HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-20, Page 6Jany Cinuck Calls for More tertificates
Are . Vou'Sendine Anything,•
By .•Parcel• •Post to a .Friend:
in `His Majesty's Forces?
Postmaster General William R..
• Hillock ,,further facilitates' the
sending' of comforts to our. Forces
abroad.: Through arrangements
with the• British -Postal authorities,
all Il s .,Majesty's '.forces overseas
Will now benefit front the- seed,
reduced rate Of 12•,cents n, pallid.
(weight limit: j l pounds) on par-
cels Mailed to thenklte al Canada,
according to;. an announcement
from w the Postmaster ., General
early in February. e
The low rate of 12' .cents . a•
Poland:.. .(-limit of Weight- l
pounds) applies now on parcels
for overseas: mailed' front
ada addressed. .to tip following:—
' -Members of Canadian.
Dominion or other Colonial
troops- serving in the °'United.
Kingdom or in :"places outside the
United Kingdom.
Members of the: official, Aux-
umiliary Services in the 'United
Kingdom. ' .
hie nbers of the `Forces of de Ga Gen-'
<.. d1e•, srving• With the:.:
British Forces in the United
Memiiers . of'Belgian,
- Polish
,andr..• other :Allied:' Forces serving
i sh. Forces.
e B
with_ th.rti
United 'Kingdom.
Members of , the Canadian.
Army on duty inIceland.art
Members ' f the
Army .on ditty in the West Indies'
(Limit 20 pounds). sand
Personnel - R --_l1'1. Ships
H:Id_C Ships aboard.
NOTE: The 'rateon, parcels s .to .,.. ,
members of the Canadian Army
on duty in Newfoundland is 10,
cents a pound (Limit 20 pounds).
`urses r arta iced to Units of
�f �: M1 � • . the-�a'`�va�,F.erePs_��e :classed.'. in
the •:,samecategory: as soldiers for •
postal purposes' and are entitled
to the respective special parcel -
post rate.:
sr Taking Toll'
tario Sheep.
10,000 Are ,Killed Annually
In This Province, ; Breeders
Are. Told •
Dogs are killing :approximately
10,000 sheep annually in this .
Province, Dr. G. I. ' Christie of the
Ontario Agricultural College,
'told I the• Ontario Sheep ''
Breeders'.. Association at its `An-
neal 'convention. •-
He • called on the breeders to
consider some kind of program
for the ,, destruction . of the ; dogs
which are causing heavy damage.
TSiier' a togs are the • m ain';.factor
- acting 'against the increased ` pro-
duction of -Sheep in the Province,
he •said:
BY:.ANNE'. ASItI Ell.• .,
How can. 'I' treat .rough:
A. •- Rub plenty 4f ,° almond'
cream into the skin teat ani
retiring,, and:tlen • slip•`on a pair
of~;.old•loose g`lovess '.1f •this is: not-
effective;; try using..camphor, iee .,
instead'of• the _create. -. .
,How can I treat •scratch, ••
Mahogany furniture?.
- "'o : hog-
:> . A :Beforeishin.
• }2 i g lna
furniture.:.. that; : has been.
" 'rather deeply, 'fill- in'
the ..;scratches_ with tincture o
Wine.. Then.; apply the wast . or
: clish and the scratches will' be
•practically invisible:
' Q 'f#.ow can I clean out 'a die-
colored incase ' or cruet? •
A ••Pour ; a little household,
aminenia ,into the ccutainet', and;
aljow to stand'' for a while. Shake'
thoroughly until . all the sediment
toosene, and
with •
=warm Water. —.
Q. , How can 1 most '. easily
wash ' the bean pot, ' •or • badly
stained .'casserole? ' •ai" •
A. The ;best method is to put a
handful of borax into• it, fill with
water and allow to,.stand 'in'
''the oven for a while. Wish
.ed pars will then' wash Cut'' very'.
:easily.°: • . ..
How can I, put the _'cover.
on . ' my • ironing board more`
. smoothly? i
Before 'putting .en 'the'
cover, dampen it. Then when the'
cover dries it shrinks a• ,:little and
consequently fit -smoothly.
