tarpati 1 ire 'leap i raget To -Ck _4routid • Then therc..1 st:o):: ern niail ourriea"stoisteaaaat ran a'r'e y I S' ThtersdaY aelt&a: late ina. enter sticking gamely with • the 'ship": until the ateed was stopped: pon. reaching reatia , street: Someone as suggested' that the animal . was est over anxious to get the rural mail' delivered, to those einavahOuria ountry folk who hadn't had a' de - ivory. all Week. • BUSINESS--AS—U-SUAL HELD. SIICCESSFUL DANCE c , • • The Clansmen sponsored 'quite a a successful dance last Faiday evening , featuring Flt. -Lieut. Fletcher's R. A. u F. dance band. More than 150 collides h weee in attendance to crowd the Hall j. Which was effectively draped sivith flags, donated for the occasion • by c 'Rexford Ostrander. The. lights were I draped with airforce blue 'streamers, The net proeeeds of the event are ' to be invested in- War Savings Cer- tificades, butaas'all•accounth are-not- aet in the financial report is not a- vailable as yet. Pupils Buy Stamps . • There are approximately 230 pup.. 09 • attending Listoarel, High School, and to date from various sources' they have purchased a total of $1800. in 'WO Savings ,Stamps and Certif- icates. TEAM RAN .AWAY • Forced up the sneraplow •bank by a passing truck; south of the Villa • age on Sithrday, Wni. Ritchiefe toran. • took fright, uPaet the sleigh and ran away'. At the 12th Concession. they • split, ,one going homeward and the other continuing smith. • • RECOMMEND HOME . COMING WEEK TO MD WAR EFFORT • The• Ontario Travel Bureau has, en- dorsed a "Home Coming- Week" for cities, towns and„villages in the Prov- ince, -as direct aid in our war ef- fort, by bringing ' American funds to Canada. , Behind the propotial is a 'definite. •organized plan to' attract former Can - /editing, now in ,United States, back • for:nails% and who, as .well as their aollars, would be very welcome. , would also have a tendency to stamp out those wild ruments that were 'started last year about conditions in Canada. Aside from the dollar ,angle such .homoanings wtoeld promote giodvailfand better understanding be- tween two peoples *ho are working against. a common enemy. • ••,Such a hope 'coming week need not entail the work and expense in the Sense of an "Old Poys Reunion", but' there dould,be spetial llahs Jaid ta entertain our guests'. during this par- tigular Week. ,The idd,a is 'worth con; sideting. ' • IN, anivioittgaii • PARXER--- In loving memory of liar. eld Mark Parket; Who died on March 31st, 1940, • „ Lovingly remembered 'by wife and claughlara, „ IN SCOTLAND • . Members of he Lucknow Pipe „Band have proof that such, slogans as "Burlineeleaas usual" and. ,'Britain delivers the goodsa are no fallaey. • Stranded' on Way . The Band intends to appear in new TO Report For Service „ • regalia this year and recently placed Bill Edrninstori and Willard "Jess' an order for Pew' kilts and Piaids Campbell of Kincardine, who were With a 'firm in 'Glasgow, Scotland. stranded here last week by the rail - Duplicate orders • and bank' drafts way tie-up, continued on to London were forwarded as a .precaution a- on Wednesdaw to re ort for mi *tary gainsta "loss 'by. eneiny action":. service with the Royal Canadian. En- ' Nothing more had been heard- of gineers: • the order, and on Saturclay:the Band secretary sent a cablegrain to learn If the order had been received, On Monday marning the order was ack- ,nowledged by cable, with advice .to .the effect that the ,tartan was in the weave arid- shipment would be made Within five weeks, • • Thus 'barring any 'contingencies ,in the: manufacture or while in transit flea Band should receive their new kap and plaids in adraoce of their summer schedule. , In spite of bombings and the in, creased demands thrmigh war orders this is just anotber instance of how Old Country manufacturers are liv- • ing. up to the reputation of businesa as ;usual: in .supplying their: overseete markets. Some 1-5 outfits sae beihtlought for 'Members of the Pipe "Band, out of their ,own 