HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-03-13, Page 1•
04)0 YEAR --IN ADV4-NCE-50e EXTRA TO U. S.A. .
.The „ eneual • "Ate Home" .held en
hy the WOmen's--
proved, ate -ie. always does, to be a
delightfUr evening for the'large crowd
'n attendanew . • •
,Euchre • was 'Played in the -early
evening with the children. engaging
. Chinese. checkere: Euchre winners
Were Mrs. Solomon and Carmen Mc-
: Quillin •while -Mary -Lorraine'. John-
ston and Lloyd Hall were the 1304 at
• pose checkers, . For' the 4`grand
pr e', the winners bad to burst a
balloon with Lloyd Hall the first to
,I • accorriplish this.
Mrs. Phillip Stewart, president of
• the Women's Institilte presided for
tile program that included a solo by
• Erg. Harold Treleaven; violin solo
by Pr. Little and a piano instrumen-
tal by Mrs. Norman Wilton): .
A feature' of the evening was the
quiz centest with Mrs. J, W.• JoYnt
iPeg as "Professor Quiz". The con-
testants were Mes, Morgan }lender-
' Son, Mile 'W. S. Reid, Misses 1Vlarion
,-.MacDougall and Rude Matthewee Dr:
•••• Treleaven, Dr James Little,
•• Erie Cox 'and Rexford Ostrander.
e :ladies- were the. winners; (while: Erie
' Cox get the gent'sprize. for the test
Phillip 'Stewart donated the Prizes
;glee the quiz winners,' with Mrs. Wel-
' *Iiiiisten Henderson donating tilt the:
ther prizes- •
•Lunch was •served and dancing fol..
'.10wed to music: bit McChaelee
The lives of four Tittle tots were
snuffed out .in a' dire that swepi
,through their 'home in the outskirts
of Toronto lase Neeleesday. The trag•
'edy had special significance here, for
their' oldest sister, Dorothy, was
euminer liditor at the home of Mr.
•and Mrs. J. M. Greer, -a year ago
last suniMere •
The four of seven children Of *r.
and Mee. Richard Mullen, Who lost
their lives were. Ernest, 5; Lorraine,
; Doreen, 11,e and Bobbie, 3 mcinths
old. The three older children, Doe.:
othy, 9, Ruth, 7, and Betty; 6 were
at school ltt the time.. •
the babye when one of the children
ruphed u# to tell her the kitchen was
on fire. Racing.downstairs, 1VIrs. Mul-
lan.saw, that the blaze was gaining
eheadwdy, end Tan across the street
to eall the fire department. Upon re-
turning she wait unable to' re-enter
• the blazing home. Her husband ar-
rived about the same' time. and had
to be restrained from dashing into
the inferno;
' Within twenty minutes the fire was
extinguished, but not before the four
little 'tots had lost their lives. The
Filo, Chief was of the opinion that
three, and possibly all of the child-
ren, liael been suffocated :before the
Mr, G. A.'Greer has rented biatfarin
east:of the .Village to Veenon Hunt-
er, Who gets possession early in April.
1V1r.eandellia/s.ellunter haye ,heen-elle
elating a ,farta.near :Ripley for some
• time. . •••
Me, Greer plans to held an..auetion
sale in the near future, after which
be and Mrs. Greer and •Eva will Melee
to the ,Village end' take up residence,
in . the home presently ocenPied
Mi . and Mrs. James Ritchie, ,•
Hauling' Ice
• The ice "harvest" has been under-
way the past few •days, with the
supply beilig drawn'l feem Greerse,
• Pond.. Locally this whiter industry
has .dwindled to e mere nothin• g
compared, with a:few years ago when
Silverwoodi„ every butcher and 'res-
taurant and several grocers tised to
• pack aseay many tongef it. Now there
are only ;I couple of ice houees in
She village being used, whileelectric
refrigeration has reduced the cen-
• ,
sumptioireefeiceeat ;Silverwoods-eto
negligilble• amount: ,..
