HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-27, Page 44,4 • ANGELEkt, IN JANUARY:. 14fthia• If must be that the,readiiri Of the Sentinel have long Vance fergettell my -existence:1f I may he forilvee• try to do better in the future. ere is a saying that Mach avatee s PeSsed-. under the bridge sinc° „last, Met,: and that's.a very great been abroad some, and e- seen alittle. Which might -be of. est to the.viep4-,411-tke Ovis'auti to othr1flOre Te - THE WCKNOW SENTINEL, COORRigs$.7coRto Me Charlie liedgina. is speeding a 11 day Or two in Teeelltell this W0elt• Mr. andJ1r3. .ac Sehx_smaiser and,. a... Helen visited at Or. and Mrs. ricta--$0oydg 14.14IMINATEp FRIDAY -BYWINGIIA31,1111,DIAM ockey Chatter situated. roamed-em Hodgins Saturday everang. .,111iseei Isabelle AticICaY and Jean Anderson spent e week -end at. Mr. Charlie , -1114-jetie:::;Edgai-4and-laraily,,ieisited Mr. and. Mrs, Iloward Edgar recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Ithas anent Sun - 1.11F. and ivIrs. Hanna. - Mr. .JoeWaI1 and: Ear1aE0 Tee s•P4711,. Intended,. for 'last; 5v00161, • •,• aurell its boundaries Mr. and mts: sr johnston from Is • is what %the book 'says. It leintait Were visitors with -Mr, and has a population if 1,500,000: Mrs. Wilfred Fairish ° and Anne Mae „VOWS a let of people, believe; over. the week -end. • ' A member from here attended the 7this-city of -Los Angelee-ialligh__Pieboaj concert in Lueknow on lige sprawling City. at is More Thersdey night, • , : like a -spider Web With a•neehuis •of population etiatres at the interseetlee :et: each ecniVerging thread. Some of •Mr. and Mrs. Ernest: Blake from iVkafeking visited one day recently taith Mk, and Mrs. David Little and own, bay aisle inbarseetions ;have diffeaent Miss •IaarY Alton.ten , • er.:e0a. nanteevHollywood,"Glentiale, Burbank. Mee and Mrs. .Lloyd 'Robb and Anna '641eefeeil Beverly Hills, etc. are only sonie1 of from 'Pinkerton were visitors in the burg an Saturday.' • . dent geHeeery.' r hem. ' But one Of the amazing things is :MT- John D. Fairlial :went to %man that: Los Aitteinie. lret on-Thersday,toaea„Mre....Farriefi. who hag been' but' glad to knew that, "• • • were you last a, there- WaS-1 gangmanageddwdrifts.- Don't have too? • - other city o s size. • a yvi ere m : the ';:erld:: at ' least that- • I know, of, she isalallth ielProVed. ' 8 It's centre i 20 Miles freak any nav- :Miss Rea IVIllier of Paramount is igable stream or the ocean, anduntila visitor w,ith Mr.. and . Mts. Lorne 'Man,' through the government and the Parrish. ' i 60- 'Melt, -heearae--naterested- mid -.MiSe • ifrli_AFAL 4_lt_o...n.Lfre.111'..R.s.e.h-e.t.:.. o.rerainder ,for you, . ; total visited with Mae Vera Little • ' ' ' ' dredged out a hole in the ocean's.rim Bang -Taddiea-Buy Wit Sav- it had no harbor • at all. 'Even nowl; one . day • recently. "'regularly, and help win after the expenditure a 'inani Mill; Quite a ratieber attended the Kin - ions, it hes:a 'barber whieh, is totaill: tail *c;ineti's Institute dance held at inadequate to the commercial import- ICingsbridge last Friday night and, ato Wind ite- another .anee 'Of .-the "glreateat.: city west of Mr.,. Keith 4.9..hu§t00*_h01.0 :the Ineka one when the ticket Seas drawn for the nial.next.tweek so king Chicago. And as the city, grows and it Wilt: this *in hale, to he enlarged, sl . ,. Wr. ITE....C.'1H9It, Ctl a •fii* days 104 (week with beiaunt yjlera:ito.ISowid.,7eguso,u. of Tondo): 0.14 Mre..Xliniteth Weaver arnt-cgraVd- Oa Billy retnilia ta-ker-nOtan-ahar after vending a fawmenths,with her Outecoted, 10 to .5 hY. ".SPe4er OP, sell et SlldhleTY• ' . s Patients: TO Gllre ' Wingha,m The . we are 7ao* is . eepott Mr.. Gilt ......Roand 15 to IP-Sepoiee Were Short to he laid. off N.verk,,418 the T0 : Handed 7.1*--: pria-o-Erfott.