HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-20, Page 6Jany Cinuck Calls for More tertificates Are . Vou'Sendine Anything,• By .•Parcel• •Post to a .Friend: in `His Majesty's Forces? Postmaster General William R.. • Hillock ,,further facilitates' the sending' of comforts to our. Forces • abroad.: Through arrangements with the• British -Postal authorities, all Il s .,Majesty's '.forces overseas Will now benefit front the- seed, reduced rate Of 12•,cents n, pallid. (weight limit: j l pounds) on par- cels Mailed to thenklte al Canada, according to;. an announcement from w the Postmaster ., General early in February. e • The low rate of 12' .cents . a• Poland:.. .(-limit of Weight- l pounds) applies now on parcels for overseas: mailed' front ada addressed. .to tip following:— ' -Members of Canadian. Dominion or other Colonial troops- serving in the °'United. Kingdom or in :"places outside the United Kingdom. Members of the: official, Aux- iliary umiliary Services in the 'United Kingdom. ' . hie nbers of the `Forces of de Ga Gen-' <.. d1e•, srving• With the:.: Sial. British Forces in the United Kingdom..'` Memiiers . of'Belgian, - Polish ,andr..• other :Allied:' Forces serving he.. in t i sh. Forces. e B with_ th.rti United 'Kingdom. Members of , the Canadian. Army on duty inIceland.art Members ' f the Army .on ditty in the West Indies' (Limit 20 pounds). sand Personnel - R --_l1'1. Ships H:Id_C Ships aboard. NOTE: The 'rateon, parcels s .to .,.. , members of the Canadian Army on duty in Newfoundland is 10, cents a pound (Limit 20 pounds). 1�8 `urses r arta iced to Units of �f �: M1 � • . the-�a'`�va�,F.erePs_��e :classed.'. in the •:,samecategory: as soldiers for • postal purposes' and are entitled to the respective special parcel - post rate.: • sr Taking Toll' tario Sheep. 10,000 Are ,Killed Annually In This Province, ; Breeders Are. Told • Dogs are killing :approximately 10,000 sheep annually in this . Province, Dr. G. I. ' Christie of the ' Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, 'told I the• Ontario Sheep '' Breeders'.. Association at its `An- neal 'convention. •- He • called on the breeders to consider some kind of program for the ,, destruction . of the ; dogs which are causing heavy damage. TSiier' a togs are the • m ain';.factor - acting 'against the increased ` pro- duction of -Sheep in the Province, he •said: BY:.ANNE'. ASItI Ell.• ., How can. 'I' treat .rough: A. •- Rub plenty 4f ,° almond' cream into the skin teat ani retiring,, and:tlen • slip•`on a pair of~;.old•loose g`lovess '.1f •this is: not- effective;; try using..camphor, iee ., instead'of• the _create. -. . ,How can I treat •scratch, •• Mahogany furniture?. - "'o : hog- :> . A :Beforeishin. • }2 i g lna • furniture.:.. that; : has been. " 'rather deeply, 'fill- in' the ..;scratches_ with tincture o Wine.. Then.; apply the wast . or : clish and the scratches will' be •practically invisible: ' Q 'f#.ow can I clean out 'a die- colored incase ' or cruet? • A ••Pour ; a little household, aminenia ,into the ccutainet', and; aljow to stand'' for a while. Shake' thoroughly until . all the sediment is toosene, and then r rose with • 'loosened, =warm Water. —. Q. , How can 1 most '. easily wash ' the bean pot, ' •or • badly stained .'casserole? ' •ai" • A. The ;best method is to put a handful of borax into• it, fill with '.hot water and allow to,.stand 'in' ''the oven for a while. Wish brown .ed pars will then' wash Cut'' very'. :easily.°: • . .. How can I, put the _'cover. on . ' my • ironing board more` . smoothly? i Before 'putting .en 'the' cover, dampen it. Then when the' cover dries it shrinks a• ,:little and consequently fit -smoothly. "MABE 'LAMB OQ'OD 'EATING" Hon ` P. M. Dewan, Ontario 3firater of ` , Agriculture',Spoke • briefly to the sheep raisers: .11e told them he could see no reason why the sheep production in the Province was not increasing. ."Some people believe," he ;said,. "that there .would' be •a . greater 'consumption of la'rb if there were entire` readilY-arail ib1e •1 If , sheep . •breeders want to ' in.; -crease •, consumption.'of. lamb,_ they. 