The report of Huron. Township
Ward 5 Red Croes Unit 'for. the ,Year
1940 shows ,total reeeipts of $298.43.•
Expenditures, $251,36. Balance
hand- $41117. ,
• Twenty-seven quilt tops, lo ining
iteldl:0 bade were donated durin-g the
year and the ,following.'aitieles. take
been shiPpecl: 8 'woollen blankets, ,52
quiltST3-4estettepyjamas, 5-4-paires-o1e
diet's : socks, ,21 pair Seaman -socke,
13-meies shirts, po dresses, 10 com-
plete layettes, 22 pair • pillow cases,
e crib blankets, 142 handkerchiefs, 11
baby jeckets, 1 knitted sweater eone
year), '1 •crib quilt, 3 pairs blOoniers
bleuse, 6 diapers, 2 baby 'bands, one
baby drese, 1 tennet, 3 slips,
2 haby 'biba, 1 pair' licietees, .2• pair
initts, 1 .ecarf, 4 pair"baby steckings.
• The •cleath• of Allen Kaake of the
Durham Road, just east of Kinloss
Village, occurred ih the Toronto Gen-
eral Hospitaleon Wednesday last. Mr:
• alteevaleseruneelyemjereeLearly_fhe
previous week +when pinned to the
ground by a tree he and his son
were felling.
In the intstap Mr. Kaake'e arm
wasbadlymangledand his hip frac-
tured. He via.si remelted to Kincardine
Hospital and then to Toronto dee to
the seriousness of his injuries.
• The ‚funeral. service was held at
his late reSidence, Greenock • Town-
ship on Saturday with interment in
Gh.-eenhill cemetery, ,
M. Kaake, :who was in hie 56th
year, is survived by his Wife, one
daughter, Mrs. Girvisi and a• son El-
mer as well as his aged mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole received
a letter this' week from their grand-
son, Max Hildred, who is on active
service with Canadian forces "Some -
'where in England". Max reported re-
ecteing our welcome. -parcels; and
in de speelel Mention oenjoying the
• "" He had et siva Christmas he said
• including lets of turkey, but he and
'everyone else hoped to be home fot
. next Christmas. Max says the clim-
• ate is fine, not too .cold, though rath-
er damp.
• He asks his -grandparents how the
is going, , believing they will
,bare More flew e than they gee, add-
ing that its been so quiet there for
• a month .you wouldn't know there
Was a war on.
A dislocated shoulder wai the very.
painful injury suffered recently by
• Wilfred (Pete) Parrish of Ashfield.
• The accident occurred When the sleigh
• upset in making a turn oyer n bank
of snow: at the iOthCon. and Kintail
sideeoad intersection. In riteVentirig
the teeth:from running away, Pete
was trailed for a distance. , Ewart
Jamieson; Who was With Pete , at the
time, rushed the suffering. Man_ to
Lticknow for treatment, , where the
dislocation Was cerreCted. Pete re-
mained at ,the home of his sister,
Mrs. M. Horne, for eouple of days
before returning *kyle: , • '
Reit. . C. N. • MatiCenziei pastee ' of
Ripley and Olivet United Churrehes,
has been granted a menthe.' leave of
absence due to indifferent health.
Rev. ,W, LDremnee ,of 'Seaford'
who has conducted 'the work for the
past fee. :weeks, Will tontinue to sup-
• ply in Mr. MacKeezie's absence.
Mistake in Official Figures
Last eveek official figures released'
at national liead'querfers credited
Chesley with over low War Savings
Certificate; pledges signed. This was
in error according to' The Chesley En-
terprise, Which ,iinnoilhoei' a :total ,of
489 or well •ovee the Objective of 350,
snit the ed is not yet. •
The Canadian "March of ,Dimes"
• to May Hurricanes
• Although it has failed tereceiye .the
'enuient of Publicity ateordee other
phases of the Canadian war effort;
this country's own "March- of Dieees"
goes steadily oneeard and upward. Its
purpose is to purchage Hurricane
fighter Planes fer
R.A.F4 and all you have to do to help
is drop your contribution• of 10c or
more in an,,envelope, address it sirnp-
ly: "The Minister of Finance to (buy a'
.lierricane, Odom, Ont." There is no
stamp required on the envelope, eith-
er. Bi you yeti ara Warned not to give a
donethin to anyOne soliciting on be-
half Of tifis "Hurricane Fund": Seed
the money yeurself.-,eie bee is au-
thorized to canvass on...behalf of this
1 4
- •
Members of the Anglian, parieh
and. enarne-freends in .theeeenineurilte
were -shocked this week to 'learn of
the sudden death of Rev. Pergy-HOwe
Rickard. :whiele • '4/Ohne& on Sunday
at 'Poet Rowan; where he Was reetor
of St l'ohli!i4 Aeglieazi Church Es
deip was due to an attack of meas-
les, ited eomplicatioes. which "deVelop-
Rey: Percy rtickarci4at highly re.-
garded in this community, Where. he
served s eueete, aseisiting Rev. J.