--• - :- .• -- in, t Vent i-ln ,M,r, had es Wilboar son s • . . mill, Wheelie' .et&Otr;ea,.....7. eason; Excue =raft CoriletVta :.,:.t.eara .!fOod.,.. L ... - ,:• , - ..... 0. 410. e0Sall' l ‘Scde „lasItinT:e'da, Pa:Vice:8Y twaeutee:, ' rwas :•' furnished, With natty new bine..., Mrs. zeanniertion is en the .sick list and white sweaters foiwhat, pree0' Her daughter, Lila tia111 Wingham to be their final appearance Of .the, is spending a few dgYa.„theee. We year. The jerseys ear)ried the emblem hope for g -geed' recovery. * ,'Maple L. Leafs". , ' ;" ' •The. Weirld'a :Day of Prayer will be But to get back to the game -"The *Id an gal,' • the, 28th in the Pres - Indians outscoredthe locals 141 to 5 hYteriari Chit& All the ladies of bete 4.6 meet PaisleyilnLthe-Group f tea , gon_lifYlIrs.. congregititateare cordially' invited to to take the round 15 to 8 They earned.. the min, oatspeedingthe "MliPle leafs" but hot outplaYing sr • THURSDAY, PEBRIJARY•27tle; 194* ... • . • . " • ••••••••••••••••••.•-""s":..a1,6 . . ettee•-a--- • WANirED-'-'fo'talke soharge o. form-loust have experieace. S. 11). Stothers. Arthar, Out. eeee-smita-tifiat tiftl(sTelinear, 3"--er-1 roonis;-,--fer two &chats: Apply at Sentinel Office. LOGS WANTED -.-Ail kinds of loge, get our Prices 'iefOre, selling. Luck - now - Senettill•COnit,lib Phone 57 anJ 79; Lueinow, • , e,40034,eri' for •the MAFEIC , giteeileft.,,fer uke. Week).- ' jelt„ returned to tford Sunday. . he W. BT.'S. will meet this Wed - sr afternoon at•thelteine:of Mrs. ' from fitne'ite'Illiee.! :" .• • We are sorry .0 hear that Miss Les Angeles Wast•fitst-httilt7sibetitEilen m hell who bas been in Tor- onto and under thai., doctor's - care, is a Spanish Mission in the open desert. • The country wise mostly flat, Covered llmne at %Present*. ' • ' ' with ,sage brush, Which ' is still 7•°--- bo 'aiwietare.:C-glad pb6 Campbell tis•4;*90;tth 'vingata:s slowly. seen In 011ie* greasesiood,; Mesquite, : Mr. George ,lionger who has been nen, Of which grew much higher than visiting with friends. in Toronto is a ITke'ne l'eail* : '.., • back assisting Mr. Wilfred Fairish. • There was little or no water.. Wells- 1,1r. Joe Alton from ;Colborne was r.. y -• Blundell attended 'the which were ;dug', produced a ' spuey ' - a visitor on Sunday with .or. and heeheY tattle in. Terontis Saturday liquid which lwas neither palatable or 1VIrti.' David- Little:- evening'," . digestible.. But the sturdy mist -Biopsy' ies . . . .. Mit 'A N Atkinson of 'Goclericli . . . of -14--,..,e Spanish Roman Catholic ex., TO ARRANGE CENTENNIAL pedition, never falteeed in their, week wit her 4laug forts to bring' solace to the aorta .of Mrs. Richard K*4 • The Y held social inthe the few inhabitants • ef the country, '- hall hitt Progressii4 hut introduced_a_method of irrigation ...0, flIrflflltIfW Loa:Heir. ,;weae' played and foliOvrin whielt,is the father allsuchefforts . , . " • •••• • .• this hatch. was served.' on this continent. Mts. S.: J:; ,tilpetrica•: spent - last ' As the, town -grew and Cattle and raeadger•aleeenoere:ateiler-ases...41,earaa. homes, aria intrretin . , -. - " • , Morten; . greater numbers, greater: irrigation Mrs. Walter Scott and little son •w,itles on tiny stream's which coursed ;of Belgra,ve: tsperit the weekend with dean from adjacent mountable were -Mr.