HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-06, Page 6sticks
ark t nitions?
Shortage of Skilled Cher sets
in Dominion May Mean They
Moved_-,Fron .--1 Fon.
- Essential lndustr,Jes,to Work
on War Golds
heavy demands: ei the skilled
labor supply in Canada are' anti•
- cipated :as . the • nation reaches its ,
peak; •an war production, Dr.
Bryce . M.:Stewart, deputy mini--.:
ter of: labor, • stated in; releasioga,
the, re ort of, the committee Ire, ;.
headed on`abor eo ordination.
On Dec.. 3 1, w ar Contractors1
were employing 1'49,600 hien ` on.
war . production. ` Estimates- `by :)
the committee were ',that this
iiun'ber , would be :increased by
lire '' end of the ,present Year to• r
-�- - •-It- is to a meet.- this --increase l
need of skilled workers,;s well as
20,750 skilled ' tradesmen which
will be'erequired by 'the navy,
array and air: force that the gov
• esnmeht. ''is . undertaking expan
• sign: ofoetati't training plan •now
terpin approximately 10,000 .
a `year to; train 100;000 in the
calendar year. •
Already there' is a scarcity of
labor in the following
,-]tars,- Dr--Stewari=.said:..Chemists,
core ...makers, boiler makers, die
•makers, lathe hands,. • ,moulders,
,. i .attern:• •makes •-iron-_'sh p tierld
ers, steel ;` tool' • 'sharpeners;• tin=
smiths, toolmakers; and drafts
"We are". told," Dr: SteRia't• '.
said "there -are ''nia ehenusta ,un=•
employed :at present, in Canada
and as mote are required they : •
wri •
moved from non
't' 1' Have o
,essential, industry,: They will be
moved fora the making of'. bin
"Stick -to-'the •snaking•of 'oin�inr7
`-:F icer
1 •
co'YR,GHT. .1940.... '
Carrie+ 1:ane -an-:-eastern
who came into the frostier west
•to' find a home., : •
:. Mark." Deuel , —; a homesteader
`-les - ,usiiiess to •him-
. , �
Who }ieepa a .
'Ashton Oaks` a land agent,
• •wit•*.. town lots . to sell.
* s
Last -Week: Mask and - Carrie
go to a, dance• with • the Taylors.
They have a 'perfect evening, un-
tit Oaks, drank;. .tries to ':dance
• s
r -wrth-�C.-sure, s)iiouts ;;ilial -he pent
'the afternoon • . with her ' at Rock
Creek.:: Bette), infuriated, slugs"
"the ' tigea , ;a-nd' Oaks-is-harried-
aks-is`hurried-from the hall. Sapper calls' breaks.
thetenslon but Carrie is !_sliest
with fear for the •ft:tare.
• 8. '
,Carrie . was to move. into .her
ne soddy home" on '.Monday.
Late Sttad's
r dinner with'
Mark; she had driven back
• Ronk Creel.: with ..the. Taylors,- so
ainie'get.an..early start.. on the
soddy next morning. •
Afteeakfast; , E L. Iay_Ior
hooked , up, his -team;, threw •his
h�n i4els,o ri: i-- hO:
in front of his soddy for his wife
and Carrie: They were ready with
a big .lunch' basket, :Mrs. 'Taylor
remarking. that • this day• ;called
Why ;A ` ushan
Deserts A Wife-
If , a husband .des erts' his
wife, says • Dean Hervey of
Temple :university ;law :school,,•
it's a fairly safe bet she does;,
one or More of the following:
1. Talks too much, about
her operation.
2.' Comes down to break
' fast in curlers' and negligee:;
Saves'up'and' retells ,all
the children's 'misdeeds.
4 Tries to :.keep up with::.
the Joneses
5.• , Criticizes" too Mach.