H. Geoghegan in the four -point Par-
ish of Lucknow, Ripley, Dungannon
and Port Albert, from October 1936
ReV. Rickard graduated from Hur-
on College; Louden in 1936„ and'due-
ing his final year at college was cur-
ate at St. James (Westininseer) Ane
glican chuisch, in London. While at
• Lticknow he was appointed reetor at
Poet Rewan, where ,he Raised away.,
and the leee Mrs. Rickard: ofe,per• ,'
ehester Where finiertil seryiees were
held. Besides his father he is sur-
vived by three sisterseMrs. Garfield
..-Scareciese- of- Hamilton, :Milli Doris
Rickard, at home, and Miss Blanche
Rickard of Brantford; three broth-
eie;" Orville and Rey. Prank Rickard,
both 'of London, and Gordon, athome.
Receiving .Many' Logs
• Quite 'a steady stream of lags. has.
been pouring into the Village this
last while being‘Reposed of to the
Lucknow Sawmill Company.
This peat week •a new drainsigedby-
la* pertaining ,to what is known as
the Ackert Ditch, has been served in
Kinloss Township to those affected.: •
' The new deals with the re-
port of'•Civil Engineer F. B. James,
and ,,replaces the Archibald report,
(which was " repealed' by e•dieisitin
• vote of Kinloss Council. This,deaiii-
age question has for long been a con-•
tentiouseedestion in Kinloss, the cause
of numerous electione, and the sub-
ject of niaey heated' debates. •
The -new- rePort- proidsieerillye-acle
opted on December 17th last, as we
understand :it; proirides more -fOr 'a
cleanout and deepening, of the ditch;
while • eliminating the contreeersial
• eictension-cIrruser in the -former report.
• The new by-law calls for raising
of $2280 to complete the work.
, A collet ef revision to hear and con-
sider complaints against this new by-
law Will be held .at Ilolyrood on Wed-
nesday, March 26th: :
reporeed. b. nat-
ional • headquarters show that in
Bence Centity a total �f 4,§72 War
Saiings .PIedges have been signed up
to 1VLarth 8th, which exelecks -014
'quota by Upwards to 1,409r"
However fer the'combined counties
of Bruce, Huron, Perth, Waterhio &
Wellington the quota .of 63,100 had
pot been reached up to lot Friday.
Pledges reported to that date man-
bered 50,086. ,
• Here's the headquarters figures UP
to Pedal last for Bruce and Huron:
Brace County
Pledges Quota
• Ch
KinecsalerYdine. 514 8
2 300
LucknoW. ...... 212
Mildmay 85 •
Paisley . .. .. 111 150
Port :Elgin 4.... 398 250 .
SeurthemPton 300 300
• Teesweter 205- 159 '
Walkerton .. 71.5 1 500
*erten ..,450 450
Tara • . 708 100
Tobenmory ' 91
centres unreported
• •
Hilton County
. 4572; • ?lam:
Myth . , .... 62
•IBiussels : 46
Cliriton ..... 356
• Exeter •..... 870
Goderich 546
• Ilensall •'322
• Seaford' 374
• Winghtun , 822
.1 centre unreported
' 130
.• 350
350 ,
' goo()
Employees of the. Luelmow. and
Cargill plants of :Sj1iervio4cliPairies
'have:pledged' isnetundred per cent, to
purchase War • Sakings iCertificates
regillarly. This' is a record .any firin
can be IseSd'reie•aed 91*.::tfuit,*any
are ,Stri,Ving to aeOmplirib:„y, '
'The funeral eereice for the late
• 11,4s. Arthur MacDonald ;was held in
• the United Church'. On Fxidity, con-
-ducted by Rev. it.-,0-.--T-oddi-Tith -in--
terment 'in Smith ;Cielose Cemetery.