• arid Mrs, Norman Shackletonbuiltaind in time, proof of ,the faith • these industrious.; mea had in the, fut- ure Of this country was found in the variety and quality' of the products of the soiL ., And when: gold Was fundly"dis- eivered, in the, mountains Of 'this state. ;a colony' of more or less . prosperoite people was alreedy•on the ground' to• help in(the developmettref the coun- , BELFAST • . • Miss Elmira Alton visited last week with -Miss Vera 'Little. • Mr. Mete/in Monism vibe) has been assiathig-Mr. Bert Alton for the past severe' weeks returned home on Sat- • liORN-To Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nix- • .. en on Tuesday; Febrintry 18th, a min.. cVntritufati6ne: The Thickett's W. M. S. held their ----inontldy-nieeting•-at-the honie of Mia. Roy ,Alton on Tuesday afternoon. Mias Jean Cameron has been vis- iting friends hi Windsor and vitinty the last tlwa weeks. Mr. Jack Irwin returned home after . spending two weeks in Sarnia • . Master Jimmie Hackett' Speet. the "Past week with has grandparents; Mr ' ind Mrs. J. R. HaCkett'ef Lucknow. • KIKLOSs. CENTRE Mr. John Slide Of Teeswater spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- , Mud: Ackert. • . A manlier .from here attended the -reception held at •Langside Tuesday everihig in' honor, of Mr. Ond.41ie. , leek. Pletehei where each and every- one, senjoYed pleasant evening in denting/• and entertainment. • , . . • Mr. Theerista'Par.ker of BP1mere, MK and lifte: Oscar 'Keiffer were .tecent viiiters with Jetties areled— bleeire. .11ar614,1 Congritn, •Chestee nd Clifford Relie' 'made a trip to ,yrento Monday. ' • *ides Mary Sinith and Doris ,Eadie epentSattirday 'afternden With Mr: .44ui Mrs.. Osier Keiffer. Mr William, Elliott and; ro,, James •Tent4ePirie liver, .spe'nt •Sunday vith :hie 'mother *la 'Elliott. and his sis- teT, Mist Eliza Acker.t. • • • ReY R. e:vati,in • Attendoice sundo• thnday School eettice, • Mre. E1iz Aeliert etitettained ' tininher Of ;frtnds �n Monday, irt &nee of her tisetheet birthday, Mra, Wm *Matti whe is 78 years of, tige• • All lein. Wiediitig, this Aged • • laiittY Mere hippy lattelaye, , • tan Due, t� its peculiar climate, one of ever:blooming Winner, there has been tremendous increase inAmpitletion rate, the largest rate -of any sectionie the United States within the past 30 years; and it is -still growing.. ' Due too, to the almost'. .constantlY smiling akies,"this has ,become the seat of the Metion picture industry an industrY. Which his .grown • to ;be 'one of the greatest ha the World. Most of the largest concerns, Calumbise Ant, Universal, Money's,' Warners VA, a let of eanaller.onee are located ththtn the limits of thevity,and ther annual, payrcill tuna into immense fig- theta as 'the score might indicate. Lucknow was short-handed -for their do or die' effort, • and without •Doak and MacKay of GoderiCh would only have been able to iee a bare team of six :men and one subistitute. They were without the seriirs of George' latook,,aut„aveith,...a„leg-infeetion,,,,IAsa. ;Barton, Eddie Sutherland, Bill' Har- ris and Bob VhOripeori., • MacKay and yours truly did" the defence chorea, and lwe'? Were: so busy trying to play almost sixty' Min- .14.e.i.,:eltkilekeY, that 'Nye" can't give you muah of -thelow down on really - 4hat did liappen • • ' Suffice to .say that it was a clean, •fast brand of hockey, with .I.ucknaw turning in their hest all-round effete, of the • year, but ...that Wasn't good enough and so they hang •up the tOg-i` for the season -seine maybe for good, as is the case with ,"Old Susie"' at least. Lucknow-7-Geak Matheson; Def.; MacKay, C. Thompson; Centre, Babe ,Book; wings, Greer, Fisher; alt., Sav- age, Graham, , Doak: ' „ Streke; Def., Eng- lish, Ftonteriger; cen:,, Elliott; wings, Nichol, Foster; alt, Cy Procter, D. Proctor,. Johnston, Young, Mitchell. „Referees -Gregg and Brudee: Summary First Period .1-1.Aleclenow, Fisher (Greer) 15:50 (Nichola 16:35 3.:--Wingham,' Nichol ............18:30 penalties-,-Thempson, Fromanger. Second Period ,• 4•LWitighant.,-, Cy Procter (D; - • - Proctor) "' 2:40 Lucknow; Fisher ......... 