'fund, andaat auite a. considerable cost. When . they etep out on parade 'this year they should "knock your eye out", REF, 'RoSS WORK AIDS LITTLE TOTS Ladies of the St. Helen's Wennen's Institute are mow „several ladies' erganizaaioris in the community that, have ' been partiaiderIO actiye, in :car- rying on Red Cress and Refugee work • through the local, Red Cross branch, Among many other supplies,. the St. Helen's ladies have- Made twelve .layettes. :Direct- from L,oeclap; ,Eng-, land a fear days ago ail/tie a letter acknowledging receipt of One of 'these bags• of baby things, 'received thin the lied Cross., The letter written late in Februark: and received by Mrs-. W. A. Miller,. is as follcisit: • • . , 29 Addison Road, Waltham Sto:, Dear Madam: ...tondoz,i, E.. 17. take the liberty of writing to yOu thanking you: for the bag of baby things which I recelyecl through the Red Cross and 1 must say a ant more than gratefulior your khidns 'which -you have -shown -towards the -British- womea in need: Thanking you once Mrs. E. Hathiiond DEER KILLED BY ."WOL*ES ON SECOND CONCESSION ' 'MANY 'C.IlaLDREN•IaT pRveg • • COUNT* SHELTER:AT PRESi/0 ..p Not for .a:long •period•have there. :been as many childeen in. the'Bruce 'County Children's :Shelter- at Walk- erton as there are at present, we 'learned a, few days age .in convert - ion with 'Mr. Cameron, Superietend ent of the 'Shelaer. , In fact •there are tweataeone. chil. dren there at 'present, ranging in ages from ten days to nine years el age. They are a bright let of teiddiee and anyone considering adoing a' child would find it an 'opportune time to p dole. The fait that there were over three hundred applications made hi' Bruce Comity to 'receive British children who might be evacuated froth Eng. and, would indicate that these Simi 'ter kiddies, Will not long be without a good foster holm ' •RECALLS RAILWAY TIE-UP' PACK IN MARCH, 1904 • ' • Last week's...storm :recalled acall. ala Moore's mind the railway tie-up, 'way back in March of 1904, when ,there wasn't a train into Lucknow for three weeks. There isms plenty of snow.that, Abe Tight-of:way- was banked 'high on each side. A thaw • hooded the traclai in the • cuts, and tuned to ice •with a sudden drop in • Little has been heardfor some time temperature. Gangs of district work- ' NSWERED HIS .. tAsT. ;ALL .• (Contribeted by D. Allan) • The community was shocked, when' it was learned that Dr. A., A. J. . , ..,.. . , I • SiintiO0a of Kintail, had poised away early Friday morning, Ma - . Usti.; 1 as he had been .,ahleut as uat'and • ainnserOwedieerdilaa iethtliedtay previous, but he Call by a sadden heat attack. 7' .. : ;Arthur Alexander Johnstone amp-. am was born near Walkerton in 1864, • the eldest eon of the late Arthur; Simpsen and Margaret. Johnstone. natives of Aberdeen, Scotland. In the ' early 60's, his father taught school : at Walkerton; 'later moving to the • 2nd concession of Calrois; where be: ,attended • public scaool, taught by the late A. ii. Musgrove. He attended, i Walkerton High Scheel; where he re.; eeivea his seeped class ' cettifiaate , . which qualified hini to teitCh at "Mar- , 'aaa, tang Sclie-011t,-Itaa., 14Waviiii-fe-iii:I1e—'7 : ;„returned 'to. OWen. Sound -where -he - .- —‚--- received his first class certifiCate: •,- . After': attending Ottawa Normal. •. :Sehoola he was engliged as teacher .•' at tpritiinnia Bay near Ottawa where " -her-e-Mained4or-7--years. ••' He always felt- that m.edieine was• hits ecantlinrekci, ;1144 imnedithcae ifSpa,aull 1 .9a9t uatilToronto Urtivetsity,.'grad . with' his M.. D. degree in 1.903. .He ,ob- • tainas liis M. B. degree •froni.Tritiiii'l :- • College the following year.:Immedi- etaly following he served hie, jetetnee ship in .Sirigliampton. In: December,, . .a1.9il°11.4'tailb,eWsheetreill3f.erh13i7 (iywnOarsPaheetils - P.miet* Ins iseq his Profession. year. after Year :the Ashfield Catieeil appointed kiln,* as their Medical Officer :of Health. 