HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-13, Page 4AO! FouR 400 e-- ice „And theZti * In the bleachers • . When our 'Own plays hockey. we're ell';:lltit-to.eheer he boys on- thelcee . , Yea., ...and•"14 aU dig down to,: • • esuPPOrt team.'" By and large , ; we're pretty good sports in Liicke lid*. • ^N 'Now iVelftiir get se team in big league- enmPonY• • • When boys in -uniform line eP for roll cal this coMmunity is :Well - represented. •:' • ," • „ • This tune we've gq to dig &awn. ' • . in earnest ,liVeve ;got tosee that our boys t --the lizeetof--ehuipmen gunkand shells ,end tanks and ships and ;Plenes. %tie ...going: to cost a let of.inoneY.. .1 TRAIL RANGERt NOTES. ... Mr, And trs. Jake:Winter ancl.farre ily and 'Lei:Maid Phillips visited With, Mr, and Mrs. John; Campbell at rest on Sunday. _ • • " Misses Lorne and PittiCe‘."."1.1.nnte; spent the 1week-end .witli Mrs. Lloyd. Hunter, .. Another addition of your Trail ;Ranger. column'. gees tof press, with the •editor thinking thinga up; in be fel'. 'a change. ' • . • Yes, yon guessed it; Old Men f'FIr 'has pot h9ia of yews truly; and our ,•Mentor as ev,elL; So now you 'Mow why there was no meeting last *eek Weagree that ,its ilinaPeointing And discouraging' when you lads tern ent and' find there's no meeting...Yes its happened a lot and all with gpee ..reason. toop..bet if only we had an assistant leader.. 11 this could he avoided, and Oue work carried on as usual'each Week. We've tried; but ocr efforts have been inevain: So let'f make the best of it aid really go to - • Mr. and Ws. John 1Vtacl)Oua1d spent; an evening with. R. E, Gilmore -Uwe 'WA% No41141,, of Luelen,ow visited with Mr. Albert FIeloe on 1Vloricliie afterneort. ".. • „1.• , Ailr. Re:A...One-Lore epent the week-: 3nd. With his '74avliters in Hanulton -Mr and Mrs, P, Conice visited witt‘ 'Ir. and r:Mrs. Les Ritchie„en Thurs. ,eirening.1 • Messrs : Gragdon Ritchie and Lloyd' 'Renter returned after their. 30 dayz. military tealning at Chatham HI;)LeY11.„CIOD Miss Mary Smith spent Saturday theelaPine:e31-e-‘11re-andellis.-Brest 'Llicknow.” ••. Howard Robb of Laurier ' is •Spending 'a few days at Mr,. Richard .e ••; • , work at ' every meeting fer'.there F Mr. and Mra. Robt: MacDonald Mid heapa..of :work to be done befOre the ramily, Mrs. Thod.' Harris 'and Earl. .611c1,::;9f thee tetra... ..; . • Have "you:given your share of Red AnenVa. "ro.eeeenda7, and Pe.tree..P.out-- ons in Pur campaign? Icion't think sc and. only two weeks remain in th "chive for rose,ends. Every , one yoo give as going to ,help Opmeone, "Over There" just a little bit mpee. So buy an extra Package or two of Red. Rose Tea or'Coffee'"and save. tiit • for'' es. Either depoeit f i.. ,eer red UNDER ;White and iblue collecticiii boxes at all STAPO' . , Trail Ranger kiddie who shall call on ' :Rica groceries or save them for the Lifeein Poland, le the sedond-win7I-you. In this; sniall way,you are help- ter Of .iiccupatien, is Of ' linclenit ingi-iiif ro'..O-1-"*';Iiirter fek*iCaii. O\ siveritt.