HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-13, Page 1.$2.00, A ,YEAlle--IN ADVANCE.',500L-EKTRA To 1,,L S. A.; • .1 Lucknow 04, Thursday February 13th, 19 TO MAKE HOUSING - SURVEY OF .1,, III-LAGE Maple Lee,0 Aircraft Engineer .Ad- • vises' Meeting Thal -Large Numbers ,0f .Employees Of. •Aircraft Plant Will'Reqiiire Housing—Village Sur- vey T� "Be Made. ' .• , '.,; ••.f,• .prospect,s eimfeW hin- be1ng.empioyed in---Luckno_w. .by ap1e Lea Aircraft Corptix% •atien, a survey •or the housing situ ation in the Village is tO barnede specially appointed. •Committee. The'Crinithittee was appointed at a meeting of the •Lircknew Bueinep Men's Association on Monday night after the gathering had been address- ed by RuiSell M. 'Crooks, B.Se.A.E., Chief • Aeronautical •Engineer Of the Maple 'Leaf Aircraft Coeporatien. Whe—le-cently :located. government approved engiii- eet who is in charge cif production and theTPerionell of the plant, ' He pointed' out that it will he nee- essarY to bring in large numhers �f qualified men; Many a wiinin itiwos. anticiwed would' he Married inen and: thits the matter of hOnsieg them; wes of PriinarY .consideration. These men; accustomed to city; con- veniences, will :work .long limps' al = tiresome: jobs, -;arid Will -require. an expect ;in the • housing • aceomedatioe • here, many of the Modern ., conveni- enees they have been used to. It was •suggested by Mi. Crooks. • that might be necessary to seek. housing , meow:id:Won in Winghair and even 'Kincardine; • and also , have the GoVermrient-undettake to build: houses here, He !..forecast Lueknow as a. "boom"..-toven. -Intimating thatit might ,be , • Weeks to two' months before. the • in. f' Dix of Men started, the Conimittee prereieed to have a detailed housing :„,•repOK'StihnOttetto.';Mr,Crooks with. . in two weeks. The committee includes Wm: Mur,-: . die; chakinari; ItohPet Rae, C4 H. Smith,: J. It; .-McNitb;. Harry McQuiI lin, _De.. R. L., !freleaven,...J.;', W. &mit and Thomas BUrns. The Committee inet folloWing the meeting.anddecided to list residences within the Village \with and, iwithnut modern .eonveniencet, and to follqw up with a •canvas if the village to ascertain definitely what houtini ar- rangements can be made, and in other 'cases how Many men could be beard, ed, The eommittee is. also studying the Matter of beard rates and rent- als. • Joins Airforce • Keith McCormick Of Ripley and . a Valuable Member of The Sepoys hee- l* team for the Past two seaeons • has joined- the sIt.C.A.V. 'Keith anade aPplicatinn some time ago, and re.; Ceivedlis call on Friday; Ile reported • . • LUcKNOW WOMEN'S INSTITETE TO AID CAIADA.'S WAR EFpORT .4 • , • 4 , TO furnish a ward. ia. a Canadian hospital in England, the Lue-know.Wo,; Men's Itastitutt is to play' its 'parr. The:hospital was hunt by the Can- adian Red Cress' Society and 'handed oven to the "Canadian Army Medical Corps for adminiatration. The "cost of fernishing a ward is approximate- ly $2,e00:_Thisisepp1ies• 3 'all additional furnithings. This gift will ,be 'identified by a plaqueasthe gift of the Federated Women's Insti- ttite of Ontarie. • LucknoW Women's Institute col-, tribution td•Jiis fund will be, pro- ceeds ireiri a program and dance to be held in the Tolwri Hall this Friday evening, February 14th, The CENX Ranch. Boys will provide an holies program and play foe a dance after, including -a -free 'Mich -the ening will:cest Yen only 25c. RetOTHER. DIES IN ENGLAND Mrs. Emily Carter, whe"is emplpy- ed at Simon Donaldson't, has reCeived word from her sister Louise in Eng- land, of thedeath of their brother, George Poi, Mr.Pox, wh.0 was in. his 40th --e was engaged in War 'work; when be contraCted. infhienza that caused :hit death Jauuary' 3rd it his home in Burton -on -Trent, which