1-1,0, was:an elder of A.slifield Presby- terian Clparch, Superintendent : Of the Sabbath School, a• Liberal in politics rind secretary treasurer of SS. NO. 3 Ashfield; and always had the good of ins neighbourhood at heaft. He is sarviyed by his wife, Flora MacLeod, one daughter, 2tarkaret, .and tam: sons,'Arthtir, D'unema .Rehs ert and Donald 'iveho have lost S..de.. voted husband and loving father; also • three brothers,. John of Whitechurch, ' ' Ewan of Innisfail, Alberta, and Al- bert of Langiuun, Saskatchevian. 'ram •; brothers, lakert of Cabanas and Jas. • of the. 'Kinlpgs "wolves", until tha men were saiiiplerriented by ebout.30C 'first of the Week -Wrien they Were Italians who, set to. work with picka credited' with running %down a deer to clear the ice from betWeen the on the 'Secend Concession, at' the Pura rails. It was a slow, tedious PA) ane ves Corner The hied quarters of the before service was restored, atores • animal had been badly mangled by were short of many. necessary. coma its attackers ' When the •carcass va modities,.• . discovered. • •. • •• • Efforts weremade to operate The Ontario Government recently .stage coaah between Kincardine' are- raiseclathe wolf bounty to $25, while alieton; but due to road condition:. lainloss Townehip continues to pay this was a .sfpw means of transpor- s special bounty of ,20 .per headtation and its .effectiyenes,s very Bin ,However the Department .has previ- ously ailed that the :Kinloss specie. that have: beensiibmitted for eaam- • ti oit, were Vila ' dogs.. • • CROWD AT SHOW AND DANCE WEaT BRUCE L.O.L. RE-ELECTS EARLE BoriGISTS CO. MASTER • The West Bruce County L. p..1: met ifi Lucknow Orange 'Hall on Mei: Jack Kilpatrick, local C.I.L. dealer.. day 'afternoon when the following officers were, re-elected for the corns played hetet Wan immense 'crowd that ing year: County Master, Earle Hod - and dance in the Town Hall on Monattended the flee motion picture show gins;, County Deputy Master, Earl day nightThe Royal Tour was a Tout, Chaplain, John McClellan; Rec. .,. . special picture feature in addition to Secretary, ‘C. E. McDonagh, assistant interesting ,and educational films or to be appointed ,at June meeting; the producaioand benefits of fer- .Treas., „ Harold Gardner; Fin. See'Y Wizen i n : , . Arthur Hoelgins; Marshal, Wm. Stan- „ • , • ley; 1st lecturer, „Isaac , Pinnell; 2nd lecturer, Ben S. Logan. The session was presided over, by past County Master, Lloyd, Bell. .-McCharlesaorchestra-avith Rey- Mca Caeight caller off,, furnished music tfor the dance that follewed, Larben tae crowd was eo large that , Berne Were turned away. ' • • s'. ,A car. Mins ileFt -whell, all the .nuts nage, tight--0:cept the one behind the steering wheel, • 1 CO MING EVE,OTS ta•ailOa' ilaaa . 7The Ludt na -n -„ . t c - . . a .an Legion is sponsorma a deuce to be held in the Town Ilall,' Luck - /new on Friday, IVIarch 28th. MeChar- Ies' eichestra., Rea MaCreight caller - Off. General adreissiou 2$e., • . WORDS OF INSPIRATION . For A People At War , — • • aii• am not saying that the, world does not need a new or;, a changed • order., But it -does not warit an °Mei made .by a people who spit on reli- gion and encourage treachery in the ealtrat tatenrittatorture, and bring about unnicassary death ---a new or- der based on the oldest fallacies. and cruelties known to .znan."---Sir Gerald KINLOUGH MAN PASSES .. Campbell, Minister of the British Em- -•busy at Washington. . 1 The death of Peter Hodykmson oc- currect at his home near Kinlough on °Wax. He urae in his 76th Year. e funeral service was held at the home of his nephew,' J. B. Iledgkin- son at Kinlough on Wedhesday af- ternoon with internment in South Kinloss ceMetery. , OBITUARY • DUaTCAN MCKAY. ( Duncan llaeKaa, a famed bagpipe) and native of Kintail, died Tuesday afternoon in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, in his poi year. He was ill mily a few days. EXAMS START JUNE 18 . of the lite Joha McKay, who • ,clizne from Scotland in 1842 and set- : UPper 'Scheel , examinations will tied on the lake shore