Hon ` P. M. Dewan, Ontario
3firater of ` , Agriculture',Spoke
• briefly to the sheep raisers: .11e
told them he could see no reason
why the sheep production in the
Province was not increasing.
."Some people believe," he ;said,.
"that there .would' be •a . greater
'consumption of la'rb if there were
entire` readilY-arail ib1e
•1 If , sheep . •breeders want to ' in.;
-crease •, consumption.'of. lamb,_ they.
'must gdt the low ineorne,'guof
to 'eat it, »r.:W...G.Hopper,
the Pominion Department of •°Agi•
'Tie iiture declared.
"If you want to 'increase Cori-
sumption; you `must see 'that the
fronts and stewing pieces ..make
1tod •
eating. ' The producer . must
See to it that 'Iamb is • ort.the.
market the year round," he stat-
50,000 More Radio
Licenses In :,1940.
Survived. Under Ice•
- thea
s' • ki School ,
ung .. at Jasper
"Ski fans 'of Canada will be',
interested in the fact that a ,Swiss '.
_ki .School will be opened at
11t'aligne Lake on March" 6th, this
year, and .P.eter. Yajda, the fa
mous'SSwiss 'ski instructor, will be
in. charge. He-willlhe assisted
by, Gertie- Wepsala,:'former: Call-`
adieu, Women's. Champions •ate
cording t;► Major Fred Brewster,
noted -.mountain guide, and out-
fitter of Jasper, who • was in ,
'Winnipeg' last -weak for` a few'
Major Brewster .stated
that snow conditt' 's in the ,Mat-
igne area were perfect and maul
fine: ski experts already had. been
_; in this winter.
There is
market ket
as that for 'wild creatures When
a writer •last•'visited the' headquar-
tern of a ,London, ('Cagy) dealer °
he was told he „could have a fine
"dromedary : fur $300, but would
have to pay: 62,550'. for a' giraffe..
A. Chapman's `zebra was priced at
$700 and.a •South African hunting
o • it' $2,00.
were 5----.• Claw=footed frogs
is°.'.a. iece;''. starred: lizards.
cola_. Texas
.. ,:_-_ _-
$1.0•. • Texas rattle4r altes — the
' "sidewinders" . of • Wild West'
stories' ,= werd 20 apiece, and
' • d: be.
a deadly' Eel+sites viper cool
he sa„e'. 'rice. A Mcg-
atter hunting falcon, • t sp en
looking bird; cost .$25 but .a black:
headed ..manakin' a brightly •
coloured tropical bird was • pric-
ed at only/81.25,
'Same e of the most • . picturesque
New Year ceremonies in the
:world are to he .seen. in Bali,,
Dutch East Indies, where time ,
seems to stand still. The people
are quite simple and unspoilt and
their belief in: demons and ''gods
remains' • unchanged. On New.
Year's.. morning • the temples are
,decorated by the •girls ;of the vil-
and women, kneeling • three.
imes, tlir'ow`• the -sacred; hibiscus •
blostsom, which is held . 'between
their a1m.
invisible bl
Then :the pick;: of the year's co-
conut ,k' :and' banana crops is;
• brought to the 'temples for the
use of- the .priests: Later, der:dons
and evilspirits are appeased, and
'each. village has a procession' in'
which masks and effigies are. car-
ried. • It' is' supposed " that -the evil,
spirits, faced by • their grimcoun-.
terparts, ,will` vanish ran fear' durr
in'the New Year.
rs • - -+era f �.•.ow
1Q Science
IS D'•o
G. . Melda1,It ,has published -,
iii'he `Copenhagen .cona , bcluooksions in which
presents , from:
studies ,°bf tides in .the• atmos-'
. phere of the sun, which • he as-:
crbes to gravitational disturban- �I
ces' produced byt the'•planets , The
planets *; studied were . Mercury,
Venus, the Earth, •,Jupiter and
Saturn. The. first • .three are
small planets,. but relatively close
tb' the sun, while thelatter 'two
are very, 'large, but at consider- •
able. distances. The half periods.
of the planets and the combine.
tion of their effects', were studied
with reference to positions .on the-
sun'is surface 'and not to space
co-ordinates. Allowance was
made. for the rotation of the sun
and the manner ,in which dis-
turbances move on its surface.