is in the lands, ivehera herabings. have beea fre- quent and severe. Fox hired in Canada for ' time and it known to Many in the tucknow and Walkerton district, He was an accomplished violinist. PROMINENT MINISTER TO CONDUCT 'SERVICES HERE. Rev. Dr. J. G. lInkster, formerly Of Knox -Church','" Toronto, Will 'eencluet _ the Services on Sanday, February' 16? Morning -and evening, in the.Lucknow Presbyterian Church. On Monday 'eV -- ening ha Neill give an illustrated' lect- ..i.lre On New Zealand. Inkster,had charge of one of the „large churches. in New Zealand for siel, inonthi and upon his return to Canada, was ship- wrecked When the boat; struck a mine: Linotype On The Blink That there's a Sentinel' this, wee . •• On time at least, •is due to the. fact that it was Saturday moiting the linetype .,thermottat.- took the notion to go on,the blink. A new thermostat was seciired by express that night and ,rephiced. in time to get thie issue out on ' time It was a costly, and troublesome cielaY neveetieless. ' The thermostat controls the temp- erature of the molten lead for type' casting, keeping it at a terepereture of from _535 to 550 degrees. It's fail.: ure to operate rendered. the Inachhie riplaCind. - •!V at , London on op y was in- structed t� return early next week. -Ile wits presented with Wrist iwatnh on Saturday „night by Ripley Mende, Card of Thanks Mr. John Spindler Wishes to ack- nowledge with, sincere gratitude and thanks the many kind acte and ex- pressions Of sympathy of friends and eighbOrs during the illness and • at ime of the death . of Ars-,_,Spind-_ MRS, .TOS. ELLIOTT; SENTINEL . SUESCRIBER FOE FIFTY' YEARS The folloVving much apreciated let; ter was received last week from Mrs. Jtiseph 'Ellieatt (pep .Paterson) daughter el the late Di. D.. Paterson , of Lucknow: , ; '. • • , ; Toronto.; February '5, '1941 -.Dear , Mr. Thontptori: ; • . ' One again it is time =.to bond My soh‘ription to. "The Sentinel". :44n these days when one has tto thoose hetWeen •thinga— the home Paper • Cornet among the things we • nuist have 4f possible: This Year 'timeline. eur - fiftieth Sabsetiption, for it is' fifty - Otte years thia year -tl*t we set rip • our' hotne, and The Sentinel has fit. . 'ways been tn. it Some Wealth, naturt Ansi, it is not ite intereating at 'others • and then alont toine a d,(10 that Setts, "trorth the ''Year't ''Suhseription. 1,,ong entay..yOu carry on. ' , irwrs Charlet St., .Teronto. SELLS :THREE OF HIS FLAX MILLS A; major business transaction has been ioncluded by the local fiax firms ef J. G. Andersen and Son, whereby elle *mills Seaforth,• Mitchell and Ttivistock have- been disposed of to -the Hesky Flax Prodtiets;: Limited. transaction _Included . all. build- ings, crop and eqnipment of each of these three plants, with .„the ,excep7 thin of special machinery in the Sea - forth mill which will ha remeye4 to the Lucknow piant. • . -At present 'gr. Anderson is build.. ing a ' two.:story ' extension to the Lticknoar plant, which he will operate solely ih the futUre, With an increased acreage sown to flax in this district. , The flax industry has been gener allsr badly upset for the pas several !months, commenci ery bad harvest season. Tike elgium designed flax machinery, whi many mi)ls, were installing, including the Lticknow plant, was away behind seheatile :heing made -available. This new , machinery Was, installed in the Litcktiow mill about the first, of .the ,year, only to be found quite nn. eatitilitettal, With the reselt that the local mill has only been. working part tiine, in spite of the fact that there is An, immense' flax tonnage to be PrO- cessed: Installation 'of the Sea -forth 'plant machinery here; will 'shortly one t6, Lneinnw min in Tull -time operation for seVeral months toganne. . a. 