HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-20, Page 1* 12.00 A: YEAR -4N ADVAN0E-,-.50c PITRA. TO IL
„ e
Luchnow- Onto, Thukicipy Fe mary 20th, 1941'
m4:flit ,Flot..:yrtoop.
Oki ,
acquarntance WiII the 1•Iittle
handet.begin in 1807., Confederation.
r, six years, before the railway
aietrilLs*.klin* - -
It riad been a thriving•pioneer- cen-
tre 'v' itb Mr. Archibald Cochrane; a
SotsmJ e ;end'. business ability,
as o e orthe ;thief Mee of the place,
In ' fact; it Was known to, many as
Cochrane's 'Centers,
He had made money, but was now
retired and the stere . was temporar-
ily closed Mr and Mes: Cochrane
were living at Holyrood. Ile owned
„-atere-bnildiageon one aerner, the
hotel :on the other and ,sonte ether
properties as well The :sawmill' was',
'prospering, under the brothers, janees
and. RObert, McDonagh. The Cain
'famly, fine el& pieneersOlved_ in.' the
log house ii tire present Ernest Ack-
ert farm :and wined thetwo corner
farms; They had Just built a Pew
triune hotel on the southwest coener.
I remember the Cain family, Mr. and
Roger Cain, Sr.; Roger; Jr:, 'Aug-
ustine, Themes, Bridget and Hannah,:
Robert Pureis was reeire Of - the-
, Township, Peter. ,Reid was' clerk arid
• Peter •Corrigan;*a popular young Meni
ion -in -leveed Archibald Cochrane was
. ,
Township Treastirer. He .was after-
' *Tards 'to proVe a good friend Of mine.
John Anderson ' Was teaching in: the'
log echOol on the Switzer 'farm about
a mile to the *est. At the 'end of
1861 he Wae 'Succeeded by T. b. life-
' cutcheeri -veho after a tern -tot teach-
ing beeame a Methodist niinister and
died Many years ago in the Canadien
West It is an interesting fact that
twoether 'teachers of flolyrood echoth
at • later ',Uteri •became, Methodist
preachers and .both thi'ded theii: min •
• istry in British Columbia, Arthur tr.
Miller and his brother, Henrye J. Ml.
• ler. Rolyrood sdhool ha .had a great
. •Variety• of teachers. Jas'W. Morgan
the last to teach in 'the log sclitiol and
Ithe first, to 'teach in the new 'school.
reatest of
thein all. . • •• •
But to come back to the Tillage.
My father, William Elliott, came up
, in • 1867 from Benuriller, reated, the
store with its log &welling annex
,from Cocihrrati and, we peeved in. A'
Mr: McConnell was in the. hotel, suc
ceeded in the following Year by Wm.
Wadsworth ' who later was an hotel
keeper in Luaknow. There was ^ no.
Post Office at the corner thee. •
To. recall a' little Pose Office his:
'Wry. Ripley Post Office was, ripened
at Lot 4,_Concession.8, 1won, in 18
(bi 1858 it was Moved to Let 2; coil -I -from the North. Concessions were
coinPletely bloCked. as the feather -like
..cession8,. 'Unities, under Mr; Theis. !
• Barris) and Helyrood office, said tO snow piled up in huge drifts
have been named by Archibald Cock,'
rine, was opened the Same 'year,,tin-
• .
der Wm. MitelCeithle. Ileiyirood office
Was transferred to John Anderson
• as postmaster in 1857, and closed in
• 1864; in w,hichelyear Kinlongh offiee
with opened With Sithon •Corrigan ai
bucknoW : :Wetheti'S _Insiltrite
will heve upWards, of $26.00' to don-
ate towakds fUrtilariiing, a 'Vail in a.
Canadian Reepital in England, 'A '36 -
lied ward as o cost apProiiinitely
$3000 is being.'Conipletely furnished
by the Federated Wtitners Institute
efrOirtirio. *;: -10‘, . '
The focal chniatlen'Wets'intide pothe.
ible from the''proeeeds of an enter,.
taiament eand dance held .on Friday
evenihg.. Euchre.was played in the
early" pat of the 'ev'ening ;With Mrs.
