HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-03-13, Page 74 j
• .•
• - „
Gardening a SUNDA
• • ' •
ART,ItLE:140. 2 • .
The three and ,most common
•,and serious Mistakes of. the be-
ginner,. are planting too early,
to� awe: ezd. too deep. • With ,
' the general run of vegetables. and
•ILewers, there is no advantage,
getting things while there is"
still danger of serious. fret. One
set-baek, from a cold day or two'
, completely effsets. the eatly start
; and may indeed Mean . replanting
• . • the • whole garden. This caution
of eoursendoes not apply to very
' hardy. 'vegetables - Sir -'flowere or
• .to •grass. seed. These, should be
sown ,just as seen as •ground 'is
fit ,to work; .
•e • Not TOo Deep
„a," • A second '•common Mistake is.
•planting tee. deeply.' Authorities
treeenainend as a general rule
only 'Bowleg to a. depth of -foie,
'�$...the-diameter of the seed.
Ale means that things like peas
and beans' will be covered with .
• about, im inch, of soil but.' tiny
seeds such as lettuce and poppiee,
, • will be merely' pres,se'd in.
" • Not TooClose ."
Spitting is impertent, as even
the .enthusiast does not care to
• 'pend men time kneeling and
• ethinning. Labour, can be 'saved'
• by' properly Spacing .the.seed as,:
planted. Corn, beets, peas and'
plants' with' big seeds, can
ilysebe-sewrrtate the distances.;
,. advocated on: the packet., With.,
•' '• • •e tiny .seedede, lettuceeser ealessem,
•• • hoVvevere it is practically iine.ose
•. . • .;sleib'to''sPacee by hand; ' butif
• the seen ise•first mixed with, a
' ' send •and the whole'. sewn
Carefully •plante 'Will "be . spread
• • .. • Plant Gress ' Eatti • •
LaWie. grass "inus f :be Sowe...
• • early as.Most...gTowth. 'is .iriatie'.
!'•Wheil"--the7.-Weilther • is • cee.I. •
and'' wet. - After .: digging, -.the
'• '.•• the. grimed' shouldallowed,to. •
• ..settle • f cr, :few days :,at
and „Olen levelled again, -.• it is•.
• nderiSable. to .rep.eat ,.this'. process
•'seVetel, times, ,,The top' soil
• .should then be raked ,fine arfd the
gime sown t' a liberal rate, once
across - and once lengthwise. This. •
doable •eeWing. -instires . a -n .eyen"
• •distribution. For .• permanent
lawns •.ot • deep gke.en. color and
. fine ..texttere, • good quality seed..
• • from •a. reputable • Canadian. Seed'.
netise isseital.• • • • • • •
• Ontario's Giant Hares
Unique in Hemisphere
---- : TH•E eLORTs -,suppER
. , take 22; 140.
PRINTED TEXT, Cake 22: 14-30.
• GOLpEN, TEXT -A; often as ye
*at thla bread, anddriede...the cup,•
ye proOlalmethe • Lord!a death. ,t111.•
be come. 1 Cor, 11 ; 28. • •
Titneee-The bargain. ..of .Judas
witle the Jewish leaders to betray
'the Lord was entered into on Tues. -
day, APeil 4th, J.D. 30.'The•Lord's
'Sapper took place on ,Thursday.
evening, "Ap.ril 6th. -se
Place. -The 'bargain with Judas ;
and the Jewish 1•eadees was made„
in Jerusalem:. the Lord's Supper'.
was observ•ed flexile upper room in '
' Jetuselemethough we do not know
exactly where ehis upper room was
16eatech • .•
The Passover •
Luke 22: '14".'"And "When tre-hotir
was cense, he Sat down; 'and •the :
'apostles, evith him." '15. ,S.Ated he
said. unto them, With desire I have
desired toeat this passel/or with
'yoe'befOre'lseffer," Christ desired
..the support of the disciples'.
ship tier what lay before also,
• he ..tytehed to .comfort them With
his.' presence -if -they were mut'-
•would find comfort wiCen the Shock.'
eel his death. came. 16,1„'For 'I say
tete You, T not.eat it,•tintil it
beftileillecl'in•the 'kingdom of God."
The ..Passeier feast- was, as We,
*now, ,acelelitatiein of Israel's great.