'ORGANIZE FOR WAR" SAVINGS DRIVE • .Liaeat.'COMmittee Appointed' To, 'wake -,,House=TO-Housie, Camas. To Reny' Citizens To Pledge To Buy. Certlfi- eitte)et Regularly. .• Citizens of Lockriewand the sur- rounding cojninunity are tabe asked o---Pledge--2their-7-dollars-,-'under-Tthe nation -'wide War Saviiiis drive which is underway this menth. ' . At a largely attended nide** Of the Business 'Men's Asspciation on Monday. night a cotmnitteo was set Op to make a house-to:4botases canvas, ap- pealing to 'citizens , to : "Work, Save and Lend for. Victory': A sirnile• ap- peal will he made throughout the sur- tounding rural community by means ef circulars.L_ The local coininitteeit as follows, Chairman, G. H. Smith; canvassers: R6l3ert Rae R. ,11. `McQuillin W. A. Forteirns, A. E. 1VIcKira, Thos, Burris. J. L. MaclVallan,..T. W JOYnt, Gordon Fisher; Wm. Reid, K. C. Murdie, Jack Hall,: C. b. McAlpine, Jos. Mallough. Cameron MacDonald; W. W. Hill and James Pickering, Adyerttaing cein- mittee, William Herne117-Campbell -Tholpson • and G. It • The Committeemet last night (Wednesday) to draft 'final plans for, getting the drive underway and which. they- expect to complete Within a week.. It is not instl•e, one-month drive: but 'a Campaign, designed. to have cit- izens across the Dominion pledge themselves to invest' a certain amount eaeh month, regulerly during 1941 and for the duration of the war. The cam- paign has an objective Of. $120,000, . 000 in94i. The minimupi objective fel- the Village of Luck/le-Wile $1,20( Monthly, -:-Or a per capitasaving of $1.20 per month for ever k Man, wo- man Mict'ehildeiw tiie Village, on tr- basis, of af pOratlation of. 100 per- sons. Of necessity, if the objective .is to be reached, some must iiriest' to a much greater extent than this if the monthly. -Objective ES to be reached . and , the year's total of $14,406 eb- tixined. ' - There are tWo. forms- of -pledges that.. citizens can subscribe to. One. is the Bank pledge, 'whereby citizens anth- nrie the • Bank to invest so much monthlY, which amount is deducted from their account..The other.is the Honor Pledge by which citizens Corn - mit themselves to a specified monthly saving. . Apart . friim . the patriotic angle. these War., Pairings Certificates are gilt edge security, bearing 3 per cent interest ,compounded half -yearly sa' that in seven and 'one-half Years, e $4.00 investnient has inCreased in veil- 4stered in the name of 'any, one per- ue to $5.00, with larger sums increas- ing in, Value 'accordingly. Not more -than $600. in OertifiCates rimy be reg - son in one year. ' • These certificetas are repayable, in: seven and one-half years it their full face value, "but'may be redeemed af- ter six months at an established Scale of values, as printed on every Certifi- cate. • ' The sale of certificates is what. is being stressed in this canipaign,.but the purchase of War Savings Stamps: is not to .be overlooked, and at pres- ent li:ocal tcheol Children are °heing en- 'eonraged to save their pennies and ' 'Males to buy .starripe„ Sixteen ,twen-- ty,five- cent' stamps secures for You a .$5.00 certificate, and -these who can- not buy, certificates outright are,org- ed to mveet their "two -hit pieces" in sta'res.ca:MPaign is On! Mo. ney saved now buys essential War supplies; it flows back wages, and it will pro- vide pest -war protection for those Who invest; Let's Put it over big in this district. RED CROSS NOTICE R is'requested that 411 epinPleted Red 'cross work, *wing and Iniiiiing; be headed in on or before SaturatY, February 22nd. PALLED POR-SERVICE4' •Mi. Fred Newman, ,wtho took over the farm of Mr. BenNaylor in West Mrawatiothr-littrspring, hasbeen c11- 8j- up for seqhfa' with the • It.C.A.F.