• There ..ia l'jittle 1iLo ; eat The. • '' :. '- ...e.....; . . , . . ,,, only:-feedittlffa in Awe are bread,. This II Boys' Week,. Feb 9th f4te- ''' 'e 01 for . for ceehing. iSt Resolve ',now to doe- tn.' art ;ere is neither butter nor margar- ine. There'is• neither fruit nor 'fish There.in; alinpst• no meat. Yet izi spite: of ; all privations and persemitiOns, , foe the Boy ' Life of Canada. Now, more than ever, see need yo-ur help. ;, . , - , ' ' , • And boys e too must do our part: Poh3h. resistance its ;growing.; Mess We mu5frfso1ve, as true Trail Rang- ' iieeniziOna by the •Giatapo. fail; to ers, to:. follow the Trail our Master ' • terrortZe. ' •t blazed and, be the worthwhile future Itt Kalisz, a Polish techniciencitizens of our great Democracy fPr was •imprisoned for publicly ,talking which our soldiers,, sailors and air - of damage by 'RAJ. raids on Berlin men are now fighting. En 'Lodzi.a../Vyear-Old hay*easen, "ten* to sten years imprisonment oT .. the charge Of itisuIting Gernian ofe In Dortntune, a special tribunal sentenced a Pole to death 'who had tett his work •in Geritiiiny and , iesIs- ted arrest - • In a village near Madgeburg; Ger, many, three German Women were -14n- - ;Servicei next Sunday ,will be at 11 a. m., Winctire: -Selintil-following the The 'Bed- Cross • tea" held at the home of Mrs. W. G. Hunter on Thurs- -da'•y'Tast--was-Iarg'eIy-attended:-When- e- , teneed to eg menthe imprisonment 'for a quilt iwas 'quilted and many other giving food and cigarettes to -Polish articles sewed•. 'Prisfoiera War. , • Samuel Reed returned home SENT' I N EL. o ec y Chatter 1 SEM. t.$ ASS-UR•4 THIRp- • . iLAC1 3Y gioRAY Ne'sed'Out ilanoter si to 6 In. A ,Stire rilllr Genie. flee On FridaY, • Mr, and Mrs. Howard Harris and • aaorraine mere dinner guests at Mrs Ahner •Aeliert's 'an Tuesday . evening -Wee -Husk of Blackel-loiseels-evii: iting her daughtei Mree'Fred Itass: more this Week, M. laings 1Vicpain of .Ornistown Que sPellt the week -end With hs coushi, Mrs. James Baker and Mr • • 1 BELFASTi Miss Dorothy Wilkins of Paisley spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. - • ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Pheris Mailers visited on Srndav with Mr. and Mrs..' Alex Hackett: • - - Mr, and Mrs:2George, Alton., were Sunday' visfters )with and Mid, Cliff Hackett. • •' " 'Many friends Of Rev. Mr. Willetnd of -Lucknew wish :Min a speedy rev covery from his regent ilhieste We are SOrry to ; report the condi- tion. of Mr. D. K. Alton, who his been confined to his bed for the pant four: weeks, is Showing little imprcarement. tire and Mrs. Will Alton and Wen- _ dell and Mr. and Mrs. -Wilfred Hack, ett visited en,Friday evening:with Mr.` and Mee. Dynes Campbell. Duck,ntnr. !SeP91"6•1;aite as4lit;Pci of at at least third Place ' -ie. the final Stand - nig of Group 8. This much Wan.:Alecid- ed to 6 vletery over Hanover in the •loCat:Arena, Friday Mg•ht, nessed more than 500 fans who were on hand :fur The aepoy''e Ist Vllrize Of the -seliedul'ee • ' ''; ,- e•Off to A draggy start, with the itore'taking tba.leafl,:the tussle liven- ed- up hi, the -second andiended with: a thrilling ,thied .Period' that ,sitiYy the SelfeYs get. the • winning voonter with scarcely More thin a minute to 0,1 • - Babe Book was the "here" . Of the game, bagging font.' goals in the final canto, to Wta-p tlte.:'tepeysin. the pic- ture and give, them .a niuch needed win,,_ ' . Hanover took artlwie:geal lead in the first Period' on tallies :by 14.eintesli and Klemrner, ..and. the visitors stretched the lead to '3,0,early in -the second. TheeSepoys then c.aineto life and a goal by George Book and a pair 't1Y-LTOY.::-.:Greer. Mlle:the to Mu! the second,.