Mrs MacDonald passed away at the
home of her brother, W. J.. Bower, In
,Melita, Manitoba tbp. previous Mon-
day: She was in her -72nd year, and
had' been in failing. heelthefOr seime
time. • •
Mrs. • MacDonald was formerly
Mary Bower,'but beet known to many
• -ad- friende" here* aeeMineiee'She'eWas
• daughter of the, Iate Me. and Vas:
Enoch Hewer, and wree'born -at Drea-
d* the family later Moyiegte Luck -
now, where her father was, first en-
- gaee'd"ae "saWyere in -ed ' then
located at the corner of the 12th Con.
of Ashfield and the Gravel Road:,
:in. .1894 Mary Bower- becenie the
bride Of Arthur'MacDonald, and' they
eater resided at Wonestock, . Owen
Simnd. and Orillia,, where , Mr. Mac-
Doriald '-passed away -in . February
1936. Since -1938 Mrs. MacDonald has
made her hoine with her -brother,
at -Melita.
Surviving are two brothers, George
of Veteran; Alta;; W.. J. of Melita
elle a sister, Mr. -Russell Burns (Lit -
lie) -of Toronto. Another sister, Mrs.
W. Q Treleaven (Stella) predeceased
ter•a number of Years ago, , •
111:for, the past eyen weeks 'John
Drennan died' on Mond.aY. morning
at Godesich :in hie .75th year.
Mr. Drennan ,Was,A native of Ash-
• field ToWesbie eeseereeeci aide .until
twenty years ago' when he removed
to goderich where he has since re-
• sided,: ete;was the son of James and
Helen Guthrie Drennan, well known
residents of Aelifield, ,and was a far-
mer in .Ashfield until .his retirement.
Hwa Unmarried; andelived--vvitle
his , mother on Raglan street, con-
tinuing to live there idone atter her
•death. He was a member of Knox
Presbyterian church and Was a Lib-
eral inpolities. .
Surviving are two :brethers; George
of Ashfield; and Tennant o' Goder-
ich; • and three , sisters, Mrs. • David
Spree', Gederich, Mrs. Albert Hallam
and Mrs. John Little -et Ashfield.
• The: funeral took place 'from the
• residence of his sister, Mrs. David
Sproul, Raglan street on Wednesday
at 1:30 pm: The sereiee was conduc-
ted by Rev. D. J. Lane Of -Knox
,church with interment MAUR
cemetery. • ‘,
41 "
Cecil Treleaven • of Dungannon,
'brother of Harvey Treleaven • of `teiene
'passed eyeallp Steepeeplifs,-Hospitat
London earlye'TiSdbie evening. He
was -01 YCire' 0.1 iteW.
,Dneeexte froWeleeesidiet on Sunday
with his wife, 4,4greegliter he was
strielieri with* iteiere paralytic seiz-
ure -and was rushed back to the city
to Si. Joseph's , Hospital, where he
,failed to regain consciousness. This
was the third Stroke suffered by Mr.
Treleaven in recent years, and al-
though lie made a partial recovery -
after the last severe seizure he tail-
ed to regaiii-liii-ileuaFheelthe
George Cecil Treleaven was ' the
eldest son of Mrs. S. F. Treleaven
(Elizabeth Shepherd) and the late
Mr.. Treleaven. He wasborn on the
6th Concession e•if -Ashfield,' on the
farm now owned* James Sherwood.
He attended .Goderich Collegiate and
then entered the banking business,
„later returning- to. takeup, farming
east of the homestead. ,
Twenty-eight years ago he Married
Loretta Roach, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Roach of Dungannon.
Twelveyears ego tr.' Treleaven took.
over ,the duties of secretary -treas-
urer of the West WaWariesh Mutual
Fire Insurance Company, and 'as well
was secretary of the, Goderich Rural
Telephone Company. He was Ashfield
Township tax collector, and in church
circles eieves an active member Of tlis
,United Church.