3:45; ,62=WingimuLlibakethAFeaterr ,English) ^5:00 7,-Lucknow, Savage (Graham) 5:40 : 3--Wingharn, Cy Proctor, (D. • • _ Procter) • . Third Period • 9---Witighare;.Johnston 3:45 10-IWinghaia D. Proctor 5:10 11.-Lucknow, MacKay (,13: Book) 9:45 12-Wingham, Cy Proctor 12:21 13-72Wingham, Nichol (Ellott) 12:85 I24-Lucknow* Doak (MacKay) 14:40 .15-Wirighmn,i-CY Proctor t17:35 • • Hanover Transports, who have been 'either geed or bad all season, had one of their "hot" spells. in Paisley last FridaY, and threw a stare into the Sunoeos, as they Came within an: ace, Of Overcotning Paisley's lead. At that "they beat George Grant and ConipenY 7 to 4. In . • the first of the •two -game semi- final • eeriest, Paisley drubbed the Transports on their home ice 12 to 5; and it looked as if all the Sunoco's had to* was go through the motions on Friday night back in Paisley. -But such wasn't the case. Hanover led 4 to I at the end of the first and by the end Of dhe second stepped the count, nit to 7 to 1, Only one goal short of tying the tound. The Stinoeos came to life in the 3rd and ma in three goals while blanking •the Transports .and • by a 141:to 12 count on the roundqualified to meet *Ingham in the Group 'The committee appointed to arrange a program to niark the hundredth an- niversary of Herein County in 1941 has had A meeting. A tentative' pro- gran,- was discussed and'previsionel .canneitteei drawn up: It, is proposed. te-mitrie-the-event-late-itune-Mema bers of the corainittee are: R. E. Turner (eltaittnan), Aall. Erskine, IC W. Miller, W. J. Baker, • Gilbert Frayne and Gettig* -Schaefer., • • that area. But this is still -within the corporate limits of Los Angeles, be- lieve- it .61, not. • haiee spent ciente a bit of time in,the movie capital; ef the world and have leand a lot of things Of great interest. Here we find the superlative in 'fawning, and sham. Rackets are wOrked.by the unscrupulous, and the innocent are often the vietime. Some- times; be it noted, even ,the cheater -cheated, •" •• • So far,, I haye ,not become deeply enamored, of this spicy growing city. The distinct lack of contrast Seasons makes for a monotony which .f find enervating. If 1 could only! duck my' head into -a snowbenk like we usedth have back in Bruce Cpun- ty in,the good old days, that would siiineth'ng• Which would break the continuity of sunshine and c.alin 'warm days which .Pugh each other through. tithe into eternity inzthis cottlaa ures. - • ,one gets sick of them. - "Besides thia; the aircraft •industry Almest daily, 1 walk down to !er- nes. grown by leaps and bounds. shing Square, a wenderful little park ing to' the great clerity of the .atin*- in downtown Loa Angeles, take a seat phere; thissection of the country is on one ef the benches that line the imminently suited • to. the needs of esplanede and Watth the crowds go aviation experimentation • Seldom is by, 'The park itself is: palm-stedded the sky overcast for long, and vis- and green as in May,. and birds, in.; ibility . is mote extended . here than eluding the ever present nuiliattcathe it is anywhere elee I know of • Sparrow, flit through the ...trees:and Thus; some of the really "'big kir- hop about on the ground. Here all craft corporat:ons have their Main the ends of the earth seem to meet. plants here, Here aviation tests can. One can hear the spoken, words of a he made nt almost any hoer of the. score of 1,„ Voages;, and note the feat - day or night It is said that before area of almost every nationality or the •efld of this year at lettet 100,000 the fate of the earth. Here is the men will he engaged iti':!