•This was theiact- period with, the , top ithreatereing to _blew -Off at any time. It. didn'ti "Rooster" Mu. hancled:put only. four penalties, the visiting squad, with the bad reputation, getting three of them. Luclittow Vint into a tivii---geni lead 'early in the third. Hanover came hach. to make it 5-4, pabe znade it 64. Han- over bagg-ed-,tlliO in a• row to knot it tip at .6,6, and then The, SepOys' first 4ine:'e'liciced for the winning Clinit-ni with niin4 than -a , . . . min - ate to go. ..s.Lrielinew-eGeale Riggin; def, Ge . Seim* Polish Priests have died in after spending a week with her ais- the oranieninieg; aincentration• cainp. ter, .Mrs. W. R. Perrier, Viraivanosh, 'Their bodies were cremated and the. 73/Ir. and Mrs. Frank„,Ritchie enter- . . . . , ishes sentto their families. ', tained a number of the Young People „ ': • R.A.F: raids :on . Gentian industrial on Saturday evening in honor Of their, eentres- have fercett_tlin _Germans toegueite, Meisrs. David ,Jarnian - and . trendier industrial factories to Pel- Joe Mitchell pf the R.CA.F,, Pori 'and. Germans attempting to build antAlhert (Who spent 'th week -end with amnineition , factory in Skarzysk Air. and Mrs. Ritchie. • .found the head engineer 'dead. The • ' following day •300 , Polish workmen were arrested and, 'according to ad • RAPID- CITY • vices received by the Polish Ministry • • . of .enfeematjeleereee taken to a near- ''''• Our teacher, Mise Dorothy Nixon:" • ,: hY forest, forved to digtheir ., own ' - graves and massacred be?' ma,,,,inc Miss Eimice Carter atid'Mr. Jim r" Nall attended the "A.t Honie" of the, Stratford Nornuil Friday eiening. v An iniaensered• letter received in .„.. ,.„..„.. Stimson ° of . the Home London ;from Poland speaks' of un- [.; ''''r" " " l"' limited German cruelty to Poled.; Griard of Windsor is spending twc ' weeks leave With his' family: A . , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10411A 1941, NEW Co.A.cR-FUTs,..sRpors• ToRouGH;t14Exa, PACES ..Russell chief aeronaut - mal engineer, Of the Maple MO Air - &eft • Corporation . and A riell-gon'ter to town, has 'taken over the job of coaching IhesSepoys, CrookS, Who has 'Om lot; el'netiated with the 01,a1-„_, !ittOOJE" .11.arge. of the"' teal** last week and is luny -making a be, iated effort to whip the • team hit° shape for the, playoffs which Will get of tunidsel:reetz.ne3ct not Friday u 'The new coach Put the 'AV. thrn asstiff Worlairt on Monday night and aeeimilar was- scheduled ..for last Mr. Crooks: "Imptwa his stuff'. it appears and via,. it (Ws bite date' it shmild he much illiproved team that steps onto the ice l'Or-ithe Oak - 006. ,• *.,„Ww-ontrr-erl?e2-.. •Greer, yisheti Att., Sutherland, 'Gra... „ham; Savage, . Harris, MCCOrmick, Thompson. 14F SIG Enos 'OYER\ LucRisrow`,..turnoRs Rednien ITOn Here OpeTuesday Night Bse370.4dtopivec e.Scoor;4=: Huffy Harris •• • • . Lucknow and; Bailey Juniors are battling it -oat in a two -game ,goalst to -count series, for the right tcreneet- ing Hanover in the Group Emile: The first kime was played here On Tues- day 'when the visiting 'Pechnen grab- bed_an•8t»4 pqhy11l be an overcome when ',AuciloN SALE of 14/ chore cows when they journey to , imPosing" mergin for the, locals to • and 12 choice heifers, all coming in; Ieyville on"FridaY night Tricky Huffy Harris, now -attend- ing,Toronto University, went. big guild for his home town team, scoring five :‘ . < WOOD.FOR SALE --Apply. 'Sentio:- pl GIRL WANTED, inalliedintelY• Apply at Sentinel Office. • • •;, FOR SALE—A.utO knitting machine .peefect einidition. Will sell cheap. Apply te". Mrs. Sam'alcGuire. „ WANTS TO ' RENT-rA • einall.apart- neent in Lucknow, 3 -or 4 rooms, for two edulti. Apply. at- Sentinel•Office Loos WANTED—All kinds 'of ings, -- • "get. our piiceS 1,,e.fore Selling; Luck now Sae mill Company, 'Phone' 5't -enl" 79, Lucknow. ; WANTED—Poplar &• hessitrood :head. lig bleats, 20 inobep long; not less. than. six inches in -dialineter..White church Sawmill, FARM FOR, SALE -100 acres *.