'must gdt the low ineorne,'guof to 'eat it, »r.:W...G.Hopper, the Pominion Department of •°Agi• 'Tie iiture declared. "If you want to 'increase Cori- sumption; you `must see 'that the fronts and stewing pieces ..make 1tod • eating. ' The producer . must See to it that 'Iamb is • ort.the. market the year round," he stat- 50,000 More Radio Licenses In :,1940. Survived. Under Ice• ires-,Ar-e - thea ,Shp s' • ki School , ung .. at Jasper "Ski fans 'of Canada will be', interested in the fact that a ,Swiss '. _ki .School will be opened at 11t'aligne Lake on March" 6th, this year, and .P.eter. Yajda, the fa mous'SSwiss 'ski instructor, will be in. charge. He-willlhe assisted by, Gertie- Wepsala,:'former: Call-` adieu, Women's. Champions •ate cording t;► Major Fred Brewster, noted -.mountain guide, and out- fitter of Jasper, who • was in , 'Winnipeg' last -weak for` a few' Major Brewster .stated that snow conditt' 's in the ,Mat- igne area were perfect and maul fine: ski experts already had. been _; in this winter. There is no market ket SO unstable le as that for 'wild creatures When a writer •last•'visited the' headquar- tern of a ,London, ('Cagy) dealer ° he was told he „could have a fine "dromedary : fur $300, but would have to pay: 62,550'. for a' giraffe.. A. Chapman's `zebra was priced at $700 and.a •South African hunting o • it' $2,00. were 5----.• Claw=footed frogs is°.'.a. iece;''. starred: lizards. cola_. Texas .. ,:_-_ _- $1.0•. • Texas rattle4r altes — the ' "sidewinders" . of • Wild West' stories' ,= werd 20 apiece, and ' • d: be. a deadly' Eel+sites viper cool he sa„e'. 'rice. A Mcg- atter hunting falcon, • t sp en looking bird; cost .$25 but .a black: headed ..manakin' a brightly • coloured tropical bird was • pric- ed at only/81.25, • Appeasing-Dernons. 'Same e of the most • . picturesque New Year ceremonies in the :world are to he .seen. in Bali,, Dutch East Indies, where time , seems to stand still. The people are quite simple and unspoilt and their belief in: demons and ''gods remains' • unchanged. On New. Year's.. morning • the temples are ,decorated by the •girls ;of the vil- lage, and women, kneeling • three. t. imes, tlir'ow`• the -sacred; hibiscus • blostsom, which is held . 'between their a1m. s, to invisible bl e gods.. Then :the pick;: of the year's co- conut ,k' :and' banana crops is; • brought to the 'temples for the use of- the .priests: Later, der:dons and evilspirits are appeased, and 'each. village has a procession' in' which masks and effigies are. car- ried. • It' is' supposed " that -the evil, spirits, faced by • their grimcoun-. terparts, ,will` vanish ran fear' durr in'the New Year. rs • - -+era f �.•.ow 1Q Science IS D'•o ATMOSPHERIC'' Sin. .T IDES` H, G. . Melda1,It ,has published -, iii'he `Copenhagen .cona , bcluooksions in which presents , from: studies ,°bf tides in .the• atmos-' . phere of the sun, which • he as-: crbes to gravitational disturban- �I ces' produced byt the'•planets , The planets *; studied were . Mercury, Venus, the Earth, •,Jupiter and Saturn. The. first • .three are small planets,. but relatively close tb' the sun, while thelatter 'two are very, 'large, but at consider- • able. distances. The half periods. of the planets and the combine. tion of their effects', were studied with reference to positions .on the- sun'is surface 'and not to space co-ordinates. Allowance was made. for the rotation of the sun and the manner ,in which dis- turbances move on its surface. He reports 'that