•kiis great industry aloee.' • • Of coUrse, Ifellyweed,';ktiich is e aubdr&�f.Lets Angeles; hi)* at the Old Centres f interst io;Ate tone, ist For ealiene; any eve 0 dozen lines of transpottatiettscliktake yea' eut, to the old Movie''.-e,etitte;, COlutalile kquare. • Sine this hidistry bratiehed out and enlarged itselfit has become widely scattered, due to the high cost ef• real estate and the ,dematid for ex- parisien: Some of the old flint's litt4e gone over the Menntaine. into Bur- bank and Reath liellywoOd and there. evtabli*lied new plants at trerneedour eest' theta they'Mity all be °Vet in .Daw.son2Craig ,made. a trip. to, Toronto on Monday:, . • OLIVET Y'oPea Ym or , ;:hineen °ouliletCOWniiMi,t4Sars. Black : took The rigid:Le ineetiug of our W. M. S: wile, held in the aura .On'-Tituts day afternoon 13th• witt 14,•itienaher$ Our ting was, to God for His sitneihinet le- free"; after -which the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison: After the bitsinesi period, charge �f the meeting reed' the seripthre -reading. Mts. A. hIcTavielt gaveus a ..moSt „interesting talk on "Africa". We were favOure&by, a solo by .Beth McTavish. The eltadat hymn was "Jesus ' shallibreign Whereer the min" and 0*.4iteeting was • brought to a close by prayer by Mrs. W. J. Roulston.' This -meeting was in .charge of 'Mrs. Rosa Black, Sits, A. Mae-rldiatiire,LEeth.MeTase_••, ish, Mrs. G. McGillvary and Mrs. W. Lever. Next meeting Will be in 'charge of 'Mrs: G. Ettrieitirella Mrs:' D. Stew- art; Ilefirs. F. PlacCharlea, Norine Wal- den, Mrs. R..Hantalton- and Mrs.:W. IL • Hamilton. ••• • • Paisley was •'without Padden and Dick Craig, while Hanover: was short Magwood and Phillips. The Trans, porta used Cann in goal, the ehap who turned in .such it sparkling 'perform - same against the Sepoye. cross Toads of the earth end,the 'rush 'In ease ,you'te interested and don't .141l fret 01 is more 'apparentknow, here was the final standing ot here than anywhere else I've found the teams as ,they went itith th grotip . playoffs: , Well, most of these men Sit vestlesa. • L. Pte. .-ithout overcoats, and eh's about •tht %Ingham / ..; g 46 W. war, one man 411'111111g Iltaaaa"lk tilt" Paniley. .. .. , . 7 8 14 other enteing Hitler! So it gees, and team* . ,4 6 4 12 it only show ii that *la, is .a funny old Hanover , 5 5 10 wei4trlacia:witehria,alyliaa 0.,t -e.,,-6,01.4 are. 8.hoveii, RG7(11;11;1! : : 04 . 106 , ing stiow;- feeding :dock whielt wil" . ; " t" gee no green grass until next May! Paqsler and Wieghaill are now bat - While every day, the am; shines here „Oleg it autfar group honors with and, the Weather man has heisted the The &WOOS nosing out The indiens temperature im• to 10 degrees SOMe WANT,ED---PoplOr &, bassweod head.' ing 'blocks, 20 inches long, not lede :hart .six inches, itt` diameter. White-. church Sawmill.' • • FOR SALE, atence, 100 acres of good farm land. +If not, sold will rent, ins., ProYements as port pay. Reason,lio help. ,A.pply at Sentinel Office. • ' FARM FOR SALE--100.acres with good .buildings,. adjoining 109 acres also avaiitible, if required. Enquire at Sentinel Office. .. SUFFERING FROM BaCKACIIES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica;:Lumbato is not necessary, Use RUMACAPS at c,nce for quick tenet 1VAKIMWDRUG STORE. CLEARING AuGTIGNBALE.Of fetal stock and implement's at Lot 19, Cen. 9;,Kinless, on WednesdaY, Mitreh 5th at -;•611O °Week, See bills- for-liat--and Well..Henclersen, Auc,; William rhoMpson, Pima, TENDERS TeiWieSeeIp KIN OSS i. SEALED TENDERS Will -be received by the .andersigned up to .2 'o'clock in the afternoon of Match 17th; 1941, for the Crushing and trucking, of ap- eireklinately-,4;04)0-yarels f grave1.