#4.1 gdod buildings, adjoining 100 ,acres also evaileble if required. Enquire at Sentinel °fire. • • WHY SUFFER thie agony of Rheu- matic Pain,' Sciatica, Lembago, when Runiavaps will give you quick welcome rei:ef. MCKIM'S DRUG STORE. • JwientiPIeYseightrsdidn didn't goals At eok ttlholaltiShtlie ed. 4.14m and in ,the first period partic- ularly the tuciciiewekide •cariied the play to the Redmen, kept them bot- tled up behind their own blue line and hadeverybody but O'Brien in the' neth beaten repeatedly. 4 A 3 to 1 lead for. Ripley was in! creased to .672 4 the end of the sec - end With each team scoring a pair in i3 , • the third.. The game roefhened Westup ar wawanosneone corner west H.UNTING:PARTIE-$. • TO' ..PE 'OW-1ED 'Tbe annual shooting spree against pheasants in several ceenties in Opt-. nrio last fill; Which aroused consider-, elzle indignation in rural districts, is 'being aggravated • at present hy" the rabbit drives and fox hunts conducted zealous. nienibers.,Of ,sporth' cluba. • Farmers and ethers hive raised strong protects.. Members of the Wat-, Oleo- Comity=Tish and Game Protect,' ive AsseciatiOn have adopted A its,- olution, calling upon the Government to compel Toronto biinters to -sheet 'their own back yards. I , :There are of uourte tWo sides ,to a `qUestion. The bunter • claims that each rabbit shot costs more than $7; the -money teilg.Tipent eviciwitY of the drive, ;secln drives being eon ducted in -districts Where rabbits are said to be. doing much damage. In a recent drive near, Linwood, of a hag of 108 bunnies, 500i Pounds were Placed in storage . awaiting shipment to British war , victims, • , , The Government has learned, how- ever, that farmers do ;not like .one hundred or more hunters searmieg over their'fields in a body, 'and local nil/lire& hold 'to the opinion that the -onlyesport Ieft:4s-to be cleaned. Out as a redult of- these rabbit Mies: These protesth are. 'to ,bear fruit Hon. H. C. Nixon has announced that fish and game legislation for the year will include a clause limiting to 15 girls Amy' organized hunting' &hie. "Germans announce elearlY," the let -1 Miss blaude Bowker is Making her • ter cOnthrura, "that Poles were .born home 'with Mrd. John Carter at pres- to serve the derman nation; to Per- ' ent. fermi the hardest libpr. The reettit i ; Mr Frank bleNall'has given np his of Stich behaviour is evident. Germans . barber shop at Tara and accepted e arrieing in Poland from the Reich are •position in tondoie ‘ . unheljevably ebvt.al They rid .1---- •;.-, -•••....t.t.P.1,--itlreand -Mrs:-ArchieeNicifolson--an 4- • automobilesr in disregard of Pedest.'• tchihiten •visitect Sundnt with IV1r. W. accidents. in ease cif. aecident,the. in, Mies • Mary Carter of Stratford Nth jived Pole is mistreate.d and:subject- mal. was bonze for the week -end •. ed to severe reproach for , wasting • • time. If the auteMobile is dainaged ori •riann and cause large "nib' ." (..Reed. • Miss Noreen Thomson of Belfast . the driver .iniuied in any way, the; 7ItS h o.nle on Sunday Pole is sent to prison. A new regela- ' 'Snow plows were the order of the tion in Krakow and Warsaw forbids day the first of the week after Set, Poles to enter, parks". ' urday's 'storm. AINIM11,111.1•100.0.11M6 EyERYVIING you believe in att stake! Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Regtitatiyi This Spate- .Bonatetr By RAE. & PORTEOUS. • Hanover—Goal, Cann; Van4 Huenemeeder; centre Ronalds; wings, ' Ritz; Mos; Ai., centre, IAA-kW/Zed; Klerozner, • ' Summary Firs* Period—Hanever McIntosh: (Magyvood);• ; Hanever, Kierniner, ;(111agweed).. .pen".4(yeeVansly • SectindieXedjetlanover,„:. sli; LuelinoW, G. Book '(Graham); Luck, noW Greer (B: Beek); ,Lucknew will be held at Harris'. Stock Barn, Ripley on Thursday February 20th. Donald Blue, Am.; ' •Tho. Harris, Prop.' P.- E. POTATO Cobblers or Green Moullteins $US ,per 151b.: B45 "ONT. .POTATOES 90c per751b.Bag National Hog Concentrate. - • . $2.75 per. cwt• Vaby write letteni and ;send money orders? Order your Bray Chicks through' attention, , prompt delivery. IS PIANOS FOR SALE at the Mild- may Furniture- Store. $25.00 up. Also new .piano. Open evenings. Free del- ivery. Electric and gas engiee wash- ing machines, radios and refrigera- tore-at 'Old Sale' Pri,ceee Scbuett; - & Sons, Mildmay. AUCTION SALE of farm. stock, ine play progressed and in the final frame Tore. Gregg issued seven pen; Aities, including' two five-minute rests; tb Cuylerand Dahmer for fighting. ;RIIPLEY—Goat 'O'Brieriedef, Wall, Schnihoth,- centre, Flynne ratings. Buckingham, CnYlOr;, alt, Finlayson, Herris, BoWera, Wall, Cottrill. LUCKNOW—Goal, MeKlin; . def. Os, Cook; centre,, Johnston, :wings Dehmer, Roberts; alt., Biggs; }lanai: ton, , Aitchison and McKinnon. Penaltime ' Sunimary • Bartiin, Hueneznoecler. , 'First Period • :Third PerioilL-Lucknow, B. Book (Harris, G. BOA); Laveknow,-B. Book; ilane-vOrratolliddseelaucknovook. (Greer, Fisher), Hanover, .Kleminer; Hanover, Magwepd;:. Lucknow, Babe Book (Fisher, Greer). ... MATHESON INjURED AS SHORT- . . HANDED SEP.OYS LOSE SepoY Goalie 1S*ffered: Gash, Above • Eye' In Hanover::As Locals Drop" 7 to 5 Decision -Had Only .Eiglet • Men In Uniform. ' -Short-banded for the first time this season and :Without a sub goalie; tucknow Sepoys dropped an impor- tant gaine itt Ha-nnver last Wednes- clay night 7 to 5,..A win *Mild have It Will be Haineeer in the Junior given Lugknow,.at the worst, a sec Group finals no doubt They licked ond place tie with Paisley 'in the fin,a1 Southampton 14 to .5 on :Monday ;Group standing. . . eight The return game was, in Han- : „ With 'Only • eight men in Uniform over last night. • the •Sepoys put 'up a game battle and set a hot pece. They ,Were leadlng 5 i to 4, when. !Van, Mathison was gash• ed above' the eye with a skate during a pile up in front of the net.: He had to retire from the game to be "sewed up", The locale 4/v0ewithout then sub goalie, Ml Riggin, • and Walt Savage donned the pads for the first time in 'his life. There was sever minutes to get and only One alternate to Spell off the weary Sepoye, ane where the final gong" vent Hanoi/pi' . tied pus ed inthree goals for a 7 • t0 5 win. • • Harris ,tFinlayscin) 5:2r 2---,;LueknOw, Dahmer (Johnston, Lucknew, before the Fifteenth day ; Roberts).... 4:00 if March A.p. 1941. The lowest or any T—Rnireyrflarris erfiralt)-7--.-TeteAT:40- ,ander-,not-rrecessariii-a e •ef.Division Line) Tuesday, February .18th at one o'clock. No reserve..the.' der cover if weather is bed. See bills ' for list and terms. Mett_Graynor, Auc.; ! Fred D. Newman; Prop.'• T. I. Convay • IIARJAIS,TER., SOLICITOR• . • Kincardine, , Ontario. JteanCh :Office In The Spence; - •• Lecknow, -East .of. the: _ Blink of. Montreal. Will Be Ine .leachnirse • Each Wednesday.'Meinihg &-.After: noon ea TENDERS • TENDERS will be received by tl-a;• Undersigned for Ten cords of, Few , feet Elm Weeds not -less than • four.