they tidal- affects' give a. curve. which . corresponds to the curve of the. sun -spot 'Cycle. The cycle 'has a length of about 11.25 '.years which cor- responds, • to the. sun -spot cycle:. "A>4xld •Lang Syne," the most famous New Year -song in the world, was coin ; •. d by; Robert lie . rns in 1789 as. an'-•exampleof ad old Scottish sent. T .e wor• s were set to : the ..present familiar tune about ten years later. - • "-,HANDY SLALetIG.HT POUCH.; -15i ll'1 , " LUK-0K—IlN ask_ , .444 . pocke:d in Pocket Tins. bbaon the •1'nouth is . almos Yt sure to pass the uisease 'On to the.: child • . By way' of prevention, Dr. Mc • : Cullough urged ',that ` children of school or pre-school age„ students : in secondary schools': and Workers --be--examined—periodically by-.. expert, • There ' is no serum,- vaccine or medicine that• will cure tubercul-' osis, and patent medicines are likely only to make • matters worse, Dr. McCullough declares; but tuberculosis may he cured if . taken in time, and the one rem- edy which. has • stood the test of time is complete rest in bed. He urges the sanatorium as. the ' 'best place for the treatment of ' -., the- tuberculous-patient„net only because•. he • will receive- expert and unceasing 'care, butbecause'', o he. will be no ';longer a; -dant .t er• his family and associates. 4. EI 'A TOPICS Early' Sys mptorns, Of T uibetculosiis in . an article: written fot "Realty', I official .organ :of the Health -' League of -.Canada, short- ly,: before his, death last month, the late pr. J. W. S. McCullough defines the "early •synlptoms' of, u ' ercu osIs a. . Being too .easilyi tired, Loss of weight,- , Indigestion, and A Cough that hangs on. • 'iP1eurisy. may be one o$ the first signs of tuberculosisin ad- ults ,� as May': be -:-It spitting of blood, however, slight. 'Nervous- nese, disturbed Sleep and.a run- down condition ,are all' symptoms . ito be suspected The tubercle bacillus is passed from person to person in various ways, Dr. McCullough, points. out. The consumptive . who ' coughs. with uncovered mouth sprays the air around him with the .bacilli. if he spits on the."floor Or side- walk thegerms :are likely to be: mixed, with dust and .blown- about. for- others to breathe.- Bacilli may be deposited on -: a ; spoon, drink- ing cup;.. pipe or. 'other article held in the ''mouth of a victim. If; these are used without a thor • ough cleansing' ' bya iealthy..pet., son, he may contract the disease ars a result. BY ' WAY OF . PREVRNTION .•..Unpasteurized milk, if taken from a tuberculous cow. is like- ly to infect- the drinker. A •tui- berculous;-mother 'who kisses. her • HAVE 011, HEARD? D? A new.clerk was always late;;and', always had a different, excuse:. • ,Arriving an ':hour late one morn- was g ing, greeted by' the boss ,he :with:' "Well, Brown, _ .Whit's • :.your story •this time?" ' `yWel; Oir,,,_; was the: reply. "someone . turned the mirrgr on the t 'inantlepiece round . to • the wall. When ° l:. came downstairs this morning I couldn't see 'my- '. self in ,the looking -glass; and, rte- ° turally, • I- thought I'd ..gone to world" = `°Yo11 -win!" ' gasped • the ' mien. Were Issued By The Trans- port Department „At Ottawa • •' to --Canadian Users'. ..From April 1. 1940: to Deceit- ber.' 31,.radio receiving liceniei' issued by the Transpert. De.part- ment 1 numbered .' 1,897,165, some. .50,000 more than:. the number. is- sued in the previous fiscal, year. • the department eeported.