'deliverance from the power • and
slavery 'Of Egypt. Notice the hope
• •and confidence which Christ halt .
expres.see.• He . knew He would be
dead Within twenty-feeir hours,. but
• He. also knew Hewould litre again,
• and, moreover,. that; •thmigh the
disbiples Would he • pitt, to death;
they would live agape
,e_es_Lee :Ate deathless •leve. they
• Until the" Kingdon( Come
17. "And he, received a cup, and,
when he had given' thanks', lie, paid,
L-Talte'thie; addfvke iteeinionge-
. yourselves,: '18. for I say unto' you,
•1 shall not • drink from henceforth
or the fruit .of the . vine, Until.. the.
Itiegdort ot God shall eome.". •
, 19. •• • "Aed • , he took b r ea d;'
• and 'when he •had thanks,
he brake • et, and gave to
themt, saying, "This Ismee, body
which is' given -for yea," Penile-
. • .mentally, the. bread wits .brOken 'se •
thets. it 'might be passed ,around, •
and' partaken: see by' the disciples.
But, of course, in breaking a 'loaf
of bread, its unity 'is .destroYed,
jet. as .when a body dies, Itdie,
• integrates. It has often been prat-
ed out that hied:en breed is sym-
bolic of. death, in five ways: the
seed. of • wheat:. sowa in the ground
niu.st• • first die before a new stalk
ri9PR th.e .wit 'must
• beeett. deiva;- forefleue-•-teebee-ale.-
tattled • from wheat.• ft must be
gro•und „In. a _Mille Tor . flour. • to be
made digestible, it must be baked, •
mixed With other elements;
brad to lie"eateti must be'breken,1
if not with the hands, at, least. with
• the teeth five:types of .deeth' in
• a brokenloaf of• bread.. • •
leln .Remembrance of Me"
" "This do. in reinembrance • of-
'ine." Literallythis should be trans-
lated ..With a view to calling ,to
• mind, a • remembrance' of me." '
Chript is here asking thee.clisciples
to remind themselves- and 'others
of, the redemption .he •would ssln,
• byhis deatli.• The, , death of
Jesu.swas to mean more . to • His
followers thaa' the emancipation
f•t;inie-elity-eirin-Egypt seelehrated
by. the Passover..The Passover had:
thine is work and served its pine ,
pose, and. now It was to- give.plece
and make wayfor the celebration
of the real deliverance of the hu•'
Man reeei •
•• IP\ After a few hours Of.huntitig,
• this Ontario hunter bagged a 12-
•• pound hate. RIGHT, and it large-
•, sized co tontaii 'rabbit.
• Found in no other plitee in the
astern hemisphere than a 500- •
mile region, central Ontario, the
• kage rabbits, weighing • froth
• eight to 20 pounds, are actually
European hares. Closely follow-
ing organized driyes by' a hued-
• red hunters or mete on' Ontario's
• giant hares, Hon. Harry C. Nix-
• on, Ontario minister of game and
fisheries, announced last week
• that he would teek legislation to
• slitnit driving parties to no more
• ht 15 persons o that this tai-
ustial breed will ubt be totallydee
• „, stroyod and wi1 be preserved far
posterity and the excellent sPOrt
• they provide. •
New Suits Peoligned for Bombed firitiali Children,
1 •
• • •• Three 'New' Yerk• Children; Dickie Minitel ,(front-.)-,' lielen .l3aenPtind
Barbara .Devine (Wearing ' gas mask, are .shown at , New York's city.
" hall ae, they demoestrated the new type ,suif designed. for British child- •
• ten for inclusion in .bundles for Britain. The suite ate•zipper type and..
' have 'attached ,Ireette, Ittakes : one- second to: get . into ot of these;,
• suits . . . and tiine is �f the essence when .the 'elreets scream, `,
was •‘accouetee to he greatest.,
25. And lie •said unto them, The
Itiegs of ,the Geetiles have lord-
ship over them; • and they that
have authority over them are call-
ed Benefactors., 26. Bet ye shkll
not be se: Lest that is the greater,
among you, let him becknie as
the yonn,gee; and lie that is chief,
as he 'that 'thith, serve:" 27,, For
Ittegereater, he that -sitteth-
'at meat, • or he that serveth? is
not he that sitteth at meat? buf
am in the Melee ot you as. he
that serveth."' The Divine way to
the throne .ie the way of Aelf-
eMptying and sacrificiet service:In
; effect Jesue said: I' appeint unto
yon a' Kingdom of that sort.
28.. "liut ye_ are 'they that have
•'continued . me in my .tempta- '
tions; 29. and. 1 epp:oint, mite „you
5. kingdoeneeVen ae my Father ..rti
pointed unto Me, '30,. that ye Mate
• • eat .Sfid. drink at •My table.en.. my
kingdoM; ''and. 'ye •..Shali„ , on.
thrones.judgingthe twelve tribes
e of Israel." Words, siieh as these,:
• tell of beauty and truth, carry with.