-- Crushing to be done in four pith, (with a :possible ^5th at an average Of 1000 yards per set. A %-inchequare or . inch *round screen to he used. Crush- ing: and trucking to. be tendered for t a flat r te laid dawn en the roads •Under the supereision of the Road tit Master Pit .Starter FOR?4eeded.BY Th�m To Make; Rapid El A Wrg, " • Rugged Growth. • $445 .C1+Vt. FOR:imA. Finlayson.Bros.. `The BRAY CHICK Does theTrick! Bray Chick,s are real money- makers. I can prove it.Place your order here. 100lNi live. eW, livery guarareed. In ay son.,13ros... LIJCKNOW In ivent of a third game Lacknow Spt Tenders to be accompanied by a arena appears as. a Possible choice /Marked eheque for ten percent of ten. for this altimportant game and they sure would pack 'em in here. • Babe 13ook,, star centre of the Se- poys has Signed.up With Paisley for the playoffs and on Monday night, got himself a couple of assists The Sunocos edge.d ont 2, win: We venture to. geese that The 111-: • ' before Wednesday's gmme; if it can he arranged. It appears to us like a screwy set up all through., but is 67 *tee we:irked:under the clause_allowing replacements for • loss of Players thretigh military , service. And that allows a lot ot leeway. • r Hanover arena was -the scene of another bread on Monday night in, the second game of the Hanever-Rip- lei. Junior playoffs. • • A fight broke out midway through the first Period with. spectators 'en- gaging iind adding to the bedlam. The result wait that, Ripley left the. ilee and sviistapre_,pating t� return imam. Referee Smith of, Owen Sound Put through it call_to W. A. Hewitt, eec- retary, of the 0. 11. A., Who ordered the game reaumed or 'Ripley to de- fault the series. Putting oh the togs.again the Red - men returned to the ice. and the game • got underway after taore than an limir's delay with,loth testae eettling down to play hockey. . • der and the lowest or any t,ender not necessarilie accepted.- I ; R, Lane, . Clerk, Township of 'Kinloss, R. R. 2, Holyrood. TENDERS TOWNSHIP of WEST WAWANO$11 SEALED TENDERS •Will ba.teceieed ..1 T. . Conv4y itikliElLISTER, SOLICITOR Kincardine, 1,Datatie.• • Branch Office In The ;Spence Bieck; Lucknaw, East Of :the Bank of Montreal.. Will Be Iir Lucknow Each Wednesday Morning eic After- noon & each Friday After -noon. F. . ARMSTRONG orromETRIsr. • • IN LutKNOw lEACH.-WEDNESDAY • AFTERkOON'.. 1:30 to 6 o'clack , • AT 'WM. SCHMID'S, STORE: a • ' , - by-the-AinderSigned until 12' igeleek--ItENRY--FORD4101aE87-PLA-T- Uoon, March 11, 1941, to operate the NEITHER SIDE WINS • . • Township Crushing Plant by the Cu: •• . yard„ contractor to supply men and Henry Ford has opened his mouth • -poneer,L,The--corporation:to. supply oil again and put his foot in it. In an and repair parts for the crusher. At interview the other- day he made the the Seine time tenders will also , be statement that he hoped the United ' received for trucking gravel by the, States would supply both Britain .end yer-d mile asregistered - by approved the Axis powers with munitions of . speedometer. A cruarked cheque for $50 war in crderthat 'both sides might . Meat accompany each tender in both collapse suid neither one of there be cases: Lowest or any tender not nec- able to claim a victory. He says there amity acceptedcontracts will be is no righteousness ,in the cause of subject to approval of the Depart-. either Britain or. Germany and that ment of Highways. . •both sides are motivated by the same . J. C. Purdon, Road. Supt., impulse -greed. • • IL R. 2, laieknow.i Henry. at 77 is just as -crazy as he was at 66, when ha Ansi iteele SchWiel•-. - . - mer took the peace ship to Europe in • ;I ON I order to stop the war of 1914-18. The . war went on. "just the same. Henry Church service next Sunday here' doesn't seem to knovie that he is out at, 11 a.m. vieheri "the sacrament serof