Wm. Yeun and R. J. Canieron the
prize • winners, • An hour's program
Was 'Presented by the CKNX Ranch
Boys • who. also 'furnished, Music for
till dance.. l'intieh was served by The
fastifilte_airilLthe •entire esVening's en-,
tertainment provided at . a 'cost of
25' cents; each.,
Home on:Leave
-Beite 'Thompson is- spending -twenty-
one . days' leave at the home of .his
parents,. )r: and/Mrs. R. H. Thomp-
son. pip., is a wireless operator on
a enineSt,yeeper of the Canadian Navy .
operating out of an Haat 'Coast port.
Fred Caleyr, teller of the local Batik
of .Montreal staff has been . notified
• .
The Rfugee Winr1Fr PonMittee
has reeeitred a. newallocation, or re.:
fa.ke* gitrittents,„pumberipg some 209
artieles. two 'weeks material *ill,
:be available for Ulnae who velenteer
make these -garments• ati_hmui
-yOu .can do -hotne, sewing contact the
(lomtnittee,. Which "will furnish you
with material. . .
Financial assistance: to carry on
ethis wOrk. is •contirinally needed.. Per
sepal donations received 'are from
fitne to time acknoWledged and as well
a • danee, was held. , recently. to'help
boost this Refugee Fund:
• The -financial report :of the dance
is aefellows.: • . • .
Proceedsof dance (includes
doriatione) $ 66.55 ,
Proceeds lunch counter. 22:01.
- $ 89.16
Expenses .;„
Orchestra' ,$ 17.00' .•
Bert Ward' 1 00
Printing and adv 3 50 • ,
Radio acti: 1 50 ..
•$ 23.00
Total Proceeds. ............. $66.16
Donations for janeary and to Feb-
tuarY 14th ..eire f011ciws,: Mrs. W.
Little, $5.00; Miss McPherson, 2,90;
ilteerand ex -Mis&--Kate,MCGre•or, 0-00; Miss Mar-
peCts to ,leave about the first bt-the-ion-illeDougal,' 10.00; •Mrs, H. j. Bind,
Week, Fred 'will be succeeded 'by W.
P. Bartlett, of Georgetown. .
RETURNS pAtoni B. C., •
• Jinrinie Parkes of HolYrood return-
ed on 'Saturday; from Silverdale, B. C.
where he spent the pest two months
visiting with his parents and brOth-
.ers. Mr.: Parkes and his three sons,
'formerly ,o Coneeision 6, -Kinloss,
are operating a deity farm near iSi1,
.verdale in the Fraser Valley, about
thirty miles from Tenet:elver, •
1iat storin at increased as the day
pregressed reached its height late
Monday eight; and left a member of
motorists 'mho had attended the Luck-
now-Wingharn game, stranded in the
Village. •,
Wingham and Kincardine cars man-
aged.tieo "buck" their way !home, but
Goderieb motorists weren't so fort-
unate' and up to .Tuesday afternoon
roads west and south were still block-
ed. An weak:Mal car or truck was
getting thru ;from 7iVingham, and in
say, 2.00; gr. A. Q. Elliott;
:Mrs., Nina Carrick ft oyd, 10.00; glen
WOrkers, 6.00; Mrs: Clark Frilayson
2.00; Mrs: Pearlman, 2.00; *No name,
$?:po: •. , :
- *will the lady Who gave Mrs. Me -
Kim thiS"$2.00, and who's name does
net appear in above list, ,kindly ad-
vise so correction can be. made. Pay-
1 • ment of this money was made at thp,
workroom e .e..-
CertificatesThe: golden way • to
. Victory.
• •Ruron : P.'reSbYtei$ •• of, the • 'United,
Church, Jeeeting 'hi' Clinton recently,
adopted:the loan: .and gift,. eanipaign
and- diVided the 'POebytery into ten
zones for oainpaignkpurposes. St. Hel-
ens, Ashfield and ...Dungannon .is in-
eludedhe one zone •
Presbytery alsir.kreceivede the an-
nouncenient of Rete, R. W. Craw of
McKilloe.eharge.th4t.he intended .re-
tiring from the active 'ministry at the
June conference.