6. 'Shows , no sense , of hu=-;
Dean Hervey` sed 17,500
husbands left ;'their `:wives in
S'unple Attire
For Toddler
kpw Buttons; But •Bf0 .and
'Mailers -Promote• Self -Help in ,
Stria;ll' Youngsters
hild•re. 's
1Vtanufacturers of c, n
clothes have -Matte• great progress
in .the' direction .•• of comfort, sim-
pitchy; 'and :promotion• of self-help.
There are .few buttone, some -
times• none, at all' on a, garment;
big buttons, big 'button holes; and
Mother$ whlo ,'make • their
dren's lothi'ng'still• may, like some
.fussy° messes, bet such are •-rapid-
,ly passing. ,Frills aridruffles are
hard to; launder. and keep clean '
and' are n'ot'durable, .Worst of all •.
tfie toddler''or runabout who must ,
• wear- them is hampered in his ae
tivity and, on:their aocoant may
frequently • be scolded for getting •
•theui,soiied or torn. If he subMita
"•to contin;rtous :canteen about his
-fancy garment, other children soon
will ahu i hien:
+^- WIreth'er" liandamade' o, ready
''made, •children's, garments should
_.he_ ComfOrt , at aro oomy_,� _We may:.
forget that the child grows •ai}d
ries clothes•, do not. Accordingly
' ander-Wear '.and „rompers often be-
come tight. 'Not only are they very
rnnifortabi' to the; child 5111: r T'
as rs bad' for Pie posture. • • -
`Ft or play the .sidtpiest garment
is" the hest; :When the 'toddler er
run:about comes home from a place
Where he had to ' he 'dreesed , an,
see that 'ho',rh.anges at once to,
.play Athos'. and that .he soon
,. learns ;to . take such ,respai si'bility
Itintsolf.' 1)0 tlr'is for economy, as' •
Wt -11 ''a i; c'E7riitort. '
for some sort of celebration In
honor !-their-.new--tie ghbor.'
Carrie, would never forget that
' morning, the utter; quietness of.
.the prairie; its treendous sweep,
the grasshopper.' stirring up lie-,;
fore .the wagon, 'the sun '.beating
down so that it ,seemed to touch.
fire to the early. morning breeze.
Big. Ed was ":colleerned about
• his ;small. patch 9f corny withering
in the, shimmering heat.: He
stopped the wagon once, got .down
and .examined the browning tas
said #ls 1Muoll ani! C.ai ie, skiing
there opposite him, :noting ,his'
fine'bronzed face;, his wavy dark.
hair •blowing in the, wind, toyed
with the theught'; t would. be even
better , were they,eating here. to-
gether alone as
Pas Iate afternoon :when
Ma`rka"and Ed- began putting u1i
the rafters; for . Qarr le',s rood , on
which they. were 'ito• 'lay tin, tar
paper, and a final' thin layer of
"Seems to me,`she's' getting• -°a
little fa'ney," ;`.Taylor, : sheeted
;from the 'rooftop,' ,. "Only • soddy
around here with. a tin roof I
know; of. Most '.sof us just got
• 'brush" He vvavvd " . to. Carrie,.
who remarked it .:did-n';t Took very
fancy to her.... •
"Now that's. the" kind of thanks
'awe'' get :for our work," said Ed,
threatening -to agl},t without fin
ishing the job. " • • •
But it was, finished''at. .sun
down, and the -four of -'them -sat
down for 'a celi'ebration dinner'
cooked right ons Curie's sheet -
iron stove, the first piece of • fur-
niture put in place, '
Carrie, excited andflushed,
insisted on. cooking it herself and
Mark watching ` her; had the
thought -she looked: 'indescribably
better in calico dress ,and apron
than in .her white satin gown.
He wanted to say .'asmuch, but
didn't as they .sat outside ` the
-soddy-in the moonlight=and;Aa'lk --
ed, for hours,::it., seemed? •
• At last, Taylor hitched up his
- an ..