He reports 'that they tidal- affects'
give a. curve. which . corresponds
to the curve of the. sun -spot
'Cycle. The cycle 'has a length
of about 11.25 '.years which cor-
responds, • to the. sun -spot cycle:.
"A>4xld •Lang Syne," the most
famous New Year -song in the
world, was coin ; •. d by; Robert
lie .
rns in 1789 as. an'-•exampleof
ad old Scottish sent. T .e wor• s
were set to : the ..present familiar
tune about ten years later. -
ll'1 , " LUK-0K—IlN ask_
, .444 . pocke:d in Pocket Tins.
bbaon the •1'nouth is . almos
Yt sure
to pass the uisease 'On to the.: child
• . By way' of prevention, Dr. Mc
• : Cullough urged ',that ` children of
school or pre-school age„ students :
in secondary schools': and Workers
--be--examined—periodically by-..
expert, •
There ' is no serum,- vaccine or
medicine that• will cure tubercul-'
osis, and patent medicines are
likely only to make • matters
worse, Dr. McCullough declares;
but tuberculosis may he cured if .
taken in time, and the one rem-
edy which. has • stood the test of
time is complete rest in bed.
He urges the sanatorium as. the
' 'best place for the treatment of '
the- tuberculous-patient„net only
because•. he • will receive- expert
and unceasing 'care, butbecause'',
he. will be no ';longer a; -dant .t
his family and associates.
Early' Sys mptorns,
Of T uibetculosiis
in . an article: written fot
"Realty', I official .organ :of the
Health -' League of -.Canada, short-
ly,: before his, death last month,
the late pr. J. W. S. McCullough
defines the "early •synlptoms' of,
u ' ercu osIs a. .
Being too .easilyi tired,
Loss of weight,- ,
Indigestion, and
A Cough that hangs on. •
'iP1eurisy. may be one o$ the
first signs of tuberculosisin ad-
ults ,� as May': be -:-It spitting of
blood, however, slight. 'Nervous-
nese, disturbed Sleep and.a run-
down condition ,are all' symptoms
. ito be suspected
The tubercle bacillus is passed
from person to person in various
ways, Dr. McCullough, points. out.
The consumptive . who ' coughs.
with uncovered mouth sprays the
air around him with the .bacilli.
if he spits on the."floor Or side-
walk thegerms :are likely to be:
mixed, with dust and .blown- about.
for- others to breathe.- Bacilli may
be deposited on -: a ; spoon, drink-
ing cup;.. pipe or. 'other article held
in the ''mouth of a victim. If;
these are used without a thor
• ough cleansing' ' bya iealthy..pet.,
son, he may contract the disease
ars a result.
.•..Unpasteurized milk, if taken
from a tuberculous cow. is like-
ly to infect- the drinker. A •tui-
berculous;-mother 'who kisses. her
011, HEARD?
A new.clerk was always late;;and',
always had a different, excuse:. •
,Arriving an ':hour late one morn-
was g
ing, greeted by' the boss
"Well, Brown, _ .Whit's • :.your
story •this time?" '
`yWel; Oir,,,_; was the: reply.
"someone . turned the mirrgr on
the t 'inantlepiece round . to • the
wall. When ° l:. came downstairs
this morning I couldn't see 'my- '.
self in ,the looking -glass; and, rte-
° turally, • I- thought I'd ..gone to
world" =
`°Yo11 -win!" ' gasped • the ' mien.
Were Issued By The Trans-
port Department „At Ottawa
• •' to --Canadian Users'.
..From April 1. 1940: to Deceit-
ber.' 31,.radio receiving liceniei'
issued by the Transpert. De.part-
ment 1 numbered .' 1,897,165, some.
.50,000 more than:. the number. is-
sued in the previous fiscal, year.
• the department eeported.^ `
"This is an increase of 3.8' per.
cent: over the 'record established.
last fiscal';. year,- and" reflects •toy
N• .
a large extent the public 'intefe§t'
in war bulletins and war : pro-
,rants," the dapertment state-
ment said..
Nova Scotia -showed the great-
• est ihetease, '7.4• per cent.. over
the previous fiscal year. British.