• and is to repeat a LOndon on ThUrst day of next week.' Fred, as a conse- qnence, it holding a Clearing auction sale of farm stock, iinplements, etc.; at his farm. . next Tuesday; prior to leaving for service. Ile ,was associa- ted with the Air Force in the last. war. I' CAUGHT-TN -SHAFT NEARLY STRANGLED • Jack MacDonald had a narrow .ape from strangulation in his ,fathz, er's chopping and sawmill last Week, When he was caught in the line shaft. As he passed the -shalt the back. of his sweater became entangled and, ehOked hi that. nld not call for help. Jack remembers no More until he "came to" On the floor With the back of his sweater ripped • The fed that it was an old sweater he was wearing, and.whieh tore away releasing him; is e•redted with saving Jack's life; !'.= • :,IN MEMORIAM TWAMLEY—In 4Oving memory Of Violet Marion Twamley, •who passed away, February -13th, 1940. Time speeds en, one' year his. passed. Since death its gloorn, shade* cast harn, •*.i.ieilien all ,eeerneel - •And took .frinti; us' a 'Shining ;light.. We 'mitt' that.light And ever . Her:vacant-place-there is -none carifill- . •Ever remembered by, Father, Moth... er...and ,Hrether.:.• _1 I —COMING EVENT! f , DANCE AT ST. HELEN' There will ,be dance in the COnl- munity Hx41, St. neleif.'s on Thursday. February nth, Under auspices of .the Women's Institute; with •ProCeeds fol 'patriotic purposes. Music by FcChar- les' orchestra. Admission '25e & 1-0c. Ladies -with lunch free. DANCE AND PRIZE DRAW Linder auspices of Leacknow Bran& 309, of the Canadian Legion a dance and prize draw will be held in the ,Tow n Hall; Lucknow, Friday,. Febru- ary 21st. Music'hy,Mcdharles' orches trai-Boy-Neereightr-caller=off, lunch counter .service. • Admission 25c., The draw' will be made for three prizes suit.of clothes, a hat and a pair of shoes, Tickets are 10c or 3 for 25e. . LU,CKNOW II. S. CONCERT In the Town Hail, Lucknose cin Thurs- day Fetarnary 13th, at 8:15 p.m. Phor:. uses and other musical mimbers; pres Ontation of medals and l certificates phyicial training nimibers and a One - Act Play "The Ghost, Story," by, Booth Tarkingtbn, produced :by permiteiori of Samuel French, Ltd., Toronto. General admission 25c. • . BIO MIGHT FRIDAY, , The leieknow• Wornen!s Institut; is offering a big evening's 'entertain ment tint Ftiday, February 14th, in- cluding a program, dance and free lunch, all fiir 25c. The' Ck/sik Ranch Hoye will play for thedenee and Pro. vide an hOur's progtain Prior to the . . TIME EXTENDED FOR , . Lgrilai-OsAY' PRIZE CONT -EST The letter -essay contest on the sub- jeet "Why I ought to go to ,aureh," has been extended Anti) March. lat. The contest is oiYen to boys, and girls frern 12 to 15 years of age. The let-, ter is not to exceed 500 words' in length, :and for the two hest letters, l'onf"$th2.e06epandinion of the judges, $1.00 will be awarded. /f yon have not entered the ceii- test, do so now, and mail your essay to P.o. Box. e08, Luelourtitf EXPECTS BROTHER MAY iLEAVE FRANCE. • Following a king Period. of.negotia- ting, it appears .noro: that Mr: ,Wm. -ItIacKinnen,e brother of an T. Mac- Kinnon; .qcnicession, 6; Kinloss, will be. permitted to; leave France and return to Cazieda.,` • Mr -Mackinnon a chartered to:. _CO:intent:Alas tr.sidedAn_Frarteafer, 26 years. He succeeded in getting out of paria•on June 13th, two days 'be- fore :the Germans marched . in and since then has been at yichy. Formerly will to do, Mr. MecKin- noh. hat lost everything;ihe owned, and his brother here has been wiring him, money. in am effort to Make it poss- ible for hip to leave the country. .Arrangenients are.earried on througb th,e New York office ef I travel agen- cy an"Tialt" received word Iantweak that a 'cable had been received 41ac- lqnnon. preparing to leave, ivivaits _visas." •" ' This was