^ ` "This is an increase of 3.8' per. cent: over the 'record established. last fiscal';. year,- and" reflects •toy N• . a large extent the public 'intefe§t' in war bulletins and war : pro- ,rants," the dapertment state- ment said.. Nova Scotia -showed the great- • est ihetease, '7.4• per cent.. over the previous fiscal year. British. Columbia followed next with an • increase of 6.5 per cent., then Quebec 5.'7, Saskatchewan •5.6, New Brunswick 3.9.' Ontario' 2.8, Prince Edward' 'Island 2:8, and - Manitoba 1.6. Alberta. showed .a Might 'decrease of 1.5. Canada has in reserve suffi- • cietit wheat and bacon, etc., to keep Britain J.aupylied for three ' years, in addition:to' meeting her own requirements, • n Pulled under river lee -after falling from a dam, Truman Wood; 66, of '_s apanee; Ont., tra- velled many feet through' the' icy' water then: bobbed ep through' a small • hole hardly large enolzgh to perinit his escape. Be was pulled out by fellow -workers and after 'recovering bis , breath -walk- ed ; home without an4' apparent ill-effects. • • The after dinner' speaker, touching on the advantages of co-operation, said: "Now take freckles. Think what a nice shade• . of;, tan they'd make if ' they - would • only, get together."•° n entered a barber's .shop for a haircut.. The bar•'er :, men- tioned .that his client's hair was getting" thin oit top "Why, not try a little of. my • 'wonderful hair. restorer?" . he urged. "It's only a quarter." The customer bought.. a bottle.. Aweek later , he returned .to the shop. . "Well," asked the barber, "how , ,did you' find. the lair restorer?" "I left the bottle on' the kit- chen table,'and my wife, think- ing it was a new bind of fti flu ture • . polish, , started to • use it," he said. "Hove much. ' do you charge to shave. a ,sideboard?" Silent. 'Mountain \Guide Objects '.O "Argument," Granby Que., iiia aaitians • laugh- ed at this .one when told by A. A. Gardiner, . Assistant. General Passenger Traffic Manager, of •ihe Catiaclian National Railways, during 'a talk ea Canadian. Hu- mor. A Rocky Mountain guide at the outset of a three day out- ing warned his conipatiion that '. he did not like discussions. The, first day was silent. On the sec. end day, the guide remarked "Spring's coaling; there's, geese." "Not ' ducks?" enquired the visi- tR'r. Next day, the guide .placed -his charge in care of another guide' 'saying "Theve's been too much argument.'-' While Mrs.. MacPherson was bending. over , the' washtub, rub- bine and scrubbing, there came a timid knock at the hack, door. Angry at : the interruption, • Mrs. M. flung :open the doer��.and stood with steaming hands, on hips. eyeing a sad little pedlar. "Did you want to see met" she - demanded.' The little man took a quick step, backwards - "Weil, ; if I ' did," be , replied Meekly,'"l've: got mp wish, thank • you." . • : ' "I'm' Afraid 1 cant afford. new hat." 4 • '-'"No, I 'gueii i'll have to talk through the old one four another. season." • . 1., BY ROBEIi'f A LE t • : 1i. • Should 'children • be taught what some people- `call "company manners"'' ' n a h. s:f''knows that, g' a uest' is diet v` ,',:t�it.:incon- siderate 'for her ,iiat that the guest eatmore then she de sires, ' s.. ---3. ' Is it permissable to "ask' a friend to :introdu'ca'e you ,.tb other people?• 4. Isn't it , proper, when shak- ing hands, to hold the .'hand at :.about ,chin• level? '. 5. Should . every guest at a wedding reception -congratulate the bride and bridegroom? 6.., Isn't it nice and thoughtful ah usband to ,send his wife • a' for valentine? Answers 1. No. They should be taught that goad manners are for ,daily 'use in the home,' office, and on the street, as `well as when in- the presence of company. '2:es. Whether the guest is dieting or . i , ,.-d"_ti;,ss,,o-Chri„11' +.nvar •u that she eat more than she . de- ' _ sires:;, 3 • Never, unless you , are sure the meeting would be•a mu-• tual pleasure. 4. No, this is af. fection. The . hand' should be slightly nabovei the waist level. ii. The bridegroom should be congratulated, but not :the bride. One should extend best wishes for happiness , to the bride. 