Columbia followed next with an •
increase of 6.5 per cent., then
Quebec 5.'7, Saskatchewan •5.6,
New Brunswick 3.9.' Ontario' 2.8,
Prince Edward' 'Island 2:8, and -
Manitoba 1.6. Alberta. showed .a
Might 'decrease of 1.5.
Canada has in reserve suffi-
• cietit wheat and bacon, etc., to
keep Britain J.aupylied for three
' years, in addition:to' meeting her
own requirements,
Pulled under river lee -after
falling from a dam, Truman
Wood; 66, of '_s apanee; Ont., tra-
velled many feet through' the' icy'
water then: bobbed ep through' a
small • hole hardly large enolzgh
to perinit his escape. Be was
pulled out by fellow -workers and
after 'recovering bis , breath -walk-
ed ; home without an4' apparent
ill-effects. •
• The after dinner' speaker,
touching on the advantages
of co-operation, said:
"Now take freckles. Think
what a nice shade• . of;, tan
they'd make if ' they - would
only, get together."•°
n entered a barber's .shop
for a haircut.. The bar•'er :, men-
tioned .that his client's hair was
getting" thin oit top
"Why, not try a little of. my
• 'wonderful hair. restorer?" . he
urged. "It's only a quarter."
The customer bought.. a bottle..
Aweek later , he returned .to the
shop. .
"Well," asked the barber, "how ,
,did you' find. the lair restorer?"
"I left the bottle on' the kit-
chen table,'and my wife, think-
ing it was a new bind of fti flu
ture • . polish, , started to • use it,"
he said. "Hove much. ' do you
charge to shave. a ,sideboard?"
Silent. 'Mountain
\Guide Objects
'.O "Argument,"
Granby Que., iiia aaitians • laugh-
ed at this .one when told by A.
A. Gardiner, . Assistant. General
Passenger Traffic Manager, of
•ihe Catiaclian National Railways,
during 'a talk ea Canadian. Hu-
mor. A Rocky Mountain guide
at the outset of a three day out-
ing warned his conipatiion that '.
he did not like discussions. The,
first day was silent. On the sec.
end day, the guide remarked
"Spring's coaling; there's, geese."
"Not ' ducks?" enquired the visi-
tR'r. Next day, the guide .placed
-his charge in care of another
guide' 'saying "Theve's been too
much argument.'-'
While Mrs.. MacPherson was
bending. over , the' washtub, rub-
bine and scrubbing, there came
a timid knock at the hack, door.
Angry at : the interruption,
• Mrs. M. flung :open the doer��.and
stood with steaming hands, on
hips. eyeing a sad little pedlar.
"Did you want to see met" she
- demanded.'
The little man took a quick
step, backwards -
"Weil, ; if I ' did," be , replied
Meekly,'"l've: got mp wish, thank
• you." . • : '
"I'm' Afraid 1 cant afford.
new hat." 4
• '-'"No, I 'gueii i'll have to
talk through the old one four
another. season." • .
• : 1i. • Should 'children • be taught
what some people- `call "company
manners"'' '
n a h. s:f''knows that,
a uest' is diet v` ,',:t�it.:incon-
siderate 'for her ,iiat that the
guest eatmore then she de
sires, ' s..
---3. ' Is it permissable to "ask' a
friend to :introdu'ca'e you ,.tb other
4. Isn't it , proper, when shak-
hands, to hold the .'hand at
:.about ,chin• level? '.
5. Should . every guest at a
wedding reception -congratulate
the bride and bridegroom?
6.., Isn't it nice and thoughtful
ah usband to ,send his wife • a'
1. No. They should be taught
that goad manners are for ,daily
'use in the home,' office, and on
the street, as `well as when in- the
presence of company. '2:es.
Whether the guest is dieting or
. i , ,.-d"_ti;,ss,,o-Chri„11' +.nvar •u
that she eat more than she . de-
_ sires:;, 3 • Never, unless you , are
sure the meeting would be•a mu-•
tual pleasure. 4. No, this is af.
fection. The . hand' should be
slightly nabovei the waist level.
ii. The bridegroom should be
congratulated, but not :the bride.