His passing Will be widely mourn•
ed in the district for Cecil Treleavep_
was highly esteemed, and was for;
°tably known as an energetic; trust-
worthy besiness man, whose opinion
on many matters was valued by all
his associates:
The funeral serviceswill he held in
the Dungannon United Church on
lay afternoon at 2:3e p.m.
Besides. his widow.; Mr. Treleaven
is survived by two daughters, Wilma
of Toronto and Lois at home, is Well
,as his mother, his brother Hervey
of Lucknew, and his sister, Mrs. John
Andrew . (Edith). of :Edmonton.
The funeral of John! Laidlaw whe
dieclein:hisentle_yeiirewas held. Sat-
urday to Vingliain cemetery, with
his .pastor, Rev: Barnard, officiating.
Mr. Laidlaw grew to manhood on
the 12th of West Wawanosh, wherf
he operated his 'girth until he re-
tired t� WhiteChurch a number of
years ego. He leaves his sisters, Mrs.
JacksmesCIintoni Mrs. William Max.
tin,East Wove/100; Miss Christens,
With whom, he lived; One brother,
Joe Laidlaw, East Wawenosh. • •
Friday, April .4th. is .the date for
the Lueknow 'Pipe Band annual ball.
"Bigger and better than ever", twill
'be. Watch foe ihkeeparticula,rs:
In -aid of. the. Red Cross Refugee
••Ftl.n.ltea elanee. wi4.1?,e
.held in the Town Hall, Friday evee-
ing, March 14th. MacKenzie's erchel-
tra, lunch counter: Admission 35c.
A baking sale and afteinoon, tee
will be held at Johnston's Furniture
Store, this Satuedity afternoon, Mar.
15th, coinmencing at 2:30 o'clock.
Proceeds in aid 'of Refugee relief
work. Remember tilla date, this Set:.
urday afternoon.
bi• k.CE AT ST:, HELEN'S
With proceeds foe patriotic purposes
the St. Helen's Women's lestitute Will
„hold a dance in the Community Hall.
St. Helen's, (nf Friday, 'Meech 21st.
McCharlee' orchestra, pey *cCeeight
caller -off. Admiseion 25e and 10e.
'Ledies with Tench free,
For your dancing pleasure oe PA.
day,' Mareh 21st, The Clansmen epre-
seet FiteLient. „Pletefier's 1. A. F.
dance, band at Poet Albert. Dancing
9 to 2. .0enei•al adatiesion .5*. Pro-
ceeds to lie invested hit 'Veer Savings
Commencing in this issue pf Tb
Sentinel is the:life eterieuf Wingtee.
-Churchilleeee-Theeriem....-who wifl bea.
Hitler". Phis 'first installneent is bi
may of entroduetion and gives Only's,
"thinnb sketch �f Churchillk
• early career, :etre'believe our reader
will 'firid the:life story of
of the 'hour" of yeal•intereet and wt.
recommend that You follow Closeliethe
weekly, insteihnents that will fellow
&latter weekly feature that 'We
thirik our readers willenjoy is "Brain
Teasers". If you find them interesting
let' us knew. .
. cemettemeipme •
• (By Willard Thonipson)
-:wetenenty-telarfneedabthey ""theirn1 .so'ria-n$S4.;
the second annual Trail Ranger Path.
er. and Son Banquet held last 'Friday
evening in the -United ,Chnrob Sunday
School room. ° ,
Following the, iegular: opening cure
eMoey aslused at Trail Ranger meet
Ines, Rev. MeeDenelii anked.the
sing Dinner was then. served,
Rev, . Todd, mentor of, the local.
group, gave the address of welcome
this heing follewed by a toastto his
MalestY. the King, given' by Willard "
Thorapson,' toaet-nilister of 'the even,
ing, 'who then' lead thegroup in thee!
Trail Ranger. Flag .ceremeny.
• Ronald Johnston in' his toast' to tbe
!ethers stated that this Wes one night -
in three hundred and .sixty-five that ‘:
the sons previded the evening meal.
for, dad. Mr. HaroId Allin replied toe
the iceist A toast to ehe ladies' Of "
• die Event?* Auxiliary Of the United
hurh iiii-PrOPciiiirby lteli..-4-Odit• :-
coinplimenting them. op the delicious
• Meal "arid the excellent way in Which
ist was served.