• ethetee_an_eexpreesien_ot egratituclee_
alsurance, of rewarde.positive eon-,
Vection coecereing the .certa•hity et,
.. the eenewal of eoramunion iu an
other life with the :Lend, and the
. • ."
protnise ,of joy inthe..Lord'i pree- •
. • ence, intimate 'fellowship at: he.me
With . the. Lord sitting at table;
where host.•
11.11 WI O R E PO'T,EJ1.11
By. DAVE. ROBBINS• . • •
Someone pnce described Oscar
•Letrant • as a "character, .wbo, if
sons by theeCBC -. radio. listen-
ers have.been privileged to hear ..•
many of 'these ,great artists.
"This Cup" •
20. "And the cup Itt like 'manner
after Skipper, saying, This cup is
• . the new covenant in .my blood, ey.
' .en that which- is, 'poured 'out for'
you." As Mose, after reading the
. • 'bopic et' the" Seeetatif'`in' the" alltE
• lenge of .the • people„ had.. taken
blood and sprinkled it on the ..
people, saying, 'Behold the 'blood
cif • the covenant which. the Lbrd -
bath made with me concerning. all
these thieks,' so., the blood • ot
Christ, to be shed .for the Mile of
His people, .wae to have a DOW and
deeper purifying •influence. This
j; neW promise of an .1ms-ba
r -life of .
. new obedience was to ,be trans-
lated out of the region of pSomise
into the realm of .actual living' ex-
'perierice in ,the, lieerts , of . His
people, the neve 'Israel, through
• the shedding of the blood Of, Christ, '
th.e blood of new•Coveriant or prone,.
is. By the Precions bleed to be ,.
eepotired Out nett tiny, we have peace.
With God. We have cleansing froni,
sin. We ' are redoneilede .We are
Washed. We •are -redeemed. ' ..
•Huge Radio Station
• ?binned at •
• .
" A redid station tor broadcasts
• to lEintope, • Africa and the ' Far
and Middle East soon will be es.•',.
• tablisbed at Delhi, 'Indies An' ert• .
der has been placedin Englend
. for a JO -kilowatt transmitter, •
• • ene.of .the most powerful In the \
•^' •
The deteayer
21: "But behold, the hand of him
that bettayeth me is with nip On
the ta.bie. 22; For the Solt of Man
indeed goetin:as it hath keen -de-
terattaed: but we' mite that Mau
through wbont he is betrayed!
23„ Ana they . began to question
belong' thenteelvee, e Weis of there '
it ,WAS that should do this thing.
24,, And :there arcise are°
ttioU amonrg them, whkli M !hem
net • exist*. ce • 4
imagined". and that, for. the wit
of NBC's • qnformation • Please"
comeseigetty neer. to being cor-
rect.• "
• 'Scheele entled----f-Osta-r7 when -
he was 'still a bashful,. inarticu-
late lad . of ,fifteen. Being a child
piano .prodigy; he had the benefit.
of . instructions from totranking
teachers. •But his first .job was
et the piano in a New. York tea.
'garden, beCaueeeplaYing• popular •
'MAW was the. quickests.way • to,
Pay for his concert. education: •
Achieving success in 'the sphere
• of lighter • tunes, he worked'. his
way upteard •through
Ben Bernie's erehestra, the vau-
deville stage, musical comedy and
ese itiposissg, • when he- wrete. -
a, hit Called, ."Lady Play Your
Mandelin7. 1,
In' the fneanthne, young- • Le7
vent developed definite " •agility.
as • a conversationalist and • wit.
When. "Inforreation Please" '
.he was invited .to NBC along
with ,-John Kieran and Franklin
P. Adams. . So quickly did'' he
"click"' he, was • made .a meMber
of tlie "Board" to take part en •
alternate weeks in the prograins,
-which is. on NEC.-.. -rod .network
Friday evenings. at 9.30 o:eleck.
n• metsce •alFt=51111165111 *e
presented. from the Ottawa stu-
dios' of the CBC at 7:30 p.m,
EDST on 'Monday, March 17:
•The guest artist' en these Oc-
casions will - -'be -Mad-ane IL;ebka
Kolessa, Czech . concert acclaimed
. as one of the leading women mu-
sicians, of Eueop.e.-. She has ap-
, neared as soloist'vvith all the phil-
hernioniC .societies in the Europ-
ean Capitals, under such cendue-
• toys as Breeo Walter, Meng,e1-
berg, Fui-twanger.