I :(
Hear From Son 'Oferseas,
..... —,
„.,.pcieitmas4,:,,G00eial. tononrat4 W:
P.1Vbibiels ant:wincesthat oiving to the
recently authorized Change in the Ape:
Of the 11;iiitarrfeecee..ef Canada; ffie:
deSignati "Canadian. 'Army" Will
now,•be used instead of "Canadian *Act-
ive Seri -ice Force (C.A:BeR)-", Mail
for soldiers on aetiVe Service shtitild,
therefore, now .be, addresSecl as fol -
Mail For Delivery Overseas •
The designation "C.A.S.Fe ceo.Base
Post Office, Canada" -is to be emitted
, Mr. and MrsJ J ▪ Smith received and the Words "cahadian Army Over-.
their first Overseas...mail from their seas" iiilbetituted •thert•efor, as fol -
Son; Alex last itve4`'., 4hich included 15°0' 7' ,
were the first -1-iiiiii they - had re, '
Regimental No., rank and name,
Name: and details 'of Unit (i e, Com -
three letters onseeeitissiye days. These
ceived Once Alexi' asa member of papy or Section, Squadron, Bat,
the R.O:A.F:, went • overseas :enrlY, in' tery, Holding Unit; etc.), • ' •
gee New tear_ , . • Name of Regiment or Branch of Ser-
• Thni; ik").86/, there was a itipleY
• post offiee‘cto the west, and Kinlough
the north, .bet no, office at the
4 e'present Holyrooel corner,, The coming
• of a new. storekeeper started agita
thee for the A -opening of Holyrood
and in a short time my father be-
, carne postmaster, Ripley being Moved
,10rliffer 'west into 'Huron. As father"
health failed (he died in 1868) it be-
came my lot to help in the store
and net astpoSt effice. clerk—not very
old and not very big, but there Was
no one else: It wee a great experienee,
and gavea knowledge of the .cOm•-
° triunity otherwise impossible "for a
mere lad, • .
It is pleasant now to think back
to some of the good old pioneers I
got ,to know. Donald McKenzie, to
the east, father of Kenneth, John and
Dundah, liras\ One of our mistamers.
• Steele. Murdoch, on the Corner Of 6th
concession' was anOther, and remelt -
bar selling an axe to Wm. Harper;
Sr., father ,of John, .William, Robert
and Noble, Harper, and so I might
continue with a list Of Mimes. I re-
, member in particular one geod, lady
frorn Huron township who said to the,
"Have ;SAO (4a4n7", arid When. I shook
• my head she looked disappointed, for
• , I'had only tfighiali and she had only
, the language of her forefathers. HOPY,
eiret we nianegeit to do busifiesi. That
'vas not an .:anCenamOn experience in
.• the eil&daik• ,
-The annan eause-d-alonstponement
of 'dances at Xingsbyidge and one
in Lucicnow. tbe Inigkey
match, as .those who coeld make it
.went scurrying for home.. The "gate"
at the hockey game was affected ta
the egtent of well over $100.90. '
• The free dance and picture show
sponsored by ;sick Kilpatrick was
postponed one Tuesday ,night •
On Wednesday the storm renewed
its fury, bringing, traffic almost to a
cbmplete standatill and forcing the
postponement of the Lucknow-Wing-
harn game in Winghare until PridaY
• Rural niail service' has been
badly disrupted Rise.
. •
In Town This Week •
My. W. L Paterson, who is iii
charge d drl1ing operations for oil
on thUllterthir'Brytrs
here this week at the 'home of his
sister, Mrs... Wm. Mat.Xenzie. Drill-
ing opPrations haire beentemporarily
halted at:Present, but will. lie resanned
;when road and weather conditions
are faycirable. The well has been sunk
to about 1500 feet and is protected
against all hazards so fer, .!with Mr.
Paterson quite confident and enthus-
iastic that they will -.strike .oil With-
out going a greet deal deeper. •
Some fight—the rest •buy 'COW:,
icates. • .
I *wish to thank my friends oh the
Sixth and Foarth •Coneesthons Who
so kindly sent. mel ,the wriat wade,
• As ,I have no way • of thanking you
personalty. I am taking the opportun-
ity of doing so through The Sentinel,
I Will be leekinglonwarel to the time
when I will be anning you all again.