Motions of thanks were extended
hievarious members' of the Trail Ran-
gers to Mr. 0, S. MacIntyre, guest,
speaker of the evening; to Mi. IC C.
Orr for the loan of his Pean4 roister
each year, making it possible for the
lads to sell peanuts at local hockey
games; to Mr. john D. Boss; po
-.Camp leader; to-Treleaven'a.7.-Mill-fr.-
tranSportation to and filial camp; and "
conclusion a vote Of thanks to al?
'•ie any time in their activities. • '
A liedy sing -song was: the held
With the dads proving that when it
comes to 'singing ,they are just as,
good as their Sens,' . •
War Savings Stanms were 'awarded
is follows to the winners of various
Trail Ranger activities held through-
out the past year. For Bible memory
work -Ronald Johnston, .good cow:
:duct at meetings -Jack lirreleOreni
promptness at eineetinge-alan Me -
Kim; regular attendance at Sunday
School --Stanley • prest; regular at-' '
tendance at ,Church --Reg. Ferguson:
regular.' attondenee. at Trail Ranger •
meetings -Bill Treleaven For turninr •
in the most labels in the recent Trail
Ranger. "rose -end" •.
Treleavelle•hen-apple-day- salismaie-H-• •
Alan; Stseriert;• best peanut salesmar •
• Fergnsen. To George Taylor,
• for. prefideney in Trail -Ranger work, ,
a bronze medal was awarded and to
'Albert Chiri, tor the :most. -popular-
lad at camp, a 'pen and pencil. set.'
These preseetations were made 'by
Mr. John 4. Ross.
The preskiteticin of 'Trail Ranger
Service Chevrons was made by "Rev:
Todd' to Reg Ferguson, Elliott .Pur-
ves,, Jack Treleaven,. Bill Treleaven,
George Taylor, Stanley Prest,, Bud
Orr, Alan 111cKiin, Ronald Johnston,
Willard Thomption.• •,
• Representing the Clansmen's Club„
Pr. W: V. Johnston, preside.nt, ad -
— • ,„, -
The following poem; appeared_ ii
last- week's lune: of the Oak Liki
News, in tribute to the four airmen
including' Sgt. pilot Harry Prest, wh
lost their lives in a pilule crash nee.:
that town. The paper Alio carried e
detailed •aCceniet of a eery impreesiy(
-memorial-eservice -held- ate-Oak-Leke
to honor their memory and to ente,
into fellowship ovith the •loyee one:
whe' neoUrn. •
• The poem, penned. by P. H., Phil
lips, follewee . . ; • ..
We saw the plane soaring, we bear
, the plane roaring,
Like a bird, free and eager, on, he.
• wings she is 'borne.
Of. danger! -no Warninge-all fear
she is scorning
Andshe's. goon sveallowed- up-th
• meek .of the storm.
The e.wirlirigeseeee fees, fr*thelow
ering skies, • .
• As' the plane cleaves the air, e'er me
small prairie town, ' • • ,
And our hearts fill With pride, as
• brave airmen ride,
Let duty but beckon they 'level
"Stay down". .
Aceosa. the far lake -their lane 'flight
What -happened their ship? we neva
. May know,- ,
But oiit of the storming, she crashed'
without warning, e
On the lake's'frozen bosoni, the air -
Thro' the long eiight so cheerless.
searchers, Watchful and fearless
To- quecour; andeaide ansuseesefulle
But the pale gleams of dawning, e-
Ieal With sad warning .
The way that our aiemen can face
death and die. • '
Chums and comrades, 'meted, in death
• undivided
Theirispirits released, for the long
. .
flight above
The pilot can steer, without danger,
or fear
On the unfailing "Beam" of the 'In, -
finite Love.: •
„ . .
If sympathy real, can, and does, help
• to heal,
,• A large number of relatives end
old neighbours attended the funeral
�f the late Mr .• Laidlaw which
was held Saturday to Wingham cem-
etery.. He was a ,thighly respected
pioneer of this coniinunity. Sympathy
is extended to the' relatives.