•team, _ ehmb�, up in . his `wag
and : started : home, leaving Mrs
, Taylor to _stay with Carrie,, for
her • first night in her new 'prair 1 e':
"Got to, have vain 'soon,"..he: ob-
b served "if it's going 'to make it."
He .1'ookedu.P ' •'at -the -wagon,.
Winked at Carrie. "No corn, 'no
mush this winter"
Carrie laughed but suddenly
she was' struck by the picture be
hind that thought. Winter .. and.
desolation ',And wilderness, and if
re, were no crops, no
Ile • 'suns
She '• 'shivered Itt
• � `ESS
`'O� PO
It'sl the double-acntoit of:
Calumet. Baking Powder that '/
,.pmts you to use -less, -.slid.-;.•
still get better results.
Calumet gives continuous•, .l
leavening -during miliingand
in the oven, Easy -opening,
won't -spill 'container, with.
handy Ineasuringdevice under
' the lid. AND THE PRICE
"This' is no place for a. woman
alone," the words came back to
_lot: as casual, a_rete hid her
t• "oughts; She ' took 1,rp• the. can:..
ve sation..Where ' the 'Taylors left
"No mush ,, at Taylors-?" said'
Catrie:' "Then we'll • have. cake!"
a s
I. wee.' still early when. en "they
pulled." up, on the knoll across
Rock Creek. which Carrie had
seleeted ler her soddy But al-
ready 31erk, was there to' meet
them, sitting cross-legged on . the
grass while his . horse grazed
"'Bout . time you're ` getting
hese,": Mark rose;' greeted them.,
"Where you been all morning?"•
Carrie , was overjoyed. "Why,
we've eaten an :enormous break -
,fast; and we rode, into town. &to
shop . already — didn't you,' see
us?" I . She :• stopped breathless, .
climbing :down -'frons the wagon as
'Mark -stepped' up to assist her.
"Well -' I :don't ace why you. ,
• couldn't have , let me 'in on some
of: :that :breakfast, he ., grinned, •:.
"I'm about starved. I :must -have
missed you In town this morn-
ing." • • ,
Ed Taylor . unhitched his team;
unloaded , the plow and. hooked
the • horses to it:: "Now; Carrie,"
he said, '"just tell me 'where you
want your sitting room `and I'11
start rightin plowing :for it." •
°Ile.•sla)iped.the reins en. his bays
and set the plowfor a, shallow
,' hermit' along ' the knoll:
That was the beginning of
• Carrie's . sedhouse. , It grew un-
' believable fast. In a little while
fl:ig--£Sd lrad.:Irlowed.•enougt -anaai
" "Be ower • in the morning
gain," he., said to Carrie, "and
dig Yen, ; a well down by' -the'
real break-
rip Better h
fast on that .new stove in there:"
o d` rood d?�
'iWant Windom! : '. Shut When
'Men :Wall .., Them Open,
, Why are Gagmen able to ':Stand
hotter rooms than 'men',; •
Does. 'it mean that women;' are
more . cold-blooded than, nen?
P'artly,a, yes, according to Dr. C.
P. Yaglou, Associate Professdr at -•
Harvard. School of Public • Health.
Under the .-same ordinary condrb•.
,tions '' temperature of room 71
F.:and 30 per cent: humidity
?-the surface:skin• tempera
ture of women ,is' about two de -
agrees • • lower than that of,: men.
During.•. killing weather ' in. the •
summer, men. are more affected
than women, the ladies being ,'
quite content with, ordinary„•room
temperature. ': '
few office buildings -.or,•
- homes in America : are at 70 deg.
F. in coldweather.. They_, are •
closer to 80 dei or .85 deg., and
the humidity is closer to ,10 than
The chief ' difference which
'-causes the male and• female reac-
tion to this is clothes. The Ameri-
.can male dons, about .:November
, 1st, clothes, the weight and con •
y sistenoy of which would keep
him comfortable out of :doors Alt
;the North Pole. The American i e( -
.riiale .changes ,the, weight •of her
house clothes hardly at all, winter
er Ammer.