6 Yes. He may send one of the pictured kind or it may be, candy,. Easy Way to Relieve RE:UMAI, I Aches add Perini iiere,la•a sf.niple, easy Way to get relief • front the agony of swollen, rheumatic joints and muscular aches and pains, Go to your druggist Bad get a b0.ttle of, Ra -Ma,,- If you are not pleased, With the help' it gives you,,, go get your money back. This is a generoua offer you :eau not afford to igtiore. • Cianada's best customer in. 1940 was nthe United Kingdom, which purchased Canadian• commodities valued at $508,065,000 as 'com- pared with $828,09$,000 in .4939. • • SOLDIERS iIUU OUT `JRED ACHES e estless Erc an' t /dee p 0 'tiro OderS arid monthly distreetri then take Lydia B....PInkliato'd 'Vegetable COM- "PoWid, famous for over cro years in helping such tlindown, Weak; actv9U* conditions, Hide attieeklak /Or loennen• • Ontario City Bans, :. • r. 'Duration M1Cl`WB.y$ fo . .The Sault Ste, . Marie city Oo- licitor has drafted an amend-, ment to the city's by -flaw cover- -ing-shows and -circuses to outlaw midways, from the city for the 'duration -if—the war. Instructions. weregiven the. so- licitor..at the city council• meet- ing when it : was• said that ad- jacent municipalities would, e operate with the Sault Ste. Marie .council in • keeping , midways out of - the district daring..syartime. I• Book Seed; l�iulr$ery . . B 'Better Than • Ever We -havereceived a: copy of their ,.19, 41 Seed and Nursery Book from the :Dominion Seed House. of : Georgetown, ` Ont., which is `a credit to -this `popula'r, :Canadian.... firm. 'It is one .of the most;com- P • rehensive' of: its • kind . vve have even seen and full of use anad in- structive. •infori cation: It con ins' ove l[ufrdred—pageai-prefus illustrated,, including many beau-' tiful reliroductions in full colors and :meets every demand for 'er and •vegetableSeeds-and: other gardening requirements. This out- standing example • of Canadian.'. print -craft will be a boon` to both professional and arnateiir'.garden • ers.. A copy ,will be:sent prompt 1y. by the Ccmpany to anybody on request.• A pig sixteen , weeks °Id will yield Aboilt S0 lb.: of pork. . If kept for another ten weeks it ° will provide up to 200 lbs. of ba4 'con. . Make:Sureit's in his Kit A gifttitat'esmallincostbut ole - e th in use ,M ble P _value tum will -stand; b9" him in dozensofminoraihnentq it !' brings quick relief in nasal' catarrh andbead colds... chapPingg,bruitleB spreinsand' eats...burns and scalds..; tired, and aching feet end-eother-con OM MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT Daily 'Ai SQR EKES j �l •ND 'PILE U • QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with (telling piles or• rectal .Soreness do not delay 'treatment and run the "risk of letting • this condition' become chronic. Any • itching pr soreness or painful pass- age of stool Is; nature's warning -that ,-pruner-• treatment, •should - be • seethed at once. For' this pu:rposeegget 'a package-, H of •em -Rodd treteyour druggist and use as directed: Thls-iiem=Road formula which is ,used Internall$ tablet,,the fwili quicof kly resmalllieve the Itch- ing t h-ing and, soreness •and -aid in heal- . tug the sore tender spots. Hem -hold . is.'pleasant to use, is highly •recom- Mended and' it seems the, height of folly for any one to risk a painful • and chronic ptiecoodition when such a tine remedy may be had at 'so reasonable a cost. It you ..try Hem•Rok' and 'are not entirely pleased with. the results.. your 'druggist will gladly. return your. money. • .:.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS.... aonSms sZ.ECTHIG MOTORS FOR 'SALE • ' ELEGTRiC-111tITGItS, .reconditioned. Jones' & Moore El-•. ectrlc Company. 296 Adelaide St. West•Toronto. • • • :HART .cricks WE • CAN', SUPPI. rot `WIT•it' -good chicks barred PlyrdOuth Rocks and. S.C. W ,Leghorns Barron Strain. io d and.'older. 