interpreted :13y' the Travel Bureau to Mean. diet it is now .orily a Matter of Mr. MicKinnOn obtaining the. Spanish and Portugesevisas; te start the .journey for Oanatla. •(A visa _iasapiaitaes;IrtlY,y.an'official endorsement of, Sinee then, "pan" has received ,a follow-up letter to the affect that hie brother "till"' left ichy several week t ago and it Awaiting his vitas at Marseilles, and that he has also been Paid :0000 'francs which was be- ing held for ,:maintenance. Thus itis anticipated that Mr,' Mac- kinnon will shortly, if not already; he aTloWed: to.leave unoccupied France for America. . JUDGEMENT" RESER,VED 'IN • RAIL LINE CLORSIG.HRARINg.. the statement saye. WAS R9YilooD PAL OF SAM: kcGUIRE, Thisweek we ritelyed a, renewal subscription from one a our lona .time inbseribert, Mr, Frank Guest ol Waclena; Sask.. Mr. 'Q'test_had beer in thehospital for five 'Weeks witt. heart trouble hut is getting Along" Nei; nowHe reports , fine. Weather, al- though a few. cold days -clown to '6( -Wow-Lone nliirning-And other, day. • He mites the Passing aivey of en - 'other old fried, kr... Saltine' McGuire Mr. Gies t and Mr. MeGuire Were boyt hoed- 'friends together and both the same age, so Mr. Guest it now in his .83rd:yeae, 'CANADIAN RESERVE NOTIFIED TO PREPARE FOR CALL ' bettelieffs; hattericaTer other' unite of the Canadian army Which up to the Present have not been celled. upon to mobilize. for act- tFe, service; have been fwarned to pre- pare for .such 'an eventuality through instructions issued' fthe first of the week:by the Department of Natietial This order, no doubt, applies to the. Wingliarr: Battery:Loi whiCh__ quitaa, nurnber,Of Lijcicnow boys belong. , The ., Departniental announcement notifies officers crinincljng to see that a change irten reserve to .an active role can be carried put With a minimum of 'delay. In the eventof a cal' to the 'der - fence of Canada, all members Of ex- isting reserve units ,are Under obliga- tion to reepond, However, kehiforcez merits fin- the aCtive army fromthe. reserve are d on a voluntary has: - is. The same principle will be obser-. Veil when reserve units are mobilized, , _ SOME MEMORIES OF. HOLYROOD . (By John Mat, London) The Sentinel of :emery 30th 't • tained.a well, written appreciative e' . icle of the Purvis fannly and ti place in the life of the lielyrood coi munitY duringthe last sixty yee. or more. . F_IL.it_ba....somewhat_helatte shentd,like to add•rny word.of trlb - to the memory of that excellent ff.' ily. John, •141izie .(that name seer ° to fit better than • Elizabeth) are ... members I knew best. I ;punted a pm -tonal friend, and Lizzi : one of God's good women, was v • of all' the complimentary things abed her. . „-' • Surn, or Smile as she is bi thinking,: I :knew best of all. I -•!, 'the teadlier-At-Itasrlind;7.itir school, in 1876 when Mrs. Purvie her family moved 'from the farm tc Ilolyrood, taking the Place of -the *- Bride family, Who removed to Luck; now. SuirinNwas orie' Of MY student - a bright, intelligent girl, with a win-• some per-ionality that she •tetained through life. Aineng her girl school mates in these clays were: Mary Ag7: .."Harria.,EllukiAnn_. and Emily Harper, the Hunt girls, Matilda Baker; .Sarale,E. and Lizzie len, Minnie Rowe, ,Ellezi Falconer, El- eanor Ross, • Alice Gray, Nellie Cor- rigan, Lizzie Fleteher. (1sTanne of jun- , lot girls 'Omitted). I remember them ail, It is pleasant now to recall the last of my visite to ElolyroOci during :the years since my teaching .daysitt, In September 1939, I had din* with Snsiin 'and- ,an old time reminiscent talk, and is 'seas in my plan +4; repeat this year,, but sugh was not to he and HOlyrood in .future will -he different. ' My knowledge of the Old place guen • hnek more than seventy, Year*. For