Ya' fiou forini�"'Yat` - d:
-. Doctor g
, ;group ` of 'women wearing: their
own winter: clothes were... shivery
and uncomfortable in a.:room of
70 deg. but . ; became perfectly'
co•lifortable' when they • dressed in
Men's . ,ordinary winter ' cloth„es.
ingly '`straight -farrows' 'for the
Whole thing. andWMark, got -busy
cutting the firm, browsing they into threefoot •lengths:, Then they
began 'to' • lay:the foundations,
filling the' cracks with: soft earth.
r, The : joints were broken as in
brick laying, and every third tier
laid crosswise to bind the others
together.` . ' •
, Space' • was left, for one door'
and three windows and by noon
Mark Was: putting• the friaries in
place and tamping. sod around
them ' Mrs. -'Taylor and Carrie
heIped, carrying on a lively con-'
-versation--all- the wh'ile's
"Tliis, fa; the coolest: kind'of
house in the runner," Mrs. Tay -
kir told Carrie, „aid warm in the'
minute of •Ed 'Taylor's Whiter pic-
ture again and wondered what "
,.good it would be to hare' a warm
house and nettling to eat, but.she.
kept, her thoughts to herself,
They ate, •raveitously' at noon,
salt pork, canned tomatoes, corn-
bread' and • jelly. Carrie nevem re-
"membered. a better meal. Mark `
The trea;u:•es .of the night ar'e,
in ss;lent brilliance overhead:
''s'h'e lonely moon, fog-vvisped and
new; a ` '
Abo.•e, the spark of yega;s' blue.
Into My *cart 'thole comes con-':
tent -
•b`r'om .peace in Yieaveirt,s fir iri;t-
'--Ileleli .MeGaitghel+
, •h
'If VOES•tdaite gond in cs Opel
V4 -L®. "L'OK:TOP" TIN .650
also p�seleed .tit ,Pocket.; Tins'
Yes, thousands of people .suffering
from constipation due to lack of
the right kind of "bulk" in -their
diet have been able to say the sane
thing. For now there as a sensible •
way to Correct this .condition .
far better than .cathartics, which
only give tempoeasy rehef-
If you suffer from this common
trouble. try eating delicious
morning. It contains the neces-
sary "bulk" to help you become
"regular" .. naturally!
Why not .do ' this : Get your
drb:'c plentyef water ..,. and
-discover for yourself how :ashy'- •
Your old "trouble" disappears.
Available in two convenient sizes
at all grocers'! MadebY Kellogg $
in London, Canada.
���p t�
B. Ca'747araw
By •SAb1E,
A' Soup . Discussion
This-week,I-'hasye had; two' re-,'
• " quests 'for my method Of making
tomato 'soup. Maybe -I have ne-
glected, P,
1 cted this topie ie f r• we • all do
• use a•' certain amountof canned
soup. ' However,' al ays remora.
-Irma -that-whenever• pessible, -sohu
'should be 'Made •up•;specially; if we
are' watching - closely the budget
u .:• copal NaaoL"ECRAFr stance, INC: , •
Bright fruit' motifs in easy• cross stitch are. the thing to liven;a
clods or scarf — especially -these motifs. that look like,
tea. P y
Pattern .2738 contains .a transfer pattern of..a 15 -inch motif, /four' 4x414.
'.inch, four ''21/4x21/a : inch motifs; materials required; . illustrations of
stitches. '
Sendtwenty cents in coins (stamps ' cannot be accepted) for this
pattern to Wilson 'Needlecraft Dept,; 73 West • Adelaide St., Toronto.
Write' plainly PATTERN' NUMBER, yottr NAME and ADDRESS.. N
He•'slapped,; his knee, winked' at
` Mark, :"You knew,' Mark, .that was:.
a pretty good feed Carrie put, out
tonight: • Think-) you could get.
along, on that. regular?