step ,with 90' per cent of his fellow vice will be conducted. citizens of the United States. Ile may Mise Edna, nomfryien 01 tucknow be an expert with tin can products, spentait SnnedaaryysvGardner , iht.dZaieorg Zion friends. aRe ds. -albut as a statesman and a taetician, Mrs. lieseems to he, yieing (with one Colonel Cross tea an Tuesday afternoon. • ' 'Charles A. Lindbergh for the honour , Miss Doris Reed is assisting, Mrs..,of becoming Amezica!s Xo, I Damn with only a eouPle of'minutes to Plai, itiPley had the 'Ffehrieer her: 14-5 John. Serail°- ule '• '•' • Pool •• j L We Were glad that Wilkins; surely knows Nthnt. . • • had improved in health and able to likely to happen to his factory and awhanoenvetheeYsecitirettitthreel* golnatilete"ertime irauatake the therch_services on•Sunday as his fortune if Germany is successful ps in the present etrugglel. His -motor' 0 to 8 victary and. force the. series to a 1/M121 ' 2 . , . 4 •••, 0.1mistsrsmidi;teri7Gemrdiinveerift F,RreeL.Irtoo,gtk Cr niduatry will be of •little use to thied and deeiding. gime, , .0 him: Surely he has heard of the treat - en Hanover and Miley will settle the in the hockey, match in. Toronth merit the women and children.of Het. Miss Clifton. * gin: nalaild' Denmark, .Nallva'y, arid mries on Lueknew. ice tonight (Thurs- SaterdaY night. :lay) in what should be the Jilnior A. Red Cross tea and quilting will the eohqueted elves of Europe have tid bit of the year. • ' be held Thursday ofternoon' at "the been subjected to. Surely he has heard - ' home of Mr. and Mrs. freers; Gard- ' 6f the starvation that is ratnpant in ' these cotintries this Winter. The man • iier. • •• - • Sidney. Smith of the R.C.A.F. ' sPeak sinuate that Britain and Germany Mr. and Mre. Ralph Nixon heard , t be bereft of his senses to in- OVer the radio front Britain on:Thurs-, have the same objective in this war. day evening He thanked the frieeds1 for the parcel' he received, Sid traide; people. As the head Of one of the One simply eannot understand such . his home with Mr. and Mrs. IsIiiren largest manufeeturitig establishments for years before he Mee& the air in the world, one'. *mild suppose a force. / mein like Henry' Peel, 71 years ef age, Mies Helen ThornPson of Kinlotigh '.would have pore Sense. However, we was a visitor with Mrs. Kirkland tied believe it Was Disraeli whe Mee said SC RING. SUMMARY „ Durin the smesaii, • in which they Played ten scheduled gamiest and. two playoffs; iThe Savoys 'sated total et 63.010, for an avers* 01 slightly' batter than 5 gosh; gatine...Jri the games -they had '64 Pale sewed egiiitiet there.. Player ' C.otte itodita S. Beek 14 Is.• 20. Greet ; • 'fi• 4 • .0 28. Fisher jt • 11 21 G Book.1• . 65 (' 45 ' ,ricoht,sM4i‘envdisMitorar.FtEwheithermWr:elLedf 14Cut1;1.,, indooni'Itts• elwisapbtiatrievhet AznFroerraicallpsibigstatatae-, . 1 •it WOE; eaglet. to arglie With' a States - Mr. and, Mrs. Paperniek of aeaer_ man then With. a damn fool, and 'we fid2‘, 24 :6 ititehie SufnlaY. ' Sutherland 6 tor magnate -were likked•UP and gilteil • Sayg0 444', thOit.ii)Solt• 3 AfeKey „; 2 ' to 5 60 Paisley iee on Monday. The l Bartein IdayS. But then, this io Californite.lie_eeciral game was played itt Wfaithalri.trfarrie 40104; • last night- (Wednesday). • Doak -T.', 1 • 2 4 $ 0. Mrs. Jack' Gardtter and Carylis ite;d with Allist, Jain Heim; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weeds it St, ffiletifton ,Wedfieridity Meta '` • ' ' ' • " ." anI4Mnit Peiet't 4olt :end fam .fly. 'were gliestz_ohiliinday-mith Mre *gOeci shaking his heed would ftilly,sie loudly ae did those old Model T ,tia,lizsies on a washboard iiiighesay. )ittitaree , • " ' • Make, your dollets toci-* and gra, tit* ,ileed.Buy War Certifitatee.