, Ted Murray.
,f• tonelude with a retrien; Of the
Holyrood postmasters, all of Whom
tknew except the first, Opened in
1856, the P. 0. denartinent hM
1VIeltetthie as tlie Mime Of the firet
poetInaster, while Noteitin ltoberteon
in his Ilistoi•yr of Bruge gives William
McKenzie, Then tollovved John Ander;
thin feom 1857- to 180 When the offiee
was closed till 1867, Those who served
sulisethierit te tlite; re -opening were,
Wdliam Elliott, Andrew T. Campbell,
Mrs, Agnes Campbell, ,lohh Purvie
and frern June 30t14,101/, Miss Sliatii
Mr. and Mrs. AbreitP Culbert, life-
long and esteemed residents tit Dun-
gannon 'and district, on Friday Feb-
ruary 14th, St. Valentine's Day, quiet-
ly _celebrated the 59th anniversary of
their marriage: The cerereeny Was
performed by - Re. Remy Whare,
Baptist minister tie Kincardine, at the
home of the bride's :parents near Holy -
toed. , •
-Canedian. Army-e0VerSeas,
For example: ,
CANVAS IS ON B=12345, Cpl. A. J. Jones,
Ist Anti -Tank Regiment,
Cairiassers 'for, the War Savings Ytoy,1- `Oenadiati Artillery,
kampaign are visitors who should be .Canadian Army' Overseas.
Theertily -. welcomed :- into Canadian .Nete.If..a soldier is overseas the
eil.:word 'Overseas" rustlaPpear 'in the
htirinei this -Month: Theee are the M
and Women Who Call to ask- egizens. addrees,i but no place name:
to pledge tnemselv4 to ; becorne reg- Mail For Delivery In Canada\
ular purehasers° et War Sating% Cer-• The usual • complete partieulara.--
that s. ,
•• Lregintent• ai--:reennber; rank a
Locally the canin,aign is underway and details Of unitand name of reg
and the drive is'scliedulecl to be Om; .iment or branch of service, and, in
pleted this "week.,- You may haVe al- addition, the Post Office name of the
ready pledged your4if Or Your louse- Place in Canada where the soldier is
hold as a regular Tear saver, if not; stationed, thust, be given.
a canvasser will slOrtly call to ask For example
You to ,do So if at all possible. G-12346; Gnr. John Jones,
These callers ar4hot ,getting paid 15th Heavy Battery,
for .,their services ut are giving of Royal' Canadian Artillery, '
;heir time and rie4e• to encourage Saint Jolni; N.. B. ,
7ailadians tO subscrUre.tO a mend in Note—It a soldier is in Canada, the
's -
veetmentthV a •. p• ro 4, e weapons
and ammunition for those 'who are
rfiking their lives t& de.fend our
Even though there may .1oh soine
so peer' that they Cannot lend even
a little bit every month to their coun-
try, there are none who shouldn't ex-
"-t-Piid every cellar esy • ese vo u
tary workers who are calling "on the
Nation's -business". , • • 4,
In:total war, money is the civilian's
weapon. Retheniber you, are net .gie-
ing £1J ,IL ,are itiveSting it. You will method when eddressing letters, par -
• The bride of: 59 years* ago, whose
,maiden name was Louisa Congram,
was attended as bridesmaid, by Miss
Annie Culbert, sister of the bride-
groom, liter Mrs. Runter, of Ashfield;
who died a few years ago, while
Congram, brother; of the bride,
of' Holyrood, still living, 'supported
the bridegfOom. • •
Mr. ;and Mrs. Culbert are both en-
joying a measere of 'good health, de-
spite their respettive ages of 84 ad
82 years. ilihey reside alone ,in their
home adjoining the village of Dun -
pitmen, only, one son, W. A, Cinbert
of their family of two sons' and one
-daughter is living, their datigthter,
Miss Barbara Culbert having died at
tile age of 17 Years 36 years age
Their .sen Melville, died les§ than 8
years ago, There al e 5 grandchildren
and two great grathichildtthe
They Were sithcessful femme on
Concession 5, • Ashfield; where • time
built, up one of 'the, finest hippos1. in
the tewnship, no* oeeupied by theie
son, W. Arthur end fanfly. Thiety
years ago they Indirect to their pies,
ent home: 116sta Of Maids joie in
eXtending heartiest Congratulations,
kind a sincere wish that they may
name of the Place' at Which he IS sta
tioned must appear in the address.