1xto 6' Years breed- ing . testing • and hatching. Price's are reasonable. Do 'IL now and • Write . 'for: circular . with prices. J. D, ,Johnson; Fergus, Ont. • .BU,Y.'URQLI1I,ART.• STRAIN BARRED Rock chicks direct Buperb ay'ers- • 'of• large __eggs°• winner of three egg laying eonte'ats..-Ailgus'-Urqu-;- hart, Greenfield. Ontario. - YEAR AFTER, YEAR . THE SAME Bray customers order Bray Chicks. Ordered now,, Bray Chicks• catch the better -markets. Lopks, like a good poultry year. °Chicks' started• chicks. 3-4. week capons. Order .b ych chleks now. $ Brae. Pray „Hatchery '130 • John North, Hamilton, .Ont. BARERS' OVENS 4.1.4b simatifr- ' aloo rebuilt equipment* al- ways on hand. Verins• arranged: Portable ()Veil Co, 103 • Bathurst Et, lorfrAo. clutzen -aroma tor paracuiarb—wrlto; H. 11. ret-S•ervica agent Write at one.. C. 81, 36, StatiOn PARS , FOR SALE 13 ACRE FAUX roa 014/4- Mootrose, quarter mite to school: Guelph arid alwaener 403-0(06•-• DeiVO Oiled, Water In ot43214, gar. ate end Mat bOildingo,. Ifydr0 affable, Fred over*, west u?nt, ON.101'. FOOT 42:,0140011-V9 QUICK -products): 62.•00 40010;1* 41.01 soft, 'Cartiew, Hamilton. .�5- 0 .�B_EX- 1 c•h a n g,e • Perehe ons. Belt ane, Clydesdales;' French Canadians, Coachers, Standardbreds.',Hack neys. -Canada's largest horse Breeding establishment offer -200 Pedigreed. Stallions Tor sale or lease, •150 PedigreedMares, 250 Grade Horses. Write 'for iilustrat- ed circular and List Stallion Bar- gains. Let us quote delivered price any kind of horse required. Arn- oldwold. Farm s; Grenville, Que. KNITTING MACHINES FOR SALE ' ' for special offer prices; with , quantity of free Wool. :Start now earning -money at' bothe and mak, ing socks for soldiers,' gailors and chine on a new one—generous cash allowanCe made. 'Auto Ettit- ters Limited. Deat. 144, 637 Dav- enport"' Road. Teronto. muerciL :NATURE'S HELP -- DIXON'S REM- edy for.Rheurnatic, Pains, Neuritis Thottaands praising it. 'Munro's • Drug. Store, 335 Elgin, OttaWa., rnation sent free. The Ramsay Co., List of •inventions ,and •full Bank Street Ottatva. (!anada. Registered. Patent AttorneYs, 273' 4.4 MELP WANTED 7.••. FEMALE Training offers free dotnestic ser- i/ice' course • to young women be- tween eixteen and thirty years of age. For further -information &p- samicat irregtiler periods worry you take ItalleVe yottraeif of worry, untleetasary auffering. Bettie 83, tors, llox 102, Dept, :W., Termite; TRY, IMPERIAL deVelieed arid printed, With en- large erit, 26e. Careful processing satiefeetintl. Pilate Ser- vice, Dept A, Station J. 'rerdOtO. LEGAL'' _AL Iv LIND'A.Y. LAW OFFICE, .CAP. lto1 Theatre Buildding, St. Thomas, Ontario, Special ' Department -tor farriers collections. ° MORTGAGES Olt AGREEMENTS Ur sale purchased for cash, prompt attention, North Shore Realty Co. Oshawa, Ontaria. quo'? RESOLUTION •••,-. EVERY ' ' sufferer of Rheunnitic Pains 'or Neuritis shotild try Dixon's Rent- . .,eciy. littnro's' brim Store; 335 El - • wonderful book sent free. Megiddo, . SALESMAN' WANTED SALESMAN W.ANTED: WITH CAR to self. to stores. Ladies' House Dresses and Men's working cloth., es, On eornmission baste. Cqsh bond :required t� cover cast'of samples. Exclusiye territery given. State age-eXperienee references. Write • PO Box 143, Montreal. , SALESMEN WANTED INCREASE YOUR INCOME SELL-' articles, medicines, essences, sale - es, cleaners, etc. Each home rep.* ed It products returned for failure. FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, Mon- SEED .Follt SALE H ONVitt,10 HYBRID SEED CORM ie 96.60. deliverecWIlegistered 2itd guard oats $1,26 arid MOO: neve bage; treated. /an M&Yttartly, Chat., ham 4:'' Guarantetti C4R AND TRUCK PART$ Used Nei SWIM a I IC faCtion tot reined.' AVE