• Me. MireheuSe from the ,.West
visiting with his aunt, Mrs'. Robert
Ross and his •sister Miss .Elizabeth
' Mrs. Mitchell of -Wijigham spent
Sunday with Miss Catherine Mewbray,
afid Min - eeteee---
. Mies Bertha McKay aifeift the week
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Hector, Maelehy. '
'• We are sorry to report Mrs. Mae
ROSS to have fallen and twisted her
knee. • •
•• Mr. and Mrs. 'Hector McKay cele-
brated their sixty-fourth vieddinean-
niversary • Isiet week: Mr. McKay
in his ninety...fifth Year and Mrs.
McKay has pashed her eighty-fifth
'in. Martin celebrated her
eightY),-fifth birthdifir on Surd -ay
She is one of a Member of 'elder'Pee-
pie . in our burg including Mr. Winl
'Barber,: *to will be 8'7 in a short
• time; Mr. Eli Jacques, 881 Mrs. Alite-
, cities, 85; Mr. John hitiespie in his
85th year; Mrs. Gilchrist, 87 and
Mr. Thmes Ross, "85, as well as nu-.
merous .others in their eig'hties. •
Av-INT,sroN--rn Chatham Hospital
oh Saturday, Mareh 818 to Mr. and.
Mrs: W. A. Johnston (nee Helen Me -
teed) of BOthWell le Soh, Wilfred
Brueti; •
The fierce anguish, their loved ones
noes bear.
Every soul. in Oak Lake, his and her
part, will take, .
In helping their sorrow t� share.
Card Of 'Thanks
Mr.: and MiS. .Vincent Prest
and family wish to thank all their
friends for the 'loving, kindness ex-
tended to them during their, sad be-
reaeein ent.
There is no dearth of entertainment
scheduled in the coMmunity for the
next feW , 'weeks; Starting today
(Thursday) W. G. Andrew, ' McOor-
• 11'44 -Deering deale4 Stage§ two big
free shows, afternoon and evening,
and- neet Wednesday Garfield' Ostran-
der extends an, in•vitation to the Ford
' eetertainment to he •held in, Wing,
•, Friday.of this week under -Refugee
Committee auspiees ea dance is be-
ing held it 'idle Town Halt The .fole
lowieg Friday, • The .Clansinen Pre-
sent Flt. -Lieut. Fletcher' R.A:F.
dance band, while that Sante evening
St. Heletes :Wornen'e lInseitute are
holding e dande in the .Community
Hall. On Friday, March 28th. the lo-
cal breech of die Legion; is eponsor-
a'dance with the Pipe Band boo1.
tng the fine Friday in April for
•their second' annisol Scoteh ball. And
then of tourse there may be ither
activities We can't retail at the 0,111-
.04+, I ki4.14.3414 e •
— •
dressed the'gathering briefly and ex-
tended greetinge, from his .club to the
Trail Rangers. ,Mr. •MacIntyre, guest
'speaker, delivered a sidendid address,
Otte ef interest and importaliee tied
whichconcerns every father and son
With his theme `fEducetion and the
• Empire'', Mr, ,MaeIntyre pointed out::
in his address the importance of eci,
• uestion in the history of the. World
throughout the centuries, at the Pres- •
'ent time and, in the feture., In closing
be broeght out 'what a _privilege it
was for us to live in this great Can- •
Lade of ours, ' '
The • singing of the National An-
them.brought a really grand evening
to n close. An evening which brought
wanner and closer relationship be-
• tweenlather and spnand which made
every, lad truly thankful that he had
a "dad".',.. the swellest goy . in the •
Attend R.A.F. Party
,Several froin, the Village,were
guests at a party staged by oficers
of the Port Albert Air Navigation
School last Friday evening. The Ser-
geants' Mess was gaily decorated for .
the occasion, when dancing Was en -
loved fo rnesic by the Air Force Or. e'e
eliestra , under the direction of Fite.
Lieut. Fletcher.
fled The M'easlei . •
Mise Margaret (Peggy) Itacpunald
Wes coefined to the -house the past
few eels with an attack of German
measles. Mts. Philip Sinith, whose
husband is an sinployee ot the Mapte
Leaf Aircraft Corporation was also
laid tip with; the Sam. Malady.