• The regimental numhers and names
'given ie. the examples are, of Ccierse
fictitious mid are merely used to ill,
ustrate the correct melihrid, Of address-
ing mail. •
• 'Until such time as the new method
InitiWee mail bearing the designation
"C.A.S.F.:" will as heretofore be de-
spatched to 'destinations,. but the pub-
lic should immediately adopt the new.
get if back 'with. a 'good return. Your -eels or' other mail to members of the
security is gtiaranteed by the Domin-
ion „Of Canada, nad: Mar dolars wil!,
later come ."marching home" tcebring
,security when Peace' has returned.
. .
BORN . • •
SCHMID-4n Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Monday, .rebruary 17th; • to
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Schmid,' Lucknow,
a son). pouglas William. _ _
„ -
Make your dollen' talk now, Hitler
understands "Hurricatie",,langnage.
Rose -End Labels frOm Red Rose Tea
and Rose -End Coupons foal Red Rose.
Coffee. Buy an extra, package or ewe
of these prodnete and eave the 'rose -
ends" for our group. They are worth
motley to us;every cent of which shall
be used for patrioti6 purposes. "Rese-
ends" may be deposited at all local
grocery stores, or given to an of
our lads. This offer expires Feb. 28th.
So do your pert, stock up now and.
give . us ; the "rose -ends". . ' '
. THE TRAIL raisrogn
' There will be dalice in ;the Cern:.
nuinity Hall, St. Ilelett's oft TIPIscl'a1r,
February 27th, , under auspites of the
Virernen'e Institute, with proCeeds for
patriotic purposeS. Music by MeChare
les' orehestra. Admission &c &
Ladies with Iunch. free
Under anspices. of LocicnOw Branch
809, of the Canadian Legion a dance
and Prite• draw Will be held in 'tb
T0w Hall, Luelcnow, Friday, Febru-
ary 21st Musie,by AfcCharleat ;braes,
tra, Roy McCreight, caller-dtf, lunch
ethinter eervica.Admission 2111c. The
draw will be made for three Prizee.
Canadian Army, either Overseas or
stationed in Canada. •
joias R.C.A.F,
',last recently We learned that Reg
Livis, son of Mr: and Mrs. James
Levis of Kinloss, had joined the R.
C. A. F. and is :preseatly located at
St.' Thomas. ,
IN. LOCAL .puorr
7. In a letter receivSed from John gl-
iiott of London, learn With regret
that iris eyes are. giving' hiin some
trouble and in .41e. future he will be
`forced to de less ;writing' for Ptiblica,'
tion, "• • •" '
• Mr. •Elliett adds the-fa:owing para.'
grapit torhis letter: -- • „.,
"As a partial explanation of. my
•inter-eaCiri,--arid knowledge • of, eld-•
tirne:Ilolyrood and Kinloseij. may
state that my wife was Xinloss.
pioneer of the seeped generation, born
:on •the farm On, ethich the presen".
H,olyrood school is halt licieiginally
settled and Owned by her father, -Mr
.Wsin. McMullen) and educated in dr,
old log school! under Jelin AnderSer
and T. L. lifeCnteheon"..
There was a capacity attendiMee at
the High .TehhuorbsltiOaoy*Vetiiinligth;h1:43..V..nHall last a,
4eri etrjoyaMi 'entertainment' Was
The congregation of Lucknow Pres-
byterian Church' was 'honored over the
Week -end in being priveleged to have
so prominent a minister as: Rev. Dr.
J. G.' Inlistee .occupy the Pulpit at
'both services on, Sunday. lir. Ink-
ster delivered A most forceful Sermons
both morning and evening; and .on
Monday enining gave, a most inter -
sting illustrated lecture at the Young
People's meeting. • •
Dr. Inkster, formerly of Knox
Church, Toronto, had charge of One
of the large churches All New Zeal-
and for Seine six menthe. This coun-
try, Which is hew playing its vital
part in the war effort of the British
EmPire, was the subjeet of 'Dr. Ink-
ster's delightful end informative lec-
ture. Several slides picturing places
of importance and beauty in some of
the principal cities as, Oarearte Dun-
• edin and Christchurele !were show.