' • • Mark' flushed '"Guess' so,"' he
' , admitted, .'quietly, , glad Carrie
couldn't see his • face ,,too clearly •
in the moonlight. Why did people
like Ed :Taylor. always have tq hit'
right on . , your most • inner
thoughts? • ' •
As he was 'leaving, 'Ed' called
Mark outside. "I,, wouldn't tell.
her, of course, but that well's a
let more important than just
water? , I don't like this long hot..
spell, Mark;; Everything's too ,dry.
1 • knew a time once in Iowa when
,.a well came' in inighty handy in
a, pretty lead grass fire. Good
4 place...= to - craw'L-rnto,:.':y-ou know;_
tiff she 's all•, 'over.
He said good night, the wagon
rumbled off and Mark wentback
to t1reo.Iid3.' . • .
"W 11, 't' lace t t T et
c i s a u tithe g
moving, . too," he , said to ,'Carrie
• ;and Mrs. Taylor. "it'll be ,cooler •
riding back to town now." Ile •
thanked Mrs: Taylor for staying
this• first night with ' Carrie and
Mrs., Taylor suddenly* decided
was time for her to "get moving,
too." ' She . disappeared into the •
cool, 'dark soddy,' explaining .tlike
:bed still` had to be unpacked. -arid.
made up. .
"I LOVE -You '
' Mark -vas alone with . Carrie,'
standing by 'Mark's horse in the
^ fading moonlight. The prairie was
ominously quiet, save for the '
funny" little chirp=chirp of Cr'ck-
ets in the grass.
"Marla"' said Carrie, "I can't
tell you• how,,, much it meant, to:•
have you out .here 'todayI.
"Well, •'it meant somethingto
pie, too;;' :•Mark managed' to scut: -
ter, feeling 'himself tense • and •
"'I—I wish I might do as much
for you," Carrie went on. ' She
Was . close, ' so 'close. Mark could
• aTrn bt s e ,the colo;. of" er
in: the moonlight. -The'tip of her '
firm little chin reached almost
to his shoulder• and she ;looked 1dp
at brim now, saying words without
saying anything
Mark .could ' hold himself' no
Unger. •
"Cartie,—Carrie," . he cried, his
voice suddenly 'husky; "1.love
you '..1 lotke . you.."
It •was out, • just 'like. that.
Neither knew what quite :hap-
- pened next except that Mark
Deuel felt her 'warm little body
snuggling .'close in his arms, felt
her arms creep • around his neck,
--felt her lips press tba}lis-acrd; feel
ing• them; strangely remembered
what' Ed Taylor, had, said about
a prairie fire. • and 'a well.
(To' Be Continued)
ISSN "A1 •
Cream, of Tomato Soup ,
Strain • • canned':.. t" o' m a t o as;
place on heat and bring . to bell..
Season with pepper and salt; and
a little' • sugar. (I am not giving.
the amounts for'. all, tastes,. for a
seasoning are different). Melt.
' butter, ;tin Measurements • it:-
t-should be 1 level tablespoon to -
.each : cup of tonia oes . ~ . n' le -
eF,melted. butter • adda tablespoon
of flour (and 1 tablespoon but-
-ter). Blend carefully and add tq.
the tomatoes; as it reaches the :
boiling' point, the butter and: •flour
mixture. Stir constantly' until,. it '
thickens, then• allow ; to •cook -.ion •
'slow heat until no taste of starch
Now'. add • a pinch • of
soda: : Stir until • effervescing
lessens, then add :the milk, which
has. been : heated. ttit not boiled.
Stir well and serve when teal hot
but try -to :avoid, boiling. '.
• Cream of• • Corn Soup • •
'1 medium sized onion
•....can .corn,
3 cups' water :
• 3 ' tab'lespoon:s•- butter'
3. • ;'tablespoons flour
1:. ,teaspoon salt
/ teaspoon pepper .