One should extend best wishes
for happiness , to the bride.
6 Yes. He may send one of the
pictured kind or it may be, candy,.
Easy Way to Relieve
Aches add Perini
iiere,la•a sf.niple, easy Way to get
relief • front the agony of swollen,
rheumatic joints and muscular aches
and pains, Go to your druggist Bad
get a b0.ttle of, Ra -Ma,,- If you are not
pleased, With the help' it gives you,,,
go get your money back. This is
a generoua offer you :eau not afford
to igtiore.
Cianada's best customer in. 1940
was nthe United Kingdom, which
purchased Canadian• commodities
valued at $508,065,000 as 'com-
pared with $828,09$,000 in .4939.
e estless
Erc an' t /dee p 0 'tiro
OderS arid monthly distreetri then take
Lydia B....PInkliato'd 'Vegetable COM-
"PoWid, famous for over cro years in
helping such tlindown, Weak; actv9U*
conditions, Hide attieeklak /Or loennen•
Ontario City Bans, :.
• r. 'Duration
M1Cl`WB.y$ fo .
.The Sault Ste, . Marie city Oo-
licitor has drafted an amend-,
ment to the city's by -flaw cover-
-ing-shows and -circuses to outlaw
midways, from the city for the
'duration -if—the war.
Instructions. weregiven the. so-
licitor..at the city council• meet-
ing when it : was• said that ad-
jacent municipalities would, e
operate with the Sault Ste. Marie
.council in • keeping , midways out
of - the district daring..syartime.
Seed; l�iulr$ery . . B
'Better Than • Ever
We -havereceived a: copy of
their ,.19, 41 Seed and Nursery Book
from the :Dominion Seed House. of :
Georgetown, ` Ont., which is `a
credit to -this `popula'r, :Canadian....
firm. 'It is one .of the most;com-
• rehensive' of: its • kind . vve have
even seen and full of use anad in-
structive. •infori cation: It con ins'
ove l[ufrdred—pageai-prefus
illustrated,, including many beau-'
tiful reliroductions in full colors
and :meets every demand for
'er and •vegetableSeeds-and: other
gardening requirements. This out-
standing example • of Canadian.'.
print -craft will be a boon` to both
professional and arnateiir'.garden
• ers.. A copy ,will be:sent prompt
1y. by the Ccmpany to anybody on
A pig sixteen , weeks °Id will
yield Aboilt S0 lb.: of pork. . If
kept for another ten weeks it °
will provide up to 200 lbs. of ba4
'con. .
Make:Sureit's in his Kit
A gifttitat'esmallincostbut
ole -
e th
ble P
tum will -stand; b9" him in
dozensofminoraihnentq it !'
brings quick relief in nasal'
catarrh andbead colds...
chapPingg,bruitleB spreinsand'
eats...burns and scalds..;
tired, and aching feet
Gives COMFORT Daily
If you are troubled with (telling
piles or• rectal .Soreness do not delay
'treatment and run the "risk of letting •
this condition' become chronic. Any
• itching pr soreness or painful pass-
age of stool Is; nature's warning
-that ,-pruner-• treatment, •should - be
• seethed at once.
For' this pu:rposeegget 'a package-,
of •em -Rodd treteyour druggist
and use as directed: Thls-iiem=Road
formula which is ,used Internall$
tablet,,the fwili quicof kly resmalllieve the Itch-
t h-ing and, soreness •and -aid in heal-
. tug the sore tender spots. Hem -hold
. is.'pleasant to use, is highly •recom-
Mended and' it seems the, height of
folly for any one to risk a painful •
and chronic ptiecoodition when such
a tine remedy may be had at 'so
reasonable a cost.
It you ..try Hem•Rok' and 'are not
entirely pleased with. the results..
your 'druggist will gladly. return
your. money. •
.reconditioned. Jones' & Moore El-•.
ectrlc Company. 296 Adelaide St.
West•Toronto. •
• •
:HART .cricks
WE • CAN', SUPPI. rot `WIT•it'
-good chicks barred PlyrdOuth
Rocks and. S.C. W ,Leghorns Barron
io d and.'older. 1xto 6' Years breed-
. testing • and hatching. Price's
are reasonable. Do 'IL now and
• Write . 'for: circular . with prices.