Canadian musie lovers .are rea-
lising more and more their good
fortune jn being includedein the
itineraries of world-famous mu-
giCians intee been. driven
'from thelis homes by war. The
effect of this bas been seen veil/
clearly in the progrannees pre-
sented during the past two' sea-
• Bs/ the way, •CEOC has' a new
feature, the .Co-ep.quize, which is
heard front. that•station it Thurs-
day nights at 8.00 o'clock. This
• question. enranswer feature' is' a
' program with a new artist.. Tune
in and enjoy yourael-T, and too,
there will be. prizes.' for the
telling audience., •
• •
Four prettel lasses end their
big brother the- Vette Family
..of Radio fame - are the new
singing regulars' en' Alec Terprile-
4oe's. Friday evening series. This
program Is.. heard from'
at, 7.30. each. Feiday. eyenieg, and'
is one of the heft' interludes '
the air. -
The. neWest• .word for things
tasty has been dreamed up by
the local boss, for 'stO•re-tSindow-
edisPlays. - ehould get a 'lot of at-
tention - inlagine "olives.' as
And rettember' we can save
ourselves by Savnigwar stemps1
. .
St. Patrick And
The 11013rFlarne
•' Here Is A Fine Did Irish Leg,.
• end ef. How The Light Came
To The Green*Isle
, Thiieletheetele.pf St. Pati and
the hely tia,me; as told. by dark
Pegeen;• her whose e3des have not
looked neon the blessed' sun these
twenty years. And this is4Inyeay
.14 the, middle of • the' 'world was
'a' stone one, atilt* top of the high
hill of Tara .The Wee of the Clear-
tato- led to it from' themirth, peek •
the banquet ii,ap et the .1eVegs; past
the well Finti, .on 'the rath of
Queen Maeye, :'Twas a ,stone -like a
great jewel, it:Was, and •the old
noes gay that.a man of quiet soisl
„Might ret his 'head there and hear
-the :earth's mighty beating
2heily.lerriinst" eareee
• se..'bit' of a winie tiack,• dine
goes in Erin,' the kings• gathered ,
• around the stone to worship. They
were. all kings in Irelandetn those.
:days, and theirlkod waseCecimsetle
giv.er or the fire. CloSe to the stone
seed a ring of Druids, , tall mon
with gold breeches to their cloaks
and gold crowns on their heeds.
Then camp the: Bards, i'wi,th their
• harps covered againpt the night
wind. Andround about ehbea were
• the kings; all looking to their Ard-
.Rigli, Leary of the Golden Touch.
A strange man was Leary,cursed
er t� turn all 'things to geld; but
that is' another story. .. • ' • •
- It wap a ,spring,eVening. Up Fame •
:the wind from the' see; b/oWiiig-,
'sciftly with the tang of, salt.' And
in all the land was not a fire on
• the hearth, for it was the time D;
• darkness prociainted by the Aebh-'
• Druid, to be broken only when Tits
• swift messengers Snatched a new
• flame frona Crom's altarsand ran. el"
•'to carry .it home,. . ••
Darkness was ienr the hill. and
over the plains of Meath. The,kings.
industries are desirous of manu-
facturing or, Importing eleeniar.
garine into Canada, • and; will Un-
doubtedly be, ready te take advaile
ago ofany situatiosc that would
assist in influencing public °pin
• ion fa favor of vegettible fats as
a subatitete for butter. in, Canada.'
s •
Another, resobition, passed • pro-
tested pegging Qf the erica of but.
•ter, caring the price. net was bee ,
low cost oe'prothicti9E1 and "Planed
producers of butter fat in a post,• •
tion of economic ineecurity." ". ,
- "War between Japair and Am -
era would he worse than a eat-
erniey;--it weld- ke a catas-
-Admiral ItIoreura. •
1 •
I THIS CURIOUS WQRID.. • By Wjltiatn. ,
Ferguson . •
stood around the stone, wtth,an:eye
• out for each other though it was.
Abe -tine of peate.: They watted_tbe
" coming of the fire, and they would
• . he: shuffling their' feet, helike, for •
all 'the proud hearts in them,not
being used te.waititig: Then In' the,
. black night, aciese on the named
'Of .Siane, came' ai eight that, .waver-
ed. and Steadied into burning ••drhile
the altar of Crem•was dead. e • .