much of that tune the:named. of four :nen, all good. friends of 'Mine, were associated , With Holyrood,, Jelin :Pur. • vit., Andrew „ Shoehottom, , Thomas Henry and John H. A.cliert. Ali, of these are gone, and there itre left no • rePresentatives of the first three.. It is, good that the Ackert family is still so well represented. • /me .intereeted me -greatly' to note :how prominent the 1:urvie (Purves) name is in the history of Kinloss. Cording to Norinan Robertson's His- tory of the County of Ernie; John Purvis, , Sueanie, father, was reeve of Kinloss from 1856' t4 1863, . arid warden of the County in 1858 and 1861. -Robert Purvis was reeve in '65, '56; '61, '69 to 83, and again in '93, '94 and '95 and warden of the County in 1880, '84 '82. • „ If the editor does net object I maY. next 'Week refer- „to Holyroed as "I remember it 73 years age. (Eat Note—We certainly won't oh- • ject and Oen assure Mr, Elliott that his contributions are always welcoine• and we are Ceitain are enjoyed by Our • readers:.: The hearing, regarding the closirig GUEST COMMITTEE or the :rail** ,line; from Clinton t Wingharti, concluded in *Gederieli, Opo"APPONTED 91‘1.;140NDAIr; 'Thesclay afternoon, with jiidgemenf • ' Residents of the Village Will. have 4eserved by. the :Board of Transport, • the oPportuility.montihly to Play host ComMissioners. to a -numbee. of reembere' of the 'R. ' The line has been operating at a /y. F.% at Port Albert while on week•:, loss ofabout$9000 a year, but It. Hetherington, K.C., argued that the leaves. -• propos- • At :the Business Men's meeting on 2a miles ofrailway, which it is Monday evening_ a five man commit-. 'ed to Close should be given credit for tee :was appointed to have Charge of the bridge traffic on business emaneW making arrangements to entertain. ing it other points which passed over the men assigned fo. Lneknow and to the. line in queStion. This, he Said arrange for transportation for them would More than offset the loss.- The to and frem the airport; The Cornynittee-, includes Edgar Hol - Lyman; Rexford Ostrander, W. B. An: derson, Rev. A. A. MaloneY end Kilpatrick. ary in January some thirty R.A.F Men were week -end guests in Luck - now -homes, and it can be- expected that a similar number will be avail- able eaclenionth The guests arrived Saturday afternoon, returning to .ft. • Albert on Sunday evening. With Pteernamiii- • Kelso McNay of FaramoutO is quite • ' Leck'new Flour Mills, . for instanCe paid .$17,000 a year for freight PP grain holed from TVS alorie.was more than denble,the los" in 1939. If the" line was abandoned this revenue would be entirely, lost. He quoted Other similardasesThe Liicknow mill, after 75 years' oper- ation t would be forced to 'shot down 'because of the grain rate from Ged-, erich to Lticknow. vie; Stratford and Listowel, twiee thj,., present distance, WOUld -124 .doubled from:.six 'to. 12 cents •it hundred, while the in transit rate would be increased from two and e half to four cents, coniPletely wiping ,out (his Profit and rea,king it impessible for him to , compete. "Thousands and thousands of dol- lars :are going tp be lest to the age of •Lucknow"; cotinSet exclaimed. W. E. Treleaven was the first wit. dance, Proceeds will be donated to . help equip the institute,Weird irr the Oenadian Red Cross Eoepital in Eng land. • ;, ' • • 1-4ItEE SHOW -a DANCE Co to the Massey -Harris Farni- , ers' ;Day in the Town Hall, LucknOw, Tuesday reiiitzar3r .16th sponsored' by Eilpattick, Massey -Harris, C;I.L. and Beatty dealer. 'Two dhows at 2:30 p.m. and, 8 p.m, comic showing for the children at 4:15." As a eourteiY to 'farmers who drive a lotig•dietanee to the evening show, town folk and others who can are requested to at - after; Mcaharles' orchestra. tend he afternoon thuw. Free deride • • . ill with pneurnonia at present,. • G. STUART HEADS , INSURANCE CO. At the annual meeting of the pelicy holders and directors of the West nes g called for the 'Municipalities. Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. The source of his supPly Of grain George Stuart of St. Helens was el - was Goderich and -Sarnia. In 1934 he ected president for the ensuing year. had 724 tons shipped, 'from Godeeich The meeting was held at Dungannon to Lucknow at 8 cents: He stated on Friday. _ . he wes offered a rate of five eents The auditors' relpott showed the 'if he stopped trucking. Then, after' cqinpa'ny to be in good finaircief a year ad a ihalf, this Was increased standing with s surplus of almost to sixecents. A siding in his plant had $69,000, Total receipts for the year cost $-4,900. At present he is shipping amounted to. $35,093.491 disborse- 000 barrels of flour for export. In ments, $35,55'7.78; paid for fire losses actual cash he had paid the C.N.R. in .1940, 419848,79; paid ire 1940 for in 1939; 13,990. Fees paidfor freight fire - losses which occurred hz 1939, and switches in 1949 were $1,7 693..$7,363; total assets, $78,192.43; total His'buthiess is increasing and in Dec- ,liabihties, ,$18,312.07,.which leaves a ethber, $4,915 'WO paid in freight, and surplus Of $59,8p.m. •an ittereme of January, 1944 $5,514.17- If he has .$3:03.4.88_oVer. 1939,_ . the co-operation\ of the railway he Officers . elected at the directors' expected his business to increase t� *meeting are, president, George. Stuart: $7,000, per month. If, the company vice-president, 'Wilfred McCarthy:* takes away the -rate based on the secretary, G. C. Treleaven; treasurer, short hat)l and thrusil the long haul, ,Thomas Stothers. Directors ate Don hewill lose the export arid the dot- ald McKay, Ernest Adiert; Robert ing of the railway Wotild „Oro* him,. Davidson, George Sowerby, Marviri back, thirty years. MeDeivell,. Ross MePlies; and -Harvey Counsel asked that if the bOard4 Anderson. The latter thiee were the should Make an ot!tler 'closing the' retiring directors this year, and were road that the road bed be left undis- lire -elected to the Board, terbed, to that at least a freight ser- i • Vite emild he maintained. In lieu of - I,TORN , this he asked that if the line was GEOS,SETTLIn Windsor on Suriday, abandoned that all freight "rates be , January. 1.9th, to Mr, and Mrs, Ger:. based oti the assierePtien that it wag don Gressett (nee Mary 'Meintosh), stilltherea daughter,. ClaYle Diane. ' , .s FIVE BELOW SUNDAY ....moomm.•••••.• A one -day stem on Saturday abat- ed that night as quickly 'as it com- meneed in the morning and Sunday • dawned clear arid cold. .It ws •the first completely cloudless day and • night since, last September, and by early Monday morning the Mereury dropped to an official 5 ' below zero. To date the season's lewest .teraper. iture is nine below.. The ' storm ,Saturday was, fast • . blocking all roads, .bht it abated se quickly that 'plows soon had traffic s back to non'' on main roads on Sunday. • '' .• . , NEPHEW PASSES IN ENGLAND 4ev. CaMpbell Tevenee of Bluevale, and formerly of Ashfield ceiVed word from his sister, Mrs. Wm-. ler, Of Senthumoton, England, of the, ,•• a death of her son; Lieut. 'Henson Wal- ler, from illness contracted while in recent military service. lie. leaVei a , Wife and a Yew* child. Lieut. Waller was al partner with his father in it • firm, of lawyers. The Offices, also the 'wines of the senior and junior= Walter ftrtty= deiolished by - raids, e t6-:%vIlaS.elVTel;enal.:11had sah ntiontt' Rv.aer nephew, his, brether'S only San, killed in act- ion earfsr last surnmer with the Brit- ish t'Xpeditionary • Porce in Mandel% This 'young man *as killed On ,his 2Sth hirthday.- • 4