J. D, ,Johnson; Fergus, Ont. •
Rock chicks direct Buperb ay'ers- •
'of• large __eggs°• winner of three
egg laying eonte'ats..-Ailgus'-Urqu-;-
hart, Greenfield. Ontario. -
Bray customers order Bray Chicks.
Ordered now,, Bray Chicks• catch
the better -markets. Lopks, like a
good poultry year. °Chicks' started•
chicks. 3-4. week capons. Order
.b ych chleks now. $
Brae. Pray „Hatchery '130
John North, Hamilton, .Ont.
BARERS' OVENS 4.1.4b simatifr-
' aloo rebuilt equipment* al-
ways on hand. Verins• arranged:
Portable ()Veil Co, 103 • Bathurst
Et, lorfrAo.
clutzen -aroma
tor paracuiarb—wrlto; H. 11.
ret-S•ervica agent Write at one..
C. 81, 36, StatiOn
13 ACRE FAUX roa 014/4-
Mootrose, quarter mite to school:
Guelph arid alwaener 403-0(06•-•
DeiVO Oiled, Water In ot43214, gar.
ate end Mat bOildingo,. Ifydr0
affable, Fred over*, west u?nt,
ON.101'. FOOT 42:,0140011-V9 QUICK
-products): 62.•00 40010;1* 41.01
soft, 'Cartiew, Hamilton.
.�5- 0 .�B_EX- 1
c•h a n g,e • Perehe ons. Belt ane,
Clydesdales;' French Canadians,
Coachers, Standardbreds.',Hack
neys. -Canada's largest horse
Breeding establishment offer -200
Pedigreed. Stallions Tor sale or
lease, •150 PedigreedMares, 250
Grade Horses. Write 'for iilustrat-
ed circular and List Stallion Bar-
gains. Let us quote delivered price
any kind of horse required. Arn-
oldwold. Farm s; Grenville, Que.
' for special offer prices; with ,
quantity of free Wool. :Start now
earning -money at' bothe and mak,
ing socks for soldiers,' gailors and
chine on a new one—generous
cash allowanCe made. 'Auto Ettit-
ters Limited. Deat. 144, 637 Dav-
enport"' Road. Teronto.
edy for.Rheurnatic, Pains, Neuritis
Thottaands praising it. 'Munro's
• Drug. Store, 335 Elgin, OttaWa.,
rnation sent free. The Ramsay Co.,
List of •inventions ,and •full
Bank Street Ottatva. (!anada.
Registered. Patent AttorneYs, 273'
Training offers free dotnestic ser-
i/ice' course • to young women be-
tween eixteen and thirty years of
age. For further -information &p-
irregtiler periods worry you take
ItalleVe yottraeif of worry,
untleetasary auffering. Bettie 83,
tors, llox 102, Dept, :W., Termite;
deVelieed arid printed, With en-
large erit, 26e. Careful processing
satiefeetintl. Pilate Ser-
vice, Dept A, Station J. 'rerdOtO.
lto1 Theatre Buildding, St. Thomas,
Ontario, Special ' Department -tor
farriers collections. °
sale purchased for cash, prompt
attention, North Shore Realty Co.
Oshawa, Ontaria.
quo'? RESOLUTION •••,-. EVERY ' '
sufferer of Rheunnitic Pains 'or
Neuritis shotild try Dixon's Rent-
. .,eciy. littnro's' brim Store; 335 El -
• wonderful book sent free. Megiddo, .
to self. to stores. Ladies' House
Dresses and Men's working cloth.,
es, On eornmission baste. Cqsh bond
:required t� cover cast'of samples.
Exclusiye territery given. State
age-eXperienee references. Write
• PO Box 143, Montreal.
articles, medicines, essences, sale -
es, cleaners, etc. Each home rep.*
ed It products returned for failure.
FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, Mon-
ie 96.60. deliverecWIlegistered 2itd
guard oats $1,26 arid MOO: neve
bage; treated. /an M&Yttartly, Chat.,
4:'' Guarantetti
Used Nei
SWIM a I IC faCtion tot reined.'