•Proird men 'they were, •terrible
in their .anger. Their shields rat-
tled,•the iron broadewOrds. came . •
• out in .a flash. Leary hlinselt .led
the down. • from the high hill,'
,Swearing be:ehe Sun and the Wind
and all the 'Elements to teachthis ,
stranger better nianners. There was
tumult and shoating Ot-ce•' Tara•
'es the kings came to Slane.
'There stood St. Patrick himself,
serving at his Easter fire and Car•.
mg no ting •for their noise., •
`rWiiishte" '. says he .gently: "be.
quiet! ''Tis• Easter, did ye not
' know?" At. d ha, went on with the
service as if thy had been 'shad -
OWL, • •
. Leary and his chicfa were brave
men and they knewa brave* mail
wben they 'saw. one. They stood
• quietly, and when. the Service was
• ended they .stood 'a bit more while
eie'preached to them iii the bright
'nese bf his fire. Before many' days
,the Arch -Druid •hiineelf was bap-
tized, and 'althoug'h Leary never
surrendered he provided the good
Seine with the fort 'of. Trim, lest.
any Irishman object to his teeche
Inge' .
•Oo the'derkeess Wa‘S ended.' It's
the waY. -th-eLight. eanee to le -eland:.
• and; that Light bas never been
quenched to this day.. •
Ban Favored
On Margarine
.' •
Ontario Dairymen Oppose
• Lifting of Sas '
The Concentrated Milk Producl
ers' Association of ' Ontario in a.
-resolution sepbesing-itnpOrtation of -
oleomargarine said "there may .be ,
a ,gtive scarcity of butter in' the
winter of 1042" because the On.
Aerie provincial' bonus. and pre-
miums for . high -scoring cheese •
make . it "more profitable .to the
basic proeueer sin. Ontario to' mane
facture hit into cheese , in
stead of butter:" , ' •
• The reselutiou conCeued: "Smile •
. •
'scireME. IT.
wmp inivie.rrimt)T
cope ises taitenivIee:lee
e: •
e• HOWs
N-06.1.1•Ice.res I\JERts
•Got ITS •.C4-141k/fc'
ANSWER. ,George Ferris, ArneriCan engineer and bridge builder,
• of Galesburg. fill,. He built the first cif these revolving wheels
the_Werars_Paltnribian.Exposittion-in-Chicage, in 1893
NEXT: What Is one half of a pair of dice called?
• , •
• •
••• • • • •
• •• .
• • • • • • •
*Answer to Previous Puzzle 12 Afraid. ,
13 He was an
1 Musician, •A
• whose music
is frequently,
, electrical
• 14 To rant.
16 Olive shrub
17 Insertion.
18 Citrus fruit.
7.10 -Neither
Qingto.rtvs usEg
H I;21EMIT mApoF P E 0
ittle!,6[2:. MA. ALGERIA '-r:sFC
• zo Opposed to
2IFib,er knots,
• 23 Nothing.
• 24 Doctor.
• 25 Feudal fee:
26 Musical note.
28 TO.
29 Tiny
• 30 Tci be . •
32 Confession.
34 Iarefn.
•36 Irurnane.
88 Leading part
in a duet.
•39 Cereal grass.
40 Egyptian god.
'41 Mooley apple,
'42 Red 'Cross. '
43 Hops kiln.
45.Arid: ' .
47 EiectriCal.
unit. • •
48 Fethale fowl,
50 TO corrode. •
53 Wheel track
inark. , •
55 By. .• •
56 Branches of
science. '
58 Ocean. • . '
60 He was
• by birth:.
15 His music is
liked for its
• .---- strains.
. 20 Heads, of
• • parties.
22 To succeed. .•
25To .grake.
T 27 Pitcher.
T Y 29 Confined.
,61 He was a
Of light opera
1 Courage.
2 Passage.
3 Tea
• 4 Forward.
5 Hateful.
6 Rupture.
7 Paradise,
8 Plexus. •
9 Before Christ.
10 Cloth
• measure.
11 Shower.
3 el forlse
3 o
7 Mnatominal.
43 , •.
44 Jumping
stick '
46 Year. :
49 Silkworm.
52 Not bright.
54 To ernploy.
55 3.1416.
56 Exclaination.
57 Therefore. .
59 While. •
)111,• '
2 3
4 • 5 P:
7. 8 9 10
17 .
14 .„
21•• 23
55 54
59 ,
• .PP Top. Man
CXCrttMNT- -.
'NT ABOVE TH'E• 1-1•E-40.
O /145' CROWD
1 .
es 414nlaia041 lay 1,14, 14,11 0v0r411,3,4t In..