• Dr. Inkster de'scribed the missionary
work being carried oti among the ret-
ire Maoris. There were also several
scenic 11Instratithis of the beauty of
the, inountait and glacier areas °tele
Islands. in his lecture olve described
the sinking of .the liner ,ott whieh.he
was returning to Canada, : and from
Which eal passengers Were rescued.
The meeting WOO 'wall Attended and
_with in charge of the Y. S. Miss-
ionary Committee. The ,scripture les-
son was 'read by M. C. Orr, Mrs. P.
Stewhrt •sarig a selo, after which .Rev,
MacDonald introduced Dr: Ink-
The Glee Chili opened the concert
'by 'singing two verses of the Nattena'•
Anthem; followed. byrItheiddrees :ter
welteme :by- the president,
. Kim.' The -Glee Club; tinder the stir;
'N.rision Of the Music teacher, Miss P.--•
gy• MacDonald, sang five 1 chose.
• Katherine. Agnew gave a readin
Mr Calvert and Miss Mattheive,pr.
Pented the medals to the winner'
the Field Day .events. Jean Bierett.
junior champion and Muriel Mr:7
and Evelyn Little were tied for
.teitinie. up. Carolyn .Allin avasTeen. •
Champithe, With, Miry Salkeld
;runner np. In the boys' ports St
ley Prest WAS junior champion • • '
Jim Purves. junior runner up. .117."
!Ackert was senior champion with D-t-
eld Fitileyion runner up. Jaek.Aeki.
replisid on behalf Of the winners...
dayler Ramage and Harold Heni.
gave an instrumental. The girls' dt,
&es which' „folldwed consisted hi•it ,
the 'girls, of 11 and: X; then the gli
of--,gradei -XI, XII
choruses Were Sung -by bey's- of
LLigh School. - • •„ .
The presentation of ' certifkria...
was m
by. kie MacIntyre.,-These. eertifice
were given to all.tboa& Who coinplet.
Lower School hest June: General pi'',
.ficiency shields Ivisere tilse? present -7
to Allan McKim', and John Vtiveire •
• Phydieal culture'dAlli by the loo'!
included boxing ati& gymnastics which '
Were much enjoyed A •dthiliie quart-
ette and a double (pet of pupils from
Grades IX anpl X,iwas followed by a
eneetteL play; •4"Thee6hosf-Bteree pr
dueed by Booth Tarkington. The yr
consisted, of Betty. Taylor, Lloyd Ael•
ert, Muriel Wilkins, Katherine Jelin:
sten, Barbara - Anne Culbert, Charlie
Denote; Keith Hackett, Robert Beg -
ham, Itc;dney MacLetinan.
„The ttElth occurredat his home
Teeswater on Sunday,' Kebruary71:6t1i;
of Wi11ian liabicirk, .beloired hus-
band of Margaret -Greeharn, former-
ly of LueknOw. •Mr. Habkirk was ir
his 81st year, and has been in failing
health for e time. Ile with •fortnerlY
in the undertaking business •-in Tees
water and Kincardine, - ----
• The:fimeial was held at Teethvatth
on TueidaY te ,Teeswater Cemetery
I3esides brie widow, two sons, I3ile of
Mitchell and Doriald•of Hann ton, sur,
irive. ••
Heads of all local committees in thr.
War' Saeings: Campaiga; currently in
progress, mestrepOeteWeekly the pro-
gress of the eathpaign and the num-
ber of. pledgee secured, `
'Official Mani for' the: province
are then issited front the 'office.• of
the National Chairnian. ••, •
The first. returns for Bruce and
Heron, .as et ' February 15th, show
six eCntres thirepOrted in Bruce and
three in Huron. In Lueknove. and clis-
trict,.as no doubt is'the case in many
to -house cenv.as jest getting -under-
way. Locally canvassers are scheduled
to complete the canvas ,this week,
while the rural area will be con-
tacted be circulars Within the next
day or so. '
The 'number of pledges' as reported
to National hea.dehartera up to .Feb-
tuary 15th js follows:
Port Elgin
Walkerton '
Huron .