•• 'nchses nor more than nine inches in diameter, and tOt Twenty-five cords • rf Eighteen inch body Wood, Beech and :Maple, up to Saturday,. the Fil- 71-..eentha day •of February A.D.' 194i, to be delivered at the Town Hall; ; • 4 -0 -Ripley, Harris ........ . 17:55 Joseph Agnew, Cleric, Lucknow; Ont. , • e • . , Secend Period •• Bowers % : a: 0—Ripley; Harris' (Finlayson)lo:246.5 1325 • 8-:-Lucknew; tgge, (Dahnier). 17:25. NOTICE To CREDITORS '. In the Matter of the Estate of Ed, ward Joseph James, late of the Town- hip of Kinloss in the County of Bruce„Farmer, deceased. I Notice is hereby given, pursuant to I Perialtiee—Wall, • Cnyler, Cook, 'the Statutes in that behalf, that all .0rediters and others having claims againet the Estate of the said Ed - Nerd, Joseph James, who died on or about the First clawof December, A.D. 1940, are required on or before the Fifteenth 'day of February ,A.D. 11 to send by Post de1iveitc Arthur Hodgies;R:R.,No. 1, Holyrood Ontario, the Executor of the last will and .Testament of the said deceased,: their names, addresses and descrite! _thing the _full_ nartieulauce,of _their claims; a statement of their accounts. -and the nature of the securities (if 'anYl_held ,byethem duly verified by. affidavit. • .1 • • 'AND ctake notice that after Such lest mentioned date the said Exe, Cuter will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, baying regard .9n1Y to: the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Executor Will not be liable :for' the %aid assetseor any part:thereof to any ;Sewers, Dahmer; • Third Period ..• . • • 9-Lucknow,,Iteberte•(Cook) .. 3:30 10"—Ripley, Harris .. .5:05 11—....fmcicriow, Dahmer (Rob- • • Arts) ... . . . . ..,• .8.t40 12—Ripley, Finlayson .. . .. 12:47 • Penalties--- • Wall, 'Cook; cottriu Roberts, Cuyler*, Dahmer; Bowers. • • 'Keep Your Eyed. Open Fo-i This Bird 00 There is a new "raeket" beiog work- . ed in this section d Ontario, reports the Durham Chronicle, and it is • salesman whO is making a canvas: selling brooms which he deelares are teitig sold for 'benefit of the Canadian Institute for the Blind, and ;which soc- ietyhe claims to represent, But a lei - ter from Kitchener Over, the signature • of C. E. Robieson, district field sec- retary foe the Institut, denies that • eny such man represeiits the SncietY: ;• and farther s•ay,a these brooms are made in ordinary factories and no. by. theI blind people' at all. Thin char lias been workilig itt Westere bnar io, and "was tem out of Owen Sound. by the policesot there is little doubf he will contieue to tlirit-flem the cit. fzetui of thi's Aistrict% so' long as he liticknow, JuniOrs were all but pl- minated .by that 8 to 4 defeat here Tuesday, hot g� hack to Rip: ley Friday deferinined to try and overcome 'that lead. lerson or persons of whose claims entice shall not have been received by him. • Apart trim fluffy of Ripley • AAMSTAPNG orrOminu[ST IN LUCKNOW EACHWEDNEiDAY AFTERNOON . 1:30 to 6 o'clock: ; -=-W-M. 'SCHMID'S STORE: ' • Western Ontario Motorways BUS SERVICE from LUCKNOW -Revised Schedule, • Effective Octal% 6th, 1940• • LEAYES• LUCKNOW—Daily, ,) except Sundays and Holidays •"at 7 a.m. for Wingliani, „London, Detroit, Sarnia,' • Stratford! Guelph, Toronto, • Hamilton. .