at Kietail, commence this year on fune ',18th he helped his father hew °nettle feria according to information- front the on which he lived until he retired to Department Of Education: Middle Goclerich .15 jeers ago. School depattmental exaininatiOns are Mr. McKay was a familiar figure not -being held this .year: High school' at political Teetings, baliquets, wed -1 entrance examinatioris will 'be held' dings,... celebratiOns, etc., and at the I an Jima 26 and 27. Caledonia • games of more than half; it century age held at LneknoVit when I he successfully competed on the bag- ' pipes against the best talent froial BRINGS IN QIL WELL aneny parts Of the North Ainerican •continent and won much silverware Last week an oil well as brought In his heyday the piper was wide) in by P1. Davidson and son, Bill known in halal) and • Bruce •ceentie. WINGIIAM DRILLER who 'have leased the 124 -acre farm of ,Lorne Eastabroolc, five miles east of Watford. At 2.98 feet nateral gas came, in at abotit 4.000 cubic feet 4,111r, bouts, and oil was strucl< at 308 feer The wt,li Was. citilled to Er total' • . (ft 430 feet. The pimping. test airadue- ad ;1 jai:la-els a day(35 gals. ka bar'• id) ahd in tato days increased t� bail -eta andais still inereasaig. The .011 is of high quality, havitig a gravity test of 38, and rises 18i feet in.tho Well.L-Vingbarn Adlianee.Tinies; • of Toronto, .11100 a sister, -Robins, : Mrs. MacDonald .of Wingha,m, pre- deceased him. . : , •Dr. Simpson will be greatly mimed . • where hent•- in arad oat arid miming lifs patients, se rainy yearia No road yvtios too long or the snow toe deep pr the lane too long or the hour too 'late for him to go to:the:bedside of 'the sicks He had a heroic deviition to , • the moat exacting 41110 of his prefer,- 1 .ple ehild-like faith that makes men sion. Hie faith hi God was that sin- e greater. Lorte• for the simple, 'COM - mon things of lift, was. with hizn a • gift. t • ' ' His well -stored Mind, enriched by 1.4 1 II..by' the Eternal promises was ever .a personal • spurce o.f simply. Above allaand be.. rieath all, and all embracing was his sublime and endering 'faith that a Divine Mind cares and sustahis us. The funeral was held from his late residence oh Monday,' •March 24 with his pastorRevJ. R. Ester in charge: Polleck of Whitechurch, 'Rea; D. 'a. - lapd of Gaderich and • Rev. R. A. ' • MaeConnell of Lucknow. Mrs. Esbar sang 1 "Sometime We'll Understand”. others Many floral tributes, from his asaocii ates in the medical profeesion, tli Steesrios, werenthe , , . , Mr: Ester was assisted by Rev. John anatit,te, ., a1 ,nds,t.1.;,.., ' • ' reWce°ithveel's da. • He Was borne to his rest 4n Hints& Cemetery by hisfear sokAfthur, Duncan, ItObert and Donald and tem nephews, Duncan and John Allem. A very large number Paid their last silent tribute. . . .• , . Besides leaving 'thosa of his ilia .timate family, he leaves friends who feel that, the world is :feet 'a little . . .empaer since Dr. aimptam has •passed asawy. • ... . , Name Omit ted ' i) ',port of the Institute meet- ' I • ' wimwheod saentnatmhee and in his native townshia is Mfr.' .1;'er ;no, Aug7etie Was ;a ilonehold one. , soso."15kinny Boy" very sweetly' • Olay a few weeks ago g ;amnia Scattoutli with the R.A.F. at Port . nought Seaforth • The alesky Flax prodects, ltd., . which -firm recently..bongittathe Sett- forta Haar business of .1. G. Ander- son 'at Sell, bee announced the pure' ebase of a fernier furnitate. factory In Se/death. att Of this vacant 'fee, tday was occupied last fall by the Ploesear troola Coto Co. • Alaes'at aiaport just out from Auld. Scotia visited the aged piper at,his horiaa. atica g-aeetla - pleased the - el& gentleman with a half, hour program en the pipes. -- The late Mr. McKay,never married tuariving are a ;brother, John Mea Kay, at Kintail, tied a sister, Mrs. ,,Peter Fletcher hi Goderieh. •..i' Ia 1 . . ..! . ! I . P 1 a • • . . I . . i . I • . • •. . 7 • r• 4 . ' \ • . . . . , , 1 , . . . .. I A..? .. „ as-4sta- 1 • • • <44S* ' • 1