Brussels •„ ' . •
Exeter. ... ... .... , . '79
Goderich' •• • • • ••258
• • 24
• Brdee •
ontinue to OhloY health and happi- a Milt of doilies, a het and a' pair of
fiOSS for many 'Years:to conte, goes. Tickets are 10e 'Or 8 for 25e,
• . 306
• • •
• 233
• 67
War : Savings Certificates', semi!,
thVirlitlirthe New Order ii-PoVert
•'• (Rapid CRY News) ,
While listening to a broadcast en
ThersdaY evening Mrs, W. G. Reed
ltherd Sid Smith of the R. C.: A. „F...
"Sotriewhere in England” semi greet-
ings to his friends in Cenha: Sid is
well known to -Luelcaon; e.nd Zion folk
having lived with Mr. :and Mrs. ROO
:Nixon for several years.
l Mts. Felir,,,,Mr. and Mis. Thothas
Lockhart, Dorothy and Willis of Eder,
p 185 ton also FrankIVIeNall of London irks-
ited with Mr. ' and Mri.--Robert Me• - •
Nall, Sunday. . • • '•:
29 Miss • Mary Carter returned to
Ilensail -
3 tentres unreported.
• 152
Stratford Normal the first . of the
week after. Practise teaching in Luck -
thin; last week.
' Mr. Peter T... Carter is our mail
man these. days while Donald Mac-
' Donald is in at (his hotne.
I• Quite a :fel* from hera, attended
• the High School' concert' in town
Thursday evening. •
• Peterborough, Lncknow, and Kin- Your paper dollars needed now to
.cardine papers were requested to copy stop Hun the paper -hanger. •: • •
the following death notice appeering • .
in Motiday's Globe & .Mail: ,
TENNYSON, Margaret Anti Jamie-
son—At her ....residence, _393 _Strath -
•more Boulevard, on Saturday, Fehr
runry. 15; 1941; Margaret Ann ..lanrile.
son, ,wife ef, the late Phillip Tenny.
son, in her 89th year. •
Resting at the residence until Mon-
day noon. Ftineeitl.from Chtireh of the
Nativity; Monarch. Perk and , Olebe-
hohne Boulevard, on Monday at 2:80
p.m. Interinetit Park Lawn Ceinetery.
We fluab sinde learned that MI%
Tennysot‘ ;was a 'foritier resident of
LuekneW, and will be remembered:by
rilder. retidents. Me. TerulySOP was h
carpenter'and he and. his' wife later
ineved to 13erele !Where they conducted
hotel. A brother, George Terity-
On, at one `time verned the preseet
Cliff reeidenee,
• ' • • ,
Receives Gift, On Birthday '
Murdoch Morrison was 'greatl5t:eur-
prised upon' his birthday on February
17th. to receive a• fine present,. trent
the Harness Shop friends • itild for
which fie desires ,to expresshis
thanks, •
ster. Following his lecture, Dr. Jam.
Little played a violin Sol, hymn 108
was sung 'and the benediction pro,'
.tiouneed by Rey. 11/LacDonald. •
• If you see a strange loeking vehicle
"streaking": through •the • Village
• streets • Sortie ot these days, fin% Abe
•alarined. It. won't be a rocket' ship
from Mars, but rather e homemade .
snowmobile, Piloted quite likely -'hY
George Cook and Phil 'Smith of the •
Maple Leaf Aircraft CorpOration,
long ,Arith Dean 'McInnes, these two
ohaps have been spending much .of
their Spare time perfecting this silo*
buggy, and the Word is, WS about
ready for a "test 4light".
Originally powered iby a four -cyl-
inder motorcycle engine, and driven
by a rear propeller, the outfit didn't
. have eneugh speed on its first try-
out. A •Inore poWerful motor is being
installed and the trio:eve getting set
for anther take -off; The snoWmobile
hith two large front skis about Six
feet epart and a rear centre ski, so
that it 'will be free of both ;sleigh,
Enid motor tracks. 4
. Will ride the drifts that have
piled uP these, past !erW daysthey've
really got Something,