„ • SUN DAYS & Holidays = 3:30 PAC Ta- RIPLEY- It • Kincardine, . leaves daily, except Sundays & pan. • „ SUNDAYS. & Holidays -10:40 'HOLIDAYS ONLY -72:45 pin. , For further .information see. Local, Agent. • W. Smith Central Gatage • Lucknow • ^ • • we'd pick Dahmere HaMilton and,' Dated. at Lpcknow, Ontario, ir johrs.,tedi gthI,ucknow tenneas. tht 15th de3, Jaeletarl'A'RD'1941:i 'tuio;gins, mostdenerpesoff• ensive ,mnOr • R.R.R• Ne. 1, Holyrood, Ont. either teem on Tuesday - nlght's pee- •Exetor. formance. •. • ' "Red"'IDeiin of Durham refereed. the game and the boys didn't like him, and as one of them Put it, '"we •could have beaten Hanover with g men and a good,referee." re! Hanover led 2 to 1 at tiie•end of the first. The,Sepoys were in the lead 3 'to 2 at the end of the second•and, holding a 5 to 4 .edgewhen Matheson 'wee hurt ' • ' Iueltriew goal,getters weie it. Boa (Fisher); Fisher ,(B: Beak); Savage; Graham (Barton); Oreer (R. Book, Fisher). ' • ••Lucknow—Goal; Mitheson;edefeece G. 'Beek, Banton; • centre, B. Hook wings, Pisher, -Greer; alt, Savage Oration. „ t)... Merklevitt; def. „tranalYite, ituenorneeder; 'dente* Ron- eldn; wings, •Itetz and MOOS; alt, Mc1 ,etcapeS procution, 'Setter keen your InOoth,..Mak*WOOd,' Kleintner: • ." Allin: •'eyed' wide-oaen for • thisbir men for :their game twith Tuesday. They were Without' the ser- releknow ,Juniors cbuldlcir:Ophileys, toe: , liti now would earn the spot. •; 11:11i:917,a:01%i .thuhtekgroo4wls ,scf• ocirr.cd,S, Lectlocnkfl. • • ‘, vices of Westbrook, Duckworth and Russ Beam; the latter oirt with a ASUweihn cf6g)mr pllitsitleibynsw, c)tilhied• froesuurItteT) °I°41tier'illiurYno ..L.....,_ i teams'endifig in I., 2, 3, 4, order as Gecierich Sellers, at full etrengt1 follows — Wingham, Paisley?, Luck - foe the first time this season; handee nplite•Hareiver,' . . : t . the -Wingbana In . diane 'an '8 to 3 set. , back On •MondaSr night, The Indian,' 0 were 'without their two . regular de fense men, English and Fronnuager while Zulaff refilaced Struke in the nets. • , • CROSS ERECTED AT''' AIRMAN'S • .GRAVE IN:MAITLAND CEMETERY ir A temporary wooden cross has been • ; erected in Maitland cemetery, by the, • peter:111nel of 'Ne. 31 Scheel of Air Navigation -ea tribute to the memory �f 623688 Aircraftsman Jehn Spence!? • Debentiam of the • Royal Air Force. The late .Jon Debenham's home Was • in Farnham, Surrey England: He Was I born October 10th;, .1918, accideritAk? ' idrowned in Lake Buren dieDecember 7th, 1949,, buried on Deteinber 30th; • 1940. The temporary wooden 'cross has been made by tomiadgeo of the Royal kir Force, arid bears a Oarviot with the Motto "Per maim ad astra". In due , the Imperial , War 'Craves comincesion will ergot a more permanent memorial.. It will 'be. re-, inembei:ed that Aireraftamen Bert Alden George lost his life in making a valiant effort ti save beberthern. tirifortbriately his body has it yet. , bees; teetered, A ttiekl 'a day keeps the.13‘ 'e'AltuP!) • way. lia'nO' ire; 7, WLeueekkesowite:ifits odLueknow 7, •Itarerver 6 Gt;i0debrriice:',87: 1 ii.13 Hanover 9, It.A.F. 0 • , • ;The Standing - (Not including 'last night's game) • 'W. L. Pte. :• Winghare ' 2 '16 Paisley ; • , a 1'S Lueknow e. 0 " 4 i2 Hanover ... . 5 10 Goderich - R. A. P. •tianovei:'s Interniediates eated the'R.A,F: on Tuesday night by a• "td • 0. score, •and are sure of. a 4tb Place 'tie at .the lvvorst with Godericli Sailors. Hanover has a higher num', bet <If Seorin0' poiritS At). should grab the'spot • ,•••••••,.:0. Goderieh played in- Paisley last night. A. win fcir Goderich would tie ' 4 5 ' 11/ '0 • .•