3 . cups milk, • '
Finely choppedw•isiey
paprika: • •
Combine ,• the • ..chopped'" onion,
corn ,and ' water. Cover and 'cook,
gently for 30 'minutes. ;Press
-through a coarse' sieve.' Melt but-
ter and blend• in the flour, salt
• and "pepper. Stir and cook: until •
thick., Add the corn mixture.' and
reheat .well..• • Sprinkle ,each 'serv-
ing with chopped parsley and' ,
paprika. 'Six. servings.
Cream' of Carrot and Pea :Soup•
. 1 . -•eup' sliced carrots -
. 1 ' , cup canned• peas : _ •
• '1- • thick.' aliced 'onion
2' cups .boiling- water ,
a'lespoons *utter
3 tablespoons flour
3, • . cups milli
1 'teaspoon,s'alt • ,
1/s ' teaspoon 'pepper,
• Comb,qne the carrots.' and on
.ma with the boiling' water And
cook' for ten , minutes. covered.,
' „Add' the peas: and cook for five
Minutes. Thiess all through,, • a
sieve. 'Melt the', batter and. beat
in flour. • Add ::milk and carrot
mnixture. •Cook 'stirring constant-
ly until thick. Season teataste.,
:Reserve• a° few slices of Carrots`
and peas -'for ,garnish.. • ,'• •
AIways -remember that' the .
water•• in.; which- you have • cock ---
ed your vegetables should never '
be, thrown away — it • is a -splen-
did foundation . fora' 'creamed.'
scrip's. • Then with milk soups the
liomeniakpr has a splendid oppor. '
,tunity• to vary the milk budget:
Remeinber each adult should have
one pint of milk :a' day and each
'child .one. quart. ' • " ' ,•'
Rude Clambers welcomes 'personal
• letters from interestltd readers. She ,
is 'pleased to••reeeive suggestlous•
• ontopics • tor'•her coronal; and Is''
even really.; to Haden to yea; "pet
tleeves+" Requests for • reelpes qr
epeeist menus ure in order. Adidress
your letters', to "Mise faille
.bers; 73 West,. Adelaide' SI rem!. ''ro-
ronto." Send stamped; self-addressed
ens'elo.pe ,15 you ,wish a reply.
_ Fashion Flashes
In the varied trig collection of.
hats', the double effect of; a to tran
s 1 noteworthy` .It has a white felt
•. that' fits' the back
stove-pipe•own el
oP .. the "Iieiid,., an'a," i ii8iri ghi g.
her''ia _
front 'than,,the .round top of the
crown is a triangular "coronet' `of
bright green and White . printed
*„ e.
o ul'axii
The p y the n P
'pink Or blue formal -hat to match
. a crepe dress'; au eraseinble fashion
established' last fall continues,.
with pink outnumbering'% blue.
_... These: 'psf,e dr'es's -anti :hat
sem:bles .Jiave greatest representa-, . -
titin with r•silver foxor town ur,
Jackets and , mink�•coats`
An ' evening'-tireas that may be
worn two, ways'is built up .trona e
gray credo 'slip;: wearable with' a
slim -line; ' black net -and -lace • tunic
with long'Iseeves, or with ,a, floor
length; Overdress • chartreuse tulle
'in full; shirred panels: from,, the
Sandwich Tip .w
If , sandwiches must be , made
several hours before. serving, ar-
range on • plate and cover with a
Cloth e. wrung out in cold' . water.
Place in refrigerator 'until time •
to serve.
f �R 1
,fQ E-_ .
t`,'C�OL'5 ~'> ''Ptibliahed
lI by the Ciro: -
1fr adaSta.re.h
Vv Borne Bervieo
JJa�r .-
if't 17ept„ Is a yule.
uable Booklet
'entitled "52
Baking Secrets".Write • for your •
F13EE copy flew enclosing- •a Crown
syrup label, to Canada Starch Rome
, Service, Dept • 38, . 49, •Wellingtoai
Street East, • Toronto. .
• •